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Kew Historical Society Inc
Journal - Visitor Book, [1962-1963]
"Fairyland", the home of Jim and Grace Tabulo, was a notable local, state and international tourist attraction situated in Kew, Victoria during the mid twentieth century. Located at 57 Malmsbury Street, Kew, the weatherboard house and its garden were heavily decorated with statues, crockery and other collected items. A series of notebooks were used to record the messages of child and adult visitors to the property from the 1940s to the 1960s. After Mrs Tabulo's death, these visitor books are believed to have formed part of the Dorothy Rogers Collection. They entered the Kew Historical Society's collection following Dorothy Roger's death in 1973.This series of visitor books are the most important primary sources relating to the internationally renowned 'Fairyland' cottage in Malmsbury Street, Kew. Their social significance is that they record in the post war period the values and beliefs of children and adults who visited this historically significant tourist attraction.Foolscap size visitor book containing handwritten comments and drawings primarily made by children during visits to the home of Grace Tabulo, 4 January 1962- 30 January 1963. Commonly known as "Fairyland", the house was located at 57 Malmsbury Street Kew. The book is wrapped in brown paper, which covers back cardboard covers with a red cloth strip binding. Approximately 139 pages, and covers. Note pages are paginated, commencing at page 36.Handwritten in pencil on paper cover: "1962/ 1963" Handwritten in ink on label adhered to front cover: "January 4 / 1962 / Fairy Land/ Kew"grace tabulo -- fairyland -- 57 malmsbury street -- kew (vic.), tourism - kew - 1945-1965, childhood - kew, collectors and collecting, gardens - kew (vic), scrapbooks - 20th century -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Newspaper, Fiona Whitlock, Sunday Press, "Orange Versus Green", "Anger Trams", 15/05/1977 12:00:00 AM
Newspaper Clipping - from the Sunday Press Magazine section, 15/5/1977 - titled "Anger Trams" and "Orange Versus Green "about the change some two years ago with the introduction or the Z class trams, known as "Clockwork Trams". Has comments from passengers - both for and against, includes a diary of a trip, comparison with green trams. Has photos of Z class No. 37, W2 class No. 626 and cable trams. Written by Fiona Whitlocktrams, tramways, z class, new trams, tram 35, tram 626, w2 class, cable trams, route 96, route 48 -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Newspaper, The Age, “Satisfied customers”, 30/07/2019 12:00:00 AM
Newspaper clippings titled: “Satisfied customers” Newspaper clipping from the Age 30/7/2019 Letters section Positive feedback from tram user on Bridge Rd tram to city. Commented on the driver's interaction with passengers and how it made for a pleasant journey. Driver was identified as "Bruce from Think Tank". See pervious article at:, tramways, public transport, bridge rd, drivers, melbourne, behaviour -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Newspaper, The Age, “Using the past to 'innovate' the future”, 8/03/2020 12:00:00 AM
Newspaper clippings titled: “Using the past to 'innovate' the future” Newspaper clipping from the Age 08/03/2020 Letters section Letter commenting on an article by Jon Faine about establishing a tram museum at Fisherman's Bend. Writer proposes building a elevated tramway to the airport and another to the Fisherman's Bend. Also mentions historic trams in Ballarat and Bendigo. Two other letters about the transport museum included in clipping. Copy of Faine article included as an image.trams, tramways, public transport, melbourne, bendigo, ballarat, museum -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Newspaper, The Age, "$200m Hong Kong rail deal shows confidence in Australia", 17/07/1985 12:00:00 AM
Newspaper clipping from The Age 17/7/1988 titled "$200m Hong Kong rail deal shows confidence in Australia". Written by Tom Harrington Age Transport reporter and Ali Cromie in Hong Kong. Reports on the project consortium The Met and Leighton - gives details of the financing arrangement, The Met's involvement after Comeng pulled out, timing. Has comments from John Halfpenny of the AMWU, Tom Roper, Minister for Transport and other people.trams, tramways, hong kong, the met, comeng, construction -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Newspaper, Scrapbook Clipping, Library Collection, Ringwood, Victoria, `
