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matching of wales
Vision Australia
Administrative record - Text, 97th Annual Report Royal Blind Society of N.S.W. (1977), 1977
... Royal Blind Society of New South Wales ...Articles in the annual report include: increased funding from state government, possibility of sustained funding in providing a public library service, success of low vision clinic and need to increase opening times to accommodate demand, decision to move to standard cassette, change in direction by providing support for children to stay in family unit and community kindergartens rather than placement in a separate kindergarten program or residential care, introduction of Closed Circuit TVs into the workshop, winning a 2 year contract with Australia Post to provide bicycles and an order from Dubbo Zoo for family cycles and tandems, formation of RPH with a trial broadcast and radio license application made, and the Society held it's first Open Day.1 volume of text and imagesroyal blind society of new south wales, corporation records -
Vision Australia
Administrative record - Text, Royal Blind Society of N.S.W. : A Vision to Share Annual Report 1981, 1981
... Royal Blind Society of New South Wales ...Articles in the annual report include: establishment of the Charter for the Eighties committee to develop on the role and direction for the organisation, decision to close Alexis Albert Hostel and move residents to Lighthouse Hostel Roselands or cottage style accommodation due to increasing repair costs, increased demand for field service (but not funding) and standard cassettes from the library, new Braille production unit shared with RIDBC, further bicycle order for Dubbo Zoo, large order for PVC sleeves justified new PVC welding equipment, Talking Book of the Year award and "Art in Touch" exhibition (both created to celebrate 100th birthday in 1980) will continue, and departure of Graeme Bradshaw, Jack Chamberlain and Mavis Threlfo.1 volume of text and imagesroyal blind society of new south wales, corporation records -
Vision Australia
Administrative record - Text, Royal Blind Society of N.S.W. : Annual Report 1984, 1984
... Royal Blind Society of New South Wales ...Articles in the annual report include: opening two field offices in Riverina and North Coast, C.L.D. Mears awarded in awarded Companion of Order of Australia, Technical Aids for the Disabled provided switchboard simulators for vocational training programs, review of Lighthouse and Community Cottages is required, Roselands Nursing Home cared for 104 residents, installation of computerised book and circulation system, the workshop area began trading as Mitchell Manufacturing, and the creation of a biennial Royal Blind Society National Sculpture award sponsored by James Hardie and the Visual Arts Board. Please note: page 21 is not scanned. Titled 'Extra curricular involvement of staff' the Braille on the reverse side impacted upon the visibility of the text.1 volume of text and imagesroyal blind society of new south wales, corporation records -
Vision Australia
Administrative record - Text, Royal Blind Society of N.S.W. : Annual Report 1988, 1988
... Royal Blind Society of New South Wales ...Articles in the annual report include: retirement of Graham Lawrence and appointment of Jon Isaacs, death of Dr Sandy Robertson, pilot Traineeship Access Course for school leavers was developed, library involved in organising IFLA Specialist section meeting, introduction of face to face proofreading for talking books, Dr Max Lang donated his personal collection of optometry books, Maths Braille Code revised with input from Betty Smith and RBS staffers, increase of braille produced through microbraille program, Paul Cullen Centre opened on October 28, 1987 with two levels of care via Burgess Hostel and Roselands Nursing Home, closure of Lighthouse Hostel in Burwood and small cottage style hostels in Enfield and Strathfield, introduction of new lines in manufacturing (skirthanger, Miyata bicycle), Variety Club of Australia continue their support for a national children book collection, 3M Australia sponsored upgrade of studios and Talking Book of the Year award, Jillian Hallam won Sports Girl - for all Women in Sport award and Inge King's 'Awakening' won the Bicentennial RBS Sculpture award.1 volume of text and imagesroyal blind society of new south wales, corporation records -
Vision Australia
Administrative record - Text, Royal Blind Society of N.S.W. : Annual Report 1989, 1989
... Royal Blind Society of New South Wales ...Articles in the annual report include: the building of a new library section at Enfield, transfer of Mitchell Manufacturing to Australian Foundation for Disabled, establishment of Orana regional office in Dubbo, talking local newspaper project launched with Talking Daily Liberal (Dubbo) and Talking Wentworth Courier (Sydney) piloted, four graduates of Rehabilitation Teachers course were funded by the Florence Cecily Singer Trust, one studio equipped with second generation voice indexer in conjunction with Canadian inventor, from 1990 all Braille production will be done in-house, tactile Christmas cards produced for the first time in 1989, financial decision made to consolidate accommodation services (Roselands Nursing Home and Burgess House) on the one site, two new donors clubs established (Cassette Club and Talking Book Club), and formation of Junior Black & White Committee.1 volume of text and imagesroyal blind society of new south wales, corporation records -
Vision Australia
Administrative record - Text, Royal Blind Society of N.S.W. : Annual Report 1991, 1991
