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Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Document - Booklet, Valedictory Address to Reverend Edward Selwyn Chase, 21 Nov. 1925
Rev. Edward Selwyn Chase (1864-1950), son of Canon Chase was Curate at St John's Anglican Church, Healesville 1895-1902. He then transferred to Yarraville Anglican Church 1902-1904.. In 1907 he became Vicar for the parish comprising the Anglican churches St Matthew, Panton Hill, Queenstown, Hurstbridge and Kinglake where he serrved for 18 years. This is a copy of the valedictory address given on the eve of his departure from the parish, 21 November 1925 and was signed on behalf of the parishioners by the secretaries and treasurers of each district. A copy of the address was reproduced in the Advertiser, Friday, December 4, 1925, p4 THE ADDRESS. (1925, December 4). Advertiser (Hurstbridge, Vic. : 1922 - 1939), p. 4 (AFTERNOON). Retrieved November 23, 2024, from (Hurstbridge, Vic. : 1922 - 1939), Friday 4 December 1925, page 4 ________________________________________ THE ADDRESS. The following is a copy of the address : REV. EDWARD SELWYN CHASE. On the eve of your departure after 18 years of faithful service as Vicar of this parish, comprising the Anglican churches St. Matthew, Panton Hill, Queenstown Hurstbridge, and Kinglake, we, your parishioners and friends, united in one body, desire to express our heartfelt appreciation of your good works, both spiritual and social, during your long sojourn in this parish. Your generous aid and spiritual ad-i ministration have always been at the service of those in want or lying on beds of sickness. By relieving their necessities and soothing their afflictions you have earned our heartfelt gratitude. "That best portion of a good man's life, that little, nameless unremembered act of kindness and of love." --Wordsworth. You have always taken a practical interest in foreign and home missions, and your labor of love amongst our black brethren in Northern Australia, until your health was undermined, is typical of your sincerity in things that are "more excellent." "When we consider the deep interest you have taken in the welfare bf. our children, striving by precept and example to mould the characters of our future citizens, particularly may we mention the boy scouts, and religious instruction in our schools, we feel that we are greatly indebted to you. May we also be permitted to link with your name that of your worthy wife, Mrs Chase, whose earnest work as superintendent of the Sunday school and Ladies' Guild has learned our warmest approval. "As ye sow so shall ye reap." During your many years of Divine ministration you have shown your great love of God, King, and Empire, and as a citizen you have been exemplary in the discharge of your civil duties, and have always taken a keen interest in the progress of our district. We feel, therefore, that it is good for you to. know that your work among us has found appreciation throughout the parish, and even beyond, and we all join in wishing both you and Mrs Chase God speed and success in the work God has allotted you. May you enjoy good health and long be spared to labor in the Master's vineyard, for we have found you a workman approved by the Great Architect, that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the Word of truth. "I know thy works and charity and service and faith, and thy patience and thy works, and the last be more than the first." On behalf of the combined churches of -the parish, and friends of the district, .we hereto affix our signatures. The address was signed on behalf of the parishioners by the secretaries and treasurers of each district.hurstbridge, kinglake, panton hil, queenstown, reverend edward selwyn chase, st andrews, st matthew's church -
Clunes Museum
Book, VARIOUS TITLES, 1960-1970
HYMN BOOK AND ORGAN MUSIC BOOKSOrgan Music Books .1 Living Parish Hymnal Accompaniment Book .2 Book Hymns & Music .3 The Australian Hymnal .4 Christian Brothers The Treacy Hymnal Accompaniment Book .5 Foolscap folder containing loose music sheetsHYMN BOOK AND ORGAN MUSIC BOOKShymns, sheet music, st. thomas aquinas -
Federation University Historical Collection
Photograph - Photograph - Colour, Ballarat College of Advanced Education Staff, c1987
This photograph was most probably taken around the time of Jack Barker's retirement. A group of 29 people pose for a photograph. They are: 1. Alan Webb 2. Robert Pyke 3. Jerry Anderson 4. Allan Ballard 5. Graham Hawley 6. Ian Black 7. Max McGarry 8. Kevin Brady 9. Arch MacKinnon 10. Gil Medwell 11. David Stabb 12. Bill Vermeend Edith Lawn 13. Arthur Burrow 14. Verna Barry 15. Mollie Jardine 16. Robert Morrell 17. Len Taylor 18. Geoff Mainwaring 19. Heather Durant 20. 21. Graham Holmes 22. Derek Woolley 23. Henry Moritz 24. Dave Jelbart Jim Thyer is standing behind Geoff Biddington 25 Geoff Biddington 26. Dulcie Brooke 27. Stuart Bamford 28. Jack Barker 29. Zig Plavinaballarat college of advanced education, alan webb, robert pyke, jerry anderson, allan ballard, graham hawley, ian black, max mcgarry, kevin brady, arch mackinnon, gil medwell, david stabb, bill vermeend, edith lawn, arthur burrow, verna barry, mollie jardine, robert morrell, len taylor, geoff mainwaring, heather durant, graham holmes, derek woolley, henry moritz, dave jelbart, jim thyer, geoff biddington, dulcie brooke, stuart bamford, jack barker, zig plavina, biddington, university women -
Mont De Lancey
Book, Oxford University Press, The Book of Common Prayer Hymnal Companion, c. 1800's
A miniature The Book of Common Prayers and Hymnal Companion.A faded badly damaged black miniature leatherette softcover book, The Book of Common Prayer Hymnal Companion. On the front cover and the spine is stamped in gold lettering - Common Prayer Hymnal Companion. At the back there is an Index of First Lines. The pages have gilt edges. 549p. Inside there is a small paper Book-mark with a bunch of yellow and orange flowers printed on a green background with the words - Order my steps in thy word PSA 119.133. At the back of the book is inserted a small Christmas gift card with a black and white church drawing on the front surrounded by a grey frame with gold leaves and green and red holly. The words printed on the front are - With Every Good Wish in ornate lettering. Inside the card is printed - 'With all the Season's Greetings To - Emily ( handwritten in black ink) and printed Wishing you a Joyous Christmas from (handwritten) Mrs and Mrs S Dunn. Do come over for Xmas Love to Katu.non-fictionA miniature The Book of Common Prayers and Hymnal Companion.religious books, hymns, prayers -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Princess Theatre, Australia Day, Friday, July 30th, 1915. Programme - Part 1. 'Comrades in Arms', Combined Masonic Choir. Land of hope and Glory, Miss E Linane. The Watch on the Rhine, Mr J F Warren. The Sea is England's Glory, Miss A Macoboy. The Yankee Colonel, Mr J K Wlker. There's a Land, Miss Pauline Bindley. The Ballad of Splendid Silence, Miss E O'Keefe. Concert Caprice, Mr T P Bockelmann. Open Thy Blue Eyes, 'Till the Boys Come Home, Miss Clara Colgan. The Boys of Dardanelles, Mr F Monaghan. Accompanist-Mr Stan Elliot. Part II. Pictures will be shown by the Princess Theatre Management. Special Music by the Orchestra (Conductor Mr Upton). Piano kindly lent by Sutton's PTY LTD. Furnishings by Mr R O Henderson. The Committee wish to express their thanks to the Employees of of Messrs. Bolton Bros. for Printing these Programs, and to Messrs. Bolton Bros. for supplying the Paper.Bolton Brosprogram, music, princess theatre, princess theatre, australia day, july 30th, 1915. programme - part 1. 'comrades in arms', combined masonic choir. land of hope and glory, miss e linane. the watch on the rhine, mr j f warren. the sea is england's glory, miss a macoboy. the yankee colonel, mr j k wlker. there's a land, miss pauline bindley. the ballad of splendid silence, miss e o'keefe. concert caprice, mr t p bockelmann. open thy blue eyes, 'till the boys come home, miss clara colgan. the boys of dardanelles, mr f monaghan. accompanist-mr stan elliot. part ii. pictures will be shown by the princess theatre management. special music by the orchestra (conductor mr upton). piano kindly lent by sutton's pty ltd. furnishings by mr r o henderson. the committee wish to express their thanks to the employees of of messrs. bolton bros. for printing and paper -
Upper Yarra Museum
Razor, Cut throat
