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Vision Australia
Photograph - Image, Various Mirridong images, 1980's
Photographs taken of various activities that occurred at the Association for the Blind's nursing home in Bendigo - Mirridong. These include clients sitting outside (for possibly the opening of a new wing or a street parade), staff participating at a local fete, volunteers/staff playing games with residents, reading newspapers, receiving visitors and awards for gardening activities.8 B/W photographs of clients, staff and volunteers at Mirridongassociation for the blind, mirridong home (bendigo) -
Vision Australia
Photograph - Image, Serving tea at Kelaston
A woman smiles as she places a cup of tea in front of a nursing home resident at the Association for the Blind's Ballarat home.1 B/W photograph of resident and staff at Kelaston Nursing Homeassociation for the blind, kelaston home (ballarat) -
Vision Australia
Photograph - Image, Transcribing Braille with frame and stylus
Two sighted women sit in an outside porch at the Braille Library in South Yarra, transcribing the books in front of them into Braille, using a stylus and frame. This image shows sighted volunteer Braille transcribers. At this time all Braille was manually transcribed using a hand frame and metal stylus. These volunteers worked at Australia's first Braille Library created by the Victorian Association of Braille Writers.Black and white image of two Braille writersbraille equipment, victorian association of braille writers -
Vision Australia
Booklet - Text, Souvenir catalogue Farewell to William Street (1876-1971) Art exhibition and sale of painting at the Royal Blind Society of New South Wales, 1971
As a way of raising funds, an art exhibition and sale of paintings was held at the William Street offices of the Royal Blind Society before they moved to their new offices in Enfield. This was one of a series of events held to say goodbye to the former building and to pay for the creation of purpose built offices outside of the CBD. 6 page booklet providing a brief history and overview of current situation, including a list of auction itemsroyal blind society of nsw, fundraising -
Vision Australia
Letter - Text, Letter to C. Bruce Miller, 11 April 1961
Individual thank you letters were sent out to those who made a certain level of donation directly to the organistion. In this example, Mr C. Bruce Miller of 11 Moorakyne Street, Malvern is thanked for his donation of 5 pounds and 5 shillings and the letter is personally signed by J. W. Wilson in 1958 and 1961 respectively.2 letters to Mr C. Bruce Millerassociation for the blind, john wilson, fundraising -
Vision Australia
Certificate - Text, Assocation for the Blind Certificate of Appreciation
As financial and in-kind contributions began to increase, the Association utilised certificate templates to acknowledge and thank donors. In these examples, an estate for financial support to the low vision clinic/George Vowell Centre, an individual for his support during an appeal for Elanora and a bequest from a family. All certificates are hand-signed by the Chief Executive Officer/Appeal Chairman and President. Multiple A4 certificates of appreciationdorothy constance riegelhuth, wallace cameron, oriel j grattan, bird family, association for the blind, john cook, john moule, don argus, hermann muncheberg -
Vision Australia
Certificate - Text, Bendigo District Garden Competition, 1992-3
The gardens of Mirridong were well maintained as these certificates for First Prize in the Bendigo District Garden Competition acknowledge in 1992 and 1993.2 x A4 certificates of appreciationmirridong home (bendigo), bendigo district garden competition, association for the blind -
Vision Australia
Certificate - Text, Association for the Blind Certificate of Honour
Initially donations were thanked by individuals or via typed notes. The next step was the use of pre-printed certificates of honour, which could then have the donor's name hand-written or typed in. These examples are interesting as they show the use of the initial draft of the guiding light symbol, of a black outline flame and semi-circle on a white background, and the continuance of the circle, but in white on a black background. Light blue flowery motifs vertically fill the top left hand side and horizontally the bottom right hand side of the page. Signed by the President (unknown/John Wicking) and Secretary (John Wilson) they were presented to staff of the Association for their contribution of $11,000 for the Guiding Light Appeal in 1968, the staff of the Blind Citizens Community Centre for their $5000 contribution in 1974, and the staff of Mirridong for their $1500 contribution in 1974. A4 sized certificates with blue decoration and black and white AFB half circle logassociation for the blind, fundraising, john wicking -
Vision Australia
Certificate - Text, Association for the Blind Certificate of Honour
The Guiding Light symbol appears on the next issue of certificates from the Association, using the sphere and triangle shapes that would also become part of name badges and other items around the organisation. These certificates reflect the financial support of the Reach Out Appeal by the Mirridong Social Club in 1981 (signed by Kitty Rose and John Wilson), Elanora, Head Office and George Vowell Centre staff in recognition of their services to residents and blind members in 1982 (signed by John Wicking and John Wilson).A4 sized certificates with guiding light logoassociation for the blind, john wicking, john wilson, katharine (kitty) rose -
