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Federation University Historical Collection
Book - Newspaper clippings, Eureka Stockade Newspaper Clippings, 1923-2015
The Eureka Stockade was fought on the Eureka Lead, Ballarat East on 03 December 1854. Keith Rash was a signwriter who learnt his trade at the Ballarat School of Mines. He was very interested in local history and wrote articles for the local newspapers. The clippings on Eureka would have been used to inform his articles, and research on the site of the Eureka Stockade. Ken Clements was former Academic Registrar at Ballarat College of Advanced Education (now University of Ballarat). He was a committee member of the Eureka Stockade Memorial Park Committee for a number of years. Dr Dorothy Wickham has researched Eureka over a number of decades, and has published a number of titles on the topic. Clare Gervasoni has researched Eureka over a number of decades, and has published a number of titles on the topic, including coordination of for Ballarat Reform League Inc. Three white A4 folders of newspaper clippings dating from 1923 to 2012. The clippings are in chronological order. The clippings were collected by Keith Rash, and were later supplemented by clippings collected by Ken Clements. Further clippings collected by Dorothy Wickham, mainly around the 1990s were inserted throughout the folders in chronological order, as well as later clippings by Clare Gervasoni .1) Folder One - Eureka Cuttings 1923 - 1984 * Courier 05/05/1923 - Eureka Progress Association (W. Groves, Stockader Phillips of Rocky Lead, Stockader Wilson, G. Lakeland, Eureka Hall.) * Courier 10.08.1931 - Banquet at Eureka - Progress Association's Annual Meeting (McGregor, Parsons, W.J. McAdam, 75th anniversary. Elsworth, Kent, Robert McGregor) *Courier 11/08/1932 - Eureka Reserve - Committee Annual Social. (E. Parsons, C.C. Phillips, D.C. McGrath, T.T. Hollway, Bolster, Mackenzie, Mares, Hendy) * Courier 07/07/1939 - Eureka Improvement Committee, Eureka Reserve * Courier 04/12/1950 - Australian Democracy Was Born at Eureka * Courier 04/09/1951 - Council Seeks Development of Eureka Land - potential housing Commission development on site of Last Chance Mine. (J. Welsh). * Ballarat Courier 12/1952 - Few Remembered Eureka Affair (98th anniversary, A.W. Nicholson, C.E. Brown, L. O'Brien, R. Joshua, Soldiers' Memorial Band) * Courier 07/12/1953 - Few Commemorated the Affair at Eureka - 99th anniversary at the Stockade reserve (F.J. Cutts, L. O'Brien, R. Joshua, Peter Lalor, C.E. Brown. * Courier 14/04/1954 - Eureka Centenary - meeting to determine form of commemoration. * Courier 15/04/1954 - Getting ready - Centenary celebrations (Picture of Diggers Memorial, F.J. Cutts, C. Mott). * Courier 15/04/1954 - Eureka Centenary Planned (F.J. Cutts, Geoffrey Searle, Edgar Bartrop, G. Swenson, B. Parsons, T.E. Carter, M. Collins, Mrs L.M. Quinlan, Grenville, Eureka Progress Association, Arthur Jones, E.J. Crimmins, Bernard D'Arcy, A.W. [Bert] Strange). * Guardian 25/11/1954 - Diary of a Eureka Stockader [signed RDW] (Bentley, Fletcher, McIntyre, Westerby, Ballarat Reform League, monster meeting, Bakery Hill, Charles Hotham) * Argus 04/12/1954 - Eureka Day Marred by Storm (image of Bert O'Toole in Red Coat uniform, Peter Lalor Statue, A.C. Pittard, F.J. Cutts, Bernard D'Arcy, L. Moyle, Catherine Smith, wounded, death, Eureka Celebrations, anniversary, John Cain *Age Literary Supplement, 04/12/1954 - The motives that prompted the tragic Eureka rising . (image of Charles Hotham, government troops attack, Eureka Stockade Monument) 1851 discovery of gold in Victoria, centenary of Eureka Stockade, author MM, Governor Latrobe, law abiding nature of most miners, most miners were British but other nationalities represented, miners former occupations were varied, many did not "strike it rich", by 1853 the earnings of most diggers had fallen very low, 30/- licence fee, digger hunts, cries of "Joe" or "The Traps", 5 pound fine or 6 month imprisonment for not carrying Licence, La Trobe had hired ex-convicts as police, Governor Charles Hotham 1854, Bentlys Hotel, Commissioner Rede, miners leader Peter Lalor, Carboni Raffaello, Press warning by "Age", Ballarat Reform League, November 29 diggers meeting, licences burned, November 30 licence hunt, new flag and Southern Cross oath, the Stockade, revolution ?, Stockade Garrison, December 3 1854, the battle, 125 prisoners, 13 charged with high treason, all prisoners acquitted, Lalor and Vern into hiding, 'democratic revolution' or 'undisguised rebellion' ? , Miner's Right, Chartist ideas involved, Lalor became a member of Victorian parliament, Eureka monument inscription, little revolutionary significance. * The Argus 06/12/1954 - 100th Eureka Day ( [ Images - bearded miners, Bert O'Toole, simulated battle, red coats] battle tableau, Centenary celebrations. Mr Cain Premier, Spirit of Eureka). * Ballarat Courier 22/04/1961 Attack on the Paint ( [Image - Eureka Monument Guns] vandals). * Ballarat Courier 13/09/1962 - Little-Known Aspects of Eureka Affair (E.J. Crimmins and the 109th Eureka Anniversary); Eureka Drilling (Photo of M. Milligan drilling for water for the Eureka Pool) * Ballarat Courier 10/12/1963 - Eureka Relics in Public Display (Trev Negri), Little-known aspects of the Eureka affair (E J Crimmins, 13 State prisoners, Creswick men, M Greville), Eureka Request (Apex explanatory notice). * Ballarat Courier 12/05/1964 - Plaque to tell Eureka Story (Apex donation on monument). * Ballarat Courier 09/06/1964 - Permission is sought (re Eureka Reserve small Hall). * Ballarat Courier 28/08/ 1964 - Eureka should be much better attraction (Mayor Cr Webb, Rotary). * No Chlorination at Stockade Pool 24/08/1964 (A Jones secretary) * Ballarat Courier 10/10/1964 - Assurance given on Eureka Swimming Pool (Murray Byrne MLC, Bill Stephen MLA, pool plans [Images - Photo of Jones, Stephen Byrne - diagram of Eureka reserve swimming pools, caravan park, monument area] ) * Ballarat Courier 23/06/1964 - Pool plans ready for tenders MLA (Black Hill) * Ballarat Courier 26/11/1966 - Eureka: Was that clash in 1854 inevitable ? ([Image - Monument, Peter Lalor statue], by J J Sheehan, foreigners, Chartists, poorly armed. * 03/12/1966 Part 2 - Eureka: No plan by the Diggers to Attack, by j j Sheehan ([Images - Eureka collection, W C Colbourne and G Brookes with old rifle] Corrupt, Instructed, Withers' view, The last hunt, Police spies). * Ballarat Courier 19/12/1968 - Eureka commemoration definite next year,1854 - (Connolly Association, 3 December, 'Finest thing in Australasian history', few attending, L O'Brien, public apathy, A Williams, successful 1954 centenary, W. Roff, Eureka Progress Association) * 23/11/67 - Eureka and Miners' rights (G P Ryan letter, no representation, excessive licence system, offensive administration.brutality, Gov Hotham, barricade on Eureka lead, Miners' Rights replaced Licences but now worthless, mining monopolies, democracy). * Eureka Flag Ceremony (L O'Brien, false report, revive annual Eureka service). * Ballarat Courier 12/05/1867 Questions of Eureka (W Thompson letter, why military names on monument ? Why mount irrelevant cannons on monument ? Where is the flag ?). Lalor's refuge (between Bungaree and Bullarook ?, Fr t Linane ). Building linked with Ballarat (at French end of Collins Street Melbourne, Sir Robert Nickle, relief march to Ballarat, historian E Moorhead, 40th regiment link ). * Ballarat Courier 08/01/1968 - Too little history at Eureka says Visitor (Image - Eureka monument, Mrs L Riley, frequent complaint, B McOrist, proposed Stockade model). * Ballarat Courier c 1968 - Gallery Eureka flag may be the original (Cr W Roff, at Ballarat Art Gallery, fraud ?, matching pieces). * Ballarat Courier 11/04/1968 Pool of reflection ([Image - Eureka pool and willows], near full again). * Ballarat Courier 20/08/1968 - Eureka Reserve (Rotary Clubs' proposed project). *Ballarat Courier 05/10/1968 - Picturesque Willows ([Image- willows in good condition at Eureka Stockade]). * Ballarat Courier, November 1968 - Eureka Ceremony will be Revived (Eureka Progress Association to revive Eureka Commemoration at the site, Connolly Association Australia, J. Garvey, A. Jones) [Photo of L. O'Brien, A, Jones, R.A. Mitchell, Jim Styker and Alan Mills *Ballarat Courier 15/11/1968 - Walkathon for Stockade Diorama (planned life-size Diorama at Stockade depicting the Eureka riot, Rotary Cup walkathon fundraiser. *Ballarat Courier 26/11/1968 - Discussing plans ([Image - Les O'Brien, Arthur Jones, Alan Mills et al], memorial service Sunday). * Ballarat Courier 26/11/1968 - Eureka ceremony will be revived (four year lapse, Connolly Association, Eureka Progress Association) * Ballarat Courier 02/12/1968 - 500 attend Eureka ceremony (114th commemoration, on island in Lake, Mayor Cr M J Brown, speaker Mr Dudley Erwin MLA, significance to Australia, Connolly Association morning ceremony, Bernie Nolan, W Hartley). * Courier 1969 - Letters to the editor - Peter Lalor's Grave, Losing Places of Beauty loss of verandahs, Eureka Stockade Caravan Park, Eureka Swimming Pool), Ireland's Dilemma (Catholic Church), Small Group in "Affair" (F.R. Muller) * Courier 22/04/1969 - $7000 grant for Eureka Diorama (Sir Henry Bolte approves grant, $2 for $1, Rotary walkathon basis, City Council interest, Diorama details, information about Eureka for public, Eureka Park Sovereign Hill and Montrose cottage combination). * Courier 21/08/1969 - Mayor turns sod at Diorama site ([Image- Mayor Cr M J Brown et al], life size representation of stockade scene, Mr W F Stephen MLA). * Courier 06/12/1969 - The 'affair at Eureka' ([Image- Diorama] Few remembered anniversary of bid for democratic Government in 1850s, Mayor Cr Alec Mills, Murray Byrne, Colonial secretary J Foster resignation, reforms, hostility, unpopular, end of era). * Courier mixed 1969 - City link with Eureka Stockade threatened, - Eureka signposts [Diggers Memorial, Soldiers Memorial], - Eureka Anniversary - Souvenir of Eureka (William Cowland's pistol). * Courier :/05/1970 - Fascinated ([Image- children at near completed Diorama]). * Courier 10/08/1970 - Mayor opens Eureka Diorama ([Image- Diorama scene of 3 December 1854 battle], Mayor Cr A E Mills, Rotarians, Eric Pearce voice tape recording). * Courier 08/08/1970 - Eureka Diorama should be Popular-Rotarian ([Image- Diorama shed], City's new drawcard, Diorama Opening para and advert). * Courier 12/09/1970 - The Quick change Eureka Stockade ([Image- Eureka Stockade Hotel], was Australia Felix Hotel, Mr Kevin Worthington). * Courier 22/09/1970 - Missing golden opportunities (message unheeded, American tourists misled, bewildered tourists). * Courier 20/10/1970 - Ballarat's monument to vandalism ? (Ballarat, Wendouree and South Rotary clubs' pride: Eureka Diorama, joy and heartaches, vandalism damage, thoughtless and vicious). * Courier 20/10/1970 - Marked for demolition ([Image- Ballarat east railyard] troops path to Eureka stockade). * Courier 20/10/1970 - Diorama sound system target for vandals ([Image- Jack Redman removing foreign material from diorama starting mechanism). * Courier 03/11/1970 - Record Good but Facts are Wrong ([Image- depiction of Eureka scene], article by Paul Hughes, RCA LP record based on musical play re Eureka Stockade, errors) * Courier 11/03/1970 - Diorama for Eureka Stockade ([Images- view of park, view of diorama]). * Courier 4/12/1970 - Anniversary of Eureka uprising ([Images- Southern Cross flag over Montrose cottage, R Fenton and V Demedeze], 107th anniversary, Scouts Eureka re-enactment, Diggers didn't mind delay). * Courier 16/04/1971 - Lake disappearing ([Image- Lake Elsworth being filled], Olympic standard pool planned for same site). * Courier 31/07/1971 - Birthplace of Peter Lalor ([Image- 211 year old Lalor home in Ireland], Eureka Stockade (park) name change to Eureka Stockade Memorial Park (in Sept. 1972). * Courier 01/02/1971 Eureka Stockade Gardens - ([Images- Gardens near Caretakers Cottage, Miss J Hetherington and begonias in Eureka Stockade hothouse). * Courier 11/1971 - Eureka Grant (for toilet block in Eureka Caravan Park), Ancestor Died in Stockade Battle (William Clifton), $93,887 Tender for Eureka Pool) * Courier 10/12/1971 - Eureka FILM 'iMMORAL' ( Erwin's attack, DUDLEY ERWIN MP, suggested cuts). * Courier 21/02/1972 - It is not a subsidy (says Stockade Director, re film, Added bonus, also Descendant upset- letter from Peter A Lalor re film content). * Ballarat Courier 31/10/1973 - Eureka Stockade a National Shrine, (Editorial , Minister Grassby's support) - Eureka 'Shrine of our History', (Grassby's pledge). * Ballarat Courier 14/02/1973, - $1000 Grant for Eureka Flag (from State government to Ballarat Art Gallery, Bill Stephen MLA, Murray Byrne Minister for Tourism). * Ballarat Courier 26/05/1973, - Eureka Flag Restored (by Val D'Angri, Peter Lalor details, [Images- Val at work on flag, painting of 1854 Ballarat]). * Ballarat Courier 26/10/1973 - Taking another look at Eureka (Editorial, historical and social significance of Eureka Stockade, Neighbour attractions, Thinking BIG), and Editorial report, Put up the Stockade again - and a Monorail ? * Ballarat Courier 31/10/1973 - Eureka Stockade a National Shrine (Minister's support) * Ballarat Courier October 1973 - Eureka a 'Shrine of our History' (Grassby's pledge, Alex Barnett's plans for Eureka Stockade ). * Ballarat Courier 03/11/1973, - Build Eureka into a tourist drawcard ,(Challenge to Clubs. W H McGregor; Ceremony, Tram Link, the "Iceberg"). * Ballarat Courier 08/11/1973, - Grassby to get Eureka Plans - (from Alex Barnett). * Ballarat Courier 29/11/1973, - Memorial Plans with Town Hall (Architect plans also sent to Mr Grassby). * Ballarat Courier 13/11/1973, - Prime Minister will unveil Eureka Flag [Image - Erecting Flag frame at Ballarat Art gallery, Val D'Angri]. * Ballarat Courier 14/11/1973, - What plan for the Eureka memorial ? (Public entitled to know, National concept) and (Eureka Upgrading). * Ballarat Courier 24/11/1973, - Connolly Opposition to Eureka Proposals (Association protests about limited support for commemoration of Eureka) and (Gallery search for Lalor descendant). *Ballarat Courier 24/11/1973, - The Affair at Eureka (Part one by J J Sheehan) [Images -Jones' Circus tent, and Stockade location, also Peter Lalor photo, also artist's impression of the 13 men on trial]. Part 2 )3/11/1973 (Eureka Diorama) * Ballarat Courier 01/12/1973, - Grassby to see Eureka Plan on Site [Image- Architect's sketch of proposed $450,000 Museum building]. *Ballarat Courier 01/12/1973, - The Affair at Eureka (The fight for justice, concluding J J Sheehan series), [Images - painting of fight, and the supposed site of the Stockade]. * Ballarat Courier 02/12/1973, Victorian Treasures at Art Gallery (Eureka Flag and "Moonrise exhibition), [Image - J Nicholson cleaning 'Peter Lalor' portrait]. * Ballarat Courier 03/12/1973, - The Events Which led up to Eureka (Licence contentions,the perceived need for fortification around the workings at the Eureka lead, the death of James Scobie, the burning of Bentley's Hotel, the conviction of three miners on 20 November, arrival of armed soldiers at the Camp. Also Raffaello observations, and advert for public viewing of Eureka Flag. [Image - Diggers and Soldiers names on Eureka Monument]. * Ballarat Courier 03/12/1973, - The past celebrated but what of the future ? (119th anniversary of the Eureka Stockade uprising, but current politicians are under close scrutiny) * Ballarat Courier 03/12/1973, - Teacher-Politician is behind Eureka story (J J Sheehan profile). *Ballarat Courier 04/12/1973 - A Noteworthy Day in Ballarat - (Prime Minister Whitlam unveiled the famous Eureka Flag at the Art gallery). * Ballarat Courier 04/12/1973, - Newcomers told about migrants at Eureka (migrants from >20 countries, comradeship after battle and defeat, new nation in peace and tranquility. Minister for Immigration Mr Al Grassby at Sovereign Hill. Liberties. A Shrine. [Image- Al Grassby and newly arrived migrants at Sovereign Hill]. *Ballarat Courier 04/12/1973, - Grassby leads colorful Eureka commemoration (cheering school children, flag, wreath, World Fame for Eureka affair, boy's coach trip, two sides to Eureka battle.) [Image- Mr Grassby and group of children]. (National day proposed by Mr Grassby). * Ballarat Courier 04/12/1973, Eureka as National Monument (PM commends stockade plan, Mr Whitlam on Eureka commemoration day supports plans to make Eureka Stockade a national monument. Flag saved and restored, TV hitch. New Australian anthem needed to match the 'new nationalism'. [Image - Gough Whitlam and group at flag presentation and unfurling ceremony.] * Ballarat Courier 04/12/1973, - Eureka ! It's Digger Al (Al Grassby at 119th anniversary of the Eureka Stockade rebellion). [Images - scenes of Al Grassby at Sovereign Hill]. * Ballarat Courier 05/12/1973, - Talk, But No Cash: Stephen (Mr Bill Stephen MLA comments on visit by Whitlam and Grassby). - Eureka Flag Australia's most valuable relic: PM (Gough Whitlam report to Federal Parliament yesterday, Hospitality from Mr Dudley Erwin) * Ballarat Courier 10/12/1973, - Flag restorer stitched her way into history (Val D"Angri has stitched her way into Australian History as the person who restored the Eureka Flag. [Image - Mrs Val D'Angri, Eureka Flag needlewoman ]. * Ballarat Courier, 1974 - Location of the Eureka Stockade (Bert Strange), Misplaced Stockade (Maurice Calnin, T.C. Cleary, diary), Stockade Site (Bob O'Brien), Eureka Flag Stolen (John Shannon) *Ballarat Courier 6 May 1974, - Committee formed for $1.25 M. Eureka Project - ( a permanent memorial). *Ballarat Courier 6 May 1974, - Federal Govt Aid likely for Eureka (Federal Labor Government wants Eureka Stockade site to be a major tourist attraction, Eureka booklet proposed). *Ballarat Courier 10 May 1974, - Peter Lalor Stories Interest Society (Ballarat Historical Society seeks reports of Peter Lalor during escape after the Eureka affair). Also Eureka Shrine, The Eureka 'affair', Eureka film premier. * 29/07/1974 - Eureka Memorial Plans Need Full Support (Eureka Stockade Association) * Ballarat Courier 11/5/1974 and 6/6/1974 - Stockade Site (Rob O'Brien, Eureka Interesting Story * Ballarat Courier 30/01/1974 - Eureka Remembered in Italy (Al Grasby, Raffaello Carboni, Urbino); Eureka Memorial on Way (Eureka Stockade Association) {photo of Gordon Cornell, Alec Barnett, Bruce Bartrop] * Ballarat Courier, May 1974 and 11 May 1974 - Location of the Eureka Stockade (Bert Strange); Stockade Site (Bob O'Brien) * [Ballarat Courier?] 