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Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
BHS CollectionPale green covered exercise book with Victory printed in orange at the top right. Below is a circle with Victory at the top and Natural below. Across the centre is 100% Recycled Paper. Below is 96 page printed in white on an orange background. Below that is Exercise Book printed in dark green, and below that is the name plate. On the name line is a date 31-10-91. Book was used as a record of who bought tokens for the truckwash and how much they paid. Later the money was paid to the Council. Names in the book included: Robt Blake, Gib Davey,M Tappe, John Wilson, Allan Somerville, Peter Harris, ? Hearn, Andrew Beer, Jack McKenna, Don White, J Govett, J Wignall, Matthews Transports, Pickthalls Transport, Carlisle Bros, Noel Hartland, Grogans Livestock, K Stratton, Rutlands Transports, J Truscott, Des Byrne, Commercial Pig Co, Rick Thompson, M Connally, K Otoole, B McLean, K Stevens, S Bennitt, Alan Pickdall, L Boyd, Mathews Transport, Mathews, Cowan Transport, H J Sooble, John Kerr, Stone, John Wilson, Brendan Morgan, Bruce Stewart. Jack Covett, Len Terry, Neil Adams, P Llewellyn, Peter Norris, Steve Nann, Glen Bish, R Frazer, Rutland, S Johnston, R Hearn, Ronald D Stone, Stephen Bennett, Nick Connally, Wayne Wignall, G Chapman, Noel Hartland, Stan Rutland, Mr Preston, K Barrow, John Wilson, Mr McGrath, W Lanz, John Truscott, Craigs, M Vick, Craig Hoy, Cliff Johnson, N Johnson, Sullivan, Colin Bloomfield, R Thompson, M Vick, Jan Wignall, Bicknalls, JJ Wilson, Des Byrne, Keith O'Toole, Llewellyns transports, Reg Hearn, Don White, J Boon, Mr Webb, W Fergson, Glen Bish, G Pollock, Penview Pastoral Co, G Pollock, Meehan, Woodstock Holdings, J W Pekthall & Sons, John Wilson, Kerrs Transports, K Stevens, John Kerr, Benview Elmore, Steve Mann, Mr Anfuso, K Wignall, D Fawcett, P Johnson, Llewingtons, R Hearn, Paynes Transports, G Watson, Ian Johnson, G G Muller & Son, Pichard O'Sullivan, Gib Davies, Adams Transport, Kevin Marlow, Lewington, Maurie Bick, Isaac, Des Byrne, Lewington, J Govett, N Hartland, S Bennett, J Govett, R Thompson, B Morgan, Colin Bloomfield, J Kerr, Mr Carver, Richards, K Isaac, Amfuso, Bob McLean, Mr Marke, Geodie, Ted Goddard, Kulpinski, Hollingworth, W Hodge, G F Farmer, R Hearn, Kevin Stevens, Don White, Morrie Vick, Mr Gallagher, R McKenzie, L Lanz, L Kirk, D Harrigan, RG & F Moon, E J Hooper, Des Byrne, G Medlyn, J Wilson, N Hartland, H Green, D Vick, G D Gamble, Con Mulvahill, Pietorala Transports, C Reece, Graham Miller, Rinaldi, Les Smith, Brendan Morgan, Pickhalls Transports, Mr Dawn, Steven Bennett, Steve Mann, Les Smith, H Green, Connallys, Lewington, I Gallagher, Ray Collins, Burrow, Hugh Green, C Congrim, D Byrne, Don White, grogan, Mr Selly, Adams Transports, Kevin Marlow, Roberts Transports, J W Pickhalls, Wick Lockington, G Bish, Don White, GG Muller & Son, McKenna's, T Smith G Watson, Blacky, B Lee, Don Wright, Hue Green, John Wilson, Carl Cooke, Mr Connally, N Northland, Jan Hollingsworth, Mr Preston, Mr Hooper, Mr Rose, D White, Ron Mellier, GD Gamble, K Richards, Bond Bros, J Govett, Victorian Producers, Gavin O'Sullivan, Neil Adams, Mr Dowell, I Gallagher, W Lanz, Mr Boyd, Peter Bish, J McKay, Farmer, Joe Blow, J Matthews, M Vick, N Adams, Colins Pastoral Co, Younghusband, K Barrow, K Richards, Steve Bennett, Les Smith, Ben Webb, John Wilson, Gavin O'Sullivan, Mr McCarthy, Col Warrack, Steve Ellis, Charlie Reece, Mr Vanderene, D Hannagan, P Morgan, Don White, Sommerville, McDonald, P Meighan, Don White, Les Smith, Carl Koch, Ron Stone, M Connally, J Gover, Mr Craig, M Vick, Eddy Smith, B Morgan, B Hickson, Len Reid, Mr Curt, Mr Grogan, Rob Blake, Mr Goulthorpe, Bob McLean, O'Sullivans, Ricky thompson, Johnson, Mr Coffey, J McKay, D White, Giles, Johnstone, Nicholls, Govett, White, Wilson, Don White, Geoff Gill, D Gorden, Ray Collins, Pellegrino, Cory Watson, W Ferguson, Pickthall, McDonald, Cook, S Mann, J Govett, Collins Pastral, Broad, Rick thompson, R Hearn, S Bennett, W Fitzpatrick, Noel Hartland, K Rotheran, David Beers, Congran, R Blake, R Weeks, Taylor, R Frazer, K Stratton, M Connally, N Adams, Don White, Milgate, Findlays, J Dury, McKibbins, Morgan, Roberts, R