``Newspaper clipping from the "Post", Tuesday February 17, 1998. NEW PLANNING SCHEME DELAY. By Peter Di SistoSenior Maroondah Council planning officers remain a likely delay in implementing the city's draft planning scheme. Council last week moved to ask Planning and Local Government Minister Rob Maclellan to appoint an independent panel to discuss submissions on its draft scheme, released for public comment last July. ` -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Albert Jones, General Store, Wattle Glen, c.1910
The Wattle Glen General Store in this photo was located at the same intersection as the present Wattle Glen General Store (cnr of Reynolds Road and Kangaroo Ground Road) but on the diagonally opposite corner. [Comment from Valda via Victorian Collections June 11, 2018] "The addition to the store on the left, and the building at the back, were not part of the store/post office owned by the Keenan's. They were added by Mr and Mrs Alan (Janet) Frencham's in the ?mid-1950s."Photo printalbert jones, golden glen, shops, wattle glen -
Waverley RSL Sub Branch
Bandoleer WWI used by mounted troops
Donor believed it to beWorn by members of Australian Light Horse WWI, Subsequent comment however reports that 50 Round Bandolier, P. 1903, and was used by mounted troops OTHER THAN LIGHT HORSE, such as Artillery, Service Corps, Engineers etc. It is NOT a Light Horse item.Light Horse wore a Pattern 30pattern bandolier. This has 9 pouches, each holding 10 rounds each, thus a total of 150 rounds of .303" were carriedBrown leather bandoleer Belt type with 5 ammunition pouches and brass buckles -
Robin Boyd Foundation
Document - Manuscript, Robin Boyd, The Sad State of India’s `Canberra', 1964
Boyd writes about his opinion on Le Corbusier's Chandigarh and compares the qualities between the newly built city with Canberra. While Boyd praises Le Corbusier's plan, he also comments on the contrast of the grand buildings (Secretariat, Parliament and High Court) situated among the poverty that is ever present, which ultimately affects the image of Chandigarh. This manuscript of Boyd's weekly newspaper column in 'The Australian' was published with the title 'The City of Sordid Splendor' on 28.06.1964. Original manuscript of an article published as 'The City of Sordid Splendor' in 'The Australian' 28.06.1964Typewritten, quarto, 5 pagescanberra, chandigarh, le corbusier, punjab, india, robin boyd, manuscript, ohm2022, ohm2022_16 -
Parks Victoria - Gabo Island Lightstation
The glazed stoneware pot is an oyster jar made by Powell potteries, Bristol, probably between 1860 and 1880. Pickled oysters were a regular food of the poor in England in the 19thc. Sam Weller, Charles Dickens’ character in Pickwick Papers (1836-37) commented that ‘Poverty and oysters always seen to go together’. In England, pickling oysters for transport to inland towns and long voyages became an industry. The jar was found in sand near the jetty in 1999.Whatever their provenance, they have an association with an event or activity on Gabo Island and for this reason have second level contributory significance for their potential to yield information relating to the cultural history of the lightstation.Ceramic jar. Squat shape, body of jar is cream coloured. Spots of mildew on side. The jar has a pronounced lip, short neck, sloping shoulders and rounded body. Just below the shoulder, the glaze colour changes from brown to stone."POWEL &DB Stol" -
Bacchus Marsh & District Historical Society
Map, Tracing of plan shewing portion through Bacchus Marsh District of proposed new Main Road between Gisborne and Blackwood
Road construction and planning was a primary function of the early local government authorities in rural and regional Victoria. This plan is indicative of the sort of documentation which generated considerable public interest and comment in rural communities. The date of this plan is not clear. Newspaper articles in the Bacchus Marsh Express around 1869 contain numerous references to the proposed new road between Gisborne and Blackwood which suggests this plan may date from the late 1860s or early 1870s.A single page paper map showing the proposed route of a main road to be constructed between Gisborne and Blackwood. The map is pasted into a bound volume containing 76 maps or plans in total. High resolution digital image stored on BMDHS computer network. roads, road plans, bacchus marsh victoria maps, gisborne to blackwood main road -
