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Vision Australia
Photograph - Image, Rhonda Burchmore and child, 1994
Singer Rhonda Burchmore holds a red candle whilst standing next to a boy wearing a Jangle Kids t-shirt and a Santa hat. In the background th 1994 Carols by Candlelight program sits upon a tinsel covered tree.1 x col. photograph of Rhonda Burchmore and Jangle Kids childcarols by candlelight, rhonda burchmore -
Vision Australia
Marina Prior holds a microphone and sings to crowds at the Carols by Candlelight crowds in this undated photograph.1 x col. photograph of Marina Priorcarols by candlelight, marina prior -
Vision Australia
Two graphic images of a candlelight, with radiant heat/light coming from the flame. Above the candle is written 'Carols by Candlelight'. Discovered in an envelope with the description 'C x C bromide' written on the front.2 B/W images of heat radiating from lit candlecarols by candlelight -
Vision Australia
Image, 1988
A group of school aged choir girls sing in this image from the 1988 Carols by Candlelight dress rehearsal.1 B/W photograph of children singingcarols by candlelight -
Vision Australia
Photograph - Image, Performers at 1976 Carols by Candlelight, 1976
Mark Holden, Judith Henley and George Hegan sing on stage at the 1976 Carols by Candlelight event in this series of images. In the fourth image, RVIB President E. Hanlon and Mrs Hanlon, Deputy Premier Lindsay Thompson and Joan Thompson, conductor Harold Badger, compere Bruce Mansfield and two other couples sing along to carols upon the stage. In the foreground the Salvation Army band plays, whilst in the background various choirs join in. Usual compere Philip Gibbs was taken ill at late notice, with Bruce Mansfield kindly replacing him on the night.4 B/W photographs of performers and special guests at the 1977 Carols by Candlelight performancecarols by candlelight, mark holden, judith henley, george hegan, edward (ted) hanlon, lindsay thomspon, harold badger, bruce mansfield -
Vision Australia
Photograph - Image, 1974 Carols by Candlelight, 1974
Philip Gibb and Choirmaster Lawrence Warner sit on the stage, surrounded by choirs at the RVIB Carols by Candlelight performance in 1974. B/W photograph of choirs and special guests at Carols by Candlelightcarols by candlelight, philip gibb, lawrence warner -
Vision Australia
Photograph - Image
As part of the Carols by Candlelight program, performers were required to submit a photograph that could be used in the program. This image of Ross Skiffington was provided by his agency Famous Artists.B/W photograph of Ross SkiffingtonRoss Skiffington Famous Artists Tel: (03) 722 1344 Fax: (03) 722 1887carols by candlelight, ross skiffington -
Vision Australia
Image, 1992
These proof sets cover the launch of Carols by Candlelight. In one set, Marina Prior and Santa launch the Carols ticket sales, whilst in the other a group of people stand outside RVIB St Kilda Road building, with glasses in their hands. Rhonda Burchmore and Geoff Harvey smile and laugh for cameras.2 x B/W proof sheets from the 1992 Carols by Candlelight launchcarols by candlelight, marina prior, rhonda burchmore, geoff harvey -
Vision Australia
Administrative record - Image, Association for the Blind Philosophy (and) Objectives
This printed philosophy served to remind sighted people what the organisation was working towards and how it sought to achieve it.A3 printed page on cream coloured paper with black writing and black and blue logoThe Association for the Blind was founded in 1895 by 8 blind people of strong spirit as a self help group and in protest against discriminatory attitudes and practices of society at that time. This small group sought and obtained the assistance of sighted citizens. Together they achieved reforms which greatly enhanced the status and rights of blind people. Today, this tradition of self help and active involvement of both blind and sighted citizens continues, with an overriding concern for the welfare of the individual. Philosophy The work of the Association for the Blind is based on the philosophy that all people in our society should have equal opportunity, with the freedom to express themselves and participate in the community to the extent of their desire and interest. To achieve this the Association is a grouping of local community resources which have come together voluntarily to serve people who are blind or visually impaired, and in partnership with government ensure the necessary services