Sharped Edged instrument used for cleaning hair from the skin. A straight razor is a razor with a blade that can fold into its handle.[1] They are also called open razors and cut-throat razors. HISTORY The first modern straight razor complete with decorated handles and hollow ground blades was constructed in Sheffield, England, by Benjamin Huntsman in 1740. Huntsman's process was adopted by the French sometime later. The English manufacturers were even more reluctant than the French to adopt the process and only did so after they saw its success in France.[5] Straight razors were the most common form of shaving before the 20th century and remained that common in many countries until the 1950s. TODAY Straight razors are still manufactured. DOVO, of Solingen, Germany, and Thiers Issard of France are two of the most well-known European manufacturers. Feather Safety Razor Co. Ltd. of Osaka, Japan makes a razor with the same form as a traditional straight, but featuring a disposable blade that can be installed through an injector-type system. Modern straight razor users are known to favor them for a variety of reasons. Some are attracted to the nostalgia of using old and traditional methods of shaving. It is a masculine ritual comparable to pipe smoking. Others profess an interest in reducing the waste of disposable blades.[11][22] Still others agree that straight razors provide a superior shave through a larger blade and greater control of the blade including the blade angle. Straight razors cover a much greater area per shaving stroke because their cutting edge is much longer than any of the multiblade razors. Ivory cut throat razor, with cream case 00121.3.Known as a straight razor.Razor with square point, full hollow ground 5/8” blade and double transverse stabiliser. The centre pin adds stability and rigidity to the handle---I think this is it ROM Parts The narrow end of the blade pivots on a pin, between 2 pieces of ivory forms the handle. LONG EXTRACT FROM WIKI _ SHORTEN to describe 00121 The parts of a straight razor and their function are described as follows: The narrow end of the blade rotates on a pin called the pivot, between two protective pieces called the scales or handle. The upward curved metal end of the narrow part of the blade beyond the pivot is called the tang and acts as a lever to help raise the blade from the handle. One or two fingers resting on the tang also help stabilize the blade while shaving. The narrow support piece between the tang and the main blade is called the shank, but this reference is often avoided because it can be confusing. The shank sometimes features decorations and the stamp of the country of origin. The top side and the underside of the shank can sometimes exhibit indentations known as fluting, or jimps for a more secure grip.[8] The curved lower part of the main blade from the shank to the cutting edge is called the shoulder.[9] The point where the shoulder joins the cutting edge is called the heel. A thick strip of metal running transversely at the junction where the main blade attaches to the shank is called the stabiliser. The stabiliser can be double,[10] single or can be absent in some razor models. The first stabiliser is usually very narrow and thicker and runs at the shank to blade junction, covering the shank and just spilling over to the shoulder. The second stabiliser can be distinguished since it is considerably wider and narrower, appearing after the first stabiliser and running lower into the shoulder. The non-cutting top of the blade is called the back or the spine while the cutting part of the blade opposite the back is called the cutting edge.[11] Finally the other free end of the blade, at the opposite end of the tang, is called the point and, sometimes, the head or the nose.[9][12] There are two to three pins in any handle. The middle pin, if present, is plastic coated and is called the plug.[13] Its function is to stabilise the sides of the handle so that they cannot be squeezed in the middle. When folded into the scales, the blade is protected from accidental damage, and the user is protected from accidental injury. During folding, the back of the blade, being thick and normally with a curved cross-section, acts as a natural stopper and prevents further rotation of the blade out of the handle from the other side shaving, lever, handle, blade, pivot, razor, tang -
Bialik College
Newspaper article, 'Education Week', The Herald, 1966, 1966
Newspaper Article 1, "Education Week: and you shall tell thy son...", published in The Herald, 12 August 1966. Newspaper Article 2, "Education Week Open Days", published in The Herald, 12 August 1966. Newspaper Article 3, "New Head for Bialik", probably published in The Jewish News, 19 August 1966. Newspaper Article 1: "As in previous years Jewish schools will participate in Education Week which will be held in Victoria from August 14-21, 1966. Most schools have arranged "Open Days" at which parents are expected to attend the school and visitors are cordially invited..." Newspaper Article 2: " The following schools have registered their "open Days" as published hereunder. It is possible that schools which have not informed the Board of Deputies might also have arranged "open Days" and should be contacted as to dates and times etc..." Newspaper Article 3: "Mr. Moshe Meretz arrived in Melbourne on Tuesday to take up his position as Headmaster of Bialik College. Mr. Meretz who is accompanied by his wife and five-year old son, is Israeli born and educated. He is a graduate of Teachers' Seminary institute in Haifa and was a teacher and headmaster of primary and more recently secondary schools in Hafia. Apart from his tecahing qualifications Mr. Meretz has a law degree from Tel Aviv branch of Hebrew University. Mr. Meretz was already at the college on Wednesday and was welcomed by the staff and pupils. Bialik College Council is confident that Mr. Meretz' presence in Melbourne will not only benefit the school but will have an impact on Hebrew education in the community as did that of his predecessor Mr. A. Chowers."shakespeare grove, kindergarten, hebrew school, elc, early learning centre, principal -
Chiltern Athenaeum Trust
Document - Memorial Card from W.C.Busse Collection, c1897
Wilfred Clarence Busse was born in Chiltern, Victoria in 1898. Busse attended secondary school at Wesley College before graduating and studying law at the University of Melbourne. After graduating from University, Busse went on to become a barrister, often in the chambers of Sir Leo Finn Bernard Cussen a judge of the Supreme Court of Victoria. Busse was also a fictional writer seen by his novels "The Blue Beyond; A Romance of the Early Days in South Eastern Australia" was written in 1928 and published in 1930 and "The Golden Plague: A Romance of the Early Fifties" written in 1930. "The Golden Plague: A Romance of the Early Fifties" won the T.E.Role gold medal for the best historical novel published that year and went on to become a best seller. Busse wrote a series of articles for "The Federal Standard" newspaper in Chiltern, about the history of Chiltern. Wilfred Clarence Busse was a member of the Chiltern Athenaeum upon his death in 1960. Frederick Busse was born Henry Louis Friedrich in 1827, in Salzgitter Germany. He is the grandfather of Wilfred Busse. Upon his death, he was survived by his sons Reinhold and William and his wife Wilhelmina. This memorial card is important to Chiltern Athenaeum as it is of a resident who spent many years in the region before being buried in a cemetery in Indigo Shire. It is also important as it is a familial extension of Wilfred Clarence Busse who was born and raised in Chiltern and drew inspiration for his novels from his life in Chiltern. A brown rectangular card with golden boarders and writing memorialising Frederick Busse. There is an angel in the top left corner and bible verses in the top right corner and at the bottom. Obverse: The Lord/ Gave/ And the/ Lord hath/ Taken away/ Blessed be/ the name of/ the Lord In/ Loving Remembrance/ Of/ Our Dear Father/ Frederick Busse/ A colonist of 43 Years/ Died September 3 1897, Aged 70 Years/ Tis hard to break the tender cord;/ When love has bound the heart;/ Tis hard, so hard to speak the words:/ We for a time must part./ Dearest loved one, we have laid thee/ In the peaceful grave’s embrace,/ But thy memory will be cherished/ Till we see they heavenly face/ DEEPLY REGRETTED/ The Art Engraving Company (unknown) Street Melbourne wilfred clarence busse, chiltern, chiltern athenaeum, busse, law student, barrister, fictional writer, "the golden plague: a romance of the early fifties.", "the blue beyond, a romance of the early days in south eastern australia", t.e.role gold meda, the federal standard, indigo shire -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Digital Photograph, Marguerite Marshall, Jelbart Barn, 93 Arthur Street, Eltham, 11 November 2006
Situated at the top of the hill in Arthur Street, the former Jelbart residence and barn were part of a major change that transformed Eltham's character in the late 1960s. Built from the mid 1940s through mid 1950s when Eltham was a rural community, the Jelbrat residence and barn are all that remain of a family property of some 250 acres (100 ha). With growing population pressures, in the late 1960s, owners Ron and Yvonne Jelbart decided to subdivide their property creating the Woodridge Estate in the early 1970s, a major factor towards the transformation of Eltham to the suburb it is today. The Jelbarts had moved to Eltham in the early 1940s when they purchased a poultry farm in New Street, now Lavendar Park Road. (The local Black Friday bushire of January 13, 1939 had started at C.A. (Clarrie) Hurst’s Eltham Poultry Farm and Hatchery in New Street.) Jelbart was primarily a businessman importing office machinery but desired farm beef and dairy cattle so the couple purchased the virgin bushland at what was then at the end of a dirt road, Arthur Street. With post war shortages of most building materials, they followed the example of the Eltham Artists' Colony (later called Montsalvat) and built thier home from mud-bricks and recyclked materials. The barn was first to be completed in 1945 which they made their home whilst building the main residence. It took eight years to complete the two buildings. Both the main residence and the barn are now separate homes, and along with the remaining property being sub-divided further in 1998 are now part of the Kinloch Gardens Estate at 93 Arthur Street. Covered under Heritage Overlay, Nillumbik Planning Scheme. Published: Nillumbik Now and Then / Marguerite Marshall 2008; photographs Alan King with Marguerite Marshall.; p139This collection of almost 130 photos about places and people within the Shire of Nillumbik, an urban and rural municipality in Melbourne's north, contributes to an understanding of the history of the Shire. Published in 2008 immediately prior to the Black Saturday bushfires of February 7, 2009, it documents sites that were impacted, and in some cases destroyed by the fires. It includes photographs taken especially for the publication, creating a unique time capsule representing the Shire in the early 21st century. It remains the most recent comprehenesive publication devoted to the Shire's history connecting local residents to the past. nillumbik now and then (marshall-king) collection, eltham, arthur street, jelbart barn, jelbart home, kinloch gardens -