Stone, K Stevens, M Vick, C Reece, Steve Bennett, Ahern, S Boyd, Rick thompson,McClean, Hearn, Govett, Peter harris, Graham Medlyn, McAllister, Noel Hartland, Beer, RJ Grogan, Hindle, Bendigo Horse Transport, Jack McKenna, R Hearn, J McKay, T Rinaldi, Hayes, G Muller, J Govett, Ranoldi, D Ford, K O'Toole, J Talbot, McKibbons, Barr, S Bennett, P Johnston, J Hird, Paynes Transport, D White, P Harris, Maurie Vick, P Bish, Don Hollingsworth, C Gilmore, Jack Talbot, G Chapman, J Wilson, Kevin Stevens, Eddy Smith, C Bloomfield, R thompson, Davies, Truscott, D Byrne, Hayes Transport, Yanga Pty Ltd, M Connally, A Rothacker, Coad, D Byrne, R O'Sullivan, K Stevens, Cliffton, M Douglas, Trevor Mathews, Botly, Anufson, w Fitzpatrick, R Hearn, R Collins, Craig Dorman, Brian Bentley, M Johns, T Sully, W Fawcett, Bob McLean, D White, Hugh Green, B Harris, Rod thompson, P Meighan, Allan McAllister, Mark Barri, Don White, M Connelly, P Lewellyn, G Gill, G Rand, Hayes, S O'Sullivan, D White, Bob Blake, R Stone, B Liddle, Bentley Trans, J Govett, Stevens Transport, N Broad, Govett, G Young, M Footh, Geoff Gill, Gamble, D Holingworth, C Reece, S White, S Bennett, M Barri, John Wilson, D Byrne, P Morgan, R Stone, Bentley, Pollock, Des Byrne, Doug Rinaldi, J Govett, B Harris, R Brunt, Roberts, R Burt, Tang, Peter Morgan, M Oxley, G W Nunn, D Boyd, Findley, C Johns, W Craig, A Beer, A & M Rinaldi, D Illingworth, M Barri, G Rand, G & P Nunn, R Hearn, A Broad, C Bloomfield, K Marlow, P Trailer, J Govett, Talbot, J Beer, M Gray, J Kerr, R Stone, R Stewart, English Trans, Argyle Transport, Bentley's, B Stewart, G Davey, Leavinitons, Lewington's, Miller, G Muller, J Talbot, S Mann, McKibbins, Hanson, D Boon, R Burt, English, Oxley, N Collier, Broadacres, Murphy, M Oxley, G Thomas, Holly, Dalgety, Elders, McKean, Nevins, Nuttall, Rodwell, Vains, VPC, Allan MacAllister, Hyland, Gathercole, Gilbertson, Hardwick, Le frankie, Midfield, Osullivans Wignall, John Crimmins, D Lane and Jack Fisher.bendigo, council, cattle markets, bendigo saleyards collection - record of tokens, robt blake, gib davey, m tappe, john wilson, allan somerville, peter harris, ? hearn, andrew beer, jack mckenna, don white, j govett, j wignall, matthews transports, pickthalls transport, carlisle bros, noel hartland, grogans livestock, k stratton, rutlands transports, j truscott, des byrne, commercial pig co, rick thompson, m connally, k otoole, b mclean, k stevens, s bennitt, alan pickdall, l boyd, mathews transport, mathews, cowan transport, h j sooble, john kerr, stone, john wilson, brendan morgan, bruce stewart. jack covett, len terry, neil adams, p llewellyn, peter norris, steve nann, glen bish, r frazer, rutland, s johnston, r hearn, ronald d stone, stephen bennett, nick connally, wayne wignall, g chapman, noel hartland, stan rutland, mr preston, k barrow, john wilson, mr mcgrath, w lanz, john truscott, craigs, m vick, craig hoy, cliff johnson, n johnson, sullivan, colin bloomfield, r thompson, m vick, jan wignall, bicknalls, jj wilson, des byrne, keith o'toole, llewellyns transports, reg hearn, don white, j boon, mr webb, w fergson, glen bish, g pollock, penview pastoral co, g pollock, meehan, woodstock holdings, j w pekthall & sons, john wilson, kerrs transports, k stevens, john kerr, benview elmore, steve mann, mr anfuso, k wignall, d fawcett, p johnson, llewingtons, r hearn, paynes transports, g watson, ian johnson, g g muller & son, pichard o'sullivan, gib davies, adams transport, kevin marlow, lewington, maurie bick, isaac, des byrne, lewington, j govett, n hartland, s bennett, j govett, r thompson, b morgan, colin bloomfield, j kerr, mr carver, richards, k isaac, amfuso, bob mclean, mr marke, geodie, ted goddard, kulpinski, hollingworth, w hodge, g f farmer, r hearn, kevin stevens, don white, morrie vick, mr gallagher, r mckenzie, l lanz, l kirk, d harrigan, rg & f moon, e j hooper, des byrne, g medlyn, j wilson, n hartland, h green, d vick, g d gamble, con mulvahill, pietorala transports, c reece, graham miller, rinaldi, les smith, brendan morgan, pickhalls transports, mr dawn, steven bennett, steve mann, les smith, h green, connallys, lewington, i gallagher, ray collins, burrow, hugh green, c congrim, d byrne, don white, grogan, mr selly, adams transports, kevin marlow, roberts