Glen Eira City Council History and Heritage Collection
One of 5 B/W photographs showing areas within Caulfield Town Hall. Production date unknown sometime after 1931 and before 1976. Copyright for this image is unknown, although likely commissioned by Council. It has been digitised and published here for educational and research purposes. If you believe that you have copyright to this image and would like it removed from the site please contact us through the 'Leave a Comment' tab below.B/W photograph showing the rear balcony, ceiling and seating in the Auditorium in the Glen Eira Town Hall. The image shows the Caulfield Town Hall Auditorium prior to 1987 when it was reconstructed and divided to make a lower floor to accommodate a gallery and an auditorium on the floor above.Small Sticker, green and gold, adhered to r.h.s. verso corner 'The Speciality Press Pty. Ltd.' -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Article - Queen’s Birthday Honours
This file contains two items about Glen Eira residents who have received Queen’s Birthday Honours: 1/An article entitled ‘Heart-felt award’ by Jenny Ling, published in the Caulfield Leader on 15/06/2010. The article states that four Glen Eira residents were awarded Queen’s Birthday Honours that week, and discusses the work of two of them, Associate Professor Harry Mond and Noel Levin, both of Caulfield North Mond, who received an Order of Australia for service to medicine is given particular focus, and also gives brief comments in the article. 2/An article entitled ‘Surgeon a cut above’ by Jenny Ling, published in the Caulfield/Port Phillip Leader on 14/06/2011. The article focuses on neurosurgeon professor Jeffrey Rosenfeld of Caulfield North, who was appointed a Member of the Order of Australia for service to medicine. The article discusses Rosenfeld’s work, both in Australia and overseas, and includes brief comment by Rosenfeld on the honour. Also included is a photo, in colour, of Rosenfeld speaking to students at Toorak Primary, taken by Steven Crabtree.mond harry associate professor, levin noel, rosenfeld jeffery professor, caulfield north, riding for the disabled, jewish community, crabtree steven, ling jenny, order of australia, association of victoria, queen’s birthday, doctors, cardiology, neurosurgery, honours lists -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Book, The Vagabond Papers, 1877
As the title states this book provides sketches of Melbourne life in light and shade. It was written in 1877 and published by George Robertson . It is one of a series and this edition covers the following: A night in the model lodging -House, A day in the Immigrants' Home, A morning at the Hospital, Three days in the Benevolent Asylum, Our Lunatic Asylums, Sixpenny restaurants and The Theatre Vestibules. Throughout all he comments on the social situations and dilemmas in which he finds himself and which others must endure.The Vagabond Papers provides a valuable record of life in Melbourne in the 1870's. It is not always the view of Melbourne as a prosperous and developing city which is presented but it is experienced first hand by the author to which he also imparts social commentary on the many difficult situations. Small faded hard covered book with black text. Contains 205 pages with advertisements on front and back covers.Reprinted from the Argus corrected and revised by the author. Dedicated to the Conductors of the Argus in recognition of many private and professional 1877, social commentary melbourne 1870's, social life and customs -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Document - Folder, McGahy, David
David McGahy OAM, who died 19 April 2014, was CFA Captain for Arthurs Creek and Strathewen on Black Saturday. Jim Usher had written a book about those fires and described McGahy's life and work for the community. Helen Kenney commented on his life. Contents Newspaper article: "Tributes for bushfire hero," Diamond Valley Leader, 30 April 2014, describes David McGahy's work for the Country Fire Authority in Arthurs Creek and Strathewen.Newspaper clippings, A4 photocopies, etcdavid mcgahy oam, jim usher, helen kenney, black saturday, arthurs creek victoria, strathewen victoria -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Photograph - Hawthorn Road, 342, Caulfield
