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matching pioneers
Ballarat Heritage Services
Photograph - Colour, Grave at Vaughan Chinese Cemetery, 2017, 16/07/2017
This site was used as a burial ground from 1855 (about) to 1859. European and Chinese pioneers rest here. The Bendigo Chinese Society Honouring the memory of their Countrymen, fenced the site, 1928 Population of Vaughan 1859, 13000vaughan, vaughan springs, vaughan chinese cemetery, chinese -
Ballarat Heritage Services
Photograph - Colour, Grave at Vaughan Chinese Cemetery, 2017, 16/07/2017
This site was used as a burial ground from 1855 (about) to 1859. European and Chinese pioneers rest here. The Bendigo Chinese Society Honouring the memory of their Countrymen, fenced the site, 1928 Population of Vaughan 1859, 13000vaughan, vaughan springs, vaughan chinese cemetery, chinese -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Black and white photograph. Emu Creek Bush Band. In memory of the pioneers of Emu Creek sign. People dancing on right. Emu Creek hall. Back of photo reads: Photo shoot for 1st CD cover.entertainment, music, emu creek bush band -
Lakes Entrance Regional Historical Society (operating as Lakes Entrance History Centre & Museum)
Photograph - Roadknight Family, 1890 c
Black and white photograph of William Roadknight taken in his later years showing an elderly man with white beard and hair, dressed in dark suit, white shirt and striped tie, pioneer settler of Lakes Entrancegenealogy -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
The Enterprising Life of Dr Henry Backhaus, Bendigo Pioneer. Published by M J Nolan, 136 pages with photographs, illustrations & maps. The Golden Legacy of Dr Henry Backhaus extract from The Australasian Catholic Record.M J Nolanbendigo, history, dr henry backhaus, bendigo - history, dr henry backhaus, catholic church, . -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Magazine 'Steam Supreme', National Steam Centre, Melbourne. Article on Joel Horwood 'Horwood's Foundry' written by John Horwood, descendant. Joel Horwood JP 1832 - 1900, the pioneer foundry man of the Sandhurst Goldfields. National Steam Centre Melbournemagazine, organization, steam engines, horwood foundry, steam engines at mudgee, joel horwood, bendigo iron works -
Falls Creek Historical Society
Journal - Ski-Horizon Vol. 1 No 4
Ski-Horizon is the official journal of the Federation of Victorian Ski Clubs which began publication in 1949. The were 26 original member clubs which included Albury Ski Club, Bogong Ski Club, Myrtleford Ski Club, Tallangatta and District Ski Club and Wangaratta Ski Club. Two pioneers of Falls Creek, Tom Mitchell, M.L.A., and Martin Romuld were Vice-Presidents of the Federation.This Journal is significant because it documents the early development of skiing in Victoria.The journal features stories and events chronicling developments in Victoria and internationally. Items related to the Falls Creek Area in this publication include:- Page 3: A reminder for people wishing to use Cleve Cole Hut, that they need to collect a key. The Hut is dedicated to the memory of Cleve Cole, a Victorian skiing pioneer who died after being trapped on Mount Bogong in the winter of 1936. Page 14 At the Annual Dinner of the Bogong Ski Club on Saturday, 19th November, Mr. T. W. Mitchell, M.L.A., presented the Silver Discus to Fred Vines, Captain of the Bogong team which won the 1949 Inter-club Championship. The Bogong Ski Club were keen to send a team to New Zealand in 1950 to compete in the N.Z. inter-club championship (Wigley Cup).ski history victoria, federation of victorian ski clubs, nedsa events, victorian skiing 1949 -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Functional object - Clocks, small 'Ansonia' c1887, c1887
... pioneers ...Ansonia Clocks were made by a clock manufacturing business which started in Ansonia, Connecticut, in 1851 and which moved to Brooklyn, New York, in 1878. An enormously successful business, it turned out thousands of clocks in a large number of styles.This Ansonia clock was owned by the pioneer family of Miss Carol Green in Moorabbin Shire c 1887This Ansonia clock was owned by the pioneer family of Miss Carol Green in Moorabbin Shire c 1887A small ANSONIA clock. c1887 with a winding key and pendulum and a hinged front glass door This Ansonia clock was restored by Mr Frank M. Gowan.c 1960damaged label on back : AWARD PARIS..... / SMALL SHAR..... / ANSONIA CLOCK / none genuine without ' ( symbol) ' / factories at ANSONIA Conn. Brook / Salesroom .....19 Cliff Street ....../ansonia clock company, connecticut, america, phelps anson, terry theodore, andrews franklin, brighton, moorabbin, furniture, pioneers, clocks, market gardeners, early settlers, green carol, gowan frank -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Craft - Craft equipment, wool winder, c1860
