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4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment Unit History Room
Newspaper cutting, Visit by Army Band for Toora, 18/11/1987
A photocopy of an article in the 'Mirror' of 18/11/1987 about the Band of 4/19 PWLH taking part in the centenary celebrations of the, toora -
4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment Unit History Room
Plaque, Royal Army Dental Corps, abt 1980's
A glass plaque of the Royal Army Dental Corps. Attached to the back "Presented to Bandmaster and members of 4/19 PWLH Band. Many thanks and good luck in the future from Sgt 'Kev' Sturdy "EX LONG LOOK 89" " written on a piece of card. -
4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment Unit History Room
Document (2 copies), Lt L O Evans, Band Uniform (Notes Only), 1970
The dress for members of the Army is prescribed in the Dress Manual. The CO would not have a been a free agent to modify the Band's dress. A folder containing submission to the Commanding Officer by Lt L O Evans to consider recommendations to improve the dress of the Regimental Band - covering both winter and summer dress and that of the Drum Majorband, uniforms -
4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment Unit History Room
Australian Army Public Relations, 5/11/1977
Black & white photograph of the 4/19 PWLH Band being inspected by (?) after a performance. The photo was taken outside the South Melbourne football ground in November 1977Army Public Relations Photo YOR 77 NR 3MD 5 Nov 77photograph, 4/19 pwlh band -
4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment Unit History Room
Photograph, 1998?
An informal colour photo of a red jacketed army band gathered in front of, and on, two M113A1 Armoured Personnel Carriers of the 4th/19th PWLH. The location appears to be Puckapunyal."1998" written on backband, photo -
4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment Unit History Room
Photograph, Australian Army Public Relations, "Shorty" Shaw from Reservoir, Bandsman, 1976
A black & white photograph of a soldier operating a valve on a fuel bladder. There are tents in the background. On back: "Shorty" Shaw from Reservoir, Bandsman. Stamp of Army Public Relations YOR 76 137photo, band, shaw -
4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment Unit History Room
Newspaper cutting, Drill Hall's Battle Over, 8 Dec 1994
The 4/19 PWLH Regiment was located at Bougainville Barracks, Carlton, until the land was sold off by Army for housing development.An article from the Herald Sun of Thursday 8 Dec 1994 about the closing of Bougainville Barracks in Park Street Carlton. It carries a photograph Col Frank Pearson with a Light Horse uniformed mannequin in front the 4th (late 20th Corangamite) Light Horse honour boardnewspaper, bougainville barracks -
4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment Unit History Room
Field Message and Notebook - Army, abt 1980's
A hard covered notebook for use by soldiers in the fieldStock Number 7530-66-102-0621field note book -
4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment Unit History Room
Aerial Photograph, British Army, Mericourt, 31/7/18
An aeriall photograph taken from 5000 feet looking towards Mericourt from behind the British front. Marked on the photo is the approximate British front line as at 31-7-18, and, locations such as Chuignolles, St Germain Wood, Mericourt, Prayart, Somme, Cerisy. 3.B.S.48 Ht 5000 ftsomme, ww1, photo -
4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment Unit History Room
Newspaper articles, as described
Four newspaper articles about the First World War. 1. Australian Financial Review 2-3 Nov 2013 "Abbots new Western Front to usurp the Gallipoli legend" by Phillip Coorey 2. "Army" 13 Nov 2008 "Last to fall in Great War" by Peter Burness 3. The Australian 26-27 Sep 1998 "Digging In" by Ross McMullin about the mutinies in the 59th Battalion in 1918 4, The Age 10 Nov 1998 "Lest We Forget" by Geoffrey Blainey- A special feature to mark the 80th anniversary of the end gof World War 1newspaper articles, world war 1 -
4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment Unit History Room
Correspondence file, J Williams, Museums Unit 4/19 PWLH, 1995-96
Registry file dealing with Museum matters in particular Project Army Heritage and (then) proposed Army Museum of Australian Light Horse & Armour (AMALA)594-3-1 Part 2 Closed 19/3/97. New file raised 19 Mar 97amala -
4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment Unit History Room
Medallion, International Security Assistance Force, c.1990's
Brass medallionObverse - Coat of arms of Afghanistan National Army Officer Academy on green background. Around coat of arms is the title of Academy in English & Arabic. Reverse - In centre "ISAF" in English & Arabic in white lettering on green. Around this on white background are the flags of Australia, New Zealand, UK, Denmark & Norway. Around edge is "International Security Assistance Force" in English & Arabicafghanistan, isaf, medallion -
