Showing 654 items
matching scouting victoria
8th/13th Victorian Mounted Rifles Regimental Collection
Photograph - Anzac Day Albury 1991
Traditionally, 8/13 Victorian Mounted Rifles participated in Anzac Day marches in NE Victoria & Southern NSWColoured photograph of Major Ian Docking, 8/13 Victorian Mounted Rifles, mounted in Ferret Scout Car leading Anzac Day march, Albury, 1991.anzac day, albury, ferret, docking -
Surrey Hills Historical Society Collection
Photograph, Boys who later joined the 1st Surrey Hills scout troop, 1909
1st Surrey Hills was the 3rd troop formed in Victoria. Harrison Buchanan was not old enough to join and for a time was the 'troop mascot' as the cubs had not been formed at this time. He later became the troop's 2nd Scoutmaster. Doug Jeffries lived at 12 Vincent Street. Alex Lucas was the son of the draper in Canterbury Road. Our documentation variously gives the date as 1901 or 1909.Six boys are pictured against a backdrop of scrub in the eroded creek bed, called 'The Alps', of Back Creek opposite Wattle Park. Three of them are identified as: Harrison Buchanan (with the stave), Doug Jeffries on the LHS and Alex Lucas next to him.Black and white photo measuring L 24.5 cm x H 17.4 cmback creek, 1st surrey hills scout troop, scouts, harrison buchanan, alex lucas, doug jeffries, childhood and youth, topography -
National Wool Museum
Bale Fastener
"Grip" bale fasteners,The Hurst & Hughes Pty Ltd, 35 Skene Street, Geelong, Victoria. Donated from the estate of the donors' father who had an involvement through the scouting movement with the Hurst family who invented bale clips.W90 letter to Ms Rachel Faggetter from Rob Money dated 14th October 1989. Contains history of fasteners."Grip" Bale Fasteners/ The Hurst & Hughes Pty Ltd, 35 Skene Street, Geelong, Victoria....shearing wool bales, hurst and hughes pty ltd, wool bale clips, hurst, mr harold e., shearing, wool bales -
Falls Creek Historical Society
Journal - Ski-Horizon Vol. 1 No 4
Ski-Horizon is the official journal of the Federation of Victorian Ski Clubs which began publication in 1949. The were 26 original member clubs which included Albury Ski Club, Bogong Ski Club, Myrtleford Ski Club, Tallangatta and District Ski Club and Wangaratta Ski Club. Two pioneers of Falls Creek, Tom Mitchell, M.L.A., and Martin Romuld were Vice-Presidents of the Federation.This Journal is significant because it documents the early development of skiing in Victoria.The journal features stories and events chronicling developments in Victoria and internationally. Items related to the Falls Creek Area in this publication include:- Page 3: A reminder for people wishing to use Cleve Cole Hut, that they need to collect a key. The Hut is dedicated to the memory of Cleve Cole, a Victorian skiing pioneer who died after being trapped on Mount Bogong in the winter of 1936. Page 14 At the Annual Dinner of the Bogong Ski Club on Saturday, 19th November, Mr. T. W. Mitchell, M.L.A., presented the Silver Discus to Fred Vines, Captain of the Bogong team which won the 1949 Inter-club Championship. The Bogong Ski Club were keen to send a team to New Zealand in 1950 to compete in the N.Z. inter-club championship (Wigley Cup).ski history victoria, federation of victorian ski clubs, nedsa events, victorian skiing 1949 -
Falls Creek Historical Society
Journal - Ski-Horizon Vol. 1 No 6
Ski-Horizon is the official journal of the Federation of Victorian Ski Clubs which began publication in 1949. The were 26 original member clubs which included Albury Ski Club, Bogong Ski Club, Myrtleford Ski Club, Tallangatta and District Ski Club and Wangaratta Ski Club. Two pioneers of Falls Creek, Tom Mitchell, M.L.A., and Martin Romuld were Vice-Presidents of the Federation.This Journal is significant because it documents the early development of skiing in Victoria.The journal features stories and events chronicling developments in Victoria and internationally. Items related to the Falls Creek Area in this publication include:- Page 14: In evidence before the State Development Committee at Mt. Beauty, Tom Mitchell outlined the need for further construction of roads in the area and stated a case for the development of an alpine village to be established at Falls Creek. He also suggested that the question of ski tows be left to the ski clubs, but that the Government consider the installation of a chair-hoist at Spion Kopje. It also seemed likely that the 1950 Victorian State titles and the 1951 International Race with New Zealand will be held in the Falls Creek-Spion Kopje area. ski history victoria, federation of victorian ski clubs, nedsa events, victorian skiing 1949 -
Falls Creek Historical Society
Journal - Ski-Horizon Vol. 2 No 8
Ski-Horizon is the official journal of the Federation of Victorian Ski Clubs which began publication in 1949. The were 26 original member clubs which included Albury Ski Club, Bogong Ski Club, Myrtleford Ski Club, Tallangatta and District Ski Club and Wangaratta Ski Club. Two pioneers of Falls Creek, Tom Mitchell, M.L.A., and Martin Romuld were Vice-Presidents of the Federation.This Journal is significant because it documents the early development of skiing in Victoria.The journal features stories and events chronicling developments in Victoria and internationally. Items related to the Falls Creek Area in this publication include:- Page 2: Toni St Elmo sent a list of Bogong Ski Club members who had passed N.Z. tests during their tour of New Zealand in 1950. Page 10 - 12 An extensive article (Falls Creek", written by Pauline McLean who had spent several holidays there. It includes travel requirements and restrictions and the need to acquire provisions. Reference is made to lodges including the "Skyline" and to Bill Hymans and Ron Roberts' refreshment kiosk at the foot of the tow. Page 13 Toni St Elmo is planning to have a ski tow installed for the coming season. A detailed description of the tow is history victoria, federation of victorian ski clubs, nedsa events, victorian skiing 1949 -