Vision Australia
Document - Text, History of the Australian Blinded Soldiers Association, August 1968
A brief overview of the formation and conferences held by the Australian Blind Soldiers Association from 1921 until 1967, by Alan Foster McConnell.8 scanned pages. (Physical copy not yet located.)alan foster mcconnell, blind soldiers -
Vision Australia
Photograph - Image, RVIB Blind Orchestras, circa 1900
Musicianship was a pursuit encouraged by the RVIB, who then established orchestras as a way of raising funds for the organisation. To this end, tours were often given around the state, so that the general populace could appreciate both wonderful musical talent and the work of the institution. In these images, various ensemble members and their instruments are displayed. Digital files of blind orchestra membersrvib orchestra, fundraising -
Vision Australia
Slide - Image, Boy holding Taylor slate
A boy sits in the board room at the RVIB building in St Kilda Road, holding a Taylor's mathematical slate. Developed by Rev. William Taylor in the mid-late 19th century, this English invention provided a device that allowed pegs to represent a variety of numbers upon an array, rather than using raised numbers. Various models were produced around the world before it's eventual demise around the early 1970's.B/W image of a boy holding a metal grid in his laproyal victorian institute for the blind, braille equipment -
Vision Australia
Slide - Image, Recreation area at RVIB
Image of boys and men around and in a grassed area at RVIB, that is bordered by wooden railing. A single-storey bluestone building and two wooden buildings surround the grass. Some children rest on the railing whilst others play in the grass or walk around the area. Three adults talk amongst the boys. Boys and men standing behind or by a fence bordering a grassed arearoyal victorian institute for the blind, education -
Vision Australia
Mixed media - Video recording, 7News Brisbane - 50 Dog Years, 10/04/2010
Report on the need for more Seeing Eye Dog sponsors upon the anniversary of 50 years of seeing eye dogs in Australia. It includes interviews with Jacky Tupangaia, Nick Gleeson and Gerard Menses. With an estimated 600,000 vision impaired people by 2020, the target of 5000 new puppy sponsors are required to help Vision Australia meet demand.1 wmv file of 7News Brisbane segment on 50th anniversaryseeing eye dogs australia, gerard menses, nick gleeson, jacky tupangaia -
Vision Australia
Text, Royal Blind Society at a glance, 2002
3 page discussion of the main facts about the Royal Blind Society of New South Wales, including a brief history, staffing and volunteer numbers, structure and the services it provides.1 Microsoft Word documentroyal blind society of new south wales -
Vision Australia
Plan - Image, Vision Australia Kensington plans, 2009
Diagrams of seating and layout for the opening of Vision Australia's office in Macaulay Road, Kensington in 2009.Digital files of Macaulay office fit outvision australia, plans -
Vision Australia
Text, Royal Blind Foundation 1883-2006, 2006
A brief overview of the history of the Royal Blind Foundation of Queensland from it's inception to it's merger with Vision Australia in 2006.1 Microsoft Word documentroyal blind foundation of queensland -
Vision Australia
Text, Early long cane use: a study, 2010
Article on long cane use by Bronwen Scott from Vision Australia. Taken from the journal AER Journal: Research and Practice in Visual Impairment and Blindness. Volume 3, Number 1, Winter 2010, p26-29.4 page PDFvision australia, bronwen scott -
Vision Australia
Audio - Sound recording, Gerard Menses - move to Coorparoo, 2010
Gerard Menses, Vision Australia's CEO, discusses the movement of Vision Australia (formerly Vision QLD and RBFQ) from Kent Street to Coorparoo.1 wmv file audio recording on hard drivevision australia, gerard menses, coorparoo -
Vision Australia
Photograph - Image, 2010 Open Day at SEDA, 21/11/2010
On November 21, 2010 Seeing Eye Dogs Australia (SEDA) hosted an annual public open day at its National Kennel and Puppy Centre in Kensington. People were invited to learn more about SEDA and participate in guided tours where they could explore the extensive facilities, which featured a rehabilitation therapy pool, breeding centre, public viewing platform directly into the heart of its kennels and puppy play centre. Demonstrations of Seeing Eye Dogs at work helped visitors gain a better understanding of how SEDA helps to transform the lives of people who are blind or have low vision, and potentially how they can contribute to the $30,000 cost required to train a Seeing Eye Dog.379 digital photographs of SEDA open day in 2010seeing eye dogs australia, fundraising, leona holloway -
Vision Australia
Photograph - Image, Interior of the Vision Australia office at 1300 Howitt Street, Ballarat, January 2008
Interior of the Vision Australia office at 1300 Howitt Street, Ballarat, taken by Michelle Prentice during a visit.15 digital photographs of Vision Australia's Ballarat officevision australia, ballarat -