4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment Unit History Room
Correspondence File, RHQ 4/19 PWLH, Museums Unit 4/19 PWLH, Mar - Nov 1997
Registry file dealing with Museum matters. It contains papers about the then proposed Army Museum of Australia Light Horse and Armour Network (AMALA)594-3-1 Part 3correspondence, amala -
4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment Unit History Room
Training Pamphlet, HQ Training Command - Army, Australian Army. The Musorian Armed Forces. Army Trials Doctrine 4.3 Edition 1 Version 1 Land Operations, Tactics, Techniques and Procedures, Dec 1997
For training purposes "The Enemy" was a notional country called Musoria A plastic bound book. The aim of this doctrine is to provide a notional enemy capable of undertaking conventional and unconventional operations. The training enemy, the Musorian Armed Forces, is capable of a range of threats.00010 ATD 4.3 Ed 1 Ver 1training doctrine, the enemy, musorian armed forces -
4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment Unit History Room
Aide-Memoire, HQ Training Command - Army, Australian Army. The Musorian Armed Forces. Army Trials Doctrine 4.2 Edition 1 Version 1 Aide-Memoire, Dec 1997
For training purposes "The Enemy" was a notional country called Musoria A plastic bound book. The aim of this doctrine is to provide a notional training enemy capable of undertaking conventional and unconventional operations. The training enemy (the Musorian Armed Forces) is capable of a range of possible threats. This pamphlet attempts to present a generic force ORBAT capable of providing the widest range of military capabilities00027 ATD 4.2 Ed 1 Ver 1training doctrine, the enemy, musoria -
4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment Unit History Room
Book, Major General Gordon Maitland, Honours and Awards of the Army, 2014
248 page soft covered book describing Australian honours and awards and stories of recipients, categories: appointments to orders of chivalry, including the Australian Order, bravery or distinguished service decorations, operational service (campaign) medals, meritorious service & long service and good conduct melds. special awards on commemorative occasions, other awards or insignia, foreign awards.ISBN 978-0-9925154-0-9honours, awards, medals -
4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment Unit History Room
Booklet, Australian Army, Guide to the Art of Coaching on the Range, 1992
Pocket sized booklet covering coaching for small arms shootingNSN 7610-66-136-3956shooting, coaching -
4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment Unit History Room
Order of Ceremony, The Royal Australian Amored (sic) Corps the Keeffe Family & Eoghan McDonald Celebrates (sic) the Unveiling of a Commemorative Plaque 16 November 2014, 2014
The 13th Australian Armoured Regiment was a Gippsland militia unit that had been called up for full time duty in December 1941 as a traditional light horse regiment. The early months of 1942 had seen the regiment lose its horses, a conversion to a motor regiment and finally to an armoured regiment in May. During this period there were considerable changes in personnel, however the regiment maintained its strong links to Gippsland and its former identity. Between May and November 1942, individual soldiers had become proficient in their trade training and the regiment changed its focus to troop and squadron activities. On 16 November 1942, the unit was located at the Puckapunyal Army Camp. C Squadron's training program involved a night driving exercise where a column of armoured and B vehicles would depart camp at 0245 hours and proceed to a site to the East of Seymour and set up a bivouac between Whiteheads Creek and Highlands Road. Numerous army camps surrounded the Seymour area; and much of the surrounding farm land had been acquired for military purposes. By November 1942 exercises such as C Squadron's were commonplace and had been repeated on numerous occasions since 1939. At 0400 hrs, C Squadron's vehicles reached O'Sullivan's Paddock on the Kobyboyn Road; prior to reaching the Old Telegraph Road the column turned to the North towards a known crossing point on Whiteheads Creek. The column consisted of seven M3 Medium Tanks and four Universal Carriers. In the case of Corporal McLeod's vehicle, there were seven crewmen rather than the usual five man crew. On arrival at the creek crossing, Captain C.M.I. 