Falls Creek Historical Society
Journal - Ski-Horizon Vol. 2 No 10
Ski-Horizon is the official journal of the Federation of Victorian Ski Clubs which began publication in 1949. The were 26 original member clubs which included Albury Ski Club, Bogong Ski Club, Myrtleford Ski Club, Tallangatta and District Ski Club and Wangaratta Ski Club. Two pioneers of Falls Creek, Tom Mitchell, M.L.A., and Martin Romuld were Vice-Presidents of the Federation.This Journal is significant because it documents the early development of skiing in Victoria.The journal features stories and events chronicling developments in Victoria and internationally. Items related to the Falls Creek Area in this publication include:- Page 2: Albury Ski Club is set for a positive year. Present membership of the club is 130 and officials. recently elected are: -President, Mr. Fred Griffith; Vice-President and Booking Officer, Bob Howe; Secretary. Nell Newton; Asst. Sec., Angela Bowler; Treasurer. Sam Roxburgh; Social, Bruce Colquhoun: Trips, June Watson; Bus, Len Egan; Building. John Perger; Equipment, Peter Hadow. Page 3 Toni St. Elmo is planning the monster party the Bogong Ski Club will give at their Falls Creek Lodge on 4th August to the visiting N.Z. team. Page 8 - 9 Article - The Old Order Passes on the Bogong High Plains - an extensive response to the State Development Committee's Report "The Alpine Regions of Victoria; Skiing and Tourist Resorts" and suggestions for the construction of roads, ski tows and other facilities. A sketch map of Falls Creek Village is history victoria, federation of victorian ski clubs, development of falls creek -
Falls Creek Historical Society
Journal - Ski-Horizon Vol. 2 No 11
Ski-Horizon is the official journal of the Federation of Victorian Ski Clubs which began publication in 1949. The were 26 original member clubs which included Albury Ski Club, Bogong Ski Club, Myrtleford Ski Club, Tallangatta and District Ski Club and Wangaratta Ski Club. Two pioneers of Falls Creek, Tom Mitchell, M.L.A., and Martin Romuld were Vice-Presidents of the Federation.This Journal is significant because it documents the early development of skiing in Victoria.The journal features stories and events chronicling developments in Victoria and internationally. Items related to the Falls Creek Area in this publication include:- Page 2: Reference to ski instructors and Ski Schools in Victoria including Bob Hymans' School and Ernst and Auriel Forras who operate the Nussen School with Max Denham. Page 5 Bogong High Plains locality map, with construction areas and power lines marked. It is accompanied by a notice regarding safety and access from H. H. C.Williams, Construction Engineer. Page 12 An article referring to Tom Mitchell's stallion "Debtor" and Ernest Forras, Ski Instructor. Page 13: Continuation of Ernest Forras' profile. Page 22 Comment by Toni St. Elmo and the Myrtleford Ski Club Tow. ski history victoria, federation of victorian ski clubs, ernest forras, nissen ski school -
Falls Creek Historical Society
Journal - Ski-Horizon Vol. 2 No 12, Ski-Horizon Vol. 2 No 21
Ski-Horizon is the official journal of the Federation of Victorian Ski Clubs which began publication in 1949. The were 26 original member clubs which included Albury Ski Club, Bogong Ski Club, Myrtleford Ski Club, Tallangatta and District Ski Club and Wangaratta Ski Club. Two pioneers of Falls Creek, Tom Mitchell, M.L.A., and Martin Romuld were Vice-Presidents of the Federation.This Journal is significant because it documents the early development of skiing in Victoria.The journal features stories and events chronicling developments in Victoria and internationally. Items related to the Falls Creek Area in this publication include:- Page 3. Reference to association between Tom and Elyne Mitchell and prominent American skier, Mr. Averell Harriman. Also members of the Albury Ski Club fined for swearing. Page 5 A half page advertisement for Nissen Ski School with instructors, Ernest and Aurel Forras and Max Denham. It includes the slogan "Speed is the Thrill, Control the Art".ski history victoria, federation of victorian ski clubs, ernest forras, nissen ski school, tom mitchell m.l.a. -
Falls Creek Historical Society
Journal - Ski-Horizon Vol. 3 No 1
Ski-Horizon is the official journal of the Federation of Victorian Ski Clubs which began publication in 1949. The were 26 original member clubs which included Albury Ski Club, Bogong Ski Club, Myrtleford Ski Club, Tallangatta and District Ski Club and Wangaratta Ski Club. Two pioneers of Falls Creek, Tom Mitchell, M.L.A., and Martin Romuld were Vice-Presidents of the Federation.This Journal is significant because it documents the early development of skiing in Victoria.The journal features stories and events chronicling developments in Victoria and internationally. Items related to the Falls Creek Area in this publication include:- Page 2: - Falls Creek was the focus of many important visitors including Hon. T. W. Mitchell, Victorian Attorney General. Tom Mitchell delivered a message of welcome to the New Zealand visiting Ski Team from the Premier of Victoria, - The Albury Ski Club team returned from New Zealand in August. Their team of Bob Howe, Skippy St, Elmo and Mr & Mrs. Bob Cutts were winners of the friendly race competition. - Joking report about Kevin McDonald getting himself fully equipped an attached to the tow at Falls Creek - except for his skis! - A successful meeting at Toni St Elmo's cottage with N.E.D.S.A. history victoria, federation of victorian ski clubs, skippy st elmo -
