Showing 1515 items
matching aerial photographs
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Aerial Photograph, Landata, Eltham; Crown Allotment 15, Section 5, Parish of Nillumbik (Stokes Orchard Estate), Apr. 1978
... Aerial Photograph... and oranges; a massive task. Aerial photographs from the 1940s... and oranges; a massive task. Aerial photographs from the 1940s ...Centred on present day Diosma Rd, Stokes Pl, Nyora Rd and Eucalyptus Rd Historic Aerial Imagery Source: Aerial Photo Details: Project No :1368 Project : DIAMOND CREEK Run : 5 Frame : 71 Date : 03/1975 Film Type : B/W Camera : RC8 Flying Height : 2200 Scale : 4000 Film Number : 3279 GDA2020 : 37°42'50"S, 145°09'36"E MGA2020 : 337821, 5824325 (55) Melways : 22 B5 (ed. 42) A History of the Development of Crown Allotment 15, Section 5, Parish of Nillumbik – Stokes Orchard Crown Allotment 15, Section 5, Parish of Nillumbik (CA15) is a square allotment of 158 acres or approximately a quarter of a square mile. It lies just beyond the eastern end of Pitt Street, south of Nyora Road to the northern end of Eucalyptus Road and extends east from Eucalyptus Road to Reynolds Road. The topography of CA15 is generally steep, sloping up to a hill near the centre of the land, the ridgeline passing through the properties along the southern side of Diosma Road. Eucalyptus Road is a straight north-south road with its northern end at the north west corner of CA15. Until the end of the 1970s this road was an un-named Government Road and was largely not open to traffic. With residential development in the 1970s the road was constructed, and the council allocated the name obviously in recognition of the predominant species of the local bushland. CA15 was purchased from the Crown by George D’Arley Boursiquot, a prominent Melbourne printer, on 28th October 1852. On November 23, 1922, former Member for Gippsland and Melbourne Real Estate Agent, Hubert Patrick Keogh purchased the allotment then sold it March 13, 1925, to local farmer, Robert David Taylor, a former Shire of Eltham Councillor (1911-1920) and Shire President (1919). Taylor had extensive land holdings stretching west towards Bible Street and Main Road. The Taylor home was situated at the top of the hill in Bible Street at present day 82 Bible Street. At the time of Taylor’s purchase in 1925, CA15 was subdivided into 48 lots that could be described as small rural properties or large residential lots. A typical lot size was one hectare or 2.5 acres. The subdivision created two roads, Nyora Road, and Diosma Road, each following an irregular alignment between Eucalyptus and Reynolds Roads. However, the lots were not sold off separately nor were the roads constructed. The land effectively remained as one parcel for many further years. Robert David Taylor died November 30, 1934, and probate was granted to his son of the same name, Robert David Taylor of Bible Street, Salesman and William McLelland Vance Taylor of 73 Emmeline Street, Northcote, Clerk, with the transfer of the land into their names on July 8, 1935. Frank Stokes worked as a qualified accountant at Kennons leather factory in Burnley, while living at 1 Thomas Street, Mitcham. He suffered from migraines and wanted to return to working the land (he had previously worked on farms and orchards since coming to Australia from England in 1926, both in WA and Vic.). He first travelled to the district by train in July 1942 to find land with the intention to establish an orchard. By chance he met Arthur Bird of Bird Orchard (bounded by Pitt Street, Eucalyptus Road, and Wattle Grove) and they got talking over their common interest. Arthur put Frank up for the night and pointed out the land, 158 acres- part of the Taylor Estate- £900, Crown Allotment 15, Section 5, Parish of Nillumbik (CA15) somewhat diagonally opposite Bird Orchard. Stokes applied through the Riverina Agency to purchase the land who in turn applied for permission from Canberra to sell as there was a new government regulation introduced during the Second World War banning land sales except for immediate production. Stokes obtained a loan on his Mitcham house of £600 @ 5% and paid £450 deposit with quarterly payments of £15 spread over 5 years. Stokes was assisted and advised by Arthur Bird who farmed the neighbouring orchard. In early 1943 Stokes took possession and would catch the train out to Eltham on Fridays after work and began building a hut on the corner of Nyora Road and the Government Road (Eucalyptus Road) for shelter and to lock up tools. He established an orchard on the central western part of the land through the centre of which ran a natural waterway (part of the present-day linear park) and was able to pay a neighbour (Hawkins) to help with clearing and fencing 25 acres, and with a horse and single furrowed plough, planted approximately 2,500 fruit trees - cherries, peaches, plums, almonds, pears, apricots and lemons as well as a few apples and oranges; a massive task. Aerial photographs from the 1940s through to the 1990s clearly show the orchard with most of the larger CA15 site remaining as natural bushland. A huge problem was hares and rabbits eating all the new buds off the tiny trees. As well as laying poison he painted the trees with a mixture of cow manure and lime, often working by moonlight. Procurement of wire and wire netting was difficult because of the war but after much effort he obtained a permit from the Agricultural Department for supplies in March 1944. In February 1945 Stokes applied for a permit to build a “packing shed” as no house building was allowed. It was to be 33 feet x 21 feet and cost £312. It was constructed mostly from second-hand materials, which were hard to obtain, especially iron for roofing. Stokes finished work at Kennons on October 31, 1945, and in March 1946 he sold the family home at Mitcham for £1,230 plus £170 for furniture. On May 15, 1946, title to the CA15 property was issued to Frank Howard Alfred Stokes, Orchardist and Gladys Ethel Stokes, Married Woman, both of Pitt Street, Eltham. The family of five then moved into the very unfinished “packing shed” at Eltham, which was a struggle to weatherproof. Eventually rooms were divided off and lined with hessian bags and whitewashed. Their income was firewood (cut and sold), selling rockery stones and cut Sweet Bursaria. (It was discovered during the 1940s that Sweet Bursaria contained the sunscreen compound Aesculin. The RAAF utilised this compound from Sweet Bursaria during WW2 for pilots and gunners.) The orchard’s first fruit sale was a half-case of Le Vanq peaches in December 1947 for the price of 8 shillings. In 1956 plans for house were drawn and Glen Iris bricks purchased (1956 Olympic Rings variant). The building of the house commenced in 1957 - 12 feet of original packing shed was removed – and was completed in 1959. Water was connected from newly built pressure storage on the property at the end of 1959 and the electricity connection for the first time at 3pm on April 29, 1960. The house remains to present day (somewhat modified) at 1 Nyora Road, home to Nyora Studio Gallery. On occasions, spare remnants of the 1956 bricks have been known to be unearthed in gardens on the estate as they were utilised by Frank Stokes to fill in rabbit holes. On May 26, 1950, a parcel of land was compulsorily acquired by the Melbourne and Metropolitan Board of Works on the hilltop to establish an easement for a high-level service reservoir to augment Eltham’s water supply. The project also included pipe tracks for the necessary water mains. The reservoir has now been superseded by higher level water tanks east of Reynolds Road and its former site is now a public reserve. On November 27, 1964, the State Electricity Commission served notice to compulsorily acquire a further parcel through the eastern part of the land for a major electricity transmission line that augmented supply from the La Trobe Valley to Melbourne. The easement was registered February 11, 1966. The easement was widened July 18, 1969 for a second transmission line to be constructed. In 1971 Melbourne Metropolitan Planning Scheme amendments adopted Nyora Road as the boundary between a residential zone to the north and a rural zone to the south. This determined the future development of the land. In the mid-1970s the Shire of Eltham divided the orchard into numerous rate-able parcel lots, the 48 lots having been established in 1925 and the subsequent rates assessment proved unsustainable for Stokes. He commenced selling lots outside the boundary of the orchard, north of Diosma and South of Nyora. However shortly later the land between Nyora and Diosma Roads and west of the electricity easement was sold and subdivided into residential lots, a housing development by Macquarie Builders and marketed as the Stokes Orchard Estate. New streets were created, and most were named after trees, although one, Stokes Place, commemorates the former owners. The development was undertaken in two stages; Stage 1 (1975) encompassing Scarlet Ash Court, Ironbark Close and Peppermint Grove bounded by Nyora and Eucalyptus roads and Stage 2 (1978) encompassing Stokes Place, Orchard Way, The Crest and The Lookout bound by Nyora and Diosma roads. The developer, Macquarie Builders went bankrupt shortly after the release of Stage 2 leaving many purchasers to fend for themselves and arrange for their own independent builders. There were also difficulties with sewerage for the land immediately south of Diosma Road and so the conventional residential lots were abandoned in favour of larger lots. The development of Orchard Way, The Crest and The Lookout did not proceed as planned and the proposed lots were incorporated into five-acre parcels instead. These included a low-density group housing development by the Graves family and the award winning Choong House (1983) with Gordon Ford developed garden immediately next door situated on the ridge of the hill nestled amongst the original bush, Eucalypt trees and Sweet Bursaria. In 1994, Nillumbik Shire Council applied Significant Environment and Significant Landscape overlays upon the properties on the south side of Diosma Road to ensure protection of this natural bush garden environment. With the arrival of the sewer along Diosma Road in the 1990s, most of these five-acre parcels have since been subdivided multiple times. The Choong house presently sits on a 2.7-acre property, which in 2022 Nillumbik Council nominated for Cultural Significance Heritage protection and is considered potentially significant at State level. The Stokes family were also associated with the Eltham Christian Church. In the 1970s this church had met in temporary premises in Eltham. Lots of the original 1925 subdivision remained south of Nyora Road and a number of these lots were utilized for the Eltham Christian School, which was established by the Eltham Christian Church in 1981. The school operated on this site until 2000. The premises are now used by The Vine Baptist Church. By the mid-1980s the whole of CA15 had been developed for residential and school purposes, except for the sections north of Diosma Road and between the transmission lines and Reynolds Road. Sewerage issues had been resolved for the section north of Diosma Road and in 1987 it was in the process of being subdivided into residential lots. The development coincided with the discovery of colonies of the rare and endangered Eltham Copper Butterfly on the site. This resulted in a community and political campaign to save the butterfly habitat. With the co-operation of the land developer the subdivision was altered to create two bushland reserves in the critical butterfly habitat areas. In the late 1980s the State Government was investigating options for establishing a metropolitan ring road link between Diamond Creek and Ringwood. The chosen route was adjacent to Reynolds Road and so this created a freeze on development of CA15 between Reynolds Road and the electricity easement. The ring road proposal was eventually abandoned, and this part of the land was subdivided into low density residential lots. Diosma Road has been discontinued at the electricity easement and the eastern part incorporated into View Mount Court with access from Reynolds Road. The whole of CA15 has now been developed for residential or associated purposes, ranging from conventional density to quite low density south of Nyora Road. Some remnants of the orchard remain, a few cherry trees on the Graves property and a lone apple tree in Stokes Place. The butterfly reserves comprise significant areas of remnant bushland. Linear reserves through the estate link with central Eltham via the Woodridge linear reserve and with Research along the electricity easement. CA15 as it exists today has a complicated history of rural use, Government acquisition, urban development, and community action. References: • “Stokes Orchard, an incomplete history”; Russell Yeoman with Doug Orford • Correspondence, Beryl Bradbury (nee Stokes) • Aerial Photographs, 1931-1991, Landata ( • Certificate of Title, Vol. 4930 Fol. 985900 • Plan Number LP 10859 aerial photo, diosma road, eltham copper butterfly, eucalyptus road, ironbark close, nyora road, peppermint grove, peter & elizabeth pidgeon collection, power transmission lines, reynolds road, scarlet ash court, stokes orchard estate, stokes place, woodridge estate, frank stokes -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Aerial Photograph, Landata, Eltham; Crown Allotment 15, Section 5, Parish of Nillumbik (Stokes Orchard Estate), Feb. 1979