... Royal Blind Society of New South Wales ...Articles in the annual report include: official opening of a new library building at Enfield, over 1 million items circulated in the library, passing of Sir Robert Drew and Nola Dekyvere, first production of Il Globo and launched by Prime Minister Bob Hawke, launch of Bookline - a telephone ordering service for talking books and winning the first Australian Audio Book Award for Children's Books for The Clinker narrated by Bill Conn. 1 volume of text and imagesroyal blind society of new south wales, corporation records -
Vision Australia
Administrative record - Text, Royal Blind Society, a vision to share : Annual Report 2000-2001, 2001
... Royal Blind Society of New South Wales ...Articles in the annual report include: launch of Vision Assist service to help people use their remaining sight, providing advice on Olympic and Paralympic accessibility and providing an audio description service to the associated arts festivals, establishment of VocalEyes Productions, became an RTO (Recognised Training Organisation), joining with RVIB library service, launch of JobPhone, and piloting of Braille Week.1 volume of text and imagesroyal blind society of new south wales, corporation records -
Vision Australia
Vehicle - Object, Mitchell bicycle
... royal blind society of new south wales ...In 1974, the Royal Blind Society established within it's manufacturing division a facility to build high quality tandems for blind and partially sighted members of its sports club. By the end of 1978, the manufacturing division expanded and a new series of high quality, hand built racing cycles were developed to suit the individuals needs of the cycling enthusiast. A demand in the bicycle hire industry prompted the development of a strong universal bicycle and the new 24" Mixti family cycle was born. By 1979 the Royal Blind Society was manufacturing both family bicycles and tandems for the bicycle hire industry in N.S.W., Victoria and the A.C.T. Both cycles received an enthusiastic reception, so much so, that in 1982 they were the first bicycle manufacturer to win an Australian Design Award. This Mitchell bicycle was donated by the Deacon family whose son Paul worked at Mitchell Manufacturing during this time.1 x mens bicycle frame and tyres painted white with gold letteringMitchell Plate attached to cross bar: This Mitchell Bike was assembled by Paul Deacon (1965) Enfield Blind Society NSWroyal blind society of new south wales, mitchell manufacturing -
Vision Australia
Photograph - Image, Man using telephone exchange
... royal blind society of new south wales ...Male sits at a desk, wearing a headset, with his hands on a telephone switchboard and another device to his right. A small black radio sits to his right, as does a pen attached to the desk itself and a piece of paper. Switchboard training was provided to many blind and vision impaired people, who could adeptly operate the switch to connect callers through to employees.Digital image of man operating a telephone exchangeemployment, royal blind society of new south wales -
Vision Australia
Photograph - Image, Woman collecting talking books from library drawers
... royal blind society of new south wales ...Female holds a cassette tape whilst looking at a sheet of paper in her other hand. The tape has been pulled from a cardboard box which has a reference number (eg: C90), a title and the sequential number (Side 5) listed on the front side of the box. Multiple boxes are nestled on wooden shelves, each with a black band that is attached below the box to assist in pulling them on and off the shelves. Books on cassettes were physically bulky and were stored separately for easy retrieval and return when borrowers were done. When a tape was dispatched, the requisite number of cassettes were removed and placed into mailing pouches for dispatch. Upon return, the cassettes were placed in individual boxes, that allowed staff to retrieve selected parts of a book if needed or incomplete books were returned. Underneath the image is written "Up to date talking book cassette library". Digital image of woman holding a cassette taperoyal blind society of new south wales, talking books -
Vision Australia
Photograph - Image, RBS workers with Opticons
... royal blind society of new south wales ...1. Male sits at a desk with a Wang computer terminal in front of him and Optacon device to his left. The Optacon was a device that allowed printed material to be turned into Braille through the use of a small camera connected to a vibrating array that produced the Braille. To his right is a cassette recorder, another computer and recorder, whilst a long cane rests against a wall. The man is possibly wearing a sonic guide and listening to the cassette whilst he types on to the screen. 2. Male sits in an office with an Opticon to his left, which he is using, and a manual typewriter in front of him. The typewriter has the camera of the Opticon clamped into position over the typewriter. Behind the man is a reception desk, with a bell and small switchboard visible on upper counter of the desk, and a coffee mug, portable cassette recorder, telephone books and piles of paper stacked neatly under the upper counter.Digital image taken from pictures on chipboard15 - Group with 13, 14 please - no caption available 12 - Group with 13, Optacon captionemployment, royal blind society of new south wales -
Vision Australia
Photograph - Image, Preparing large print music for visually impaired students
... royal blind society of new south wales ...An older female and male sit either side of a desk. The lady holds a pen and a sheet of large print music in front of her, with a small pile of similar sheets to her right. The man holds a pen and looks at sheets of paper (presumably music) whilst sitting next to a box with the title 'Family Fun Box Organ course' to his left. In the background are filing racks, The Australian Hymn book and Braille volumes in various bindings. Over time, the RBS built up a considerable music collection thanks to the work of its dedicated supporters such as Dulcie Magnus.Digital image of two people working together to produce braille music Second century 24royal blind society of new south wales, braille music -