Falls Creek Historical Society
Journal - Ski-Horizon Vol. 3 No 2
Ski-Horizon is the official journal of the Federation of Victorian Ski Clubs which began publication in 1949. The were 26 original member clubs which included Albury Ski Club, Bogong Ski Club, Myrtleford Ski Club, Tallangatta and District Ski Club and Wangaratta Ski Club. Two pioneers of Falls Creek, Tom Mitchell, M.L.A., and Martin Romuld were Vice-Presidents of the Federation.This Journal is significant because it documents the early development of skiing in Victoria.The journal features stories and events chronicling developments in Victoria and internationally. Items related to the Falls Creek Area in this publication include:- Page 2: Concerns about progress in Falls Creek in the coming year with programme cuts in SEC Copperhead snake killed in snow on High Plains similar to a feat by Elyne Mitchell in 1936. Tom Mitchell visits the NSW Snowy Hydro Electricity Authority. Nissen Ski Tow worked "well enough" at times. Page 11 Reminiscences of the Inter Dominion Ski Tour by New Zealand with planning underway for the next year. Australia to send a small team to the Winter Olympics in Oslo in early 1952. Falls Creek Village Advisory Committee establishedlski history victoria, federation of victorian ski clubs, oslo olympics 1952, falls creek advisory committee -
Falls Creek Historical Society
Journal - Ski-Horizon Vol. 3 No 3
Ski-Horizon is the official journal of the Federation of Victorian Ski Clubs which began publication in 1949. The were 26 original member clubs which included Albury Ski Club, Bogong Ski Club, Myrtleford Ski Club, Tallangatta and District Ski Club and Wangaratta Ski Club. Two pioneers of Falls Creek, Tom Mitchell, M.L.A., and Martin Romuld were Vice-Presidents of the Federation.This Journal is significant because it documents the early development of skiing in Victoria.The journal features stories and events chronicling developments in Victoria and internationally. Items related to the Falls Creek Area in this publication include:- Page 2: The road to Falls Creek from Howmans Gap likely to be closed while activities on the Kiewa Hydro Electric Scheme are restricted due to VIctoria's lack of finance for public works. Page 5 - A note from Fred Griffith (President, Albury Ski Club) gave plans for the club's annual Ski Ball on Friday, 30th November. It will be held in the Toonallook Woolshed. Fred says you are welcome to bring your sleeping bag and stay the night (what's left of it) at Toonallook where the recovery from hangover can be spent very pleasantly on the property or swimming and boating on the Hume Weir nearby. - N.E.D.S.A. officials are getting preparations in hand for the visit next year of a N.E.D.S.A. team to New Zealand. John Robertson, of Myrtleford Ski Club, is the Trip Secretary and Toni St. Elmo is acting at present as history victoria, federation of victorian ski clubs, ernest forras -
Falls Creek Historical Society
Journal - Ski-Horizon Vol 3 No 4
Ski-Horizon is the official journal of the Federation of Victorian Ski Clubs which began publication in 1949. The were 26 original member clubs which included Albury Ski Club, Bogong Ski Club, Myrtleford Ski Club, Tallangatta and District Ski Club and Wangaratta Ski Club. Two pioneers of Falls Creek, Tom Mitchell, M.L.A., and Martin Romuld were Vice-Presidents of the Federation.This Journal is significant because it documents the early development of skiing in Victoria.The journal features stories and events chronicling developments in Victoria and internationally. Items related to the Falls Creek Area in this publication include:- Page 5 - A general reminder about fire safety in the summer. - The Albury Ski Club Ball was a great success. - Some race results not hitherto published. Bogong Ski Club Open Championship: A. Lejins 1, F. Sik-tane 2. S. Hooke 3. Albury Ski Club Championship Combined: Bob Howe 1. Bob Scott 2, Skippy St. Elmo history victoria, federation of victorian ski clubs, ski results skippy st elmo, bob scott -
Falls Creek Historical Society
Journal - Ski-Horizon Vol 3 No 5
Ski-Horizon is the official journal of the Federation of Victorian Ski Clubs which began publication in 1949. The were 26 original member clubs which included Albury Ski Club, Bogong Ski Club, Myrtleford Ski Club, Tallangatta and District Ski Club and Wangaratta Ski Club. Two pioneers of Falls Creek, Tom Mitchell, M.L.A., and Martin Romuld were Vice-Presidents of the Federation.This Journal is significant because it documents the early development of skiing in Victoria.The journal features stories and events chronicling developments in Victoria and internationally. Items related to the Falls Creek Area in this publication include:- Page 5 A short article related to Toni St. Elmo and the success of the Nissen Tow. Page 7 Beechworth Ski Club commences history victoria, federation of victorian ski clubs, toni st. elmo, beechworth ski club -
Falls Creek Historical Society
Journal - Ski-Horizon Vol 3 No 6
