Showing 106 items
matching meals and wheels
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Booklet, City of Ringwood 1985 Information Guide, 1985
Community information booklet issued by City of Ringwood for 1985 - covering the facilities and activities of the Ringwood Council and other local organisations and associations. Cover photograph: Lionsbrae - Frail Aged Hostel.CONTENTS: (page no.) By-Laws/Traffic Regs. 35 Chief Executive 10 Children's Service 12, 13 & 40 Churches 41 City Map 32 & 33 Committees of Council 7 Community Services 38 Community Services Officer 43 Council Finances 24 Councillors 4 & 5 Council Meeting Dates 6 Council Representatives 8 Cultural Centre 23 Disabled Persons Facilities 44 Eastern Corridor 18 East Ringwood Shopping Centre 22 Emergency Telephone Nos. 63 Garbage Collection 20 Golf Course 15 Health 26 Historical Research Croup 47 Home Help 30 Hospitals 48 Immunisations 27 Incinerators 21 Infant Welfare Centres49 J.P.'s and Commissioners 37 Library 28 & 29 Lionsbrae 17 Management Executive 11 Mayoral Message – Cr. R. Gardini, J.P. 3 Meals on Wheels 34 North Ringwood Senior Citizens 16 Opportunity Shops 53 Parks and Reserves 53 Parliamentary Representatives 9 Playgroups 55 Pre-schools 56 Public Toilets 56 Rates 25 Ringwood Croydon Advisory Service 37 Schools 58 Senior Citizens Centres 60 Swimming Pool 14 Unemployment 62 Victoria's 150th Anniversary 36 Works Programme 18 & 19 Youth Outreach Worker 62 rinx -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Booklet, City of Ringwood 1986 Information Guide, 1986
Community information booklet issued by City of Ringwood for 1986 - covering the facilities and activities of the Ringwood Council and other local organisations and associations. Cover photographs: Front - Wombalano Park; Back L-R - Barbecue at Ringwood Lake, Housing construction at Ringwood, Enclosing swimming centre, Water cascade at rear of Ringwood Lake, Croquet at Jubilee Park, Playground at Ringwood Lake.CONTENTS: (page no.) After School Care Programme 30 & 31 Amalgamations 16 Aquatic Centre 14 & 15 Building Information 22 By-Law and Traffic Regulations 23 Chief Executive Message I0 Churches 38 Civic Centre 4 Committees of Council 5 Community Plan 12 & 13 Construction Work 34 Council Meeting Dates 4 Council Representatives 8 Councillors 6 & 7 Disabled Persons Facilities 41 Eastern Corridor Road Action Plan 17 Emergency Telephone Nos. 63 European Wasps 27 Family Day Care 30 Finances 18 Golf Course 22 Health 20 Historical Research Group 44 Home Help 33 Hospitals 45 Immunisations 2 i Incinerators 34 Infant Welfare Centres 45 Knaith Road Child Care Centre 30&31 Library 24 Local Area Traffic Management 17 Management Executive 11 Mayoral Message – Cr. W.R. (Bill) Wilkins, J.P. 3 Meals on Wheels 32 Members of Parliament 9 North Ringwood Senior Citizens 29 Parks for People 28 Playgroups 49 Pre-Schools 50 Rates 19 Rubbish — See Waste Ringwood District Centre 16 Schools 52 Swimming Pool — See Aquatic Centre 14 & 15 Waste 26rinx -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Booklet, Impact Printing (Vic.) Pty. Ltd, City of Ringwood 1987 Community Information Guide, 1987
Community information booklet issued by City of Ringwood for 1987 - covering the facilities and activities of the Ringwood Council and other local organisations and associations. Cover photograph: Ringwood Aquatic Centre at night. Middle page photographs: (from top L-R) Putting at Golf Course, Reclaimation work Mullum Mullum Creek, Poppett Head rear of Ringwood Lake, Wattle in bloom. (Middle row) Aquatic Centre Toddlers Pool, Fern Gallery at Lake, Aquatic Centre Diving Tank, Wedding at Ringwood Lake. (Bottom row) Lawn Bowls, Bike Path, Community Garden. Also includes lift-out City of Ringwood map.CONTENTS: (page no.) After School Care Programme 29 Aquatic Centre 12 & 13 Building Information 19 By-Law and Traffic Regulations 21 Chief Executive Message 10 Children's Services 28 Churches 40 Civic Centre 4 Committees of Council 5 Community Plan 11 Community Services 37 - 59 Construction Work 26 Council Elections 19 Council Meeting Dates 4 Council Representatives 8 Councillors 6 & 7 Disabled Persons Facilities 43 Domiciliary Care 30 Emergency Telephone Nos. 62 Family Day Care 28 Finances 16 Garbage 36 Golf Course 23 Health 25 Home Help 31 Immunisations 24 Incinerators 20 Infant Welfare Centres 45 Joint Use Facilities 35 Knaith Road Child Care Centre 28 & 29 Local Area Traffic Management 18 Management Executive 11 Mayoral Message – Cr. Lillian Rosewarne, J.P. 3 Meals on Wheels 30 Members of Parliament 9 Parks 23 Playgroups 53 Pre-Schools 53 Rates 17 Recycling 35 & 36 Ringwood By-Pass Road 15 Ringwood Convention and Performing Arts Centre 34 Ringwood District Centre 14 Schools 52 Swimming Pool - See Aquatic Centre 12 & 13 Town Planning 19 Vandalism 27 rinx -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Film - Video (VHS), Phil Burke et al, Shire of Eltham Grants Commsission Submission (Series 69, Item 7), 1993
Shire of Eltham Archives: Series 69, Item 7 Opens with aerial views of the Shire, 85% of the shire covered by the Green wedge principal. Discusses the obligations required of the Shire to maintain the Green Wedge. The Shire covers over 27,000 hectares with a population in excess of 45,000 residents, more than 70% living in the southern 10% of the Shire in suburbs of Eltham, Montmorency, Lower Plenty and Research. 85% of the Shire in the more sparsely populated northern area which is covered by the Green Wedge. Council is committed to providing a parity of services to all residents such as garbage collection and maintenance of roads. Views of rubbish collection trucks in Montmorency. It is emphasised that the cost of these services in highly populated areas is relatively low whereas in the sparsely populated Green Wedge areas, considerable. There are hundreds of kilometres of roads throughout the Shire, many unmade and maintenance is high to check overhanging trees and erosion especially on the steep hills is expensive and disproportionate to servicing the population in the dense urban areas. Shows views of hilly gravel roads and graders at work maintaining them. Shows scenes of assessing planning applications in these rural areas which takes significantly more time as well as other services provided such as Meals on Wheels, building permits, Ranger services. Provision of recreational facilities in hilly areas requires the acquisition of expensive river flats (views of cricket ground surrounded by hills) and where not possible, costly earthmoving required. Also, views highlighting extensive tracks of natural habitat home to significant bird, animal and plant life. Shire emphasises its commitment highlighted by the Eltham Copper Butterfly which the Shire maintains small pockets of bushland to ensure its survival at significant expense (views of Pauline Toner Copper Butterfly Reserve.) Short interview with Pat Vaughan, Environmental Officer for the Shire discussing the Eltham Copper Butterfly who also mentions many other species in the Shire of high significance from bats to mammals to plants as well as the importance of the Green Wedge to Melbourne – the lungs of Melbourne - and ensuring the protection of very important habitat which requires a great deal of planning and management to look after. Views of Wingrove Park to emphasise this maintenance by machinery in some areas is too damaging and introduced species, etc must be removed by hand. Balancing the services and facilities expected by the community with the needs of the environment requires careful planning demands requires careful planning and the