Vision Australia
Award - Image, Frank Yeats trophy, 1963-1979
... royal blind society of new south wales ...A brown wooden award depicting a wooden lawn bowls ball with two white metal canes crossed behind it. The award is inscribed with the following individual silver plates: Frank Yates Trophy -- Charlestown -- 8/6/63 J. McDonald, C. Dodd, R. Bramble, S. Mascord -- 5/10/63 J. McDonald, C. Dodd, R. Bramble, S. Mascord -- Balmain -- 13/6/64 C. Harlinar, R. O'Connor, H. Hussey, F. Yeats -- A. Snowden, K. Barron, D.Evans, P. Gilbert 1964 -- Balmain B.B.C. 9/4/72 -- William St. Blind W.B.C. Balmain 10/2/74 -- Balmain BBC 8/4/78 -- B.S.W.B.C. Enfield 1979 -- William St. Blind W.B.C. Balmain 31/5/70 -- Balmain B.B.C. 14/2/71 -- Partially Blinded Solders Assoc. NSW Branch -- Blind Women William Street v Blind Men Balmain -- Balmain Blind Bowling Combination -- P.B.S.A. 4 Rinks 22/8/65 -- William St. Blind W.B.C. Belfield B.C. 23/6/68 -- B.B.B.C. 1975 -- Balmain B.C. 15/10/67 -- B.B.B.C. 4 Rinks 27/2/66 -- Blamin B.B.C. 2/3/69 -- Balmain Charlestown -- Balmain B.B.C. 12/10/69.Digital image of wooden shield with smaller silver plaques and wooden ball top crossed by mini white canesroyal blind society of new south wales, awards -
Vision Australia
Award - Object, Grenadier, 2nd World Blind Bowls Tournament, 1981
... Royal Blind Society of New South Wales ...A silver plated cup with five leaf clover and small flower in in the middle, as well as handles with engraved leaves. Inscribed on the mug is: 2nd World Blind Bowls Tournament. G. Hoppitt. Leicester 1981. A plastic cup rests in the middle of the trophy, possibly a candle holder. When Clarrie Hoppitt attended a demonstration of blind bowling, he immediately offered his services to teach blind people how to play. His wife Grace was just as impressed and also began teaching, leading to her attendance at the 2nd World Blind Bowls Tournament and this cup as a souvenir of her participation in the event.1 silver plated cup with plastic insert2nd World Blind Bowls Tournament G. Hoppitt Leicester 1981nameplates, royal blind society of new south wales, grace hoppitt -
Vision Australia
Administrative record - Text, Royal Blind Society, a vision to share : Annual Report 1999-2000, 2000
... Royal Blind Society of New South Wales ...Articles in the annual report include: establishment of Vision Assist service to help people use their remaining sight, creation of an Equipment Resource Centre at Enfield, a 1300 number set up to improve access to services, development of JobPhone to listen to employment classifieds in Fairfax newspapers, Talking Newspaper Service in Lismore, Narooma and Manly celebrated their 10th birthdays whilst the 29th title was launched in Lake Macquarie, introduction of an Audio Description Services for arts lovers, operation of several primary and high school aged camps for peer support, beginning of joint venture with RVIB to combine transcription and library services, and being named 'Australia's Best Run Charity' in 1999 by The Australian newspaper.1 volume of text and imagesroyal blind society of new south wales, corporation records -
Vision Australia
Audio - Sound recording, RPH News special: Merger of RBS, RVIB and VAF, 30/5/2004
... Royal Blind Society of New South Wales ...At a special general meeting at RBS, members have voted to merge with the Royal Victoria Institute for the Blind and Vision Australia Foundation. Graeme Innes, will be president of the new entity into which these organisations will merge, and discusses the merger with Stephen Jolley.1 audio recording of an interview between Stephen Jolley and Graeme Innesroyal victorian institute for the blind, vision australia foundation, royal blind society of new south wales, stephen jolley, graeme innes, project nexus -
Vision Australia
Photograph - Image, RBS Newcastle building
... royal blind society of new south wales ...Front of the Royal Blind Society of NSW's Newcastle branch. The building has two storeys, large glass windows and a staircase is also visible.Black and white photograph of the RBS branch in Newcastleroyal blind society of new south wales, newcastle -
Vision Australia
Uniform - Object, 1977 Fespic Games Australian team jacket
... Royal Blind Society of New South Wales ...Jacket worn by Mrs G Hoppitt, who accompanied the Australian blind bowling team to the 2nd Fespic Games in Sydney.1 gold coloured jacket with cream lining and Australian coat of arms on breast pocketAustralia 2nd Fespic Games Sydney 1977uniforms, recreation, grace hoppitt, royal blind society of new south wales -
Vision Australia
Flag - Object, 1982 Fespic Games banner
... Royal Blind Society of New South Wales ...Souvenir mini banner from the 1982 Fespic Games in Hong Kong.White satin mini banner with black writing and red fringingFespic Games 1982 Hong Kong Oct. 31st to Nov. 7th 1982recreation, royal blind society of new south wales -
Vision Australia
Photograph - Image, Mel Robbins, Large earthenware pot, 2004
... Royal Blind Society of New South Wales ...Made by Tracie Bartram, a local artist, this pot represents the growth and change. 1 large earthenware pot painted light blue on outside with words in braille and cursiveShimmer Grow Full bloom Smell Buzzzzzz Bee Happy Slide Zip The colour Flutter by Be free Feel the love grow Crawl royal blind society of new south wales, artwork -
Victorian Railway History Library
Book, Burke, David, With Iron Rails - A Bicentennial History of the Railways in New South Wales, 1988
... State Rail Authority of New South Wales -- History. ...a history of the railways in New South Wales up to 1988 the bicentenary of the colonizing of Australia.index, ill, maps, p.248.non-fictiona history of the railways in New South Wales up to 1988 the bicentenary of the colonizing of Australia.railroads -- australia -- new south wales -- history., state rail authority of new south wales -- history. -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Book - Glen Huntly State School No.3703 Grange Road