Ski-Horizon is the official journal of the Federation of Victorian Ski Clubs which began publication in 1949. The were 26 original member clubs which included Albury Ski Club, Bogong Ski Club, Myrtleford Ski Club, Tallangatta and District Ski Club and Wangaratta Ski Club. Two pioneers of Falls Creek, Tom Mitchell, M.L.A., and Martin Romuld were Vice-Presidents of the Federation.This Journal is significant because it documents the early development of skiing in Victoria.The journal features stories and events chronicling developments in Victoria and internationally. Items related to the Falls Creek Area in this publication include:- Page 3 reports on improvements to be made to the Falls Creek Tow including painting the tow house and shortening the length of the tow by 400 feet. The Myrtleford Ski Club had also been rewired and painting completed after the recent history victoria, federation of victorian ski clubs, falls creek tow, myrtleford ski club -
Falls Creek Historical Society
Journal - Ski-Horizon Vol 3 No 7
Ski-Horizon is the official journal of the Federation of Victorian Ski Clubs which began publication in 1949. The were 26 original member clubs which included Albury Ski Club, Bogong Ski Club, Myrtleford Ski Club, Tallangatta and District Ski Club and Wangaratta Ski Club. Two pioneers of Falls Creek, Tom Mitchell, M.L.A., and Martin Romuld were Vice-Presidents of the Federation.This Journal is significant because it documents the early development of skiing in Victoria.The journal features stories and events chronicling developments in Victoria and internationally. Items related to the Falls Creek Area in this publication include:- Page 1 reports that Falls Creek members can stay at working bees later on Sundays but must be on the road and have reached Bogong Village by dark. From Falls Creek also comes the news that the snow pole line from Dibbins Hut to Mr. Jim Junction has been overhauled. The shaky ones have been straightened up and 21 new poles placed firmly in history victoria, federation of victorian ski clubs, road regulations high plains -
Falls Creek Historical Society
Journal - Ski-Horizon Vol 3 No 12
Ski-Horizon is the official journal of the Federation of Victorian Ski Clubs which began publication in 1949. The were 26 original member clubs which included Albury Ski Club, Bogong Ski Club, Myrtleford Ski Club, Tallangatta and District Ski Club and Wangaratta Ski Club. Two pioneers of Falls Creek, Tom Mitchell, M.L.A., and Martin Romuld were Vice-Presidents of the Federation.This Journal is significant because it documents the early development of skiing in Victoria.The journal features stories and events chronicling developments in Victoria and internationally. Items related to the Falls Creek Area in this issue include:- Page 1:- Resulting from a meeting between Bob Howe (Albury Ski Club) and Tom MItchell (Upper Murray S.C.) a group of Wodonga Boy Scouts have had their first skiing trip under the aegis of Albury Ski Club Page 11: Results for N.E.D.S.A. versus Southern Districts Ski Association (South Island, N.Z.) These events were held at Queenstown as part of the Trans Tasman Tour. Skippy St.Elmo placed 5th in the Ladies' Slalom and 4th in the Ladies' Downhill. Dick Walpole who was to become an Olympian in 1960, placed 5th in the Men's Slalom and equal 4th in the Downhill.tom mitchell m.l.a., toonallook, fred griffith -
Falls Creek Historical Society
Journal - Ski-Horizon Vol 6 No 1
Ski-Horizon is the official journal of the Federation of Victorian Ski Clubs which began publication in 1949. The were 26 original member clubs which included Albury Ski Club, Bogong Ski Club, Myrtleford Ski Club, Tallangatta and District Ski Club and Wangaratta Ski Club. Two pioneers of Falls Creek, Tom Mitchell, M.L.A., and Martin Romuld were Vice-Presidents of the Federation.This Journal is significant because it documents the early development of skiing in Victoria.The journal features stories and events chronicling developments in Victoria and internationally. Items related to the Falls Creek Area in this issue include:- Cover - Rudi Wurth, winner of the National Slalom and Downhill titles at Kosciusko, 1954. Page 2 - Rover Scouts help injured skier on Bogong High Plains Page 3 - Cecil Dobson is a real asset to the village. Apart from provisions he also provides services including ski repairs, carpentering and plumbing. Page 5 - "Wongapussie" - a word for an overboot. Originally found in disposal stores as they were used for anti-gas purposes, but something similar is now being made in Albury and being used extensively at Falls Creek.rudi wurth, cecil dobson, rover scouts rescue, "wongapussie" -
Falls Creek Historical Society
Photograph - Harbour Bridge over Watchbed Creek
The late W.F. “Bill” Waters, Rover Commissioner of Victoria, was introduced to skiing in November 1930 at the International Scout Chalet at Kandersteg in Switzerland. He believed it would be a good activity for Victorian Rovers to be involved in to learn more about the Victorian Alps The first Rover ski trip to the Bogong High Plains was in the August of 1932 when a group of four crossed the High Plains from Omeo to Harrietville via Tawonga Huts, Cobungra Gap, Mt Loch and Mt Feathertop. In 1933 the Bogong Rover Crew was formed and in 1938 funds were collected and life memberships offered to raise funds to build a Rover Chalet for the purposes of skiing. During February and March1940, the Chalet was built at a cost of £700 using volunteer labour. It was the first ski lodge in the area and was built long before there was a road over Watchbed Creek. After the road to Rocky Valley was finished it was easier for the scouts to walk in from there instead of from Shannonvale. During the spring thaw the creek became almost impassable. Joe Holsten who was an SEC employee who worked with Martin Romuld out of Wilkinson’s Hut built a bridge across the creek made entirely from snow gums which he had to haul about 300 metres from the nearby hills. It became known as the Harbour Bridge as it arched over the water just like the Sydney Harbour Bridge.These images are significant because they depict an early bridge structure to enable easier travelling across the Bogong High Plains.Three black and white photos taken at the Harbour Bridge, Watchbed Creek.harbour bridge bogong high plains, watchbed creek, joe holsten -