... Aerial Photograph... and oranges; a massive task. Aerial photographs from the 1940s... and oranges; a massive task. Aerial photographs from the 1940s ...Centred on present day Diosma Rd, Stokes Pl, Nyora Rd and Eucalyptus Rd Historic Aerial Imagery Source: Aerial Photo Details: Project No :1716 Project : WESTERN PORT FORESHORES Run : 15 Frame : 91 Date : 02/1979 Film Type : B/W Camera : RC8 Flying Height : 5500 Scale : 10000 Film Number : 3286 GDA2020 : 37°42'47"S, 145°09'57"E MGA2020 : 338339, 5824447 (55) Melways : 22 C4 (ed. 42) A History of the Development of Crown Allotment 15, Section 5, Parish of Nillumbik – Stokes Orchard Crown Allotment 15, Section 5, Parish of Nillumbik (CA15) is a square allotment of 158 acres or approximately a quarter of a square mile. It lies just beyond the eastern end of Pitt Street, south of Nyora Road to the northern end of Eucalyptus Road and extends east from Eucalyptus Road to Reynolds Road. The topography of CA15 is generally steep, sloping up to a hill near the centre of the land, the ridgeline passing through the properties along the southern side of Diosma Road. Eucalyptus Road is a straight north-south road with its northern end at the north west corner of CA15. Until the end of the 1970s this road was an un-named Government Road and was largely not open to traffic. With residential development in the 1970s the road was constructed, and the council allocated the name obviously in recognition of the predominant species of the local bushland. CA15 was purchased from the Crown by George D’Arley Boursiquot, a prominent Melbourne printer, on 28th October 1852. On November 23, 1922, former Member for Gippsland and Melbourne Real Estate Agent, Hubert Patrick Keogh purchased the allotment then sold it March 13, 1925, to local farmer, Robert David Taylor, a former Shire of Eltham Councillor (1911-1920) and Shire President (1919). Taylor had extensive land holdings stretching west towards Bible Street and Main Road. The Taylor home was situated at the top of the hill in Bible Street at present day 82 Bible Street. At the time of Taylor’s purchase in 1925, CA15 was subdivided into 48 lots that could be described as small rural properties or large residential lots. A typical lot size was one hectare or 2.5 acres. The subdivision created two roads, Nyora Road, and Diosma Road, each following an irregular alignment between Eucalyptus and Reynolds Roads. However, the lots were not sold off separately nor were the roads constructed. The land effectively remained as one parcel for many further years. Robert David Taylor died November 30, 1934, and probate was granted to his son of the same name, Robert David Taylor of Bible Street, Salesman and William McLelland Vance Taylor of 73 Emmeline Street, Northcote, Clerk, with the transfer of the land into their names on July 8, 1935. Frank Stokes worked as a qualified accountant at Kennons leather factory in Burnley, while living at 1 Thomas Street, Mitcham. He suffered from migraines and wanted to return to working the land (he had previously worked on farms and orchards since coming to Australia from England in 1926, both in WA and Vic.). He first travelled to the district by train in July 1942 to find land with the intention to establish an orchard. By chance he met Arthur Bird of Bird Orchard (bounded by Pitt Street, Eucalyptus Road, and Wattle Grove) and they got talking over their common interest. Arthur put Frank up for the night and pointed out the land, 158 acres- part of the Taylor Estate- £900, Crown Allotment 15, Section 5, Parish of Nillumbik (CA15) somewhat diagonally opposite Bird Orchard. Stokes applied through the Riverina Agency to purchase the land who in turn applied for permission from Canberra to sell as there was a new government regulation introduced during the Second World War banning land sales except for immediate production. Stokes obtained a loan on his Mitcham house of £600 @ 5% and paid £450 deposit with quarterly payments of £15 spread over 5 years. Stokes was assisted and advised by Arthur Bird who farmed the neighbouring orchard. In early 1943 Stokes took possession and would catch the train out to Eltham on Fridays after work and began building a hut on the corner of Nyora Road and the Government Road (Eucalyptus Road) for shelter and to lock up tools. He established an orchard on the central western part of the land through the centre of which ran a natural waterway (part of the present-day linear park) and was able to pay a neighbour (Hawkins) to help with clearing and fencing 25 acres, and with a horse and single furrowed plough, planted approximately 2,500 fruit trees - cherries, peaches, plums, almonds, pears, apricots and lemons as well as a few apples and oranges; a massive task. Aerial photographs from the 1940s through to the 1990s clearly show the orchard with most of the larger CA15 site remaining as natural bushland. A huge problem was hares and rabbits eating all the new buds off the tiny trees. As well as laying poison he painted the trees with a mixture of cow manure and lime, often working by moonlight. Procurement of wire and wire netting was difficult because of the war but after much effort he obtained a permit from the Agricultural Department for supplies in March 1944. In February 1945 Stokes applied for a permit to build a “packing shed” as no house building was allowed. It was to be 33 feet x 21 feet and cost £312. It was constructed mostly from second-hand materials, which were hard to obtain, especially iron for roofing. Stokes finished work at Kennons on October 31, 1945, and in March 1946 he sold the family home at Mitcham for £1,230 plus £170 for furniture. On May 15, 1946, title to the CA15 property was issued to Frank Howard Alfred Stokes, Orchardist and Gladys Ethel Stokes, Married Woman, both of Pitt Street, Eltham. The family of five then moved into the very unfinished “packing shed” at Eltham, which was a struggle to weatherproof. Eventually rooms were divided off and lined with hessian bags and whitewashed. Their income was firewood (cut and sold), selling rockery stones and cut Sweet Bursaria. (It was discovered during the 1940s that Sweet Bursaria contained the sunscreen compound Aesculin. The RAAF utilised this compound from Sweet Bursaria during WW2 for pilots and gunners.) The orchard’s first fruit sale was a half-case of Le Vanq peaches in December 1947 for the price of 8 shillings. In 1956 plans for house were drawn and Glen Iris bricks purchased (1956 Olympic Rings variant). The building of the house commenced in 1957 - 12 feet of original packing shed was removed – and was completed in 1959. Water was connected from newly built pressure storage on the property at the end of 1959 and the electricity connection for the first time at 3pm on April 29, 1960. The house remains to present day (somewhat modified) at 1 Nyora Road, home to Nyora Studio Gallery. On occasions, spare remnants of the 1956 bricks have been known to be unearthed in gardens on the estate as they were utilised by Frank Stokes to fill in rabbit holes. On May 26, 1950, a parcel of land was compulsorily acquired by the Melbourne and Metropolitan Board of Works on the hilltop to establish an easement for a high-level service reservoir to augment Eltham’s water supply. The project also included pipe tracks for the necessary water mains. The reservoir has now been superseded by higher level water tanks east of Reynolds Road and its former site is now a public reserve. On November 27, 1964, the State Electricity Commission served notice to compulsorily acquire a further parcel through the eastern part of the land for a major electricity transmission line that augmented supply from the La Trobe Valley to Melbourne. The easement was registered February 11, 1966. The easement was widened July 18, 1969 for a second transmission line to be constructed. In 1971 Melbourne Metropolitan Planning Scheme amendments adopted Nyora Road as the boundary between a residential zone to the north and a rural zone to the south. This determined the future development of the land. In the mid-1970s the Shire of Eltham divided the orchard into numerous rate-able parcel lots, the 48 lots having been established in 1925 and the subsequent rates assessment proved unsustainable for Stokes. He commenced selling lots outside the boundary of the orchard, north of Diosma and South of Nyora. However shortly later the land between Nyora and Diosma Roads and west of the electricity easement was sold and subdivided into residential lots, a housing development by Macquarie Builders and marketed as the Stokes Orchard Estate. New streets were created, and most were named after trees, although one, Stokes Place, commemorates the former owners. The development was undertaken in two stages; Stage 1 (1975) encompassing Scarlet Ash Court, Ironbark Close and Peppermint Grove bounded by Nyora and Eucalyptus roads and Stage 2 (1978) encompassing Stokes Place, Orchard Way, The Crest and The Lookout bound by Nyora and Diosma roads. The developer, Macquarie Builders went bankrupt shortly after the release of Stage 2 leaving many purchasers to fend for themselves and arrange for their own independent builders. There were also difficulties with sewerage for the land immediately south of Diosma Road and so the conventional residential lots were abandoned in favour of larger lots. The development of Orchard Way, The Crest and The Lookout did not proceed as planned and the proposed lots were incorporated into five-acre parcels instead. These included a low-density group housing development by the Graves family and the award winning Choong House (1983) with Gordon Ford developed garden immediately next door situated on the ridge of the hill nestled amongst the original bush, Eucalypt trees and Sweet Bursaria. In 1994, Nillumbik Shire Council applied Significant Environment and Significant Landscape overlays upon the properties on the south side of Diosma Road to ensure protection of this natural bush garden environment. With the arrival of the sewer along Diosma Road in the 1990s, most of these five-acre parcels have since been subdivided multiple times. The Choong house presently sits on a 2.7-acre property, which in 2022 Nillumbik Council nominated for Cultural Significance Heritage protection and is considered potentially significant at State level. The Stokes family were also associated with the Eltham Christian Church. In the 1970s this church had met in temporary premises in Eltham. Lots of the original 1925 subdivision remained south of Nyora Road and a number of these lots were utilized for the Eltham Christian School, which was established by the Eltham Christian Church in 1981. The school operated on this site until 2000. The premises are now used by The Vine Baptist Church. By the mid-1980s the whole of CA15 had been developed for residential and school purposes, except for the sections north of Diosma Road and between the transmission lines and Reynolds Road. Sewerage issues had been resolved for the section north of Diosma Road and in 1987 it was in the process of being subdivided into residential lots. The development coincided with the discovery of colonies of the rare and endangered Eltham Copper Butterfly on the site. This resulted in a community and political campaign to save the butterfly habitat. With the co-operation of the land developer the subdivision was altered to create two bushland reserves in the critical butterfly habitat areas. In the late 1980s the State Government was investigating options for establishing a metropolitan ring road link between Diamond Creek and Ringwood. The chosen route was adjacent to Reynolds Road and so this created a freeze on development of CA15 between Reynolds Road and the electricity easement. The ring road proposal was eventually abandoned, and this part of the land was subdivided into low density residential lots. Diosma Road has been discontinued at the electricity easement and the eastern part incorporated into View Mount Court with access from Reynolds Road. The whole of CA15 has now been developed for residential or associated purposes, ranging from conventional density to quite low density south of Nyora Road. Some remnants of the orchard remain, a few cherry trees on the Graves property and a lone apple tree in Stokes Place. The butterfly reserves comprise significant areas of remnant bushland. Linear reserves through the estate link with central Eltham via the Woodridge linear reserve and with Research along the electricity easement. CA15 as it exists today has a complicated history of rural use, Government acquisition, urban development, and community action. References: • “Stokes Orchard, an incomplete history”; Russell Yeoman with Doug Orford • Correspondence, Beryl Bradbury (nee Stokes) • Aerial Photographs, 1931-1991, Landata ( • Certificate of Title, Vol. 4930 Fol. 985900 • Plan Number LP 10859 aerial photo, diosma road, eltham copper butterfly, eucalyptus road, ironbark close, nyora road, peppermint grove, peter & elizabeth pidgeon collection, power transmission lines, reynolds road, scarlet ash court, stokes orchard estate, stokes place, woodridge estate, frank stokes -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Aerial Photograph, Landata, Eltham; Crown Allotment 15, Section 5, Parish of Nillumbik (Stokes Orchard Estate), Jan. 1984
... Aerial Photograph... and oranges; a massive task. Aerial photographs from the 1940s... and oranges; a massive task. Aerial photographs from the 1940s ...Centred on present day Diosma Rd, Stokes Pl, Nyora Rd and Eucalyptus Rd Historic Aerial Imagery Source: Aerial Photo Details: Project No :1716 Project : WESTERN PORT FORESHORES Run : 15 Frame : 70 Date : 01/1984 Film Type : B/W Camera : RC8 Flying Height : 5300 Scale : 10000 Film Number : 3833 GDA2020 : 37°42'38"S, 145°10'09"E MGA2020 : 338612, 5824719 (55) Melways : 22 D4 (ed. 42) A History of the Development of Crown Allotment 15, Section 5, Parish of Nillumbik – Stokes Orchard Crown Allotment 15, Section 5, Parish of Nillumbik (CA15) is a square allotment of 158 acres or approximately a quarter of a square mile. It lies just beyond the eastern end of Pitt Street, south of Nyora Road to the northern end of Eucalyptus Road and extends east from Eucalyptus Road to Reynolds Road. The topography of CA15 is generally steep, sloping up to a hill near the centre of the land, the ridgeline passing through the properties along the southern side of Diosma Road. Eucalyptus Road is a straight north-south road with its northern end at the north west corner of CA15. Until the end of the 1970s this road was an un-named Government Road and was largely not open to traffic. With residential development in the 1970s the road was constructed, and the council allocated the name obviously in recognition of the predominant species of the local bushland. CA15 was purchased from the Crown by George D’Arley Boursiquot, a prominent Melbourne printer, on 28th October 1852. On November 23, 1922, former Member for Gippsland and Melbourne Real Estate Agent, Hubert Patrick Keogh purchased the allotment then sold it March 13, 1925, to local farmer, Robert David Taylor, a former Shire of Eltham Councillor (1911-1920) and Shire President (1919). Taylor had extensive land holdings stretching west towards Bible Street and Main Road. The Taylor home was situated at the top of the hill in Bible Street at present day 82 Bible Street. At the time of Taylor’s purchase in 1925, CA15 was subdivided into 48 lots that could be described as small rural properties or large residential lots. A typical lot size was