... Bank of New South Wales ...A 190 page book called The Story So Far 1914-2009 – The History of Glen Huntly Primary School No.3703, by Shirley A. Mriams. The book gives a very detailed history of the school’s early history. It includes head teachers/principals and the school’s progress through each decade to 2009. The remaining chapters give 2009 student roll call, citizenship awards, house competition awards, music awards, sporting awards, encouragement, swimming and musical productions, notable past students and teachers, bibliography and sponsors. There are many photos and school plans as well.glen huntly, glen huntly primary school, glenhuntly primary school, mirams shirley a., glenhuntly printing works, printing industry, from the earth fruit and veg., glenhuntly state school, greengrocers, king stephen, king design, alessi libby, principals, mcgowan keith, radio broadcasting, hunt sydney, forbes c., ramsay m., primary schools, glenhuntly state school, jenkin william, bryant a., orames mr, morrison r., christensen t., doggett j., rogers a., fink r., terrill f., mitchell j., cravine e., mcrae w., cooper l., chernside c., silva a.j., dolphin w., crampton colin, wilson wendy mrs, glenhuntly road, glen huntly, clerk's estate, subdivisions, glen huntly clerk's settlement, carnegie school no. 2897, world war 1914-1918, gardens, mothers clubs, world war 1939-1945, poliomylitis, rural training school, traffic signals, films, 'slow bike race', parents and friends association, after school program, fires, 'links' magazine, choirs, disadvantaged schools program, school plays, 'germs', 'garden folk', festivals and celebrations, japanese internship program, 'kids in space', 'dragon girl', 'fish 'n' ships', murals, wendy wilson music award, fetes, lord reserve, carnegie, australian natives association, congregational chuch sunday school hall, martell e miss, garden avenue, grange road, salvation army halls, halls, glenhuntly road, wanalta road, williamson alex, williamson jean, williamson gordon mccrae, school rolls, le brocq john, cockfield douglas r., grogan allen, mathiesson edward, johnston ronald frank, harris george, money neil robert, fraser eric, munro john, hyland hector thos., gibson wilfred john, eliason francis, scarles john robert, wallace andrew, henning george frederick, maryson sydney, petherbridge c., whitfield j., edward lee, queen alexander, carnegie state school, madden frank sir, parliamentary representatives, bank of new south wales, charles ernest, wallace andrew james, hunt chas. hogarth, williams stanley f., tester thomas george, henstridge john, henstridge reginald, johnston travis andrew, nixon alexander, lewis victor, dalton john, arthurs violet grace, browning leslie george, carroll eric harry, dobson keith george, evans george w.m., eyres annie may, hogg lillian, hunt alfred w.m., johnson henry, jones dorothy minnie, love helvic agnes, lyons gordon, lyons vera, parsons eric robert, dickens gordon percy, smith elva beatrice, harry david, westcott harold norton, westcott ormond chs., bremner marie, entertainers, williamson alex mccrae, ransay albert, caulfield town hall, green ethel, hawthorn alice, reynolds emma a., potter thelma, potter phyllis, anderson elsie m., girdwood stella, bastin may, murphy dorothy g., southern mary, mcleod gwen, ezard gladys m., hood emily vera, thorne eileen isobel, robinson noel, monckton marjorie, mrs hannigan's tuckshop, foley children, lord mr., bladin francis, tomlinson jean, jenkins vern, williamson jean, forty alan, rhinefield mr, bennett mary, brabham laurel, swain george, reynolds mille, gill harry, williamson g., cockfield winifred, baird beth, king elsie, challman miss, glen huntly 'drum and file' school band, larkin aircraft supply company, sugarworks swamp, lemans swamp, lyons streets, morgan streets, miller street, lizars linda, brown allan sir, hurie gladys, simpson peggy, royal ave., garden ave., tennis courts, lander h.j., castledine f.r., henning a.s., glen huntly progress association, harboard joan, mullins mr, pountney dorothy, daley beryl, marching clubs, findlay joyce, green lionel, charles ern, bennett mary, shelter sheds, blanchfield mr bakers, donoald mr grocers, walburn rhoda, harris shirley, treyvaud mr, hale maxwell, painter ken, allan mr ('fatty'), proven mr, ross mrs, nye margaret, nally ware beaker, monuments and memorials, graham bruce, 'bulldog drummond', learmonth mary, bullock margaret, o'shea annie, tattersall dawn, jenkins betty, lighton robert, bruce peter, love grace, love family, judd margery, gardiner elsie, gardiner sadie, glen eira dairy, vanston dorothy, barton cynthia, tipping mr, drummond mr, hambly chrissy, shrives kathleen, hutton beverly, miller kenneth deering, callender mr bakers, cook miss, nunn john athlete, andrews ailsa (nee mcgregor), fraser wally, vickers madeline, vickers john, scanlon mr, malcolm miss, brown barbara (nee holland), pepper miss, burns miss, mclaren miss, beadman jim athletics, robinson noel, crompton neal sportsperson, wilkinson graham, neilson ray, byers barry, bryant tony referee, murray bob, burton pam, pappas george, burke b. mrs, neville street, smith harvey, o'donnell mrs, kivlighon mr, grierson wendy, evans yvonne, squires doreen, squires kathy, jenvey stewart, baxter john, coenen eddie maintenance workers, byrne carol, williams pamela, zari austin (nee coenen), furney janet, dodds mrs, mitchell j., bell r., forsyth e. miss, mitchell neil, radio broadcasting, burke m., boatman r., garfield d., harris e. mrs, sherman m. mrs, carolan e., gunthorp b., barnes john, barnes joan, ellis christine, kossatz mr, black miss, lader mrs, franghis peter, parnell dennis, revens ester, young vivian, mclean bernice, tattersal lorna, geddes rae, hocking