City of Greater Bendigo - Civic Collection
Document - Set of correspondence re Queen Elizabeth tour of Bendigo, Mrs T. R. Mannix, February 8th, 1954
Correspondence between Mrs T. R. Mannix, Swan Hill Wolf Cub Pack master to District Scout Commissioner Mr J. I. Samson for an invitation to be included with the local scout groups in functions to welcome Queen Elizabeth and the Duke of Edinburgh to Bendigo on Friday, the 5th of March 1954. The response from the Commissioner included typed plans of the event and maps of the royal tour through the streets of Bendigo starting and finishing at the train station.Set of correspondence including typed gatefold letter, typed plans for placement of visitors and role of the military and maps of CBD Bendigo and of Upper Reserve.queen elizabeth, duke of edinburgh, boy scout association, mayor clayton, city of greater bendigo royal visits, city of greater bendigo community groups, city of greater bendigo tourism -
Carlton Football Club
Hand Held Bell, Hand Held Bell with a small inscription on the inside
The bell was used for Trade Week to signify "time's up" at Optus Oval. Prior to this it was used to let Alan Espie's children on their Wandin property to come home.Why Al chimes in for Carlton Tony De Bolfo, Carlton Media Feb 20, 2014 11:05AM Alan Espie with the famous bell. (Photo: Carlton Football Club) Alan Espie with the famous bell. (Photo: Carlton Football Club) Related Etched into the rim of the bell Alan Espie has rung at every trade week gathering since 1994 is a touching quote attributed to his grandson. Dear Pa, May you always ring true blue, Love Harry Just thinking about that inscription often brings big Al to tears. The story of the Espie bell has its origins at the old family property at Wandin in the picturesque Yarra Valley, in the days when the Espies’ kids were at the neighboring creek fossicking for local platypus. “If they got too far away we’d ring an old cowbell,” Espie recalled, “and years later, my daughter Jo brought me this replacement bell from some second-hand naval place”. “Not long after Shane (O’Sullivan) asked me to officiate at trade week and that’s when the bell came into vogue.” A permanent fixture at trade week, Espie would ring the bell to signal the opening of trading when club recruiters gathered – initially within the confines of the Carlton Heroes Stand at Visy Park, more recently at Etihad Stadium. In those early days at Carlton he caused a stir as bell ringer, drawing curious responses from officiating journalists, recruiters and coaches alike. “I even remember (Kevin) Sheedy asking me if I was selling muffins,” he recalled. Then, when trade day was relocated to Etihad, Espie’s daughter thought it appropriate to get the bell inscribed. “Because the bell was leaving Carlton, Jo got it inscribed on my grandson’s behalf, because he was only four or five then. When I saw what was inscribed I was tearful,” Espie said. “The bell is very important to me, particularly at this time, because Jo is battling health problems at the moment, my grandson is autistic and she’s fought like hell to get him through.” Espie joined Carlton’s Under 19 committee on the eve of the senior Premiership season of 1979 and managed the club’s junior squads, the Bert Deacon Squad included. “I worked very closely with Geoff Southby, ‘Swan’ McKay and Trevor Keogh when they were coaching the Under 19s and I was recruiting as well,” he said. “In 1981 and ’82 I forward scouted for ‘Parko’ (David Parkin) and later on I did the same for ‘Wallsy’ (Robert Walls). After that I coordinated recruiting in central Victoria and it was nothing for me to do 25,000ks a year in my own car – and I loved every minute of it.” Espie’s passion for Carlton and empathy for its wartime players Bert Deacon, Ollie Grieve and Jack “Chooka” Howell can be sourced to his childhood years. His grandparents lived not far from the old ground on Wilson Street “and that’s how I got in for the ’45 Grand Final”. “My uncle, who had just got back from the war, grabbed a ladder from Wilson Street and set it up against the barbed wire fence at the ground. I climbed the ladder and caught my arm on the barbed wire, but I got over the top and saw the game while I straddled the fence,” Espie said. “What I saw was what you would today call ‘spotfires’ and I reckon it took football 20 years to get rid of it.” Today, Espie continues to ring in the yearly trade talk days at AFL headquarters (with the notable exception of 2012 when he was hospitalized), but he’s in no doubt as to where the bell belongs. “This bell has had nothing to do with Wandin but everything to do with Carlton - and with the 150th year of the club I think the bell stays here (at Visy Park). I still hope to ring the bell for the AFL this year, but at least I’ll know where it is,” Espie said. “I’ve told Jo about this and she tells me Harry’s rapt, because he’s a big Carlton supporter and he’s so happy his name is on the bell.”Wooden handle attached to a brass bell."Dear Pa, may you always ring true blue, Love Harry" -
Truganina Explosives Reserve Preservation Society Inc (TERPS)
Digitised Oral History – Truganina Explosives Reserve - Tape 1 Doug and Noel Grant, 2018