transports, j w pickhalls, wick lockington, g bish, don white, gg muller & son, mckenna's, t smith g watson, blacky, b lee, don wright, hue green, john wilson, carl cooke, mr connally, n northland, jan hollingsworth, mr preston, mr hooper, mr rose, d white, ron mellier, gd gamble, k richards, bond bros, j govett, victorian producers, gavin o'sullivan, neil adams, mr dowell, i gallagher, w lanz, mr boyd, peter bish, j mckay, farmer, joe blow, j matthews, m vick, n adams, colins pastoral co, younghusband, k barrow, k richards, steve bennett, les smith, ben webb, john wilson, gavin o'sullivan, mr mccarthy, col warrack, steve ellis, charlie reece, mr vanderene, d hannagan, p morgan, don white, sommerville, mcdonald, p meighan, don white, les smith, carl koch, ron stone, m connally, j gover, mr craig, m vick, eddy smith, b morgan, b hickson, len reid, mr curt, mr grogan, rob blake, mr goulthorpe, bob mclean, o'sullivans, ricky thompson, johnson, mr coffey, j mckay, d white, giles, johnstone, nicholls, govett, white, wilson, don white, geoff gill, d gorden, ray collins, pellegrino, cory watson, w ferguson, pickthall, mcdonald, cook, s mann, j govett, collins pastral, broad, rick thompson, r hearn, s bennett, w fitzpatrick, noel hartland, k rotheran, david beers, congran, r blake, r weeks, taylor, r frazer, k stratton, m connally, n adams, don white, milgate, findlays, j dury, mckibbins, morgan, roberts, r stone, k stevens, m vick, c reece, steve bennett, ahern, s boyd, rick thompson, mcclean, hearn, govett, peter harris, graham medlyn, mcallister, noel hartland, beer, rj grogan, hindle, bendigo horse transport, jack mckenna, r hearn, j mckay, t rinaldi, hayes, g muller, j govett, ranoldi, d ford, k o'toole, j talbot, mckibbons, barr, s bennett, p johnston, j hird, paynes transport, d white, p harris, maurie vick, p bish, don hollingsworth, c gilmore, jack talbot, g chapman, j wilson, kevin stevens, eddy smith, c bloomfield, r thompson, davies, truscott, d byrne, hayes transport, yanga pty ltd, m connally, a rothacker, coad, d byrne, r o'sullivan, k stevens, cliffton, m douglas, trevor mathews, botly, anufson, w fitzpatrick, r hearn, r collins, craig dorman, brian bentley, m johns, t sully, w fawcett, bob mclean, d white, hugh green, b harris, rod thompson, p meighan, allan mcallister, mark barri, don white, m connelly, p lewellyn, g gill, g rand, hayes, s o'sullivan, d white, bob blake, r stone, b liddle, bentley trans, j govett, stevens transport, n broad, govett, g young, m footh, geoff gill, gamble, d holingworth, c reece, s white, s bennett, m barri, john wilson, d byrne, p morgan, r stone, bentley, pollock, des byrne, doug rinaldi, j govett, b harris, r brunt, roberts, r burt, tang, peter morgan, m oxley, g w nunn, d boyd, findley, c johns, w craig, a beer, a & m rinaldi, d illingworth, m barri, g rand, g & p nunn, r hearn, a broad, c bloomfield, k marlow, p trailer, j govett, talbot, j beer, m gray, j kerr, r stone, r stewart, english trans, argyle transport, bentley's, b stewart, g davey, leavinitons, lewington's, miller, g muller, j talbot, s mann, mckibbins, hanson, d boon, r burt, english, oxley, n collier, broadacres, murphy, m oxley, g thomas, holly, dalgety, elders, mckean, nevins, nuttall, rodwell, vains, vpc, allan macallister, hyland, gathercole, gilbertson, hardwick, le frankie, midfield, osullivans wignall, john crimmins, d lane, jack fisher -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
BHS Collection32 pages of copies of Bendigo businesses and hotels including photos, sketches, or illustrations of D & W Chandler, Kirkby's, Langley & Plumbe's name plate, City Family Hotel, The Bendigo Taxi Cab & Motor Garage, Morley Johnsons, Leggo's, Plane Trees, Lansell Statue, Soldier's Statue, Gold Jubilee Statue, View Point, Queen's Statue, In the Conservatory, Chief Officer W M Chellew, Deputy Chief J Turner, Chief Mechanic J Trengove, Senator Captain David Andrew, Lieut-Col T S Marshall, Mr T R J Brown, Mr Sinclair, Sandhurst Hotel, Metropolitan Hotel, The Dug-out,Crown Hotel, Stilwell's and Irvine Motors. Advertisements mention business name, location, phone number, proprieter and goods and services for sale.bendigo, history, long gully history group, the long gully history group - collection of