Federation University Historical Collection
Annual Report, Ballarat School of Mines Annual Report, 1970
The Ballarat School of Mines was founded in 1970 and was the first institution of formal technical education in Australia. 1970 marked the centenary of the School and that of technical Education in Australia. A centenary commitee was established to plan activities and projecty sot celebrate the occasion. These included five centenary lectures fro secondary school students, a film of the School to be made and shown on National Television, a centenary medallion centenary posters, a dinner for local organisations with Council and staff as hosts, an historical notebook on the school, a plaque mounted to mark the site of the original school, opening of the Mt Helen Campus, Relocating the Old SMB battery ot mt Helen, student reunion, Art display of present and former students, Mt Helen Open Days and distribution of car stickers. A Centenary Appeal was established to finance a Great Hall and Sports Centre at the Mt Helen Campus. The Appeal President was Cr W.J.C. North. The materials testing laboratory secured and retained registration by the National Association of Testing Authorities for a range of tests on concrete and metals. The student accommodation at Mt Helen 23 Page report (with supplementary finances) in a soft cover showing a picture of the Former Ballarat Circuit Courthouse which was used as the first building of the Ballarat School of Mines. The report includes a page of stamps produced to commemorate the centenary of Technical Education in Australia through the Ballarat School of Mines. The report was presented by Council President Morgan Bevan John. The report includes information on the new campus for the Tertiary Division at Mt Helen, including information on the buildings being constructed by local builders. The site plan was developed by G.J. Harrison and L.H. Vernon and Associates. The following staff resigned: E.R. McGrath (deceased), E.W. Ryan, I.L. Hunter. The following new appointments were made: R.l. Martin, G.K. Tampi, T.F. Norwood, K.M. Llewellyn, M.J. Evans, J.F. Clark, K.G. Millar, B.R. Rollins, L.G. Shome, C.I. Dowling, M.H. Pitfield, G.M. Pearson, J.P. Murray, J.R. Thyer. Page 10 lists diplomas awarded and page 11 lists scholarships and prizes including the Ballarat has Company Scholarship, the Josephine Brelaz Scholarship, The Frank Pinkerton Scholarship, The Mica Smith/Serjeant/Ironworkers Scholarship, Martha Pinkerton Scholarship, Ballarat City Council Scholarship, Junior Art Scholarship, C.R.A. Scholarship, B.H.P. Scholarship, S.E.C. Scholarship, Alexander Rushal Scholarship, Russell and Shirley Evans Scholarship. The R.W. Richards Medal for 1969 was awarded to Peter Hensley. A new I.C.L. 1901A computer and associated equipment was purchased for the Computer Centre. Page 15 has information on the Victorian Institute of Colleges (VIC). Governor of Victoria, Sir Rohan Delacombe, with VIC's Dr Philip Law visited the Ballarat School of Mines and inspected both the old and new facilities. ballarat school of mines, m.b. john, centenary, anniversary -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Memorial Tower, Kangaroo Ground c.1934, 1934c
Sepia photograph of Joyce McMahon and 'Tiny' Carroll at the War Memorial Tower, Kangaroo Ground c.1934. The guns were installed in 1934 and removed in 1942. Taken in the early 1930s, the photograph ... shows the Kangaroo Ground Tower of Remembance with Joyce McMahon, daughter-in-law of Mr. P. J.McMahon, the then Shire of Eltham Secretary, her horse and a very tall person patting the horse. He is ex-serviceman W. "Tiny" Caroll who was the council's caretaker of the surrounding War Memorial Park. He lived in the stone cottage which still stands in the park. "Tiny" is seen as the fictional character "Tiny Bourke" who, in author Alan Marshall's book "This is the Grass", "was a giant of a man, well over six feet high, with huge hands that completely encircled the cup of tea". The bronze casting, which shows the 79 names of those who paid the "supremen sacrifice" in World War 1 (1914-1918), was erecfed above the entrance to the Tower in September, 1930. The Monterey cypress trees which now form the windbreak around the park's fenceline, were just knee high in this photograph. They were planted in August 1926, with all the plantings paid for, and done, by the public as the Tower was being erected. The two field guns have been identified as of German origin, Krupp 77 mm calibre captured on October 4, 1918 at Geneve, France. They were removed in 1943/44 as a wartime requirement of the Australian Govenment. A public notice dated October 16, 1926 by Cr. H Rutter, Chairman of the Eltham Soldiers War Memorial League stated: "On the summit of that central and conspicuous landmark, Garden Hill, there is being erected a massive memorial tower which will, for all time, remind every passerby of the part played by the men of the Shire of Eltham in the Great War. The work has been undertaken by the people of the Shire a a tribute of love and admiration for those who were known and dear to use in the days of their youth and early manhood, who went out from amongst us, never to return, and whose self-sacrifice has made us, each and all, thier ever-lasting debtors" Harry Gilham, Eltham District Historical Society Kangaroo Ground Tower of Remembrance, A Journey in Time: a column about Nillumbik's history, Nillumbik Mail, 9th August, 2000 Since that research the following has been sourced from Eltham and Whittlesea Shires Advertiser and Diamond Creek Valley Advocate, April 8, 1921, p. 3 Retrieved April 25, 2020, from Eltham Shire Council From Town Clerk, Melbourne, stating that a light machine-gun captured by the 22nd battalion, A.I.F. at La Motte Farm, near Beaurvoir, on Oct. 3rd, 1918, during the operations which won the Beauvoir line and completed the smashing of the great Hindenburg defence-system, has been alloted to the Shire of Eltham. - On the motion of Crs Hubbard and Smedley, it was decided to have the gun placed in the Memorial Park. Sepia Photographgarden hill, gun, joyce mcmahon, kangaroo ground, memorial tower, shire of eltham war memorial tower, tiny carroll, war memorials, war trophy, william carroll -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Town Hall, Young Men's Christian Association of Bendigo Orchestral Society. Orchestral Concert, Town Hall, Bendigo. Wednesday, 30th, 1923, at 8pm. Conductor: Frank Grose. Assisted by: Lily Jackson, Soprano. Edith Lansell, Contralto. Muriel Boldt, Pianiste. William Cahill, Baritone. Mabel McGauchie, Accompaniste. Orchestral Society. Hon. Sec.: Thos. Shambrook. Pirates of Penzance: Romanza Scenza, Arabesque No. 2, Air De Ballet, Death and the Maiden, Sapphic Ode, Let me Love Thee, Russian Boatman Song. William Tell: O love from Thy Pow'r, Scherzo in Bb Minor, Abide with Me, Rock of Ages, Time was I Roved the Mountains, Eyes that used to Gaze in Mine, Invitation Vocal Valse, Coronation march. Bendigo YMCA Orchestral Society. First Violins: Miss Myrtle Knight, Agnes McNair, Olive Hannaford, Winnie Pithie, Louise Bolton, Louise Downie, Ruth Spier, Alison Smalley. Mrs Grant, Swift. Second Violins: Mr J E Fitt, A Richardson, Rex Matthews, Miss Lily Campbell, Elsie Stemmer, Myrtle Phillips, Alma Doxford, Evelyn Miles, Elva Hesse, Winnie Hobson, Master T Challen, J Watts. Cellos: Madame Dorothy Duval, Miss Maisie Field, Mr E Minotti, W Ellis, G L Verey. Basses: Mr J H Melrose, J Lavacombe, R Rule, W Jackson. Flutes: Mr A E Sayer, R Crawford, Dilworth, Moon. Piccolo: Mr A E Sayer. Oboe: A B Challen. Clarinets: Mr A B Challen, J Bowman, J McEwan. Horns: A Johnston, H Hilderbrande, J Tredinnick, L Rundle. ,Trumpets: Mr B Bowater, P Reed, N Banfield, A Old. Trombones: Mr. D Collier, H Bolton, W Pain. Euphonium: W Ketterer. Tubas: Mr A Hoking, W Ketterer. Sassoon: Mr T Francis. Timpani: Mr J McLoughlin. Percussion: Mr J Osborne. Organist: Mr F C Stuart. Pianist: Miss Mabel McGauchie. Conductor: Frank Grose. President: Barkly Hyett. Treasurer: G W Lansell. Librarian: W J Wearne. Honorary Secretary: Thos. Shambrook. Three concerts per year will be given by the society. Next two concerts in August and November, 1923. Subscribers Tickets are 1 pound 1 shilling. This ticket entitles holder to two booked seats for each concert. Picture of Harp with music book, laurel and bird on cover. 4 pages.F. H. Sparkman, Arcade Press, Bendigo.program, music, ymca of bendigo orchestral society, town hall, ymca of bendigo orchestral society. orchestral concert, town hall. 1923. conductor: frank grose. assisted by: lily jackson, soprano. edith lansell, contralto. muriel boldt, pianiste. william cahill, baritone. mabel mcgauchie, accompaniste. orchestral society. hon. sec.: thos. shambrook. pirates of penzance: romanza scenza, arabesque no. 2, air de ballet, death and the maiden, sapphic ode, let me love thee, russian boatman song. william tell: o love from thy pow'r, scherzo in bb minor, abide with me, rock of ages, time was i roved the mountains, eyes that used to gaze in mine, invitation vocal valse, coronation march. bendigo ymca orchestral society. first violins: miss myrtle knight, agnes mcnair, olive hannaford, winnie pithie, louise bolton, louise downie, ruth spier, alison smalley. mrs grant, swift. second violins: mr j e fitt, a richardson, rex matthews, miss lily campbell, elsie stemmer, myrtle phillips, alma doxford, evelyn miles, elva hesse, winnie hobson, master t challen, j watts. cellos: madame dorothy duval, miss maisie field, mr e minotti, w ellis, g l verey. basses: mr j h melrose, j lavacombe, r rule, w jackson. flutes: mr a e sayer, r crawford, dilworth, moon. piccolo: mr a e sayer. oboe: a b challen. clarinets: mr a b challen, j bowman, j mcewan. horns: a johnston, h hilderbrande, j tredinnick, l rundle. , trumpets: mr b bowater, p reed, n banfield, a old. trombones: mr. d collier, h bolton, w pain. euphonium: w ketterer. tubas: mr a hoking, w ketterer. sassoon: mr t francis. timpani: mr j mcloughlin. percussion: mr j osborne. organist: mr f c stuart. pianist: miss mabel mcgauchie. conductor: frank grose. president: barkly hyett. treasurer: g w lansell. librarian: w j wearne. hon. sec.: thos. shambrook. three concerts per year. next two august and november, 1923. -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Document - TOWN HALL, THE BENDIGO CHORAL SOCIETY, 24 Apr 1928 - 27 Nov 1928
