Document - Document, report, Report to Board Management by Restructures Task Force Dated 6th Septenber 1984

Historical information

The report makes recomendations to the Board about matters that were discussed earlier in August 1984 (refer to item 00926). The report also notes that change is not always accepted - it takes courage to make change. It is essential to carefully explain the reasons why to all involved with Legacy activities.
The change should be done in an orderly manner. The task force makes 23 recommendations to take Melbourne Legacy into the future.
Freehand drawn graph, page 1, shows decine of active Legatees to number of widows from 1980 to 2000.


Melbourne Legacy accepted that "it would be morally wrong to suddenly and with little warning drop a responsibility". Melbourne Legacy could also see the need for change to survive into the future, and that it was necesary that all those who would be affected by these changes should be made awareof them. Once that goal had been achieved the transition would be made more easily.

Physical description

White A4 paper with black type, 7 page report by the Restructures Taskforce in 1984.

Inscriptions & markings

Various notations/marks in blue biro.

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