principals of the Green Wedge require constant attention in the face of growing need for housing. Director of Planning & Environment, Richard Allen advises there are approximately 1,300 planning permits and development applications each year ranging from simple subdivision, boundary realignments to further complicated non-urban developments for agricultural pursuits and the level of expertise required from architectural and engineering to land degradation, flora and fauna. Video finishes with aerial views and parklands, streetscapes and rural areas. VHS Video cassette Converted to MP4 file format 00:07:39; 89MBshire of eltham, video recording, shire of eltham archives, eltham shire council, eltham, building permits, cricket ground, development applications, eltham copper butterfly, garbage collection, graders, green wedge, lower plenty, meals on wheels, montmorency, pat vaughan, pauline toner reserve, planning applications, planning permits, ranger services, recreational facilities, research, richard allen, roads, rural areas, wingrove park, victoria grants commission -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Booklet, City of Ringwood Information Guide - 1984, 1984
Community information booklet issued by City of Ringwood for 1984 - covering the facilities and activities of the Ringwood Council and other local organisations and associations.CONTENTS: (page no.) Building - General Information 23 By-Laws/Traffic Regulations 22 Canterbury Road Railway Bridge Widening 34 Commissioners for Taking Declarations and Affidavits 24 Council Elections 11 Council Representatives 1983/1984 7 Council Structure. 10 Deferment of Rates 11 Emergency Telephone Numbers 59 Employment Initiatives Programme 32 European Wasps 26 Facilities for Disabled Persons 15 From the Chief Executive Officer 8 Garbage 20 Genera] Use Buildings 39 Historical Museum 29 Home Help Service 14 Immunisations - Health Care 12 Immunisation Programme - 1984 13 Justices of the Peace 23 Library Service for Senior Citizens 15 Maintenance of Facilities 34 Management Executive 9 Mayor’s Message – Cr. F.J. Corr 2 Meals on Wheels 14 Members of Parliament 25 Parking Signs and Street Names 35 Pedestrian Hazards 36 Pensioner Rate Assistance Scheme 12 Property Records 11 Rates 11 Re-Cycling of Waste 21 Ringwood Centre (Hostel) for the Frail Aged 17 Ringwood Cultural Centre 40 Ringwood Festival 28 Ringwood Golf Course. 36 Ringwood Highland Carnival 28 Ringwood Lake Reserve 29 Ringwood Library 17 Shopping Centre Studies 38 Staley Gardens 32 Standing Committees of Council 6 Swimming Centre 37 Welfare and Community Services 41 rinx -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Booklet, City of Ringwood 1988 Community Information Guide, 1988
Community information booklet issued by City of Ringwood for 1988 - covering the facilities and activities of the Ringwood Council and other local organisations and associations. Cover photographs: Front - Floral displays at Clock Tower and a scene at Council nursery; Back - Activities at Ringwood Festival held at Ringwood Lake in April each year.CONTENTS: (page no.) After School Activities Programme 23 Aged Services 21 Bicentennial 15 Building Information 29 By-Laws and Traffic Regulations 31 Caravans/Mobile Homes 31 Chief Executive's Message 10 Children's Services 22 Churches 40 Civic Centre 4 Committees of Council 5 Community Plan 15 Community Services 35 Corporate Management Structure 11 Council Meeting Dates 4 Council Representatives 8 Councillors 6 & 7 Disabled Persons Facilities 42 Dogs 31 Domiciliary Care 24, 25 & 26 Elderly Day Care 44 Elderly Persons Units 29 Emergency Telephone Numbers 53 Employment Opportunities in Ringwood 26 European Wasps 28 Family Day Care 22 Finances 17 Fire Hazards 31 Future Leaders 16 Golf Course 34 Home Handyman Services 25 Home Help 26 Immunisation Programme 27 Incinerators 32 Knaith Road Child Care Centre 22 & 23 Library 30&31 Maternal & Child Health Centre 30 Mayoral Message – Cr. John R. Caffyn 3 Meals on Wheels 24 Members of Parliament 9 Playgroups 33 Pre-Schools 53 Primary Arterial Road Network in Ringwood 13 Rates—New Collection Service 18 & 19 Ringwood Aquatic Centre 14 & 15 Ringwood Bypass Road 12 Ringwood Convention & Performing Arts Centre 33 Ringwood District Centre Structure Plan 12 Rubbish Collection Service 35 & 36 Schools 56 Youth Outreach Worker 20 rinx -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Domestic object - Can Opener, Bottle Opener & Corkscrew
It took 15 years to invent the can. It took 100 more to invent a standard way to open it. In the 19th century, decades after the invention of canning, there were virtually no can openers. Canned food, such as sardines, came with its own "key" to peel back the tin lid. Birth of the can One of the oddest things about the can opener is that the can predates it by almost 150 years. Though common today, cans were once military-grade technology. In 1795, Napoleon, to whom the phrase "an army marches on its stomach" is attributed, offered 12,000 francs to anyone who could find a way to preserve food. Without any knowledge of bacteria or their role in food spoilage, scientists didn't even know where to begin. It took 15 years before a chef named Nicholas Appert claimed the prize after successfully jarring food. Soon after that, his countryman Philippe de Girard came up with a variant on Appert's method—metal tins—and sold the idea to the British. Spoiled food, and the sickness it caused, was a widespread problem. The public would have benefited from canned food, but for decades cans were almost exclusively for the army and the navy. The canning process, with its hours of boiling and steaming, its scrupulous cleanliness, its heated metal, and its need for a great deal of disposable material, made canned food far too expensive for anyone but the military. No can openers were needed or even possible. The metal of early cans was too thick to make openers practical. Soldiers and sailors had plenty of sharp objects on hand and made ample use of them when they wanted to eat. During the 19th century, the process of canning was refined and mechanised, and the metal wall of the average can slimmed down enough that a civilian could get it open—if that civilian had the right tool. No one had that tool yet, so early cans had to open themselves. In other words, they came with built-in openers. The result was a confusing but pleasing free-for-all, in terms of product engineering. Each type of food came with its own kind of can, and each kind of can came with its own kind of opener. Tinned fish and meat were often sold in rectangular cans. These cans were fitted with a "key" that would roll down the top of the can. Coffee, beans, and other types of meat were packaged in cylinders with metal strips that could be peeled back with their own kinds of built-in keys. Cans of milk, which didn't need to be completely opened, came with puncture devices. As tinned food became more common, its containers became more regular. A nice cylindrical can became the norm, and, as these cans filled kitchens, more engineers put their minds to finding a convenient way to open all of them. The first standalone can opener worked on a simple principle: point, stab, and pull. From the mid-19th century to the end of World War I, the typical can opener looked roughly like a wrench, if the lower 'jaw' of the wrench were replaced with a blade. People used the blade to puncture the top of the can near its edge, push the upper jaw against the side of the can, and drag the blade through the metal along the rim. Because meat was the first and most popular canned substance, these