Town Hall, The Bendigo Choral Society. 3 Programs for 1928: First Concert, Second Concert & Third Concert. a/ First Concert 38th Grand Concert, Town Hall, Bendigo. Tue. April 24th, 1928. Conductor MR W C Frazier ARCO. Artists: Miss A Caddell, Mr L Bienvenu. Pianiste: Miss Eileen Hains, ATCL. Hon. Sec. E H Collett. Asst. Sec. W F Mansell. Other Artists from BCS; Miss Essa McSwiney, Miss Jean Thompson, Miss May McGauchie, Hector Taylor. Programme: Price 3d. Programme: In These Delightful Pleasant Groves, Like To A Damask Rose, When The King Went Forth To War, Lament Of Isis, Tell I Tell Me, The Princess, Autumn's Storms, Prelude (The Cycle of Life), How Fair is Thy Face, God's Son Hath Set Me Free, Jesus Christ Our Lord Is Risen, I Heav'n Above, King Arthur. b/ The Bendigo Choral Society, Season 1928. Second Concert. 39th Grand Concert. Town Hall, Bendigo. Wednesday, Sep. 19th 1928. Conductor: Mr W C Frazier ARCO. Sub-Conductor: Mr E A Miller. Artists: Coral Trenerry, Muriel Bolt, Leslie Jephcott, Eileen Hains, Bendigo Choral Society. Hon. Sec. E H Collett. Asst. Hon. Sec. W F Mansell. Programme: The Hexhamshire Lass, Prelude and Allegro, M'Appari Tutt 'Amor', Rhapsody, Sweet Stay Awhile, There is a Lady Sweet and Kind, Danse Negre, Study, Merry Andrew, Gracious and Kind Art Thou My Queen, Secrecy, Sweet Honey-Sucking Bees, Mazurka, Sigh No More, Faery Song, Fantasie, Courage Brothers. Picture of W C Frazier is on cover. c/ The Bendigo Choral Society. Season 1928. Third Concert. 40th Grand Concert. Town Hall, Bendigo, Tuesday, November 27th, 1928. Conductor: Mr W C Frazier. Artists: Gwen Prockter, Lotte Daniell, A E Sayer, Eileen Hains ATCL, Joyce Connell LTCL. Hon. Se. E H Collett, Asst. Hon. Sec. W F Mansell. Programme 3d.Programme: Rest Sweet Nymph, Fine Knacks for Ladies, Adagio, Allegro, The Maiden's Complaint, I've Been Roaming, Down in a Valley, Flora Gave Me Fairest Flowers, Gipsy Dance, Songs of Love, Elegie, Songs of Love, Moonlight, The Nut-Tree, Songs of Love, Traumerei, Zigeunertanz, Nymphs and Fauns, Romance, Budmouth Dears, Bonny Fisher Lad, Rolling Down to Rio.Boltons Print, Bendigoprogram, music, the bendigo choral society, town hall, bendigo, the bendigo choral society. 3 programs for 1928 a/ first concert 38th grand concert. tue. april 24th, 1928. conductor mr w c frazier arco. artists: miss a caddell, mr l bienvenu. pianiste: miss eileen hains, atcl. hon. sec. e h collett. asst. sec. w f mansell. other artists from bcs; miss essa mcswiney, miss jean thompson, miss may mcgauchie, hector taylor. programme: in these delightful pleasant groves, like to a damask rose, when the king went forth to war, lament of isis, tell i tell me, the princess, autumn's storms, prelude (the cycle of life), how fair is thy face, god's son hath set me free, jesus christ our lord is risen, i heav'n above, king arthur. b/ second concert. 39th grand concert. wednesday, sep. 19th 1928. sub-conductor: mr e a miller. artists: coral trenerry, muriel bolt, leslie jephcott, eileen hains, bendigo choral society. hon. sec. programme: the hexhamshire lass, prelude and allegro, m'appari tutt 'amor', rhapsody, sweet stay awhile, there is a lady sweet and kind, danse negre, study, merry andrew, gracious and kind art thou my queen, secrecy, sweet honey-sucking bees, mazurka, sigh no more, faery song, fantasie, courage brothers. picture of w c frazier is on cover. c/ the bendigo choral society. season 1928. third concert. 40th grand concert. town hall, bendigo, tuesday, november 27th, 1928. conductor: artists: gwen prockter, lotte daniell, a e sayer, eileen hains atcl, joyce connell ltcl. programme: rest sweet nymph, fine knacks for ladies, adagio, allegro, the maiden's complaint, i've been roaming, down in a valley, flora gave me fairest flowers, gipsy dance, songs of love, elegie, songs of love, moonlight, the nut-tree, songs of love, traumerei, zigeunertanz, nymphs and fauns, romance, budmouth dears, bonny fisher lad, rolling down to rio. -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Digital Photograph, Marguerite Marshall, Jelbart home, 93 Arthur Street, Eltham, 11 November 2006
Situated at the top of the hill in Arthur Street, the former Jelbart residence and barn were part of a major change that transformed Eltham's character in the late 1960s. Built from the mid 1940s through mid 1950s when Eltham was a rural community, the Jelbrat residence and barn are all that remain of a family property of some 250 acres (100 ha). With growing population pressures, in the late 1960s, owners Ron and Yvonne Jelbart decided to subdivide their property creating the Woodridge Estate in the early 1970s, a major factor towards the transformation of Eltham to the suburb it is today. The Jelbarts had moved to Eltham in the early 1940s when they purchased a poultry farm in New Street, now Lavendar Park Road. (The local Black Friday bushire of January 13, 1939 had started at C.A. (Clarrie) Hurst’s Eltham Poultry Farm and Hatchery in New Street.) Jelbart was primarily a businessman importing office machinery but desired farm beef and dairy cattle so the couple purchased the virgin bushland at what was then at the end of a dirt road, Arthur Street. With post war shortages of most building materials, they followed the example of the Eltham Artists' Colony (later called Montsalvat) and built thier home from mud-bricks and recyclked materials. The barn was first to be completed in 1945 which they made their home whilst building the main residence. It took eight years to complete the two buildings. Both the main residence and the barn are now separate homes, and along with the remaining property being sub-divided further in 1998 are now part of the Kinloch Gardens Estate at 93 Arthur Street. Covered under Heritage Overlay, Nillumbik Planning Scheme. Published: Nillumbik Now and Then / Marguerite Marshall 2008; photographs Alan King with Marguerite Marshall.; p139 Standing on a hilltop at Arthur Street, Eltham, the Jelbart residence and former barn were part of a major change that transformed Eltham’s character in the late 1960s. Built from the late 1940s to the mid 1950s when Eltham was a rural community, they are all that remain of what was once a family property of around 250 acres (100 ha). As population pressure increased in the late 1960s, owners Ron and Yvonne Jelbart, decided to subdivide their property. The break-up of this property into the Woodridge Estate in the early 1970s, was a major factor towards transforming Eltham into the suburb it is today.1 Although standing only a few minutes from Eltham’s busy hub and hundreds of houses in Woodridge, scarcely any urban sound disturbs the peace. Views from the two buildings are almost exclusively of trees and extend to Mt. Dandenong to the south-east, the Great Divide to the north, and Melbourne city to the south-west. The Jelbarts had lived in Eltham since the early 1940s when they bought a poultry farm in New Street, now Lavender Park Road. Although Jelbart was primarily a businessman importing office machinery, he was keen to farm dairy and beef cattle, so the couple bought rough bushland at what was then the end of Arthur Street. But a shortage of building materials following World War Two hampered their plans to build their new home, so they followed the example of the Eltham Artists’ Colony (later called Montsalvat) and used mud-bricks and recycled materials.2 With great determination the family and friends constructed their house. Massive timber frames and huge quantities of mud-bricks were made on site. The barn was built first in 1945, and two years later, while camping inside, the Jelbarts started building their house. It took eight years to construct the two buildings, even with the help of professional tradesmen. The buildings, with timber frames infilled with mud-brick and plastered, are reminiscent of the English Tudor style. The Jelbarts are of Cornish stock. Much of the timber framework came from demolished bridges or warehouses, and recycled slate was used for roofs and floors. Quality second-hand materials were readily available in the late 1940s and 1950s when there was much demolition in Melbourne and little respect for heritage. A former 19th century Toorak mansion Woorigoleen provided the magnificent stone fireplace, the timber panelling and the parquetry floor in the living room. The large stone gateposts at the entry of the property came from Melbourne University. Almost no mechanical equipment was used to build the 55 square house and the 25 square barn. Massive timber frames were erected using block and tackle pulleys and timbers were shaped, sawn and drilled by hand. Son and architect Ian, with his family, have lived in and extensively renovated both buildings since the early 1970s. Ian transformed the steep ridge of the property into a plateau, where the main house Kinloch stands, surrounded by terraces and lawns. The grounds retain many native plants, including massive yellow boxes – some nudging 80 years. Ian attached 70 metres of pergolas draped with wisteria, roses and grape vines, to three sides of the house. The beautiful garden is featured in the book Through the Rose Arbour by Rosemary Houseman. The two-storey barn – now a house – retains traces of its original use. The cow-shed with milking and feed-rooms, and the machinery-shed remain. The house, separated on the ground floor by a breeze-way, soars two storeys and includes a mezzanine. These are connected by spiral staircases, to timber-beamed and plaster-lined high-pitched ceilings. The house also descends to a wine cellar. Curiously the roof is of corrugated iron on the south and slate on the north, to save costs. Small-paned windows and three French doors open onto the front lawn, which extends to Jelbart Court.This collection of almost 130 photos about places and people within the Shire of Nillumbik, an urban and rural municipality in Melbourne's north, contributes to an understanding of the history of the Shire. Published in 2008 immediately prior to the Black Saturday bushfires of February 7, 2009, it documents sites that were impacted, and in some cases destroyed by the fires. It includes photographs taken especially for the publication, creating a unique time capsule representing the Shire in the early 21st century. It remains the most recent comprehenesive publication devoted to the Shire's history connecting local residents to the past. nillumbik now and then (marshall-king) collection, eltham, arthur street, jelbart barn, jelbart home, kinloch gardens -