... pioneers ...Pioneers migrating to Moorabbin Shire brought items they thought would assist them in the new Country. They had to be self reliant and made their own clothing and utensils while establishing their market gardens and farms. A wooden wool winder, with extending arms for winding hanks of wool into balls prior to knitting. For ease of use the winder also rotates. Circa 1860s this winder was made in Ireland.The pioneer settlers and market gardeners of Moorabbin Shire had to be self reliant and made their own clothing and utensils. This is one of many items used to exhibit the skill and craftsmanship of the women in these families. Phillip Jones migrated from Ireland c1852 and his son, James Jones 1857 – 1940 was born in East Brighton , married Mary Ann Moore and raised his family in Bentleigh, as the area became known. A wooden wool winder, with extending arms for winding hanks of wool into balls prior to knitting. For ease of use the winder also rotates. Circa 1860s this winder was made in Ireland.brighton, moorabbin, pioneers, bentleigh, market gardeners, wool, craft work, early settlers, knitting, craft equipment, jones mary ann, jones james, jones phillip, herron john -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Book, More About The East Family, 1988
Hard cover book - Full title: A Family Who's Who Volume IV - More About The East Family And Related Pioneers - Yules, Milligans, Hoopers, McCallums, Neethlings, Males, Quicks, Phillips, Keys, Burchetts, Greenwoods.Inside back cover - "On Sunday 13th November, 1836, Samuel East, a Methodist local preacher, conducted at Kingscote on Kangaroo Island, the first church service held in South Australia. See page 35 of A South Australian Colonist of 1836." "This is to certify that Sir Ronald East took part in South Australia's 150th Anniversary Celebrations in 1986 by participating in Uniting Church Service 9.11.86 as descendants of Samuel East (signed) Kym Boynton, Jubilee 150 Board Chairman." -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Document - Folder, Bruce G Draper, Draper, 2011
Folder on Draper family contents: 1. Magazine article: Horticultural Pioneer: Charles Draper of Charnwood, Arthur's Creek by Bruce Draper, Australian Garden History, Vol. 15 No. 5, May/June 2004, pp15-20draper family, charnwood, arthur's creek, charles draper, bruce draper -
Frankston RSL Sub Branch
Printed Certificate of Discharge document used by Australian Expeditionary Force. Issued to A. C. Hill to acknowledge his service with the 2nd Pioneers, A.I.F. from 14th April, 1916 to 5th November, 1917. refer item 00325 -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Sir Dallas Brookes, Kangaroo Ground Memorial, 1951, 1951
Black and white photograph of Sir Dallas Brookes and dignitaries at re-dedication of Kangaroo Ground Tower of Remembrance, Shire of Eltham War Memorial 16 November 1951. Also part of the Shire of Eltham Pioneers Photograph collectionkangaroo ground memorial, war memorial, sir dallas brookes, ceremonies, sepp -
Victorian Aboriginal Corporation for Languages
Book, Peter Beveridge et al, The Aborigines of Victoria and Riverina, 2008
The Beveridges pioneered the Swan Hill area on the Murray River and lived among the People of the Murray River. They learned the Aboriginal dialects, lore and customs. Peter Beveridge faithfully recorded these and his book was published posthumously by his family.maps, b&w illustrations, b&w photographsvictorian history, murray river -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Document, Course family, 2008
The Course Family - pioneers of Forest Hill. Talk given by Pat Richardson at a Whitehorse Historical Society general meeting, 9 February 2008.The Course Family - pioneers of Forest Hill. Talk given by Pat Richardson at a Whitehorse Historical Society general meeting, 9 February 2008. With genealogical chart and documents relating to the family's English origins, migration and land holdings.The Course Family - pioneers of Forest Hill. Talk given by Pat Richardson at a Whitehorse Historical Society general meeting, 9 February 2008. forest hill, tainton family, fankhauser family, whitehorse historical society inc., course family -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Photograph, Slaters Cottage - Original Cottage, 1/08/2009 12:00:00 AM
See the following relating Slater & the Reserve NP2000, 3558, 4396, 5141 & 5824.Coloured Photograph of the original cottage built by William Slater Jnr the son of William Henry Slater the pioneer involved in the establishment of the early herb and lavender farm in this district.|Note that the house was being renovated. It is on the Heritage Overlay of the Cityslater william, slater william jnr, surrey road blackburn north no 106, heritage overlay -
Mt Dandenong & District Historical Society Inc.