The interviews were recorded in 2000 by Bronwen Gray and Alan Young for the production of Unreserved, Stories from Truganina Explosives Reserve, animated stories from past residents, workers and interested people of the Reserve (subject to copyright 2004). Doug and Noel Grant’s Grandfather, Don Grant, was officer in charge of Truganina Explosives Reserve from 1910-1930. On his retirement, his son, William (known as Bill) took over the position until 1956. Along with their two older brothers and younger sister, Doug and Noel Grant grew up, first in the assistant manager’s weatherboard cottage and then in the brick house which was set aside for the officer in charge, until they married and moved into their own homes in their early 1920s. On returning from the second world war, Noel Grant worked as a magazine assistant of explosives on the site from 1946, When the site had closed down in 1962 he worked as an inspector of explosives at the Explosives Branch in Melbourne until he retired in 1985. During that time Noel was asked to move back on site, meaning that three generations of Grants have lived on the site during the twentieth century. Doug Grant worked for ICI/Nobel in head office in 1940 and their older brother Alan worked at the Nobel Explosive Company in Deer Park from 1937. After returning from the Second World War, Alan bought a transport business that had once had the licence to cart explosives in and around the state. They discuss their memories of the living at Truganina Explosives Reserve and the workings of the Reserve, including the names of men who worked there, ships which carried the explosives and life in and around Altona. A primary source of information on memories of the Truganina Explosives Reserve and Altona,VictoriaDigital copy of original cassette recorded in 2000 and digitised in 2018hobsons bay, altona, galvanised iron fence, picket fence, golf course, altona school, margaret grant, bill grant, explosives magazine, lighters, joe hyde, alex grant, pines scout camp, maribynong river, 1896, inspector of explosives, pier, point wilson, werribee sewerage farm, george grant, lighterman, huia, argonaut, pirie, alma doepel, merton street altona, horse, jessie grant, jean grant, sandal, kilmartin, lewis, currie, todd, robinson, balwyn -
Falls Creek Historical Society
Journal - Ski-Horizon Vol. 1 No 3
Ski-Horizon is the official journal of the Federation of Victorian Ski Clubs which began publication in 1949. The original member clubs were Albury Ski Club, Alpine Club of Victoria, Australian Postal Institute Ski Club, Australian Women's Ski Club (Victoria), Beechworth Ski Club, Bogong Ski Club, Bull Lodge Ski Club, Chamois Ski Club, C.S.I.R. Ski Club, Edelweiss Ski Club, Howqua Ski Club, Lazy Eight Ski Club, Melbourne University Ski Club, Melbourne Walking Club, Monsanto Ski Club, Moose Ski Club, Myrtleford Ski Club, Rongbuk Ski Club, Tallangatta and District Ski Club, Tanjil Ski Club, Telemark Ski Club, University Ski Club, Victorian Rover Scouts (B.S.A.), Wangaratta Ski Club, Youth Hostel Association, Yurredla Ski Club. Two pioneers of Falls Creek, Tom Mitchell, M.L.A., and Martin Romuld were Vice-Presidents of the Federation.This Journal is significant because it documents the early development of skiing in Victoria.The journal features stories and events chronicling developments in Victoria and internationally. Items in this publication include:- Page 1 Information related to the F.O.V.S.C Organisation and item stating Tom Mitchell M.L.A. has been negotiating for Inter-Dominion races to be held at Falls Creek in 1950. Page 3: The State Development Committee to visit the Bogong High Plains to take evidence regarding future development of the area. Page 4 Information about Member Clubs building over the coming summer. This included Myrtleford and Albury at Falls Creek. Page 16 A list of Club Racing results for 1949. Included on the list are the Bogong Ski Club Championship; the Albury Ski Club and the N.E.D.S.A. history victoria, federation of victorian ski clubs, nedsa events, victorian skiing 1949 -
Falls Creek Historical Society
Equipment - Martin Romuld's Skis
Martin Romuld was born near Trondheim in Norway on September 26, 1905. He started jumping on skis at age 6 or 7 and became very good at it. He completed his degree in Civil Engineering at the University of Trondheim and decided to come to Australia. He arrived on 7 March 1928 and found a job with the SEC. The SEC wanted to investigate the possibility of a hydrological surveys necessary to determine the flow of water over a period of years. These surveys started in 1934 and continued until 1941. He lived at Wilkinson’s hut for most of the time during those years both in summer and winter. In his role with the SEC, Martin visited all the various creeks to measure water flow rates as often as was necessary. These skis were used on his winter rounds during the time he spent in the area. Martin also competed in skiing during the 1930s. He won the combined Australian title 3 or 4 times. He was unbeatable in cross country, probably due to the continual practice in his job. Before migrating to Australia, Martin had been runner up in the 1926 European Jump Championships held in France. Jumping was his favourite thrill and he would often construct a jump for practice near the Scout Hut (or Rover Chalet) quite near to Wilkinson’s. In 1941 Martin joined the Royal Australian Air Force and after the War skied mainly at Mt Buller. He maintained his involvement in competitive skiing as an official. In 1958 Martin was the main judge of the National jump which was held to the left of the Nissen tow. He also designed the jumping course at the Donna Buang snow fields. Martin Romuld was Co Vice-President of the Federation of Victorian Ski Clubs in 1949, along with Tom Mitchell M.L.A. Martin Romuld died on 14 July 1998 in Prahran, Victoria,These skis are significant because they belonged to a pioneer of Falls Creek and the sport of skiing in Australia.A set of skis made for Martin Romuld. They are made from American hickory which arrived in Australia via Norway in October 1933. Andy Broad made the skis and they were furnished with steel edges. There was enough hickory for 18 pairs of skis and a pair of competition cross country skis were also made for Martin Romuld. martin romuld', falls creek pioneers, australian skiing history -