can openers were often shaped to look like cows and given the nickname 'bully beef can openers'. The bully beef can opener, popular in the mid-19th century, resulted in many lost fingers. Later, a corkscrew was added that was seated in the handle, and could be pulled out for use. Bully beef can openers were so common, effective, and sturdy that they are still frequently available on collectors' sites. Some are advertised as “still working,” and every last one of them is, without a doubt, soaked in the blood of our ancestors. Dragging a sharp blade along the edge of a can is certain to cause injury sooner or later. So once people got a reliable can shape and a reliable way to get the can open, the search was on for a reliable way to get a can open without the possibility of losing a finger. The answer came in 1925, from the Star Can Opener Company of San Francisco. This is probably the first can opener that resembles the one people have in their kitchens today. Instead of using a blade to pry open a metal can, buyers could clamp the edge of the can between two wheels and twist the handle of one of the wheels to move the blade around the lip. The Star can openers weren't perfect. Compared to the bully beef model, they were flimsy and breakable, but they probably prevented a few injuries. Six short years after the Star model came to market, the first electric can opener was invented. It was patented in 1931 by the Bunker Clancey Company of Kansas City, who had already been sued by the Star Can Opener Company for trying sell a double-wheeled can opener like the Star model (the case was dismissed). The electric can opener must have seemed like the wave of the future and a sure-fire seller, but it proved to be too far ahead of its time. In 1931 not that many households had electricity, and those that did weren't interested in buying can openers. The Bunker Clancey Company was subsequently bought by the Rival Company, which still makes small appliances like can openers today. It took another 25 years for electrically powered can openers to become practical. In the 1950s, Walter Hess Bodle and his daughter, Elizabeth Bodle, developed an electric can opener in the family garage. Walter came up with the opener's blades and motor, and Elizabeth sculpted the outside. Their can opener was a free-standing unit that could sit on the kitchen counter. The Udico brand of the Union Die Casting Company put it on the market in time for Christmas in 1956 and had great success with it. Over the next few years it came out in different styles and colours, and, like the bully beef can opener, has become a collector's item. Also like the bully beef model, Udico can openers often still work. They don't make 'em like they used to. Although there have been some design changes and refinements over the last sixty years, there have yet to be any more leaps forward in can opener technology. If you're resentfully opening a can, you are almost certainly doing it using the Star design, manually forcing the can between two wheels, or the Bodle design, clamping the can into a free-standing electrical opener. Whether or not you enjoy your holiday meals, at least you can be happy that you are not getting poisoned by your own food or cutting open your hand with the blade you use to get at it. That's something, right?The can opener, Bottle opener and the corkscrew are still very important and essential items in most kitchens.Metal can opener, chromed, with bottle opener, and a corkscrew seated in the handle.None.flagstaff hill, warrnambool, shipwrecked-coast, flagstaff-hill, flagstaff-hill-maritime-museum, maritime-museum, shipwreck-coast, flagstaff-hill-maritime-village, canning, can opener, corkscrew, bottle opener, kitchen equipment -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Domestic object - Can Opener
It took 15 years to invent the can. It took 100 more to invent a standard way to open it. In the 19th century, decades after the invention of canning, there were virtually no can openers. Canned food, such as sardines, came with its own "key" to peel back the tin lid. Birth of the can One of the oddest things about the can opener is that the can predates it by almost 150 years. Though common today, cans were once military-grade technology. In 1795, Napoleon, to whom the phrase "an army marches on its stomach" is attributed, offered 12,000 francs to anyone who could find a way to preserve food. Without any knowledge of bacteria or their role in food spoilage, scientists didn't even know where to begin. It took 15 years before a chef named Nicholas Appert claimed the prize after successfully jarring food. Soon after that, his countryman Philippe de Girard came up with a variant on Appert's method—metal tins—and sold the idea to the British. Spoiled food, and the sickness it caused, was a widespread problem. The public would have benefited from canned food, but for decades cans were almost exclusively for the army and the navy. The canning process, with its hours of boiling and steaming, its scrupulous cleanliness, its heated metal, and its need for a great deal of disposable material, made canned food far too expensive for anyone but the military. No can openers were needed or even possible. The metal of early cans was too thick to make openers practical. Soldiers and sailors had plenty of sharp objects on hand and made ample use of them when they wanted to eat. During the 19th century, the process of canning was refined and mechanised, and the metal wall of the average can slimmed down enough that a civilian could get it open—if that civilian had the right tool. No one had that tool yet, so early cans had to open themselves. In other words, they came with built-in openers. The result was a confusing but pleasing free-for-all, in terms of product engineering. Each type of food came with its own kind of can, and each kind of can came with its own kind of opener. Tinned fish and meat were often sold in rectangular cans. These cans were fitted with a "key" that would roll down the top of the can. Coffee, beans, and other types of meat were packaged in cylinders with metal strips that could be peeled back with their own kinds of built-in keys. Cans of milk, which didn't need to be completely opened, came with puncture devices. As tinned food became more common, its containers became more regular. A nice cylindrical can became the norm, and, as these cans filled kitchens, more engineers put their minds to finding a convenient way to open all of them. The first standalone can opener worked on a simple principle: point, stab, and pull. From the mid-19th century to the end of World War I, the typical can opener looked roughly like a wrench, if the lower 'jaw' of the wrench were replaced with a blade. People used the blade to puncture the top of the can near its edge, push the upper jaw against the side of the can, and drag the blade through the metal along the rim. Because meat was the first and most popular canned substance, these can openers were often shaped to look like cows and given the nickname 'bully beef can openers'. The bully beef can opener, popular in the mid-19th century, resulted in many lost fingers. Bully beef can openers were so common, effective, and sturdy that they are still frequently available on collectors' sites. Some are advertised as “still working,” and every last one of them is, without a doubt, soaked in the blood of our ancestors. Dragging a sharp blade along the edge of a can is certain to cause injury sooner or later. So once people got a reliable can shape and a reliable way to get the can open, the search was on