malcolm, cusworth peter, christie glenn, watt richard, conway gred, hand graham, mcgowan e., parnell j., mcguire n, hare john, prest margaret, forrester david, mitchell eric, cordingley mrs, waterworth mr, cohen mr, rankin fiona, christiansen mr, boatman mr, dougan mrs milkbars, dougan barry, suttie richard, parnell bruce, silverman judy, king jenny, saxon sally, king nicolette, maxwell heather, saxon jill, vincent russell, saxon rosemary, murray bob, saxon david, miller bill, hill sally-ann, hesline sandra, raspberger cynthia, nightingale mrs district remedial centre, smith mrs, district language consultant, robertson gabrielle, mclennan matthew, goloub kin lyn, jarrett mavis, schafer dianne, commerford pip, mcdougall carlene, anderson jack, hawthorne russell, callahan evelyn, zagami maria, bremner elizabeth, braun tiki, berman claudine, briggs margaret, brady sue, shaw melissa, henham ravena, cooper tania, de abrev connie, brodie joanne, macdonald leighan, mccallum margaret, beddoe john, mcdonald mr council employee, clift andrew, ash steven, lowndes nerida, wysocki b., drough h., grossbard j., locke j., cox l., morey l., clifton p., short b., herszberg n., clift debbie, fuk michael, theodosopoulos haria, shrives jean (nee tomlison), forty alan, geiger irit, roach sally, hillis rachael, roache donna, dixon wendy, bayliss curtis, pregnall joy mrs, slocum mrs, nelson glenda, rubinstein morrie, lurkey dianne, mcminn michael, arneil barbara, mick rose, mell and alice, brayton andrea, moorhead k. rev, brownhill e., lolas heather mrs, regan bernie cleaner, hopkins a. mrs, dewar leon, school crossings, darak diana, eddey diana, pregnall max, eppinger rosy, stacy paul, douvitsas chris, maycock kelly, bunyan liza, johansen eva, siaosi jackie, don kerrie, smyth ruth, bruce julie, mcgregor lorraine, mcallister peter, nelson g., knight sue, mackey s., mackinnon julie, mccallum margaret, johannsen j., herzberg n., hall k, jarrett m., johns w., beddoe john, wilson w., dayble l., thomas helen, ogura etsuko, coxon diane, guttman emmy, garg sangeeto, kennedy robyn, coleman heidi, thompson vic, currie sioux, arnold eve mrs, beddoe mr, mckay sara, skilney tamara, zent mandy, sassos eugenia, manvel bill, lewis pam, rothstadt kaye, clerehan jane, watson simon, daw josie, strong helen, craig caroline, devasagayam kenny, bell peter, palanarezuk fiona, suttie mitchell, mirians shirley, prest marg, condon gabrielle, pitkin sigrid, wilson heather, don paul, thursfield william, footballers, ormond junior football club, rothstadt david, bruce julie, fallu jackie, patterson denise, trantor debbie, nakamura nozomi, christensen tanya, james-clark spencer, eppinger rosy, matsumoto minako, osborne cheryle, john beddoe meritorious sporting student award, sunderland pippa, schleiger emma, paulusz chris, hollingworth kyle, griffiths david, cooper cameron, jewel andrew, nannegaril (nick) abhishek, marshall joel, hodden leigh, meyer tony, te hennepe michael, zimbachs trent, chavili praveen, listmangof mark, sampson tim, sayfer daniel, mest jack, crampton colin, crampton andrew, hemming beth, dean deirdre, wong melissa, arneil christopher, friedman adam, sonnberger leonie, mackey suzanne, clarke heather, fernando gyan, horvath eva, horvath melissa, horvath natalie, rowe rebecca, taylor yani, robinson tess, nolan rebecca, hollingworth mamie, trigellis-smith anna, zhou cindy, jenvey olivia, smith yasminka, hemming caitlin, gale elke, johnson christopher, dalton lyndsay, perish james, seddon anna, webster teagan, stratford sachi, zhuang yvette, taylor katherine, tettennepe simon, hu kevin, thursfield oliver, beycher sonny, gavland angelene, fotopoulos daisy, mcclelland letty, king sierra, sargeant kolly, hodden melissa, picking kate, brasic lisa, mcclelland cassie, cummins alexandra, jamieson laura, cashen lanaya, rowe angela, georgiou jonathon, pejovic maja, luv aileen, hoskin yumika, bishop amy, tweed jacqueline, corrales mariana, williams kendall, jewell bethany, friedman sara, golden phoebe, mellios lauren, sayfer charlene, bell daniel, glagovski anton, ring hannah, aldred jasmin, sisson laura, king janine, allen robbie, taylor xavier, trigellis-smith colin, italia paula, tamura naoko, eddy diane, paterson denise, clarke heather, hemming beth, wilson wendy, wallace gaye, moore denis, plumb rochellee, schmauder debra, taylor kathrine, gale elke, taylor yani, sisson laura, fotopoulos daisy, zuccala lyn, smith phyllis, katz lily, sonnberger leonie, quail janine, prest margaret, zhang karen, indukuri gita, prest duncan, prest julieann, dureau sally, hopkins anna, baligod imelda, fallon kerry, bjelanovic danijela, james-clark laura, magnani lisa, phillips kathy, bell hilary, bakshi jasmeet, james-clark spencer, james-clark mason, james-clark stella, fitzgerald kerrie, krawze kamila, czech jon, lee maria, boell jacqueline, schmauder debra, georgiou martha, randles yvonne, smyth ruth, florrimell sean, ryan patrick, rossjohn sian, eppinger rosy, melenhurst bradley, melenhurst ashley, melenhurst christopher, silva katie, richards michael, garner jenny, bucher peter, gleitzman morris author, zhou jun, cook andrew, memorial services, funerals, wendy wilson hall, rossjohn jamie, earls tom, nicholls stephanie, vagner natasha, anderson pam, hall aileen, grose jenny, dalton sue, bejers maya, paterson denise, witte david, lath natalie, dalmau jessica, darras irene, miljus max, moritmitsu ran, zhou yida, barns sue, varbaro bianco, howell alan, lath miss, jacobs john, tinetti amy, maloney matthew, petrovic vida, bruce julie, bonner angie, porter ros, hill andrea, hocking hazel, jozsa zara, wishart jan, guyer noeline, powell bruce, hopkinson judy, mccrae glenys, mccrae beverly, james margot, barns tony, barns joan, ryan ann artist, jenek alex, jozsa olivia, woods caitlin, ledda daniel, cook andrew, rossjohn bevan, aunavarapu ashray, loveas paul, beiers mariel, allan