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matching bill ashman collection
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
... BILL ASHMAN COLLECTION: CORRESPONDENCE...Bill Ashman Collection - Correspondence... SCIENCES Instruments - general scalebuoy Bill Ashman Collection ...Two copies a typed letter with printed letterhead, dated March 7, 1938. Letter is from ? Moody of Moody's Dye Works Ltd. To Scalebuoys (N. Z.) Ltd. He mentions since using the Scalebuoy soap is more readily and completely removed from goods that have to be wet cleaned and also gives better penetration for dyeing. He also mentions that the boiler was in better condition and they have stopped using the compound they were using. Letterhead has a photo of Moody's Dye Works on the left side of the letterhead.sciences, instruments - general, scalebuoy, bill ashman collection - correspondence, moody's dye works ltd, scalebuoys (n.z.) ltd, moody -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
... BILL ASHMAN COLLECTION: CORRESPONDENCE...Bill Ashman Collection - Correspondence... SCIENCES Instruments - general scalebuoy Bill Ashman Collection ...Two copies of a typed letter, printed on paper with a printed letterhead, dated 17 September, 1937. Letter is from the Secretary of Knox Home to the Managing Director, Scalebuoys (New Zealand) Ltd. He mentions he has enclosed a cheque for payment of the Scalebuoy equipment and they were quite satisfied with it.sciences, instruments - general, scalebuoy, bill ashman collection - correspondence, n a duthie, national mutual life chambers auckland, knox home, scalebuoys (new zealand) ltd -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
... BILL ASHMAN COLLECTION: CORRESPONDENCE...Bill Ashman Collection - Correspondence... SCIENCES Instruments - general scalebuoy Bill Ashman Collection ...Two copies of a typed letter with printed letterhead, dated April 16, 1937. Letter is to Mr. F. H. Godfrey of F. H. Godfrey Engineering Co. from Otto? Jacobson of the Washington Veneer Company. The letter mentions the hardness of the water and the improvements in the boilers since using the Scalebuoy.sciences, instruments - general, scalebuoy, bill ashman collection - correspondence, e e westman, millard lemon, w h schultz, washington veneer company, f h godfrey engineering co washington, f h godfrey, o jacobson -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
... BILL ASHMAN COLLECTION: CORRESPONDENCE...Bill Ashman Collection - Correspondence... SCIENCES Instruments - general scalebuoy Bill Ashman Collection ...Typed letter to R. J. Bartle, Esq., from D. O'Connor, Engineer and ?, Chief Engineer, of the National Roads and Motorists Association (N.S.W.) dated November 8, 1936. Letter mentions four tests done in a car over a stretch of ground to measure fuel consumption. Tests were done with and without the device installed in the fuel system. Paper has printed letterhead and the names of the President, Vice-Presidents, Hon Treasurer, Council and Secretary with the AAA and NRMA emblems on the left side of the page.sciences, instruments - general, scalebuoy, bill ashman collection - correspondence, national roads & motorists' association (n.s.w.), n.r.m.a. house, australian automobile association, r j bartle esq, hon j c watson, hon g r w mcdonald, charles ludowici esq, alderman james mcmahon, j bryden brown esq, d m cooper esq, e h cowdery esq, c r davidson esq, hon j m dunningham mla, a m graham esq, a s lumby esq, rev father w nicol, dr harold norrie, dr f antill pockley, ald h l primrose mla, a e rudder esq, lt-col g c somerville cmg dso, major blair wark vc dso, g a l wilson mla, h i johnson fiis, d o'connor? -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
... BILL ASHMAN COLLECTION: CORRESPONDENCE...Bill Ashman Collection - Correspondence... SCIENCES Instruments - general scalebuoy Bill Ashman Collection ...Carbon copy of a letter dated 27 June, 1938. Letter is to A. S. Bloomfield, Esq. No name of who it is from. Items mentioned are: What the Scalebuoy Process is, Fields of Application, Installations operating in the State of Victoria, Patents, Gross Margin of Profits, Promotion and Finance, Manufacture and Working Capital.sciences, instruments - general, scalebuoy, bill ashman collection - correspondence, scotts hotel, a s bloomfield esq, nell gwynne gold mine bendigo, crown hotel bendigo, hunters cordial factory, ice works bendigo, victorian railways, bendigo electronic company of (australia) pty ltd, r h s abbott, h a abbott -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