one hectare or 2.5 acres. The subdivision created two roads, Nyora Road, and Diosma Road, each following an irregular alignment between Eucalyptus and Reynolds Roads. However, the lots were not sold off separately nor were the roads constructed. The land effectively remained as one parcel for many further years. Robert David Taylor died November 30, 1934, and probate was granted to his son of the same name, Robert David Taylor of Bible Street, Salesman and William McLelland Vance Taylor of 73 Emmeline Street, Northcote, Clerk, with the transfer of the land into their names on July 8, 1935. Frank Stokes worked as a qualified accountant at Kennons leather factory in Burnley, while living at 1 Thomas Street, Mitcham. He suffered from migraines and wanted to return to working the land (he had previously worked on farms and orchards since coming to Australia from England in 1926, both in WA and Vic.). He first travelled to the district by train in July 1942 to find land with the intention to establish an orchard. By chance he met Arthur Bird of Bird Orchard (bounded by Pitt Street, Eucalyptus Road, and Wattle Grove) and they got talking over their common interest. Arthur put Frank up for the night and pointed out the land, 158 acres- part of the Taylor Estate- £900, Crown Allotment 15, Section 5, Parish of Nillumbik (CA15) somewhat diagonally opposite Bird Orchard. Stokes applied through the Riverina Agency to purchase the land who in turn applied for permission from Canberra to sell as there was a new government regulation introduced during the Second World War banning land sales except for immediate production. Stokes obtained a loan on his Mitcham house of £600 @ 5% and paid £450 deposit with quarterly payments of £15 spread over 5 years. Stokes was assisted and advised by Arthur Bird who farmed the neighbouring orchard. In early 1943 Stokes took possession and would catch the train out to Eltham on Fridays after work and began building a hut on the corner of Nyora Road and the Government Road (Eucalyptus Road) for shelter and to lock up tools. He established an orchard on the central western part of the land through the centre of which ran a natural waterway (part of the present-day linear park) and was able to pay a neighbour (Hawkins) to help with clearing and fencing 25 acres, and with a horse and single furrowed plough, planted approximately 2,500 fruit trees - cherries, peaches, plums, almonds, pears, apricots and lemons as well as a few apples and oranges; a massive task. Aerial photographs from the 1940s through to the 1990s clearly show the orchard with most of the larger CA15 site remaining as natural bushland. A huge problem was hares and rabbits eating all the new buds off the tiny trees. As well as laying poison he painted the trees with a mixture of cow manure and lime, often working by moonlight. Procurement of wire and wire netting was difficult because of the war but after much effort he obtained a permit from the Agricultural Department for supplies in March 1944. In February 1945 Stokes applied for a permit to build a “packing shed” as no house building was allowed. It was to be 33 feet x 21 feet and cost £312. It was constructed mostly from second-hand materials, which were hard to obtain, especially iron for roofing. Stokes finished work at Kennons on October 31, 1945, and in March 1946 he sold the family home at Mitcham for £1,230 plus £170 for furniture. On May 15, 1946, title to the CA15 property was issued to Frank Howard Alfred Stokes, Orchardist and Gladys Ethel Stokes, Married Woman, both of Pitt Street, Eltham. The family of five then moved into the very unfinished “packing shed” at Eltham, which was a struggle to weatherproof. Eventually rooms were divided off and lined with hessian bags and whitewashed. Their income was firewood (cut and sold), selling rockery stones and cut Sweet Bursaria. (It was discovered during the 1940s that Sweet Bursaria contained the sunscreen compound Aesculin. The RAAF utilised this compound from Sweet Bursaria during WW2 for pilots and gunners.) The orchard’s first fruit sale was a half-case of Le Vanq peaches in December 1947 for the price of 8 shillings. In 1956 plans for house were drawn and Glen Iris bricks purchased (1956 Olympic Rings variant). The building of the house commenced in 1957 - 12 feet of original packing shed was removed – and was completed in 1959. Water was connected from newly built pressure storage on the property at the end of 1959 and the electricity connection for the first time at 3pm on April 29, 1960. The house remains to present day (somewhat modified) at 1 Nyora Road, home to Nyora Studio Gallery. On occasions, spare remnants of the 1956 bricks have been known to be unearthed in gardens on the estate as they were utilised by Frank Stokes to fill in rabbit holes. On May 26, 1950, a parcel of land was compulsorily acquired by the Melbourne and Metropolitan Board of Works on the hilltop to establish an easement for a high-level service reservoir to augment Eltham’s water supply. The project also included pipe tracks for the necessary water mains. The reservoir has now been superseded by higher level water tanks east of Reynolds Road and its former site is now a public reserve. On November 27, 1964, the State Electricity Commission served notice to compulsorily acquire a further parcel through the eastern part of the land for a major electricity transmission line that augmented supply from the La Trobe Valley to Melbourne. The easement was registered February 11, 1966. The easement was widened July 18, 1969 for a second transmission line to be constructed. In 1971 Melbourne Metropolitan Planning Scheme amendments adopted Nyora Road as the boundary between a residential zone to the north and a rural zone to the south. This determined the future development of the land. In the mid-1970s the Shire of Eltham divided the orchard into numerous rate-able parcel lots, the 48 lots having been established in 1925 and the subsequent rates assessment proved unsustainable for Stokes. He commenced selling lots outside the boundary of the orchard, north of Diosma and South of Nyora. However shortly later the land between Nyora and Diosma Roads and west of the electricity easement was sold and subdivided into residential lots, a housing development by Macquarie Builders and marketed as the Stokes Orchard Estate. New streets were created, and most were named after trees, although one, Stokes Place, commemorates the former owners. The development was undertaken in two stages; Stage 1 (1975) encompassing Scarlet Ash Court, Ironbark Close and Peppermint Grove bounded by Nyora and Eucalyptus roads and Stage 2 (1978) encompassing Stokes Place, Orchard Way, The Crest and The Lookout bound by Nyora and Diosma roads. The developer, Macquarie Builders went bankrupt shortly after the release of Stage 2 leaving many purchasers to fend for themselves and arrange for their own independent builders. There were also difficulties with sewerage for the land immediately south of Diosma Road and so the conventional residential lots were abandoned in favour of larger lots. The development of Orchard Way, The Crest and The Lookout did not proceed as planned and the proposed lots were incorporated into five-acre parcels instead. These included a low-density group housing development by the Graves family and the award winning Choong House (1983) with Gordon Ford developed garden immediately next door situated on the ridge of the hill nestled amongst the original bush, Eucalypt trees and Sweet Bursaria. In 1994, Nillumbik Shire Council applied Significant Environment and Significant Landscape overlays upon the properties on the south side of Diosma Road to ensure protection of this natural bush garden environment. With the arrival of the sewer along Diosma Road in the 1990s, most of these five-acre parcels have since been subdivided multiple times. The Choong house presently sits on a 2.7-acre property, which in 2022 Nillumbik Council nominated for Cultural Significance Heritage protection and is considered potentially significant at State level. The Stokes family were also associated with the Eltham Christian Church. In the 1970s this church had met in temporary premises in Eltham. Lots of the original 1925 subdivision remained south of Nyora Road and a number of these lots were utilized for the Eltham Christian School, which was established by the Eltham Christian Church in 1981. The school operated on this site until 2000. The premises are now used by The Vine Baptist Church. By the mid-1980s the whole of CA15 had been developed for residential and school purposes, except for the sections north of Diosma Road and between the transmission lines and Reynolds Road. Sewerage issues had been resolved for the section north of Diosma Road and in 1987 it was in the process of being subdivided into residential lots. The development coincided with the discovery of colonies of the rare and endangered Eltham Copper Butterfly on the site. This resulted in a community and political campaign to save the butterfly habitat. With the co-operation of the land developer the subdivision was altered to create two bushland reserves in the critical butterfly habitat areas. In the late 1980s the State Government was investigating options for establishing a metropolitan ring road link between Diamond Creek and Ringwood. The chosen route was adjacent to Reynolds Road and so this created a freeze on development of CA15 between Reynolds Road and the electricity easement. The ring road proposal was eventually abandoned, and this part of the land was subdivided into low density residential lots. Diosma Road has been discontinued at the electricity easement and the eastern part incorporated into View Mount Court with access from Reynolds Road. The whole of CA15 has now been developed for residential or associated purposes, ranging from conventional density to quite low density south of Nyora Road. Some remnants of the orchard remain, a few cherry trees on the Graves property and a lone apple tree in Stokes Place. The butterfly reserves comprise significant areas of remnant bushland. Linear reserves through the estate link with central Eltham via the Woodridge linear reserve and with Research along the electricity easement. CA15 as it exists today has a complicated history of rural use, Government acquisition, urban development, and community action. References: • “Stokes Orchard, an incomplete history”; Russell Yeoman with Doug Orford • Correspondence, Beryl Bradbury (nee Stokes) • Aerial Photographs, 1931-1991, Landata ( • Certificate of Title, Vol. 4930 Fol. 985900 • Plan Number LP 10859 aerial photo, diosma road, eltham copper butterfly, eucalyptus road, ironbark close, nyora road, peppermint grove, peter & elizabeth pidgeon collection, power transmission lines, reynolds road, scarlet ash court, stokes orchard estate, stokes place, woodridge estate, frank stokes -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Aerial Photograph, Landata, Eltham; Crown Allotment 15, Section 5, Parish of Nillumbik (Stokes Orchard Estate), Mar. 1987
... Aerial Photograph... and oranges; a massive task. Aerial photographs from the 1940s... and oranges; a massive task. Aerial photographs from the 1940s ...Centred on present day Diosma Rd, Stokes Pl, Nyora Rd and Eucalyptus Rd Historic Aerial Imagery Source: Aerial Photo Details: Project No :1716 Project : WESTERN PORT FORESHORES Run : 15 Frame : 108 Date : 03/1987 Film Type : B/W Camera : RC10 Flying Height : 5600 Scale : 10000 Film Number : 4102 GDA2020 : 37°43'00"S, 145°10'13"E MGA2020 : 338725, 5824036 (55) Melways : 22 D5 (ed. 42)719 (55) Melways : 22 D4 (ed. 42) A History of the Development of Crown Allotment 15, Section 5, Parish of Nillumbik – Stokes Orchard Crown Allotment 15, Section 5, Parish of Nillumbik (CA15) is a square allotment of 158 acres or approximately a quarter of a square mile. It lies just beyond the eastern end of Pitt Street, south of Nyora Road to the northern end of Eucalyptus Road and extends east from Eucalyptus Road to Reynolds Road. The topography of CA15 is generally steep, sloping up to a hill near the centre of the land, the ridgeline passing through the properties along the southern side of Diosma Road. Eucalyptus Road is a straight north-south road with its northern end at the north west corner of CA15. Until the end of the 1970s this road was an un-named Government Road and was largely not open to traffic. With residential development in the 1970s the road was constructed, and the council allocated the name obviously in recognition of the predominant species of the local bushland. CA15 was purchased from the Crown by George D’Arley Boursiquot, a prominent Melbourne printer, on 28th October 1852. On November 23, 1922, former Member for Gippsland and Melbourne Real Estate Agent, Hubert Patrick Keogh purchased the allotment then sold it March 13, 1925, to local farmer, Robert David Taylor, a former Shire of Eltham Councillor (1911-1920) and Shire President (1919). Taylor had extensive land holdings stretching west towards Bible Street and Main Road. The Taylor home was situated at the top of the hill in Bible Street at present day 82 Bible Street. At the time of Taylor’s purchase in 1925, CA15 was subdivided into 48 lots that could be described as small rural properties or large residential lots. A typical lot size was one hectare or 2.5 acres. The subdivision created two roads, Nyora Road, and Diosma Road, each following an irregular alignment between Eucalyptus and Reynolds Roads. However, the lots were not sold off separately nor were the roads constructed. The land effectively remained as one parcel for many further years. Robert David Taylor died November 30, 1934, and probate was granted to his son of the same name, Robert David Taylor of Bible Street, Salesman and William McLelland Vance Taylor of 73 Emmeline Street, Northcote, Clerk, with the transfer of the land into their names on July 8, 1935. Frank Stokes worked as a qualified accountant at Kennons leather factory in Burnley, while living at 1 Thomas Street, Mitcham. He suffered from migraines and wanted to return to working the land (he had previously worked on farms and orchards since coming to Australia from England in 1926, both in WA and Vic.). He first travelled to the district by train in July 1942 to find land with the intention to establish an orchard. By chance he met Arthur Bird of Bird Orchard (bounded by Pitt Street, Eucalyptus Road, and Wattle Grove) and they got talking over their common interest. Arthur put Frank up for