advertisements, chandlers, d & w chandler ltd, casamento's ballarat and daylesford daily motor service, casamento's garage, george pethard, kirkby's, c j kirkby, langley & plumbe, f c wright, cta, racv, city family hotel, f h mcintosh, the bendigo taxi cab & motor garage, catling & roberts, the arcade stores, george bennetts, morley johnsonsmr j w hill, pethard motors, bendigo mutual permanent land & building society, andrew balsillie, leggo's, h m leggo & co ltd, a stroll along pall mall bendigo, prominent men of victoria's country fire service, chief officer w m chellew, deputy chief j turner, cjief mechanic j trengove, senator captain david andrew, lieut-col t s marshall, mr t r j brown, mr sinclair, andrew & son, farmers & citizens trustees company bendigo limited, r a rankin, chatfield bros, jas andrew & co, j d andrew, mr t e andrew, lougoon and strahan, andrew's buildings, w h gurton tire co ltd, webb's old mill, b b b, sandhurst hotel, les patten, w cowling, metropolitan hotel, m walsh, dowel's, the dug-out furniture stores, the dug-out, thomas & newell, 59th battalion, 38 battalion, state savings bank, crown hotel, r w leahy, stilwell's complete house furnishers, the advertiser, the bendigo advertiser, morris minor, irvine motors, webster bros -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
BHS CollectionBendigo Advertiser ''The way we were'' from Monday, March 3, 2003. Elegant: an Anglican ball debutante set, September 14, 1948. Back row: Brian Ackland, Peter Houston, Bob Burnett, Keith Rollinson, John Moran, Max Jackman, Max McCaig, David Beattie, Bob Kerr, Leith Mitchell, Reginald Runnells, Ronald Watt. Centre row: Jim Murphy, Ian Hamilton, Wilma Kilcullen, Natalia Huggins, Joan Bennett, Valarie Potter, Fay Norris, ''self'', Jean Dewar, Pat Bruechart, Peter Ladd, Arthur Wright. Front row: Pam Wright, Una Manning, Gaymor Beard, Margaret Tuff, Chaperon Mrs O.G. Lowe, Joy Thomas, Norma Ball, Betty Marshall, Norma Bennett. The clip is in a folder.newspaper, bendigo advertiser, the way we were -
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Photograph - Nicholas Family, Port Melbourne, 1935 - 1964
... Charlotte HAWKINS (BENNETT) ELMS family David THORNTON Edward ...Photographs as numbered: 1) Mary NICHOLAS on Port Melbourne beach holding Elizabeth NICHOLAS in 1935. 2) Edward &^ Elizabeth NICHOLAS with friend in backyard 89 Bay Street, port Melbourne. 3) Oriana about to depart Station Pier possibly November 1964. 4) August 1948 photograph taken in back yard of 89 Bay Street. L - R Back row: Allan & Mary NICHOLAS; Henry HAWKINS (Mary's stepfather). L - R Middle row: Edward, Elizabeth & Maxwell HAWKINS, Charlotte HAWKINS. Front row - unknown. 5) Elizabeth NICHOLAS in back yard 89 Bay Street. The ELMS family, the father was a grocer & his two sons, Ron & Norman, lived at number 87.. An A4 size page with five B&W photographs relating to the Nicholas family.Each photograph identified with a number 1 - 5.built environment - domestic, mary nicholas, elizabeth nicholas, transport - shipping, oriana, allan nicholas, henry hawkins, maxwell nicholas, charlotte hawkins (bennett), elms family, david thornton, edward nicholas, piers and wharves - station pier, graham street, bay street -
Bendigo Military Museum
Photograph - Army Survey Regiment – Commanding Officer Handover Parade, Fortuna, Bendigo, 1980
This photograph was taken at a Commanding Officer Handover Parade at the Army Survey Regiment, Bendigo in 1980. LTCOL Bob Skitch was the CO from 1976 to 1980 and handed over LTCOL Frank Thorogood SB St J. LTCOL Thorogood’s appointment was from 1980 to 1981.This is a set of 45 photographs taken at a Commanding Officer Handover Parade at the Army Survey Regiment, Bendigo in 1980. The photographs are on 35mm negative film and were scanned at 96 dpi. Photograph .34P is an enlargement printed on photographic paper and scanned at 300 dpi. They are part of the Army Survey Regiment’s Collection. .1) - Photo, black & white, 1980. Led by HQ Squadron, Army Survey Regiment marches onto the parade ground. .2) - Photo, black & white, 1980. Army Survey Regiment marches onto the parade ground. Drummers L to R: SSGT George Austen, CPL Di Chalmer, CPL Tony Lawler. .3) - Photo, black & white, 1980. Air Survey Squadron formed up. SSM WO1 Bob Mason at