10/07/1979 - City's Oldest Memorial is Over Diggers' Graves. (An article on the grave over the diggers who were killed as a result of the Eureka Stockade battle which was erected on 22 March 1856. .2) Folder Two- Eureka Cuttings c1980-2004 Ballarat Courier ~9/1980, - First-hand account of hardship omitted (Frank Titan letter re Tom Evans' use of selected evidence in his proclamation that democracy was not born at Eureka Stockade. "Democracy was won at the Stockade on 3/12/1854. [Cartoon 'A beach view of the Eureka Flag debate']. Ballarat News ~1980, Names (Diggers & Troopers) of deceased on Eureka Stockade Monument. [Photo of white marble tablet] Ballarat Courier 4 July 1981, Eureka Papers Gift to City, Peter Lalor letters, Stephen Cumming diary. [Photo - Town Clerk Ian Smith, Cr Jessie Scott and donor Bruce Evans]. * The Sun Travel Supplement, 06 April 1984 - A Bloody Moment Re-visited by Alec Hepburn - (Diorama, Eureka Stockade Replica, Montrose Cottage) [Image of Gerard Rushforth to the reconstruction of the Eureka Stockade * Ballarat Courier, 10/04/1984 - Eureka Incident 'an uprising of the scum of goldfields. [photo of John Callinan with the Diggers Grave monument] * The Age, 06/05/1987 - Eureka! Man found whose father was there by John Lahey (Article on Terence Brady, who was a 4 month old baby at the Eureka Stockade battle. * Ballarat Courier 13 June 1984, 'Eureka Stockade'.....a Panning, (American critic J J O'Connor pans the Australian TV Mini-series. Book 2 - C1990-2004 * Ballarat Courier ~1990,- High-calibre Restoration, (World War I German Howitzer being restored after about 70 years exposure in the Eureka Stockade Memorial Park). [Photo of wheeled Gun, and article by author Peter Butters]. * Ballarat Courier, ~1990, A Changing Track to Eureka, a 'Room for a View' article by Alex Barnett OAM. (comment about the Stockade site and the tracks leading to it). [Photo of painting by Charles Doudiet depicting the diggers swearing allegiance to the southern Cross on 1 December 1854]. * Ballarat News 22 March 1990 - Eureka Troopers Slept Here (article on the Werribee Hunt Hotel, near the Ballarat Gold Course, where troopers slept and watered their horses on the way to Ballarat in 1854. [photograph of the hotel] * Ballarat Courier, 23 August 1991 - Eureka relics Return to Ballarat by Gemma Daley. Items acquired by Sovereign Hill - including a Ground plan of James Bentley's Eureka Hotel, autographed statement by Michael Carroll. (photograph of Peter Hiscock holding a set of percussion pistols, the Plan of the Eureka Hotel] * 30 November 1992 - Ballarat Courier 'Hayden Pays a Visit' by Julia Balderstone (Article on the visit of Governor-General Bill Hayden to Ballarat, the launch of Bob O'Brien's book 'Massacre at Eureka: The untold Story' ) [Photographs of Bill Hayden, Mayor James Coglan, Sovereign Hill, Bob O'Brien) * Ballarat Courier 03 December 1994 - Awareness grows of flag's meaning by Lorrie Brown (article on the Ballarat Trades Hall replica of the Eureka Flag. The replica flag was made by the then Trades Hall caretaker Tom Ellis. The replica flag was used in a Trades Hall march in 1945 and then disappeared until the mid 1980s (Image of David Miller nad Graeme Shearer in front of the flag.) Verso - Robert and Pamela Sublet and their link to the Eureka Stockade via their ancestor Charles Sublet de Bourgy and the site of the Eureka Stockade. * 04 May 1996 Ballarat Courier Saturday Magazine Extra 'Our Next Flag?' by Gabrielle Hodson (An article on the Australian Flag and the Eureka Flag with interview with Gayle Hart (Ballarat Fine Art Gallery) * Ballarat Courier, 15 February 1995 - 'Knockers' Harming the Story of Eureka - an opinion piece by Lewis L. Gay (descendant of William Gay) * Ballarat Courier, 10 July 1996 - Facts, not our bias, are Eureka's basis, an opinion piece by Tom Evans * Ballarat Courier 03 September 1996 - Tell Warts and All of Eureka by Weston Bate (image of Weston Bate) * The Age, 21 December 1996 - Mining a rich vein of passion by Mary Ryllis Clark (Eureka overview with information on Charles Doudiet). * Ballarat Courier, 07 July 1997 - Eureka Flag Row (Sale by auction of Eureka Flag piece held by Lex McClintock - associated with Communist Party and Evelyn Shaw) [Photo of Anne Beggs Sunter beside the Eureka Flag] * Ballarat Courier, 02 August 1997; images of the Eureka sail on the Eureka centre from different locations. * Ballarat Courier 23 October 1997, Eureka Stockade Centre Agreement is signed, (Sovereign Hill to manage new Eureka Centre). [p 1 Photo Doug Sarah, Janet Dore, James Coghlan, Peter Tobin, and Peter Hiscock at table; p 2 photo of new Eureka Centre and reference to 21 year management agreement between City of Ballarat and Sovereign Hill Museums Association. * Ballarat Courier 23 October 1997, 'A Handsome Addition to our Heritage Assets' [Plan of Bentley's Eureka Hotel ason 17 October 1854 it was when it burned ] * Ballarat Courier 03 November 1997 - Different Eureka Flag. Letter to the editor from A.D. Glasson. * * Ballarat Courier 23 October 1997, 'Did Eureka Claim the Drummer Boy' Dorothy Wickham prooves the Drummer Boy of the 12 Regiment. John Egan. did not die in the events leading to the Eureka Stockade. * Ballarat Courier ~1998, - Alex and Audrey thanked, (Total of 90 years work for Eureka Stockade Memorial Park Committee recognised), [Photo of Gordon Taite, Alex Barnett and John Barnes. * Ballarat Couruer, 04 February 1998 - Exciting Eureka Flag Find in UK by Stuart Howie. (Eureka Flag held in the Suffold Military Museum) [Jan Penney holds with a Eureka centre logo.] * Ballarat Courier 23 February 1998, Eureka Centre almost ready, (Workers adding finishing touches, description of $4m Centre by Manager Jan Penney). [Photo of new Eureka Centre, Mothers Art figures, Jan Penney, stage coach, Trooper John King]. [Photo Dorothy Wickham an d Governement Camp] * Ballarat Courier 23 February 1998, Forging links with Irish (Article by Leanne Keem on visitors from County Wicklow, 1798 Rebellion, convicts, Wicklow Historic Gaol.) [Photograph at Sovereign Hill of Joan Kavanagh, Pat Vance, Balise Treacy) * Ballarat Courier 28 March 1998, On to Camp Street, Premier urges at Eureka opening, (Comments by Mr Kennett about Eureka and the Ballarat community). [Various photos and paras about participants and about the Centre]. * Ballarat Courier 28 March 1998, EUREKA CENTRE SETS FULL SAIL, (celebration of launch of new centre by Premier Jeff Kennett). [Cartoon re Red Carpet and flag pieces]. * Ballarat Courier 17 November 1998, National Eureka Day idea 'could boost city' (Mayor Judy Verlin) * Ballarat Courier 28 November 1998, - MP backs Eureka Sunday, (Michael Ronaldson supports idea of a national Eureka Sunday to recognise Eureka's significance). [Photo of Michael Ronaldson MHR]. * Ballarat Courier 1/12/1998, - Red Eureka flag symbolic for anniversary, (red spotlight on giant Eureka flag model above the new Eureka Centre for 144th anniversary week, and outline of displays in Centre by manager Dr Jan Penny). [Photos - red 'Eureka Flag' on new Stockade Centre, and cartoon re 'tomato sauce']. * Ballarat Courier 2/12/1998, - Eureka enthusiast hopes for national day of celebration, (Jack Harvey expresses his hope that 'Eureka Day' might replace 'Australia Day' as our national day for celebration of anniversary of the formation of Australia, especially if Australia becomes a republic. History of the Dawn Walk in a list). [Cartoon re Eureka Walk Backpacker]. * The News 2/12/1998 - Lanterns to Light Path on Eureka Walk by Toni Lea-Howie - Dawn walk, lanterns, Jack Harvey, * Ballarat Courier 3/12/1998,- Marching the light fantastic, (Lighting the way, lanterns being prepared at Mining Exchange under direction of maker Graeme Dunstan in readiness for Sunday dawn walk, and other details of the Sunday program). [Photo of Belinda Dyer and Michael McTigue with several lanterns and a Eureka flag in the background]. * Ballarat Courier 4/12/1898, - Old trash reveals gold rush lifestyle , (display of artefacts dug from ground before new Eureka Centre built, Dr Jan Penny spoke, Minister Rob Maclellan launched the display, Cr James Coghlan announced the formation of the Eureka Stockaders support group with Peter Tobin and Alex Barnett as Life Members, article by Diane Squires. [Photo of Robert Maclellan and Gael Shannon with archaeological artefacts]. * Ballarat Courier 04/12/1998 'Many Behind New Eureka Centre' by Paul Murphy. (An article about the origins of the Eureka Stockade centre through the eyes of Paul Murphy, Executive Office of Eureka's Children. It includes the 1988 Bicentennial Eureka celebrations, Eureka Commemorative Society, Peter Tobin, Eureka Stockade Memorial Trust) Also inclides a letter from Bob O'Biren on the Origins of the Eureka Flag. * Ballarat Courier 5/12/1998, - Eureka walk revisits past , (Lantern bearers in a dawn walk will follow path taken in 1854 by troops as they marched to the Eureka Stockade, article by Rohan Wade). [Photo of Wayne Parker and Peter Freund discussing the internet recording of the dawn walk]. * Ballarat News 06/12/1995 - Lest we forget the fallen at Eureka by Peter Butters (William Westgarth, Captain Wise, Charles Rich, coffins, Bakery Hill meeting, Eureka monument, James Scobie, George Scobie. * Ballarat Courier 7/12/1998, - DAWN HOMAGE TO EUREKA HEROES, (300 take part in Dawn Walk, organiser Margaret Rich describes the community response and participation as fabulous and thanked Ballarat Fine Art Gallery for underwriting this years event). [Photo of dawn walkers on way to Eureka Stockade on Sunday, and photo of walk Leader Jack Harvey]. * Ballarat Courier 7/12/1998, - Walk sees the dawn of a national day, (3.30am marshalling of dawn walkers at Mining Exchange building by leader Jack Harvey and lantern maker Graeme Dunstan was spectacular; at the Eureka monument Don Chip addressed the large gathering on the significance of Eureka, Big turnout draws praise from Dore, Gallery echoes stirring oath).[Photo of Jack Harvey, Janet Dore, and Margaret Rich, Photo of Evelyn Healy, Cartoon re Ho Ho Ho ]. * Ballarat Courier 7/12/1998, - Miners were fighting for a fair go : Chipp, (Stirring Eureka address by Democrats founder Don Chipp,University lecturer Jack Harvey shares his passion, Walk invite for Jeff Kennett). [Photos of Don Chipp, Phil Cleary,Tobi and Chris Kelly, and other dawn walkers]. * Ballarat Courier 8/12/1998, - Eureka day just not for historians , (Editorial re inaugural National Eureka Sunday with comments about the program and the participation of many who are not historians). * Ballarat Courier 8/12/1998, - 'Children' threaten Eureka walk, (Paul Murphy declares that 'Eureka's Children' group would disrupt next years National Eureka Day Dawn Walk unless group criticisms of the 1998 program are heeded and changes made. Janet Dore states that Council noted advice from several community groups in setting the program). [Photo of 1998 dawn walkers]. * Ballarat Courier 9/12/1998, - Donors vital part of Eureka centre, (Dr Jan Penney, Manager of the Eureka Centre, praised donors towards cost of the Centre and the exhibits in contradiction of an article by Paul Murphy of 'Eureka's Children' group). [Photo of Dr Jan Penney]. * Ballarat Courier 9/12/1998, - Dawn Walk will continue to grow , (Editorial comment on Paul Murphy's criticism of the recent commemoration of Eureka Day including the date, the march, and use of the southern cross). * Ballarat Courier 9/12/1998, - People and Places: Eureka Dawn Walk [photographs of Dawn Walk participants, including Don Chipp and Jack Harvery * Ballarat Courier 17/12/1998, - Spirit of cooperation set up Eureka centre , (City of Ballarat chief executive officer Janet Dore gives the council's point of view on the story behind the Eureka Stockade centre, perhaps prompted by Paul Murphy's recent statements, : many individuals have participated cooperatively, the state and federal governments have cooperated as have the Eureka Stockade Memorial Trust Committee, the Eureka Project Special Committee, the Centre Historic Contents sub-committee, the Eureka's Children group, community donors, the Eureka Stockade Advisory Committee, and the Sovereign Hill Museums Association). [Photos of the Eureka Stockade centre, and Janet Dore]. * Ballarat Courier 13/2/1999, - Leaky Eureka Centre leaves visitors out in cold, (Leaky ceiling leads to closure of Eureka Stockade Centre at about 2.30pm yesterday after extremely high rainfall despite much work done on earthen wall after earlier trouble). [Photo of Dr Jan Penny in the Centre Cafe and a bucket catching water]. * Melbourne Weekly, 1-7 March 1999 - Ballarat's Eureka Stockade (overview of the Eureka Stockade centre, archaeology) [Photo of Eureka sail on the Eureka Stockade centre] * Sunday Age 7/11/1999, - Maintaining the Eureka rage, (Paul Heinrichs meets the heirs of Australia's first republicans; discussion of republican pressures and other community views in relation to the Eureka rebellion, assuming Paul H is the author of the article). [Photo of Veterans of the Eureka rebellion at a reunion in 1904 and photo of 'Eureka's Children' Robert Dublet. John Ireland, Christine Gillespie and Paul Murphy unfurling a Eureka flag at the Old Melbourne Gaol - cross purposes ?] * Family Salutes a Link with History by Tony Wright (John King descendants) [Owen and John King hold a Eureka Flag] * Eureka Children Claim Historic Flag Was Stolen by Rohan Wade (contends Eureka Flag was unlawfully removed from the Eureka Stockade. * The Making of a Eureka Myth by Tom Evans (too much emphasis on the role of Eureka in the move to Australian Independence) * Ballarat Courier, 06/12/1999 - Brave Terrier's Statue Unveiled by Peter Litras (Article about the statue to the Pikeman's Dog which was unveiled at the Eureka Stockade Centre by Victorian Premier, Steve Bracks. * Ballarat Courier 03/12/1999 - Streets to Light Up on Eureka Sunday (Article on the Eureka Dawn Walk and lanterns. The walk was attended by Irish Ambassador Richard O'Brien , and Federal Senator for Victoria Tsebin Tchen). * Ballarat Courier 1/2/2000, - Eureka myths, (Tom Evans, historian and former member of parliament, writes we should be wary of large claims about the significance of Eureka in the development of the Australian spirit). [Photo of Eureka/an artists impression, and photo of Historian Tom Evans]. * Ballarat Courier ~March 2000, - Monument to Eureka, (Peter Butters discusses the Eureka monument in relation to ecology of the Stockade reserve with particular reference to tree removal). [Photo of early view of Eureka monument]. * Ballarat courier 30 April 2000, - Eureka Stockade work a family tradition (Alex Barnett comments on his recent award of an OAM), [photo of Alex Barnett and new Eureka Centre]. * Ballarat Courier 13 May 2000, - In Retrospect (para 3 re 'Mrs Anne Franks'). * Balalrat Courier 18/07/2000 - Eureka Group Wants Headstone Removed by Lyndal Reading (Article about the headstone to the drummer boy, John Egan, erected in the Ballaarat Old Cemetery in 1988. Dorothy Wickham's research discovered that the drummer boy did not die as the result of a pre-Eureka inceident, therefore Eureka's Children called for the gravestone to be removed.) [Photo of Paul Murphy and the headstone] * Ballarat Courier 29 November 2000, - Eureka Guide to December 3, 1854 (four pages of articles, adverts and photos including authors Angela Carey, Joy King, Tom Evans, Anne Beggs Sunter, Bob O'Brien, Steve Bracks, Peter Kennedy and Weston Bate). * Ballarat Courier 12 December 2000, - Union should bow out of Eureka Debate (Tom Evans letter). * Ballarat Courier ~2002, - Eureka Stockade a Family Tradition (Alex Barnett receives OAM), [Photo of Alex and new Eureka Centre]. * Ballarat Courier, 30 October 2002 - Democracy's debt to goldfields pioneer by Paul Williams [photo of J.B. Humffray and a number of people around Humffray's grave] * Ballarat Courier, 03 December 2002 - Unfit to Fly by Mariza Fiamengo - Failed attempts to fly the Eureka Flag at Parliament House, Canberra) *Ballarat Courier 10 December 2002 – Charter Campaign rewrites history, by Tom Evans, including an image from Doudiet. * Ballarat Courier 31 July 2002, - No Right From Eureka (Mjner's Right and Australian Democracy not 'born at Eureka'), letter by Tom Evans. * Ballarat Courier, 07 September 2002 - Statue to honour Italian Eureka democracy fighter by Julia Hodges. (Preliminary sketches for a statue of Raffaello Carboni by Gary Anderson) [Preliminary sketch for statue] * Ballarat Courier 10 December 2002, - Charter Campaign Rewrites History (Eureka did not gain democracy for Victoria), article by Tom Evans, [Photo of C.Doudiet's sketch of soldiers at Eureka Stockade.] * Herald Sun, 04 April 2003 - Rebels with a cause * Ballarat Courier 5 August 2003, - Bloodline claim to Eureka irrelevant (Denial of claim by 'Eureka Children' that they know best about interpretation of Eureka), article by Dr Paul Laffey. * Ballarat Courier 21 August 2003, - Information session on Eureka Gardens (Notice of public meeting at Eureka Centre), * Ballarat Courier 24 October 2003, - Which is the true Eureka version ? (argument that there is only one true Eureka story), [letter by Tom Evans]. * Ballarat Courier 28 October 2003, - Many threads in a complex fabric (criticism of Tom Evans' case for the one true version of Eureka), letter by Ken Clements. * Ballarat Courier, 2004 - Australia Port Stamp Issue: Eureka 'spirit' honoured - stamps issued for 150th anniversary * Ballarat Courier, 2004 - Think About the Ideals by Dot Wickham (Ballarat reform League, Chartism (photo of military reenactors in the Ballaarat Old Cemetery) * Ballarat Courier, 2004 - The Flames that Lit Eureka by Peter Butters (burning of the Eureka Hotel) * Ballarat Courier 27 January 2004, - Democracy not born at Eureka (Claim that England granted 'Australian' colonies democracy two years before the Eureka battle), letter by Tom Evans. * Ballarat Courier 4 February 2004, - Forget Eureka, what about Westminster ? (Denial that Eureka was the birthplace of Australian democracy), letter by Tom Jobling, [plus Eureka flag cartoon and sundry other letters]. * Ballarat Courier 23 February 2004, - Eureka coin makes its mark (Minting of $1 coins to mark 150th anniversary of Eureka Stockade), report by Katie Maheras, [Photo of coin]. * Ballarat Courier 2004, -Eureka is for one and all (Eureka provides inspiration for many different ideologies but is not owned by any of them), Senator John Faulkner expresses his view about Eureka, [photo of new Eureka centre during recent dawn walk]. * Ballarat Courier ~2004, - Eureka : from the horse's mouth (An account by W Bourke of the Eureka fight as recorded in the Courier of 2 December 1904), one article in a series by Dot Wickham, [photo of Eureka veterans at 1904 jubilee celebrations, and photo of sketch of Eureka site]. * Eureka! The Past Gets a New Image with a Telling Makeover (an article by David Rood on historian Clare Wright's postdoctoral thesis 'Eureka's Women: An intimate History of Sex, Class and Culture on the Victorian Goldfields'. * The Sunday Age 31 October 2004 'Eureka: A job worth doing weld' (An article by Claire Miller on the 150th anniversary sculpture by Anton Hasell in the Eureka Stockade Gardens) * The Age 23 October 2004, - The Eureka Myth (An article by James Button discussing the meaning of the gold-rush uprising), [photos of tattered Eureka flag, impression of crowd hailing defendant after treason acquittal, and Peter Lalor actor; and copy of Mark Twain's famous 1890s quote re Eureka]. *`Ballarat Courier 27 October 2004, - Eureka flag to fly during historic journey to ice continent ('Ice Maidens' plan trek to South Pole), [Photo of 'Ice Maidens' and Minister Mary Delahunty, and modern version of Eureka flag]. * Ballarat Courier 1 November 2004, - Eureka 150th Anniversary Conference Dinner (Guest Speaker Gough Whitlam at University of Ballarat on 26 November), [Images of version of Eureka flag, and logos of Victoria, Eureka Spirit 150, City of Ballarat, and University of Ballarat]. * Ballarat Courier 5 November 2004, - Sculpture evokes life at Eureka (Interpretive sculpture titled 'Eureka Circle' by Dr Anton