Two items about this address: 1/Two colour photos of a commercial building under construction on Hawthorn Road in September 1987. Building is south of Glenhuntly Road on western side And was being built for Caulfield City Council. 2/Print of comment entered 03/03/2019 on Victorian Collections website for this file from reader Angus giving street number as '342'. Google map photo print done 04/04/2019 confirms this.hawthorn road, caulfield, caulfield city council, commercial buildings, council buildings -
Mission to Seafarers Victoria
Letter - Correspondence, 29/06/1951
Allan's mother comments on the high cost of living in Sydney; lamb chops are six shillings and eight-pence a pound and only four shillings a pound in Melbourne. They have brought six pounds of butter with them as butter is very difficult to buy in Sydney. She and Allan's step-father Kip Hayes are staying with 'Jim' and enjoying catching up with friends and relatives. She has sent Allan a cake for his 23rd birthday which is on the 2 July.Quinn CollectionThree-page letter written on three sheets of lined, cream-coloured paper (0876.a1-3), headed McCleay Regis and dated 29/06/51. (This should probably be Macleay Regis). The matching envelope (0876.b) is addressed to Mr A. Quinn, C/- General Delivery, G.P.O., Oslo, Norway. It is postmarked Sydney and bears an Australian 1 shilling, 6 pence stamp. On the back are two indistinct postmarks and an unidentifiable square stamp which appears to have been reversed.Letter commences "Allan Dear,"......and concludes "...From your Mum."letters-from-abroad, allan quinn, oslo, alette andersen, sydney, kip hayes -
Uniting Church Archives - Synod of Victoria
Photograph, Rev. Ravenal Weinman, 1984
From an article headed "Sunrise or Sunset? Who's joining the Uniting Church, who's leaving, and why." The comment from Weinman is "The old fashioned idea that we can't serve God and Mammon is true. We chase the dollar and La Dolce Vita but the church calls for sacrifice and not self-indulgence. Affluence has made us more mobile, so there is the leap-frog syndrome. We are here one Sunday and at our beach-house or on the farm the next."Weinman is shown with his arm around his wife, facing the camera.Identification of C&N and Weinman.weinman, ravenal -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Newspaper, The Age, "Melbourne rattles along in the top 10 of tram cities", 16/1/1995
Newspaper cutting about the position of Melbourne trams in the world in terms of kilometres of track and the number of routes based on Jane's Urban Transport Systems. Has comments from the National Trust, PTUA, and about the tram fleet. Notes the recent growth in the Melbourne system. Item written by Bruce Tobin. How Jane's obtained or intepreted their information is unkinown - a check at the time of cataloguing notes that Prague was 144km and Poznan was about 66km of route - based on their Wikipedia pages. Yields information about Melbourne's position in the world tram list in 1995 - but this is subject to interepretion.Newspaper cutting from The Age 16/1/1995tramways, melbourne, length, routes -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Book, Riverbanker Child a Personal Life
The author grew up on the banks of the Goulburn river, where families lived in tents and shanties. His words and memories of growingt up as a Riverbanker in the 1940'sPart of the history of SheppartonSoft cover book, 52 pages, written by Alan H. Scott. White card cover front and back, Black pencil drawing on front of a tent with patches, a person in doorway, a dog . rear vover has a pencil drawing of a person leaning over a light. printing says Shepparton's Shanties, the Argus, Melbourne ,Vic 1848 -1954. Slum Boards Visit. 'Grievous Wrong being Done" plus other comments. The author has autographed page 1.Autographed by authorgoulburn river, shepparton -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Newspaper, The Courier Ballarat, "Volunteering Ballarat", 4/10/2018 12:00:00 AM