front. L to R: unidentified (x9), SPR Kristin (Isaac) Skidmore, unidentified, SPR Scheryl Delforce, unidentified (x2), SSGT Russell ‘Rusty’ Williams, SSGT Peter Warwick, SSGT Greg Buckenham, SGT Cliff Webb, SSGT Alan Derby, SSGT John Bennett, SSGT Bruce Gordon. .4) - Photo, black & white, 1980. Officers formed up before taking posts. L to R: CAPT Peter Searle - UK Exchange, unidentified, LT Ozzy Slade, CAPT Peter ‘Blue’ Blaskett, unidentified (x4), CAPT Bob Williams, MAJ David Bowen - US Exchange officer, unidentified (x3), RSM WO1 Aub Harvey. .5) - Photo, black & white, 1980. Officers salute before taking posts. L to R: CAPT Peter Searle - UK Exchange, unidentified, LT Ozzy Slade, CAPT Peter ‘Blue’ Blaskett, unidentified (x4), CAPT Bob Williams, MAJ David Bowen - US Exchange officer, unidentified (x3). .6) - Photo, black & white, 1980. Officers march to their posts. L to R: CAPT Bob Cooper, CAPT Mick Byrne, MAJ Robin Blackburn, unidentified. .7) & .8) - Photo, black & white, 1980. L to R: 2IC MAJ Don Swiney MBE hands over parade to CO LTCOL Bob Skitch. Cartographic Squadron - Centre rank L to R: CPL Paul Richards, SPR Megan (McBurney) Reynolds, SPR Jan (Crighton) Minchin, SPR Ilen Isaac, CPL Lynn Johnson, remainder unidentified. Front rank L to R: CPL Dennis Learmonth, CPL Roger Pearson, SPR Rod Skidmore, SPR John Martin, SGT Bob Bright, CPL Trevor Bottomley, SPR Gerry Gates, remainder unidentified, OC CAPT Bob Williams, Officer in far right: CAPT Bob Cooper. .9) - Photo, black & white, 1980. L to R: CO LTCOL Bob Skitch salutes reviewing officer - Commander 3MD BRIG Geoffrey Cohen AM. Cartographic Squadron in background L to R: CPL Trevor Bottomley, SPR Gerry Gates, SPR Peter Main, CPL John ‘Stormy’ Tempest, unidentified, OC CAPT Bob Williams, SSGT Gary Warnest. .10) - Photo, black & white, 1980. HQ Squadron inspection - L to R: unidentified (x5), CAPT Paddy Strunks, SPR Chris Ebeling, CO LTCOL Bob Skitch, BRIG Geoffrey Cohen AM, unidentified (x7), in foreground MAJ David Bowen - US Exchange officer, unidentified, CPL Phil McGuire, WO2 Ted Burgess. .11) - Photo, black & white, 1980. HQ Squadron in foreground L to R: MAJ David Bowen - US Exchange officer, unidentified, CPL Phil McGuire, WO2 Ted Burgess. Lithographic Squadron inspection L to R: CPL Paul Davis, CPL Le-Anne (Smallshaw) Shirely, CO LTCOL Bob Skitch, unidentified, OC MAJ Robin Blackburn, BRIG Geoffrey Cohen AM, SPR Jim Ash, unidentified, unidentified UK Exchange SNCO, SSGT Greg Francis-Wright, WO1 Doug Malligan, drummers SSGT George Austen, CPL Di Chalmer, CPL Tony Lawler, unidentified (x2). .12) - Photo, black & white, 1980. Air Survey Squadron inspection - L to R: LT Ozzy Slade, CAPT Peter ‘Blue’ Blaskett, unidentified officer, front rank L to R: SGT Cliff Webb, CO LTCOL Bob Skitch, CAPT Peter Searle - UK Exchange, unidentified, centre rank L to R: unidentified, SSGT Greg Buckingham, SSGT John Bennett, rear rank L to R: unidentified (x4), SPR Sharon (Jones) Treble, CPL Marrianne (Van De Zee) De Groot, SPR Ginny (Turner) Rowe, SSGT Kevin Kennedy, unidentified, SSGT Alan Derby. .13) - Photo, black & white, 1980. Air Survey Squadron inspection - Centre rank: SSGT John Bennett, CO LTCOL Bob Skitch, CAPT Peter Searle - UK Exchange, BRIG Geoffrey Cohen AM, rear rank L to R: SPR Ginny (Turner) Rowe, SSGT Kevin Kennedy, unidentified, SSGT Alan Derby, SSGT Bruce Gordon, supernumerary rank L to R: SSM WO1 Bob Mason, WO1 Bob Hayden, WO2 Peter Colwell, WO1 Chris Parkinson. Unidentified. .14) - Photo, black & white, 1980. Air Survey Squadron inspection - Centre rank: SSGT John Bennett, CO LTCOL Bob Skitch, CAPT Peter Searle - UK Exchange, BRIG Geoffrey Cohen AM, rear rank L to R: SPR Ginny (Turner) Rowe, SSGT Kevin Kennedy, unidentified, SSGT Alan Derby, SSGT Bruce Gordon, supernumerary rank L to R: SSM WO1 Bob Mason, WO1 Bob Hayden, WO2 Peter Colwell. .15) - Photo, black & white, 1980. Cartographic Squadron inspection – L to R: OC CAPT Bob Williams, CO LTCOL Bob Skitch, BRIG Geoffrey Cohen AM. Front rank L to R: CPL John ‘Stormy’ Tempest, unidentified (x2), SSGT Allan Adsett, SSGT Gary Warnest. Centre rank L to R: SPR Ilen Isaac, CPL Sue (Fryer) Bottomley, SPR Gina (Coore) Neilson, SPR Carla Dell, CPL Lynn Johnson, SPR Cathy Regan, unidentified, SSGT John ‘JB’ Barrie, SSGT