Photograph, Jeanie Richardson
Photograph of studio portrait taken of Jeanie Richardson, wife of John William (Willie) Richardson, who was the son of Jabez Richardson an early pioneer of the area. This photograph has a detailed inscription on the back handwritten by John Lundy-Clarke.Jeanie Richardson nee Green. Born 1871. Died 1916. Mother of Reuben, William, Jean. Copy of photo held by Reuben Richardson of Roma. richardson, jeanie richardson, reuben richardson, jabez richardson -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Colour photograph. Emu Creek Bush Band. Outside Emu Creek Hall. In memory of the pioneers of Emu Creek. Blue Heeler dog laying in front. Back of photo reads: Photo shoot for 1st CD cover.entertainment, music, emu creek bush band -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Postcard, Blackburn Road Blackburn
2 Black and white copies of Postcards of Blackburn Road looking South from Railway Road 1918. Reproduced from 'Blackburn A Picturesque History' by Robin Da Costa, Pioneer Design Studio P/L, Lilydale.blackburn road, blackburn -
Lakes Entrance Regional Historical Society (operating as Lakes Entrance History Centre & Museum)
Book, Walker Mary Howitt, Come Wind Come Weather A Biography of Alfred Howitt, 1971
A comprehensive account of the remarkable and full life of one of Victorias outstanding pioneer settlers who in his lifetime as bushman explorer geologist naturalist anthropologist police magistrate and experimental farmer left his enduring mark on the hisettlers -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Document, Death Certificate William Box 1902, 1985
... pioneers ...William Box1834-1902 and Elizabeth Avis Box 1835-1913 came to Australia with his parents George and Mary Cripps-Box and siblings in 1856. Caroline Box, the eldest daughter of George and Mary Cripps-Box, remained in England working as a cook until she joined the family in Australia in 1863. William Box with his wife Elizabeth Avis Box at first leased market garden allotments in Brighton that was part of the Henry Dendy Special Survey 1841. In 1868 and 1869 they purchased 2 blocks with a pioneer’s cottage in Jasper Road East Brighton ( now Ormond / McKinnon ) where they established a market garden, built a 2nd house and raised 13 children. In 1908 Elizabeth sold most of the land retaining 1 acre with the dwellings in which she resided with her two daughters until her death 1913. The original pioneer cottage was reconstructed in 1984 and is known as Box Cottage Museum William & Elizabeth Avis- Box settled in the pioneer Cottage in Jasper Road East Brighton 1868 and established a market garden whilst raising their 13 children. This Cottage was reconstructed in Joyce Park, Ormond 1984 and is the home of City of Moorabbin Historical Society. In 1960 many local residents responded to a call for the donation of historical artefacts and the Box Cottage Museum now preserves this eclectic collection for the community. A certified true copy of the Death Certificate of William Box 1834 -1902 in a wooden picture frame, obtained from The Births, Deaths and Marriages Office Melbourne Victoria 1985 THIRD SCHEDULE / DEATHS in the District of East Brighton in the State of Victoria Registered by W. Ward Certified ‘true copy of an entry in a register’……… Signed by Paul Kenny Registration Officer 1985 box william, box elizabeth, brighton, moorabbin, cottages, pioneers, ormond, colonial, mckinnon, dendy henry, museums, box alonzo, market gardeners, box cottage museum -
Stawell Historical Society Inc
Book, Trudy Hayes, Beyond The Red Sand Hills - (Extract) Pomonal, 1999
Manila folder. white paper centre with Title Author and other text.Extracts from Beyond the Red SandHills By Trudy Hayes A central Australian Pioneer's Daughter covers the hayes family Ten years in Pomonal (1999) stawell -
Uniting Church Archives - Synod of Victoria
Communion box
Wooden box with hinged lid. Box contains 2 silver chalices, 1 plate and 4 brown ceramic chalices.Inside lid: "Presented to Methodist Conference 1911 by the Trustees of the ex U.M.F.C. George St, Fitzroy in loving rememberance of the pioneer church of the Denomination of Australia"methodist conference 1911, united methodist free churches -
