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4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment Unit History Room
Newspaper cuttings, 1.Riding Tall into History, 2. New Life for old Chargers, 3. True Colours, 2003/1997/2004
Three newspaper articles from the Herald Sun newspaper. 1. Unveiling the State's first monument to the Light Horse. 2. A new battle to save the Australian Waler 3. The use of colour photography in WW1newspaper, light horse -
4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment Unit History Room
Letter, 13 Oct 1924
A typed letter from the Australian War Memorial to Col M W S Bourchier CMG, DSO, requesting papers, documents or maps of war interest that he may have.bourchier, australian war memorial -
4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment Unit History Room
Photograph, Australian War Museum Exhibition Buildings, 4 LH Officers at Tripoli, 1918
A black & white photo showing six mounted Light Horse officers.On back: Officers of the 4th ALH Tripoli, Syria December 1918photo, light horse, syria -
4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment Unit History Room
Photograph, Australians in Egypt?, 1915-1919
A sepia toned photograph mounted on card, of a well laid out camp. Lines of soldiers are marching past a saluting station. There is no indication of where or who it is. The buildings in the background suggest Egypt. Uniforms are Australianphoto, light horse parade, egypt -
4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment Unit History Room
Photograph, Australian War Museum, 1917?
A black & white photo showing horses being watered at a stream.On back: Members of the 4th ALH Regiment watering their horses from troughs at Auja in the Jordan Valley Palestinephoto, 4th light horse, jordan valley -
4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment Unit History Room
Photograph, Anglo-Swiss Photo Studio, British & Australian Officers, Egypt, abt 1914/15
A sepia toned photograph of 84 British and Australian officers outside a wooden building. The location appears to be in Egypt."Anglo-Swiss Photo Studio Cairo" impressed into bottom right corner photo, cairo, officers -
4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment Unit History Room
Stereoscopic Photograph, The Rose Steriographs, Light Horse of the Australian Expeditionary Force, 1914/15
... Light Horse of the Australian Expeditionary Force ...A sepia tone stereoscopic photograph of the Light Horse...12,923 "STURDY SONS OF THE EMPIRE" The Light Horse... OF THE EMPIRE" The Light Horse of the Australian Expeditionary Force ...A sepia tone stereoscopic photograph of the Light Horse of the Australian Expeditionary Force in Collins Street melbourne12,923 "STURDY SONS OF THE EMPIRE" The Light Horse of the Australian Expeditionary Force, Collins St Melbourne. The Rose Steriographsphoto, light horse, melbourne -
4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment Unit History Room
Postcards (2 off), Victory March, 1919
Two Beagles post cards, both of Australian soldiers in the victory march through London on 3 May 1919photo, victory march, ww1 -
4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment Unit History Room
Photograph, Sydney Whillams, Silver Trophies, Est mid 20th Century
... candelabra, Hutton Shield for best Light Horse Troop in Australia... candelabra, Hutton Shield for best Light Horse Troop in Australia ...Lloyd Lindsay Competition In 1873 Colonel Loyd Lindsay introduced a prize for mounted riflemen. The initial experimental competition was a great success and it was for many years a feature of the various shooting programs. The conditions in 1873 required that sections of four mounted men were to ride about three quarters of a mile, taking two flights of hurdles in the course, and were, while dismounted and their horses either linked or held by alternate files, each to fire five shots at 200 yards standing, and the same number at 400 yards in any position. There was a time limit of twelve minutes, and the rifle, of any Government pattern, had to be carried on the back or slung to the saddle. 13TH GIPPSLAND LIGHT HORSE HANDSOME TROPHIES ON VIEW Thery are on view in the window of Mr. A. W. Bennett, Jeweller, some handsome trophies which were pre sented to the 13th (Gippsland) Light Horse, and which are worthy of the admiration they have elicited. A handsome pair of solid silver candal abra, presented to the officers mess of the Regiment by Mrs. Norman Mc Lean in memory of her husband, the late Lieut. Norman McLean, who for many years was a member of the re giment, are a fine piece of workman ship and valued at £200. The silver cup donated by the same lady for competition amongst the Regimental troops, is also very handsome. The late* Hon. .William - Pearson, M.L.C., who was Honorary Colonel of the 13th (Gippsland) Light Horse Re giment, presented a handsome silver cup. for competition amongst the' troops of the 'regiment, Iand