Wonga Park Community Cottage History Group
Scarf, Green and White Scarf commemorating Pan-Pacific Jamboree Yarra Brae Victoria
Triangular green and white cotton scouting scarf with Pan-Pacific Jamboree Yarra Brae Victoria emblem -
Wodonga & District Historical Society Inc
Plaque - Plaque 1981 Rotary International Pacific Region Conference, Betty L. Barberis
This item was donated to Wodonga Historical Society by the artist, Betty L. Barberis. Betty Barberis nee Barton was one of 12 children born to Roderick Barton and Myrtle Ann Hore of Gundowring in the Kiewa Valley. She was born in 1927 and attended Upper Gundowring Primary School. Betty was encouraged to enter a project for the "Young Farmers" by illustrating a book. She won first prize for Victoria and the book was exhibited at the Royal Melbourne Show. This resulted in Betty attaining a Manual Art Teacher's Studentship which she completed at Wangaratta Technical School. Here she learned many new skills ranging from garment design to ceramics. She also attended Melbourne Teachers College. Betty created many decorative banners, the first being for the Australian section of the World Scout Jamboree in 1948. Over her long career she was to create many other banners and commissioned work for significant organisations and institutions . Betty’s great body of work included landscapes, millinery, ceramics, and a bronze sculpture of her husband Vern Barberis who was a fellow schoolteacher and represented Australia as a weightlifter, winning a bronze medal at the Helsinki Olympics in 1952. She also illustrated several books and had exhibitions in many galleries including in Albury. Betty passed away at The Grange, Wodonga on 26 November 2013. The 1981 Rotary International Pacific Region Conference was held in the Royal Exhibition Building, Melbourne, between 26 and 29 November 1981. More than 5,000 Rotarians from around the Pacific attended the conference in Melbourne to discuss 'The Future of the Pacific Region'. Speakers included the Honourable Malcolm Fraser, Rotary International President Stan McCaffrey, President Elect Horoji Mukasa, Ranald McDonald, representing the media, Sir Ian McLennan, representing industry, Japanese former Ambassador Nobuhiko Ushiba and Philippines Deputy Consul General Mrs Minerva Falcon, both representing diplomatic services, as well as other Rotarians. A limited number of plaques were produced from quality imported porcelain.This item represents a major event held in Melbourne for Rotary International and is also the work of a prominent artist from the Wodonga district.2 ceramic plaques designed by Betty Barberis for the emblem of the 198T Rotary International Pacific Region Conference held in Melbourne in 1981. The plaque bears the Rotary emblem, slogan and other text as well as an image of a kangaroo and lyre bird.In top banner: "SERVICE - ABOVE - SELF" In central circle: "ROTARY INTERNATIONAL" around 1981 In lower banners: "PACIFIC REGIONAL CONFERENCE / MELBOURNE AUSTRALIA".betty barberis, rotary international, 1981 rotary international pacific region conference -
Wodonga & District Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Rats of Tobruk - Private Arthur Lock in Middle East, c1941
Arthur Lock was born in Newport, England and migrated to Australia with his widowed mother in 1924. After spending time in Queensland, he moved to Victoria where he enlisted in the Australian Army at Royal Park, Melbourne on 17 Jun 1940. His service number was VX31240. After basic training, Arthur was enlisted into the 2/23rd Battalion which was raised as part of the all-volunteer Second Australian Imperial Force and assigned to the 26th Brigade. The battalion was moved to Bonegilla, Victoria, and 2/23rd Battalion became known as "Albury's Own". Arthur saw service in the Middle East and Africa where he was involved in the siege at Tobruk, becoming one of the Rats of Tobruk. He also served in El Alamein, New Guinea, Borneo and Tarakan. In his post war life, Arthur dedicated much time and energy to the Scouting movement and in 1972 was awarded the British Empire Medal for services to young people and the community in Wodonga, Victoria.This item is part of a collection of items owned by Arthur Lock, a member of the 2/23rd Battalion, an all-volunteer Second Australian Imperial Force which served as part of the garrison during the Siege of Tobruk, then at El Alamein, New Guinea and Borneo. It has particular local significance as the battalion was know as "Albury's Own" because a large majority of the battalion's initial intake of volunteers came from the Albury–Wodonga region.A black and white photo of Private Arthur Lock taken whilst on service in the Middle war 11, rats of tobruk, tobruk -
Wodonga & District Historical Society Inc
Memorabilia - Australian Antarctic Research Expedition Cloth Badge, Betty L. Barberis, 1982
