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Vision Australia
Photograph - Image, Four women wearing Easter Bonnets
Three women sit by a piano, whilst another leans in, all wearing Easter Bonnets. A variety of items decorate their hats, including a soft toy, feathers, ribbon and flowers. At least two women are residents, whilst the woman standing is a staff member.Black and white photograph of four womenelanora home (brighton), association for the blind -
Vision Australia
Photograph - Image, Four helpers at the Easter Bonnet parade at Elanora in 1994
Four people dressed up to help Elanora residents enjoy the Easter celebrations in 1994. Two clowns, a rabbit with a basket of Easter eggs and a staff member (Nicole) with an Easter Bonnet.1 coloured photograph of four people, three dressed in fancy dresselanora home (brighton), association for the blind -
Vision Australia
Photograph - Image, Group of people wearing Easter Bonnets
Group of 10 people pose for a photograph, possibly in the grounds at Kooyong, wearing Easter Bonnets.1 coloured photograph of people wearing hatsassociation for the blind, staff -
Vision Australia
Photograph - Image, Easter Bonnets at Kooyong
A group of people stand, sipping drinks most likely at Kooyong. Some are wearing Easter bonnets, including the central figure who has an AFB badge and an elegant suit matching her hat.1 coloured photograph of people wearing Easter bonnetsassociation for the blind, staff -
Vision Australia
Photograph - Image, Residents wearing Easter bonnets
Nursing homes would celebrate Easter with special activities, including a Easter Bonnet parade. Residents were invited to buy or make their own entries into the field.Group of people wearing Easter hatsbrighton nursing home, celebrations -
Vision Australia
Photograph - Image, Easter Bonnet parade at Brighton
Residents enjoying the Easter Bonnet parade at Elanora home in Brighton.2 coloured photographs of Elanora residents during an Easter Bonnet paradeelanora home (brighton), recreation -
Vision Australia
Photograph - Image, Alfred E Clarke plaque
Plaque commemorating the support of Alfred E. Clarke. A passionate supporter of Blind Cricket for 20 years, he was taken ill whilst umpiring a match and passed away at his Middle Park home on November 28th, 1950. Mr Clarke was one of South Melbourne's best cricketers in his youth, and after retirement continued his involvement in the sport he loved through committee and various management roles. He continued to watch matches with his friend Sam Morris - a fellow South Melbourne player who have gone blind - and became involved with the Blind Cricket Association, spending most weekends umpiring matches. Source: Record (Emerald Hill), Sat 2 Dec 1950, p4 "The Final Call" plaque attached to woodIn Memory Of Alfred E. Clarke Obit. November 28th 1950 A True Friend of the Blindassociation for the advancement of the blind, nameplates, victorian blind cricket association -
Vision Australia
Photograph - Image, Visual Field Analyser donation, 2004
Visual field analysers are used by eye specialists to determine the type and extent of visual defect, through the eye of light. To fund some pieces of equipment, funds were raised from donors who were then acknowledged through the attachment of a plaque.Gold coloured metal plate with black writingThis Visual Field Analyser was generous donated to Vision Australia Foundation by Geoffrey and Dorothy Newell and the Family of Arthur Goldsmith March 2004geoffrey nowell, dorothy nowell, arthur goldsmith, vision australia foundation -
Vision Australia
Photograph - Image, Top Opp recognition plaque
Part of the AFB network of fundraising involved the use of opportunity shops in various locations. The Top Opp was a large contributor and the work of those who volunteered is acknowledged in this plaque.Gold coloured metal plate with black writingAssociation for the Blind gratefully recognises the financial contribution made by the Top Opp at the Chadstone Shopping Centre through the efforts of its many volunteers August 1995association for the blind, fundraising -
Vision Australia
Photograph - Image, Jack Gatenby plaque
This plaque commemorates a donation was made by a volunteer who assisted with the day centre. At present, it is unknown what this was attached to.1 Gold coloured metal plateDonated by Volunteer Jack Gatenby For the enjoyment of Day Program Members December 1995association for the blind, jack gatenby -
Vision Australia
Plaque - Image, Association for the Advancement of the Blind founding members