the night and pointed out the land, 158 acres- part of the Taylor Estate- £900, Crown Allotment 15, Section 5, Parish of Nillumbik (CA15) somewhat diagonally opposite Bird Orchard. Stokes applied through the Riverina Agency to purchase the land who in turn applied for permission from Canberra to sell as there was a new government regulation introduced during the Second World War banning land sales except for immediate production. Stokes obtained a loan on his Mitcham house of £600 @ 5% and paid £450 deposit with quarterly payments of £15 spread over 5 years. Stokes was assisted and advised by Arthur Bird who farmed the neighbouring orchard. In early 1943 Stokes took possession and would catch the train out to Eltham on Fridays after work and began building a hut on the corner of Nyora Road and the Government Road (Eucalyptus Road) for shelter and to lock up tools. He established an orchard on the central western part of the land through the centre of which ran a natural waterway (part of the present-day linear park) and was able to pay a neighbour (Hawkins) to help with clearing and fencing 25 acres, and with a horse and single furrowed plough, planted approximately 2,500 fruit trees - cherries, peaches, plums, almonds, pears, apricots and lemons as well as a few apples and oranges; a massive task. Aerial photographs from the 1940s through to the 1990s clearly show the orchard with most of the larger CA15 site remaining as natural bushland. A huge problem was hares and rabbits eating all the new buds off the tiny trees. As well as laying poison he painted the trees with a mixture of cow manure and lime, often working by moonlight. Procurement of wire and wire netting was difficult because of the war but after much effort he obtained a permit from the Agricultural Department for supplies in March 1944. In February 1945 Stokes applied for a permit to build a “packing shed” as no house building was allowed. It was to be 33 feet x 21 feet and cost £312. It was constructed mostly from second-hand materials, which were hard to obtain, especially iron for roofing. Stokes finished work at Kennons on October 31, 1945, and in March 1946 he sold the family home at Mitcham for £1,230 plus £170 for furniture. On May 15, 1946, title to the CA15 property was issued to Frank Howard Alfred Stokes, Orchardist and Gladys Ethel Stokes, Married Woman, both of Pitt Street, Eltham. The family of five then moved into the very unfinished “packing shed” at Eltham, which was a struggle to weatherproof. Eventually rooms were divided off and lined with hessian bags and whitewashed. Their income was firewood (cut and sold), selling rockery stones and cut Sweet Bursaria. (It was discovered during the 1940s that Sweet Bursaria contained the sunscreen compound Aesculin. The RAAF utilised this compound from Sweet Bursaria during WW2 for pilots and gunners.) The orchard’s first fruit sale was a half-case of Le Vanq peaches in December 1947 for the price of 8 shillings. In 1956 plans for house were drawn and Glen Iris bricks purchased (1956 Olympic Rings variant). The building of the house commenced in 1957 - 12 feet of original packing shed was removed – and was completed in 1959. Water was connected from newly built pressure storage on the property at the end of 1959 and the electricity connection for the first time at 3pm on April 29, 1960. The house remains to present day (somewhat modified) at 1 Nyora Road, home to Nyora Studio Gallery. On occasions, spare remnants of the 1956 bricks have been known to be unearthed in gardens on the estate as they were utilised by Frank Stokes to fill in rabbit holes. On May 26, 1950, a parcel of land was compulsorily acquired by the Melbourne and Metropolitan Board of Works on the hilltop to establish an easement for a high-level service reservoir to augment Eltham’s water supply. The project also included pipe tracks for the necessary water mains. The reservoir has now been superseded by higher level water tanks east of Reynolds Road and its former site is now a public reserve. On November 27, 1964, the State Electricity Commission served notice to compulsorily acquire a further parcel through the eastern part of the land for a major electricity transmission line that augmented supply from the La Trobe Valley to Melbourne. The easement was registered February 11, 1966. The easement was widened July 18, 1969 for a second transmission line to be constructed. In 1971 Melbourne Metropolitan Planning Scheme amendments adopted Nyora Road as the boundary between a residential zone to the north and a rural zone to the south. This determined the future development of the land. In the mid-1970s the Shire of Eltham divided the orchard into numerous rate-able parcel lots, the 48 lots having been established in 1925 and the subsequent rates assessment proved unsustainable for Stokes. He commenced selling lots outside the boundary of the orchard, north of Diosma and South of Nyora. However shortly later the land between Nyora and Diosma Roads and west of the electricity easement was sold and subdivided into residential lots, a housing development by Macquarie Builders and marketed as the Stokes Orchard Estate. New streets were created, and most were named after trees, although one, Stokes Place, commemorates the former owners. The development was undertaken in two stages; Stage 1 (1975) encompassing Scarlet Ash Court, Ironbark Close and Peppermint Grove bounded by Nyora and Eucalyptus roads and Stage 2 (1978) encompassing Stokes Place, Orchard Way, The Crest and The Lookout bound by Nyora and Diosma roads. The developer, Macquarie Builders went bankrupt shortly after the release of Stage 2 leaving many purchasers to fend for themselves and arrange for their own independent builders. There were also difficulties with sewerage for the land immediately south of Diosma Road and so the conventional residential lots were abandoned in favour of larger lots. The development of Orchard Way, The Crest and The Lookout did not proceed as planned and the proposed lots were incorporated into five-acre parcels instead. These included a low-density group housing development by the Graves family and the award winning Choong House (1983) with Gordon Ford developed garden immediately next door situated on the ridge of the hill nestled amongst the original bush, Eucalypt trees and Sweet Bursaria. In 1994, Nillumbik Shire Council applied Significant Environment and Significant Landscape overlays upon the properties on the south side of Diosma Road to ensure protection of this natural bush garden environment. With the arrival of the sewer along Diosma Road in the 1990s, most of these five-acre parcels have since been subdivided multiple times. The Choong house presently sits on a 2.7-acre property, which in 2022 Nillumbik Council nominated for Cultural Significance Heritage protection and is considered potentially significant at State level. The Stokes family were also associated with the Eltham Christian Church. In the 1970s this church had met in temporary premises in Eltham. Lots of the original 1925 subdivision remained south of Nyora Road and a number of these lots were utilized for the Eltham Christian School, which was established by the Eltham Christian Church in 1981. The school operated on this site until 2000. The premises are now used by The Vine Baptist Church. By the mid-1980s the whole of CA15 had been developed for residential and school purposes, except for the sections north of Diosma Road and between the transmission lines and Reynolds Road. Sewerage issues had been resolved for the section north of Diosma Road and in 1987 it was in the process of being subdivided into residential lots. The development coincided with the discovery of colonies of the rare and endangered Eltham Copper Butterfly on the site. This resulted in a community and political campaign to save the butterfly habitat. With the co-operation of the land developer the subdivision was altered to create two bushland reserves in the critical butterfly habitat areas. In the late 1980s the State Government was investigating options for establishing a metropolitan ring road link between Diamond Creek and Ringwood. The chosen route was adjacent to Reynolds Road and so this created a freeze on development of CA15 between Reynolds Road and the electricity easement. The ring road proposal was eventually abandoned, and this part of the land was subdivided into low density residential lots. Diosma Road has been discontinued at the electricity easement and the eastern part incorporated into View Mount Court with access from Reynolds Road. The whole of CA15 has now been developed for residential or associated purposes, ranging from conventional density to quite low density south of Nyora Road. Some remnants of the orchard remain, a few cherry trees on the Graves property and a lone apple tree in Stokes Place. The butterfly reserves comprise significant areas of remnant bushland. Linear reserves through the estate link with central Eltham via the Woodridge linear reserve and with Research along the electricity easement. CA15 as it exists today has a complicated history of rural use, Government acquisition, urban development, and community action. References: • “Stokes Orchard, an incomplete history”; Russell Yeoman with Doug Orford • Correspondence, Beryl Bradbury (nee Stokes) • Aerial Photographs, 1931-1991, Landata ( • Certificate of Title, Vol. 4930 Fol. 985900 • Plan Number LP 10859 aerial photo, diosma road, eltham copper butterfly, eucalyptus road, ironbark close, nyora road, peppermint grove, peter & elizabeth pidgeon collection, power transmission lines, reynolds road, scarlet ash court, stokes orchard estate, stokes place, woodridge estate, frank stokes -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Aerial Photograph, Landata, Eltham; Crown Allotment 15, Section 5, Parish of Nillumbik (Stokes Orchard Estate), Sep. 1991
... Aerial Photograph... and oranges; a massive task. Aerial photographs from the 1940s... and oranges; a massive task. Aerial photographs from the 1940s ...Centred on present day Diosma Rd, Stokes Pl, Nyora Rd and Eucalyptus Rd Historic Aerial Imagery Source: Aerial Photo Details: Project No :2072 Project : MELBOURNE PROJECT Run : 13 Frame : 119 Date : 09/1991 Film Type : COL Camera : RC10 Flying Height : 8300 Scale : 15000 Film Number : 4419 GDA2020 : 37°43'07"S, 145°09'35"E MGA2020 : 337812, 5823811 (55) Melways : 22 B6 (ed. 42) A History of the Development of Crown Allotment 15, Section 5, Parish of Nillumbik – Stokes Orchard Crown Allotment 15, Section 5, Parish of Nillumbik (CA15) is a square allotment of 158 acres or approximately a quarter of a square mile. It lies just beyond the eastern end of Pitt Street, south of Nyora Road to the northern end of Eucalyptus Road and extends east from Eucalyptus Road to Reynolds Road. The topography of CA15 is generally steep, sloping up to a hill near the centre of the land, the ridgeline passing through the properties along the southern side of Diosma Road. Eucalyptus Road is a straight north-south road with its northern end at the north west corner of CA15. Until the end of the 1970s this road was an un-named Government Road and was largely not open to traffic. With residential development in the 1970s the road was constructed, and the council allocated the name obviously in recognition of the predominant species of the local bushland. CA15 was purchased from the Crown by George D’Arley Boursiquot, a prominent Melbourne printer, on 28th October 1852. On November 23, 1922, former Member for Gippsland and Melbourne Real Estate Agent, Hubert Patrick Keogh purchased the allotment then sold it March 13, 1925, to local farmer, Robert David Taylor, a former Shire of Eltham Councillor (1911-1920) and Shire President (1919). Taylor had extensive land holdings stretching west towards Bible Street and Main Road. The Taylor home was situated at the top of the hill in Bible Street at present day 82 Bible Street. At the time of Taylor’s purchase in 1925, CA15 was subdivided into 48 lots that could be described as small rural properties or large residential lots. A typical lot size was one hectare or 2.5 acres. The subdivision created two roads, Nyora Road, and Diosma Road, each following an irregular alignment between Eucalyptus and Reynolds Roads. However, the lots were not sold off separately nor were the roads constructed. The land effectively remained as one parcel for many further years. Robert David Taylor died November 30, 1934, and probate was granted to his son of the same name, Robert David Taylor of Bible Street, Salesman and William McLelland Vance Taylor of 73 Emmeline Street, Northcote, Clerk, with the transfer of the land into their names on July 8, 1935. Frank Stokes worked as a qualified accountant at Kennons leather factory in Burnley, while living at 1 Thomas Street, Mitcham. He suffered from migraines and wanted to return to working the land (he had previously worked on farms and orchards since coming to Australia from England in 1926, both in WA and Vic.). He first travelled to the district by train in July 1942 to find land with the intention to establish an orchard. By chance he met Arthur Bird of Bird Orchard (bounded by Pitt Street, Eucalyptus Road, and Wattle Grove) and they got talking over their common interest. Arthur put Frank up for the night and pointed out the land, 158 acres- part of the Taylor Estate- £900, Crown Allotment 15, Section 5, Parish of Nillumbik (CA15) somewhat diagonally opposite Bird Orchard. Stokes applied through the Riverina Agency to purchase the land who in turn applied for permission from Canberra to sell as there was a new government regulation introduced during the Second World War banning land sales except for immediate production. Stokes obtained a loan on his Mitcham house of £600 @ 5% and paid £450 deposit with quarterly payments of £15 spread over 5 years. Stokes was assisted and advised by Arthur Bird who farmed the neighbouring orchard. In early 1943 Stokes took possession and would catch the train out to Eltham on Fridays after work and began building a hut on the corner of Nyora Road and the Government Road (Eucalyptus Road) for shelter and to lock up tools. He established an orchard on the central western part of the land through the centre of which ran a natural waterway (part of the present-day linear park) and was able to pay a neighbour (Hawkins) to help with clearing and fencing 25 acres, and with a horse and single furrowed plough, planted approximately 2,500 fruit trees - cherries, peaches, plums, almonds, pears, apricots