Newspaper clipping from The Courier, 4 Oct. 2018, title "Volunteering Ballarat", including an advert for the Museum, with Geoff Gardner as the contact. Includes the BTM pictogram. On the other side of the sheet is a news story about the Liberal Opposition in Victoria announcing a faster train service to Ballarat if elected. Includes comment from Nick Beale of Committee for Ballarat and Rico Merkert of the University of Sydney about the promise being realistic. The Labour party later almost matched the offer of fast trains.btm, volunteers, railways, elections -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Newspaper, The Courier Ballarat, "Pleas for return of city's trams", 9/12/1995 12:00:00 AM
1447.1 Top Part of front page of The Courier, Ballarat, Tuesday December 9, 1995. 1447.2 - top part of page 3 of the same date noting that it was unlikely the Ballarat would receive government funding under the Better Cities program for reintroduction of trams on Ballarat streets. Notes comments by the Federal Minister, Mr. Howe and Peter Hiscock. On page 1 is a small colour photo of 671 used as pointer to page 3 and on page 3, a cartoon by Burns about the Better cities program.trams, tramways, 671, ballarat city tramway, ballarat revival -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Newspaper, The Courier Ballarat, "No trams for at lease a decade", Aug. 2002
Yields information about the view of the City of Ballarat Mayor about the proposal for a Ballarat Tourist based tramway in 2002.Newspaper clipping from the Courier, Thursday 1 August 2002, with the title ""No trams for at lease a decade", reporting on comments made by Mayor David Vendy about the possibility of trams in Ballarat, at least 10 years and following up on the Tuesday night meeting at the Town Hall with the consultants and residents. Has a photo of David Vendy on BTM Tram 13 (has the signs inside) superimposed on Sturt St with the Town Hall and Myers store in the background. Article written by Andrew Molloy. Item has the date, source and page written in ink.ballarat revival, btm, city tramway, town hall -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Archive (Sub-series) - Subject File, Barnard Grove (Kew), 1985
Dorothy Benyei & Rosemary SmartReference, Research, InformationKHS OrderSubject file containing responses to a survey of residents of Barnard Grove, Kew (Vic), issued in 1985. The questionnaire requested information about when the respondee/s moved into the street, whether alterations had been made to their house, the reason why they moved to Barnard Grove, its good points and its limitations, and further comments. Rosemary Smart and Dorothy Benyei conducted the survey on behalf of the Society. The file contains many interesting responses from those who returned the surveys.barnard grove - kew east (vic.)barnard grove - kew east (vic.) -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Journal - Visitor Book, Fairyland Book
"Fairyland", the home of Jim and Grace Tabulo, was a notable local, state and international tourist attraction situated in Kew, Victoria during the mid twentieth century. Located at 57 Malmsbury Street, Kew, the weatherboard house and its garden were heavily decorated with statues, crockery and other collected items. A series of notebooks were used to record the messages of child and adult visitors to the property from the 1940s to the 1960s. After Mrs Tabulo's death, these visitor books are believed to have formed part of the Dorothy Rogers Collection. They entered the Kew Historical Society's collection following Dorothy Roger's death in 1973.This series of visitor books are the most important primary sources relating to the internationally renowned 'Fairyland' cottage in Malmsbury Street, Kew. Their social significance is that they record in the post war period the values and beliefs of children and adults who visited this historically significant tourist attraction.Foolscap size visitor book containing handwritten comments and drawings primarily made by children during visits to the home of Grace Tabulo, c.1950-1960. Commonly known as "Fairyland", the house was located at 57 Malmsbury Street Kew. The book is wrapped in brown paper, which covers back cardboard covers with a red cloth strip binding. Unpaginated, approximately 160 pages, and covers. The book has an additional loosely inserted black card cover located at the front of the book.Handwritten in pencil on paper cover: "1950 - 1962 /(edit book dates)" Handwritten in ink on paper label on loosely inserted cover: "Fairy Land / Book/ September 1950 / Fairy Land / Book / 75 [sic] M...berry [indistinct] st Kew / Fairy Land Book"grace tabulo -- fairyland -- 57 malmsbury street -- kew (vic.), tourism - kew - 1945-1965, childhood - kew, collectors and collecting, gardens - kew (vic), scrapbooks - 20th century -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Document - Folder with papers, Melbourne Tramway & Omnibus Co. Limited, "Car valuation Reports", 1916