Bob Scaddan. Rear rank L to R: CPL Terry Danger, CPL Brad Peppler. .16) & .17) - Photo, black & white, 1980. Cartographic Squadron inspection – L to R: OC CAPT Bob Williams, CO LTCOL Bob Skitch, BRIG Geoffrey Cohen AM. Front rank L to R: CPL Dennis Learmonth, CPL Roger Pearson, SPR Rod Skidmore, SPR John Martin, SGT Bob Bright, CPL Trevor Bottomley, SPR Gerry Gates, CPL John ‘Stormy’ Tempest, unidentified (x2), SSGT Allan Adsett, SSGT Gary Warnest. CO LTCOL Bob Skitch, CAPT Bob Cooper, BRIG Geoffrey Cohen AM. Centre rank L to R: SPR Ilen Isaac, CPL Sue (Fryer) Bottomley, SPR Gina (Coore) Neilson, SPR Carla Dell, SPR Cathy Regan, SSGT John ‘JB’ Barrie, SSGT Bob Scaddan. Rear rank L to R: CPL Terry Danger, CPL Brad Peppler, SGT Stu Thaxter, SGT Colin Cuskelly, SGT Bill Friswell. Far right: CAPT Peter Searle - UK Exchange, WO1 Jim ‘JJJ’ Jefferies. .18) - Photo, black & white, 1980. Cartographic Squadron inspection – Front rank: SSGT Gary Warnest. L to R: CO LTCOL Bob Skitch, CAPT Bob Cooper, BRIG Geoffrey Cohen AM. Centre rank L to R: SPR Ilen Isaac, CPL Sue (Fryer) Bottomley, SPR Gina (Coore) Neilson, SPR Carla Dell, SPR Cathy Regan, SSGT John ‘JB’ Barrie, SSGT Bob Scaddan. Rear rank L to R: CPL Terry Danger, CPL Brad Peppler, SGT Stu Thaxter, SGT Colin Cuskelly, SGT Bill Friswell. SSM WO1 Gordon Lowery. Far right: WO1 Jim ‘JJJ’ Jefferies, CAPT Peter Searle - UK Exchange, CAPT Peter ‘Blue’ Blaskett, LT Ozzy Slade. .19) - Photo, black & white, 1980. Medal presentation - L to R: CO LTCOL Bob Skitch, CAPT Bob Cooper. Cartographic Squadron – Front rank L to R: CPL Dennis Learmonth, CPL Roger Pearson, SPR Rod Skidmore, SGT Bob Bright, CPL Trevor Bottomley, SPR Gerry Gates, SPR Peter Main, CPL John ‘Stormy’ Tempest. Centre rank L to R: CPL Paul Richards, SPR Jan (Crighton) Minchin, SPR Ilen Isaac, SPR Carla Dell, CPL Lynn Johnson, SPR Cathy Regan. .20) - Photo, black & white, 1980. Medal presentation - L to R: CAPT Bob Cooper, BRIG Geoffrey Cohen AM. Cartographic Squadron – Front rank L to R: CPL Dennis Learmonth, CPL Roger Pearson, SPR Rod Skidmore, SPR John Martin, SGT Bob Bright, SPR Peter Main, CPL John ‘Stormy’ Tempest, SSGT Allan Adsett, SSGT Gary Warnest. Centre rank L to R: CPL Paul Richards, SPR Jan (Crighton) Minchin, SPR Ilen Isaac, CPL Sue (Fryer) Bottomley, SPR Gina (Coore) Neilson. .21) - Photo, black & white, 1980. Medal presentation - L to R: CAPT Bob Cooper, BRIG Geoffrey Cohen AM. Cartographic Squadron – Front rank L to R: CPL Dennis Learmonth, CPL Roger Pearson, SPR Rod Skidmore, SPR John Martin, SGT Bob Bright, SPR Peter Main, CPL John ‘Stormy’ Tempest, SSGT Gary Warnest. Centre rank L to R: CPL Paul Richards, SPR Jan (Crighton) Minchin, SPR Ilen Isaac, CPL Sue (Fryer) Bottomley. .22) - Photo, black & white, 1980. Medal presentation - L to R: CO LTCOL Bob Skitch, CAPT Bob Cooper, BRIG Geoffrey Cohen AM. Cartographic Squadron – Front rank L to R: CPL Dennis Learmonth, CPL Roger Pearson, SPR Rod Skidmore, SPR John Martin, SGT Bob Bright CPL Trevor Bottomley, SPR Gerry Gates, SPR Peter Main, CPL John ‘Stormy’ Tempest, CAPT Bob Williams, SSGT Allan Adsett. Centre rank L to R: CPL Paul Richards, SPR Jan (Crighton) Minchin, SPR Gina (Coore) Neilson, SPR Carla Dell, CPL Lynn Johnson, SPR Cathy Regan, unidentified, SSGT Bob Scaddan. Rear rank: CPL Stu Symonds. .23) - Photo, black & white, 1980. Presentation - L to R: CO LTCOL Bob Skitch, BRIG Geoffrey Cohen AM, ADJT CAPT John Harrison. Cartographic Squadron – Front rank L to R: CPL Dennis Learmonth, CPL Roger Pearson, SPR Rod Skidmore, SPR John Martin, SGT Bob Bright CPL Trevor Bottomley, SPR Gerry Gates, unidentified, CAPT Bob Williams, SSGT Allan Adsett, CAPT Bob Cooper. Centre rank L to R: SPR Jan (Crighton) Minchin, CPL Sue (Fryer) Bottomley, SPR Carla Dell, CPL Lynn Johnson, SPR Cathy Regan, unidentified, SSGT Bob Scaddan. .24) - Photo, black & white, 1980. Presentation - L to R: CO LTCOL Bob Skitch, BRIG Geoffrey Cohen AM, ADJT CAPT John Harrison. Cartographic Squadron – Front rank L to R: SPR Rod Skidmore, SPR John Martin, SGT Bob Bright CPL Trevor Bottomley, SPR Gerry Gates, unidentified, CAPT Bob Williams, CAPT Bob Cooper. Centre rank L to R: SPR Jan (Crighton) Minchin, CPL Sue (Fryer) Bottomley, SPR Carla Dell, CPL Lynn Johnson, SPR Cathy Regan, unidentified, SSGT