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matching diploma 3
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Negative - Colour negatives, Plant Materials, 1998
Plants. Negatives for Plant Materials I Week 2, Week 4 18/3/98, Week 5 2/4/98, Weeks 6, 9, Week 10 13/5/98, Week 12.plants, plant materials, 1998, diploma i -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Negative - Collur negatives, Plant Materials, 1998
... . Degree/Diploma Year 2 Semester 1 Plant Materials 3 Weeks 1-6, 10.../diploma 2 Photographs of plants for Plant Materials 3. Negatives ...Photographs of plants for Plant Materials 3. Negatives only. Degree/Diploma Year 2 Semester 1 Plant Materials 3 Weeks 1-6, 10-13. Plant Materials 3 1998 Weeks 2-5, 8-10.plants, plant materials, 1998, degree/diploma 2 -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Negative - Colour negatives, Plant Materials, 1996-1997
Miscellaneous rolls of negatives. (1) Plant materials and some students. (2) Dip. Semester 2 Wk 5 Drought Tolerant Plants, Evergreen Trees-Sally R, Ornamental Plants-Indoor Plants 1st Yr, Native Trees 3.5.96, Ferns & Grasses Ruth 2nd negs, Degree/Diploma Coastal Plants Wk 2, Plant Materials II 1997 Wk 9 Cut Flowers. (3) Late Autumn Winter, Aust Shrubs 1, Landscapes-Excursion?, Eucalypts 1, Weeds. (4) Aust Trees & Shrubs, Nature-like landscapes. (5) RMIT Year 1 Semester 1 Plant Materials Week1 Shade Tolerant, Week 2, Week 3, Week 4 Drought Tolerant, Week 5 De-oxygenated Soils, Week 6 De-oxygenated, Week 7, Week 9, Week 10 Ferns & Grasses, Week 11 Exotic Evergreen trees & shrubs, Week 12 Australian Trees.plant materials, students, drought tolerant plants, evergreen trees, ornamental plants, indoor plants, native trees, ferns, grasses, coastal plants, eucalypts, weeds, australian trees, australian shrubs, shade tolerant plants, de-oxygenated soils, exotic evergreen trees -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Photograph - Colour prints, Plant Materials 1
Envelope containing back orders of photographs of plants for Degree, Diploma, Grad Dip students, Weeks 2, 3, 5-13. Some sets different, presumably different years. Years not, diploma, graduate diploma, students -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Photograph - Black and white prints, Information Branch Victorian Department of Agriculture, Student ID Photographs Dip III, 1974
Student ID Photographs Dip III labelled, "Dip III 1974 (19 only - 3 absent) Photograph by Information Branch Victorian Department of Agriculture Ref. No. 1974(99-22 to 24), (99-26 to 27), (99-29), (99-31 to 32), (99-34 to 35), (99-37), (99-39 to 42), (99-44), (99-46), (99-48), (99-50).students, id photographs, 1974, diploma iii -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Photograph - Black and white prints, Student ID Photographs, 1989
Proofs of Student ID photographs. Students holding up cardboard signs with names on them. (1) Associate Diploma in Horticultural Science 1989. (2) Grad. Dip. In Horticulture 1989. (3) Bachelor of Applied Science(Horticulture). Also handwritten list of names.students, id photographs, associate diploma, horticultural science, 1989, graduate diploma, horticulture, bachelor of applied science -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Negative - Colour negatives, Plant Materials
3 rolls negatives Labelled, "Degree/Diploma Semester 4 Weeks 5, 11, 12." "Cut Flower Crops, Turf Grasses, Maranoa Gardens." Not digitised.plant materials, cut flower crops, turf grasses, maranoa gardens, degree, diploma -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Photograph - Colour scan, Geoff Sutter, Geoff Sutter Reports and Photographs, 1977-1979
Photographs brought to the Burnley by Geoff Sutter 125 Festival on 30.04.2016. (1, 2) Photograph of Geoff Sutter in the snowfields. (3) Photograph of John Rayner in the snowfields. (4) 1st and 2nd Semester Reports for the Diploma of Horticultural Science 1977-1979 for Geoffrey Robert Sutter. Photographs brought to the Burnley 125 Festival on 30.04.2016. They were photocopied/scanned and returned to him by mail on 09.05.2016.geoff robert sutter, snowfields, john rayner, diploma of horticultural science -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Administrative record - Timetable, Bachelor of Applied Science (Horticulture)