and lemons as well as a few apples and oranges; a massive task. Aerial photographs from the 1940s through to the 1990s clearly show the orchard with most of the larger CA15 site remaining as natural bushland. A huge problem was hares and rabbits eating all the new buds off the tiny trees. As well as laying poison he painted the trees with a mixture of cow manure and lime, often working by moonlight. Procurement of wire and wire netting was difficult because of the war but after much effort he obtained a permit from the Agricultural Department for supplies in March 1944. In February 1945 Stokes applied for a permit to build a “packing shed” as no house building was allowed. It was to be 33 feet x 21 feet and cost £312. It was constructed mostly from second-hand materials, which were hard to obtain, especially iron for roofing. Stokes finished work at Kennons on October 31, 1945, and in March 1946 he sold the family home at Mitcham for £1,230 plus £170 for furniture. On May 15, 1946, title to the CA15 property was issued to Frank Howard Alfred Stokes, Orchardist and Gladys Ethel Stokes, Married Woman, both of Pitt Street, Eltham. The family of five then moved into the very unfinished “packing shed” at Eltham, which was a struggle to weatherproof. Eventually rooms were divided off and lined with hessian bags and whitewashed. Their income was firewood (cut and sold), selling rockery stones and cut Sweet Bursaria. (It was discovered during the 1940s that Sweet Bursaria contained the sunscreen compound Aesculin. The RAAF utilised this compound from Sweet Bursaria during WW2 for pilots and gunners.) The orchard’s first fruit sale was a half-case of Le Vanq peaches in December 1947 for the price of 8 shillings. In 1956 plans for house were drawn and Glen Iris bricks purchased (1956 Olympic Rings variant). The building of the house commenced in 1957 - 12 feet of original packing shed was removed – and was completed in 1959. Water was connected from newly built pressure storage on the property at the end of 1959 and the electricity connection for the first time at 3pm on April 29, 1960. The house remains to present day (somewhat modified) at 1 Nyora Road, home to Nyora Studio Gallery. On occasions, spare remnants of the 1956 bricks have been known to be unearthed in gardens on the estate as they were utilised by Frank Stokes to fill in rabbit holes. On May 26, 1950, a parcel of land was compulsorily acquired by the Melbourne and Metropolitan Board of Works on the hilltop to establish an easement for a high-level service reservoir to augment Eltham’s water supply. The project also included pipe tracks for the necessary water mains. The reservoir has now been superseded by higher level water tanks east of Reynolds Road and its former site is now a public reserve. On November 27, 1964, the State Electricity Commission served notice to compulsorily acquire a further parcel through the eastern part of the land for a major electricity transmission line that augmented supply from the La Trobe Valley to Melbourne. The easement was registered February 11, 1966. The easement was widened July 18, 1969 for a second transmission line to be constructed. In 1971 Melbourne Metropolitan Planning Scheme amendments adopted Nyora Road as the boundary between a residential zone to the north and a rural zone to the south. This determined the future development of the land. In the mid-1970s the Shire of Eltham divided the orchard into numerous rate-able parcel lots, the 48 lots having been established in 1925 and the subsequent rates assessment proved unsustainable for Stokes. He commenced selling lots outside the boundary of the orchard, north of Diosma and South of Nyora. However shortly later the land between Nyora and Diosma Roads and west of the electricity easement was sold and subdivided into residential lots, a housing development by Macquarie Builders and marketed as the Stokes Orchard Estate. New streets were created, and most were named after trees, although one, Stokes Place, commemorates the former owners. The development was undertaken in two stages; Stage 1 (1975) encompassing Scarlet Ash Court, Ironbark Close and Peppermint Grove bounded by Nyora and Eucalyptus roads and Stage 2 (1978) encompassing Stokes Place, Orchard Way, The Crest and The Lookout bound by Nyora and Diosma roads. The developer, Macquarie Builders went bankrupt shortly after the release of Stage 2 leaving many purchasers to fend for themselves and arrange for their own independent builders. There were also difficulties with sewerage for the land immediately south of Diosma Road and so the conventional residential lots were abandoned in favour of larger lots. The development of Orchard Way, The Crest and The Lookout did not proceed as planned and the proposed lots were incorporated into five-acre parcels instead. These included a low-density group housing development by the Graves family and the award winning Choong House (1983) with Gordon Ford developed garden immediately next door situated on the ridge of the hill nestled amongst the original bush, Eucalypt trees and Sweet Bursaria. In 1994, Nillumbik Shire Council applied Significant Environment and Significant Landscape overlays upon the properties on the south side of Diosma Road to ensure protection of this natural bush garden environment. With the arrival of the sewer along Diosma Road in the 1990s, most of these five-acre parcels have since been subdivided multiple times. The Choong house presently sits on a 2.7-acre property, which in 2022 Nillumbik Council nominated for Cultural Significance Heritage protection and is considered potentially significant at State level. The Stokes family were also associated with the Eltham Christian Church. In the 1970s this church had met in temporary premises in Eltham. Lots of the original 1925 subdivision remained south of Nyora Road and a number of these lots were utilized for the Eltham Christian School, which was established by the Eltham Christian Church in 1981. The school operated on this site until 2000. The premises are now used by The Vine Baptist Church. By the mid-1980s the whole of CA15 had been developed for residential and school purposes, except for the sections north of Diosma Road and between the transmission lines and Reynolds Road. Sewerage issues had been resolved for the section north of Diosma Road and in 1987 it was in the process of being subdivided into residential lots. The development coincided with the discovery of colonies of the rare and endangered Eltham Copper Butterfly on the site. This resulted in a community and political campaign to save the butterfly habitat. With the co-operation of the land developer the subdivision was altered to create two bushland reserves in the critical butterfly habitat areas. In the late 1980s the State Government was investigating options for establishing a metropolitan ring road link between Diamond Creek and Ringwood. The chosen route was adjacent to Reynolds Road and so this created a freeze on development of CA15 between Reynolds Road and the electricity easement. The ring road proposal was eventually abandoned, and this part of the land was subdivided into low density residential lots. Diosma Road has been discontinued at the electricity easement and the eastern part incorporated into View Mount Court with access from Reynolds Road. The whole of CA15 has now been developed for residential or associated purposes, ranging from conventional density to quite low density south of Nyora Road. Some remnants of the orchard remain, a few cherry trees on the Graves property and a lone apple tree in Stokes Place. The butterfly reserves comprise significant areas of remnant bushland. Linear reserves through the estate link with central Eltham via the Woodridge linear reserve and with Research along the electricity easement. CA15 as it exists today has a complicated history of rural use, Government acquisition, urban development, and community action. References: • “Stokes Orchard, an incomplete history”; Russell Yeoman with Doug Orford • Correspondence, Beryl Bradbury (nee Stokes) • Aerial Photographs, 1931-1991, Landata ( • Certificate of Title, Vol. 4930 Fol. 985900 • Plan Number LP 10859 aerial photo, diosma road, eltham copper butterfly, eucalyptus road, ironbark close, nyora road, peppermint grove, peter & elizabeth pidgeon collection, power transmission lines, reynolds road, scarlet ash court, stokes orchard estate, stokes place, woodridge estate, frank stokes -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Document - Certificate of Title, Landata, Vol. 4930 Fol. 985900, Crown Portion 15 Section 5, Parish of Nillumbik, County of Evelyn, 1925
... and oranges; a massive task. Aerial photographs from the 1940s... and oranges; a massive task. Aerial photographs from the 1940s ...(Cancelled) Certificate of Title originally issued for Crown Portion 15, Section 5 to Robert David Taylor, of Eltham, County of Evelyn, Farmer, 13 March 1925. It is with this title that the land allotment was subdivided into 48 lots. The title shows the issuance to Robert David Taylor with encumbrance placed upon it by immediate former owner, Hugh Patrick Keogh, a former member for Gippsland and Melbourne Real Estate Agent. Following Taylor's death in 1934 the title passes to his Executors, sons Robert David Taylor of Bible Street, Eltham and William McLelland Vance Taylor of Northcote. The property is then sold to Frank Stokes who develops the Stokes Orchard. Compulsory acquisitions by the Melbourne Metropolitan Board of Works and State Electricity Commission show provisions of easemenst for town water supply and high voltage power transmission lines. Subsequent lots are then sold off with the development of the Stokes Orchard Estate residential development in the mid to late 1970s. A History of the Development of Crown Allotment 15, Section 5, Parish of Nillumbik – Stokes Orchard Crown Allotment 15, Section 5, Parish of Nillumbik (CA15) is a square allotment of 158 acres or approximately a quarter of a square mile. It lies just beyond the eastern end of Pitt Street, south of Nyora Road to the northern end of Eucalyptus Road and extends east from Eucalyptus Road to Reynolds Road. The topography of CA15 is generally steep, sloping up to a hill near the centre of the land, the ridgeline passing through the properties along the southern side of Diosma Road. Eucalyptus Road is a straight north-south road with its northern end at the north west corner of CA15. Until the end of the 1970s this road was an un-named Government Road and was largely not open to traffic. With residential development in the 1970s the road was constructed, and the council allocated the name obviously in recognition of the predominant species of the local bushland. CA15 was purchased from the Crown by George D’Arley Boursiquot, a prominent Melbourne printer, on 28th October 1852. On November 23, 1922, former Member for Gippsland and Melbourne Real Estate Agent, Hubert Patrick Keogh purchased the allotment then sold it March 13, 1925, to local farmer, Robert David Taylor, a former Shire of Eltham Councillor (1911-1920) and Shire President (1919). Taylor had extensive land holdings stretching west towards Bible Street and Main Road. The Taylor home was situated at the top of the hill in Bible Street at present day 82 Bible Street. At the time of Taylor’s purchase in 1925, CA15 was subdivided into 48 lots that could be described as small rural properties or large residential lots. A typical lot size was one hectare or 2.5 acres. The subdivision created two roads, Nyora Road, and Diosma Road, each following an irregular alignment between Eucalyptus and Reynolds Roads. However, the lots were not sold off separately nor were the roads constructed. The land effectively remained as one parcel for many further years. Robert David Taylor died November 30, 1934, and probate was granted to his son of the same name, Robert David Taylor of Bible Street, Salesman and William McLelland Vance Taylor of 73 Emmeline Street, Northcote, Clerk, with the transfer of the land into their names on July 8, 1935. Frank Stokes worked as a qualified accountant at Kennons leather factory in Burnley, while living at 1 Thomas Street, Mitcham. He suffered from migraines and wanted to return to working the land (he had previously worked on farms and orchards since coming to Australia from England in 1926, both in WA and Vic.). He first travelled to the district by train in July 1942 to find land with the intention to establish an orchard. By chance he met Arthur Bird of Bird Orchard (bounded by Pitt Street, Eucalyptus Road, and Wattle Grove) and they got talking over their common interest. Arthur put Frank up for the night and pointed out the land, 158 acres- part of the Taylor Estate- £900, Crown Allotment 15, Section 5, Parish of Nillumbik (CA15) somewhat diagonally opposite Bird Orchard. Stokes applied through the Riverina Agency to purchase the land who in turn applied for permission from Canberra to sell as there was a new government regulation introduced during the Second World War banning land sales except for immediate production. Stokes obtained a loan on his Mitcham house of £600 @ 5% and paid £450 deposit with quarterly payments of £15 spread over 5 years. Stokes was assisted and advised by Arthur Bird who farmed the neighbouring orchard. In early 1943 Stokes took possession and would catch the train out to Eltham on Fridays after work and began building a hut on the corner of Nyora Road and the Government Road (Eucalyptus Road) for shelter and to lock up tools. He established an orchard on the central western part of the land through the centre of which ran a natural waterway (part of the present-day linear park) and was able to pay a neighbour (Hawkins) to help with clearing and fencing 25 acres, and with a horse and single furrowed plough, planted approximately 2,500 fruit trees - cherries, peaches, plums, almonds, pears, apricots and lemons as well as a few apples and oranges; a massive task. Aerial photographs from the 1940s through to the 1990s clearly show the orchard with most of the larger CA15 site remaining as natural bushland. A huge problem was hares and rabbits eating all the new buds off the tiny trees. As well as laying poison he painted the trees with a mixture of cow manure and lime, often working by moonlight. Procurement of wire and wire netting was difficult because of the war but after much effort he obtained a permit from the Agricultural Department for supplies in March 1944. In February 1945 Stokes applied for