gemma, squires rhoda, squires garry, squires terry, squires lesley, squires rhonda, squires doreen, squires peter, squires kathy, king sierra, king tynan, king mackenzie, king harrison, king shuyler, allen robbie, allen jessica, allen samantha, dale sheridan, dale caroline, dale elliot, dale taylor, dale clark, woodards carnegie auctioneers, roberts ruth, mckenzie's ward, glenhuntly fruit supply, ceudet and kubeyde, subway glenhuntly, alessi libby mrs, manuel bill mr, bruce julie ms, jacobs john mr, paterson denise mrs, thompson vic mr, sonnberger leonie mrs, sassos eugenia mrs, witte david mr, krauze maila ms, tinetti amy ms, bower jessica mrs, fitzgerald kerrie mrs, eppinger rosie mrs, vagner natasha mrs, zent mandy mrs, james-clark laura mrs, fallon kerry mrs, grose jenny mrs, bonner angie mrs, miriams shirley mrs, petrovic vida mrs, maloney matthew mr, bakshi jameet mr, smyth-kinyua ruth mrs, fitzpatrick tom mr, watson scott mr, theodore kate ms, porter ros ms, hill andrea ms, howell alan mr, schauder emma mrs, jozsa george mr, bitmead claire mrs, bader linda ms, jacobs john mr, bhuteja raza, rossjohn bevan, christensen lara, dale clark, chong aldwin, barns-dunne genevieve, guy cleo, georgiou demetrius, allen gemma, arunachalam elanthendral thiruavani, chau samantha, foldvari miro, gade saathvika, ghafari mohid, jones alvin, korres johnny, margaritis evan, pickering finley, schauder daniel, shah hisha, shermis-fox dalvin, thorat sahil, zhong emma, arunkumar mitali, baxi vaasu, bhadra rushil, chevalier stefanie, bitmead rose, cooper brittany, jozsa zara, croes sonny, gil harnoor, koika akito, gitein iris, matthews benjamin, moses lior, gupta anushka, nematy keanu, jaiswal sanjana, makwana yash max milius, o'donoghue romy, patel vishesh, nalamati anushka, paul aaron, obsioma jarred, pavlich nicola, rizk taran, schauder ben, shah vansh, stuart isobel, yadavalli sriprada, sharma shreya, tut nyajania, zhao max, abeyesekerea gail, attanayake nikeesha, behl shaurya, desai noopur ankoor, espinosa daphne, kansara kesha, kantheti sai rithvik, malakar ishan, manion freya, mohammed zoheb, morimitsu ran, moshe sarit, peri varsha, reutskiy yael, ryan harrison, shah jahanvi, wallis hannah, woods liam, bhuteja raza, belyuga lachlan, chen linda, bikovsky alexander, das sanchali, bitmead william, ghafari malaika, cherukuihota ritish, jenek alex, chintala aditi, lvovsky jeremy, dumnounkan nicky, mazzocchi ashleigh, el shorbagy hanna, mohammed zeeshan, foldvari phoebe, nekkadapu prava, gill armann, obsioma joseph, harper tyler, pickering jasper, kanapathippillai noah, pronina anja, kat jemma, pudikova veronika, king schuyler, reutskiy nicole, nikitin daniel, rossjohn bevan, o'connor finnian, schauder hannah, parsons zoe, shaked natalie, shang alexander, sharmila ajit aaditya arya, shulz david, siah sunny, singh gab, woods caitlin, wallis eliza, yang jee, zhong michelle, zhang alan, zhou stella, zhang betty, arjuna vicknan, arunachalam thirumagal, bahambhani yog, christensen lara, dale clark, hoenig tess, jozsa olivia, knelle louise, kwon minchol, lin angelina, milyus sophie, modi dhriti, morimitsu rin, moses nikol, noh yuhan, raghav devrath, rule darcy, tran cindy, trivedi namit, vayenas christina, vaz adonis, vortman david, allan liam, annavarapu ashrey, attanayake akeshi, capicchiano rose, chilakamarri nikhil, davis oliver, forti kate, guo maggie, guy cleo, james zoe, jenek ada, kalra pravav, king harrison, lin angelo, lin anita, melenhorst bradley, melenhorst christopher, metzler jessica, moses tomer, perelman michael, ryan patrick, wheatley nathaniel, allen gemma, bailey crystal-lee, gan tina, georgiou demetrius, ghafari kainat, grigorian nick, hackshaw chris, howell benjamin, kuznetsov ilya, luo eileen, luo elaine, margaritis mary-anne, melenhorst ashley, morimitsu rui, omer-cooper james, ozgur batuhan, salathiel matthew, vayenas paulina, wang qi wei, ward monica, arabena. brittany, bader-mcdowell alexander, barns-dunne genevieve, beiers mariel, chilcott rose, chong aldwin, cook andrew, dale taylor, dalton eamon, durant demeke, horn jade, iker korkhan, kat mariana, kwon so hyun, ledda daniel, loucas paul, panchal rajvi, ragozin vadim, reyer emma, song alex, varbara sovan, zhou james, robertson angela, henkul roland, hannagan cassie, rice elizabeth, ryan tammy, stacey paul, mason rebecca, ammendola marcella, moore m., copey n., priesner m., cotterell d., cohn adam, don paul, don kerrie, hanley alison, mckechnie brian, gowland rebecca, te hennepe daniel, schleiger emma, zimbachs trent, rowe rebecca, taylor katherine, beycher sonny, halliburton andrew, dureau thomas, dureau nicole, thursfield alexandra, allen courtney, willis isabelle, zhou jun, james-clark stella, melky michelle, willis ruby, earls tom, srinivasan lakshmi, zhou yida, te hennepe daniel, meyer tony, leiken nikita, thompson alex, te hennepe simon, johnson christopher, vassilopoulos michael, irwin christopher, asaturov gary, rossjohn sian, sangangum watsana, varbaro bianca, mitchell, hume, batman, brown robyn, maxwell jennifer, mclean jill, culpin howard, jones dennis, archer ?, lester phillip, taylor jennifer, anderson judith, ? bronwyn, hall robyn, powlett john, clark ross, taylor christine, booth peter, turner ian, porter larry, turner diane, anderson diane, scott megan, mclean david, christie donald, wishart philip, mottrim joan, christie coleen, travis bicki, watt elizabeth, richards michael, peet marily, sutherland fiona, ziegenbien kay, lester judith, kostamarkis con, yeoman keith, hastings ronald, ? mark, coenen zari, young vivian, young carolyn, weber elizabeth, child gary, cooper stephen, robertson james, ross dean, ? eve, cooper anne, saunders bruce, yeaman peter, wilkinson dawn, armstrong jeffrey, hill gregory, morris steven, suttie richard, silverman judy, king jenny, silverman sharon, broadmore janine, martin dean, smith robert, frommer ruth, saxon rosemary, justus