... BILL ASHMAN COLLECTION: CORRESPONDENCE...Bill Ashman Collection - Correspondence... SCIENCES Instruments - general scalebuoy Bill Ashman Collection ...Typed letter, dated 3/11/45, to Mr. Stevenson from Dr. W. N. Abbott. Letter mentions the Scalebuoy effect. He also asks that some work be done on the factor of augmentation, by means of a new technique called Capillary Dynamolyais. Also mentioned are instructions for an experiment.sciences, instruments - general, scalebuoy, bill ashman collection - correspondence, dr w n abbott, mr stevenson, brunninghaus -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
... BILL ASHMAN COLLECTION: CORRESPONDENCE...Bill Ashman Collection - Correspondence... SCIENCES Instruments - general scalebuoy Bill Ashman Collection ...Letter, dated 2 February, 1954, from Roy Michaelis to Mr. F. A. Stevenson. Letter typed on paper with printed letterhead. In the letter the writer mentions that he has a pipe line which has fouled up and he was inquiring if a scalebuoy would improve the problem. The second letter ( a carbon copy), dated 10/2/54, is to Mr Roy Michaelis from (name obscured). He mentions that he has thought about it but he can't see any way to help at the moment. He also says that the scalebuoy needs a steady flow of water which the hydraulic ram does not give. He also refers to some other work he has done elsewhere.sciences, instruments - general, scalebuoy, bill ashman collection - correspondence, michaelis hallenstein & co pty ltd, f a stevenson, roy michaelis -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
... BILL ASHMAN COLLECTION: CORRESPONDENCE...Bill Ashman Collection - Correspondence... SCIENCES Instruments - general scalebuoy Bill Ashman Collection ...Notes written on paper with printed letterhead of Scott's Hotel, Collins Street, Melbourne, C.1., dated 31/3/44. Notes mention an experiment where a Scalebuoy was put in a lathe and the Electro Static Volts were measured at 46, 76, 131, 235 and 600 Revs per Minute. Tests were at the Radio School of Science, Melb. Technical College.sciences, instruments - general, scalebuoy, bill ashman collection - correspondence, scott's hotel melbourne, radio school of science, melb technical college, squadron leader mackay, burton, mackenzie -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
... BILL ASHMAN COLLECTION: CORRESPONDENCE...Bill Ashman Collection - Correspondence... SCIENCES Instruments - general scalebuoy Bill Ashman Collection ...Letter, typed on paper with printed letterhead of Scalebuoys Limited. Astor House, Aldwych, London, W.C.2. Letter mentions the enclosure of a list of Foreign Agents. Also mentioned is the use of Scalebuoy water for the canning industry.sciences, instruments - general, scalebuoy, bill ashman collection - correspondence, scalebuoys limited, h c turner, scalebuoy company boston, w h cunningham & hill ltd, bendigo electronic company, scalebuoys (n.z.) limited, herr otto wulfrath, societe des chaudieres electriques francaises, don watson & co ltd, major t d hackett, commandante v betteloni, w h holt white, findlay durham & brodie, zuberbuhler & co, g kolovitch, g m b close, g p barker, l f norris -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
... BILL ASHMAN COLLECTION: CORRESPONDENCE...Bill Ashman Collection - Correspondence... SCIENCES Instruments - general scalebuoy Bill Ashman Collection ...Letter, dated 17 October,1943 to Mr. F. Stevenson from ? Wallace, Engineer-in-charge at the Gunbower Co-operative Butter Factory and Trading Coy. Ltd. He mentions in the letter the amount of scale that has been dislodged in the boiler since the Scalebuoy was installed. Letter has printed letterhead in shades of brown.sciences, instruments - general, scalebuoy, bill ashman collection - correspondence, gunbower co-operative butter factory and trading coy ltd. f stevenson, wallace -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
... BILL ASHMAN COLLECTION: CORRESPONDENCE...Bill Ashman Collection - Correspondence... SCIENCES Instruments - general scalebuoy Bill Ashman Collection ...Reprint from the 'British Medical Journal' dated 11 March, 1944 Letters to the Editor, Page 373. Written by W. N. Abbott of Auckland. Refers to medical matters and Scalebuoys.sciences, instruments - general, scalebuoy, bill ashman collection - correspondence, british medical journal, dr beaumont, dr robertson, new zealand medical journal, medical research council of great britain, 'the electrical factor in metabolism', abbott, fowler, w n abbott, bendigo electronic coy, f a stevenson, cambridge press -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