for a reliable way to get a can open without the possibility of losing a finger. The answer came in 1925, from the Star Can Opener Company of San Francisco. This is probably the first can opener that resembles the one people have in their kitchens today. Instead of using a blade to pry open a metal can, buyers could clamp the edge of the can between two wheels and twist the handle of one of the wheels to move the blade around the lip. The Star can openers weren't perfect. Compared to the bully beef model, they were flimsy and breakable, but they probably prevented a few injuries. Six short years after the Star model came to market, the first electric can opener was invented. It was patented in 1931 by the Bunker Clancey Company of Kansas City, who had already been sued by the Star Can Opener Company for trying sell a double-wheeled can opener like the Star model (the case was dismissed). The electric can opener must have seemed like the wave of the future and a sure-fire seller, but it proved to be too far ahead of its time. In 1931 not that many households had electricity, and those that did weren't interested in buying can openers. The Bunker Clancey Company was subsequently bought by the Rival Company, which still makes small appliances like can openers today. It took another 25 years for electrically powered can openers to become practical. In the 1950s, Walter Hess Bodle and his daughter, Elizabeth Bodle, developed an electric can opener in the family garage. Walter came up with the opener's blades and motor, and Elizabeth sculpted the outside. Their can opener was a free-standing unit that could sit on the kitchen counter. The Udico brand of the Union Die Casting Company put it on the market in time for Christmas in 1956 and had great success with it. Over the next few years it came out in different styles and colours, and, like the bully beef can opener, has become a collector's item. Also like the bully beef model, Udico can openers often still work. They don't make 'em like they used to. Although there have been some design changes and refinements over the last sixty years, there have yet to be any more leaps forward in can opener technology. If you're resentfully opening a can, you are almost certainly doing it using the Star design, manually forcing the can between two wheels, or the Bodle design, clamping the can into a free-standing electrical opener. Whether or not you enjoy your holiday meals, at least you can be happy that you are not getting poisoned by your own food or cutting open your hand with the blade you use to get at it. That's something, right?The can opener is still a very important and essential item in most kitchens.Can opener, right handed, metal, upper blade section serrated, inscription 'Peerless Pat.Feb 11-90'.Peerless Pat.Feb 11-90flagstaff hill, warrnambool, shipwrecked-coast, flagstaff-hill, flagstaff-hill-maritime-museum, maritime-museum, shipwreck-coast, flagstaff-hill-maritime-village, cannning, can opener, kitchen equipment -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Booklet, City of Ringwood 1989 Community Information Guide, 1989
Community information booklet issued by City of Ringwood for 1989 - covering the facilities and activities of the Ringwood Council and other local organisations and associations. Cover photographs: Front - Fern Gully at Ringwood Lake, Poppett Head at rear of Lake, Athletics Track. Back - Highland Carnival, Wombalano Park, Miners Cottage at Ringwood Lake, Bike Path, Water Cascade at rear of Lake.CONTENTS: (page no.) 1. COUNCIL SERVICES After School Activities Programme 29 Aged Services 31, 32 & 33 Aquatic Centre 20 & 21 Budget 14 Building Information 16 By-Laws 26 Chief Executive's Message 9 Children's Services 29 Civic Centre 4 Committees of Council 5 Common Questions 36 Community Plan 10 & 11 Council Meeting Dates 4 Council Representatives 8 Councillors 6 & 7 Dogs 26 Dual Occupancy 12 Emergency Telephone Numbers 63 Family Day Care 29 Fire Hazards 27 Garbage 34 & 35 Golf Course 24 Home Handyman Services 31 Home Help 31 Incinerators 26 Knaith Road Child Care Centre 29 Library 23 Maternal and Child Health 28 Mayoral Message – Cr. R. Gardini 3 Meals on Wheels 31 Members of Parliament 62 Parks and Gardens 18 Rates 25 Residential Development Provisions 12 & 13 Ringwood Bypass Road 13 Ringwood Convention Centre & Performing Arts Centre 22 Ringwood District Centre 14 Staff 10 Town Planning 17 Works Depot 30 Youth Outreach Worker 33 2. LOCAL COMMUNITY SERVICES Accommodation 37 Alcoholism 37 Birthright 38 Blind 38 Care Force 39 Catholic Family Welfare Bureau 39 Central Ringwood Community Centre 39 Childbirth and Parenting Association 39 & 40 Churches 40 & 41 Community Services Victoria 42 Day Centres and Drop In Centres 43 Do Care 43 Drugs 43 Elderly Day Care 44 Emergency Housing 45 Family Planning Services 45 Financial Counselling 46 Hearing Aid Service 47 Hospitals 47 Housing 48 Information 48 Legal 49 Literacy 50 Lone Parents 50 Marriage Celebrants 50 Maroondah Social Health Centre 51 Neighbourhood Mediation Centre - Outer East 51 North Ringwood Community House 52 Nursing 52 Optometric Services 52 Playgroups 53 Podiatry 53 Pre-Schools 54 Red Cross 55 Retirement 55 Ringwood Croydon Advisory Service 55 Schools 56 & 57 Senior Citizens' Centres 58 Transport 59 Twins 59 Unemployment 60 Volunteering 60 Youth Accommodation Project (Maroondah). 60 Youth Emergency Accommodation Services... 60 rinx -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Booklet, City of Ringwood 1990 Community Guide, 1990
Community information booklet issued by City of Ringwood for 1990 - covering the facilities and activities of the Ringwood Council and other local organisations and associations.CONTENTS: (page no.) 1. COUNCIL SERVICES After School Programme 33 Aged Services 33, 34,35 Aquatic Centre 15,16,17 Aquatic Centre Bonus Vouchers 17 Biological Wasp Control 24 Budget 13,14 Building information 26 By-Laws 29 Chief Executive's Message 9 Children's Services 44 Citizenship 35 Civic Centre 4 Committees of Council 5 Common Questions 39 Council Meeting Dates 4 Council Representatives 8 Councillors 6,7 Dogs 29 Emergency Telephone Numbers 67 Family Day Care 32 Fire Hazards 29 Garbage 37 Golf Course 19 Health and Environmental Services 24 Home Handyman Services 54 Home Help 33 Immunisation 25 incinerators 29 Knaith Road Child Care Centre 32 Library 22 Library Service Senior Citizens 34 Maternal and Child Health 31 Mayoral Message - Cr. Lillian Rosewarne 3 Meals on Wheels 33 Members of Parliament 40 Parks and Gardens 22,23 Rates 28 Residential Development Provisions 12 Ringwood Bypass Road 11 Ringwood Convention Centre & Performing Arts Centre 20 Ringwood District Centre 13 Ringwood Festival 21 Shopping Bus 34 Staff 10 Town Planning 26 Works Depot 36 Youth Outreach Worker 36 2. LOCAL COMMUNITY SERVICES Accommodation 42 Aged Accommodation 42 Alcoholism 42 Arthritis Foundation 43 Arts and Crafts 43 Blind 43 Care Force 43 Catholic Family Welfare Bureau 43 Central Ringwood Community Centre 43 Childbirth and Parenting Association 44 Churches 45 Community Services Victoria 47 Day Centres and Drop-in Centres 48 Disabled Facilities 49 Do Care 50 Drugs 50 Elderly Day Care 50 Emergency Housing 51 Family Planning Services 51 Financial Counselling 52 Hearing Aid Service 53 Hospitals 54 Housing 54 Information 55 Legal 55 Literacy 55 Lone Parents 57 Marriage Celebrants 57 Maroondah Social Health Centre 57 Neighbourhood Mediation Centre - Outer East 57 North Ringwood Community House 53 Nursing 59 Optometric Services 59 Playgroups 60 Pre-Schools 60 Red Cross 61 Retirement 62 Ringwood Croydon Advisory Service 62 Schools 63 Senior Citizens' Centres 65 Transport 66 Twins 66 Unemployment 66 Volunteering 66 Youth Accommodation Project (Maroondah) 67 Youth Emergency Services 67 rinx -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Article - Christ Church, Ormond (Anglican)