Federation University Historical Collection
Book - Register, Ballarat School of Mines Donation Book, 1878 - 1895
... thys ...The Ballarat School of Mines was the first School of Mines in the southern hemisphere. Its Museum was established in 1872. Donation 600, 4 July 1882, H. Sutton, Ballarat. Nature of Donation: 13th Annual report of the Aeronautical Society of Great Britain 2 papers 'from the proceedings of the Royal Society', Nos 217 & 218 - 1882 communicated by the President :on a new electrical Storage battery" by Henry Sutton, Ballarat, Victoria Donation 976, 8 May 1884, H. Sutton, Ballarat. Nature of Donation: * 1 volume "Pluttner on the Blowpipe: (Pluttner's manual of qualitative & quantitative analysis of the blowpipe. Donation 1682, 28 Feb 1887, James Lamb, Ballarat. Nature of Donation: Copy of "The Ballarat Times" newspaper of 3 December 1854, framed, and protected on both sides with glass. Donation 1712, 28 April 1887, Marg. Guerin, Ballaarat. Nature of Donation: Specimens nos (797-806) 797-801 from the New Reform Mine Luchnow, NSW (797) Serpentine with vein of quartz and calcite (798) Surpentine passing into silicous ferruginoous gossan; with drives of rock crystal (&99) Diorite with vein of calcite (800) Auriferous vein stuff (801) Auriferous arrenopyrite with calcite (802) noble opal filling cavities in decomposed traclyte (803-805) from Mr McDonald, NSW (806) arutute (carbonate of lead) in long schombie purni (?) Donation 1730, 23 May 1887, Miss Guerin, Ballaarat. Nature of Donation: Copy of the Victorian Review No 74 December 1 1885, Copy Wide Awake Vol 1 No 6 May 21st 1887Large rough calf covered book recording museum, laboratory and library donations to the Ballarat School of Mines. 4835 donations are recorded.Marbled end papers. Labels on spine and front cover.ballarat school of mines, ballarat school of mines museum, benjamin hepburn, ce clarke, j noble wilson, m hamburger, d christy, edwin jewell, ellery, john gray, go preshaw, cf crouch, henry brind, james darby, rm serjeant, george day, jf watson, stoddart, j hicks, hicks, james hector, sleep, jj sleep, james pearce, henry obree, newman, william tarrant, beilby, william bradford, george lansell, watson, edward gazzard, e morey, john lynch, j hector, rivett bland, bland, costin, whittle, crowther, mitchell, ferdinand krause, krause, joseph mitchell, john walker, bailey, duncan, mica smith, alfred mica smith, james buchanan, buchanan, whitehouse, dr bunce, bunce, james bklack, james bickett, js north, joseph flude, alfred lester, wagemann, fw niven, edwards, william evett, john addis, al elphinstone, henry sutton, ol olden, bh cross, robert hamilton, hancock, ferdinand von mueller, von meuller, berchevaise, j whitehouse, serjeant, henty, james shugg, john ross, james oddie, ralph tate, henry watts, wh wooster, wooster, luplau, rosenblum, heddington, albert furmedge, buley, robert wilson, e. rowlands, ne hall, henry pearce, lee young, nicholls, dusontory, daniel brohpy, brophy, klug, james donaldson, john cherry, ce jones, john feilds, thomas williams, enscoe, e price, shoppee, jacob drew, george wyatt, dimmock, james orr, john hardy, george wyatte, thomas rogers, james lamb, doepel, margaret guerin, bella guerin, guerin, george binns, william laplau, captain baker, baker, crisp, barnard, haffie, bateman, chalmers, richard parker, adam adamson, jn wilson, john noble wilson, papenhagen, towl, government astronomer, royal society, minister of mines, thoams blackett, burbury, denny, thys, p gay, james law, woolnough -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Town Hall, The Bendigo Choral Society. Souvenir program 3d. With and oval picture of Mr. W C Frazier A.R.C.O.-Conductor on front cover. Gounod's 'Faust'. For Bendigo Benevolent Asylum, 5000 pounds. Town Hall, Bendigo, Wednesday, June 14th, 1992, at 8pm. Principals: Miss Phyllis Hannaford (Mrs J R Clark); Miss Essa McSwiney, L.A.B. Mr E H Collett, Mr E A Miller, Mr Gerson Krost, Conductor: Mr W C Frazier, A.R.C.O. Pianiste: Miss Eileen Hains, A.T.C.L. Picture of Benevolent Asylum on front cover. J G Austen, Secretary Appeal Fund. J Hudspeth & Z S Martin Secretaries Choral Society. Concert to commence at 8pm. Artists; Mr Gerson Krost, Miss Essa McSwiney, Mr E A Miller, Miss Phyllis Hannaford. Cast; Mrs J R Clark, Miss Essa McSwiney, Mr E H Collett, Mr E A Miller. Choruses, etc. by Choral Society. In the Homeland Mr Frazier found it the increasing practice to take the great opera masterpieces and give them on the concert platform in more of less liberal excerpts. With characteristic generosity. He purchased the copies and presented them to the Choral Society. Bendigo has thus an opportunity to hear the latest idea. We are sure the musical public will appreciate this, though of course. . . . . It is interesting to note that when this great work was first performed in Paris, on March 19th, 1859, it was somewhat coldly received, to the composer's great grief, as he, with the instinct of genius, . . . . The Compact: Introduction: Faust, aged and worn, weary with long pondering over learned treatises, in a pessimistic mood wonders whether the work is worth while. Memories of an early love stir strangely in his being, and he, in his doubting mood, questions all things, In despair he would welcome death, and finding no answer from the heavens, he appeals to the powers of ill. To his great surprise, he is at once answered by Mephistopheles and a colloquy then ensues in which the Evil One promises him Gold? Glory? A Kingdom? No! No! It mist be 'Youth!' That can be done also. Faust is dubious, but on Mephistopheles bringing a vision of beauteous Margarita at is dubious, but on Mephistopheles be 'Youth!' That can be done also. Faust is dubious, but on Mephistopheles bringing a vision of beauteous Margarita at her wheel he agrees, and signs the compact. 'Up Here I am at thy command, Down There thou servest me!' At The Fair: Mephistopheles then asks Faust to the Fair where they mix with the revelry of the students, soldiers and merry maidens. He gets a glimpse of Margarita. The Evil One is again busy putting Suspicious and quarrelsome thoughts into good comrades minds. . . . The Wooing: Poor Siebel, the ardent, faithful lover of Margarita, finds himself somewhat overshadowed by the young and handsome Faust. Mephistopheles in a mocking mood tells him that every flower that he plucks will perish in his hands. He finds this prediction verified when he plucks the flowers for his lady love, but when in faith he scouts the Evil One, he conquers, and the spell is broken. Faust, filled with an ardent and pure passion, approaches the dwelling of Margarita, with an offering of priceless jewels, provided by the . . . . . The Return Of Valentine: Valentine, the soldier brother of Margarita, leaves for the wars, giving the care of his sister to her faithful lover, Siebel. On his return, covered with glory, and ardent to meet his people again, he hears the story of the flouting of Margarita by Faust. In this part the soldiers are welcomed home by their comrades in the male part of the song 'Fold the flag my brothers,' followed by the celebrated chorus (usually known as the 'Soldier's Chorus' Glory and love to the men of old.' It has been set, in this edition, for full choir. Mephistopheles, the evil genius, in a spirit of raillery, and exultant that his plans are working to . . . . The Price: Faust, repentant, desires to do justice to Margarita and again be her lover. Margarita is almost demented at the loss of her brother. Mephistopheles not to be cheated, thwarts the good impulse of Faust and demands his price. He also endeavors to make Margarita despair, but owing to the simple faith of the . . . . The End. A Question You give you name, your time, your pelf To ease your woe: But what do you give of your own self To pay the debt you owe? You open a Home for helpless ones, And you shut them in with care; Of what think you is their share? You talk and you write; you organise; All this, we know, is true; But how do you spread the spark divine, The deep-down soul of you? -A Simkins. Benevolent Asylum Appeal. The Committee of Management directing the works of the Asylum desire to bring before an always generous public the claims of the Instruction for financial support. The Appeal for 5000 pounds has been launched in the full belief that the case is a good one, and in the confident hope that it will be successful. The work carried on by the Asylum covers a big field, extending as it does from Swan Hill in the north and Melbourne in the south. Inmates from all parts of the State are given a comfortable home, and properly cared for in the eventide of their lives. There are at present in the Asylum 164 old men and women. In addition to this work the Committee thoroughly investigate and dispense relief in food to from 150 to 200 adults and from 300 to 400 children each week, and also issues a large number of blankets, boots and clothing garments to necessitious applicants. The recipients of this relief are principally widow and their little ones, and the wives and children who are dependents of miners suffering from the dread Miners' Complaint. The Committee in orgainising this branch of its charity work, has, to a great extent, prevented a large amount of waste, through overlapping and duplication of effort. It now appeals to the public for the above amount in order that be may still be able to continue charity work among the poor and necessitous of Bendigo and District. 