... BILL ASHMAN COLLECTION: CORRESPONDENCE...Bill Ashman Collection - Correspondence... SCIENCES Instruments - general scalebuoy Bill Ashman Collection ...Pencil drawing of end plates for S.B. for Bendigo Electronic Coy, F. A. Stevenson, 62 Honeysuckle St., Bendigo. Reference 23 Birdwood Ave, Dandenong.Detailed drawing of plan and side.elevation of S. B.sciences, instruments - general, scalebuoy, bill ashman collection - correspondence, s b bronze h/? end plates, bendigo electronic coy, f a stevenson, p r stevenson -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
... BILL ASHMAN COLLECTION: TELEGRAM...Bill Ashman Collection - Correspondence... SCIENCES Instruments - general scalebuoy Bill Ashman Collection ...Telegram with coloured scene of trees,hills and water at the top of page with AWA in a circle at the top centre. Beam Wireless printed underneath. Stamped Telegraphic Office Bendigo Vic, dated 23 De 38. Telegram is from Baillie, 4 Ovington Gardens. London to Abbott, Bendigo Electric Company, Market Square, Bendigo. Message reads Scalebuoys having sold Italian Patent Want your signature to transfer stop May I sign.sciences, instruments - general, scalebuoy, bill ashman collection - correspondence, awa, beam wireless, abbott, bendigo electric company, telegraph office bendigo, baillie -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
... BILL ASHMAN COLLECTION: SCALEBUOY DIAGRAM...Bill Ashman Collection - Correspondence... SCIENCES Instruments - general scalebuoy Bill Ashman Collection ...Lay Out of Scalebuoy at the Rochester Butter Factory drawn in pencil on a piece of paper with the bottom right corner missing. Lay Out includes measurements, pump base, 2 valve houses, front and side walls and pipe layout.sciences, instruments - general, scalebuoy, bill ashman collection - correspondence, rochester butter factory lay out -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
... BILL ASHMAN COLLECTION: CORRESPONDENCE...Bill Ashman Collection - Correspondence... SCIENCES Instruments - general scalebuoy Bill Ashman Collection ...Newspaper article titled Life Processes - Auckland Research - Work of Two Doctors. Bendigo Advertiser, Friday, June 6, 1940. Article mentions metabolism, Electricity in the Body, American Research, Electrically Altered Water and Two Hundred Cases Tested. Also four other articles, one dated July 30, 1941 mentioning metabolism and Scalebuoys. Two articles have several copies.sciences, instruments - general, scalebuoy, bill ashman collection - correspondence, the bendigo advertiser 6/6/1940, metabolism, dr george crile, rockefeller foundation, auckland hospital board -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
... BILL ASHMAN COLLECTION: CORRESPONDENCE...Bill Ashman Collection - Correspondence... SCIENCES Instruments - general scalebuoy Bill Ashman Collection ...Handwritten letter dated 22-6-96 to Mr Ashman from Gilbert Tippett. Dr. Paul Haigh found one of Dr. Abbott's books on Scalebuoys in the Sydney University and wanted more information so he sent letters to the libraries. Scalebuoys are mentioned. The writer wanted to know if Scalebuoy installations were still in use in the Bendigo area.sciences, instruments - general, scalebuoy, bill ashman collection - correspondence, mr ashman, dr paul haigh?, dr abbott, sydney university, bendigo library, ballarat library, a-? mackenzie, gilbert tippett -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
... BILL ASHMAN COLLECTION: BENDIGO ELECTRONIC COMPANY...Bill Ashman Collection - Correspondence... SCIENCES Instruments - general scalebuoy Bill Ashman Collection ...Cream booklet with brown printing titled Bendigo Electronic Company of Australia Proprietary Limited. Includes Capital, number of Shares, Directors, Solicitors, Bankers Registered Office, Copy of a letter re Patents, Information about Scalebuoys, Users of Scalebuoys, What Scalebuoys Do and Where they are used, Also copies of letters from the Victorian Railways, City Overseer Bendigo, Lane's Motors Pty Ltd Melbourne, Union Oil, Soap & Candle Co. Ltd NZ, Knox Home NZ, Maungatapere Co-Op Dairy Co. Ltd., Whangarei Co-operative Dairy Company Ltd. NZ, Kettering Cartons Limited England, Pennsylvania Rubber Company USA, and the Kansas City Public Service Company USAsciences, instruments - general, scalebuoy, bill ashman collection - correspondence, bendigo electronic company of australia pty ltd, a s bloomfield, r h s abbott jnr, harry ponsonby mackenzie rn (retd), arthur robinson & co, the commercial banking company of sydney limited melbourne, a t madden, h a abbott, e c eyers, frank stevenson, city of bendigo, frank h day, lane's motors pty ltd, h c holland, national mutual chambers (n.z.) ltd, union oil soap & candle co ltd, knox home, n a duthie, w h mccorkindale, maungatapere co-op dairy co ltd, j stevenson, the whangarei co-op dairy company ltd, w h millingford, kettering cartons limited, j g arlidge, pennsylvania rubber company, paul a douden & company, w e humphrey, kansas city public service company, h w smith, j t picken & sons -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