Hasell is being erected in Eureka Gardens), [Photo of Dr Hasell and image of the sculpture). * Ballarat Courier 5 November 2004, Plenty of stitches in time help re-create the history of Eureka (Eureka Women's Sewing Circle making banners based on the Eureka flag, report by Karen McCann), [Photo of Maisie Spry, Nancy Taite, Shirlie Jones, Thelma Lyle, Heather Caddy and a banner; and a photo of Marion Macleod at work]. * Ballarat Courier 6 November 2004, - A rich vein of golden history (An account by Dot Wickham about the history of the Eureka Lead; another in 'The Rest is History' series ), [Photo of Peter Butters, Eric Andrews, Dot Wickham and Tom Evans at old Eureka Lead; and photo of author Dot Wickham]. * Ballarat Courier 11 November 2004, - Historic miners' charter honoured in parliament (Copy of Reform League Charter to be presented to State Parliament and Professor Weston Bate will unveil a plaque at Bakery Hill commemorating the Ballarat Reform League; report by Jason Shields). * Ballarat Courier 11 November 2004, - Our 'priceless' Eureka flag (Article by Professor Garry Carnegien re estimates of monetary value of the flag), [image of tattered Eureka flag]. * Ballarat Courier 11 November 2004, - Eureka 150 (Feature coming in The Courier on 24 November), [Images of City of Ballarat and The Courier logos]. * Ballarat Courier 12 November 2004, - Eureka rebellion all about justice (Letter by Des Williams criticising Tom Evans' altered quotations, and stressing the injustices that existed before Eureka and that the miners charged over the affair were found to be not guilty). * Ballarat Courier 12 November 2014, - Eureka retains a special place in modern Victoria (Editorial comments on the high interest in the coming 150th anniversary of Eureka and lists some of the commemorative events planned). * Ballarat Courier 12 November 2004, - Charter vital to history : Bracks (Article by Jason Shields asserting that the Ballarat Reform League Charter is a landmark document in the history of our nation, quoting Steve Bracks, David Vendy and others) [Photo of Mayor David Vendy and L.A. Speaker Judy Maddigan; photo of replica Eureka flag flying over Parliament House; photo of Weston Bate and John Semmens unveiling Reform League plaque; copy of 'Call for freedom' from 1854 Ballarat Times; and advert for 'the scenes of Eureka' to be in the courier on 24 November]. * Ballarat Courier 13 November 2004, - Wanted: people to fly flags (Flag-bearers Needed for Parade of Nations as part of Eureka 150 celebrations). * Ballarat Courier 16 November 2004, - Latham to visit Eureka 150, while PM says no (Federal government appears to be snubbing Eureka’s significance, and Anarchists Demand an an apology for the Eureka ‘massacre’; article by Michael Ruffles) [Image of replica Eureka flag to be raised at Bakery Hill for the Monster Meeting simulation]. * Ballarat Courier 16 November 2004, - Democracy on display (Article by Eugene Kneebone re University of Ballarat Conference on democracy as part of Eureka 150 celebrations) [Image of Conference guests Weston Bate and Gough Whitlam]. * Ballarat Courier 20 November 2004, - But wait there’s more (Article by Peter Dwyer in ‘The State We’re In’ series, great Ballarat Events with another coming soon in the Eureka 150 celebrations) [Image of tattered Eureka flag]. * Ballarat Courier 20 November 2004, - Broadcast for Eureka (Ballarat Amateur Radio Group to broadcast worldwide carefully researched stories of Eureka from 27 November to 5 December) [Image of advert ‘The Stories of Eureka’]. * Ballarat Courier 20 November 2004, - PM sends Eureka message (A report by Karen McCann outlining John Howard’s view that Eureka was central to the development of the nation as an independent democratic country) [Image of PM John Howard]. * Ballarat Courier 22 November 2004, - Conference boost. under page heading ‘The Stories of Eureka 150, November 24 (Report by Michael Ruffles that Richard Franklin, Martin Kingham and Susan Mitchell would also speak at the University Democracy Conference, that Geoff Howard had presented a Eureka flag to Canadian Lead Primary School and spoken to the students about the significance of Eureka, that about 600 aborigines were living in the Ballarat area 50 years before 1854, and that a group of about 40 people would walk from Bendigo to Ballarat along the Great Dividing Trail arriving at the Eureka Reserve on 5 December) [Images of Martin Kingham, Susan Mitchell, Jose Ramos-Horta and Marjorie Mowlam]. * Ballarat Courier 23 November 2004, - CELEBRATION TOURISM BOOM (Front page article by Catherine Best, Massive influx expected for Eureka 150 commemoration, comments on various aspects of the program) [Image of Kim Rowe at Ballarat Visitor Information Centre]. * Ballarat Courier 23 November 2004, - Eureka 159 (Article by Catherine Best, Alcohol ban at major events, Sovereign Hill special show of ‘Blood on the Southern Cross’ sold-out; and report by Simon Gladman about addition of colour to activities by 10 volunteers sewing 50 decorative banners) [Cartoon re troops demanding their rum ration, Images of Marion MacLeod and Shirley Jones working on banners]. * Ballarat Courier 23 November 2004, - Show to go north following success, under page heading ‘Eureka 150’ (Article by Karen McCann re musical production titled ‘Eureka’, section re Sebastopol College flying Eureka flag proudly, and editorial comment about Courier publication ‘Eureka 150’ including contributions by Dot Wickham, Anne Beggs Sunter and Weston Bate) [Cartoon re Sydney understanding of Eureka, Images of Peter Dwyer, David Ellery and Ron Egeberg with a copy of the Eureka 150 publication, and images of Catherine King raising a flag at Sebastopol College with student Dellaram Jamli watching]. * Ballarat Courier 24 November 2004 - Eureka 150 Inside Today (page 1 heading advertising enclosed publication). * Ballarat Courier 24 November 2004 – Eureka 150 (Public invited to open forum, an article by Catherine best; Memorabilia goes on display, items from 125th anniversary display; Meeting to mark spirit of ‘fair go’, at Maritime Union meeting in Melbourne on 1 December; and Author shares insight, John Molony spoke at ACUB on 22 November), [Image of Pearl May, Bruce Bartrop, Doug Sarah, and Peter Davies with Eureka memorabilia; Listing of the 150th celebrations Program]. * Ballarat Courier 24 November 2004 – Let us simply enjoy Eureka (Letter by Allistair McCoy re cost of Eureka celebrations and government attitude to the Eureka affair). * Ballarat Courier 25 November 2004 – Eureka 150 (Delegates gather to discuss democracy, article by Catherine Best; Eureka history drama display in exhibition at Ballarat fine art gallery, article by Michael Ruffles; Sovereign Hill prepares for a rush of visitors, article by Michael Ruffles including comments by Jeremy Johnson), [Image of Gordon Morrison preparing the Eureka exhibition; listing of Eureka 150 Program]. * Ballarat Courier 25 November 2004 – Eureka 150 IT’S HERE (Page 1 article by Michael Ruffles re the first of eleven days of celebration) [Image of Jeroen Boersma, Peter Bray, and Chris Zakynthinos celebrating Sovereign Hill’s recent Tourism awards success]. * Ballarat Courier 25 November 2004 – Eureka 150, Spirit lives on:unions (Article by Michael Ruffles outlining union involvement in the celebrations) [Image of Brian Boyd and Graeme Shearer at Ballarat Trades Hall]. * Ballarat Courier 25 November 2004 – Personal feelings over proven facts (Letter by Tom Evans re Eureka rebels’ plans to plunder and destroy Ballarat after annihilating the Government camp). * Ballarat Courier 26 November 2004 – Latham Fires Up Launch (Eureka 150 conference underway in report by Catherine Best; On track for name change in report by Karen McCann, Steve Bracks supported a name change for the Ballarat train line to Eureka train line) [Image of Mark Latham and simulated flag on Eureka Centre]. * Ballarat Courier 26 November 2004 – Eureka 150 page 7 reports by Michael Ruffles (Italians honoured, concert to celebrate contribution of Italians to life on the goldfields 150 years ago; Campaigning to ditch our colony status by Peter Consandine through speaking about Eureka from a Republican perspective; Putting the Redcoat perspective by Lt Col Neil Smith) [Image of Peter Consandine]. * Ballarat Courier 26 November 2004 – Eureka 150 (Reports by Catherine Best, Alcohol ban dumped after Council plan defeated; Sailors to march in Ballarat from frigate HMAS Ballarat; Pupils in own dawn walk at Grainery Lane Theatre; Festivities move into top gear with official opening and start of formal program; MP fires up launch from page 1) [Image of six Wendouree Primary School pupils rehearsing Dawn Walk re-enactment; listing of remaining Program]. *Ballarat Courier 27 November 2004 – Eureka 150 (Symbolic hand-over, report of symbolic replicas of ‘Miner’s rights’; Call for Redcoats to return to UK, Paul Murphy claims that bodies of Redcoats killed at Eureka should be exhumed and sent to Britain but Ron Egeberg and Peter Lalor II disagree) and [Image of Theo Theophanous and Geoff Strang with commemorative Miners’ Right and image of Cr Stephen Jones with Redcoat models and Eureka Centre in background]. *Ballarat Courier 27 November 2004 – From many lands to Ballarat’s goldfields (Article by Dot Wickham in ‘The rest is History series’, various nationalities and major ideas featured in the Eureka story) and [Image of author Dot, and Image of Chinese at goldfields from Doudiet painting]. *Ballarat Courier 27 November 2004 – Eureka 150 (Diversity honoured, report by Emma-Kate Rickard of concert at Mining Exchange which celebrated the harmony between people of different nationalities at Eureka) and [Image of crowd watching ‘Wave the Flag’ concert at Mining exchange, and listing of Eureka 150 Program] *Ballarat Courier 27 November 2004 – Eureka 150 (Charter our ‘Declaration’, report by Catherine Best quoting remarks by Steve Bracks, Kerry Cox, Jose Ramos Horta, Gustav Nossal, and Alexandra Curtain at first day of Democracy conference) and [Images of these people]. *Ballarat Courier 29 November 2004 – Eureka 150 (‘Bakery Hill lights up once again’, commemorations of the 29 November 1854 Monster Meeting at Bakery Hill Ballarat and also at Federation Square Melbourne in article by Michael Ruffles, and report on ‘Musical tribute to Italians’, David Volk explained the tribute to the contribution made by Italians at Eureka and in the multicultural Ballarat), [Image of Hugh McKelvey, Alison Thompson, Peggy Ludt-Nash and Sarah Walters, and Italian flag]. *Ballarat Courier 29 November 2004,page 6 - Eureka 150 (‘Diverse views get a hearing’, report by Catherine Best of forum discussing claims of some groups that they are underrepresented in Australian democracy; ‘Call for more politics at school’ in report of talk by Adam Spencer; ‘For democracy, just listen; Dr Mowlam’, government must listen to the people, in report by Catherine Best), [Images of Tan Le, Adam Spencer, Marjorie Mowlam and remainder of Eureka 150 Program]. *Ballarat Courier 30 November 2004 – Eureka 150 (‘Monster of a day for city’, report by Catherine Best re yesterday’s re-enactment of the Monster Meeting, the first raising of the Eureka flag, the burning of licences, the march by 16 national flag-bearers, the swearing of the digger’s oath, the release of homing pigeons as a symbol of hope and peace; ‘Descendant travels from England for big occasion’, and report of participation in Eureka 150 by great-great-grandson of Alfred Madocks, Tony Fyson, from England), [Images of raising of Eureka flag, Youth team carrying Eureka flag along Victoria Street to Bakery Hill, and Tony Fyson]. *Ballarat Courier 30 November, page 7 – Eureka 150 (‘Goldfields history retold in exhibition’ report by Michael Ruffles of “Eureka Revisited-The Contest of Memories” exhibition at The Ballarat Fine Art Gallery, curated by Ann Beggs-Sunter, unveiled by Minister Mary Delahunty; ‘Critical documents go on show’, report by Joan Hunt that replicas of Ballarat Reform League Charter, miners’ resolutions and advertisement for the Monster meeting are on show at the PROV Ballarat Archives Centre; and ‘Senator seeks support to fly Eureka flag in Canberra’ Gavin Marshall tells of plan to get Eureka flag raised in Senate Foyer on Friday), [Images of Mary Delahuntly with art exhibit, Dot Wickham with small replica of Eureka flag, and list of remaining Program events]. *Ballarat Courier 1 December 2004 – A typical Australian turning point that all of us can honour (article by Michael Easson urging that the Eureka Stockade should appeal to conservatives as well as Laborites). *Ballarat Courier 1 December 2004, page 8 – Eureka 150 (‘Golden chance to recall the 1850s’ article by Michael Ruffles re Australian Gold Panning Championships, including flat-pan section, in Ballarat this coming weekend; ‘Experience the tension leading to the battle’ through Eureka type activities at Sovereign Hill this weekend; ‘Redcoats unsung heroes’ Neil Smith advocates that Redcoats be recognised for doing their duty as they understood it), [Images of actors as Peter Lalor and some Miners after Monster Meeting, Neil Smith with Alister Smith and Matthew Dowler, and List of remaining Program events]. *Ballarat Courier 1 December 2004 – Eureka 150 (‘Flag flies Friday’ report by Michael Ruffles that Eureka flag will fly in foyer of Australian Senate on Friday; ‘All’s fair in war and collecting’ article re 17th Eureka Collectables and Militaria Fair planned for this weekend; ‘Encyclopaedia of a rebellion’ publication to be released at weekend, it carries stories of the ordinary people of Eureka), [Images of Nick Smith and David Wright with military memorabilia, and Catherine King, Justin Corfield, Clare Gervasoni and Dorothy Wickham with copies of ‘Eureka Encyclopaedia’ *Ballarat Courier 2 December 2004 page 1 – REUNITE THE FLAG (Premier’s Eureka 150 Plea, Michael Ruffles reports on Steve Bracks’ call that all fragments of the Eureka flag be returned to Ballarat) [Images of part of Eureka flag, Catherine King and Steve Bracks]. *Ballarat Courier 2 December 2004 page 3 – Eureka 150 (Concern at choice of Hicks, report by Andrew Jefferson about the father of David Hicks being named to lead the Dawn Walk on Sunday; Pride of Southern Cross flies on top of the world, report by John Murphy and John McMahon of a recent trip to the Himalayas with a replica Eureka flag; Democracy symbol has parliamentary approval, Michael Ruffles reports that Catherine King has negotiated for a Eureka flag to be flown in foyer of House of Representatives on Friday; Push to reunite pieces of the scattered flag, continued from Page 1) [Images of Terry Hicks, John Murphy and John McMahon with Eureka flag in front of mountains, and Catherine King]. *Ballarat Courier 2 December 2004 page 5 – Eureka 150 (Navy rekindles local bond, report by Michael Ruffles of ‘HMAS Ballarat’ taking part in Eureka celebrations including a return to Sebastopol College by ex-student Daniel Hooper; A very charitable crew, HMAS Ballarat crew members assisted several local charities and schools on Wednesday; Eureka celebrations go live on radio, ABC and SBS will broadcast features from the Olympic program) [Images of Kayleigh Lord and Seahawk helicopter, Daniel Lord and Sharon Mudge with some St Aloysius students, and Daniel Hooper at Sebastopol College]. *Vanguard 1 December 2004 – page 1, Eureka diggers showed the way (Oppose aggression, Action precipitated political development, Essential services under attack, Better quality of life and Cultural Identity is important) [diagram of Australia with image of Eureka flag superimposed]. Showed *Ballarat Courier 2 December 2004 – LETTERS TO EDITOR (Eureka conference cost not egalitarian, letter by Frank Williams protesting about $660 registration fee for international conference being held at the University of Ballarat). *Ballarat Courier 3 December 2004 – Eureka (Cover page 1, 1923 memorial listing names of Diggers and Soldiers who died at Eureka, Cover “pages 2 &3” opinions of 20 notables re meaning of Eureka in 2004, and “page 4” the diggers’ oath.) [Images of the deceased’s names, images of the 20 surveyed, and words of the diggers’ oath]. *Ballarat Courier 3 December 2004 – EDITORIAL (Debate keeps Eureka alive and healthy in discussion re Australian democracy). *Ballarat Courier 3 December 2004 – LETTERS TO THE EDITOR (Eureka should never have happened in letter by Cordell Kent re adequacy of the courts, Different attacks on the same problem in letter by Don Woodward re J B Humffray and Peter Lalor, and Eureka expense a waste of money in letter by Raymond Morris re lack of interest in Eureka by most Australians.) *Ballarat Courier 3 December 2004 – Eureka 150 (Page 3 Hicks walk anger, report by Karen McCann re continuing public debate about Terry Hicks’ participation in the dawn walk; page 3 Bracks questions dawn route, perhaps it should not start from the soldiers camp site ?, and also on page 3 A great occasion for Ballarat in which Steve Bracks notes why it is also a great occasion for Australia; page 4 Crew free to sail in any time, in Catherine Best’s report of Freedom of City to crew of HMAS Ballarat; United report of Indigenous smoking ceremony; page 4 Message reaches across the country in report by Andrew Jefferson of reception held on Thursday evening attended by Mary Delahuntley and Steve Bracks; page 5 Hundreds expected to gather in article by Catherine Best about the dawn ceremony and other events planned for Eureka day) [Images of Terry Hicks, Margaret Mavety, Kylie Newland, Brian Molloy, Brad O’Neill, Steve Bracks, cartoon of David Hicks’ dawn walk in a prison cell, Andy Barnes, David Hunter, Geoff Clark, Shirahan Brown, Ted Lovett, Steve Bracks]. *Ballarat Courier 4 December 2004 – Eureka 150 (Descendants back Hicks in report by Karen McCann quoting comments by members of the Lalor family; Flag displayed in Britain, Activists forum in city tonight, King urges all to reflect; Family reflects on its historic link in quotes by Des and Sadie Morrish) [Images of cartoon re site of Eureka Stockade. Des Morrish at Anastasia Hayes’ gravesite]. *Ballarat Courier 4 December 2004 page 1 – DAWN AT THE EUREKA (Report by Catherine Best of the gathering at ‘Eureka Stockade’ yesterday morning, cont. on page 2) [Image of dawn ceremony, firelight people and Eureka Centre]; (page 2 – Eureka 150, Hundreds turn out at dawn, cont. from page 1 report and comments re the ceremony on the edge of Lake Penhalluriak within the Stockade Reserve; Baker’s spirit returns to hill as Bruce Gow tells of his ancestor John Balderston being the original baker at Bakery Hill) and [Images of Lake Penhalluriak including the huge Eureka flag model, wreath laying, warmth from fire, choir of 170 singers, and Bruce Gow with portrait of John Balderston]. *Ballarat Courier 4 December page 5 - Eureka 150 (Workers walk off the job, report by Michael Ruffles of protest by ‘Eureka Tiles’ workers yesterday while the shindig was proceeding; Echoes of Freedom beat rises, report by Andrew Jefferson of Friday night concert and plans for a musical Saturday; and Sharing historic stories, Annie Stewart told stories of the goldfields to primary students at Central Highlands Regional Library yesterday) and [Images of Kelly McMeeken and Keziah Burns dancing, and Hugh Masekela performing]. *Australian 4 December 2004 – Tension over Hicks’ father at Eureka (Letters from Leigh Matters, George Finlay. John Dobinson, and Raymond Morris). *Ballarat Courier 4 December 2004 – The State We’re In (Gone, but never forgotten, article by Peter Dwyer featuring the death and destruction but also the inspiration of Eureka) and [Image of children of Youth Co-ordination Team carrying replica Eureka Flag to Bakery Hill for Monster meeting simulation]. *Ballarat Courier 4 December 2004 – Weekend Features (From Eureka to Gallipoli, article by Anne Beggs Sunter re the grave of Joseph Peter Lalor at Gallipoli, he was a grandson of ‘Eureka’ Peter Lalor, Mount Clear Secondary College had developed a relationship with Gallipoli Anatolian High School and a group of MCSC personnel had taken a photo of the J P Lalor grave) and [Image of Captain Peter Lalor’s grave at Gallipoli with flowers from MCSC and GAHS]. *Ballarat Courier 6 December 2004 page 1 – Eureka 150 (Celebration huge success, report by Michael Ruffles outlining the extensive program and the world wide coverage it had received) and [Images of Deborah Conway singing at Echoes of Freedom Festival of Music, Leo Howard rode in car instead of walking, and local Prospectors placed modern day information about prospecting and mining in a time capsule to be opened at 200th Eureka Anniversary]. *Ballarat Courier 6 December 2004 page2 – Eureka 150 (Event a huge success, continued from page 1; History’s echo felt, article by Karen McCann mentioning local individuals with links to Eureka people : Leo Howard grandson of Patrick Howard, Val D’Angri great grand daughter of Anastasia Withers, Colin Holmes whose wife was a descendant of a nine year old boy at Eureka, Gary Winstanley a leading unionist, and Peter Lalor great great grandson of ‘Eureka Peter Lalor’; and Bells take their toll on the weary ringers, report of the Town Hall bell-ringers who kept the bells ringing all through the Eureka weekend) and [Images of Eureka March from Bakery Hill to the Eureka Centre on Saturday, Leo Howard, Norm Hand, Ron Furlonger, and Fergus McLaren]. *Ballarat Courier 6 December 2004 page 3 – Eureka 150 (Songs of justice draw thousands, report of music festival by Karen McCann; Walkers complete trek, report by Simon Goodwin of the ‘Follow the Southern Cross walk’ along the Great Dividing Trail from Bendigo arriving at the Eureka Centre yesterday) and [Images of George Telek on stage, Steve Moneghetti, Rosie Annear, and Patricia Grant, Adam Simmons musician, and Grand Union Band at Music festival]. *Ballarat Courier 6 December 2004 page 4 – Eureka 150 (Flag plea rebuffed, report by Andrew Jefferson that State Library of Victoria will not hand over a piece of the original Eureka flag and news of other fragments; Special day reaps gold find, report of John Campbell’s nugget found on Friday; and Miners leave time capsule for 200th, report by Karen McCann of prospecting and mining equipment being sealed in a time capsule) and [Images of John Campbell with his nugget, and prospectors with the time capsule]. *Ballarat Courier 6 December 2004 page 5 – Eureka 150 (Hicks firm despite jeers, report by Michael Ruffles of Friday’s Dawn Walk by almost 800 people led by Terry Hicks; Redcoats recall soldiers, wreath laid to honour the soldiers killed at Eureka; tour of graves a chance to remember ancestors, Callinan family had four ancestors at Eureka and 30 members of this family joined over 100 others in a tour of the Old Ballarat Cemetery) and [Images of Terry Hicks at Dawn Walk, Peter Cox dressed as a Redcoat, and Leigh Callinan at Old Ballarat Cemetery]. *Ballarat Courier 7 December 2004 page 8 – Eureka Celebration a magnificent event (para congratulating all who assisted in the 150th anniversary activities to ensure that the events of December 1854 will be elevated in the minds of Australians; and Eureka precinct is splendid, letter from Ron Marshall congratulating the City Council and staff for the good condition of the Eureka precinct). *Ballarat Courier 10 December 2004 – Eureka Flag should not fly in Canberra (Letter by Bev Hoath arguing that the Eureka flag is an expensive stunt by ALP for political purposes). *Ballarat Courier 11 December 2004 – letters re Eureka ( Hicks and Eureka: where’s the link ?, by Denis Bateman; Reckless Eureka claim repudiated, by Tom Evans). *Ballarat Courier 13 December 2004 page 8 – letters re Eureka ( What does PM find offensive in Eureka ? by Ian Braybrook; Hicks should not have been asked, by Brenda Rawlins; Hicks hijacked true meaning of Eureka, by Michael G Kershaw; and Peter Tobin would be grinning wryly, by Maree Harrison). *Ballarat Courier 13 December 2004 – [Image of Arthur Beech and Petera Clamp with flag of Eureka Probus Club]. *Ballarat Courier 16 December 2004 – Hicks choice for Eureka absurd (Letter by Jason Hamilton putting the case that Hicks should not have had a role in Eureka celebrations). *Ballarat Courier 17 December 2004 – letters re Eureka (Celebrations have silenced the critics, by Colin a Holmes; Time to rescue our Eureka flag, by Kevin Jackson). *Ballarat Courier 20 December 2004 – Figures don’t back the Eureka myth, letter by Robert Carter. *Ballarat Courier 21 December 2004 – View of Eureka is misguided, letter by Mark Mitchell. Book 3 - 2018 onwards *Ballarat News 30 November 2005 - Eureka Week 2005, Reflections of Eureka, (Centre) open free on Eureka Day. [Image of Eureka Centre and open day advert.] *Ballarat Courier ~2006 – Stalwart of Eureka Street. Notes of interview with Alex Barnett. * The Age, 02 September 2006 - Gripping Diary Captures Pivotal Moments in Australian History by Karen Kissane. Article on the Samuel Lazarus Diary. Includes image by J.B. Henderson. * Ballarat Courier, 02 December 2006 - Multicultural Eureka by Dorothy Wickham - Eureka Stockade participants came from 18 cultures. *Ballarat Courier ~April 2008 – Eureka: make it a centre of attention. Article by Eugene Kneebone in ‘Kneejerk’ series as Chairman of CHACC; “… the Eureka Centre in 1997 could never achieve its vision. The funding package was simply insufficient to design, build and equip a national icon.” *Ballarat Courier 28 November 2009 – Goldfields tension leads to battle, article by Dot Wickham in ‘The rest is history’ series’. [Image of 2004 Eureka Day celebration]. *Ballarat Courier 14 April 2010 – Eureka Centre is flagging, article by Meg Rayner, new Museum for Australian Democracy work stalls. [Image through cut wire of flagless new centre]. *Ballarat Courier 13 May 2010 – Ballarat Visitor Information Centre …on the Move Again, [Image of Eureka Centre and two previous locations of Information Centre]. Later page editorial inviting expression of public opinion re suitable location for the Visitor Information Centre. *Ballarat Courier 21 May 2010 - $11m plans unveiled, Redevelopment to double size of Eureka Centre… become a national heritage showpiece, article by Kim Quinlan. [Image of design of new look centre]. *Ballarat Courier 26 May 2010 – ‘Sacred Cow’ is a burden to the city, $12m on a new Eureka Centre is crazy: letter to Editor by Bob House, Wendouree. *City of Ballarat Community Magazine June 2010 – Australian Centre for Democracy at Eureka designs now available, [Image of artists impression of the Australian Centre for Democracy at Eureka]. *Ballarat Courier 12 July 2010 – Lighting the Sky, Eureka Centre plans for a night sky flag show; article by Meg Rayner. [Image of Eureka Centre and flagpole]. *Ballarat Courier 13 July 2010 – ‘Web words’ on ‘Opinion’ page re Plan for Eureka Centre flag. *Ballarat Courier 18 August 2010 – Eureka flag to undergo works in SA, page 3 continuation of article from page 1. *Ballarat Courier 18 August 2010 – Original Eureka flag heads to Adelaide for works, ‘On the Move’ page 1 article by Marcus Power, restoration of the flag and construction of a new climate-controlled display case. [Image of the original Eureka flag]. *Ballarat Courier 19 August 2010 - $100,000 set for Eureka Flag work, comments by Marcus Power. Also Flag’s home under scrutiny: invitation for expression of opinion re where the flag should be housed. *Ballarat Courier 19 August 2010 – Our flag will be missed, but conservation is important, Editorial re conservation of the Eureka flag. *Ballarat Courier 20 August 2010 – Lone objector puts $11m Eureka works on hold, report by Marcus Power; and page 2 [Image of artists impression of new Eureka Centre]. *Ballarat Courier 21 August 2010 – Keep flag at gallery for now, article by Angela Carey in series ‘The State We’re In’. [Image of Doudiet’s sketch of Ballarat miners swearing allegiance to the Southern Cross]. *Ballarat Courier 21 August 2010 – Women conserving the flag, outline of the history of the Eureka flag by Anne Beggs Sunter ( in ‘HERSTORY’ series), expressing passionately that the flag after conservation must be returned to the Art Gallery. [Images of Anne, the Eureka Flag and Val D’Angri]. *Ballarat Courier 28 August 2010 - The flag must stay permanently at the gallery, letter from Yvonne Horsfield citing the Eureka Centre as a lemon *Ballarat Courier 30 August 2019 – Sun sets on Icon, visitors farewell Eureka Centre after 12 years of operation and new development to be a Centre for democracy at Eureka; article by Erin Williams. [Images of Anne Hardy, Tracey Coates, Shane Holsgrove, and their views about the Eureka Centre]. *Ballarat Courier 22 September 2010 – Come Oprah, but let’s check our history, letter from Tom Jobling asserting that Eureka had nothing to do with the birth of democracy in Australia. *Ballarat Community Magazine September 2010 – Major conservation works for Eureka Flag, extensive repair and renovation work to be done in Adelaide with cost to be met by City of Ballarat and the National Museum of Australia in Canberra. *Ballarat Courier 27 January 2011 – Democracy Centre works under way, brief outline of soil and other works in preparation for the extending building work to begin in May 2011. *Ballarat Courier 19 February 2011 – Eureka centre works on track, report by Pat Nolan describing recent site works and proclaiming that tens of thousands of students will be able to visit each year. [Image of earthworks near Eureka Centre]. *Ballarat Courier 10 May 2011 – Help decide flag’s home, where will our Eureka icon go when it returns ? Article by Fiona Henderson inviting online expressions of opinions. [Image of Craig Fletcher, Joy King, Maryanne Gooden and Kristin Phillips inspecting work done on the Eureka flag at Artlab in Adelaide. Also, New (governance) structure proposed for (Eureka) centre, article by Fiona Henderson suggesting that the Centre be managed by a limited company rather than by Council; [Image of Eureka Centre and site works]. Page 3 [Image of Eureka flag and ‘Debate fires up’ caption, also images of Art Gallery (option 1) and Eureka Centre (option 2)]. *Ballarat Courier 17 May 2011 – Flag needs home of quiet dignity, letter by John Williams arguing for the Art Gallery to be that home. *Ballarat Courier 21 May 2011 – Flag must stay at art gallery, article by Anne Beggs Sunter (within HERSTORY series) arguing that the Art Gallery is the proper place for the Eureka flag. [Image of the Eureka flag], *Ballarat Courier 21 May 2011 – Two letters (i) Flag’s rightful place is in city’s art gallery, by Ron Batten, and (ii) Dispersed Eureka heritage good for city, by Elizabeth Trudgeon. *Ballarat Courier 12 July 2011 – Flag’s new home, Art Gallery agrees to lend Eureka icon; front page headline. [Image of soldiers with guns aloft in front of the Eureka flag]. And on page 4, Icon to return (on loan) to stockade, article by Tom McIlroy. [Images of the Eureka battle, the flag, the Eureka Centre]. And on page 5, 1895 to 2011 history of Eureka flag with two images of the flag; Seamstress’ connection to the flag dates back to 1854, [Image of Val D’Angri and the flag]; Local firm may win contract to construct the Australian Centre of democracy at Eureka, article by Evan Shuurman * Good Weekend 11 September 2004. [Gough Whitlam holding Eureka FLag, and Val D'Angri stiching a Eureka Flag with a sewing machine. *Ballarat Courier 30 September 2011 – ‘All running smoothly at Eureka site’, news article, [Image of Mayor Craig Fletcher looking at plans for Australian Centre of Democracy at Eureka]. *Ballarat Courier 26 November 2011 – ‘157 years on’. Editorial re coming anniversary. *Ballarat Courier 29 November 2011 p5 – ‘Eureka events this week’. Editorial para re 157th anniversary plans. *Ballarat Courier 2 December 2011 p5 – ‘Eureka in focus (Schools commemorate anniversary)’, report by Colin MacGillivray including some details of this years Eureka anniversary celebrations. *Ballarat Courier 2 December 2011 p1 – ‘It’s Back (Eureka flag’s top-secret return to Gallery)’, report by Brendan Gullifer advising that there was an unveiling of the restored flag today. [Image of Eureka flag prior to restoration]. *Ballarat Courier 2 December 2011 p4 – ‘Flag to return to art gallery’, from p1. The Eureka flag is described as one of the most recognisable symbols of Australian history. *Ballarat Courier 3 December 2011 – ‘Five-star repair (Eureka flag fixed and back in town) and (Stitch in time saves icon)’, reports by Jordan Oliver. [Image of conservator Kristin Phillips inspecting restored flag at Art Gallery of Ballarat]. *Ballarat Courier 3 December 2011 p3 – ‘City reflects on uprising and birth of democracy’, report by Jordan Oliver re 157th Eureka anniversary celebrations. [Image of activities in a history lesson for school pupils at Old Ballarat cemetery]. *Ballarat Courier 3 December 2011 p18 – ‘Eureka Flag returns home’, Web word from Over it praising Val D’Angri’s original restoration of the flag and asserting that it should not be lent to the Australian Centre for Democracy. *Ballarat Courier 4 December 2011 – ‘Spirit of Eureka, Ceremony marks 157 years’. Report by Tom McIlroy. [Image of troops firing a volley in salute of the men and women of Eureka. And Image of troops at the Ballarat Old Cemetery]. *Ballarat Courier 5 December 2011 – ‘Who is making the decisions ?’, letter to Editor from Gerald Jenzen in which he queries the role of the new Museum of Australian Democracy. *Ballarat Courier 1 March 2012 – ‘Query on Management of Eureka Centre plan’, letter to Editor from Gerald Jenzen re Council’s legal obligations in managing this $11m project. *Ballarat Courier 25 April 2012 – ‘Eureka project by year’s end (Centre director not finalised)’, report by Fiona Henderson including comments by Katherine Armstrong (project manager). [Image of construction works at new Eureka Centre]. *Ballarat Courier 17 May 2012 – ‘Project to finish in months ( Early opening expected)’, report by Jordan Oliver of the current stages in various aspects of the works. [Images of New spaces in the Centre, Richard Nicholson looking at the near completed Centre, Councillors inside the Centre, Councillors looking at construction methods, and a staffer levelling concrete]. *Australian 18 August 2012 p22 – ‘Eureka Moment’, Ken Henry compares the circumstances of the Eureka Stockade with present government concern about returns from natural resources. *Ballarat Courier 5 September 2012 – ‘Eureka Flag to feature’, Fiona Henderson reports on comments by deputy Premier Peter Ryan during launch of new M.A.D.E logo. *Ballarat Courier 28 November 2012 p23 - ‘Eureka, Rebellion under the southern cross’, diggers oath from 29 November 1854 and story of Eureka by Program Manager Liz Zelencich. *Ballarat Courier 28 November 2012 p25 – ‘The People of Eureka’, biographical paragraphs of Peter Lalor, Sir Charles Hotham, Rafaello Carboni, J.B. Humfray and James Scobie. [Images of each except cartoon of Scobie.] *Ballarat Courier 4 December 2012 p4 – ‘History, hope and a …. (see p5)’, Democracy museum won’t open until May, Generations keep the Eureka story alive; reports by Pat Nolan. [Images of David Battersby, Paul Murphy and Shane Howard, also Eureka cupcakes]. *Ballarat Courier 4 December 2012 p5 – ‘(see p4)….feeling of solidarity’, Eureka resonates with a modern struggle, Rebel spirit is alive and well; reports and comments by Pat Nolan. [Images of Eureka marchers, supporters at march, flags at march, and advert for Eureka Carols on 16 December]. *Ballarat Courier 5 December 2012 – ‘Time to rally around the flag’, 158 years since their battle, it is time for us reclaim the Eureka flag back from the hard left of the union movement and the rednecks of the right; article by Peter Fitzsimons. [Image of Charles Doudiet’s painting of miners swearing allegiance to the Eureka flag; is there a case to make it the national flag ? ]. *Ballarat Courier 21 January 2013 – ‘Eureka : behind the scenes’, Museum of Australian Democracy opens its doors interim report by Pat Nolan. [Images from inside and surrounds of the new Eureka Centre]. *Ballarat Courier 23 January 2013 – ‘ ‘Disturbing experience at MADE open day’, letter from Kay Wheeler claiming that the Eureka experience has been lost, * 'Flag Piece Home' - Adrian Milane, Jane Smith, Flag remnant [images of Adrian Milane, Jane Scott and the Flag piece]F1997 *Ballarat Courier 5 April 2014 p7 – ‘M.A.D.E. strife as budget blown’, …from p1…report by Rachel Afflick claiming that the centre had expended its annual budget in six months. Also ‘M.A.D.E. Timeline’. *Ballarat Courier 11 April 2014 – ‘M.A.D.E. on a tight deadline’, issues that need to be resolved before 160th anniversary of Eureka in December in article by Ron Egeberg.[Images of interior of new centre]. *Ballarat Courier 5 May 2014 – ‘Rights, freedom made possible’, article by Jane Smith MADE Director explaining how it has evolved in its first 12 months. [Images of the Eureka Flag, MADE plaque and Jane Smith]. *Ballarat Courier 1 December 2014 p1 – ‘Eureka still vital 160 years later’, Celebrations to mark rebellion’s anniversary in article by Nicole Cairns and table of Celebration Events.