Plaque dedicated to the founding members and the Jubilee anniversary of the organisation. To commemorate this, a tree was planted in the grounds of the Brighton office of AFB and this plaque was created.Metal plate with inscription and four holes in each cornerThe Association for the Advancement of the Blind was founded on December 7th 1895 By the following Blind Persons Tilly Aston Thomas Marks David Blakley Katherine McDougall George Cobain Janet Robertson Harry Lee David Robertson This tree was planted to commemorate the Jubilee of the Association "From tiny seed to towering tree"association for the advancement of the blind, nameplates -
Vision Australia
Photograph - Image, Low Vision Clinic and Rehabilitation Facilities opening, 1995
Arthur Wilkins was a tireless advocate and campaigner for the AFB, and this centre in Essendon was named in his honour. As demand for more services grew with the aging population, extensions were required, and in 1995, a low vision clinic and rehabilitation facilities were added.Metal plate with black writing and four screw holesThe official opening of the Low Vision Clinic and Rehabilitation Facilties at the Arthur Wilkins Centre was performed by John Moule President Association for the Blind 31 August 1995association for the blind, nameplates -
Vision Australia
Photograph - Image, Dickinson Centre opening, 1990
Plaque commemorating the opening of the Dickinson Centre, named in honour of Harold and Mercy Dickinson, both totally blind since childhood, who never let challenges stand in their way. Mercy was the first woman who was blind to obtain a Bachelor of Arts degree at the University of Queensland, and received her Masters Degree in the Education of Blind People with Additional Handicaps in New York, and an Honorary Doctorate for Education from the University of Queensland in 1994. Mercy and Harold established the Queensland Training and Placement Centre for the Blind, the first establishment of its kind in Queensland. Harold, who was a prolific writer, was appointed the Director and Mercy was the first volunteer at the Centre. Together they gave a lifetime of dedication and commitment ensuring that people who were blind or had low vision had the same opportunities as those with sight. The Centre later merged with other organisations and in 2006 became part of Vision Australia. The second plaque provides a background to how Harold and Mercy met, and their roles in expanding the the opportunities for everyone around them.Rectangular metal plate with inscriptionThe Dickinson Centre This refurbished centre was Officially opened on 9 November 1990 by The Hon. Ben Humphreys M.H.R. Federal Member for Griffith and Minister for Veterans Affairs and Blessed by Br. Alan Barnabas S.S.F. So named by the QLD Foundation for Blind People Inc (Est. 1956) to Honour The Contribution Made by Harold and Mercy Dickinson 1990 Committee of Management Don Cameron President Mercy Dickinson Vice President Rex Stevens Secretary Moira Solomon Treasurer Del Donaldson Bruce Miller Bob Faulconbridge Justice Bill Pincus Jenny Finch Ken Scells Garry Macdonald Kevin Standish Ian Stewart David Henderson Patron: His Excellency The Governor of QLD Sir Walter Campbell A.C. Q.C.queensland foundation for blind people, nameplates, harold dickinson, mercy dickinson -
Vision Australia
Photograph - Image, Amy Dwan Memorial Hall
Plaque from Royal Blind Society of New South Wales. No other information is currently known.Metal plate in brown with gold writingAmy Dawn Memorial Hallroyal blind society of new south wales, nameplates -
Vision Australia
Sign - Text, Department of Health Victoria, Regulation 85, 1975
Health Department regulations displayed at Brighton, as part of compliance. 2 cream coloured signs with black lettering attached to boardsassociation for the blind, signs -
Vision Australia
Certificate - Text, American Chamber of Commerce membership - Association for the Blind, 1994
The American Chamber of Commence awarded membership to the Association for the Blind as a State Associate 1 member to its organisation on February 8th, 1994.1 white A3 page with blue border. At the top of the page, a golden American eagle with its wings open sits with a shield on it's chest. The shield has white stars on a blue background and red and white stripes. Below this is written 'Founded 1961' and the eagle's claws grasp a short pole from which extends the Australian flag on the left and the US flag on the right. At the base of the certificate, in the lower left hand corner is a printed red and blue seal that reads "The American Chamber of Commerce in Australia" and the above imagery is repeated in white and red within the red section of the seal.association for the blind, awards -
Vision Australia
Photograph - Image, Christian / Tyler plaques