'Sandy' Pearson dismounted and with the assistance of Sergeant R.J. Ball began to guide individual tanks across the creek. Four tanks had crossed the creek without difficulty when Corporal McLeod's tank, ARN 24652, began its descent. Captain Pearson stated at the Coroner's Inquiry in December 1942, "Whilst climbing out of the ford the vehicle swerved to the left, apparently striking the tree. It was not the portion of the tank (front) that struck the tree. The tank straightened and appeared to be well under control, suddenly the bank on the left collapsed to the extent of 3ft by 12ft by15ft long causing the vehicle to slide into the creek and turn upside down." Captain Pearson and Sergeant Ball were faced with a nightmarish situation: The Grant had come to rest upside down in soft mud, six crew members were unaccounted for, escape hatches could not be opened and the weight of the tank was settling deeper into the water and mud. Compounding the problem was that the location of the tank did not allow for the other tanks to safely conduct a recovery. It was truly the darkest night.Single A4 card. folded, Contains an account of the raising of 13 Armoured Regiment in December 1941and a tank accident during a night creek crossing in which six crewmen were killed, and, Order of Ceremony for plaque unveiling, Guest of Honour LtCol Stuart Cree CO/CI School of Armour13 armored regiment, tank accident, puckapunyal -
4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment Unit History Room
Rain Coat, 1971
Unit issue item during 1970'sRaincoat, Army issue, plastic material in green and black camouflage pattern. Folds into a pocket when not in use.DSN 8415-66-021-5442. Maintenance Instructions. Size Mclothing, rain coat, uniform -
4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment Unit History Room
Photograph, Badge of Australian Army Veterinary Corps
Framed B&W photo of badge of Australian Army Veterinary Corpsphotograph, aust army veterinary corps -
4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment Unit History Room
Plaque - Australian Army Training Team Vietnam
Plaque depicting badge of Australian Army Training Team. Vietnam. Plastic material fixed to wooden backingvietnam, plaque, training team -
4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment Unit History Room
Book, User Handbook Radio Set AN/PRC 77, June 1967
Hard plastic covered book. Australian Army issued. Technical Manual/User Handbook for Radio Set AN/PRC 777610-66-027-7622book, radio an/prc 77, user manual -
4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment Unit History Room
Book, US Army AG Publications Center, Operator's & Organizational Maintenance Manual for AN/VRC radios & ancilliary equipment, Sept 1972
Soft covered book detailing operator's & organizational maintenance, spare parts, special tools for radio sets: AN/VRC12, AN/VRC43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49,54, & 55, mounting MT-1029/VRC and MT-1898/VRC, antenna AT-912/VRC, control frequency selector C-2742/VRC and control radio set C-2299/VRC. TM 11-5820-401-12 -
4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment Unit History Room
Book, Communication for Armor, November 1965
Soft covered book, the purpose of which is to present, in concise form, the information needed in planning and establishing communication with signal equipment being used in US Armor units. US ARMY ARMOR SCHOOL Fort Knox Kentucky November 1965signals, handbook, usa -
4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment Unit History Room
Book, Instructions for Radio Set AN/PRC-64, June 1966
Soft covered book detailing a general description, operation of, and maintenance etc of the AN/PRC-64. Printed for the Australian Army.Delco Radio General Motors Corporationradio prc64, instructions -
4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment Unit History Room
Book, Signal Communications in the Army Vol II Regimental Signalling Handbook Part 3 Antennas for Regimental Signalling, abt 1960
Handbook for equipments used by the RegimentSoft covered book detailing the electricd field, length, position, dimensions and types of antennasArmy Code 70449 (Part 3)handbook, antennas, army -
4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment Unit History Room
Document, Operator Handbook Interim Rasit 3190B GSR, Nov 1987
Loose leaf photocopy of operator handbook detailing capabilities, operating modes, controls, drills, procedures etc for the Rasit 3190B ground radar stattionNov 87handbook, radar, army -
4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment Unit History Room
Book, Technical Manual Radio Sets AN/VRC 46, AN/VRC 49, AN/GRC 160, AN/VIC (V) Harness, May 1978
Handbook for equipments previously used by the RegimentLoose leaf soft covered book detailing a description, technical details, operation, and, user maintenance of the radio sets AN/VRC46 & 49, AN/GRC160 and the control harness AN/VIC1 (v)army, radio, handbook -
4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment Unit History Room
Pamphlet, Royal Armoured Corps Training - Notes for Royal Armoured Corp Signal Instructors, 1966
Training material for RegimentSoft covered, stapled book covering currents, circuits, radio waves, security, various radios and harness installations used by armoured units. Army Code No 70303book, signals training -
4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment Unit History Room
Pamphlet, Signal Training Pamphlet No 6 Communication Security, 1971
Training manual used by RegimentSoft covered book, detailing communications security in the Australian ArmyDSN 7610-66-039-4906radio training, armoured corps