teams will compete 'for it annually at the camp of continuous training. The ar ray of trophies is a most interesting one. Gippsland Times 19 Jan 1925 HUTTON SHIELD Stratford Troop Beaten After winning the Hutton Shield for four years in succession, the Stratford Troop of the 13th. (Gipps land) Light Horse was defeated in this year's competition last week, Scottsdale Troop (Tasmania) beating Stratford by 17 points. Gippsland Times 22 May 1933 Black & white photo of 17 silver Light Horse trophies on a British flag draped display stand. Trophies include: Lloyd Lindsay Competition for best section & lance and sword events, Foster Cup for best troop in Australia, Machine Gun Troop, Pearson Cup, Digger Trophy for best Regiment in Australia, McClean Cup and donated candelabra, Hutton Shield for best Light Horse Troop in Australia, Brigade Cup for sports in annual camp.Sydney Whillams. Sketch on back identifying objectslight horse, trophies, photo -
4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment Unit History Room
Certificate, Seventh War Loan. The Honor (sic) Flag, 14 Oct 1918
The Honor Flag consists of the Australian national Flag in the canton, a white field, with a blue Federal Star and three vertical blue bars in the fly. The flag has a red border. It was awarded to towns and districts that subscribed twice their quota of funds. Flags for individuals did not have the Federal Star nor the vertical bars. A yellow paper certificate that was presented to individuals who contributed to the Seventh War Loan. It has the title and the honour flag is depicted across the centre of the certificate, and a certification that the recipient had subscribed and the signature of W H Watt, Commonwealth Treasurer. This certificate was issued to Mr Hedley Harper and is dated 14 Oct 1918war loans, ww1 -
4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment Unit History Room
Photograph, A snow scene at Lebanon, in Syria, showing Australians among the famous cedars. January 1919, Jan 1919
Black and white photo, Eleven soldiers are relaxing on rocks on a hillside with cedars behind.Photograph No B839photo, lebanon, ww1 -
4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment Unit History Room
Photograph, Digging in at Anzac Cove, est 1915
A black & white photo showing 14 Australian soldiers with picks and shovels digging in at Anzac Covephoto, gallipoli -
4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment Unit History Room
Photograph (2 copies), Prisoners, Esdrealan Plain, abt 1918
A black & white photo, showing a long line of prisoners under mounted escort on a flat open plain. There are three bodies in the foreground.No B258 Australian War Memorial, Exhibition Buildings, Melbourne. On back - 'Site of a battle between Indian Cavalry and enemy at Lejjun on Esdraelon Plain, also near site of Armageddon, Nazareth Hills in background. Prisoners captured during advance on Damascus'ww1, palestine, pow -
4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment Unit History Room
Christmas Card, 1917
A small, coloured Christmas card showing the rising sun badge, a sketch of purple pansies and the words" To greet you and wish you a Merry Christmas" on the front. There is a green woven cord down the spine holding the internal sheet on which is written "Christmas, 1917. Did you hear a whispered "Coo-ee". Did you feel a clasping hand, When the Christmas bells were ringing, In Australias Golden Land? For in my thoughts I send them you, From the shatter'd fields of war, That we might meet, greet as in dear days of yore; And O how low distant distant seem those times, When you and I were near, Oh would the Southern Cross and you were shining on me here. From 2987 Sapper C A Roney 1st Aust Divn Signal Coy AIF France"As describedchristmas card, ww1, france -
4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment Unit History Room
Weapon - Pistol, Webley MkVI, 0.455", Lawson's Pistol, c. 1912
... , then Officer Commanding A Squadron 4th Australian Light Horse Regiment ...This pistol was carried by COL James Lawson, then Officer Commanding A Squadron 4th Australian Light Horse Regiment when he led the Regiment in the charge at Beersheba on 31 October 1917. It is available to be drawn by the current Officer Commanding A Squadron of the Regiment to carry on ceremonial parades commemorating the charge. Pistol, Webley, 0.455 inchSerial Number 187105pistol, lawson, webley -
4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment Unit History Room
Badge, Remembrance Day 1918, 1918
Produced for sale for Remembrance Day 1918A plastic covered paper badge. It is a a shield shape and has a map of Australia in gold surmounted by a red crown. Under the map is a blue ribbon with the word Australia in white. There is a laurel either side of the map in green with a yellow scroll under with 'Heroes, Gallipoli" under with April 25th 1915. On back: Proceeds in aid of State War Council for Soldiers, Widows and orphans and R.S.S.I.L.A.badge, remembrance day -