... BILL ASHMAN COLLECTION: SCALEBUOYS BROCHURE...Bill Ashman Collection - Correspondence... SCIENCES Instruments - general scalebuoy Bill Ashman Collection ...Six copies of an eight page brochure titled 'Scalebuoys'. Printed by Cambridge Press, Bendigo. Items mentioned are: Scientific Treatise of Scalebuoy - Process of Water Treatment, How Scalebuoys Function, Not a 'Water-Softener', Special Features, First Cost is the Last Cost. Scalebuoy Units for Domestic Household Tanks, Hydraulic-Nozzle Tank Unit, Scalebuoy Tap Unit, Practical Applications of Scalebuoy for Domestic Uses, Scalebuoy Hand Unit, Vest Pocket Unit, Large Hydraulic-Nozzle Agitation Tank Unit, Motorised Tank Unit. Also A Few of the Many Industrial & Processing Applications, Motor Car Unit. On the back page is a list of where Scalebuoy Units have been installed.sciences, instruments - general, scalebuoy, bill ashman collection - correspondence, frank a stevenson, r h s abbott, jnr, bendigo electronic coy of australia, civic square bendigo, cambridge press -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
... BILL ASHMAN COLLECTION: CORRESPONDENCE...Bill Ashman Collection - Correspondence... SCIENCES Instruments - general scalebuoy Bill Ashman Collection ...Five pages of letter paper with printed letterhead of Scott's Hotel, Collins Street, Melbourne, C. 1.sciences, instruments - general, scalebuoy, bill ashman collection - correspondence, scott's hotel melbourne -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
... BILL ASHMAN COLLECTION: CORRESPONDENCE...Bill Ashman Collection - Correspondence... SCIENCES Instruments - general scalebuoy Bill Ashman Collection ...Cut off portion page 2. Top part glued on. List of installations, including the Victorian Railways, the Nell Gwynne and the 180 Gold Mine, Bendigo. The Crystal Ice Works, Bendigo, T. O. Hunter's Cordial Factory, The Crown Hotel,Bendigo City Council Road Rollers, car installations and domestic installations. Also mentioned when the right firm appears all the necessary credentials showing thousands of installations in many countries are ready.sciences, instruments - general, scalebuoy, bill ashman collection - correspondence, victorian railways, nell gwynne, 180 gold mine bendigo, crystal ice works, t o hunter's cordial factory, the crown hotel, city council -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
... BILL ASHMAN COLLECTION: CORRESPONDENCE...Bill Ashman Collection - Correspondence... SCIENCES Instruments - general scalebuoy Bill Ashman Collection ...Newspaper article titled Scalebuoys in Cars. Interesting Bendigo Tests. Date 1937. Article mentions test carried out by Mr. Stevenson on the two Sea Lake buses, a large Fargo parlour coach and a President Eight Studebaker, seven passenger, owned by Mr. House. Article details the differences and savings in fuel consumption the Scalebuoys made to the engines.sciences, instruments - general, scalebuoy, bill ashman collection - correspondence, f a stevenson, stevenson brothers, mr house -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
... BILL ASHMAN COLLECTION: CORRESPONDENCE...Bill Ashman Collection - Correspondence... SCIENCES Instruments - general scalebuoy Bill Ashman Collection ...Two page letter to Mr. R. H. S. Abbott from the Managing Director of Scalebuoys (New Zealand) Limited. (Signature illegible). Dated 25 September, 1936. Letter typed in blue with red underline on paper with printed letterhead. It has a green scalebuoy with Scalebuoys (New Zealand) Limited printed across it. The letter mentions that goods were consigned by Hardley's per the S. S. 'Aorangi'. He is also asking if any Scalebuoys have been used in connection with Sewerage Works. He also mentions at the end that he has attached some photo of Mr. R. H. S. Abbott and Dr. Abbott.sciences, instruments - general, scalebuoy, bill ashman collection - correspondence, national mutual life chambers, mr r h s abbott, hotel australia sydney, hardley's, s s aorangi, aukland and suburbs drainage board, dr abbott -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
... BILL ASHMAN COLLECTION: CORRESPONDENCE...Bill Ashman Collection - Correspondence... SCIENCES Instruments - general scalebuoy Bill Ashman Collection ...Cutting from The Sanitary Age, dated September 7, 1934. Cutting is pasted on an exercise book page. Article has an illustration of a household installation of a Scale Buoy and a Hand-operated Scale Buoy. It also mentions how the Scale Buoy works and the benefits of using them.sciences, instruments - general, scalebuoy, bill ashman collection - correspondence, the sanitary age, canadian national exhibition, scalebuoys -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