'Organized Charity is Love with Judgment.'Cambridge Press Printprogram, theatre, town hall, town hall, the bendigo choral society. souvenir program 3d. with and oval picture of mr. w c frazier a.r.c.o.-conductor on front cover. gounod's 'faust'. for bendigo benevolent asylum, 5000 pounds. town hall, bendigo, wednesday, june 14th, 1992, at 8pm. principals: miss phyllis hannaford (mrs j r clark); miss essa mcswiney, l.a.b. mr e h collett, mr e a miller, mr gerson krost, conductor: mr w c frazier, a.r.c.o. pianiste: miss eileen hains, a.t.c.l. picture of benevolent asylum on front cover. j g austen, secretary appeal fund. j hudspeth & z s martin secretaries choral society. concert to commence at 8pm. artists; mr gerson krost, miss essa mcswiney, mr e a miller, miss phyllis hannaford. cast; mrs j r clark, miss essa mcswiney, mr e h collett, mr e a miller. choruses, etc. by choral society. in the homeland mr frazier found it the increasing practice to take the great opera masterpieces and give them on the concert platform in more of less liberal excerpts. with characteristic generosity. he purchased the copies and presented them to the choral society. bendigo has thus an opportunity to hear the latest idea. we are sure the musical public will appreciate this, though of course. it is interesting to note that when this great work was first performed in paris, on march 19th, 1922. the compact. at the fair. the wooing. the return of valentine. the price. benevolent asylum appeal. the committee of management directing the works of the asylum desire to bring before an always generous public the claims of the instruction for financial support. the appeal for 5000 pounds has been launched in the full belief that the case is a good one, and in the confident hope that it will be successful. the work carried on by the asylum covers a big field, extending as it does from swan hill in the north and melbourne in the south. inmates from all parts of the state are given a comfortable home, and properly cared for in the eventide of their lives. there are at present in the asylum 164 old men and women. in addition to this work the committee thoroughly investigate and dispense relief in food to from 150 to 200 adults and from 300 to 400 children each week, and also issues a large number of blankets, boots and clothing garments to necessitious applicants. the recipients of this relief are principally widow and their little ones, and the wives and children who are dependents of miners suffering from the dread miners' complaint. the committee in orgainising this branch of its charity work, has, to a great extent, prevented a large amount of waste, through overlapping and duplication of effort. it now appeals to the public for the above amount in order that be may still be able to continue charity work among the poor and necessitous of bendigo and district. 'organized charity is love with judgment.' -
Melton City Libraries
Postcard, Postcards from Fred and Mattie Myers, 1909-1914
Post Card: Melton Railway Station 1909 Mattie to Fred My Dear Fred I received your letter and the L2 10/- I was very pleased to hear that I could write again. You say you will come home after the last shead. I should think so. I had a letter from E Jenkins so I am going down to see her next week we call the baby Fernie now I hope you will agree. Dear Fern has got the whooping cough. Written on the side: I suppose you will be away four weeks yet. Love from Mattie will write on Sunday. This letter appears to be connected with the post card Barwonleigh Saturday October 1908 handwriting My Dear Mattie I received your letter and was sorry to hear of our dear little babys misfortune how did it happen do you know what was the cause of it Mrs Watts must be a blind old fool not to have known what it was when you took him to her the first time poor dear you must be worried to death with all this trouble tell me what the doctor thinks of the rupture. I do hope dear he will get over this all right you must be nearly dead going without sleep for so long I had a bit of misfortune myself on Thursday the machine locked and jumped out of my hand and stuck in my bone I kept on working but it was very painful as all the holding is done with page ..knee the boss also has been chipping a good deal this week he says the next time he has occasion to speak to me I will have to go he is very particular. I would like to go through if possible even if I do a lot less. I have about sixteen hundred done up to now and would get another nine hundred if I was let alone but I suppose we will live lovie even if I go do you know if they are full handed at Eynesbury if I thought I could get a week there I would cut myself out here quick. Well dear lovie I am sending you a couple of pounds as I suppose you will want it to get a truss. I don’t think they are very expensive and hope things will find this better with you. Well my dear love I must close with fond love for you and baby from your loving Husband Fred Post Card: 16 Aug 1909 - Mathoura The card depicts a small sailing boat laden with blue flowers. Well Dear Wife you see I have kept my promise. I rode all the way up here and also carried all my luggage with me it came in handy as I had to camp on the road last night between Rochester and Echuca surrounded by water. I had to walk all the way pretty well from Rochester to Echuca. I am now waiting for the train to Deniliquin. Love to you and my little son Fred. From you loving Husband Fred Written along the top and side of the card. what do you think if the card comes in all right as I have been wading through water all day yesterday and this might be …? will write when I get to the Station, don’t forget to look after the little Freddie and remember me to mother. Post Card: 1909 - view across the Flat from the Creek looking to the Presbyterian Church in the distance with some small dwellings in the foreground. To Mr Fred Myers Wandook Stn Denniliquin NSW Dear Fred, received your letter I am sorry to hear you are having such wet weather I will write a letter tomorrow baby is better With Love from M Post Card: 1910 Postmark Stamp 1d Aug 12 1910 Moama NSW Melton postmark stamped Aug 25? Hare Street, looking south Echuca Mrs F Myers, Melton P O Vic Dear Mattie, Just a line to let you know I got here all right I go to Pericotta tonight and to Cobran to morrow best love to all from yours Fred Letter Cobran Stn Via Deniliquin N.S.W. Sunday 21st Aug extract I am having a good time here, a good cook and the best of everything no fires to light or kettles to boil just get up and wire in… plenty hard work the sheep are pretty tough but much better than Wandook. I am well among them here we had a little rain on Friday but not enough to stop us so we have got one full week in .. the weather is lovely. I have been basking in the sunshine mainly in the morning and feel strong and fit a as fiddle, they are a grand lot of men here I only knew one out of the lots but know them all pretty well now, we have a bit of a concert here every nights almost there are a few good singers here and we also had a phonograph up from the station with all the latest records we have two dancers among ourselves very boisterous affairs indeed thy do make the dust fly. I have not ventured to take part in it and don’t think I will either. I get enough dancing all day long and besides I have to furnish the music you ought to see them going when I rattle up the concertina. Letter Cobran Stn via Deniliquin Thursday Sept 1st 1910 [abbreviated] My Dear Mattie, I received your welcome letter today. I though I was never going to get one as it was Sunday fortnight when I wrote to you but we only the mail here twice a week so it takes a long time to write and get an answer. I also got a reply from Eynesbury and a favourable reply it starts on the 13th Oct. …. I have 800 sheep shorn up to date and am fifth among about 30 men. I am sending two more [Ls] this time which I drew on Saturday. I don’t like sending too much more this time as there is a chance of it going astray and it is not very easily earned…. Things must be humming in Melton with all them babies coming and people getting married… I suppose we will be having new neighbours soon. If Mr Watts is selling out he was getting more property then he could keep. I hope you will soon have rain…. you will have to watch our little boy the dear little rascal he must be getting very cute opening the gates he will be tumbling into the tank …. I love to think of the happy times we have had together and hope that we will love one another to the end .. the mail will not leave here until Monday Love to you dear wife and baby Fred Post Card: – I Cling to you like Ivy Cobran September 18th 1910 Fred awaits a letter from Mattie I still have three weeks here yet.. I am