To honour the contributions of donors, plaques were often installed in buildings. Initially these were made of metal, but later other materials such as glass and plastic were used. Unfortunately buildings do not stay in their original condition, nor are they necessarily meet the needs of changing organisations, and these plaques were removed during to the organisation moving into new premises. It is unknown to which organisation these donors contributed to, however given the wording, it could be the RVIB.Digital image of two plaquesIn Memory of Margaret Victoria Christian A Generous Benefactor To the Institute To the Memory of the late Winifred Tylerroyal victorian institute for the blind, nameplates -
Vision Australia
Plaque - Object, John Wilson award - Lindsey, 1980
From 1979, the John Wilson Award was awarded to individuals who made a significant difference to the lives of those around them. In 1980, it was presented to Sister Elizabeth Lindsay, who cared for children in the RVIB from 1935 until 1945 as the first Matron of the RVIB nursery, and her guardianship of one particular child, whom she took in and cared for.1 wooden block with two metal insertsAssociation for the Blind The Guiding Light John Wilson Award for sustained devotion and personal contribution to the blind Presented to Elizabeth Inez Lindsey 10th October 1980association for the blind, sister elizabeth lindsey -
Vision Australia
Text, Letter to V.S. Hollow regarding M.A. Aston Estate, 16/2/1951
Letter to Mr V.S. Hollow in response to his requests for information regarding execution of the M.A. Aston Estate. "Dear Sir, M.A. Aston Estate Your letter dated 20th December was hand delivered to me at 12.15 today. In answer thereto, I have to advise: 1. Mr Paterson is William Henry Paterson. Mr Worrall is Albert Victor Worrall. 2. The stock comprises two blocks 300 pounds and 200 pounds totalling 500 pounds. Yours faithfully, General Secretary1 torn half of a carbon copy pageassociation for the advancement of the blind -
Vision Australia
Letter - Text, Letter from Mrs Emma Parkins suggesting 'Last Line' competition, 6/3/1961
Letter to the Association for the Advancement of the Blind from Mrs Emma I Parkins (of 1498 Malvern Road, Glen Iris) suggesting a way to raise funds. The original handwritten letter is also held.1 brown envelope, 4 pages of handwritten letter and 2 typed page transcript of handwritten letterassociation for the blind, fundraising -
Vision Australia
Administrative record - Text, Sports Ground & Club House for Blind Trustees Account, 30/11/1939
Statement of Receipts and Expenditure for the Sports Ground and Club House for the Blind at Kooyong for the year ending 30th September 1939 and the liabilities of the trustees (W. Paterson, B. Goold, H. Lightfoot) being advances not bearing interest.2 typewritten sheets of financial informationassociation for the advancement of the blind, william paterson, kooyong club house -
Vision Australia
Letter - Text, Letter to Strongman & Crouch regarding auxiliary formation, December 1952
Letter to Strongman & Crouch Solicitors regarding the formation of an auxiliary to work for additions or improvements to the clubhouse, despite the inability to register the clubhouse and recreation ground as a charity. The Association had been advised it could authorise such an auxiliary, but as the clubhouse operates under a Deed of Trust, was unsure if this was possible. In reply, the advice was to register the auxiliary as one of the Association, thereby all monies paid direct to the Association which could then ear-mark some for expenditure on the club house and recreation ground, or hand to the Trust to do so.2 typed letters on blue and white paperassociation for the advancement of the blind, auxiliaries, kooyong club house -
Vision Australia
Letter - Text, Letter to Manager of the State Savings Bank of Victoria re: copy of agreement for Kooyong Club House, 1/3/1943
Carbon copy of a letter to State Savings Bank of Victoria accompanying copy of agreement between the Trustees of the Kooyong Club House and the Association for the Advancement of the Blind, requesting that the same is returned after perusal.1 single sheet of typed paperA female dressed in a loose gown holds a lantern from which the words 'Association', 'Advancement', 'of the Blind' and 'For the' are written in the rays coming from it. Below her feet are the words "Light of the Blind". 'Founded 1895' is written below the lantern, whilst in the top right hand corner is filled with: Homes at Brighton Beach Bendigo Hostels at South Yarra Windsor Offices: MU 4189 118 Queen Street, Melbourne C.1. All communications to be addressed to Secretary. Below the female figure, in the lower left hand side of the page: President: Miss Tilly Aston General Secretary: G.R. Fowler Objects: To promote the welfare of the Blind intellectually, physically and socially. To grant financial assistance in cases of necessity. To provide permanent or convalescent Homes and Hostels of an unsectarian character for the Blind. To visit the Blind.association for the advancement of the blind, kooyong club house -