Manila folder marked "Car valuation Reports" containing many typed papers concerning the valuation of the cable car fleet at the time of the hand or take over by the Tramway Board of the Melbourne Tramway and Omnibus Co in 1916. Includes listing of cars, when built, comments on method of valuation depot and status. Included is a letter between The Secretary of the Tramway Board, Mr Pringle (ESCo, but with a William St address) and mentions Mr. Murdoch of the NMETL. See image 3009i2.jpgtrams, tramways, cable trams, accounting, mto co, tramway board -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Administrative record - Depot Table Sheet or Block, Melbourne & Metropolitan Tramways Board (MMTB), North Fitzroy - Port Melbourne, Jan. 1968
Depot table sheet - 5 pages printed on light weight card paper, foolscap size or block - roneo or spirit - spirit duplicated - giving the weekday bus timetable for Bulleen to Garden City in both directions. Gives run number, departure times and the return destination. Dated 24 May 1965. 1413.1 - Email from Kevin Staines to Warren Doubleday 6/5/2016 commenting on being a bus driver at Port Melbourne Depot. Added 19-11-2016trams, tramways, table cards, north fitzroy depot, drivers, bulleen, buses -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Document - Report, Melbourne & Metropolitan Tramways Board (MMTB), "MMTB Planning Branch - Maximum Capacity of a Double Track Tramway", Jun. 1968
Report - 9 foolscap sheets - titled "MMTB Planning Branch - Maximum Capacity of a Double Track Tramway", dated June 1968 looking at the capacity of Swanston St in peak hours compared to an underground tramway with bogie or articulated trams. Compares different types of trams - SW6 to PCC, headways, time intervals, size of tram stops, traffic lights and comments. 2nd copy - original document - card covers, red binding on the left hand side - with three diagrams,2nd copy has "Lees" in top right corner.trams, tramways, mmtb, tram stops, swanston st, tramcar design, tramcar operations, traffic lights -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Document - Report, East Doncaster Progress Association, "East Doncaster Progress Association - Public Transport Survey - Report", mid 1960's
Report contained within a light brown card folder, containing many loose sheets, titled "East Doncaster Progress Association - Public Transport Survey - Report". About 50 pages, printed with a spirit duplicator. Not dated, possibly mid to late 1960's. Report stapled centrally along top edge., secured by a piece of adhesive tape. Includes comparisons between MMTB bus services and possible rail services. Section 2 - copy of questions on questionnaire, includes many comments.AETA stamp on front and inside sheet and "4E8" in ink on front cover.trams, tramways, doncaster, railways, mmtb, aeta -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Document, Parris Hogan, "Distribution Department - Men Employed in Erection of Substations", c1946
List - large folio or double foolscap sheet titled "Distribution Department - Men Employed in Erection of Substations", Lists substation name, date in service, whether a manual or auto sub-station, Wireman (electrician who ran the cables), makers of auto equipment, "Emerg Insp 1945-1946" and comments on the performance of the wireman or other comments: Lists Ascot Vale Brunswick Road Camberwell Coburg Deepdene Elsternwick Essendon Glenhuntly Hawthorn Holden St Kew Malvern Maribyrnong Preston Richmond South Melbourne South Yarra St Kilda West Brunswick Carlton Crombie Lane Footscray Dates from 1910 to 1946. Document part of the employment appeal case between Cassidy and Parris and others. See Key Associations for name of Foreman and Wireman. Lists the abbreviations for each manufacturer. GE - General Electric Co of USA WH - Westinghouse electric manufacturing Co of USA BTH - The British Thomson Houston Co. England EE Co. - The English Electric Co. MMTB See htd4574doc for a list of the file contents provided by Peter Hogan.trams, tramways, mmtb, electrical engineering, mmtb, engineers, personnel, substation, contracts