4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment Unit History Room
Photograph, Arch Lobban, April 1988
4656 Private Archibald LOBBAN, a 21 year old Grazier from Springdale, Victoria. He enlisted on 16 January 1918. After embarkation and arrival in Egypt where he underwent additional training, he was allotted to the 4th Light Horse Regiment; and at the conclusion of the war Returned to Australia, 15 June 1919A black & white photo of Mr Arch Lobban takenphoto, lobban, 4 light horse -
4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment Unit History Room
Newspaper articles, as described
Four newspaper articles about the First World War. 1. Australian Financial Review 2-3 Nov 2013 "Abbots new Western Front to usurp the Gallipoli legend" by Phillip Coorey 2. "Army" 13 Nov 2008 "Last to fall in Great War" by Peter Burness 3. The Australian 26-27 Sep 1998 "Digging In" by Ross McMullin about the mutinies in the 59th Battalion in 1918 4, The Age 10 Nov 1998 "Lest We Forget" by Geoffrey Blainey- A special feature to mark the 80th anniversary of the end gof World War 1newspaper articles, world war 1 -
4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment Unit History Room
Brochure, J Williams, Australian National Memorial Villers-Bretonneux, Oct 2004
A colour brochure describing the cemetery and monuments at Villers-Bretonneux and other places in the areabrochure, villers-bretonneux -
4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment Unit History Room
Photographs, Western Front, 2007
Eleven colour photographs of and around Villers-Brettoneux showing some of the memorials and plaques dedicated to 1st AIF soldiers. Two show Ypres Fire Brigade buglers at the Menin Gate who play the last post there daily. There is also a post card showing the Franco Australian Museum in the townphotos, villers-bretonneux, menin gate -
4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment Unit History Room
Conference Paper, The First AIF Overseas: 1914 - 16, 1983
An article written for presentation to the Australian War Memorial History Conference of 8 - 12 Feb 1983. The paper examines the issue of discipline and its application on active service and the apparent lack of discipline in the case of Australiansaif discipline -
4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment Unit History Room
Medallion, International Security Assistance Force, c.1990's
Brass medallionObverse - Coat of arms of Afghanistan National Army Officer Academy on green background. Around coat of arms is the title of Academy in English & Arabic. Reverse - In centre "ISAF" in English & Arabic in white lettering on green. Around this on white background are the flags of Australia, New Zealand, UK, Denmark & Norway. Around edge is "International Security Assistance Force" in English & Arabicafghanistan, isaf, medallion -
4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment Unit History Room
Commission, S G A Hindhaugh, 13 May 1905 (original)
A copy of the appointment by Rt Hon Baron Northcote GCMG, KGCI, Governor-General of Australia, of Stanley George Allen Hindhaugh Esquire to Second Lieutenant on 14 April 1904. It is dated 13 May 1905. Entered on Records in Registry of Patents No 2 2nd June 1905On rear: Record of promotion - Lt 1 Sep 1905, Capt 3 April 1911, Brevet Major 1 Jan 1919, Lt Col 15 Aug 1920 -
4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment Unit History Room
Training Pamphlet, HQ Training Command - Army, Australian Army. The Musorian Armed Forces. Army Trials Doctrine 4.3 Edition 1 Version 1 Land Operations, Tactics, Techniques and Procedures, Dec 1997
For training purposes "The Enemy" was a notional country called Musoria A plastic bound book. The aim of this doctrine is to provide a notional enemy capable of undertaking conventional and unconventional operations. The training enemy, the Musorian Armed Forces, is capable of a range of threats.00010 ATD 4.3 Ed 1 Ver 1training doctrine, the enemy, musorian armed forces -
4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment Unit History Room
Aide-Memoire, HQ Training Command - Army, Australian Army. The Musorian Armed Forces. Army Trials Doctrine 4.2 Edition 1 Version 1 Aide-Memoire, Dec 1997
For training purposes "The Enemy" was a notional country called Musoria A plastic bound book. The aim of this doctrine is to provide a notional training enemy capable of undertaking conventional and unconventional operations. The training enemy (the Musorian Armed Forces) is capable of a range of possible threats. This pamphlet attempts to present a generic force ORBAT capable of providing the widest range of military capabilities00027 ATD 4.2 Ed 1 Ver 1training doctrine, the enemy, musoria -
4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment Unit History Room
Book, Major General Gordon Maitland, Honours and Awards of the Army, 2014