timetable, students -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Document - Reports, Submissions for accreditation
Nos. 2, 3 & 4 have name Ivo A. Dean. No. 1 has some annotations on 2nd copyburnley college, victorian college of agriculture & horticulture, accreditation, horticulture, recreational turf management, nursery production, crop production -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Pamphlet (Collection), Pamphlets: Bachelor of Applied Science (Horticulture); Graduate Diploma in Horticulture; Associate Diploma in Horticulture
... ) graduate diploma 3 small pamphlets outlining courses, and including ...vcah, burnley college of horticulture, diploma of horticulture, bachelor applied science (horticulture), graduate diplomavcah, burnley college of horticulture, diploma of horticulture, bachelor applied science (horticulture), graduate diploma -
Federation University Historical Collection
Poster - Posters, BCAE and BIAE Course Information: 1970-1988, 1970-1988
Ballarat College of Advanced Education is a predecessor Institution of Federation university. 10 posters advertising course information at BCAE and BIAE .1) BIAE GDAY Courses, Careers, Counselling, not dated .2) BCAE Courses 1986 .3) BCAE Visit 1986 .4) BCAE Graduate Exhibition 1982 .5) BIAE Professional Careers, not dated .6) Ballarat College of Advanced Education (sign, not dated) .7) BIAE Degrees and Diplomas, not dated .8) BIAE Degrees and Diplomas, not dated .9) BCAE The Country Alternative 1988 (2 copies) .10) BCAE A Country Alternative, not datedbcae, biae, henry moritz, graham hawley, course information, ballarat college of advanced education, open day -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Photograph - Black and white print, Information Branch Victorian Department of Agriculture, Group of Diploma III Students 1974, 1974
3 black and white photographs. Group photograph of Diploma III Students 1974 seated and standing on the Lawn.On reverse, "Photograph by Information Branch Victorian Department of Agriculture Ref. No. 1974(99-10) to (99-12)."diploma iii, students, 1974, diploma iii student group -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Certificate, Dept of Agriculture, Victoria, Department of Agriculture Victoria, College of Horticulture, Burnley Gardens, Diplomas, c. 1958-1983
Multiple copies of unused Diploma Certificates, (1) First Class Honours (female). (2) First Class Honours (male). (3) Second Class Honours (female). (4) Second Class Honours (male). (5) Pass (female).diplomas, certificates, first class honours, second class honours, students, female students, graduates -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Photograph - Black and white print, Dept of Agriculture, Victoria, Diploma Students 1973, 1973
3 enlarged copies. Black and white Group photograph, most graduated with a Diploma of Horticultural Science in 1973. Names in paper catalogue.Surnames written in marker over each student diploma of horticultural science, 1973, students, graduates, diploma of horticultural science 1973 -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Book - Caulfield Institute of Technology
Three items of Annual Reports: 1/ Caulfield Institute of Technology Annual Report 1973. Including attached page of Council members and staff. Includes introduction giving history of the Educational establishment. 2/ Caulfield Institute of Technology Annual Report 1974. Includes photocopied sheet of staff and board names. 3/ Caulfield Institute of Technology Annual Report 1977. Includes two photocopied lists of staff and board members.ward t., boykett kenneth, whitlam gough prime minister, abbot pam, horne donald, k.h. boykett building, railway avenue, dandenong road, queens road, princes avenue, phillip law building carnegie, caulfield east, school boards, library, school of industrial studies, counselling services, computer centre, financial statement, degrees, diploma and graduate diplomas, certificates, school of engineering, school of general studies, administration services, colleges, moderne style, student union, building construction, building sites, budget task force, partridge committee (post secondary education), williams committee (education and training), saxe committee (nurse education), school of business, education, tertiary education