sending L2 tell if you got the other 1L 1911 Letters Fred to Mattie October Spring Plains Oct 1911 Mia Mia Post Office I had a great job to catch the train at Diggers Rest as after I turned off the Keilor Rd it was very way and muddy and I had to walk a lot of the way and got there just in time. I came right into Redesdale by the train and stopped there last night… they had heavy rain on thursday up here and a tremendous fall of hail which covered the ground over a foot deep. There are only 4 shearers here yet.. I saw some of the sheep they look very rough and big so there will be no big tallies done, the men are saying he is giving 2s per hundred extra, so that will help a little. We are going to start Cobran via Deniliquin. Post Card: three scenes of Mathoura 10/9/1914 EB on a photo copy 10/9/12 ? Mathoura Thursday Dear Mattie, Just a line to let you know I got up here all right. I rode the seat out of my trousers. I have done 100 miles on the bike. I met none of the old hands this time so will go out on my own… Your loving husband Fred, did Marjie miss me at all. Post Card: Cobran 15th Sept 1912 Hearts and intertwined flowers and little envelope he has written Marjorie …just a line to let you know I will cut out here Friday next in find, we have had two falls of rain since I wrote and it has bean blowing a hurricane for couple of days and may blow up again however if we are delayed I will send you a card Wednesday I am longing to see you and the two little kiddies again…. Fred Copy only Golf Hill Sep 26th Cut out 31 Oct Total 2332 1913 Post Card: Scene View Street, Bendigo August 1913 Mathoura Tuesday My Dear Mattie Just a line to let you know I got up here all right. Teddy Ginger and another couple of chaps on the way ……. Letter Cobran Sunday Aug 7th 1913 My Dear Mattie Just a line to let you know that weather permitting we will cut out here about Thursday morning….I have not got any more shearing here. I have not heard from the other place…. Expect me about Friday …. I suppose Freddie and Marjie will be glad to see me, Marjie will climb all over me. I will be glad to se you all again you will have a fortnight before Golf Hill starts. I see in the Express you sent that Annie McPherson of (Dunvegan) is engaged to Len Farrell, she appears to be going to take no risks with him she wont let him slip through her hands like the banker did…… Fred Post Card: 1914 Garland of roses Warrambeen Stn Shelford PO October 14th 1914 Birthday wishes. Post Card: Love’s Golden Chain Golf Hill Tuesday Oct 17 1914 Birthday wishes [ this one might be a different year] Letter Cobran Wed 2nd Sept 1914 My Dear Mattie, I received your welcome letter today and also the papers which were very acceptable as we don’t get many papers here we only get see one at odd times as we get none for the hut this year.. I have not seen a bit of butter since I left home as it is too dear for us for sinners here. Poor Marjie had a cold.. so the little kid wants to go to the war, she must think it is good like a picnic. We had light rain on Monday as usual only half a day’s shearing in the shed so that is all we done this week, we took a vote 9 to 6 no shearing so nothing till to morrow morning Thursday so there is still a good fortnights shearing to do, will do nothing Saturday polling day as we have to go 13 miles is near Services where I was last year so we will want the full day 50 men to vote and some will probably have to walk to get there, all solid for Labour. I have just had an interval for lunch, pudding, yeast buns and rock cakes… We are doing nothing but eating and sleeping this week. Fred I am sending L1 in this which will do you till I come back if I keep drawing up I will have none when I finish so make the most of it. Post Card: Two doves with violets 1915 Cobran Wed 18th Sept [could be 1912] Sorry to tell you we are delayed with rain so will not be home till next week… only 3 days of shearing to do…. expect me about the middle of next week….I wish I was with you now and the dear little ones Fred Post Card: Iris Flowers Barwonleigh Stn Tuesday Oct 14th 1918 Happy birthday greetings from Fred Post Card: Irrigation channel Swan Hill 5 Year not shown Swan Hill Tuesday night Just a few lines to let you know I got this far all right. I had to walk nearly all the way to Gisborne and got there last night and took the train here today. It has been raining all the way between Gisborne and here. Moulamein tomorrow. I think it will be another case of walking as it is wet here no metal roads all mud. best love to yourself and the little ones and also mother. will write Sunday Post Card: The White Man’s Burden.The writing on the back rubbed out Mattie has written, I was weighed and I am 8 stone 10 pounds. 14 Post Cards, some have the original dates, others have the date added later by Martha. Two envelopes, one with addressed to Melton postmark Moule, stamp torn off, the other Cards from my dear Fred. The letters and the notebooks can be cross checked according the their contents. Italics show the dates added by Mattie local identities -
Kiewa Valley Historical Society
Card - Religious Award, "O Lord, Teach Me Thy paths" x2
Students attended Sunday School classes at the Kergunyah Presbyterian Church. Sunday school was held in a little 16 foot square wooden building which came from Rocky Valley after it was no longer needed there. Ewen Wallace's father initiated and organised the move. C2011 the building was knocked down because of white ants. The Presbyterian Church will be 125 years old in 2015.Historical: Religious Education: This card was used by teachers who took Sunday School classes at Kergunyah Presbyterian Church. Religion: Presbyterian Church at Kergunyah, in the Kiewa Valley, celebrates its 125th anniversary in 2015 after being handed over to the Uniting Church in the 1970s.Thick cardboard card with photo of young girl using a watering can to water pink flowers in 3 pots. 2 holes at top with string for hanging the card up. Lower part of card has title in deep blue print. Possibly used as a reward."From the Kergunyah Presbyterian / Sunday School"religion, religious education, kergunyah, presbyterian, sunday school, ewen wallace -
Federation University Historical Collection
Book - Book - Scrapbook, Ballarat College of Advanced Education: Scrapbook of newspaper cutting, Book 17; February 1986 to June 1986
Newspaper cuttings relating to Ballarat College of Advanced Education. These are from various newspapers and include The Age, Ballarat Courier, The Australian, The Herald. The cuttings cover the period from 15 February 1986 to 28 June 1986. Mention of the Solutions Data Bank developed within the VIOSH program conducted at Ballarat College of Advanced Education. . Book with beige cover, front. Spiral bound.employment advertisements, application for enrolment, outline of courses, ballarat college of advanced education, bcae, dr ray watson psychologist, moneghetti for world events, musical cultural exchange, annie begonia queen, "cool burn" may save animals, wombat state forest, trainees at queen elizabeth centre, course will benefit sport, council president to national organisation, dr don watts, engineering study awards, ricky calvert, barry walker, indian brewer returns, n c mohan ram, metallurgy medal to ian mckee, political desert images, geoff bonney, jack coman, garry kinnane lecturer, biography of george johnston, mayor crebbins graduates, education for the nation, degrees for dad and daughter, paul hotchin a busy man, robert morrow mining engineer, the flab kids, speech problems rife, brett sinclair wins $1000, roderick ramsay top geology student, pro david klein revisits, merit for geologist, filipino academic at bcae, method to assess skills, student nurses meet patients, schools compete for environment awards, students set to join vsu, victorian student union, first for local sculpture students, adrian thomas, head of perfoming arts, key role in inventions, head questions government plans, saga of survival on the ice, dick richards, dr jim thyer physics lecturer, old u s defence 'secret', safety solutions data bank, dennis else -
Federation University Historical Collection
Photograph - Photograph - Colour, VIOSH: Occupationa Hazard Management, c1980s
Victorian Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (VIOSH) Australia is the Asia-Pacific centre for teaching and research in occupational health and safety (OHS) and is known as one of Australia's leaders on the field. VIOSH has a global reputation for its innovative approach within the field of OHS management. VIOSH had its first intake of students in 1979. At that time the Institution was known as the Ballarat College of Advanced Education. In 1990 it became known as Ballarat University College, then in 1994 as University of Ballarat. It was 2014 that it became Federation University. VIOSH Australia students are safety managers, senior advisors and experienced OHS professionals. They come from all over Australia and industry. Students are taught active research and enquiry; rather than textbook learning and a one-size fits all approach. VIOSH accepts people into the Graduate Diploma of Occupational Hazard Management who have no undergraduate degree - on the basis of extensive work experience and knowledge. Lecturers and students at Ballarat College of Advanced Education.Four colour photographs - two sizesviosh, victorian institute of occupational safety and health, bcae, ballarat college of advanced education, jim thyer, steve cowley, dennis else -
Federation University Historical Collection
Photograph, Retirement of Alf McKenzie, c1985
alf mckenzie, retirement, martin westbrook, henry moritz, ian mckee, stewart bamford, derek viner, clive ferguson, jim thyer, aziz alabazzaz, robert pyke, tom norwood, derek woolley, dulcie brooke, peter fryar -
Phillip Island and District Historical Society Inc.