Vision Australia
Photograph - Image, Vision Australia Dandenong office interiors, February 2008
Interior view of Vision Australia's office at 45 Princess Highway, Dandenong.7 digital photographs of VA Dandenong Officevision australia, buildings -
Vision Australia
Drawing - Image, Vision Australia Kensington exterior artists view, 2009
Artist impression of the new building for Vision Australia's office in Macaulay Road, Kensington in 2009.4 digital files depicting artists view of Macaulay Road officevision australia, macaulay road kensington -
Vision Australia
Photograph - Image, Interior and exterior view of Vision Australia's office at 346 Macaulay Road, Kensington, April 2008
Interior and exterior view of Vision Australia's office at 346 Macaulay Road, Kensington.11 digital photographs of VA Macaulay Road Officevision australia, macaulay road kensington -
Vision Australia
Administrative record - Text, Royal Victorian Institute for the Blind annual report 1904, 1904-1909
From it's beginning in 1867, the Royal Victorian Institute for the Blind grew in size and its number of employees and benefactors. These bound volumes of annual reports contain the information sent to subscribers of the Institute and outline the notable events and difficulties facing the blind and the RVIB.1 volume with black and white illustrationsroyal victorian institute for the blind, annual reports -
Vision Australia
Equipment - Object, Book magnifier, 1890-1910
This black wooden antique hinged book magnifier was typical of the elegant way that Victorian age designers combined both practicality and style into the salon. Folded down, this box would sit on a side table until required, whereupon it would expand to allow the user to read items in their hand. A platform designed to hold reading materials would be elevated into position, and the magnifier allowed for three different levels of height. On top of the magnifier are engraved decorations - one of a bow and the other of a globe, telescope and scroll.1 wooden box with fold out top and inset glass magnifier.assistive devices, equipment -
Vision Australia
Medal - Object, Royal Humane Society of Australasia medal, 1960s
A Royal Humane Society of Australasia silver medal for bravery was awarded to Mrs Isadore Susannah Smith who, although blind, went to the aid of her husband, Arthur who was also blind, when he fell against a gas fire on July 2nd, 1967. Mrs Smith suffered second degree burns to her hands and wrists when she removed his burning pieces of clothing. On the front shows a woman in Ancient Greek clothing standing at left placing wreath on head of young man kneeling at right below Southern Cross; around edge is ' Virtute Paratum' and on the back is at centre within olive wreath 'Awarded to Isadore Smith 2.7.67'around edge is , Royal humane society of Australasia Instd. A.D. 1874. 1 silver coloured medallion and ribbon bar with ivory, brown and yellow striped ribbon. Women in ancient Greek clothing with 'Virtute Paratum' on front. Back is inscribed with 'Isadore Smith 2.6.67' inside a wreath.medals, isadore smith -
Vision Australia
Model - Object, Tactile globe, 1950-1965 approx
Used to teach geographical information, this tactile globe was most likely produced by the RNIB and used at the RVIB Burwood School. Equator is raised and marked in black rubber. Topography land masses and meridians are tactically represented, and includes place names in Braille. A different shade of green is used to represent land masses, and major rivers are shown as well.Green plastic tactile globe with metal stand.Variouseducation aids and devices, rvib burwood school -
Vision Australia
Leisure object - Object, Selected crossword puzzles No. 4 and RNIB crossword board, 1970s
This book contains the set up and clues for cross word puzzles that can be constructed with the RNIB crossword board. The board is contained inside a wooden box, which also has compartments for storing yellow and red rubber markers that fit into a grid that sits on the lower side. Red smooth markers are used for blanks, whilst the yellow markers have three turnable pieces, which can be adjusted to represent each letter in Braille.1 braille book and 1 wooden box containing yellow and red rubber markers that fit into the grid inset in the box.'From the Evening News book of crossword puzzles no. 18' Catalogue 29444recreation equipment, games -
Vision Australia
Sculpture - Object, Louis Braille bust, 1929
A bust of Louis Braille was gifted to the Victorian Association of Braille Writers in 1929 by the sculptor Guilliame Daniel Duprat. The bronze bust sits upon a blackwood plinth, with an inscribed nameplate below the chest, and a revolving medallion at the base of the stand.Sculpture of man on wooden plinth with inscribed medallion on axis and base plateOne side of medallion: Offert par le Ministere des Affaires Etrangeres (curved edge) Louis Braille Centenary Presented by French Government to The Victorian Association of Braille Writers Melbourne 1929 Reverse side: Republique Francaise Baseplate: Presented by Mrs George Swinburne to commemorate the Centenary of Louis Braille. Copied from the plaster cast. Made & Donated by G.D. Delprat Esq. 1929 victorian association of braille writers, guilliame daniel duprat