[Image of part of Ballarat old cemetery]. *Ballarat Courier 1 December 2014 p9 – ‘EUREKA 160 1854 – 2014’ advert for Eureka Day Wednesday Dec 3 commemorative events at M.A.D.E. *Ballarat Courier 2 December 2014 p12 – ‘Eureka rebellion through pupil’s words’, verses by Sonia Vlatkovic of Canberra. *Ballarat Courier 3 December 2014 – ‘Revolutions have a long legacy’, the stockaders have left an enduring legacy in today’s society, in article by Jane Smith. *Ballarat Courier 4 December 2014 p6 – ‘Crowd pays tribute…’, Eureka Anniversary reports by Gav McGrath; Government conspired with police: historian (John Molony), Flag raises rebellion victory query, and Pupils become part of the story. [Image of Eureka flag copy flying above Toorak House (Governor Hotham’s official residence at time of battle. Also image of Gold Commissioner Rede (actor Ian Burton) being heckled by miners (acted by school children)]. *Ballarat Courier 4 December 2014 p7 – Continuation of p6 above. ‘…160 years after battle’ Reports by David Jeans : Recreated flag flies for duration of original fight, and Pikeman’s Dog unveiled at site. [Image of Noel White, Australia’s ambassador to Ireland, at statue memorialising the Pikeman’s Dog. Also image of people watching as Wathaurong elder Uncle Bryon Powell conducts a welcome to Country and Smoking Ceremony ]. *Ballarat Courier 4 December 2014 p13 – ‘Eureka spirit lives on today’, an edited version of speech made by Hon. Steve Bracks at 160th anniversary of Eureka on Wednesday; Steve Bracks was patron of M.A.D.E. and a former Premier of Victoria, [Image of Steve Bracks in front of MADE logo]. *Ballarat Courier 4 December 2014 p15 – ‘Eureka 160 1854 – 2014’, a list of events for 6th and 7th of December, submitted by MADE. *Ballarat Courier 8 December 2014 – ‘Paying respect for democracy’, report by William Vallely re dozens attending graves ceremony in rain at Ballarat Old Cemetery. *Ballarat Courier 23 December 2014 – ‘Eureka Rebellion rekindled’, Miners’ descendants demand ownership of the stockade flag, in article by Gav McGrath in which he refers to statements by Julian Burnside QC. [Image of Eureka flag and image of Julian Burnside beside quote : “The flag never became (Trooper) King’s property, if anything, he took it on behalf of the Crown”]. Also ‘Reward offered for evidence of the battle’s Union Jack flag’, in report by Fiona Henderson. * Flyer, c2014 - Have you seen the Eureka Jack? $10,000 reward offered for further information on this flag. The Eureka Jack is believed to be a Union Jack flag hoisted beneath the Eureka Flag on the morning of 03 December 1854. * Ballarat Courier 23 December 2014. Miners descendants demand ownership of the Stockade flag. Julian Burnside supports their case. *Ballarat Courier 5 May 2015 – ‘Strengthening the Eureka story’, article by Jane Smith in which she outlines recent statements by leading Australians which indicate that they are aware of Eureka’s role in the development of Australian democracy, [Image of M.A.D.E. logo ]. *Ballarat Courier 30 June 2015 – ‘M.A.D.E. in Ballarat, showcasing Google’, article re MADE joining with 13 other Australian organisations in the Google Cultural Institute. [Image of * Ballarat Courier, 16 April 2016 - Eureka Symbol is still strong by Matthew Dixon [Photograph of Jane Smith in front of the flag] * Ballarat Courier, 16 April 2016 - Flag Meaning Has Been Losnt Among Some/Should Flag Be Protected by Matthew Dixon. [Photograph of Val D'Angri with a fragment of the Eureka Flag. * Ballarat COurier, 23 April 2016 - Tunnell of Tall Tales by Amber Wilson (Storyteller Anne E. Stewart's Eureka ghost story.) [Photograph of Anne E. Stewart] * Ballarat Courier, 06 September 2017 - The drama of the disappearing diorama by Caleb Cluff (Also Lake Elsworth Swimming Pool) This article used this item for research and features images from the news clippings. * The Miner, 01 March 2018 - Council continues its commitment to MADE and the Eureka Story * Ballarat Courier, 22 February 2018 - City of Ballarat votes to wind up MADE and rename it Eureka Centre by Ashleigh McMillan - * Ballarat Courier, 12 February 2018 - - Decision on future of MADE looms, nine options presented by Rochelle Kirkham. * Ballarat Courier, 01 February 2018 - A change of name and a focus on Eureka are the keys to survival by Caleb Cluff - MADE interim CEO Rebecca MacFarling speaks on the survival of MADE - * Ballarat Courier, 22 March 2018 - MADE to shut doors next week before reopening under City of Ballarat by • Siobhan Calafiore ( Closing of MADE to open as a City of Ballarat facility) - * Ballarat Courier, 12 May 2018 - Full Page advertisement - We the Undersigned believe it is time the Eureka Flag was Returned to the Gallery. Paragraphs written by Ron Radford, Margaret Rich, Kate Redwood, Neville Oddie, Owen and Jim King, Anne Beggs Sunter, Peter Hiscock, Robert Selkirk, Iain Selkirk, and supported by around 50 people including Eric Archer, Konstantin Probst, Luigi and Athalie Bazzani, Liz Blizzard, Gary Bunn, Val D'Angri, Giancarlo Faustini, Andrew Ferry, Clare Gervasoni, Yvonne Horsfield, Bill and Heather Horrocks, Robert and Emma House, Ewan Jones, Dean Kittelty, John Mildren, Phil and Geraldine Roberts, Warwick and Julie Sellens, Christine Sutton, Val Tudball. Kevin and Linda Zibell. eureka, democracy, eureka stockade, ballarat reform league, eureka progress association, eureka stockade memorial park, ballarat, ballarat east, peter lalor, eureka film, eureka reserve, commemoration, centenary, ballaarat old cemetery, ballarat cemetery, diggers' graves, diggers graves, bert o'toole, eureka pool, black hill memorial swimming pool, swiming pool, stockade pool, eureka flag, ballarat fine art gallery, art gallery of ballarat, eureka diorama, tom mccarthy, kevin worthington, eureka stockade hotel, eureka lake, eureka stockade gardens, val d'angri, flag conservation, gough whitlam, eureka progress hall, dorothy wickham, clare gervasoni, anne beggs sunter, keith rash, anastasia withers, gary winstanley, colin holmes, steve bracks, jose ramos horta, gus nossal, alexandra curtain, swimming pool, newsclips, eureka sail, red eureka sail, news clippings, scrap book, ballarat reform league charter, paul murphy, ken clements, john egan, eureka clippings, raffaello carboni, urbino, italu, eureka swimming pool, al grasby, eureka stockade association, gordon cornell, bruce bartrop, alec barnett, alex barnett -
Port of Echuca
Coloured Photograph, 04/03/1984
The P.S Adelaide was launched on 21st July 1866. It was owned by J.G.Grassie from Poon Boon Station and the Officer Family of Murray Downs Station Swan Hill. The Adelaide was named after the niece of the Officer Bros, Adelaide Blackwood. The shipwright who built her was George Linklater. The Adelaide brought wool and passengers from the wool stations on the Murray and Darling Rivers down to the Echuca Wharf. In 1872 she was sold to David Blair & Sons. She was used to bring timber from the Barmah Forest to the Echuca Wharf. She did this work for the next 80 years. In 1953 she was tied up near the Mill and left. In 1958 she went to Paringa South Australia to work in the sawmill industry again. In 1960 the Echuca Apex Club and The Echuca Historical Society raised enough funds to buy the P.S. Adelaide and return her to Echuca. In November 1963 she was lifted out of the water and placed in Hopwood Gardens as this was thought to be a way of preserving her. In 1984 it was decided to return her to the water to resume work as a passenger vessel. In that time the Port of Echuca and the Echuca Wharf had been restored as a Tourist Precinct. This photograph shows the beginning of the task to return her to the river. It took several weeks in March 1984.The P.S Adelaide is extremely significant as it it the oldest known wooden hulled paddle steamers in the world. She was built in Echuca in 1866 and still operates on the Murray River today. She has worked in the Wool Industry, the Timber Industry and the Tourist Industry.This is a coloured square photograph of an orange front end loader clearing a track from Hopwood Gardens down to the river. The track was used to bring the P.S Adelaide from the gardens back into the river. The P.S Adelaide is in the background. The paddle steamer appears to be up on a trailer of some sort and is surrounded but plastic orange temporary fencing. There are small mounds of soil in the foreground.On the orange front end loader are the numbers "5900" and the word "case." p.s. adelaide, grassie, j.g, port of echuca, linklater, george, poon boon station, blair, david, murray river, darling river, logging industry, officer brothers., barmah forest, fulton & shaw, hutchinson, kevin, murray downs station, blackwood, adelaide -
Port of Echuca
Photograph, 1984
The P.S Adelaide was launched on 21st July 1866. It was owned by J.G.Grassie from Poon Boon Station and the Officer Family of Murray Downs Station Swan Hill. The Adelaide was named after the niece of the Officer Bros, Adelaide Blackwood. The shipwright who built her was George Linklater. The Adelaide brought wool and passengers from the wool stations on the Murray and Darling Rivers down to the Echuca Wharf. In 1872 she was sold to David Blair & Sons. She was used to bring timber from the Barmah Forest to the Echuca Wharf. She did this work for the next 80 years. In 1953 she was tied up near the Mill and left. In 1958 she went to Paringa South Australia to work in the sawmill industry again. In 1960 the Echuca Apex Club and The Echuca Historical Society raised enough funds to buy the P.S. Adelaide and return her to Echuca. In November 1963 she was lifted out of the water and placed in Hopwood Gardens as this was thought to be a way of preserving her. In 1984 it was decided to return her to the water to resume work as a passenger vessel. In that time the Port of Echuca and the Echuca Wharf had been restored as a Tourist Precinct. This photograph shows the beginning of the task to return her to the river. It took several weeks in March and April 1984.The P.S Adelaide is extremely significant as it it the oldest known wooden hulled paddle steamers in the world. She was built in Echuca in 1866 and still operates on the Murray River today. She has worked in the Wool Industry, the Timber Industry and the Tourist Industry.Colour photograph of the P.S Adelaide, having been hauled out and dry-docked. The P.S Adelaide is resting on a log platform with a winch attached to the front.p.s. adelaide, grassie, j.g, port of echuca, linklater, george, poon boon station, blair, david, murray river, darling river, logging industry, officer brothers., barmah forest, fulton & shaw, hutchinson, kevin, murray downs station, blackwood, adelaide, 1866, 1984 -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Document - Property Binder, 951 Main Road, Eltham
Newspaper article: Diamond Valley Leader, 6 July 2005, Wash away the stress.main road, eltham, businesses, goddess body treatments, angelina nicolaou, carmel karevski, vicki shaw, kym grinstead, carly treloar -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Plan - Caulfield State School No. 773
Three documents about this school covering: A 20 page booklet, (2 copies) of historical notes on Caulfield Primary School, dated November, 1977 compiled by A. H. Long to commemorate 100 years of the school at the Glen Huntly Road. Site. Contains brief history from 1859 to 1977, and copies of related. Correspondence, plans, photos and documents. A4 page pamphlet(3 copies) for the 1988 past pupils reunion at Caulfield. Primary School. Contains the program of events and a list of school principals. Unattributed hand written note, dated 27/03/1988. Mentioning former pupils, now authors George Johnston and Frank Dalby Davidson.caulfield primary school, burke cecilia., watts thos, bayston henry, webb frederick g. h. lampriere william. pennington harold. long a h., barry thomas m., striely e m., chambers john, stephen john wilber force, harriman b.c., white john e, francis richard, wood robert, lampe herman e. j f, webb james w., barry thomas m, bayston henry, vre james a, smith thomas, lampe hermann e. j. f., clarkson george, white john e, taylor ralph h.w, williamson edward. f, barclay samuel, almond william t., lennie andrew p.s., kirmsse carl e., elliott eddy, rogers arthur d, shaw edgar f, liston william p, haley alfred i, kelly michael j, potter arthur h., miller robert, james fred., mcfadyen j, moran t., bridges r.g., mcgowan j. i, painter h., beatty i, barnes c, riach j, gilbert j, brown j, wilson kenneth, ritchie elma, willetts gertie, young bess, cedar street, poplar street, glen huntly road., olive street, caulfield., caulfield common school, williamson charles, moran t., mcgowan j. i., campbell jack (mayor), macphee ian (mp), tanner ted (mla), urguart karen, forryan julie, watts kristie, t.satsakis ritsa, soos gj., schools, primary schools, teachers, independent schools, victorian style, gables, plans, landscape planning, financial documents, sewerage and sanitation, correspondence, special certificate for regular attendance, james fred, johnstone george, davidson dalby -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Plan - Mount Scopus College, St. Kilda East
A copy of the amended Planning brief for the development of Mount Scopus College dated 24/10/1982. It includes a covering letter listing the amendments. The planning brief describes the school’s facilities, classrooms, playground and the planned development of the school. It includes a site plan and an architect’s illustration of the proposed development.mount scopus college, st. kilda east, city of caulfield, mayfield street, talbot avenue, floyd jeff, building permits, planning act, shaw house, m.m.b.w. planning scheme, classrooms, kindergarten, playgrounds, library, multipurpose hall, car parking, students, teachers, staff, secondary school, primary school, synagogue, architects, syman justin and bialek, site plan, hall, building development, education department, town and country planning board, brick, zoning, traffic, property, landscape planning, planting, fence -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Document - Bakewell Family
There are 3 items about this family of early European settlers in Victoria: 1/A photocopy of an extract “Early Pioneer Families of Victoria and Riverina” – Henderson Page 441-442 The Bakewell Family of Burnewang and Tooradin”. It includes a photo of John Bakewell (1807-1888). It contains two pages and describes Bakewell’s property expansion. 2/An original copy of handwritten, unsigned undated research notes on John Bakewell property holdings taken from St Kilda Rate Book (1859-1873). It describes the land allotment. 3/A typed, unsigned, undated extract from 'The Howitts in Australia by Mary Howitt' - Mary Howitt, Vic Hist Mag 1913 Vol 3 No. 1. Reference – Memoirs of a Stockman, Harry Peck, 1853 Map, Foot Plot CCXLVI at Kooyong & Glen Eira Road. It provides a brief outline of the lives of brothers Robert and John Bakewell.the bakewell family, early pioneer families, henderson, bakewell john, port phillip, burnewang, bakewell robert, howitt godfrey dr, lord goderich, tooradin, phoebe, friends' school ackworth, yorkshire, nottingham, shaw john wyberg, plenty river, businesses, goldsbrough richard, goldsbrough mort and company ltd., glaziers, squatters, burnewang, mantons, tooradin, red bluff, torbinurruck, great swamp, brenanah, westernport, numerella, snowy river, orbost, green hills b, caramut, lyall william, mickle john, buckland john, notts, england, balderton, weddings, jane emily, howitt emanuel, farnsfield, lever mary, howitt thomas, heanor, derbyshire, howitt godfrey, scales john, exeter college oxford, downing college cambridge, guerard von, wayne john, south warnborough manor, harrison robert, lord john, jamaica, mary alice, dr. miller, miller john francis compton, emmie joan, mary emily, clifton hotel welbeck street, phoebe alice, anne edith, british museum, land values, settlements, st. kilda, elsternwick, inkerman street, st. kilda east, kew, memoirs of a stockman, harry peck -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Document - Bell, Agnes Paton
This file contains 3 itmes relating to Caulfield historian Agnes Paton Bell: 1/See other cataloguing sheet 2/Research notes by Anne Kilpatrick, dated 11/07/2014, listing items held in the GEHS collection written by Agnes Paton Bell regarding the histories of Melbourne and Caulfield. 3/Copy of an article from the Australian Women's Weekly, dated 27/10/1965 titled 'History is Her Hobby', obtained from the National Library of Australia. The article details Bell's university studies, her historical work, including about the history of Caulfield, and her childhood in Scotland. The article includes two photos - one of Bell at her desk, the other of her and her husband Goerge Bell in his woodworking workshop.glen eira, crotonhurst, rosecraddock, caulfield, caulfield military hospital, harleston, grimwade house, centenary of caulfield, mansions, bell george mrs, bell agnes paton, nelson h g, grimwade, caulfield john, ricketson, webb, langdon, webb-langdon violet, 'melbourne - john batman's village', 'the victorian historical magazine', caulfield road, 'the origin of the name of caulfield', 'naming of caulfield', kilpatrick anne, university of melbourne, bell gavin, 'road district', bell nan dr., australian women's weekly, adult education, students, tertiary education, templeton william j.p., melbourne harbour trust, elsternwick, historical writing, suffragettes, bell george mrs -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Article - Elsternwick Congregational Church – Caulfield Union Church
A two page article Elsternwick Congregational Church by J. O’Donnell, No. 12 October 1974 describing the church’s history. Includes references and exterior photograph. Undated typed Short History of Elsternwick Congregational Church by Jim McLoghlin. Brief handwritten note dated August 1984 by Jim McLoghlin about the church’s history. Brief typed, undated, unattributed not about the church’s early history. Brief undated, handwritten note by Jim McLoghlin about the church’s history in the 1970s and 1980s. Photocopy of a page from A Coming Together, entitled Elsternwick Congregational Church: Some Memories by Jim McLoghlin dated 01/01/1989. Two pages of undated typed and handwritten notes by Trevor Hart concerning the early history of the church including The Fincham Organ. Printout of brief biographical details of Rev. William Poole, first resident pastor at Caulfield Union Church, from a website. URL is included. Photocopy of brief article from The Southern Baptist of 26/01/1911 describing the life of Rev. John Reid, an early pastor at Caulfield Union Church after his recent death. Undated, unattributed handwritten brief note of rate book entries from 1879 and 1888 for the Caulfield Union Church site.elsternwick congregational church, o’donnell j., caulfield union church, watts thomas, black chapel, hawthorn road, balaclava road, glen eira road, orrong road, fulton thomas, rolfe g., jordan w.f., macartney h.b. rev., st. mary’s church of england, elsternwick, korong street, king street, de lacy evans g., mcmurtie mcnaughton and stewart, copland osric rev., day edwin rev., day louisa, day annie, day jeanie, cromarty school for girls, sandham street, presentation convent, pedler b.r., st. john’s uniting church, clarke g., clarke graham, mcloghlin jim, prahran grove, garden street, poole j.l. rev., poole william, old grammar school, regent street, little kids contact, st. john’s presbyterian church, pedler b.r., mills miss, shaw mary, mcloghlin mrs., martin les, riddle rev., cromarty girls school, gregson w. rev., mcnaughton mcmurtie and stewart, de lacy evans g., fincham geo., fletcher rich rev., reid john, beauchamp mr., jubilee hall st. mary’s anglican church, architectural styles, architectural features, gothic revival architecture, fonts, clergy, religious groups, sunday schools, congregational church, religious structures and establishments -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Document - Elsternwick Congregational Church – Caulfield Union Church