Vision Australia
Letter - Text, Letter regarding Consolidation of titles at Kooyong, 11/3/1982
Letter regarding the consolidation of land titles at Kooyong.1 photocopy of typed letterassociation for the blind, corporation records -
Vision Australia
Award - Text, John Wilson Award citation - Elizabeth Inez Lindsey, 10/10/1980
In 1980 the John Wilson Award was given to Elizabeth Inez Lindsey. The citation reads: The Committee, Blind Members and Staff of the Association for the Blind pay tribute to, and record for posterity, the sustained love and devotion of Elizabeth Inez Lindsey to the blind children entrusted to her care between 1935-1945 as the first Matron of the Royal Victorian Institute for the Blind Nursery, and her continuing influence for good in their lives hereafter. In particular, at his request, we recall her greatness of heart in applying for the guardianship of Barry Farnsworth, despite his serious disability, and her acceptance of him into her own home where she lavished affection and cared for him physically, mentally and spiritually as long as she was able and thereafter to this day continued faithfully and unwaveringly to serve and protect his interests. We present our respects to Sister Lindsey who has consistently reflected, in and through her life of service, enduring love and compassion and now honour her in the presentation of the John Wilson Award. 1 A3 cream page in gold frameassociation for the blind, elizabeth lindsey -
Vision Australia
Document - Text, Royal Blind Society vision and mission
The vision and mission of the Royal Blind Society.1 A4 cream coloured page with maroon writingMaroon coloured frame around pageroyal blind society of new south wales, office equipment -
Vision Australia
Certificate - Text, QCCI certificate of membership, 2/11/1993
Certificate of membership of the Queensland Chamber of Commerce and Industry for the Queensland Foundation for Blind People Inc.1 A4 sized page for certificatequeensland foundation for blind people, awards -
Vision Australia
Certificate - Text, Certificate of Registration of a Workplace
Two certificates of registration of a workplace for the Royal Blind Foundation of Queensland at 34 Cleveland St, Stones Corner, QLD, 4120 for the periods ending 31 January 2001 and 2002. Black writing on white paper with QLD government logoroyal blind foundation of queensland, awards -
Vision Australia
Text, Life Governor certificate, 1932
Life Governor certificates were given to those who supported the RVIB either through certain levels of financial contribution or by activities undertaken to support the institute. In this example, S.J. Riches was awarded a governorship in July 1950.1 x cream coloured page with brown writing and images (front view of St Kilda Road building across top, and pictures of a man weaving a mat, children using a large tactile globe and people rowing boats)Royal Victorian Institute for the Blind St Kilda Road, Melbourne President: J. Lewis Carnegie, Esq. JP Vice-Presidents: L.F. Miller, Esq. , James Angus, Esq. Hon. Treasurer: R.S Couche, Esq. Members: P. Warford Mein, Esq. Harold E. Brookes, Esq. W. Purves Smith, Esq. W.E. Cash, Esq., JP Dr. W.B. Vance Cr. Baron Marks, JP Industry, Education, Recreation This is to certify that S.J. Leslie Riches, Esq. has been appointed a Life Governor of the Institute. J. Lewis Carnegie President S. W. Hedger Superintendent & Secretaryroyal victorian institute for the blind -
Vision Australia
Text, Certificate of Company Membership, 1994
The Australian Institute of Management provides training courses and information to assist develop managers across Australia. Many of the issues facing RVIB were common to those in other organisations, and to help managers overcome these, connections and memberships were sought outside the disability sector.1 x A3 cream pageAIM logo (at top) Australian Institute of Management - Victoria Certificate of Company Membership This is to certify that Royal Victorian Institute for the Blind LTD has been admitted as a company member of the Australian Institute of Management-Victoria and through this Membership supports and contributes to the development of the profession of management. Given under the common seal of the Australian Institute of Management- Victoria. (Signed by) Executive Director and President Date admitted: 29 April 1994 Australian Institute of Management seal in lower left hand corner.royal victorian institute for the blind