File contains articles written about Christ Church , Ormond and clergy/ elders/ volunteers of/ with the church: 1/Two obituaries of Elizabeth (Beth) Laby, d. August 21, 2001, age 88, Sunday School teacher at Christ Church Ormond. 2/Article about 2009 renovation of the church. Article from the Caulfield Port Phillip Leader, April 19, 2010 Clergy not impressed with trade, by Jenny Ling. Rev Kevin Pedersen and Father David Still’s opinions on new laws allowing trade on Easter Sunday.pedersen kevin rev., st agnes anglican church glen huntly, commerce, still david fr., shopkeepers, christ church ormond, ormond, north road, ormond anglican church, glen huntly, anglican church, penhalluriack frank, easter, ormond primary school, elizabeth laby, beth laby, caulfield central school, caulfield junior college, voluntary workers, meals on wheels, sunday schools, teachers, community services -
Greensborough Historical Society
Newspaper Clipping, Diamond Valley Leader, Tireless Erik delivers for 25 years, 04/10/2017
Yallambie's Erik Pool is retiring after a quarter of a century of delivering tens of thousands of meals to the community.News article 1 page, black text, colour image.yallambie, meals on wheels, erik pool, nillumbik -
Glen Eira Historical Society
This file contains 2 items: 1/One original typed letter dated 10/05/1982 written by Judith Mills as co-ordinator of Caulfield Citizens Advice Bureau. The letter is addressed to a volunteer (no name) advising them that they need to complete a ‘Client Information Sheet’ each time they visit a particular client who they have ongoing dealings with. The letter states that the ‘enclosed’ sheet was devised to make continuity between volunteer and the C.A.B. more efficient. 2/Original copy of ‘client information sheet’ which is to be completed by a volunteer detailing their dealings with a particular client ie. Client address, job description and comments.caulfield citizens’ advice bureau, caulfield, town hall, hawthorn road, volunteers, mills judith, mills judy, meals-on-wheels, home help, community services -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Document - History of the City of Caulfield
This file contains 4 items: 1/Typewritten document titled ‘The City of Caulfield’. Author and date unknown. 1 page (back and front), 2 copies. Document covers topics such as origins of the name ‘Caulfield’, early settlement and the Caulfield Cup. 2/Typewritten document titled ‘History of Caulfield Council’. Author and date unknown. 6 pages, 3 copies. Document covers subjects such as early settlement, Aboriginal influence, Caulfield Road Board, Shire of Caulfield, Borough and town boundaries, coat of arms, and Freedom of Entry to the City. 3/Typewritten document (undated + author unknown) titled ‘The Structure of Local Government in Victoria with a history of the City of Caulfield’. 13 pages. Covers the following subjects: Powers, Planning, Public Works, Trading Undertakings, Health Services, Municipalities, Wards Electors or Ratepayers, Voters Roll, Councillors, Officers, Finance, Nature of Soil and Vegetation, Parks and Gardens and Reserves, Coat of Arms, Boundaries, How Did Caulfield get its Name, Aboriginal Influence, Caulfield Road Board, Shire of Caulfield, Borough and Town and the City of Caulfield. Also covered is early settlement. Note at the end of the document mentions that the historical content contained in the last section was based upon a thesis for the Department of Town and Regional Planning, University of Melbourne, 1968 by L. Alwis, P. Rowe, N. Wootten. Melbourne, ‘City of Caulfield: An Illustrated City Report’. 4/Typewritten document (undated) titled ‘The Structure of Local Government in Victoria with notes on the history of the City of Caulfield’. 8 pages, 2 copies. This document also includes a map/diagram of the city with boundaries and wards showing locations of railway stations and parks. Document covers the structure of local government and its functions then goes on to focus on City of Caulfield with subjects similar to those covered in item 3. Document signed off by Deputy Town of caulfield, caulfield john, caulfield baron, caulfield racecourse, elsternwick, ripponlea, st. mary’s church, caulfield council, kooyong road, neerim road, bambra road, greenmeadows house, caulfield park, paddy’s swamp, dandenong road, caulfield grammar school, chisholm institute of technology, murrumbeena, glen eira road, alma road, orrong road, balaclava road, inkerman road, ‘grosmont’, caulfield school room, caulfield road board, caulfield road district, crimean war, victorian amateur turf club, caulfield cup, glenhuntly road, north road, glenhuntly station, ormond station, outer circle railway, local government, gardenvale, carnegie, rosstown, poath road, nepean highway, hotham street, ormond park, princes park, ross william murray, caulfield institute of technology, ‘ross’ folly’, hawthorn road, glenhuntly, ormond, morris t. w., lloyd charles du plan, meals on wheels, shire of caulfield, caulfield railway station, caulfield rsl, bouran road, murrum murrumbeen, kooyong road, great dandenong road, neerim road, trams, prahran and malvern tramways trust, fisher andrew, mackinnon reserve, dover street, ‘glen eira’, blair max cr., insignia, third ordnance services unit, schools, street lighting, lampriere, mr. bevan, the caulfield leader, davies j. henry, curraweena road, st. georges road, o’neill college, hope george, market gardens, koornang reserve, packer reserve, murrumbeena reserve, hopetoun gardens, greenmeadows gardens, mirambeena, caulfield technical college, hart john, langdon h. j., ‘rosecraddock’, judge webb, ‘crotonhurst’, service james, ‘kilwinning’, ricketson henry, grimwade frederick sheppard, airdrie, jenner, st. aubin’s, caulfield john p. t., harlston, lempriere, lord reserve, ‘cantala’ -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Document - MACHIN, Gladys
Two items about Gladys Machin's history: 1/ Handwritten photocopies, partial history of Gladys Ellen Machin, undated and unknown author. 2/ A 37 page printout of Gladys Ellen Machin’s (nee Wallace) life history and associated articles, reprinted, concerning Gladys’ achievements, lifetime awards, includes photocopied photographs, newspaper articles and official invitations from her public life, undated.machin gladys ellen, caulfield, machin joan, machin ron, machin marjorie, wallace gordon, machin leslie, councillors, citizen of the year, justice of the peace, mothers clubs, resident action, returned servicemans league clubs, mayors, meals on wheels -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Newspaper - MACHIN, Gladys
Two items about this former Mayor and Councillor for Caulfield: 1/One photocopied article noted as the Chadstone Press, 1977, highlighting the achievements of Gladys from 1950 to 1971. Includes a black and white photograph. She was the first female Councillor and Mayor for the City of Caulfield. 2/Newspaper article from the Southern Cross dated 10/09/1980; includes a black and white photograph; and mentions that Gladys would be receiving an award for her welfare achievements from the Develop Victoria Council.machin gladys, mayor, caulfield, nurse, world war 1, wallace gordon captain, councillors, senior citizens, meals on wheels, youth centre, maple street, machin les, youth clubs, caulfield voluntary workers shop, gladys machin senior citizens' club, elderly citizens club, cedar street, caulfield hospital, blair max, blair mrs, wallace gladys, nurses, world war 1914-1918, hawthorn road, south caulfield, caulfield south, caulfield town hall, birch street, glenhuntly road, booran road, murrumbeena road, king street, magnolia street, gardenvale road, polling booths, camden garage , burr madge, webster geo, elsternwick, gunn ernest, leschen robert, sailors soldiers and airmens mothers' association of victoria, repatriation committee, travellers aid society, awards, develop victoria council -