Souvenir programme of the Elsternwick Congregational Church Welcome Home Social for their members, who served in World War 1, held on 05/05/1919 at the church. Includes a photograph of church exterior. A programme for the Combined Welcome Social for the new pastor Rev. J.S. Griffiths held on 09/12/1919. The twenty-seventh annual report of Elsternwick Congregational Church for year ending 30/06/1921. Pamphlet for jubilee celebration for Elsternwick Congregational Church in August 1944. Includes programme of events and brief history of the church. Programme for fifty-first church anniversary and social held on 12/08/1945 and 15/08/1945. Undated church letterhead sheet of paper. Includes exterior photograph of the church. Four church newsletters from March 1973, March 1975, February 1977 and May 1977. Three black and white photographs, undated and photographer unknown, of church exterior, Pilots’ Club and Sunday School children.elsternwick congregational church, world war 1914-1918, butters r.w., elliot t., hale w.r., christiansen a.l.a., thoms f.e., emmerson j.h., angwin h.h., white s.j., anderson g., wragge l.g., adams g.h., smith e.j., thoms s.e., anderson j., wragge t.w.e, emmerson e., cleghorn h., lindsay g.j., fullagar w.k., barker j.n., snowball g.f., clarke r., wragge s., joynes a., lewis r., griffith j. shaw rev., griffith mrs., bryant samuel rev., christiansen w. rev, slatter j.c., robertson w., clarke w., forward f.a. rev., orrong road, king street, curral road, hoddle street, elizabeth street, robertson r.j., pedler b.r., hoare j.g., lewis g.n., tytherleigh r. j., watts v., message h.t., barlow c.w., northey j.d. rev., krohn f.w. rev, swan e.f.w. rev., riddles f.j. rev., elsternwick, caulfield north, hatley l., hatley l. mrs., parkside street, langdon bob rev., bendelack i., sandham court, mcloghlin j.r., prahran grove, smitham nancy, religious groups, sunday schools, congregational church, newsletters, st. john’s uniting church elsternwick, strickland a. mrs., watts w.c. mrs., mcivor miss, watts t. mr., watts t. mrs., watts r. miss, anderson a. mr., white miss, white c. miss, white p. miss, gladman f.e. mr., glandman f.e. mrs., slatter h.t. mr., slatter h.t. mrs., boldner a. mr., boldner a. mrs., smith s.a. mrs., strickland a. mr., owen w. mr., owen w. mrs., woodward t. mr., gregson j.b. mr., shippey f.l. mr., turner c. mr., turner c. mrs., blanch j.w. mr., blanch j.w. mrs., pye h. mr., pye h. mrs., haynes m.j. mrs., burgess e. mr., burgess e. mrs., watts h. g. miss, burgess a.s. mr., burgess a.s. mrs., watts m. miss, thoms w. mr., thoms h. mr., thompson j.m. mrs., thompson miss, grover e. miss, slatter h.h. mr., slatter r. miss, anderson a. miss, thoms e.m. mrs., newson m. mrs, legge mrs., legge f. miss, legge b. miss, young mrs., young miss, copland o. rev., copland o. mrs., steed mr., steed mrs. -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Drawing - Methodist Church, 23 - 25 Bundeera Road, Caulfield South
Phamphlet containing photocopied and dated newspaper articles about construction of church from various newspapers in 1926 and a brief outline of how and why church was begun and of its eventual demise, 1923 - 1985. Photocpied page of Recollections of Bundeera Road Church by Charlotte Harley (b. 1890), listing the members of December, 1985.methodist church, taylor mr., latham a. t., kindergartens, methodist uniting church, wesley johns rev., corben mrs, bundeera road, eddy r., organs, collier charitable fund, south caulfield, primary schools, kooyong road, methodist church, woodford, bambra estate, mcconchie rev. r. bruce, davenport mr., davies bill, davies mrs., philp rev., shaw mesolames, morris, miles, monday, bryant, woodford, paice, warren, evans bert, shaw william ronald, gvard w. h. rev., wells charlotte, evans elsie, narrawong road., bundeera road uniting church., mcraw dick, westaway frank, adamson dorothy, harley charlotte (nee wells), harley j, hunkin ena, hunkin edward rev., lydiard ruby, lydiard dick, sharples d, sharples j, spence margaret, spence bert, summers mary, summers ron, veitch alan, westaway m, arundell joyce, campbell heather, cock marian, heywood. a, putland roy, richards d, spence philip, taylor mrs., trewin norman, newton m., uniting church archives, kilgour alex, mann gwenda, gray daniel, gray gordon, heywood a, putland roy, richards d, featenby rev., brent p. e, woodford s. g., bent mr., st. kilda circuit, bundeera road ladies gvild, sunday school, choirs, windows -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Journal, Peter Doughtery, ArtStreams: Arts & Culture in Banyule, Darebin, Manningham, Nillumbik & Whittlesea; Vol. 4, No. 6, Nov-Dec 1999, 1999
Vol. 4, No. 6, Nov-Dec 1999 CONTENTS ALBERT TUCKER AO 29.12.1914- 23.10.1999 3 MIETTA'S Eating and Drinking in Melbourne 4 MIRKA MORA 'Where angels fear to tread' 6 THEATRE Normie & Tuan Finding the River 7 CD REVIEWS 8, 9 MR MOON IS DEAD The new face of Luna Park 10 PUBLIC ART OR DECORATION Mark Henry 12 ELTHAM FESTIVAL 14 OPEN STUDIOS PROGRAMME 15 LOCAL BLUES/ROCK CULTURE Rob Harwood 27 INTERVIEW Kim Tarpey 22 SHORT STORY 24 ARTS SPONSORSHIP 29 BOOK REVIEW 27 ARTIN' ABOUT 28 OPERA Dialogue with the Song of Songs 22 WINING AND DINING 30 ARTISTS SERVICES 30 "Peter Dougherty has been involved in the local art scene for many years. As publisher and editor of the arts magazine Artstreams, his comments on the various branches of the arts are widely respected. His "The Arts" column in the Diamond Valley Leader presents a brief summary for a much wider cross section of the local community. Peter also operates his own gallery and the Artstreams Cafe at the St Andrews market. Peter has a wealth of knowledge about present day and historical aspects of local art and artists." - Eltham District Historical Society Newsletter No. 161, March 2005Colour front and back cover with feature articles and literary pieces with photographs and advertisements printed in black and white. 36 pages, 30 cm. Vol. 1, no. 1 (Nov. 1996) - Vol. 10, no. 5 (summer ed. 2005/06) art streams, clare kurth, alicia clark, albert tucker, carlucci's, mietta's, adams of north riding, plenty views golf park, mirka mora, alan marshall short story award, james shaw, thanh vuu nguyen, victorian artists supplies, miriam hyde, lisa young, bluehouse, debbie morrow, clive dickson, luna park, montsalvat, dymocks booksellers, public art, mark henry, spectators sports bar, fleur de feliss florist, eltham festival, sebastian jorgensen, nillumbik artists' open studios, eltham pottery studio, muddy waters studio, studio 30, peter accadia, piers bateman, jenneke kortweg, janet boddy, dave bradley, melita jansen, jules christian burns, damian fitzgerald, jill forest, ona henderson, syd tunn, veronica holland, sally nihill, michael skewes, elizabeth vercoe, annie keil-taggart, alan martin, jenni mitchell, grace mitchell, mervyn hannan, peter oyston, chris pittard, mary lou pittard, jane viola, john hewish, nel ten wolde, rob harwood, st andrews hotel, kim tarpey, recherche, jessie howard, artspeak studio gallery, la trobe university art museum, willy wonka's ice cream gourmet food, arts sponsorship, john fry, winsome mccaughey, bostik, lucy sussex, alice's bookshop, were street cafe, thomsons pharmacy, know & grow, volumes -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Binder, Eltham District History, Eltham Road Board, 1856-1871; Research by Keith Chappel, 1971-1974
Eltham District History, Eltham Road Board, 1856-1871Two binders containing 486 A4 pages (photocopied) of mostly handwritten notes from research undertaken of Public Office Records of Victoria various holdings. Some photocopies from source reference books. Includes 20 page subject index (handwritten) at front and 5 pages of notes and sources at rear and a photocopy of short biography of Keith Chappel.a. foley, a. harkness, a. mackie, a. mcintyre, a. von ziegler, a.a. vivian, a.d. kinninmont, a.d. quadri, a.h. grimshaw, a.w. page, aboriginal reserve, aborigines, abraham quarman, abraham rooks, abraham taylor, adam goudie, aenaes harrison, agnes black, agnes charlton, agnes dalrymple, ah chong, ah cock, ah hein, ah lie, ah sing, albert lunson, albert ness, albert parker, albert ramseyor, alert hunt, alex cameron, alex eason, alex mcandrew, alexander crichton, alexander donaldson, alexander falconer, alexander innes, alexander james, alexander mcdonald, alexander miller, alexander thompson, alexander walker, alexander white, alfred armstrong, alfred burgess, alfred davey, alfred deschamp, alfred eddy, alfred hinley, alfred hooper, alfred hubbard, alfred lowman, alfred smith, alfred whelpton, alice power, allen heeps, allwood, amelia neuman, amos taylor, anderson, andersons creek, andrew brown, andrew byrne, andrew harkness, andrew herbert, andrew ross, andrew smith, angus mcdonald, ann emmott, ann mcphee, ann odea, ann plunkett, ann snell, ann tatty, annie ashmore, annie herbert, annie stuart, anthony beale, anthony currie, ants nest, archibald mcphee, arthur connor, arthur lyttle, arthur rooke, arthur young, arthurs creek, arthurs creek school, august ostling, b.o. wallis, barkers creek, barr, belton, benjamin bain, benjamin jenken, benjamin lawford, benjamin rice, benjamin shaw, benjamin smith, benjamin wallis, benjamin walton, berry, bismark hotel, black calf gully, black thursday, boomers gully, bridget bunker, bridget hailes, bridget kearse, bruno hirt, burns, bushranger, c. twiss, c.h. bade, caleb sherar, caledonia, caledonia diggings, campbell hunter, carl euman, caroline davey, catherine kennedy, cathren brock, cecilia farman, chamberlain, chapman, charles caldwell, charles campbell, charles dale, charles draper, charles fowler, charles green, charles hawkins, charles hempel, charles hirt, charles hirtson, charles jefer, charles jesse, charles kerchevell, charles lidgerwood, charles morris, charles peake, charles prince, charles rielly, charles roberts, charles rowand, charles simms, charles souter, charles swan, charles verso, charles wells, charles whelpton, charles williams, charles wingrove, charles woodley, charleys gully, charlotte beltison, charlotte goodwin, ching ah hock, christine brennan, christine mckenzie, christmas hills hotel, christmas hills school, christopher battaila, christopher twiss, chune grove, church of england, church of england school, clarissa milton, cleir hills, colin amos, constable quirke, constable talty, cornelius haley, cornelius stewart, cottles bridge, councillors hotel, cricket, cucksons brewery, d. nicholson, d.w. morrissey, dalry, daniel charleston, daniel harding, daniel jepps, daniel mccarthy, daniel mckenzie, daniel mcloughlin, daniel oloughlin, david boyd, david christian, david clark, david creighton, david rogers, david rolfe, david sharp, david shawcross, david smith, david stevenson, diamond accommodation store, diamond reef mine, dickson, dixon bertram, donald cameron, donald mcmillan, donaldson, dougald mcphee, dr barclay, dugald mcphee, dugald taylor, duncan fraser, duncan smith, dungey, e. hildebrand, e. stichlins, e.f. falkiner, e.j. hughes, e.m. garsed, e.w. morrissey, edith staff, edmund clarke, edmund cuckson, edmund hall, edmund picket, edward bage, edward beltison, edward bunker, edward ford, edward hindley, edward jackson, edward jones, edward kelly, edward qualtrough, edward staff, edward tresain, edward weller, edward whelpton, edward whilpson, edwin biley, edwin cartwright, edwin cohen, edwin deschamp, edwin mcleish, edwin rodda, edwin smith, effie rodda, eliza bellamy, eliza dawson, eliza howell, eliza nield, eliza smith, elizabeth cockshutt, elizabeth eiles, elizabeth fitch, elizabeth gillespie, elizabeth harris, elizabeth herbert, elizabeth hollow, elizabeth le juge, elizabeth plunkett, elizabeth whelpton, ellen hurst, ellen kearse, ellen quarman, ellen sweeney, ellen white, ellis, eltham cemetery, eltham hotel, eltham lower park, eltham market, eltham police station, eltham pound, eltham quarry, eltham racecourse, eltham roads board, eltham school, emile hude, emily anderson, emily blamire, emily coutie, emma smith, emma taylor, ephraim wyett, ernest baillie, ernest henrick, ernest steer, esther porter, ethel baillie, evan jones, evelyn hotel, evelyn observer, ewen cameron, ewen jones, f. chrimes, f. grundel, f.e. falkiner, f.r. howard, fanny benson, fanny white, felix hude, felix noisette, ferdinand ramseyer, flora vale, florence hurst, fogarty, forbes mackenzie, fords creek, frances kearse, francis baker, francis hales, francis raselli, francis steer, frank eiles, frank rogerson, frank tanner, fraser, fred hurst, frederick falkiner, frederick hurst, frederick muller, frederick nink, frederick walker, frederick wharington, friedrich muller, fryers gully, furphy, g. donaldson, g. houghton, g. turnbull, geanetta hude, george assender, george bear, george beare, george benson, george bird, george boston, george brain, george brandt, george burley, george buswell, george coutie, george eiles, george ewings, george ford, george godber, george goodman, george gray, george griffiths, george hall, george herbert, george horn, george kirk, george langhorne, george mann, george mclelland, george mosely, george neumayer, george orchard, george parish, george porter, george purcell, george ralph, george reid, george rocke, george rogers, george rolfe, george stebbing, george stebbings, george stebbins, george switzer, george symons, george thompson, georgina hilton, glenda moriss, glengloy, gold, goulstone, greensborough police station, gulf station, h. jennings, h. mann, h.h. farquason, hannah sunderland, happy valley, harkness, harold scarce, harriet hunt, harriet smith, harry hollow, hazel glen, healesville, heinrich hirt, helena peters, henrietta hill, henry arthur, henry ashmore, henry austin, henry brown, henry dendy, henry dineen, henry fowler, henry gardner, henry green, henry griffin, henry hart, henry hirst, henry hirt, henry hopkinson, henry hude, henry hurst, henry inch, henry jones, henry mills, henry scarce, henry st paul, henry stevens, henry stooke, henry thomson, henry vogt, henry wallace, henry wilson, herbert rodda, herman henrick, hermann lampe, hermann steinmann, hester staff, hitchill, holbert, honoree hude, hotel de france, hugh mccann, humphrey peers, humphrey spicer, hurstbridge, hurstbridge general store, i.h. clarke, ida adelskold, ignatz kinzel, ira pimm, irene donaldson, isaac briggs, isaac hickson, isaac hill, isaac kerr, isaac varby, isaac williams, isabella donaldson, isabelle herbert, j. dungate, j. eccleston, j. harkness, j. hartley, j. hude, j. irvine, j. jones, j. manduell, j. mason, j. mcdonald, j. mcnamara, j. nichenson, j. renahen, j. scott, j. seymour, j.a. goold, j.a. panton, j.c. hughes, j.d. thompson, j.f. hughes, j.f. johnstone, j.g. walter, j.h. taylor, j.p. morris, jack ewart, jacob belsham, jacob goldstein, jacob morast, jam loon, james alexander, james anderson, james andrew, james andrews, james baines, james batchelor, james bond, james bradford, james brennan, james brock, james brown, james brunning, james buchanan, james cockburn, james cowan, james dalrymple, james donaldson, james duckworth, james goodwin, james harding, james harrison, james hartley, james hawkins, james hewish, james holinger, james hughes, james inglis, james jamieson, james johnson, james johnston, james kaye, james kew, james lindsay, james lindsey, james lynan, james macpherson, james mann, james martley, james mayger, james mccutcheon, james mcmahon, james mcpherson, james mess, james miller, james mitton, james morton, james murdoch, james murdock, james nickinson, james orford, james purcell, james qualtrough, james rudall, james simpson, james smith, james spence, james stonachan, james stuart, james suman, james surman, james sutherland, james thompson, james thomson, james walker, james walters, james watts, jane cleave, jane donaldson, jane mess, jane sadler, jane shaw, jane thomson, janefield, jean borelli, jeanette hudi, jeanne hude, johann muller, john ainsworth, john andrew, john baillie, john barr, john beale, john bell, john bellin, john blake, john blyth, john brock, john brown, john byers, john cameron, john candler, john carter, john cobbock, john cockshank, john cockshutt, john coleman, john connell, john crozier, john darroch, john dennis, john donaldson, john elsworthy, john fenton, john fitch, john gardner, john gast, john graham, john grimshaw, john haines, john haley, john harper, john harris, john hassall, john hayes, john heales, john herbert, john holland, john holman, john hood, john horner, john horton, john hughes, john jardine, john johns, john johnston, john jones, john kearse, john kilpatrick, john knell, john lawrey, john macadam, john mandell, john manduell, john marker, john mccoll, john mccolly, john mcdonald, john mcintyre, john mckimmie, john mcnamara, john mitchell, john moore, john morgan, john muller, john murray, john pearson, john peterson, john petty, john pullen, john quinn, john rawlings, john ryder, john sabelberg, john scott, john semar, john serman, john seymour, john shawcross, john smith, john staff, john steer, john stephens, john sweeney, john thompson, john thomson, john trahy, john walker, john weller, john wells, john williams, john williamson, john yates, john yeoman, john young, johnn mcdonnell, joseph bull, joseph burns, joseph caldwell, joseph caudwell, joseph coutie, joseph elliott, joseph emmott, joseph fayver, joseph furphy, joseph hall, joseph hibbert, joseph hilton, joseph johns, joseph lithgow, joseph panton, joseph rodda, joseph sands, joseph sanson, joseph schubert, joseph scott, joseph shaw, joseph smith, joseph spedder, joseph stevenson, joseph verco, joseph wilson, josiah hollis, josiah hullis, josiah thomas, judith furphy, julie williams, junction hotel, kangaroo forest, kangaroo ground, kangaroo ground cemetery, kangaroo ground general store, kangaroo ground hotel, kangaroo ground police station, kangaroo ground post office, kangaroo ground school, kate bolger, kath scarce, katherine kearse, kidd, kinglake, kinglake hotel, kingstown, l. storey, lan quan, lang, latimour, laura henrick, laurence paterson, leon berlioz, levinia henrick, lillian gillan, linton, little eltham, long gully, louis henrick, louis le juge, louis smith, louisa steinmann, louise miller, lower plenty bridge hotel, lucy tidell, lydia qualtrough, m.j. careton, m.s. adams, macrudden, maggs, mail coach, maplestone, margaret graham, margaret hollins, margaret kearse, margaret kennedy, margaret kinrade, margaret lynch, margaret mcbirney, margaret steinmann, marguerite borelli, maria reilly, maria st paul, maria trew, marian trew, marianne miller, marie wright, marion hillier, mark bunker, martha herbert, martin brennan, mary alexander, mary beltison, mary bradford, mary bridgman, mary brock, mary bull, mary eiles, mary hopkinson, mary kearse, mary lean, mary mcinerney, mary miller, mary parmington, mary pearson, mary pickles, mary robertson, mary rodda, mary ross, mary smith, mary surman, mary weller, matilda jordan, matilda mcmillan, matthias watson, mawson, mechanics institute, michael callanan, michael fenton, michael kearse, michael mctyne, michael merritt, michael oday, michael odea, midgley hall, mills, minnie watts, miss bellon, morgans gully, mount joy, mr donnan, mr omeare, mr page, mrs greenaway, mrs havard, mrs hude, mrs morris, muller, murrays bridge, n.d. whyte, ned kelly, new caledonia creek, nicholas rodda, nillumbik, norman mcphee, old caledonia gully, oliver gourlay, one tree hill, owen finnegan, panton hill, panton hill hotel, panton hill post office, panton hill school, parambool, patrick armstrong, patrick bourke, patrick burke, patrick callaghan, patrick green, patrick harrington, patrick kearse, patrick lynch, patrick mcintyre, patrick o'callaghan, patrick rodgers, patrick sheahan, peach grove, perinella bull, perry, peter carrucan, peter flyn, peter ford, peter lawlor, peter patterson, peter snodgrass, peter watson, philip korfman, phillip gakden, phillip kaufman, phillip korfman, pierce brennan, pierce power, poo long, pound bend, pretty hill, queenstown, queenstown cemetery, queenstown police station, queenstown school, r. mackie, r.a. davidson, rebecca noisette, rebecca