This item was donated to Wodonga Historical Society by the artist, Betty L. Barberis. Betty Barberis nee Barton was one of 12 children born to Roderick Barton and Myrtle Ann Hore of Gundowring in the Kiewa Valley. She was born in 1927 and attended Upper Gundowring Primary School. Betty was encouraged to enter a project for the "Young Farmers" by illustrating a book. She won first prize for Victoria and the book was exhibited at the Royal Melbourne Show. This resulted in Betty attaining a Manual Art Teacher's Studentship which she completed at Wangaratta Technical School. Here she learned many new skills ranging from garment design to ceramics. She also attended Melbourne Teachers College. Betty created many decorative banners, the first being for the Australian section of the World Scout Jamboree in 1948. Over her long career she was to create many other banners and commissioned work including these badges for the Australian Antarctic Research Expedition in 1982. Betty’s great body of work included landscapes, millinery, ceramics, and a bronze sculpture of her husband Vern Barberis who was a fellow schoolteacher and represented Australia as a weightlifter, winning a bronze medal at the Helsinki Olympics in 1952. She also illustrated several books and had exhibitions in many galleries including in Albury. Betty passed away at The Grange, Wodonga on 26 November 2013.This item represents an important research organisation in Australia and was created by an highly recognised artist from Northeast Victoria.A framed montage of 2 cloth badges designed for the Australian Antarctic Research Expedition in 1983, a pin featuring a penguin, a business card and a note written by the artist and donor Betty Barberis nee Barton.On sign above badges:' THESE BADGES WERE DESIGNED FOR THE -/ AUSTRALIAN ANTARCTIC / RESEARCH EXPEDITION 1982/ By BETTY L. BARBERIS In the top left corner: "It is with very great pleasure I give these treasures to Wodonga Museum/ Betty Lorraine Barberis (Barton) 1927 / 2 -1-2011"betty barberis, anare, australian antarctic research expedition -
Falls Creek Historical Society
Document - Junior Test Sheet, The Ski Club of Victoria Junior Test
This is a framed receipt in the name of Skippy St. Elmo for completion of the Ski Club of Victoria Junior test for ski instructor. The test was completed on 25 August 1945 at the Scout Hall, Bogong High Plains. The receipt was found inside the cover of a typed manuscript. Mavis Grace Lindsay (Skippy) born in 1917 and married Tony St. Elmo in Ballarat on 18 December 1944. She was known as “Skippy” from childhood. They moved from Melbourne in 1945 and spent the year living in Wallace’s Hut. Toni was employed by the State Electricity Commission to record weather-related data. They were to become responsible for early developments at the Falls Creek resort and for promoting a love of skiing. Toni taught Skippy to ski and she practised on the High Plains where she and her husband lived. entering her in the first club championships held by the Bogong Ski Club at Rocky Valley, which he had established. Skippy St Elmo won many ski races during the 1950’s and represented Australia in New Zealand. In 1947, the first ski lodge was built by six SEC employees including Toni St Elmo. The lodge was named “Skyline”. In 1957, Toni was involved in building the first rope tow at Falls Creek, called Nissen. He also established the Nissen Ski School. In 1949, Skippy won the Downhill and Combined State Championship held at Mt Buller. In 1950, Skippy was selected to compete in New Zealand with the Victorian team to compete in New Zealand Skippy trained with the men at the Bogong Ski Club and that fact became a talking point in 1953 when the Albury Ski Club held an Open Championship and Skippy won in giant slalom and downhill. She went on to win many more races. In 1960, Skippy and Toni said farewell to Falls Creek. Skippy passed away in Queensland in July 2005 and Toni passed away in the September of the same year. In November 2006 the pair was honoured at the Alpine Village at Falls Creek by the spreading of their ashes over Eagle Rock.This certificate is an early document belonging to Skippy St Elmo, a pioneer of Falls Creek.Framed marking sheet for a Junior ski test for Ms Skippy Elmo at Bogong High Plains on August 25 1945. The test sheet is attached to a white backing paper which has 'My First achievement....skiing. Bogong High Plains' typed on it. The sheet has been framed for displau.skippy st elmo, ski instructor test, ski club of victoria, bogong high plains -
Melbourne Legacy
Document, Lists of Guests of Honour and Speakers
This is a photocopy of a book, the original is no longer available. It contains lists of guest speakers at Legacy functions, and the date they spoke and some comments about what they spoke on or how good they were. The dates are from 1926 to the 1980s. Guest speakers include Lord Baden Powell, (founder of the boy scouts movement), Sir Henry Bolte (Premier of Victoria), Sir Edward Dunlop (Burma Railway Fame), Patsy Adam - Smith (Author) to name a few. The list also notes the speakers title, honours/awards/qualifications, subject matter, date. Legatees met regularly and had guest speakers to entertain and inform on different subjects at their Tuesday Luncheons. This document was from a file of information about guest speakers (see also 00812-00822 and 00829-00837). The Programme Committee was responsible for organising the speakers. TBC when the document is fully scannedA record that the speakers at Legacy functions were from very different walks of life and the subects spoken on were many and varied from 1926 until 1979.Photocopy of a register book that contains a handwritten list of speaker by surname in alphabetical sections.Title hand written in green felt tipped pen. #8 written and underlined in black biro.speakers, register