are provided. The Association for the Blind functions as an extended family, with blind members, volunteers, contributors and staff working together with mutual respect towards common goals. Objectives These are - to promote the welfare of blind and visually impaired people; - to provide welfare, counselling, rehabilitation, accommodation, nursing care, recreation and other support services; - to minimise the harmful effects of blindness whether physical, psychological, social or economic; - to facilitate the prevention of blindness; - to utilise the experience and talent of blind people in the community in assessing needs, evaluating and improving the value of services to the blind. A wide range of services is necessary to achieve these objectives, the outcome of which is greater independence, security and opportunities for blind and visually impaired Victorians.association for the blind, corporation records -
Vision Australia
Photograph - Image, Association for the Blind (Geelong branch) Branch Chairman [and] Auxiliary President
The Geelong branch committee was established in 1976 to manage the Geelong Centre then based in Pakington Street, Newtown. One early decision was to call the Centre "Illawarra", meaning 'high place above or overlooking the sea'. The branch committee disbanded in 1993. The auxiliary was established in 1963 to increase services for blind and vision impaired local people by raising funds for Vision Australia Foundation, then known as the Association for the Blind. Over the next 39 years, until is disbanded in February 2002, the Illawarra Auxiliary (renamed in 1976) raised many thousands of dollars to achieve this aim. Branch Chairman: 1976-79 Mrs L.W.M. Heath, 1980-82 Mr R. Averay, 1982-85 Mr L.W.M. Heath, 1985-88 Mr P.P. Larcey, 1988-91 Dr. B.J. Landsell, 1991-93 Mr F. Francesevic Auxiliary President: 1964-66 Mrs K.S. Nall, 1967-69 Mrs G.S. Gray, 1970-72 Mrs L.M.W. Heath, 1973 Mrs E. Currell, 1974-75 Mrs L.W.M. Heath, 1975-78 Mrs E. Snibson, 1979-84 Mrs I.E. Backwell, 1984-86 Mrs D.P. Smith, 1986-89 Mrs E.E.A. Donaldson, 1989-93 Mrs B. McKane, 1993-99 Mrs J. Backwell, 1999- Mrs B. McKane This photograph was taken of the honour board that previously hung in the Geelong Centre.Image of honour board with names of the people who were Geelong Branch chairmen or Auxiliary Presidents association for the blind, illawarra (geelong) -
Vision Australia
Photograph - Image, Illawarra Troupers Visually Impaired Drama Group
Supported by volunteers and friends, and with some members accompanied by their guide dogs, the Illawarra Troopers was a drama group for visually impaired people. Their first concert was held in 1977, and the group continued to entertain local audiences for many years. Illawarra Troopers: a visually impaired drama group (inauguarated 1977) Members Roll: Geoff Cortous, Dulcie David, Les Littleton, Gladys Downs, Hester Whiteside, Eileen McDonald, Peg Clark, Ralph Chamberlain, Albert Smith, Nora Cooper, Arthur Williams, Pat Baum, Ivy Mallet, Mary Chettle, Ethel Jardine, Peter Tapp, Jack Lambert, John Philipson, Len Hoyle, Rob Archibald, Daisy Stepnell, Neville King, Alice Sloan, Ada de Medici, Eric de Medici, Patricia Harrison, Llona Smith. Guide Dogs: Inga, Yvette, Igor, Rene, Leonardo. Producer: Jo Kirtley. Assistants: Judy Phillips, Val Anderson, Maisie Littleton, Dorothy Nicholls, Florence Mlodawski. Troopers Theme Song: Words by Olive FoleyPicture of wooden board with engraved names of the Illawarra Troopersassociation for the blind, nameplates -
Vision Australia
Text, The Black and White Ball, 1981-2014
The Black and White committee started in 1936 to raise funds for the children supported by the Sydney Industrial Blind Institute (later Royal Blind Society of NSW) through a variety of events. One such major fundraiser was a Ball, initially began as the White Ball then changed to Black and White Ball in 1948. Ball programs were created to provide opportunity for sponsors to advertise their involvement with this prestigious event, as well include information on the time progression of the night, a menu, a list of the current committee (Patron, President, various positions and members) and the Black and White Derby race sheet. First run in 1956, the Derby gave individuals or businesses the opportunity to sponsor a 'horse' in the race, which was ridden by a 'jockey' who rolled up a line to reach the finish post. Later programs included auction items, information on performers at the Ball and photographs from other events organised by the Black and White Committee (Casino Cruise, Women of Achievement lunch, previous year's Ball, etc.)Booklets with black and white covers with illustrationsCover on title changes: The Black and White Ball (1981-3) The Black and White programme (1985-1988) The Black and White Ball ((1992, 2003, 2005)black and white committee, royal blind society of nsw -