248 page soft covered book describing Australian honours and awards and stories of recipients, categories: appointments to orders of chivalry, including the Australian Order, bravery or distinguished service decorations, operational service (campaign) medals, meritorious service & long service and good conduct melds. special awards on commemorative occasions, other awards or insignia, foreign awards.ISBN 978-0-9925154-0-9honours, awards, medals -
4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment Unit History Room
Booklet, Australian Army, Guide to the Art of Coaching on the Range, 1992
Pocket sized booklet covering coaching for small arms shootingNSN 7610-66-136-3956shooting, coaching -
4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment Unit History Room
Commission Certificate (Photograph), 29/6/1908
A copy of the appointment by Rt Hon H S Baron Northcote GCMG. KGCI Governor General of Australia of Murray William Bourchier Esq to Second Lieutenant on 12 Feb 1907. It is dated 29 June 1908Entered on record in Register of Patents No 3 page 159bourchier, commission -
4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment Unit History Room
Photographs, Beersheba, c 1917
Six black & white photographs contained in a loose leaf plastic folder. Three photos show the Mosque in Beersheba, one with Light Horse machine gunners passing and another with Light Horse passing. One photo shows General Chauvel's Headquarters. One photo shows the Australian Hospital in Beersheba and one is of a Light Horse Squadron on the side of a hill. They are dismounted and the horses are mainly standing in troop lines photos, beersheba, light horse, chauvel -
4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment Unit History Room
Order of Ceremony, The Royal Australian Amored (sic) Corps the Keeffe Family & Eoghan McDonald Celebrates (sic) the Unveiling of a Commemorative Plaque 16 November 2014, 2014
The 13th Australian Armoured Regiment was a Gippsland militia unit that had been called up for full time duty in December 1941 as a traditional light horse regiment. The early months of 1942 had seen the regiment lose its horses, a conversion to a motor regiment and finally to an armoured regiment in May. During this period there were considerable changes in personnel, however the regiment maintained its strong links to Gippsland and its former identity. Between May and November 1942, individual soldiers had become proficient in their trade training and the regiment changed its focus to troop and squadron activities. On 16 November 1942, the unit was located at the Puckapunyal Army Camp. C Squadron's training program involved a night driving exercise where a column of armoured and B vehicles would depart camp at 0245 hours and proceed to a site to the East of Seymour and set up a bivouac between Whiteheads Creek and Highlands Road. Numerous army camps surrounded the Seymour area; and much of the surrounding farm land had been acquired for military purposes. By November 1942 exercises such as C Squadron's were commonplace and had been repeated on numerous occasions since 1939. At 0400 hrs, C Squadron's vehicles reached O'Sullivan's Paddock on the Kobyboyn Road; prior to reaching the Old Telegraph Road the column turned to the North towards a known crossing point on Whiteheads Creek. The column consisted of seven M3 Medium Tanks and four Universal Carriers. In the case of Corporal McLeod's vehicle, there were seven crewmen rather than the usual five man crew. On arrival at the creek crossing, Captain C.M.I. 'Sandy' Pearson dismounted and with the assistance of Sergeant R.J. Ball began to guide individual tanks across the creek. Four tanks had crossed the creek without difficulty when Corporal McLeod's tank, ARN 24652, began its descent. Captain Pearson stated at the Coroner's Inquiry in December 1942, "Whilst climbing out of the ford the vehicle swerved to the left, apparently striking the tree. It was not the portion of the tank (front) that struck the tree. The tank straightened and appeared to be well under control, suddenly the bank on the left collapsed to the extent of 3ft by 12ft by15ft long causing the vehicle to slide into the creek and turn upside down." Captain Pearson and Sergeant Ball were faced with a nightmarish situation: The Grant had come to rest upside down in soft mud, six crew members were unaccounted for, escape hatches could not be opened and the weight of the tank was settling deeper into the water and mud. Compounding the problem was that the location of the tank did not allow for the other tanks to safely conduct a recovery. It was truly the darkest night.Single A4 card. folded, Contains an account of the raising of 13 Armoured Regiment in December 1941and a tank accident during a night creek crossing in which six crewmen were killed, and, Order of Ceremony for plaque unveiling, Guest of Honour LtCol Stuart Cree CO/CI School of Armour13 armored regiment, tank accident, puckapunyal