Galen Catholic College
Community Work in the early 1990s
Active involvement in the community has always been a key feature of Galen Catholic College. This series of photos in the early 1990s illustrates involvement, community, volunteers, galen college, meals on wheels, st. vincent de paul society -
Puffing Billy Railway
Equipment - Refreshments services Trolley, 1990s
The Refreshment Services Branch was established in 1920, and initially focused on providing station-based refreshment rooms and the dining car service. Its scope expanded to include diverse activities such as stall rental; sales of advertising space on railways infrastructure; laundry services; operation of a hair-dressing salon, a bakery, a butchery and a poultry farm; and the management of the chalet guesthouse at Mt Buffalo. The majority of staff worked in refreshment rooms and dining cars, both of which were a popular feature of the railway service. Previous to 1920 refreshment services had been provided by contractors, but after many complaints the Department decided to provide a standardised service across the system. It grew quickly: five years after it was established the Branch employed approximately 500 staff. Station refreshment facilities ranged from elaborate dining rooms to decorated push-carts. They were staffed predominately by women, who provided everything from a cup of tea to a three course meal. Most refreshment room services were closed in the 1970s. Reference from : Fielding, K. (2012) Victorian Railways - Refreshment Services Branch in Museums Victoria Collections - Replica of a a Victorian Railways Refreshment Services Serving Trolley used on Puffing Billy Railway Replica large wooden serving cart with fitted wooden cabinet featuring sliding glass doors and one glass shelf. Cart has chrome handles, two wooden shelves, a wooden drawer with chrome handle and a small chalkboard adhered to end. Cart has four small black rubber and metal wheels and a metal foot brake.puffing billy, serving trolley, replica, dining cart, refreshment services, victorian railways -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Document, City of Nunawading, Community Services Department, 1985
Annual Report of Community Services 1984 / 85Annual Report of Community Services 1984 / 85Annual Report of Community Services 1984 / 85city of nunawading, community services, maternal and child health centres, childrens services, domiciliary services, home help, child care, meals on wheels -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Document, City of Nunawading. Social Welfare Department, 1982
Annual Report - year ending 30 June 1982.Annual Report - year ending 30 June 1982.Annual Report - year ending 30 June of nunawading, community services, domiciliary services, home help, child care, ramsay, shirley, meals on wheels, books on wheels -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Article, The good life in Nunawading, 1994
The City of Nunawading provides a wide range of amenities to cater for varied interests of its citizens.The City of Nunawading provides a wide range of amenities to cater for varied interests of its citizens, sporting facilities, arts and crafts, many facilities catering for Over 50s, including investment and community groups, NOVA Nunawading 50+ Volunteers Agency.The City of Nunawading provides a wide range of amenities to cater for varied interests of its citizens. retirement, city of nunawading, nunawading recreation centre, vermont south hostel, older persons action group, u3a nunawading, meals on wheels, nunawading 50+ volunteer agency, nunawading adult day care centre -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Document, Social welfare and community services, 1965 - 1987
City of Nunawading Social Welfare Office / Community Services Department Annual Reports, papers and newspaper clippings, 1965 - 1987.City of Nunawading Social Welfare Office / Community Services Department Annual Reports, papers and newspaper clippings, 1965 - 1987.City of Nunawading Social Welfare Office / Community Services Department Annual Reports, papers and newspaper clippings, 1965 - of nunawading. social welfare office, city of nunawading. community services department, community services, youth advisory bureau, nunawading work cooperative, meals on wheels -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
June 2021
An A3 photocopy of an article about the new Nunawading Hubnon-fictionAn A3 photocopy of an article about the new Nunawading Hubnunawading community centre, nunawading community hub, springvale road nunawading, u3a nauawading, meals on wheels -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Journal, Kewriosity : June 1994
Kew's response to 'Riversdale' / p1&3. Chief Executives column [Local Government Review] / Malcolm Hutchison p2. Mayor's comment / Cr Tom Indovino p3. Diary dates - May, June / p4. Tribute to Cr Phyllis Hore / p5. New pet care program for local school children / p5. Council News [Victoria Park playground; Free mulch; Mayor's Winter Concert; Salt & high blood pressure; Meals on Wheels. / p7. Ivan Wade 1913-1994 [obituary] / p7. Effective car restraints for your child / p7. New look Traffic School / p8.Kewriosity was a local newsletter combining Kew Council and community news. It was published between November 1983 and June 1994, replacing an earlier Kewriosity [broad] Sheet (1979-84). In producing Kewriosity, Council aimed to provide a range of interesting and informative articles covering its deliberations and decision making, together with items of general interest and importance to the Kew community and information not generally available through daily media outlets.non-fictionKew's response to 'Riversdale' / p1&3. Chief Executives column [Local Government Review] / Malcolm Hutchison p2. Mayor's comment / Cr Tom Indovino p3. Diary dates - May, June / p4. Tribute to Cr Phyllis Hore / p5. New pet care program for local school children / p5. Council News [Victoria Park playground; Free mulch; Mayor's Winter Concert; Salt & high blood pressure; Meals on Wheels. / p7. Ivan Wade 1913-1994 [obituary] / p7. Effective car restraints for your child / p7. New look Traffic School / p8. publications -- city of kew (vic.), kewriosity, council newsletters, community newsletters -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Journal, Kewriosity : March 1994