a permit to build a “packing shed” as no house building was allowed. It was to be 33 feet x 21 feet and cost £312. It was constructed mostly from second-hand materials, which were hard to obtain, especially iron for roofing. Stokes finished work at Kennons on October 31, 1945, and in March 1946 he sold the family home at Mitcham for £1,230 plus £170 for furniture. On May 15, 1946, title to the CA15 property was issued to Frank Howard Alfred Stokes, Orchardist and Gladys Ethel Stokes, Married Woman, both of Pitt Street, Eltham. The family of five then moved into the very unfinished “packing shed” at Eltham, which was a struggle to weatherproof. Eventually rooms were divided off and lined with hessian bags and whitewashed. Their income was firewood (cut and sold), selling rockery stones and cut Sweet Bursaria. (It was discovered during the 1940s that Sweet Bursaria contained the sunscreen compound Aesculin. The RAAF utilised this compound from Sweet Bursaria during WW2 for pilots and gunners.) The orchard’s first fruit sale was a half-case of Le Vanq peaches in December 1947 for the price of 8 shillings. In 1956 plans for house were drawn and Glen Iris bricks purchased (1956 Olympic Rings variant). The building of the house commenced in 1957 - 12 feet of original packing shed was removed – and was completed in 1959. Water was connected from newly built pressure storage on the property at the end of 1959 and the electricity connection for the first time at 3pm on April 29, 1960. The house remains to present day (somewhat modified) at 1 Nyora Road, home to Nyora Studio Gallery. On occasions, spare remnants of the 1956 bricks have been known to be unearthed in gardens on the estate as they were utilised by Frank Stokes to fill in rabbit holes. On May 26, 1950, a parcel of land was compulsorily acquired by the Melbourne and Metropolitan Board of Works on the hilltop to establish an easement for a high-level service reservoir to augment Eltham’s water supply. The project also included pipe tracks for the necessary water mains. The reservoir has now been superseded by higher level water tanks east of Reynolds Road and its former site is now a public reserve. On November 27, 1964, the State Electricity Commission served notice to compulsorily acquire a further parcel through the eastern part of the land for a major electricity transmission line that augmented supply from the La Trobe Valley to Melbourne. The easement was registered February 11, 1966. The easement was widened July 18, 1969 for a second transmission line to be constructed. In 1971 Melbourne Metropolitan Planning Scheme amendments adopted Nyora Road as the boundary between a residential zone to the north and a rural zone to the south. This determined the future development of the land. In the mid-1970s the Shire of Eltham divided the orchard into numerous rate-able parcel lots, the 48 lots having been established in 1925 and the subsequent rates assessment proved unsustainable for Stokes. He commenced selling lots outside the boundary of the orchard, north of Diosma and South of Nyora. However shortly later the land between Nyora and Diosma Roads and west of the electricity easement was sold and subdivided into residential lots, a housing development by Macquarie Builders and marketed as the Stokes Orchard Estate. New streets were created, and most were named after trees, although one, Stokes Place, commemorates the former owners. The development was undertaken in two stages; Stage 1 (1975) encompassing Scarlet Ash Court, Ironbark Close and Peppermint Grove bounded by Nyora and Eucalyptus roads and Stage 2 (1978) encompassing Stokes Place, Orchard Way, The Crest and The Lookout bound by Nyora and Diosma roads. The developer, Macquarie Builders went bankrupt shortly after the release of Stage 2 leaving many purchasers to fend for themselves and arrange for their own independent builders. There were also difficulties with sewerage for the land immediately south of Diosma Road and so the conventional residential lots were abandoned in favour of larger lots. The development of Orchard Way, The Crest and The Lookout did not proceed as planned and the proposed lots were incorporated into five-acre parcels instead. These included a low-density group housing development by the Graves family and the award winning Choong House (1983) with Gordon Ford developed garden immediately next door situated on the ridge of the hill nestled amongst the original bush, Eucalypt trees and Sweet Bursaria. In 1994, Nillumbik Shire Council applied Significant Environment and Significant Landscape overlays upon the properties on the south side of Diosma Road to ensure protection of this natural bush garden environment. With the arrival of the sewer along Diosma Road in the 1990s, most of these five-acre parcels have since been subdivided multiple times. The Choong house presently sits on a 2.7-acre property, which in 2022 Nillumbik Council nominated for Cultural Significance Heritage protection and is considered potentially significant at State level. The Stokes family were also associated with the Eltham Christian Church. In the 1970s this church had met in temporary premises in Eltham. Lots of the original 1925 subdivision remained south of Nyora Road and a number of these lots were utilized for the Eltham Christian School, which was established by the Eltham Christian Church in 1981. The school operated on this site until 2000. The premises are now used by The Vine Baptist Church. By the mid-1980s the whole of CA15 had been developed for residential and school purposes, except for the sections north of Diosma Road and between the transmission lines and Reynolds Road. Sewerage issues had been resolved for the section north of Diosma Road and in 1987 it was in the process of being subdivided into residential lots. The development coincided with the discovery of colonies of the rare and endangered Eltham Copper Butterfly on the site. This resulted in a community and political campaign to save the butterfly habitat. With the co-operation of the land developer the subdivision was altered to create two bushland reserves in the critical butterfly habitat areas. In the late 1980s the State Government was investigating options for establishing a metropolitan ring road link between Diamond Creek and Ringwood. The chosen route was adjacent to Reynolds Road and so this created a freeze on development of CA15 between Reynolds Road and the electricity easement. The ring road proposal was eventually abandoned, and this part of the land was subdivided into low density residential lots. Diosma Road has been discontinued at the electricity easement and the eastern part incorporated into View Mount Court with access from Reynolds Road. The whole of CA15 has now been developed for residential or associated purposes, ranging from conventional density to quite low density south of Nyora Road. Some remnants of the orchard remain, a few cherry trees on the Graves property and a lone apple tree in Stokes Place. The butterfly reserves comprise significant areas of remnant bushland. Linear reserves through the estate link with central Eltham via the Woodridge linear reserve and with Research along the electricity easement. CA15 as it exists today has a complicated history of rural use, Government acquisition, urban development, and community action. References: • “Stokes Orchard, an incomplete history”; Russell Yeoman with Doug Orford • Correspondence, Beryl Bradbury (nee Stokes) • Aerial Photographs, 1931-1991, Landata ( • Certificate of Title, Vol. 4930 Fol. 985900 • Plan Number LP 10859 neil webster collection, diosma road, eltham copper butterfly, eucalyptus road, ironbark close, nyora road, peppermint grove, power transmission lines, reynolds road, scarlet ash court, stokes orchard estate, stokes place, woodridge estate, frank stokes, certificate of title -
Federation University Historical Collection
Booklet - Annual Review, Ballarat School of Mines Annual Review, 1986 -1991
... annual review with an aerial photograph over Albert Street... annual review with an aerial photograph over Albert Street ...The Ballarat School of Mines was established in 1870 through the initiatives of the Ballarat Mining Board making it the oldest site of technical education in Australia. The Board was concerned with the shortage of mine managers for the goldfields. Classes began in surveying, mathematics, and chemistry and a decade later they included metallurgy , assaying and geology. With the decline in goldmining the direction of the college changed and broadened, the art School was established and the Ballarat Junior Technical School developed. In 1976, the tertiary sector seperated from the School of Mines and Industries Ballarat to form the Ballarat College of Advanced Education. In the 1980s SMB was a Community College of Technical Education and Further Education (TAFE) offering a wide range of vocational, enrichment and preparatory programs. It is continuing the tradition of providing for the educaiton needs of people within the Central Highlands. During the 1970s and 80s it acquired and refurbished old buildings and developed new facilities to keep up with the needs of an expanding curriculum and student population. The era of these annual reports is just before the merger with the University of Ballarat.A number of soft card covered annual report for the Ballarat School of Mines. .1) 12 page black covered report featuring an image of the E.J. Tippett Library. Includes information on death of E.J. Tippett, disability policy, Peter Quinn, Patti McNulty, Bob Feary, Shane Everand, Integration, Fiona Watson, retirement of Robert Morgan, Opening of the carpentry and Joinery Facility in Davey Street, formation of the School of Business and Information Technology, Melissa Bone, opening of the E.J. T. Tippett Learning Resource Centre (Library), Refurbishment of the Administration Building, Food Service Building (Prospects), Court House Theatre, Enrolment centre, Museum, Creche, Women's Trade technical Program, Rural Education Program, Ararat Prison Program, Community Studies Section, Ararat Adult Literacy Group. Literacy Assistance for Undergraduates, Fire training, fitness, open Learning, Training & Employment Group, Awards, Filipino Visitors, oil Seed Research, Brunei, Barometer (gift) for Horticulture, Special Equipment (guillotine and brake press; programmable logic Controller; theodolite: laser lever; Universal testing Machine; Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer)., organisational Structure. Photos include Ken Flecknoe, Peter Quinn, Patti McNulty, Bob Feary, Shane Everard, Fiona Watson,Linda Bland, Robert Morgan, David McCaughey, E.J. Tippett, Frank Sheehan, Julie Baulch, Jo Reeves, Col McCurry, Jenny Garnham .3) Blue covered book with a photograph of the M.B. John Building taken from Albert Street on the cover. Topics include: Ken Flecknoe, Peter Shiells, Ararat Campus, David Haddow, Kevin Martin, Rendle Hannah, Gary Eason, Geoff Pope, Albert Peart, M.B. John building opened, Hairdressing Salon, Community Centre, Creche, closure of Lydiard Street, Museum, Jenny Levison, Inskill, Small Business Training, Ballarat Eat free Library, Barkly Street, Wormalds Valve Group, Aboriginal Programs, Horticulture Center, Awards, Country fire Authority, tractor Donation, Women's Policy. Special purchases included surveying equipment with data recorder, test rig , CDT MIG welder, compact gas chromatograph with FID and single pen recorder, Olivetti stand-alone word processing unit. Images include Ken Flecknoe. Peter Shiells, John Crowe, Trevor Slater, Brian McLennan, Kerrie Cross, Albert Peart, John Cain, M.B. John, Enrollment Centre, Museum, Jo Watson, Wormalds, Brian Webber, Dianna Nikelson, Ian Aitken, Brendan B, Chez Dichiera, Heather Dixon, Julie Broadbent .4) 1993 - Brown and white soft covered annual review featuring students of the Ballarat School of Mines at work. Bill Gribble, Brian McLennan, Peter Shiells Retirement, Robert C. Lovett, Steven Mendelson, Max Palmer, Jenny Gough, Mary Molloy, Barrie Firth, Colin McCurry, Dora Hormann, Organisation Structure, Brewery Acquisition, Humffray Street Primary School, Grant Street Retaining Wall, Neville Bunning Plaque, VCE Plus, Ballarat Small Business centre, Ararat Prison, Ballarat Showgrounds Rotunda, .6) Green covered annual review with an aerial photograph over Albert Street, Ballarat. Content include Kerrie Cross, Peter Shiells. Kenneth Flecknoe Obituary, Ian Pimblett, Keith Boast, David Nicholson, Max Palmer, Brian Webber, Bob Lovett, Linda Bland, Prospects, Training restaurant, 3BBB, Malcolm Vallance, Aboriginal Programs, Ian Cathie, Koorie Support Unit, Caroline Hogg, 'Trained Men Make Their Own Terms' exhibition at the Gold Museum, Ricky Hains, Stephen Hughes, Jeff White, Dennis Bolster .8) Blue covered review for 1989. The contents include: Kerrie Cross, Peter Shiells, Ann McCaffrey, Kevin Alsop, Mary Molloy, Ross Furness, Robert Lovett, Victoria Street Student Hostel, Hugh Beggs, Ballarat Small Business Centre, Inskill, Ararat Campus, Hospitality and Tourism, Koorie Support Unit, Fiona Warsn, Bruce Staley, Terry Moran, Anthony Wonish, Ivan Deveson, Leo Shannon Memorial Award, Bryan Crebbin, Geoff Howard, R.C.W. Burdett, Jeff White, Ian Harris, Tom Wiseman, Bill Gribble, Allison Kay, Steven Mendelson, Keith Boast. .9) Grey covered book with a coloured photo of the Victoria Street Student Residence. Contents include: Kerry Cross, Peter Shiells, Morgan Bevan John Illuminated address. Jean Phillips, Koorie Support Unit, Andrew Sullivan, Victoria Street Student Residence, Horticulture, Inskill, Tertiary Awareness Project, Adult Education, Ivan Deveson, Brian Howe, Barry Jones, Joan Kirner, Andrew Trigg, Warren Perry, Murrell Rock Collections, Gwyn Hanssen-Piggott, Disability Awareness Day, Sebastopol Borough Logo, Phoebe Rimmer, Russell Jackson, R.J. Young Scholarship, Peter Muir, Founders Day Cake, Morgan John. .11) Black card covered booklet with five images of exteriors of the Ballarat School of Mines. the contents include: Jack Barker, Peter Shiells, Peter Ellyard, Ian Stoney, Terry Moran, Wayne Strong, David Ince, Simone Titheridge, Ian Aitken,Kevin Alsop, Bill Bridges, Clive Carmichael, Bob Feary, Rendle hannah, Roly Parfenovics, Graham Snibson, Kevin Stockdale, Len Wilson, Child Care Centre opening, Student accommodation, Victoria Street, Brewery site. naming buildings, E.J. barker. A.W. Steane K.J. Flecknow, Carpentry and joinery, Inskill, Hospitality, Pottery, ceramics, Founders' Day, Warren Perry, Agreement between