Lilydale RSL Sub Branch
Photograph - Photo of RSL service Members
Charles Bover and Jim Sutherland were Japanese POWs on the Burma Railway. Charles was with Weary Dunlop. Jim also spent time at Changi. Lilydale RSL members Bover C Vx8270 2/2nd Pioneer Btn - Thai-Burma Railway Sutherland JJ Vx54057 2/2nd Pioneer Btn - Thai-Burma Railway and Changipow, changi, thai/burma railway -
The 5th/6th Battalion Royal Victoria Regiment Historical Collection
Weapon - Bayonet, M1898/O5s sawback "Butcher" bayonet
Used in WW1 by German soldiers, primarily pioneer troops and NCOs. Often had their teeth removed due to negative conotations associated with allied propaganda. Many German soldiers were advised not to use the sawback bayonet as they believed that if caught with it they could be summarily executed Know as a saw back bayonet or a butchers knifeDark steel bayonet with substantial 37 cm (15 in) blade. Woodne grips are missing and steel on grop is significantly rusted. Saw back edge with 2 rows of 29 teeth, The quilion bends down toward the hanle Unlike many other bayontes this bayonet does not have a muzzel ring it instead has a long t shaped gove in the handle, Mauser avoided one since these altered the vibration harmonics of the barrel when fired, affecting accuracy. All the bayonets featured quillons that curved back towards the hilt. These were much less effective at catching the opposing blade than the forward-swept quillons used by some other nations. A small number of pioneers and certain non-commissioned officers of the German Army were issued a bayonet with a sawback edge, known as the S or m.S. ("mit Säge", with saw). Many such bayonets had their teeth ground down in response to negative Allied propaganda. There is a heavily rusted, all steel scabbardWAFFENFABRIK MAUSER A.G OBERNDORF a.N5/6 rvr, bayonet, ww1, german, western front -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Newspaper Clipping 09 April 1987 Bendigo Advertiser Historian Mr Cliff Binks descendant of some of the original Bendigo Pioneers calls for a monument to honour and remember those who were buried in The Old Sandhurst Burial Grounds.bendigo, history, old bendigo cemetery -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Book - ANNE CAUDLE THE LADY 1812 - 1865
Anne Caudle The Lady 1812 - 1865, the wife of one Bendigo's pioneer Medical Practitioners, her life, her community, her family. Soft cover with 154 pages, black & white plus some colour photographs & maps.Betty May Jackmanbook, bendigo, anne caudle, bendigo-history-hospital-anne caudle -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Document, Nunawading Historical Society - Australia Day Exhibition 1988, 1/01/1988 12:00:00 AM
Australia's Bicentennial Year, by the Nunawading Historical Society.Headings and information used for a display in the Nunawading arts centre on Australia Day 1988, Australia's Bicentennial Year, by the Nunawading Historical Society. Headings: Tribal Meeting Place; Pioneers; Land Boomers and Orchardists; Between the Wars; Suburban Sprawl.Australia's Bicentennial Year, by the Nunawading Historical Society.nunawading historical society, australia day, festivals and celebrations -
Rutherglen Historical Society
Photograph - Image, c1880-1890
Black and white photograph of W H Warren, copied from one of the individual photos on the group photo of Rutherglen Pioneers which is catalogued on record no. 2325. After the name at the bottom of the photo is the date 186[last digit cropped]warren, rutherglen pioneers -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Banner - Rotary Club of Mitcham Banner
Donated by the Mitcham Rotary ClubA small banner with a coloured photo of Schwerkolt Cottage. A Rotary Club symbol on the upper left hand side. Rotary Club of Mitcham in white script. District 9810 Victoria Australia " Schwerkolt Pioneer Cottage" under photo of cottage.Screencraft David-E1 Phone 03 9899 3262service clubs, rotary club of mitcham, schwerkolt cottage, societies, screencraft