Book, MEDEW, R. S. (Robert Sutherland), The days of thy youth : A story of Early Gippsland Pioneers by R.S. Medew, 1960?
historicalSmall, soft covered book,includes letter from Arthur Woodley and photo of Isabella Tyrrell.Signed copy. Presented to Phillip Island Historical Society by Arthur E. Woodley, Crib Point 5/Oct/2005.pioneers, victoria, history, gippsland, arthur woodley, isabella tyrrell., r.s.medew -
Warrnambool RSL Sub Branch
'Return, O Wanderer, to thy home' (One of Bob's maternal grandfather's favourite hymns)
snape collection -
Federation University Historical Collection
Photograph - Photograph Album, Ballarat College of Advanced Education Conferring Ceremonies, 1984, 1984
Ballarat College of Advanced Education is a predecessor of Federation University Australia.Brown covered photograph album showing the Ballarat College of Advanced Education Conferring Ceremonies held in Founders Hall, Mount Helen Campus. The photographs include the academic procession and some photographs of the audience. The cover and pages held together by bolts.ballarat college of advanced education, mount helen, graduation, conferring of degrees, ed phillips, w. poole, f. prout, margaret reynolds, roy schrieke, dennis shanahan, david stabb, peter swan, jim thyer, j. wotzko, r. ford, peter fryar, ian gordon, albert gosden, helen hayes, margaret henderson, geoff hendy, neie hives, pat hope, eric jellet, brian lees, g. mcgregor, arch mackinnon, gregory mcrae, lios morris, g. morrowood, john neeson, neville gower, denis shanahan, martin westbrooke -
Federation University Historical Collection
Photograph Album, Ballarat College of Advanced Education Faculty of Science Photo Album, c1987
Maroon photograph album with photographs thought to be Ballarat College of Advanced Education Science students and staff. Includes a photograph of the Lal Lal Ironworks kiln in the early 1970s.ballarat college of advanced education t-shirt, bbq, ray martin, brian sunter, laboratory, mineral industry laboratory, mount helen, bill vermeend, frank hurley, jim thyer, barry shearer, lyn robert, frank martin, colin kline, alan ballard, roger johnson, david james, ian mckee, robert pyke, bushnell, judy dixon, dennis else, john murray, peter dahlhaus, kim dowling, richard macewan, aziz albazazz, susanne hynes, stafford mcknight, bob smith, paul bennett, athol shelton, peter richards, geoff brooks, computers, snow, snowman, bruce cameron, iron monarch, mining, lal lal iron mine, ginny goff, ausimm scholarship, diane haddon, david martin, glenn kreelman, sunter's, clarendon, anne beggs sunter, foundry, stawell, brian sunter's farewell, jack harvey, microscope, metallurgy -
Federation University Historical Collection
Document - Documents - Reports, Notes for Staff: Ballarat Institute of Advanced Education, 1972
Ballarat Institute of Advanced Education is a predecessor or Federation University3 typed documents from the Ballarat Institute of Advanced Education 1972. .1 Notes for Staff including progress, welcome, administration, new staff appointments, student enrollments etc. .2 Notes for Staff including staff changes, new courses, past principals, enrollments, staff list etc. .3 Notes for Staff including a fourth university, tertiary finance, academic board etc. V. Barry written on top right hand corner of .1 & .2ballarat institute of advanced education, notes for staff, verna barry, e.j. barker, r.p. martin, b.r grainger, j.a.sykes, colin kline, roy schrieke, mark beverlander, ken clements, bill hitchins, lindsay pattenden, tom norwood, bill durant, student union, student residences, coburn and associates, jackson and walker, s.j. weir, mt helen library, albert medal, r.w. richards, anne mills, david ward, geoffrey lyle, rocky hazlett, ray martin, dave jelbart, zig plavina, allan ballard, pat hope, henry moritz, helen ross, roger bodenham, arch mckinnon, frank hogarth, harvey hooper, geoff barrell, jim thyer, john collier, lenore cox, fourth university, craftsmanship certificates, jenny burrell, jennifer hullick, r.w richards death, danny mullins, jack crosbie, harry nicholls, len taylor, library, graham hawley, jack barker -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
St Matthew Passion, City Hall, Bendigo. The Music Advancement Society of Bendigo Presents the First Concert 1958 series. Presented by The Astra Chamber Orchestra and Choir. Saturday, 6thy, April 1968. President: E Beilharz, Joint Hon. Secs. Madge Edgar, Emily Bright. Programme 20 cents. Programme. Forthcoming Concerts, Wednesday, 17th July, Recital. Mack _ Pianist. Wednesday, 18th September Parrenin String Quartet by arrangement with Musica Viva. Friday, 15th November Recital by Lauris Elms - Contralo, Margaret Schofield (Accompaniste) Flyer inside advertising: Duet Recital by Bendigo Artists Valerie McCracken and Glenis Granger; Vocalists. Accompanied at the piano by Mavis Webstere and Barbara Hyett and Zena Cohn; pianistes. To Aid 'Mirridong' bulding appeal. At the Assembly Hall of the Bendigo High School on Wednesday, 10th April at 8pm.Tickets - 75c Students - 40c. Advertisements: Hesse Bros. Electrical Sales Pty Ltd. Edgars' Authorised Newsagency, Allan's Music.Boltons Print., Bendigoentertainment, theatre, music advancement society of bendig, st matthew passion, city hall, bendigo. the music advancement society of bendigo first concert 1958 series. presented by the astra chamber orchestra and choir, 6th, april 1968. pres: e beilharz, joint hon. secs. madge edgar, emily bright. forthcoming concerts, 17th july, recital. mack _ pianist. 18th september parrenin string quartet by musica viva. 15th november recital by lauris elms - contralo, margaret schofield (accompaniste) flyer advertising: duet recital by bendigo artists valerie mccracken and glenis granger; vocalists. accompanied at the piano by mavis webstere and barbara hyett and zena cohn; pianistes. aid 'mirridon' bulding appeal. at the assembly hall of thy bendigo high school on wednesday, 10th april at - 75c students - 40c. advertisements: hesse bros. electrical sales pty ltd. edgars' authorised newsagency, allan's music. -
Inverloch Historical Society
000832 - Photograph - Inverloch Primary School - 1906 - Bertie Ruttle, J Martin, Thyer twins - from Olive Wilson
Photograph missing at time of scanning - March 2018 The copy in this record, as of March 2018 is from a scan done in approximately 2002. -
Melbourne Athenaeum Archives
Theatre Program, Woman Thy Name Is ... (play)by June Ago performed at the Athenaeum Theatre Two commencing 9 March 1989
This project is assisted by the Australian Council ,the Federal government's Arts Funding advisory body and has been generously supported by the playbox theatre company Black and white pamphletwoman thy name is, athenaeum theatre two, program, programme, maggie millar, maud clark, june jago, kerry o'reilly -
Brimbank City Council
Black and White Photograph, Richard and Margaret Griffith and thier son William
An early 1800s B&W photographPlaque at front bottom centre of frame.