heidi, o'keefe sue-ellen, robertson angela, young natalia, pigounis anthony, brodie anthony, henkul roland, duncan neil, cooper tania, brodie joanne, meerkin naomi, henham rowena, moulds adam, butterworth richard, kellis nick, tapai michael, goodwin sonia, clift debbie, hannagan shannon, marley kara, ceki tibor, ellis shaun, charleworth stewart, can bergeijk richard, schroor briony, leticq jeanette, davidson angela, kakos vicki, collins darren, mcfarlane matthew, adley hassan, agar james, rakonjac mileva, lowndes nereida, grimster jane, ? laurenne, mcdonell terry, clift andrew, perry timothy, rice martin, weir lisa, devasagayam briony, chatila nancy, melland alice, rakonjac nik, mcdonald brett, collins michael, rose darren, ryan tammy, rice elizabeth, hannagan cassie, mason rebecca, douvitasa chris, chivers scott, siaosi jack, stacey paul, moore matthew, coles lisa, diggins sebastian, barboussas costa, moulds johanna, brett travis, mcminn johanna, soloma tim, copey nicole, kakos peter, rontoyannis evan, mcdonald scott, pregnell ian, lowndes jared, kapetanos diane, ivkov srdjan, palamarczuk rosemary, cotterell diane, tonta amelia, craig caroline, yeun joseph, yusuf alham, quon kane, fiek peter, pitkin meryl, yarovsky julie, mckay sara, koger saskia, slocum tom, meyer sean, dunn nathan, vickers anthony, don paul, mason lulu, stanton bronwyn, hanley alison, don kerrie, kennedy chad, callaghan matthew, ghosh suvro, teteira jay, sargent kelly, hollingworth marnie, lack orry, wheeler ashley, trigellis-smith anna, hoskin tim, barda david, nolan rebecca, kulikov simon, kirkpatrick ryan, schleiger rudi, becker thomas, de lisle justin, taylor katherine, gale elke, te hennepe simon, ring hannah, stratford sachi, taylor yani, parish james, aldred jasmin, sisson laura, thursfield oliver, fotopoulos daisy, hoskin yumika, trigellis-smith colin, corrales mariana, soyfer charlene, moore vanessa, halliburton andrew, glagovski anton, johnson christopher, wheeler joel, taylor xavier, chapman jessica, ledda alexander, rowe angela, jewell bethany, goluguri pradeepthi, bell daniel, golightly callum, graham emily, mckechnie ellen, james-cark spencer, byrne david, parker natalie-lee, loucas david, pappas michael, gamble laurence, dureau thomas, loriot christina, drinozcky chloe, ring caitlin, robertson mitchell, pleysier yvonne, boghikian emie, sisson matthew, sanchez zanetta, rowe daniel, saunders john, cox josh, barda nick, dureau nicole, lenkiewicz justine, jamieson emily, mclaughlan kate, carpenter tess, vassilopoulos michael, jewell clare, gavnoudias james, matthews laura, georgiou costa, dale caroline, gamble kate, beiers hannah, james-clark mason, richardson zoe, thursfield alexandra, hosking kenta-neville, dounias theodore, annavaparu ramya, sinclair chloe, nolan megan, king tynan, tomlinson michael, allen courtnay, florrimell sean, ong kenny, foley patrick, gale emily, saunders alice, rowe michelle, willis isabelle, vassilopoulos alexandra, johnson bradley, borley genevieve, irwin christopher, earls thomas, matthews jessica, mudumbi venkatesh, lenkiewicz alice, king mackenzie, dounias christopher, beiers maya, dick alastair, levy matthew, srinivasan lakshmi, adams joshua, singh mia, borley natalie, varbaro bianca, christensen jade, willis ruby, sinclair emma, allen samantha, rossjohn sian, borley morgan, bader-mcdowell jeremy, chettimadda gopala kr yashas, anguswamy manoj, nekkadapu sankeerth, dalton kieran, allan tristan, gandham anoohya, arabena brittany, melenhorst ashley, vayenas paulina, dale taylor, bader-mcdowell alexander, omer-cooper james, reyer emma, kuznetsov ilya, metzler jessica, beiers mariel, forti kate, james zoe, annavarapu ashrey, ryan patrick, davis oliver, ilker korkhan, mcgowan keith, thursfield william, gribbin andrew, walsh-howling damien, scanlon alan, mitchell neil, brown allan, bruce peter, murray robert (bob), christensen tanya, de kretser jan, bremner marie, bayliss curtis, wheeler reece, symons red, de zilwa nick, byers gary, crompton neil, wilkinson graham, nilsson ray, bryant tony -
Vision Australia
Document - Text, White Cane Day review 1994, 13/10/1994
... Royal Blind Society of New South Wales ...The Royal Blind Society undertook a review of it's White Cane Day media coverage in 1994, to see where it could improve awareness of events.3 pages review the promotion of White Cane dayroyal blind society of new south wales, white cane day, marketing -
Vision Australia
Education kit - Object, Clear Direction: a guide to communicating with people who are blind and vision impaired, 2000
... Royal Blind Society of New South Wales ...In order to expand the understanding of the general public, Vision Works - a division of RBS - produced this CD designed to offer sighted users the experiences that people had when undertaking a sighted guide course and when working with blind or vision impaired colleagues. "The information contained in this module will enable you to assist people who are blind and vision impaired whether they be customers, friends, relatives or anyone else you may come in contact with. This interactive educational package encourages users to work at their own pace to learn practical communication techniques; methods of providing effective customer service; and ways of developing the skills needed to safely guide a person who is blind or vision impaired. It also includes a game based on sighted guide techniques and evaluation questions designed for in-house training. This CD has been designed, based on the work of professional service providers at Royal Blind Society, a major blindness agency in Australia."1 CD-ROM with text and imagesPC CD-ROM: Windows 95/98/2000 The information contained in this module will enable you to assist people who are blind and vision impaired whether they be customers, friends, relatives or anyone else you may come in contact with. This interactive educational package encourages users to work at their own pace to learn practical communication techniques; methods of providing effective customer service; and ways of developing the skills needed to safely guide a person who is blind or vision impaired. It also includes a game based on sighted guide techniques and evaluation questions designed for in-house training. This CD has been designed, based on the work of professional service providers at Royal Blind Society, a major blindness agency in Australia.royal blind society of new south wales, education -