Vision Australia
Text, Workplace Innovator Agreement Making Partnerships Programme certificate, 2007
A paper certificate stating that "The Hon Joe Hockey MP, Minister for Employment and Workplace Relations, recognises Vision Australia for outstanding innovation in agreement making and improving workplace arrangements for the benefit of all". Above this writing is a large Australian coat of arms in colour with the words "Workplace Innovator/ Agreement Making Partnerships Programme". At the base of the certificate is "Australian Government, Workplace Authority" and a much smaller coat of arms in blue.1 x col. A4 certificate -
Vision Australia
Administrative record - Text, Royal Blind Society letterhead
Letter paper used by staff at the Royal Blind Society of New South Wales. A cream A4 sheet with the words 'ROYAL BLIND SOCIETY' at the top of the page, and 'ROYAL BLIND SOCIETY A VISION TO SHARE' around the RBS logo as a background in the middle of the page. Around the edge are four lines (3 thin, 1 thick) which form a border with two rectangle boxes in the corners of the page.1 x A4 letterhead with RBS logoroyal blind society of new south wales, office equipment -
Vision Australia
Certificate - Text, Royal Blind Society certificate blank
Certificates used by staff at the Royal Blind Society of New South Wales to honour people who had made donations to the organisation. A cream A4 sheet with the words 'Royal Blind Society gratefully acknowledges the generous support of (blank) on this (blank) day of (blank) 19 (blank) (signature) Jon Isaacs, General Manager' , and 'ROYAL BLIND SOCIETY A VISION TO SHARE' around the RBS logo as a background in the middle of the page. Around the edge are multiple lines which form a border, and a smaller version of the logo in the middle at the base.1 x A4 certificate blank with RBS logoroyal blind society of new south wales, office equipment -
Vision Australia
Booklet - Text, The Australian tactile art prize exhibition, 1999
An annual tactile art exhibition held by the Royal Blind Society of New South Wales encouraged artists to create artworks that were meant to be touched by admirers. In 1999, more than 230 artists submitted entries, with then 66 finalists showcasing their work at Customs House. This program provides information on each of the 66 works selected for exhibition, as well as an information and advertising leaflets from Robert Mac G Design, who created the three prizes for the winning artists. Most works were available for purchase, as indicated on the 'Opening bid for silent auction' sheet, with all proceeds going towards providing services to the 15,000 clients of RBS.1 v. unpaged with list of opening bid prices and three leaftletsroyal blind society of new south wales, fundraising -
Vision Australia
Award - Text, 1999 Australian Direct Marketing Awards - Bronze Award, 1999
The award reads as follows: "1999 Australian Direct Marketing Awards, Bronze Award (bronze coloured 14 sided figure logo) Addressed Mail - Small Flat Mail (category), Feely Book Mailer (title) Bristow & Prentice Response Advertising (agency) RVIB (client) Streetfile (sponsor) (signature) Chairman Presented by the Australian Direct Marketing Association and Australia Post."1 x A4 sized paperroyal victorian institute for the blind, awards -
Vision Australia
Slide - Image, 1995 Carols by Candlelight slides, 1998?
Carols by Candlelight is an annual fundraiser which brings together performers from around Australia and the world, to sing carols with the general public. This series of slides is undated yet looks to be taken largely around 1988, with images of the crowds, the performers, volunteers who help run the event and the Sidney Myer Music Bowl.140 Coloured slides of crowds and performers at Carols by Candlelightcarols by candlelight, peter cupples, ray martin, marina prior, jo-beth taylor, debbie byrne, geoff harvey, rhonda burchmore, sylvie palladino, humphrey b. bear, lee kernaghan, denis walter, bernie brooks, venetta fields, lisa edwards, lindsay field -
Vision Australia
Photograph - Image, 1997 Carols by Candlelight images, 1997?