Bob Scaddan. .25) - Photo, black & white, 1980. Presentation - L to R: CO LTCOL Bob Skitch, BRIG Geoffrey Cohen AM, ADJT CAPT John Harrison. Cartographic Squadron – Front rank L to R: CPL Roger Pearson, SPR Rod Skidmore, SPR John Martin, SGT Bob Bright CPL Trevor Bottomley, unidentified, CAPT Bob Williams, SSGT Allan Adsett, SSGT Gary Warnest. CAPT Bob Cooper, Centre rank L to R: CPL Sue (Fryer) Bottomley, SPR Gina (Coore) Neilson, SPR Carla Dell, CPL Lynn Johnson. .26) to .28) - Photo, black & white, 1980. Presentation - L to R: MAJ Robin Blackburn, BRIG Geoffrey Cohen AM, ADJT CAPT John Harrison. .29) to .31) - Photo, black & white, 1980. Presentation - L to R: SPR Penny Knott, CO LTCOL Bob Skitch. .32) - Photo, black & white, 1980. CO Handover - L to R: LTCOL Bob Skitch, LTCOL Frank Thorogood SB St J. Cartographic Squadron – Front rank L to R: CPL Dennis Learmonth, CPL Roger Pearson, SPR Rod Skidmore, SPR John Martin SPR Gerry Gates, SPR Peter Main, CPL John ‘Stormy’ Tempest, unidentified, CAPT Bob Williams, SSGT Allan Adsett, SSGT Gary Warnest. Centre rank L to R: SPR Ilan Isaac, CPL Sue (Fryer) Bottomley, SPR Gina (Coore) Neilson, SSGT Bob Scaddan at end. .33) & .34) - Photo, black & white, 1980. CO Handover - L to R: LTCOL Bob Skitch, LTCOL Frank Thorogood SB St J. Cartographic Squadron – Front rank L to R: CPL Dennis Learmonth, CPL Roger Pearson, SPR Rod Skidmore, SPR John Martin, SGT Bob Bright, SPR Gerry Gates, SPR Peter Main, CPL John ‘Stormy’ Tempest, unidentified, CAPT Bob Williams, SSGT Allan Adsett. Centre rank L to R: SPR Ilen Isaac, CPL Sue (Fryer) Bottomley, SPR Gina (Coore) Neilson, SSGT Bob Scaddan at end. .35) - Photo, black & white, 1980. CO Handover – March past L to R: BRIG Geoffrey Cohen AM, ADJT CAPT John Harrison. LTCOL Frank Thorogood SB St J, CO LTCOL Bob Skitch. L to R: RSM WO1 Aub Harvey, 2IC MAJ Don Swiney MBE. .36) - Photo, black & white, 1980. CO Handover March past L to R: BRIG Geoffrey Cohen AM, ADJT CAPT John Harrison. LTCOL Frank Thorogood SB St J, CO LTCOL Bob Skitch. HQ Squadron march past L to R: unidentified officer, MAJ MAJ David Bowen - US Exchange officer, CAPT Paddy Strunks. .37) - Photo, black & white, 1980. CO Handover March past L to R: BRIG Geoffrey Cohen AM, ADJT CAPT John Harrison. LTCOL Frank Thorogood SB St J, CO LTCOL Bob Skitch. HQ Squadron march past L to R: unidentified, SGT Rick Warren, remainder unidentified. .38) - Photo, black & white, 1980. CO Handover March past L to R: BRIG Geoffrey Cohen AM, ADJT CAPT John Harrison. LTCOL Frank Thorogood SB St J, CO LTCOL Bob Skitch. Cartographic Squadron march past L to R: CLP Paul Richards, CPL Dennis Learmonth, CAPT Bob Williams, CAPT Bob Cooper. .39) - Photo, black & white, 1980. CO Handover March past L to R: BRIG Geoffrey Cohen AM, ADJT CAPT John Harrison. LTCOL Frank Thorogood SB St J, CO LTCOL Bob Skitch. Cartographic Squadron march past L to R: SPR Greg Else, SPR Jan (Crighton) Minchin, SPR Rod Skidmore, unidentified, SPR Megan (McBurney) Reynolds, CPL Roger Pearson, CPL Stu Symonds, CPL Paul Richards. .40) - Photo, black & white, 1980. CO Handover March past L to R: BRIG Geoffrey Cohen AM, ADJT CAPT John Harrison. LTCOL Frank Thorogood SB St J, CO LTCOL Bob Skitch. Cartographic Squadron march past L to R: CPL Terry Danger, CPL Lynn Johnson, SPR Peter Main, unidentified, SPR Carla Dell, SPR Gerry Gates, SPR Bob Sheppard, SPR Gina (Coore) Neilson, CPL Trevor Bottomley, SPR Ian Fitzgerald, CPL Sue (Fryer) Bottomley, unidentified. .41) - Photo, black & white, 1980. CO Handover March past L to R: BRIG Geoffrey Cohen AM, ADJT CAPT John Harrison. LTCOL Frank Thorogood SB St J, CO LTCOL Bob Skitch. Lithographic Squadron march past L to R: CAPT Mick Byrne, MAJ Robin Blackburn. .42) - Photo, black & white, 1980. CO Handover March past L to R: BRIG Geoffrey Cohen AM, ADJT CAPT John Harrison. LTCOL Frank Thorogood SB St J, CO LTCOL Bob Skitch. Lithographic Squadron march past L to R: CPL Gary Kerr, SPR Brian Paul, SPR Brian Fauth, CPL Roy Hicks, SPR Per Andersen, CAPT Mick Byrne. .43) & .44) - Photo, black & white, 1980. CO Handover March past L to R: BRIG Geoffrey Cohen AM, ADJT CAPT John Harrison. LTCOL Frank Thorogood SB St J, CO LTCOL Bob Skitch. Lithographic Squadron march past. .45) - Photo, black & white, 1980. CO Handover March past L to R: BRIG Geoffrey Cohen AM, ADJT CAPT John Harrison. LTCOL Frank Thorogood SB St J, CO LTCOL Bob Skitch. Officer march past L to R: unidentified, CAPT Peter Searle - UK Exchange.No personnel are identified. Photo .34P is annotated on back ‘1981 LTCOL Bob Skitch handed over to LTCOL Thorogood.’ *Date is incorrect.royal australian survey corps, rasvy, army survey regiment, army svy regt, fortuna, asr -