weller, reefers hotel, research, research gully, research gully hotel, research hotel, research school, rev dobinson, rhoda coutie, richard brook, richard capper, richard dunstan, richard goulding, richard heales, richard lane, richard matthews, richard rodda, richard searle, richard smith, richard wallis, richard warren, richard woolcott, robert alice, robert bourke, robert burke, robert charlton, robert clarke, robert cunningham, robert dugdale, robert grant, robert hall, robert harris, robert hempel, robert hill, robert hurst, robert lowman, robert mcadam, robert mckee, robert nink, robert norman, robert pontessey, robert sharp, robert smith, robert steel, robert stevenson, robert strong, robert surnam, robert wood, robina joyce, rogerson, roman catholic church, rossiter, rudolph muller, ruth mess, ruth sadler, ruth stevenson, s. smith, s. stewart, salters rush, sam deacon, samuel bird, samuel brace, samuel cameron, samuel candler, samuel cole, samuel cracknell, samuel dagley, samuel flier, samuel furphy, samuel merriman, samuel moseley, samuel mosley, samuel smith, sarah howard, sarah moseley, sarah raston, sarah walters, second watery gully school, self, shin hun, simon armstrong, smiths gully, smiths gully mechanics institute, smiths gully school, sophia greenaway, spanish gully, st andrews, st andrews hotel, st helena, stack, stanley smith, stephen gonnet, stephenson turner, stephensons bridge, steven anderson, stevensons corner, sumner, susan dickson, susan street, susan walke, sutherland, t. davidson, t. mclaughlin, t. symons, t.a. aldwell, t.b. drummond, t.b. henderson, t.e. johnston, t.h. subelly, tarrawarra, theis, theodore sabelberg, theresa lynch, thomas anderson, thomas armstrong, thomas baillie, thomas batt, thomas bell, thomas benson, thomas bibbs, thomas boardman, thomas bradford, thomas bull, thomas cattery, thomas cochrane, thomas cook, thomas cottle, thomas cousins, thomas downward, thomas edwards, thomas evans, thomas grierson, thomas haines, thomas harmer, thomas hunniford, thomas huntford, thomas hurry, thomas jardine, thomas jones, thomas kearse, thomas kennedy, thomas marland, thomas martin, thomas mcinerney, thomas morrison, thomas mundy, thomas murphy, thomas murray, thomas peacock, thomas plunkett, thomas postlethwaite, thomas prior, thomas qualtrough, thomas smith, thomas stone, thomas sunderland, thomas swatling, thomas sweeney, thomas symons, thomas walke, thomas wall, thomas wright, thomas young, tim shaw, toll gate, tom collins, tommys hut, true, upper diamond creek, upper diamond creek school, view hill, virtue hall, w. cockayne, w. craig, w. foster, w. marriott, w. ridley, w. trenoweth, w.a. page, w.b. andrew, w.b. burnley, w.b. phillips, w.c. shortt, w.w. herbert, walter barlow, walter hillier, walter joyce, walter knell, walter mckimmie, walter mcnicoll, walter thomson, walter wippell, warburton carr, warrandyte, warrens hotel, watery gully, watsons creek, watsons creek hotel, wattle glen school, wellers hotel, weymss donaldson, whipstick gully, white cloud, wild dog creek, wild dog gully, wiliam albert, william aitken, william albert, william anderson, william andrews, william barr, william barrow, william bell, william bond, william bowden, william bremmer, william brewer, william bridgman, william burnley, william buswell, william cant, william clarke, william cleave, william crozier, william dawson, william dodging, william ellis, william finn, william fitzgibbon, william ford, william foster, william garland, william ghosley, william golding, william goodwin, william graham, william gray, william grimshaw, william hall, william harding, william herbert, william hoilett, william hopkinson, william howitt, william howlett, william hubbard, william hunt, william inglis, william jarrold, william joyce, william kidd, william kilpatrick, william kommer, william lodge, william mclaughlin, william mcmurray, william mitton, william moore, william mosley, william murphy, william nicholson, william normage, william norman, william nuttall, william phillips, william quarman, william ronald, william sadler, william scott, william seaville, william sharp, william smith, william spicer, william taylor, william thomson, william tobin, william underwood, william walsh, william walshe, william walters, william watkins, william west, william wilmot, william wilson, william wolverston, william woods, wolfe, woodley, yarra bank, yow yow creek, a. brewer, a. easson, a. edwards, a. melville, a.m. ross, a.r. larrimour, aborigine reserve, advertisements, agricultural district, alan bernhard horsley, albert frederick charles glover, albert h price, albert h.c. price, albert henry charles price, alex easson, alexander campbell, alexander melville, alexander thomas haley, alexander thomson, alfred j. lowman, alice may peake, alie haley, alistair knox, alistair samuel knox, allandale road, allendale road, allwood run, andrew, andrew mckay, anton william brinkkotter, archibald brown, argus, arthur chichester allen, arthur edwin cracknell, arthur john braid, arthur robert traynor, atlas of australia 1886, b. lawford, b. mess, barry thale houston, basil y hall, basil yaldwyn hall, bell street, benjamin baxter, benjamin bowater, benjamin thomas taylor, benjaomin o. wallis, bible street, billis, bolton street, brewery, brisbane street, buckingham, bushrangers, c. brown, c. carroll, c. hirt, c.s. haley, c.s. wingrove, c.t. harris, caledonia run, cam, cattle, charis meta alexander pelling, charles brown, charles ellis, charles hicks bath, charles newman, clara gonnet, claude bryan gibbs, clifford henry goulding seear, coleraine, colin t. bell, collectors, collingwood, commissioner airey, coplin thomas bell, cornelius john stewart, cornelius sharp haley, cornelius sharpe haley, county of evelyn, culla hill, cutto hill, d. ryan, daily news newspaper, dalton street, daniel jepp, derek cecil o'beirne, diamond creek, diamond creek post office, diamond creek railway station, diamond creek run, diamond creek station, diamond creek township, divisions, doctor, donald alfred neil, donald charles maling, donald ingersole, donald kennedy, douglas anderson, e. cameron, e. falkiner, e. stooke, e.t. peers, edward dumaresq, edward heller, edward james, edward wilson, edwin stooke, elections, electoral districts, electoral roll, electrified railway, eltham, eltham district description, eltham district history, eltham district road board, eltham post office, eltham railway station, eltham road district, eltham road district board, eltham shire council, eltham shire councillors, eltham shire history, eltham town common, eltham village, eltham-hurstbridge railway, ely street, eric dudley butler, eric nichol staff, eric percival harmer, ernest james andrews, eve may edwards, evelyn and mornington division, evelyn division, everard albert hale, ewn hugh cameron, f. stone, f.d. wickham, flour mill, fountain of friendship hotel, francis bradley, francis joseph favier, francis regiereals(?), francis watson rosier, frank haley, frank wayne maas, franklin william nankervis, frederick charles barrett, frederick edward falkiner, frederick eldred griffith, frederick filed durham, frederick gration, frederick kirk gration, frederick vincent squire, fredrick ninck, g. drabble, g. haley, g. hodgkins, g. lee, g. thomas, g. thomson, g.d. boursiquot, g.f. belcher, garden hill, geoffrey charles dreverman, geology, george d'arley boursiquot, george ellis parker, george fletcher, george frederick belcher, george haley, george hirt, george louie cresp, george love, george robertson, george turnbull, george wise, godalmin street, gold mining, goodman, gordon melville, government gazette, graham lindsay bride, grazing, greenhill, greensborough, grierson, gun maker, h. g. james, h. stooke, h. taylor, h.g. jhones, h.t. beams, harold edward bartlett, heatherleigh, heidelberg, helen louise wells, henry creswell, henry gilbert jones, henry holloway, henry peers, herbert eric rundle, herbert hewitt, herbert rutter, hoddle, holiday resort, horace hilton, house of assembly, hugh larimour, hurst, i. barrow, i. rooks, ian g smedley, ian gordon smedley, industry, isaac rooks, isidore t. wilmor, j. alison, j. brown, j. cameron, j. carfrae & co., j. ferguson, j. frank, j. garthwaite, j. greaves, j. greitzner, j. irish, j. lindsay, j. murray, j. o'brien, j. stevenson, j. wilson, j.b. phipps, j.b. rodda, j.f. imley, j.g. foxton, j.g. fraser, j.h.f. hawke, j.k. zahn, j.m. holloway, j.p. imley, jack cato, jack clendinnen gill, jacob belcham, jacob greitzner, jakeb greitzner, james bailey, james cox, james d mealy, james darley mealy, james frank, james frederick mackay, james graham, james johnstone, james kay bryce, james mclaren, james murray, james oliver white, james pearson imley, james pearsons imley, james rosier, james ryan, jane thompson, jersey, johann karl zahn, john a porter, john alexander hampton lewis, john alison, john b. wilson, john barter bennett, john blackmore phipps, john blakemore phipps, john carfrae, john dane, john g. foxton, john gerald searle, john greaves, john green foxton, john greenlaw foxton, john henry sabelberg, john johnstone, john lee smith, john lindsay, john lindsay beale, john mann, john mason, john pape, john porter, john samuel lithgow, john stevenson, john verran mcconnell, john wilson, jonathan scott, joseph anderson panton, joseph bromley shallard, joseph garthwaite, joseph smedley, joseph walter henry bradbury, josiah morris holloway, k.e. dunstan, m kinglake, keelbundora, kenneth chareles crompton, kenneth donald macmillan, kenneth frederick hines, kenyon, kerby street, kinglake school, krelbundora, l. jenyns, l.m. bill, lancefield, land act 1862, land act 1865, land act 1869, land alienation, land settlement, legislative council, leopold kershaw lawry, leslie christopher docksey, leslie edward clarke, little eltham school, m. o'shea, m.h. fitzpatrick, mail run, mail service, main road, map, margaret moody, martin fogarty, mary leak, maxwell alexander spence, medical practitioner, michael o'shea, miss haley, moira, morang, mr. ford, mrs galbraith, n. gillies, n. rodda, name, names, neil stewart roberts, norman ernest charles williams, opening, orchard district, p. ryan, p.a.c o'farrell, p.p. cotter, parish of nillumbik, parish of nillumbik 1856, patrick costello, patrick turnbull, percy downer, peter andrew charles o'farrell, peter fair, peter graham, petr lawlor, phillip cumming, photographer, plenty river, polling place, polling places, porter street, portrait, post office, post office directory 1868, princes bridge, proclamation, r. boston, r. hepburn, r. lane, r. wadeson, r.d. mess, r.s.h. moody, radley (rodney) douglas quin, rag mill, railway lines, raymond clive duncan, registrar, research state school no. 2959, reserve for aborigines, reynolds road, richard jones and co, richard robert woolcott, river plenty, robert alan bell, robert benn (ship), robert cadden, robert cunningham white, robert david taylor, robert hepburn, robert kenneth marshall, robert miller, robert reid, robert stewart hull moody, robinia joyce, rodda family, rosemount, rupert norman maskell, ryans road, s. evans, s. wekey, samuel evans, samuel phillips, samuel ramsden, samuel w. scott, searle, shire of diamond valley, sigismund wekey, sly grog seller, sources, south province, south yarra, st kilda, stanley simpson addison, strathbogie, strippers of bark, stuart alexander donaldson, sweeneys lane, sweeny, sylvia ruth houston, t. archer, t. huntley, t. murray, t. stephens, t. watkins, t.a. stork, t.b. daling, t.b. darling, t.c. darling, t.milthorpe, t.p. cross, tannery, tenders, terence alphonsus collins, the explorers and early colonists of victoria, the story of the camera in australia, thomas bell darling, thomas clarke, thomas darling, thomas foster chuck, thomas grant, thomas henry bowman, thomas herbert power, thomas irvine, thomas maltby, thomas mccombie, thomas scarce, thomas sweeny, thornton street, town of eltham, vaccinations act, victorian government gazette, virtue hall station, virtue hill, w. archer, w. brown, w. gordon, w. inglis, w. jones, w. matthew, w. mcdonald, w. williams, w. wilson, w.r. belcher, w.t. fitzpatrick, walter craig, walter wipple, warringal, water wheel, wattle glen, whittlesea, william acland, william adams, william b. burnley, william buckingham, william c. farrell, william cleve, william craig, william frederick ford, william george gray, william henry hull, william john taylor, william john turner clarke, william johnson, william jones, william lorimer, william morris, william redmond belcher, william thomas cochrane, william vasey houghton, william walker, william wandliss herbert, william white, willie haley, willie stanley dawson, yan yean, yarra flats, yarra river, yielima, york street, yow yow gully, zig zag road, frederick george hurst, grimshaw, mrs s marshall, mrs mcclelland, bushfire -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Document - Folder, Shire of Eltham, Early Residents Reunion, 1971
4 Fullscap sized pages of typed lists of names and address in random order with "Yes" and a number or "No" written alongside. 2 photcopies fullscap size of handwritten notes and names and addresses. One letter of apology. Includes added hand written note on page one: Shire Centenary Celebrations. Folder 72 from Harry Gilham Collection6 foolscap pages. One lettershire of eltham, residents, directory, shire of eltham centenary, list, names, reunion, allan, deany, johns, radley, allen, dempsey, johnston, read, arrowsmith, dickson, kent, reeves, backwell, donelan, kerr, rogers, baddeley, douds, kimpton, ryan, baker, drohan, lawrey, scott, ballard, edmunds, leach, shallard, barling, ellender, lister, shaw, bedford, ellis, lowerson, shield, bell, exton, marshall, short, benton, fitch, mason, simondson, black, fitzsimmon, mcbain, sinclair, boyle, fraser, mcclenaghan, smith, bradford, gahan, mcconnell, sparrow, gillies, mcdowell, spence, bradley, glasgow, mcfarland, stevenson, braithwaite, goldsworthy, mcfarlane, stirling, brinkkotter, green, studd, bubeck, griffiths, mckenzie, sutherland, butler, handfield, mcleod, thomas, carter, hargreaves, mcmahon, thompson, chalmers, harrison, middleton, thomson, charles, hatty, mills, tinkler, cheong, hewitt, morrison, tosch, churchyard, hibbert, motschall, twyfort, clarke, hoare, mott, white, coe, hobbs, murphy, cornwell, hodgson, nicolaisen, whiteway, cresp, hood, nink, wigston, crick, hughes, norman, willett, croom, hurst, o’donnell, williams, currie, iredale, palmer, woolcock, davey, irons, podger, wyatt, davies, ironside, powers, wylie, davis, jarrold, prior, yandell, dawes, jefferies, purchase -
Federation University Historical Collection
Book - Book - Scrapbook, Ballarat School of MInes: Scrapbook of Newspaper Cuttings, Book 75, August 1996 to October 1996
Collection of newspaper articles related to Ballarat School Of Mines.They cover activities and advertisements for staff. The papers concerned are The Courier, Ballarat, The Australian, The Age ad other region papers over the period of 7 August 1996 to 23 October 1996.Book with yellow cover, front, spiral bound. teaching positions advertised, pre-employment courses, courses available, enrolment for smb courses, new tourism course at smb, smb expects more students, tafe education option, art students swap displays, open day showcases regional education, university of ballarat, smb, australian catholic university, workskills regional finals, new enterprise incentive scheme, workskill ballarat liftout, trade apprentices honoured with presentation, workskills medals, smb on high-tech to 2001, workskill goldmedalists, andrew shaw, rodney lofts, kylie toose, graeme cooper, rochfort brady, derek vanderborn, peter bailey, glen mcpherson, patrick davey, smb achieved quality certification, smb presents "moongate", betty collier display at smb, lukas stevens recieves top awards, electronic link for commerce seminar, smb new hospitality course, smb opening for new facility, work experience great keppel island, kane horwill, troy wiseman, nicole smith, stewart moors, tabitha jaeschke, anthony paul, michelle salajan, raeline vagiar, smb to expand into india, smb student placement in grampians -
Federation University Historical Collection
Pamphlet - Course Information, Engineering pamphlets for Ballarat College of Advanced Education 1980s, c1980
Ballarat College of Advanced Education is a predecessor of Federation University .1 White trifold pamhplet with two tone blue checkerboard pattern and black writing - Graduate Diploma in Engineering Computing and Applications .2 Pale green trifold pamphlet with royal blue writing and image - Engineering .3 Pale blue and white booklet with royal blue writing and image - Engineering .4 Pale blue booklet with royal blue writing 26 pages - BCAE School of Engineering Open Day 12th August 1979 .5 Beige and Maroon covered booklet with image 16 pages - engineering .6 Yellow, grey and black covered booklet 4 pages - Engineering .7 Yellow covered booklet 6 pages - Engineering .8 Red with border of tools, Booklet titled Women in Professional Engineering ballarat college of advanced education, graduate diploma, engineering, computing and applications, jackie cartledge, ray martin, peter ryan, bachelor of engineering, open day, d.j woolley, a.j bethune, t.d. norwood, w.h. rofe, g. biddington, d.b.l. viner, a.c. burrow, l.j. cubitt, p.k. fletcher, d.j. jelbart, c. kline, r.j. lang, t. lee, l. mcgrath, r.l. martin, i.j. pratt, f. rodrigues, l.e. taylor, e. oppy, r.j. sharp, g. titheridge, j.i. stewart, j.a fulcher, b.k.d. cossins, n.g. clarke, j.l. smythe, z.a. plavina, j.e. brown, c.s. merritt, f.a. adams, r.j. shaw, g.e. manning, h. snibson, j. lewis -
Federation University Historical Collection
Document - Document - Petition, VIOSH: University of Ballarat, Grad Dip in Occupational Hazard Management Intake 18; Petition for lecturer to teach them again in Semester 2, February 1995