Stage shots and a woman holding a child during the 1997 Carols by Candlelight held at the Sidney Myer Music Bowl.5 coloured slides of people and stage at Carols by CandlelightLabelled 66.6139-66.6146 12/97.carols by candlelight, fundraising -
Vision Australia
Photograph - Image, Carols by Candlelight various images 1981, unknown
Various slides of Carols by Candlelight performers during the 1980s.10 coloured slides of images from Carols by Candlelight3 singers P14 D Carols Candlelight P14 Dcarols by candlelight, kamahl, little river band, suzanne steele -
Vision Australia
Text, AFB Certificate of Honour to Better Hearing Australia, 1987
Certificate reads "Certificate of Honour awarded to Better Hearing Australia of Ballarat in recognition of outstanding support to the Kelaston home & Day Centre . By order of the Committee." Signed by the President (Diana J. Jones) and Secretary (John Cook) dated 30th November, 1987. Running down the left hand side of the page in gold print is the Guiding Light logo of the Association for the Blind.1 certificate of honourassociation for the blind -
Vision Australia
Text, Life Governor certificate, 1950
Life Governor certificates were given to those who supported the RVIB either through certain levels of financial contribution or by activities undertaken to support the institute. In this example, R, Farrer was awarded a governorship in July 1950.1 x cream coloured page with brown writing and images (front view of St Kilda Road building across top, and pictures of children playing with boat, male working on carpet, female weaving rug and a nurse holding two babies along left-hand edge)Royal Victorian Institute for the Blind Babies, Children and Adults St Kilda Road, Melbourne President: C.L. Kimpton, Esq. Vice-President: Chas. W. Bennett, Esq. M.R.C.S. (Eng), F.R.A.C.S. Hon. Treasurer: Percy W. Briggs, Esq. Members of Board: Harold E. Brookes, Esq, JP Mrs C.H. Tutton G.E. Newton, Esq G.H. Grimwade, Esq. W.H. Cowper, Esq Joseph Taylor, Esq E.V. Willis, Esq. Leighton Irwin, Esq. F.F. Knight, Esq. Superintendent & Secretary: Stannus W. Hedger, M.B.E. Recreation, Industry, Education, Nursery This is to certify that R. Farrer Esq. has been appointed a Life Governor of the Institute. C.L. Kimpton President S. Hedger Superintendent & Secretaryroyal victorian institute for the blind -
Vision Australia
Certificate - Text, Sixth National Print Awards Gold Medal: Category 2 to Royal Blind Society, 8/3/1989
The National Print Awards recognition excellence in the field of printing. In 1989, a gold medal was awarded to the Royal Blind Society in Category 2: Two and three colour printing.1 framed cream coloured page with gold coloured medallion, multi-coloured ribbon and gold brooch and 1 unframed.National Print Awards The Sixth National Print Awards Gold Medal Royal Blind Society Category 2. Two and three colour printing Presented by The Advertising Print Production Association The Printing & Allied Trades Employers' Federation of Australia and The Graphic Arts Service Association of Australia (Signature) Chairman National Print Awards 8th March 1989, Melbourneroyal blind society of nsw, awards -
Vision Australia
Text, RVIB Life Member
Professor Lawrence McCredie was awarded a Life Member certificate for his work with the Board, which began in 1956 and continued until the merger in 2005. The first blind person to be appointed, he was President of the Board for five years and worked as a Law professor at Monash University.1 x A4 cream coloured page with blue, gold and black print.The RVIB Lighthouse symbol and words 'Royal Victorian Institute for the Blind' are at the head of the page. Royal Victorian Institute for the Blind Life Member This is to certify that Professor Lawrence McCredie was this day 26th February Appointed a Life Member in honour of exemplary service to people who are blind or vision impaired By the Order of the Board of Directors G.Blyth President D. Kent Chief Executive Officerroyal victorian institute for the blind, professor lawrence mccredie -
Vision Australia
Photograph - Image, Mahogany performing at Carols by Candlelight, 2000
In 2000, 'Mahogany' sang on stage during the RVIB Carols Quest.1 x framed colour photograph'Mahogany' RVIB Carols Quest 2000carols by candlelight, mahogany -
Vision Australia
Certificate - Text, Volunteer Recognition Day 88, 1988
As part of bicentennial celebrations, volunteers were invited to Government House in Melbourne to attend a garden party where commemorative pins were given our to recognise the valuable work undertaken.1 x buff coloured paper with black writingPresented to Association for the Blind - Kooyong Day Centre to acknowledge your participation in Volunteer Recognition Day 88 held at Government House, Melbourne on Wednesday 30th November 1988 in the presence of His Excellency Dr. Davis McCaughey, A.C. the Governor of Victoria and Mrs. Jean McCaughey, A.O. This occasion was arranged to highlight the valuable contribution made by your volunteers to the Victorian Community.association for the blind, volunteers, awards -
Vision Australia
Certificate - Text, Certificate of Incorporation of Public Company, 1990