Federation University Historical Collection
Document - Document - Programme, Kruse Collection: Ballarat University College: Performing Arts Students; Third Year Graduate Exhibition, 1993
What was distinct about the Performing Arts Course at the University of Ballarat is it had students from a wide range of back grounds with an age range from 17 to 53 years. Students are keen to not only act but to write, design, direct, production manage, stage manage, design lighting and sound and create their own theatre. They also take responsibility for a large percentage of the decision making and administration. Artistic Director and Course Co-ordinator was Peter Tulloch. This is a Performing Arts Department Final Year presentation to Industry representatives and the general public. It features the work of William Saroyan, William Shakespeare, John Godber, Jane Thornton, Matthew Cahoulin, James Saunders, Stephen Sondheim and Anton Chekhov. The course combines formal teaching and practical experience aimed towards the development of artists. An attempt is made to foster secondments to theatre, theatre companies and arts bodies. Cream A3 sheet of cover paper, folded in half. Front half is folded again. Maroon and black print.performing arts, write, design, direct, production manage, stage manage, lighting and sound, training, acting credits, skills, peter tulloch, director and co-ordinator, directing, ballarat university college, graduate exhibition, 1993, third years, william saroyan, william shakespeare, john thornton, matthew cahoulin, james saunders, stephen sondheim, anton chekhov, michael dickinson, rebecca moore, amanda davis, david whiteley, richard jeziorny, simon power, damien muller, jay strybosch, donna brunt, james edwards, tony marsh, ron hinkley, martin newton, michael gibbins, john bateman, clare o'sullivan, adam turnbull, curtis barnot, vicki pollock, warren muschailli, cristin schwanker, kristian pithie, libby tanner, ruth greenberg, peta brady, christine bennett, brett edgington, kruse collection -
Federation University Historical Collection
Poster - Advertisment, Showcase 08, 2008
Showcase 08 was performed by the Music Theatre Graduating Company, directed by David Wicks, musical Direction by Wendy Rechenberg and choreography by Lisa Minett. Also Acting Graduating Company in 'Metamorphoses' by Mary Zimmerman, directed by Kim Durban and Ross Hall; design by John Bennett; lighting by Bronwyn Pringle and production and stage management by Rebecca Etchell. There was a Ballarat Season and a Melbourne Season. Metamorphoses is a Latin poem by the Roman poet Ovid. The poem chronicles the history of the world from its creation to Julius Caesar's deification. While change is the central theme the poem also explores related concepts such as art, friendship, war and love. Ballarat: Post Office Box Theatre, Camp Street, Ballarat; 19th-22nd November - Music Theatre @ 7.0pm and Metamorphoses @ 8.30pm. Melbourne: Chapel Off Chapel, Prahran; 26th-29th November -Music Theatre @ 7pm and Metamorphoses @ 8.30m. Tickets: Adult $15 ea or $25 for both; Concession $10 ea or $15 for both. Original Poster. The illustrations and title for the poster are underwater -the sky and wave tops showing at the top of the poster. Six actors are grouped together on the centre left; a window surrounded by bubbles in the centre and a woman dressed in a yellow pinafore on the centre right. Between the figures is a blurb (see transcript) in white writing. Details for the performance are at the bottom also in white writing. The University of Ballarat logo is at the bottom rhs.showcase 08, david wicks, wendy rechenberg, lisa minett, mary zimmerman, kim durban, ross hall, john bennett, bronwyn pringle, rebecca etchell, metamorphoses, music theatre graduating company 2008, acting graduating company 2008, university of ballarat performing arts academy