Historical information

Initially donations were thanked by individuals or via typed notes. The next step was the use of pre-printed certificates of honour, which could then have the donor's name hand-written or typed in. These examples are interesting as they show the use of the initial draft of the guiding light symbol, of a black outline flame and semi-circle on a white background, and the continuance of the circle, but in white on a black background. Light blue flowery motifs vertically fill the top left hand side and horizontally the bottom right hand side of the page. Signed by the President (unknown/John Wicking) and Secretary (John Wilson) they were presented to staff of the Association for their contribution of $11,000 for the Guiding Light Appeal in 1968, the staff of the Blind Citizens Community Centre for their $5000 contribution in 1974, and the staff of Mirridong for their $1500 contribution in 1974.

Physical description

A4 sized certificates with blue decoration and black and white AFB half circle log