Certificate for the Association of the Blind Inc as being a public company on and from the 19th June 1990.1 white page of computer printingassociation for the blind, corporation records -
Vision Australia
Award - Text, Malcolm Brodie, 1946
Reproduction of a tribute to Malcolm McCaul Brodie, who died in 1946, by his friend and work colleague William Tainsh. Mr Brodie was a passionate supporter of the Braille Library and joined the Board in 1923, occupied the position of Honorary Secretary before becoming Vice President in 1925, then President in 1929 until his death in 1946. Mr Brodie was the grandson of John Alston who made the first Braille bible.1 white page attached to cardboardvictorian association of braille writers, malcolm brodie -
Vision Australia
Letter - Text, Letter to The Trustees, Clubhouse, Recreation grounds for the Blind, 16/5/1957
Letter to the Trustees outlining the outcomes of a recent meeting, as the minute book was unable to be located. Below is a summary of the letter. The death of W.H. Paterson is mentioned and the recommendation to the Committee that the clubhouse by named in his honour was unanimously accepted, however requires the agreement of the Trustees. The remainder of the letter covers the past five years. The Victorian Association of Blind Cricketers are requesting the erection of a shelter shed and scoring boxes. Complaints have been received about horses using the park, which have been passed to Malvern Council who advise they have also received similar complaints from the general public. A fence is required but a lack of finance has delayed this action. The Clubhouse is being used for more activities including a dance class, indoor bowling club, pottery and craft work, therefore a new switchboard and rewiring were completed. In October 1955, the State Government offered funding through local councils, however despite a representation to the Minister, the Malvern Council were not willing to expend funds to the Association as they had committed to build an Elderly Citizens Club. A large signboard was repainted and a new signboard erected at the front entrance, along with a light controlled by a clock. The Clubhouse has also been used one night per month by the local branch of the RSL and occasional use by the Teachers College for inter College sports. There has been cooperation with the L.T.A.V. (Lawn Tennis Association of Victoria) during tennis championships, and although the Committee recognise the need to do more with the area, the impending homes been built at Ballarat and Bendigo have been a limited factor. Signed by J.W. Wilson3 pages of type letter on letterheadAssociation for the Advancement of the Blind, Under the Distinguished Patronage of His Excellency the Governor of Victoria and Lady Brooks Founded 1895 (image of shining lantern) Incorporated 1944 10-12 Queen Street, Melbourne, C.1. Phone: MU 4189 MU 1955 Homes at: Brighton Beach Windsor Ballarat Bendigo On the left hand side of the page: President: Bruce Small, Esq. Vice President: Hubert Opperman, O.B.E. Treasurer: W.J.S. Horsfall, F.C.A. Secretary: J.W. Wilson Objects: To promote the welfare of the Blind intellectually, physically and socially. To grant financial assistance in cases of necessity. To provide Homes and Hostels of an undenominational character for the Blind. To visit the Blind. To care for the adult Blind, especially the aged and infirm. Donations will be subject to the concessional allowances provided by the Income Tax Act. At the base of the page: Homes and help for aged blindassociation for the advancement of the blind, john wilson, kooyong club house -
Vision Australia
Certificate - Text, RVIB Life Governor certificates, 1969-1992
To recognise outstanding contributions to the Institution, Life Governor certificates were awarded. Signed by the President and Manager/Secretary of the day, they were worded as follows: "Royal Victorian Institution for the Blind Life Governor. This is to certify that (blank) was this day appointed a Life Governor by the Board of Management." 28th August 1969 - signed by Charles Bennett and F.G. Turley Stanley Marsden Esq. 17th April 1975 - signed by E.J. Hanlon and E. Netson (?) Mrs Phyllis Marsden 20th November 1975 - signed by E.J. Hanlon and E. Netson (?) Mrs Lurleen C. Slaney John H. Weymouth, Esq Alan J. Murphy, Esq Mrs Phyllis Crook Christopher Williams Esq Dr. Alan Crook Adrienne N. Mursell November 19, 1981 - signed by E.J. Hanlon and E. Netson (?) Mrs Phyllis Wilson June 12, 1992 - signed by L. M. McCredie and Peter (?) Donald Gordon Boyle11 certificates with RVIB crest At the head of the page, a round circle with 'Royal Victorian Institute for the Blind' in Gothic typescript, a red crown atop the circle and a red cross with four white stars divides the inside of the circle into four areas. A picture in with and black, against a blue background, rests in each of these quadrants and a banner with the words 'I will lead the blind by a way they know not' is centred in between them. The pictures are: a harp, a bee hive, an open book and a flag with the words 'A.D. 1867'.royal victorian institute for the blind, awards, stanley marsden, phyllis marsden, phyllis crook, alan crook, john weymouth, christopher williams, adrienne mursell, alan murphy, lurleen slaney, phyllis wilson, gordon boyle