Come and celebrate Kew and its history [19th Kew Community Festival] / p1. Chief Executives Column [Local Government Review] / Malcolm Hutchinson p2&3. Mayor's Comment / Cr Tom Indovino p.3. Kew Community [Festival] / p4. Festival [A glittering night of stars dinner dance] / p5. Pet care stand / p5. Kew Citizens of the year [Gwlad Wade, Dr John Colebatch] / p6. Senior Citizen's Week Health & Leisure Expo / p7. New Artist in Residence at Kew [Gulnar Mister] / p7. Diary dates / p8. New resident helps Meals on Wheels [Pat Marsden]/ p9. Council News [Dog registration; Influenza Immunisation Campaign; Help reduce teenage smoking; Worm farms for sale] / p10. Around Kew [Kew Community House; Neighbourhood Watch G99 District; Learn to manage asthma; Aid organisation requires volunteers [Plan International]; Literacy Training for volunteers; Soccer Club seeks new members; Raffle results - Holy Trinity Church] / p11. Kew Youth Arts Festival! / p12.Kewriosity was a local newsletter combining Kew Council and community news. It was published between November 1983 and June 1994, replacing an earlier Kewriosity [broad] Sheet (1979-84). In producing Kewriosity, Council aimed to provide a range of interesting and informative articles covering its deliberations and decision making, together with items of general interest and importance to the Kew community and information not generally available through daily media outlets.non-fictionCome and celebrate Kew and its history [19th Kew Community Festival] / p1. Chief Executives Column [Local Government Review] / Malcolm Hutchinson p2&3. Mayor's Comment / Cr Tom Indovino p.3. Kew Community [Festival] / p4. Festival [A glittering night of stars dinner dance] / p5. Pet care stand / p5. Kew Citizens of the year [Gwlad Wade, Dr John Colebatch] / p6. Senior Citizen's Week Health & Leisure Expo / p7. New Artist in Residence at Kew [Gulnar Mister] / p7. Diary dates / p8. New resident helps Meals on Wheels [Pat Marsden]/ p9. Council News [Dog registration; Influenza Immunisation Campaign; Help reduce teenage smoking; Worm farms for sale] / p10. Around Kew [Kew Community House; Neighbourhood Watch G99 District; Learn to manage asthma; Aid organisation requires volunteers [Plan International]; Literacy Training for volunteers; Soccer Club seeks new members; Raffle results - Holy Trinity Church] / p11. Kew Youth Arts Festival! / p12.publications -- city of kew (vic.), kewriosity, council newsletters, community newsletters -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Journal, Kewriosity : October 1993
Council acts on customer service questionnaire [Budget 1993-94] / p1. Chief Executive's Column [Reporting rates and charges] / Malcolm Hutchinson p2. Mayor's Comment / Cr Tom Indovino p.3. Diary dates [October] / p4. Kew joins National Meals on Wheels Day / p5. Kew High celebrates Art Awareness Week / p5. Discover new interests at the Kew Library / p5. Council News [Bee swarms; Responsible cat ownership; Swooping magpies; Free fruit 'n' veg kit] / p6. Around Kew [Free professional counselling; Belford Oaks Community Child Care Centre; John [Wheeler] says goodbye; Farewell and best wishes Janet! [Dore] / p7. Track Players present 'Little Women' / p8.Kewriosity was a local newsletter combining Kew Council and community news. It was published between November 1983 and June 1994, replacing an earlier Kewriosity [broad] Sheet (1979-84). In producing Kewriosity, Council aimed to provide a range of interesting and informative articles covering its deliberations and decision making, together with items of general interest and importance to the Kew community and information not generally available through daily media outlets.non-fictionCouncil acts on customer service questionnaire [Budget 1993-94] / p1. Chief Executive's Column [Reporting rates and charges] / Malcolm Hutchinson p2. Mayor's Comment / Cr Tom Indovino p.3. Diary dates [October] / p4. Kew joins National Meals on Wheels Day / p5. Kew High celebrates Art Awareness Week / p5. Discover new interests at the Kew Library / p5. Council News [Bee swarms; Responsible cat ownership; Swooping magpies; Free fruit 'n' veg kit] / p6. Around Kew [Free professional counselling; Belford Oaks Community Child Care Centre; John [Wheeler] says goodbye; Farewell and best wishes Janet! [Dore] / p7. Track Players present 'Little Women' / p8.publications -- city of kew (vic.), kewriosity, council newsletters, community newsletters -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Journal, Kewriosity : February 1993
Two weeks of education, culture and entertainment / p1. 1993 Kew Festival Charity Ball / p1. Kew Rotary Art Show / p2. Town Crier wanted / p.2 Kew Youth Arts Festival 1993 / p3. Diary dates [February-March 1993] / p4. New mobile garbage bins and recycling crates / p5. Parking signs / p6. Former Carey student makes recording history [Thomas Hayward] / p7. Kew Main Street program / p7. Arthritis Foundation raffle winners / p7. Community Directory / p8. Meals on Wheels positions vacant / p8. Volunteers required at Kew Cottages / p8. Saturday Night Live [Kew Youth Resource Centre] / p8.Kewriosity was a local newsletter combining Kew Council and community news. It was published between November 1983 and June 1994, replacing an earlier Kewriosity [broad] Sheet (1979-84). In producing Kewriosity, Council aimed to provide a range of interesting and informative articles covering its deliberations and decision making, together with items of general interest and importance to the Kew community and information not generally available through daily media outlets.non-fictionTwo weeks of education, culture and entertainment / p1. 1993 Kew Festival Charity Ball / p1. Kew Rotary Art Show / p2. Town Crier wanted / p.2 Kew Youth Arts Festival 1993 / p3. Diary dates [February-March 1993] / p4. New mobile garbage bins and recycling crates / p5. Parking signs / p6. Former Carey student makes recording history [Thomas Hayward] / p7. Kew Main Street program / p7. Arthritis Foundation raffle winners / p7. Community Directory / p8. Meals on Wheels positions vacant / p8. Volunteers required at Kew Cottages / p8. Saturday Night Live [Kew Youth Resource Centre] / p8. publications -- city of kew (vic.), kewriosity, council newsletters, community newsletters -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Journal, Kewriosity : August 1990
Council assistance available to maintain homes / p1. Rates reminder / p1. No elections / p1. Dates for August / p2. Breast information session / p2. One act plays [Track Players] / p2. Strategies for success / p2. Rotary changeover [Kew Rotary Club] / p2. Kew's kindergartens to open doors / p3. Budget to take care of basics / p3. Urban women have a taste for country life [Kew/Balwyn Country Women's Association CWA] / p3. Your community bus needs you / p3. Recruiting drive [Meals on Wheels] / p3. Notices / p4. Major donation to St George's [Hospital] [Kew Rotary Club] / p4. Carey's new head / p4. Library corner / p4. Update on traffic / p4. Family day care / p5. Centenary celebrations for Kew East [Primary School] / p5. Courses, coffee and a chat [ Kew Community House] / p5. Govt amends Kew Planning Scheme [Willsmere] / p5. Backyard burning banned / p5. Kew Community House [courses] / p6. Clean up for Studley Park [Boroondara Bushwalkers] / p6. Council re-assesses proposal [skateboard bowl at Victoria Park] / p6. Meetings promote care giver act / p7. Council seeks community reps / p7. Kew Primary promotes its assets / p7. Recipe for success [Children's International Summer Villages] / p8. Special paper collection / p8. "Kew is for Living" [Kew Festival] / p8.Kewriosity was a local newsletter combining Kew Council and community news. It was published between November 1983 and June 1994, replacing an earlier Kewriosity [broad] Sheet (1979-84). In producing Kewriosity, Council aimed to provide a range of interesting and informative articles covering its deliberations and decision making, together with items of general interest and importance to the Kew community and information not generally available through daily media outlets.non-fictionCouncil assistance available to maintain homes / p1. Rates reminder / p1. No elections / p1. Dates for August / p2. Breast information session / p2. One act plays [Track Players] / p2. Strategies for success / p2. Rotary changeover [Kew Rotary Club] / p2. Kew's kindergartens to open doors / p3. Budget to take care of basics / p3. Urban women have a taste for country life [Kew/Balwyn Country Women's Association CWA] / p3. Your community bus needs you / p3. Recruiting drive [Meals on Wheels] / p3. Notices / p4. Major donation to St George's [Hospital] [Kew Rotary Club] / p4. Carey's new head / p4. Library corner / p4. Update on traffic / p4. Family day care / p5. Centenary celebrations for Kew East [Primary School] / p5. Courses, coffee and a chat [ Kew Community House] / p5. Govt amends Kew Planning Scheme [Willsmere] / p5. Backyard burning banned / p5. Kew Community House [courses] / p6. Clean up for Studley Park [Boroondara Bushwalkers] / p6. Council re-assesses proposal [skateboard bowl at Victoria Park] / p6. Meetings promote care giver act / p7. Council seeks community reps / p7. Kew Primary promotes its assets / p7. Recipe for success [Children's International Summer Villages] / p8. Special paper collection / p8. "Kew is for Living" [Kew Festival] / p8. publications -- city of kew (vic.), kewriosity, council newsletters, community newsletters -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Journal, Kewriosity : May/June 1990
Sponsors sought for Track Players / p1-2. Dates for June / p2. Peel Street birthday [Peel Street Maternal and Child Health Centre] / p2. Notices [Annual Bazaar] / p2. Commentary / Cr Michael Montalto p3. Garden pride [Kew Garden Club at Henry Pride Centre] / p3. Young can learn defensive driving free / p3. Students played to wide acclaim [Carey Musical Theatre Company] / p4. Mammacheck [breast cancer screening] / p4. [Kew] Library corner [family history] / p4. 'Boyfriend" auditions [Phoenix Music Club] / p4. Open day success [Trinity Grammar] / p4. Gala concert [Methodist Ladies' College] / p5. Council supports National Trust / p6. Tennis coaching / p6. Celebration for St George's Midwives / p6. [Kew] Philharmonic [Society] concert / p6. Arbor Week planting / p7. Active at any age [Feldenkrais Method at Kew Senior Citizens] / p6. Jobs hunt [Trinity Grammar School, Duke of Edinburgh Award] / p7. Can you help Shirley? [Kew Cottages, Meals on Wheels] / p7. Child accident prevention / p7. Neighbourhood Watch / p8. Boroondara Bushwalkers / p8. Letters to the editor [Alexandra Gardens] / p8. Keeping your informed [Kew Citizens Advice Bureau] / p8.Kewriosity was a local newsletter combining Kew Council and community news. It was published between November 1983 and June 1994, replacing an earlier Kewriosity [broad] Sheet (1979-84). In producing Kewriosity, Council aimed to provide a range of interesting and informative articles covering its deliberations and decision making, together with items of general interest and importance to the Kew community and information not generally available through daily media outlets.non-fictionSponsors sought for Track Players / p1-2. Dates for June / p2. Peel Street birthday [Peel Street Maternal and Child Health Centre] / p2. Notices [Annual Bazaar] / p2. Commentary / Cr Michael Montalto p3. Garden pride [Kew Garden Club at Henry Pride Centre] / p3. Young can learn defensive driving free / p3. Students played to wide acclaim [Carey Musical Theatre Company] / p4. Mammacheck [breast cancer screening] / p4. [Kew] Library corner [family history] / p4. 'Boyfriend" auditions [Phoenix Music Club] / p4. Open day success [Trinity Grammar] / p4. Gala concert [Methodist Ladies' College] / p5. Council supports National Trust / p6. Tennis coaching / p6. Celebration for St George's Midwives / p6. [Kew] Philharmonic [Society] concert / p6. Arbor Week planting / p7. Active at any age [Feldenkrais Method at Kew Senior Citizens] / p6. Jobs hunt [Trinity Grammar School, Duke of Edinburgh Award] / p7. Can you help Shirley? [Kew Cottages, Meals on Wheels] / p7. Child accident prevention / p7. Neighbourhood Watch / p8. Boroondara Bushwalkers / p8. Letters to the editor [Alexandra Gardens] / p8. Keeping your informed [Kew Citizens Advice Bureau] / p8. publications -- city of kew (vic.), kewriosity, council newsletters, community newsletters -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Journal, Kewriosity : May 1989
Canadian visitors to Wallenberg Garden / p1. Bringing up kids in the nineties / p1. Dates for May / p2. Useful advice on Property Numbering / p2. Kew Living 1988 / p2. Commentary [Kew Conservation Study] / Cr Allen Marshall p3. Kew Conservation Study / p3. Heritage advice for local homeowners / p3. Why we should think again [Kew Conservation Study] / Keith Lodge p4. Books for sale [Friends of Kew Library] / p4. 1629 on the AM Band / p4. [Kew] Festival meeting / p5. Community health visit to Kew / p5. Craig will keep the wheels turning [Meals on Wheels] / p5. New Co-ordinator for People with Disabilities [Jan Bottcher] / p5. Canterbury move for Care-Force [Care-Force Inner East] / p5. CWA not just for country women / p5. Notices / p5. Kew Community House / Judy Price p6. A welcome haven [Kew Community House] / p6. Second chance at reading and writing [adult literacy] / p6. A place where young people can feel at home [Kew Youth Resource Centre] / p7. Music for children / p7. CALM speaker for Kew [Citizens’ Against Lawlessness Movement] / p7. New courses focus on business skills / p7. A letter to the editor / Charles Ng p7. Small group support for family caregivers / p7. Footy News [Kew Football Club] / p8. Kew's "Eagles" need caretaker [Kew Eagles Soccer Club] / p8. Not just for the boys [Hays Paddock Junior Football Clinic] / p8. Keeping you informed [Citizens Advice Bureau] / p8.Kewriosity was a local newsletter combining Kew Council and community news. It was published between November 1983 and June 1994, replacing an earlier Kewriosity [broad] Sheet (1979-84). In producing Kewriosity, Council aimed to provide a range of interesting and informative articles covering its deliberations and decision making, together with items of general interest and importance to the Kew community and information not generally available through daily media outlets.non-fictionCanadian visitors to Wallenberg Garden / p1. Bringing up kids in the nineties / p1. Dates for May / p2. Useful advice on Property Numbering / p2. Kew Living 1988 / p2. Commentary [Kew Conservation Study] / Cr Allen Marshall p3. Kew Conservation Study / p3. Heritage advice for local homeowners / p3. Why we should think again [Kew Conservation Study] / Keith Lodge p4. Books for sale [Friends of Kew Library] / p4. 1629 on the AM Band / p4. [Kew] Festival meeting / p5. Community health visit to Kew / p5. Craig will keep the wheels turning [Meals on Wheels] / p5. New Co-ordinator for People with Disabilities [Jan Bottcher] / p5. Canterbury move for Care-Force [Care-Force Inner East] / p5. CWA not just for country women / p5. Notices / p5. Kew Community House / Judy Price p6. A welcome haven [Kew Community House] / p6. Second chance at reading and writing [adult literacy] / p6. A place where young people can feel at home [Kew Youth Resource Centre] / p7. Music for children / p7. CALM speaker for Kew [Citizens’ Against Lawlessness Movement] / p7. New courses focus on business skills / p7. A letter to the editor / Charles Ng p7. Small group support for family caregivers / p7. Footy News [Kew Football Club] / p8. Kew's "Eagles" need caretaker [Kew Eagles Soccer Club] / p8. Not just for the boys [Hays Paddock Junior Football Clinic] / p8. Keeping you informed [Citizens Advice Bureau] / p8. publications -- city of kew (vic.), kewriosity, council newsletters, community newsletters