Historical information
1. Male sits at a desk with a Wang computer terminal in front of him and Optacon device to his left. The Optacon was a device that allowed printed material to be turned into Braille through the use of a small camera connected to a vibrating array that produced the Braille. To his right is a cassette recorder, another computer and recorder, whilst a long cane rests against a wall. The man is possibly wearing a sonic guide and listening to the cassette whilst he types on to the screen.
2. Male sits in an office with an Opticon to his left, which he is using, and a manual typewriter in front of him. The typewriter has the camera of the Opticon clamped into position over the typewriter. Behind the man is a reception desk, with a bell and small switchboard visible on upper counter of the desk, and a coffee mug, portable cassette recorder, telephone books and piles of paper stacked neatly under the upper counter.
Physical description
Digital image taken from pictures on chipboard
Inscriptions & markings
15 - Group with 13, 14 please - no caption available
12 - Group with 13, Optacon caption