Vision Australia
Education kit - Object, Grade I Braille For Sighted People: an introduction to reading and writing Braille, 2001
... Royal Blind Society of New South Wales ...In 2001 RBS and RVIB worked on a joint project to assist sighted people to learn Grade 1 Braille. This CD-ROM was produced to enable people to be able to learn and practice at home.1 CD-ROM with text and BrailleNot all keyboards are suitable for use with this program. To gauge usability launch Notepad or Wordpad and press the s, d, f and j, k, l keys simultaneously. If all six letters appear your keyboard can be used as a virtual brailler. Minimum system requirements: 32MB of Ram; Pentium 166mhz; Microsoft Internet Explorer 4.0; Quicktime Browser plugin and Macromedia Flash plugin (included in installation). NB: Video may take one minute to load. Display: At least 800 x 600, high colour (16 bit). Installation: The CD-ROM will automatically run the setup procedure. For best results run the program from your hard drive. If the setup fails to start automatically, double click My Computer or Windows Explorer, double click the CD-ROM drive icon, then double click the setup icon. This CD-ROM is a joint project by the Royal Blind Society and Royal Victorian Institute for the Blind.royal blind society of new south wales, education, royal victorian institute for the blind -
Vision Australia
Photograph - Image, John Landau, 16/4/2004
... Royal Blind Society of New South Wales ...Images taken in April 2004 of Royal Blind Society of NSW CEO John Landau at his desk.11 images of John Landau and his deskroyal blind society of new south wales, john landau -
Linton and District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Samuel Lewers
... Bank of New South Wales ...Part of S E Surman collection (album) page 32.Sepia portrait of an elderly bearded man wearing jacket shirt and tie."1st Bank Manager".samuel lewers, surman collection, bank of new south wales -
Federation University Historical Collection
Booklet - Walking Guide, Ballarat Heritage Walking Guide, c2015
... Bank of New South Wales ...35 page booklet with a detail from the Mining Exchange on the front. ballarat, walking trail, statues, gold monument, sturt street, unicorn hotel, ballarat town hall, sugg light, ballarat post office, camp street, summerscales building, state offices, police court, huyghue house, pratt's building, ymca, ballarat trades hall, ana hall, maps, lydiard street, ballarat gaol, ballarat school of mines, wesleyan church, ansonia, lynn's chambers, craig's royal hotel, her majesty's theatre, union bank building, bank of australasia, national bank, colonial bank of australasia, bank of new south wales, george hotel, old colonists' hall, art gallery of ballarat, union fidelity hall, goller's warehouse, dunn's warehouse, ludbrook house, reid's coffe police, ballarat railway station, cenotaph, queen victoria fountain, boer war memorial, burke and wills founitain, titanic memorial bandstand -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Document - Folder, Shade, Ernest Albert
... Bank of New South Wales Entertainment Group ...Ernest Albert Shade was involved with many musical groups, especially the Shire of Eltham Concert Band, Eltham Youth Concert Band and Eltham Orchestra. The Shire of Eltham provided a detailed submission in support of a nomination for an Order of Australia award. Contents Letters Honours Secretariat, Canberra, 2 August 1991 and 19 November 1991, seeking more information to support a nomination for Ernest Albert Shade to receive an award. Submission from Shire of Eltham to Honours Secretariat, Canberra,2 January 1992, nominating Ernest Albert Shade for an Order of Australia award.Newspaper clippings, A4 photocopies, etcernest albert shade, salvation army, melbourne conservatorium of music, thomas white, professor kenneth hunt, melbourne university rifles military band, city of preston orchestra, preston symphony orchestra, preston and northcote community hospital, helping hand agency, q theatre guild, geelong musical comedy company, peninsula light opera companies, lyric light opera company, cheltenham light opera company, geelong light opera society, donald cant, darebin players, shire of eltham concert band, eltham youth concert band, victoria bands league, beatrix shade, geelong amateur musical association, samaritan players, bank of new south wales entertainment group, lewis coleman, harrold burrows, john hales, david sadedin, eltham orchestra, society for growing australian plants, janice dadd, eltham historical society, ron blyth, valma brundell, warren fordham, eltham community centre, eltham high school, eltham concert band, eltham phoenix club, nathan warhaft, joyce warhaft, gideon warhaft, sally warhaft, eltham community festival, fred balaam, neville shade, beatrice chapple, beatrice shade nee chapple, frederick shade, ronald shade, libby shade, michael shade, janet shade, bruce mcbrien, a b horsley, ruth weaver -
Greensborough Historical Society
Compact disc, New South Wales Bounty immigrants [1829-1842], 1829-1842
New South Wales Bounty immigrants: This disc contains records for New South Wales 'bounty' immigrants 1829-1842.A database of immigration records for colonial NSW1 compact disc in plastic caseContents listed on CDgenealogy resources, family history, new south wales - immigration, new south wales - passenger lists