Ballarat School of Mines and Ballarat university College, merger, Peter Baldwin, Awards, obituary Lindsay Hillman. Images include: Wayne Strong, David Ince, Simone Titheridge, kerrie Cross, Joan Kirner, Frank Sheehan, Bill Gribble Ros Wilkie, Judi O'Loughlin, Tony Leonard, Gemma Hearnes, Brendan Hill, Joanne Bell, Karl Moon, Stella Savy, Shirley Falkinder, Peter Baldwin, Jack Barker, Michael Ronaldson, David Kemp, Peter Shiells, Margot Healey, Sharon McLennan, Kerrie Firns, Petrena Brookers, Deb Goudappel, Claire Bond, Administration Building Lindsay Hillman. .13 ) Brown covered report with photographic images. Content includes: Pam Merrett. , Peter Shiells, Robert Lovett, Steven Mendelson, Max Palmer, Jenny Gough, Barrie Firth .14) Brown covered report with photographic images. Content includes: .15) Green covered report with photographic images. The blond woman standing on the right looking at a computer screen is Pam Merrett. Content includes: Bill Gribble, Ron Wild, Doug Sarah, Martin Hill, John Kemp, David Manterfield, Leslie Comy, Linette Penhall, Glen Martland. Virginia Fenelon. Michael Bracher, Brewery Building. Child care centre, Prospects Cafe Opening, Horticulture Training Centre, Retaining Wall, The Gordon, University of Ballarat and Ballarat School of Mines affiliation, Geoffrey Blainey, Ararat Community College Memo of understanding, Brian McLennan. Founders Day (Hadden Storey), Gwyn Hanssen-Pigott, Ken Latta, Neville Bunning Outstanding Achievement Award, Valerie Wilson, Jack Barker, John Sharpham, Jack Barker Resignation.ballarat school of mines, university of ballarat, integration, shane everard, robery morgan, linda bland, ballarat junior technical school, former court house, ken flecknoe, bruce muir, lindsay hillman, neil crouch, jack barker, keith boast, rex hollioake, m.b. john, bob lovett, brian mclennan, peter shiells, bruce tanner, jeff white, bryan crebbin, kerrie cross, ric dunlop, tom wiseman, barbara hughes, chris matheson, morgan b. john, albert street, steven mendelson, john crowe, ann mccaffrey, kevin alsop, mary molloy, ross furness, robert lovett, victoria street student hostel, student residences, hugh beggs, ballarat small business centre, inskill, ararat campus, hospitality and tourism, koorie support unit, fiona watson, bruce staley, terry moran, anthony wonish, ivan deveson, leo shannon memorial award, geoff howard, r.c.w. burdett, ian harris, bill gribble, allison kay, liz eddy, pam merrett, doug sarah, martin hill, john kemp, david manterfield, leslie comy, linette penhall, glen martland, virginia fenelon, michael bracher, brewery building, child care centre, prospects cafe, horticulture training centre, retaining wall, the gordon, university of ballarat and ballarat school of mines affiliation, geoffrey blainey, ararat community college memo of understanding, founders day, hadden storey, gwyn hanssen-pigott, ken latta, neville bunning outstanding achievement award, valerie wilson, john sharpham, kerry cross, morgan bevan john illuminated address, jean phillips, andrew sullivan, victoria street student residence, horticulture, inskill, tertiary awareness project, adult education, brian howe, barry jones, joan kirner, andrew trigg, warren perry, murrell rock collections, gwyn hanssen-piggott, disability awareness day, sebastopol borough logo, phoebe rimmer, russell jackson, r.j. young scholarship, peter muir, kenneth flecknoe obituary, ian pimblett, david nicholson, brian webber, prospects, training restaurant, 3bbb, malcolm vallance, aboriginal programs, ian cathie, caroline hogg, 'trained men make their own terms' exhibition at the gold museum, ricky hains, stephen hughes, dennis bolster, aboriginal education, e.j. tippett obituary, patti mcnulty, bob feary, equal opportunity officer, robert c. morgan, school of business and information technology, e.j. tippett library, e.j. tippett library opening, carpentry and joinery, women's trade and technical program, rural education program, ararat prison program, barometer, oil seed research, . bill gribble, peter shiells retirement, robert c. lovett, max palmer, jenny gough, barrie firth, colin mccurry, dora hormann, organisation structure, brewery acquisition, humffray street primary school, grant street retaining wall, neville bunning plaque, vce plus, ararat prison, ballarat showgrounds rotunda -
The Beechworth Burke Museum
Photograph, 1960
Taken in 1960, depicted is an aerial view of Lake Sambell and the surrounding township. Lake Sambell is a beautiful Victorian recreation lake and urban park with a unique history. It was created in the mid-1800s by the Rocky Mountain Mining company during the gold rush era and used as a mining site until the early 1900s, which brought Europeans into the area. It was turned into a reserve for residents in 1920 and is considered an icon of Beechworth as it represents the development of the community, human endeavour, and the spirit of the landscape.This photograph represents what Lake Sambell looked like in 1960.Black and white reproduced rectangular photograph print on paper.lake sambell, #beechworth, beechworth 1960s, lake, victoria, australian landscape, mining, rocky mountain mining company -
The Beechworth Burke Museum
Photograph, Unknown
Aerial view of Lake Sambell, Beechworth with town views. Lake Sambell is a beautiful Victorian recreation lake and urban park with a unique history. It was created in the mid-1800s by the Rocky Mountain Mining company during the gold rush era and used as a mining site until the early 1900s, which brought Europeans into the area. It was turned into a reserve for residents in 1920 and is considered an icon of Beechworth as it represents the development of the community, human endeavour, and the spirit of the landscape.This photograph represents Lake Sambell with town views.Black and white reproduced rectangular photograph print on paper.Reverse: Stampbeechworth lake, lake sambell, aerial photo, construction, australian landscape, #beechworth, victoria -
The Beechworth Burke Museum
Photograph - Lantern Slide, c1900
This image shows a semi-aerial view of a property along a river adjacent to Beechworth in approximately 1900. The photographer has capitalised words in the label, indicating that 'The Precipice' may have suggested a particular rather than a general vantage point to local people at the time. Although the exact location of the photograph is yet to be determined, Beechworth Gorge is popular today with hikers and nearby Mt Stanley is noted for its views. Lantern slides, sometimes called 'magic lantern' slides, are glass plates on which an image has been secured for the purpose of projection. Glass slides were etched or hand-painted for this purpose from the Eighteenth Century but the process became more popular and accessible to the public with the development of photographic-emulsion slides used with a 'Magic Lantern' device in the mid-Nineteenth Century. Photographic lantern slides comprise a double-negative emulsion layer (forming a positive image) between thin glass plates that are bound together. A number of processes existed to form and bind the emulsion layer to the base plate, including the albumen, wet plate collodion, gelatine dry plate and woodburytype techniques. Lantern slides and magic lantern technologies are seen as foundational precursors to the development of modern photography and film-making techniques.This glass slide is significant because it provides insight into Beechworth's built environment and natural landscape in the early Twentieth Century, around the time of Australia's Federation. It is also an example of an early photographic and film-making technology in use in regional Victoria in the time period.Thin translucent sheet of glass with a square image printed on the front and framed in a black backing. It is held together by metals strips to secure the edges of the slide.Obverse: Image from The Precipice. /burke museum, beechworth, lantern slide, slide, glass slide, plate, burke museum collection, photograph, monochrome, views, landscapes, farmsteads, rivers, beechworth gorge, mt stanley, emulsion, the precipice -
The Beechworth Burke Museum
Photograph - Lantern Slide, c1900
This image shows a semi-aerial view of commercial and official properties lining Ford Street, Beechworth, in approximately 1900. The tower of Christ Church of St Peter and St Paul can be seen in the middle section of the photograph, on the left-hand side of the street. The Church was constructed in 1858 with the tower added to the structure in 1864. Lantern slides, sometimes called 'magic lantern' slides, are glass plates on which an image has been secured for the purpose of projection. Glass slides were etched or hand-painted for this purpose from the Eighteenth Century but the process became more popular and accessible to the public with the development of photographic-emulsion slides used with a 'Magic Lantern' device in the mid-Nineteenth Century. Photographic lantern slides comprise a double-negative emulsion layer (forming a positive image) between thin glass plates that are bound together. A number of processes existed to form and bind the emulsion layer to the base plate, including the albumen, wet plate collodion, gelatine dry plate and woodburytype techniques. Lantern slides and magic lantern technologies are seen as foundational precursors to the development of modern photography and film-making techniques.This glass slide is significant because it provides insight into Beechworth's built environment and commercial and official infrastructure in the early Twentieth Century, around the time of Australia's Federation into one nation. It is also an example of an early photographic and film-making technology in use in regional Victoria in the time period.Thin translucent sheet of glass with a square image printed on the front and framed in a black backing. It is held together by metals strips to secure the edges of the slide.burke museum, beechworth, lantern slide, slide, glass slide, plate, burke museum collection, photograph, monochrome, ford street, christ church of st peter and st paul, church tower, landmarks, 1900, shopping facilities, public buildings, 1900s, built environment, streetscape -
Orbost & District Historical Society
souvenir programs, 1950 ; 1970
Orbost Aero Club began in 1969 with Basil Dowie as Chair, David Nixon as Secretary/Treasurer. The group went into recess from 1977-1991 closing in 1997. The mid 1960s were boom years in flying training in Australia and the number of Aero Clubs grew rapidly. The Club played a significant role in the establishment of the small airport at Marlo and in the ongoing operation and development of the airport over the years particularly for patient transfer by aerial ambulance. The Orbost Aero Club Club played a significant role in the establishment of the small airport at Marlo and in the ongoing operation and development of the airport over the years.Two souvenir programs and one advertising flyer. 2406.27 is a souvenir program for the Orbost Captain Cook Bi-Centenary Air Show 1970. It is purple print on a white background. It has seven folded glossy pages and cost 20c. On the cover is a photograph of a small plane. 2406.28 is a flyer for the Captain Cook Bi-Centenary Air Show, Sunday, April 19th 1970. It is black print on a pink background, 2406.29 is a souvenir program for Morwell Aero Pageant, Monday, January 30, 1950. Cost 3/-. No 4216. It is a grey/brown coloured card folder with black print.2406.28 - on back - Bruce Ham......(?) Yarram Tiger Moth orbost-aero-club captain-cook-bicentenary -
Orbost & District Historical Society
Orbost Aero Club began in 1969 with Basil Dowie as Chair, David Nixon as Secretary/Treasurer. The group went into recess from 1977-1991 closing in 1997. The mid 1960s were boom years in flying training in Australia and the number of Aero Clubs grew rapidly. The Club played a significant role in the establishment of the small airport at Marlo and in the ongoing operation and development of the airport over the years particularly for patient transfer by aerial ambulance. The Orbost Aero Club Club played a significant role in the establishment of the small airport at Marlo and in the ongoing operation and development of the airport over the years.Thirteen photographs related to the Orbost aero Club. Most are coloured. Ten are originals. 2406,33 is of David Nixon in the cockpit of the Bonanza (a small Beechcraft plane). 2406.40 is a photograph of David Nixon's grandfather's desk used for planning flights etc.On back of 2406.33 in blue pen - "This is me in the cockpit of the Bonanza." On back of 2406.34 in blue pen - "Taking Cora for her first flight with me after gaining my pilot's licence 1966."orbost-aero-club nixon_david -
The Beechworth Burke Museum
... Taken some time between 1914-18, the photograph depicts...-country Taken some time between 1914-18, the photograph depicts ...Taken some time between 1914-18, the photograph depicts an aerial view of trenches in France. The image mostly shows rural landscape, although there is a house in the bottom right corner. A dotted line has been drawn across the photograph, marking the section of trenches that belonged to British forces during World War I. It is believed that the line marking on this record denotes a section of the Western Front. The Western Front was the main theatre of war during World War I. Following the outbreak of war in August 1914, the German Army opened the Western Front by invading Luxembourg and Belgium, then gaining military control of important industrial regions in France. The German advance was halted with the Battle of the Marne. Following the Race to the Sea, both the French-British and German armies dug in along a meandering line of fortified trenches, stretching from the North Sea to the Swiss frontier with France. Between 1915 and 1917 there were several offensives along the Western Front. The attacks employed massive artillery bombardments and massed infantry advances. Entrenchments, machine gun emplacements, barbed wire and artillery repeatedly inflicted severe casualties during attacks and counter-attacks and no significant advances were made. Among the most notable of these offensives were the Battle of Verdun (1916), the Battle of the Somme (1916), and the Battle of Passchendaele (1917).The record is historically significant due to its connection to World War I. This conflict is integral to Australian culture as it was the single greatest loss of life and the greatest repatriation of casualties in the country's history. Australia’s involvement in the First World War began when the Australian government established the Australian Imperial Force (AIF) in August 1914. Immediately, men were recruited to serve the British Empire in the Middle East and on the Western Front. The record has strong research potential. This is due to the ongoing public and scholarly interest in war, history, and especially the ANZAC legend, which is commemorated annually on 25 April, known as ANZAC Day.Sepia rectangular photograph printed on matte photographic paper.Obverse: A.3FE.O.146 / G2R 29 . 6 . 18 (Y p.m) / F= 10 1/4 / British Line / ------------------------------------------ / P. 250 1040 / 0. 30d. 0010 / 0. 30d. 3070 /military album, military, war, wwi, world war i, france, great britain, trenches, village, rural, western front -