Victorian Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (VIOSH) Australia is the Asia-Pacific centre for teaching and research in occupational health and safety (OHS) and is known as one of Australia's leaders on the field. VIOSH has a global reputation for its innovative approach within the field of OHS management. VIOSH had its first intake of students in 1979. At that time the Institution was known as the Ballarat College of Advanced Education. In 1990 it became known as Ballarat University College, then in 1994 as University of Ballarat. It was 2014 that it became Federation University. VIOSH Australia students are safety managers, senior advisors and experienced OHS professionals. They come from all over Australia and industry. Students are taught active research and enquiry; rather than textbook learning and a one-size fits all approach. VIOSH accepts people into the Graduate Diploma of Occupational Hazard Management who have no undergraduate degree - on the basis of extensive work experience and knowledge. A petition from Intake 18 students of the Graduate Diploma in Occupational Hazard Management was sent to Mr Bob Goodbourn - Course Coordinator of VIOSH, Prof D W James - Vice-Chancellor of University of Ballarat, Prof G Anderson - Head of School, Information Technology and Mathematical Sciences, Mr P Martin - Senior Lecturer, School of Information Technology and Mathematical Sciences, Ms K Whytcross and Mr P Johnson - Student Representatives. The students request that Mr Peter Martin present the lectures for MG473 Statistics and Modelling in Semester 2, 1995. He has lectured the students in MG472 Statistics and Modelling during the first semester and his method teaching to a class with a majority of adults students has been excellent - clear, well paced and caring manner. His adult teaching skills provided students with confidence and encourage discussion in class. List of students and signatures were provided. Hand written note from Gerry Anderson to Bob Goodbourn stated that they do their best to accommodate requests but cannot guarantee anything. In general it is inappropriate to make decisions based on student interests. Students and their positive comments are appreciated. Bob Goodbourn was asked to pass the comments onto the students concerned.Three A4 pages - third mainly handwritten in pen. First page has handwritten commentSignatures of Gerry Anderson, Bob Goodbourn, 34 studentsviosh, victorian institute of occupational safety and health, university of ballarat, intake 18 petition, bob goodbourn, course coordinator of viosh, prof d james, vice chancellor, prof g anderson, head of school, information technology and mathematical sciences, k whytcross, p johnson, student representatives, peter martin, senior lecturer, statistics and mathematical sciences, trevor bailey, james bathgate, janet benstead, kay bowman, craig brissett, keith britton, david byham, hayden cater, earl eddings, kristine gardiner, christopher gibbs, david grant, terry hammond, ken hart, christopher jacobsen, david kiddle, michael lawson, malcolm mcinnes, graeme maddaford, rita ottewill, roger palubinski, lyn pearson, raymond pickett, cheryl price, davis proud, mangalya reddy, john rowan, neil topperwien, gavin welsh, damien woodmansey -
Ballarat Clarendon College
Autograph book, My album,1930
The blank autograph book was gifted to Mavis Hucker Christmas 1929 and used by her throughout 1930 to collect signatures and homilies from her fellow students at Clarendon Presbyterian Ladies College. Entries feature poems, proverbs and hand-drawn artwork. Historic significance due to insight into work ethic amongst female students in the 1930's. Social significance to the school due to personal signatures of studentsTiny red-leather bound blank book titled 'My album' featuring plastic picture inset on front cover; sewn bindingInside front cover: 'Wishing Mavis / A merry Xmas / 1929'mavis-hucker, 1929, 1930, 1930's, clarendon-presbyterian-ladies-college, c-p-l-c, boarding, margaret-lester, jean-lloyd, phyllis-cutbush, winifred-davies, m-k-hope, grace-monteith, gladys-hucker, jean-irwin, margaret-baxter, j-howell, m-geddes, alice-abraham, nellie-veitch, maude-harkinson, n-crawford, d-veale, merle-tully, jean hook, kathleen-vernon, nancy-redman, i-constance-ross, b-garbutt, thelma-johnston, margaret-maconachie, e-graham, olive-ladlow, dulcie-burton, leata-burgin, verna-edson, boustead, sheila-mcdougall, e-henderson, amy-richards, lucy-shaw, gweneth-adams, e-etherton, r-ralph, jean-muir, j-stewardson, joan-chibnall, e-johnston, j-baird, dulcie-excell, dulcie-hucker, m-phillips, frankie-stevenson, phyllis-mitchell, mary-alston, beth-lelean, una-sloss, jean-mccallum, jean-tippett, lorna-mccoll, joyce-dyason, nella-robinson, j-mccartney, bessie-mclennan, merle-tolliday, g-shannon, m-garbutt, -
Federation University Historical Collection
Booklet - Report, John Ferres, Government Printer, Royal Commission on Industrial and Reformatory Schools and the Sanatory Station, 1872 and 1874
The Industrial Schools and Quarantine Station Royal Commission took place in 1872, with the final report published in 1874..1) First report of the Royal Commission on Industrial and Reformatory Schools and the Sanatory Station. 65 pages. .2) Second and final report of the Royal Commission on Industrial and Reformatory Schools and the Sanatory Station. 16 pages. This report included defects in the system and recomendations.On front cover "From Tom Evans MLA"quarantine, industrial schools, reformatory schools, royal commission, gavin duffy, st kilda road industrial school, industrial schools commission, red hill philanthropic school, flat islands port phillip bay, pauper children, johanna margaret hill, american industrial schools, cuthbert fox, james walker, pilot schooner rip, captain h.h. o'neil, william mccrae, t.m. girdlestone, william austin zeal, j.a. panton, industrial schools and quarantine station royal commission, quarantine station point nepean, sanatory station, queenscliff, point nepean, philanthropic school red hill, rip, george ferguson bowen, orphan asylums -
Federation University Historical Collection
Photograph, Staff Photographs 2006 - School of Business
University of Ballarat is a Predecessor of Federation UniversityCD ROM Collection of photographs of staff from the University of Ballarat School of Business 2006staff, photographs, debbie lord, gloria li, caroline winter, mike willis, caroline wilden, brian west, phillipa wells, jackie tuck, jenny trounce, pat thompson, helen thompson, rachael sullivan, leigh stephenson, helen song-turner, andrew smith, geeta singh, jasvinder sidhu, leona pike, ti-ching peng, bob o'shea, bernard o'meara, patrick o'leary, joanne o'leary, christine o'connor, catherine nunn, ravi nayak, patrice braun, judi bonny, sandra billard, joanne benyon, lou benson, chris baker, adam baker, elisa backer, sarah murphy, abdul moyeen, alex millmow, paul mcphee, barbara mccartney, andrew macleod, david lynch, julian lowe, jonathon langton, ian knox, gavin hurst, helen hunter, melanie hose, eric holm, mary hollick, rheanne hogema, kara hodgson, samantha hettihewa, caitlin herington, sam henson, monika heim, jessie harman, lauren hackwell, lorene gottschalk, heath gillett, frank gilders, kathy gamble, ros fyffe, sarah evans, robert errey, jill don, tushar das, craig cunningham, jerry courvisanos, nicole cleary, ian clark, garry carnegie, lee campion, craig briody, university of ballarat -
Federation University Historical Collection
Photograph, Photographs from Awards and Alumni University of Ballarat 2010
University of Ballarat is a predecessor of Federation UniversityCd of photographs taken at the Awards and Alumni ceremony af University of Ballarat School of Businessian clark, university of ballarat, school of business, gavin hurst, jerry courvisanos, brian west, awards, alumni -
Federation University Historical Collection
Photograph - Laminated Photograph - Colour, VIOSH: Certificate IV in Occupational Health and Safety; Intake 27, January 2004
Victorian Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (VIOSH) Australia is the Asia-Pacific centre for teaching and research in occupational health and safety (OHS) and is known as one of Australia's leaders in the field. VIOSH has a global reputation for its innovative approach within the field of OHS management. VIOSH had its first intake of students in 1979. At that time the Institution was known as the Ballarat College of Advanced Education. In 1990 it became known as Ballarat University College, then in 1994 as University of Ballarat. It was 2014 that it became Federation University. VIOSH Australia students are safety managers, senior advisors and experienced OHS professionals. They come from all over Australia and industry. Students are taught active research and enquiry; rather than textbook learning and a one-size fits all approach. VIOSH accepts people into the Graduate Diploma of Occupational Hazard Management who have no undergraduate degree - on the basis of extensive work experience and knowledge. Photograph of students in Certificate IV in Occupational Health and Safety, Intake 27, January 2004Laminated colour photograph. Students names printed under photographviosh, victorian institute of occupational safety and health, occupational health and safety, certificate iv, intake 27, january 2004, mary bardin, rex baxter, ian best, geoff boulter, alana brodrick, andrew cashin, david charters, amy clarke, timothy cody, dennis dalrymple, john dalton, ricky dorling, shane downer, adele duke, colin edie, david ford, kirsten gandert, paul geraghty, brendan gleeson, tricia goodchild, stephen graham, richard griffith, donna heydon, stuart heydon, albert knowles, steve manolitsas, melinda martin, rosslyn matheson, simon may, trisha mcdonnell, nola mcfarlane, peter mcgeever, simon mcmahon, susan o'halloran, donald oswin, manny peralta, cornelia peters, graham sexton, neena shanks, rae spencer, janet stevenson, mark thiedecke, michael turnbull, vicki williames, candice zanatta, gavin cross -
Federation University Historical Collection
Book, Little Black Book of Graphic Design MMIX
.1) Brown soft covered book of 60 pages with examples of University of Ballarat student Graphic Design work. .2) Level Five: Uiversity of Ballarat Advanced Diploma of Graphic Design Students 09graphic design, alumni, gavin nash, chrissie smith, steve abbott, matt briffa, leah castles, matt dunn, bec fletcher, sofia gaidukova, hollie gray, brinelle hateley, joel holland, sophie jackson, ashlee kaup, madison kerney, jemima kingston, scott leonard, amy maher, tom mckenzie, alex oldham, nicki payne, jaime copping, chris elliott, michael gray, jody hayes, josh kennedy, steve maher, melanie pitman, mick warke, john werner -
Federation University Historical Collection
Letter, Letters from Richard Squire to his son Tom 1934
In 1905 Richard Squire was manager of the West Berry Consols at Allendale, and developed an improved system of mine ventilation, which was supported in "The Age."[4] He was successful in combating and remedying the gas and ventilation troubles of the Deep Mines of Creswick and Allendale Districts after all had failed.[5] MINE MANAGERS’ ASSOCIATION. Ballarat Branch. ... Mr R. B. Squire, manager of the West Berry Consols, at Allendale, submitted a paper detailing what he had done tor the betterment of ventilation in the alluvial mines of Smeaton and Mary borough districts- Members gave Mr Squire every credit for the results that he claimed to have effected; the adoption of his ideas had testified to their value to mine-owners. It was painted out, however, that for want of a thorough debate of the subject with experienced men the author had unwittingly included some general statements that required modifying in some points and extending in others, in justice to other workers among the earlier and the present day managers of mines. It was decided to invite the author to meet a sub-committee on this subject![6]Handwritten letters from Richard Squire to his son Tom and Family reporting happening at the mine richard squire, tom squire, engine trouble, basil, f.l. smythe broker, trembath, w. ryall, mt mercer, flu, plant, skids, pump, c. hayes, illness, poppet, carburetor, mum, ned, shaft, balance weight, hazel squire, pearson, pulleys, syndicate, goon, len hopkins, suction, dunstown, lease, jim squire, bannockburn, nina, albert, mrs trenery, connie, jay, judy squire, cohuna, bladder attack, reports, estimates, dunstan & coy, jelbarts, barrett, flat fields, brown, gold estates, berry leads, parsley roots, share book, meredith, reef, pay sheet, colin, mr gibbs, l.r.g plan, banagwanth, mcnaughton bores, glenfine, allan, william thomas, john lynch, crawford, shelford, liz the car, trucks, chandlers, ballarat trustees, cameron, elaine, mrs read, clark, j. hayes, dunlop, dr lawrence, eye specialist, reid, mullock bank, jack squire, herman, peter's legal inc. ballarat, freddie reid, j.r. whipp, a.b. reid, grenville, leigh river plan, johnstone's, premier petrol coy, chandler's, ballarat deep leads extension, harwood & pincott, a. rice, lillas, l. e. walker, secretary for mines, pipeclay, sandstone, mr saville, weymouth & carroll, suction pipe, valves, financiers, gold mines of australia, mr hanley hunter, sadowa coy, kerang shareholder, buninyong, stanley hunter, len, fran, max, dr jones, honeycomb rock, booth, sandy mcnab, emily shaw, john cock, ross creek, mitchell, rowe, neil cameron, walker, kidney disease, holst, nellie, ronaldson's, ronaldson & tippett, brokers, investors, lockett, miller & co, wellesly, john sharpe, elizabeht ellen, old lawaluk, mining -
Federation University Historical Collection
Document, Dianne Campbell, Lawyers, Publicans & Women on the Ballarat and Central Victorian Goldfields 1851-1886, 2013
A conference paper prepared for the Victorian Association of Family History Organisations (VAFHO) Conference, Ballarat, 2013dianne campbell goldfields lawyers collection, lawyers, ballarat, legal, central victoria, maryborough, stawell, maldon, chiltern, otago, pyrenees, ararat, carisbrook, day, daylesford, court houses, pleasant creek, beaufort, creswick, golden plains, avoca, tarnagulla, alexander fraser, alan fraser, william rainy, raffaello carboni, butler cole aspinall, edward john lewis, richard ireland, richard davies ireland, charles gavin duffy, robert molesworth, edward fitzgerald, nicholas fitzgerald, maurice mcdonough, james william dunbar, robert walsh, joseph henry dunne, redmond barry, eureka stockade, michael walsh, family history, genealogy -
Federation University Historical Collection
Document, Cyclopedia of Victoria: Ballarat , 1904, 1904
Digital images of the Ballarat section of the Cyclopedia of Victoria, 1904cyclopedia of victoria, ballarat, ballarat benevolent asylum, john adam, gold discovery, lake wendouree, boat house, sailing, eureka stockade, ballarat botanical gardens, statuary, statues, ballarat school of mines, ballarat town hall, sturt street, shoppee square ballarat, ballarat mecahanics' institute, ballarat hospital, henry cuthbert, charles collett shoppee, john murray, richard greenwood middleton, john m. kline, john ritchie, thomas stoddart, william little, john robson, hugh v. mckay, h.v. mckay, n. clark, a. h. powell, r.j. powell, edward shaw, charles j. reid, frederick g. haymes, james thomas mitchell, robert scott, frane longden, robert d. pinnock, thomas a. wilson, sydney b. fisher, david bartholomew, t.r. treloar, s-ray, w. cornell, alexander greenfield, andrew callow, victorian mounted rifles, s.g. valentine, andrew scott, thomas robertson, john gordon robertspm, w.t. rowe, thomas a. oddie, william morris, jospeh walshe, william acheson, joseph dill, william mason, llanberis no 1, anthony jenkin, james carey, wlliam emery, percy kent, henry bath, j. rowe, john couttie, william sansom, francis coote, john mckenna, robert ditchburn, thomas mitchell, john daniel, george williams, william treloar, r.b. squire, jonah ward, robert smyth, william bell, thomas couper, w. joseph, william wallace, benjamin dowling, robert crawford, alexander aikens, c. dennison, w.f. coltman, federal timber yard, george hotel, williaim dones, j. dreaden, richard's and co, j.a. gear, r.w. fleming, l.e. cutter, l.s. cutter, a.e. cutter, c.f. cutter, george anderson, w.e. longhurst, christopher howlett, david mcgrath, james wishart, f.g. reeve, eureka iron works, j.e. cowley, albert foundry, john robert harrison, j.b. cameron, p.b. sutherland, george richards, ballarat brass foundry, m.b. john, morgan john, m.w.b. john, james smith, w.p. davies, j.t. vercoe, james kelly, williaim osbourne, alexander mcdonald, alexander e. mcdonald, henry john symons, bridge street flood -
Federation University Historical Collection
Book, University of Ballarat Annual Research Conference 2000: Abstracts, 08/09/2000
96 page book with research abstractsnon-fictionuniversity of ballarat, university research conference, bruce armstrong, peter arnold, adil bagirov, beverly blaskett, patrice braun, maryann brown, fred cahir, kate callister, patricia cartwright, john cowley, sarah davis, briony dow, john fisher, christopher fox, michael gathercole, rosemary green, julie heron, deborah hiskin, gavin hurst, tariq khan, maylene kule, lin zheng, david manterfield, john mcdonald, tunde meikle, elaine millls, ross morgan, john morris, angela murphy, john nicholson, pauline nunan, dora pearce, leeane pitman, patrick prevett, paula ransom, natisha sands, simon sim, jeff stweart, john struhs, elizabeth swayn, michael tuck, margaret zeegers, breat cancer diagnosis and prognosis, professional reading circles, tertiary undergraduate literacy integration program, carp, gendered communication, kidmap, agricultural restructure on farm families, psychiatric nursing, heat pump design, mixed species eucalypt foothill forest, stawell goldmines, heat stress management, accessing foucault, e-commerce, helen hayes, indigenous heritage, family care-giving -
Federation University Historical Collection
Book, Honorary Doctors of the University of Ballarat - Valuing Effort and Excellence 1994 - 2005 By Marie Kau
A list, photographs and explanation of those people who have received Honorary Doctorates at the University of Ballarat 1994-2005Book with two tone blue and white cover, with grey and blue writing.non-fictionA list, photographs and explanation of those people who have received Honorary Doctorates at the University of Ballarat 1994-2005 honorary doctors, university of ballarat, marie kau, kerry cox, robert h t smith, thomas o'donnell, david penington, edward woodward, jeffery kennett, jeff kennett, mary atkinson, david james, william pryor, stephen moneghetti, steve moneghetti, catherine freeman, cathy freeman, david haymes, geoffrey blainey, ewan jones, alan webb, david caro, fiona caro, kiran mazumdar-shaw, edward j barker, jack baker, john magrath -
Federation University Historical Collection
Booklet - Exhibition Catalogue, 17 Most Wanted, 1996
Separate to the combined Visual Arts exhibition held at the Mt Helen Campus, the third year graphic design exhibition ran from 15 to 24 October 1996 at the ANZ Gothic Bank, Corner Collins and Queen Street, Melbourne. Exhibition opened by invitation on Tuesday 15 October 1996 at 6.00pm. The brochure features "mug shot" style photos of each student along with their name and (presumably) birth year. See item 29161.3 (CD Rom) for further information and screen captures.University of Ballarat, Bachelor of Art (Graphic Design) Graduate Exhibition and promotional material, 1996. 20pp concertina fold brochure, four colour process offset print plus of ballarat, federation university, graphic design, mark molloy, hilario vila pouca, gavin nash, robert connelly, paul lynch, ross morgan, w hewitt, j patella, j jones, r braybrook, t roth, c dorrington, b tiley, k mibus, j rowland, k gration, b marshall -
Federation University Historical Collection
Article - Compact Disc, PMI, 17 Most Wanted, 1996
Separate to the combined Visual Arts exhibition held at the Mt Helen Campus, the third year graphic design exhibition ran from 15 to 24 October 1996 at the ANZ Gothic Bank, Corner Collins and Queen Street, Melbourne. Exhibition opened by invitation on Tuesday 15 October 1996 at 6.00pm. Review of Graphic Design graduate work, 1996. Compact Disc (CD Rom) printed four colour process on front, in clear plastic sleeve. University of Ballarat, Bachelor of Art (Graphic Design) Graduate Exhibition and promotional material, 1996. The interactive/multimedia CD Rom was developed using Macromedia Director 5.0, finalised on 11 September 1996. 67.7Mb of data. university of ballarat, federation university, graphic design, mark molloy, hilario vila pouca, gavin nash, robert connelly, paul lynch, ross morgan, w hewitt, j patella, j jones, r braybrook, t roth, c dorrington, b tiley, k mibus, j rowland, k gration, b marshall