... BILL ASHMAN COLLECTION: CORRESPONDENCE...Bill Ashman Collection - Correspondence... SCIENCES Instruments - general scalebuoy Bill Ashman Collection ...Copy of a typed list for Mr. R.H.S. Abbott. List mentions where Scalebuoys were installed in boilers of Locomotives, Hospitals, Public Institutions, Dairy Factories, Freezing Works, Soap Works, Bakeries and Dye Works. Also listed at the end are Tanneries, Laundries, Household installations and Swimming Baths.sciences, instruments - general, scalebuoy, bill ashman collection - correspondence, mr r h s abbott, nz railways, mater misericordiae hospital, knox home, hawke's bay farmers' meat co, buchanan's bakeries, findlay's gold-krust bakery, moody's dye works -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
... BILL ASHMAN COLLECTION: PEABODY MUSEUM BROCHURE...Bill Ashman Collection - Correspondence... SCIENCES Instruments - general scalebuoy Bill Ashman Collection ...Brochure from the Peabody Museum of Salem, Massachusetts, dated 1934.Photo of the building on the front of the brochure. Founded in 1867. Brochure contains notes on the Entrance Corridor, Marine Room, John Robinson Hall, Academy Hall Corridor, Hall of Natural History, Hall of Ethnology and the Weld Hall. The back page contains a list of the Trustees and Officers.sciences, instruments - general, scalebuoy, bill ashman collection - correspondence, peabody museum of salem, george peabody, elihu thomson, william c endicott, richard whetland, francis h appleton, john c phillips, ward thoron, dudley l pickman, frank w benson, warren k moorhead, george a vickery, lawrence w jenkins, albert p morse, stephen w phillips, william e northery, s gilbert emilio, miss jessie s ives, j russell treadwell, john w stromberg, albert f hall, dr charles goddard weld -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
... BILL ASHMAN COLLECTION: VARIOUS NEGATIVES...Bill Ashman Collection - Correspondence... SCIENCES Instruments - general scalebuoy Bill Ashman Collection ...7 black and white negatives and 1 larger one. Contained in a beige envelope. Br 1235 3/- written on the envelope. One negative is a Scalebuoy, 1 is the interior of a room and the rest are photos of scales?sciences, instruments - general, scalebuoy, bill ashman collection - correspondence, negatives, envelope -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
... BILL ASHMAN COLLECTION: SCALEBUOY...Bill Ashman Collection - Correspondence... SCIENCES Instruments - general scalebuoy Bill Ashman Collection ...White envelope with typed address to Mr. F. A. Stevenson,244 Hargreaves Street, Bendigo. Victoria. Has 3 1/2d red stamp attached. Contained 3 photos of a Scalebuoy set up outside a building. The Scalebuoy is set up on two blocks of wood and has 3 pipes attached to it. There is also a pipe coming out of the ground on one end and returning underground on the other end.sciences, instruments - general, scalebuoy, bill ashman collection - correspondence, f a stevenson, scalebuoy -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
... BILL ASHMAN COLLECTION: SCALEBUOY...Bill Ashman Collection - Correspondence... SCIENCES Instruments - general scalebuoy Bill Ashman Collection ...Frank A. Stevenson Engineer Motor Service Station 244 Hargreaves St., Bendigo (Next Crown Hotel) printed on left side of envelope. Contained the negatives and one small photo of an object, possible Scalebuoy arrangement. Contained in 2 pocket pages. One small photo has printing on the back -Cohuna Factory Scalebuoy Machine 24 Buoyssciences, instruments - general, scalebuoy, bill ashman collection - correspondence, negatives, frank a stevenson, motor service station, crown hotel -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
... BILL ASHMAN COLLECTION: CORRESPONDENCE...Bill Ashman Collection - Correspondence... SCIENCES Instruments - general scalebuoy Bill Ashman Collection ...Beige envelope addressed to Frank Stevenson, Hargreaves St, Bendigo in blue ink. No other markings.sciences, instruments - general, scalebuoy, bill ashman collection - correspondence, envelope, frank stevenson -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
... BILL ASHMAN COLLECTION: KIDNEY STONE...Bill Ashman Collection - Correspondence... SCIENCES Instruments - general scalebuoy Bill Ashman Collection ...Black and white 16.5 x 21.9 photograph of a kidney stone. Written on the back is: Kidney Stone. Passed after drinking Scalebuoy Water 21 Months. Also three 8.3 x 13.6 cm photos.sciences, instruments - general, scalebuoy, bill ashman collection - correspondence, kidney stone