The Beechworth Burke Museum
... Taken some time between 1914-18, the photograph depicts...-country Taken some time between 1914-18, the photograph depicts ...Taken some time between 1914-18, the photograph depicts an aerial view of trenches in France. The image mostly shows rural landscape, although there is a cluster of houses in the top right corner. It is believed that this record denotes a section of the Western Front. The Western Front was the main theatre of war during World War I. Following the outbreak of war in August 1914, the German Army opened the Western Front by invading Luxembourg and Belgium, then gaining military control of important industrial regions in France. The German advance was halted with the Battle of the Marne. Following the Race to the Sea, both the French-British and German armies dug in along a meandering line of fortified trenches, stretching from the North Sea to the Swiss frontier with France. Between 1915 and 1917 there were several offensives along the Western Front. The attacks employed massive artillery bombardments and massed infantry advances. Entrenchments, machine gun emplacements, barbed wire and artillery repeatedly inflicted severe casualties during attacks and counter-attacks and no significant advances were made. Among the most notable of these offensives were the Battle of Verdun (1916), the Battle of the Somme (1916), and the Battle of Passchendaele (1917).The record is historically significant due to its connection to World War I. This conflict is integral to Australian culture as it was the single greatest loss of life and the greatest repatriation of casualties in the country's history. Australia’s involvement in the First World War began when the Australian government established the Australian Imperial Force (AIF) in August 1914. Immediately, men were recruited to serve the British Empire in the Middle East and on the Western Front. The record has strong research potential. This is due to the ongoing public and scholarly interest in war, history, and especially the ANZAC legend, which is commemorated annually on 25 April, known as ANZAC Day.Black and white rectangular photograph printed on matte photographic paper.Obverse: A.3.FE.2.291 / 62D O.20bd.P.25O.C / 16.7.18 / 12 / F 8 1/4 / Reverse: 6532military album, military, army, war, wwi, world war i, france, trenches -
The Beechworth Burke Museum
... Taken some time between 1914-18, the photograph depicts...-country Taken some time between 1914-18, the photograph depicts ...Taken some time between 1914-18, the photograph depicts an aerial view of Villers-Bretonneux in France, a region which was part of the Western Front during World War I. The image mostly shows rural landscape. The Western Front was the main theatre of war during World War I. Following the outbreak of war in August 1914, the German Army opened the Western Front by invading Luxembourg and Belgium, then gaining military control of important industrial regions in France. The German advance was halted with the Battle of the Marne. Following the Race to the Sea, both the French-British and German armies dug in along a meandering line of fortified trenches, stretching from the North Sea to the Swiss frontier with France. The First Battle of Villers-Bretonneux occurred between 30 March - 5 April 1918. It took place during Operation Michael, part of the German Spring Offensive on the Western Front. The offensive began against the British Fifth Army and the Third Army on the Somme, and pushed back the British and French reinforcements on the north side of the Somme. The capture of Villers-Bretonneux, close to Amiens, a strategically important road and rail-junction, would have brought the Germans within artillery-range. In late March, troops from the Australian Imperial Force were brought south from Belgium as reinforcements to help shore up the line. In early April, the Germans launched an attack to capture Villers-Bretonneux. After a determined defence by British and Australian troops, the attackers were close to success until a counter-attack by the 9th Australian Infantry Brigade and British troops late in the afternoon of 4 April restored the situation and halted the German advance on Amiens. The Second Battle of Villers-Bretonneux occurred between 24 - 27 April 1918, during the German Spring Offensive to the east of Amiens. It is notable for being the first occasion on which tanks fought against each other. A counter-attack by two Australian brigades and a British brigade during the night of 24 April partly surrounded Villers-Bretonneux, and on 25 April, the town was recaptured. On 26 April, the role of the Moroccan division of the French army was crucial in pushing back German units. Australian, British and French troops nearly restored the original front line by 27 April.The record is historically significant due to its connection to World War I. This conflict is integral to Australian culture as it was the single greatest loss of life and the greatest repatriation of casualties in the country's history. Australia’s involvement in the First World War began when the Australian government established the Australian Imperial Force (AIF) in August 1914. Immediately, men were recruited to serve the British Empire in the Middle East and on the Western Front. Additionally, the record's significance is enhanced by its depiction of Villers-Bretonneux. The battles that occurred in this town during World War I are especially historically significant to Australia as this is where the Australian Imperial Force had one their greatest World War I victories. An Australian flag still flies over Villers-Bretonneux in the present. Furthermore, a plaque outside the Villers-Bretonneux Town Hall recounts the battles fought to save the town in 1918. Kangaroos feature over the entrance to the Town Hall, and the main street is named Rue de Melbourne. More officially, recognition of the significance of the battle in Villers-Bretonneux is found at the Australian National Memorial, which was built just outside the town. It commemorates all Australians who fought in France and Belgium and includes the names of 10,772 who died in France and have no known grave. Each year, a small ceremony is held at the memorial to mark the sacrifice made by the soldiers. Lastly, the record has strong research potential. This is due to the ongoing public and scholarly interest in war, history, and especially the ANZAC legend, which is commemorated annually on 25 April, known as ANZAC Day.Sepia rectangular photograph printed on matte photographic paper.Obverse: yAE.2.35. / 125 / 62d.2834.35.36.VA.5. / 12.G.18-11 / F.-(?)" /military album, wwi, world war i, villers-bretonneux, australian imperial force, aif, france, war, army, conflict, germany, 1918, battle -
The Beechworth Burke Museum
Photograph - Aerial Survey, 5/9/1947
... -printed border. Photograph Aerial Survey ...This image is an Aerial Survey, Key Diagram of Beechworth and surrounding area. Issued by Department of Lands and Survey, Victoria in 1947. Photographed at an average height of 12300 feet above sea level, areas depicted are; Beechworth, Stanley, Bruarong, Baranduda, Muagegonga, Myrtleford, Everton, Wooragee North Tarrawinge, Dederang, Kergunyah North, Kergunyah, Yackandandah, El-Dorado, Barambogie, Murmungee, Barwidgee, Oxley, CarraragarmungeeBlack and white rectangular photograph. Image is printed on matt photographic paper and has a white un-printed border. Obverse: AERIAL SURVEY, KEY DIAGRAM OF PHOTOGRAPHS, APPROXIMATE SCALE OF MILES / DEPARTMENT OF LANDS AND SURVEY VICTORIA 5.9.1947. BEECHWORTH 792 ZONE 7. Reverse: BMM7010.1 (written in pencil) aerial survey, beechworth, burke museum, department of lands and survey, victoria, 1947 -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Photograph, Ringwood Bypass Landscape Concept Plan
Three colour phototraphs forming composite panoramic aerial view (undated)."Ringwood Bypass Landscape Concept Plan" -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Photograph, Aerial View of Ringwood, Victoria - circa 1970
Black & white west-facing view over Oban Road along Mullum Mullum Road and Creek. Foreground showing early subdivision development of "Dunn's Orchard Estate" with formation of Frederic Drive (named after the orchardist - Frederic Dunn), Baron Court, Towerhill Drive, Tyson Court, Adele Court, Marilyn Crescent, Abbey Court, Highland Boulevard, Ailsa Court. -
Phillip Island and District Historical Society Inc.
Photograph, Aerial photo Cowes 1931, 1931
... Guesthouse. Aerial photo Cowes 1931 Photograph ...Cowes in the era of guesthouses with large tennis courts and open space.HistoricalBlack & white photo mounted on cardboard of Cowes jetty with boats, Thompson Ave, The Esplanade, Isle of Wight, The Continental Guesthouse, Erewhon Guesthouse, Yackatoon Guesthouse.Cowes 1931cowes, aerial photos, jetty, isle of wight, continental, yackatoon, guesthouses, bass avenue -
Bendigo Military Museum
Item is part of the BCOF Association collection, refer Cat No 7625.This is a compendium of ground level and aerial photos of bomb damaged Pearl Harbour. Each photo, black and white, size about 14.5 x 18.5. They are contained in a plastic folder.Typed on top of first photo is:- "Received these photos from an old shipmate on the USS QUAPAW ATF-110. Interesting as I have never seen them anywhere else. I think they are spectacular." Pearl Harbour December 7th 1941.ww2, pearl harbour, copes of photographs -
Bendigo Military Museum
Photograph - Orthorectification Equipment - Army Survey Regiment, Fortuna, Bendigo, c1975, c1988
Orthophoto mapping provided the Survey Corps with the capability to produce map products quickly in the event of a crisis. These are four photographs of equipment used by the Army Survey Regiment to produce orthophotomaps. The Wild GZ1 orthophoto projector shown in photo.1P was introduced in 1973 and was the first equipment used to orthorectify colour and monochrome film aerial photography. Height profiles were originally produced on a PEB8 Stereo profiler and later were software generated. Photos of the PEB8 are available in Victorian Collections item 6222.17P, photos .5P and .6P. In the same era the IBM 1130 computer; OMI/Nistri AP/C-3 analytical plotter with coordinatograph, OP/C orthophoto projector and Zeiss Planimat D2 stereoplotters were introduced. Orthorectification is the process of removing geometric distortions and scale errors/variations from images. Images have tilt and relief distortions that make it difficult to compare accurately a map and an image of the same geographic area. Once an image is orthorectified, features on the image are shown in their planimetric locations. The WILD OR1 orthophoto projector and workstation shown in photos .2P to.4P was introduced in the mid-1980s. It was the second-generation equipment used to orthorectify colour and monochrome film aerial photography, replacing the system introduced in 1973. See items 6124.5P and 6133.4P for more photographs of orthorectification equipment.These four photographs of orthorectification equipment were taken at the Army Survey Regiment at Fortuna, Bendigo, c1975 and c1988. The photos are on 35mm colour slides and scanned at 96 dpi. They are part of the Army Survey Regiment’s Collection. .1) - Photo, colour, c1975, Wild GZ1 orthophoto projector. .2) - Photo, colour, c1988, WILD OR-1 unrectified colour photo in carrier, orthorectified and re-scaled colour image. .3) & .4) - Photo, colour, c1988, WILD OR-1 Orthorectification Workstation.1P to .4P – Some of the equipment is annotated on the frame of the 35mm slides.royal australian survey corps, rasvy, army survey regiment, asr, army svy regt, fortuna -
Bendigo Military Museum
Photograph - Photo Troop Equipment, Lithographic Squadron – Army Survey Regiment, Fortuna, Bendigo, c1970s
This collection of five photos was most likely taken at Lithographic Squadron, Army Survey Regiment, Fortuna, Bendigo in c1970s. The main tasks undertaken by technicians in Photo Troop were most likely enlargements, reductions and duplication of map reproduction material, and processing of aerial photography.This is a set of five photographs of Photo Troop equipment was taken in Lithographic Squadron, at the Army Survey Regiment, Fortuna, Bendigo, c1970s. The photographs are on 35mm colour slides and were scanned at 96 dpi. They are part of the Army Survey Regiment’s Collection. .1) - Photo, colour, c1970s, WILD U4A Diapositive Camera. .2) - Photo, colour, c1970s, Hass-Labortechnik Film and Paper Roller Transport Processor. .3) - Photo, colour, c1970s, Hass-Labortechnik Film and Paper Roller Transport Processor, SGT Christopher Wardley. .4) - Photo, colour, c1970s, Hass-Labortechnik Film and Paper Roller Transport Processor, unidentified technician. .5) - Photo, colour, c1970s, Pako Film Processor..1P to .5P – Some of the equipment is annotated on the frame of the 35mm slides.royal australian survey corps, rasvy, army survey regiment, army svy regt, asr, fortuna, litho -
Bendigo Military Museum
Administrative record - Report on the Block Adjustment of the Gordon Downs and Delemere 1:250,000 Maps, Army Survey Regiment, 1 Sep 1991, .2 Jan 1988
All mapping produced at this time were produced using Aerial Photography. These booklets contain the adjusted mathematical solution to joining this group of photographs together..1 Blue covered booklet with green tape binding. Block adjusted values for Gordon Downs SE 52-10 1:250 000 map Adjustment number 309 Sep 1991 .2 Blue covered booklet with green tape binding. Block adjusted values for Delamere SD 52-16 1:250 000 map Adjustment number 272 Jan 1988royal australian survey corps, rasvy, fortuna, army survey regiment, army svy regt, asr -
Bendigo Military Museum
Photograph - Tasks Demonstrated by Royal Australian Survey Corps Technicians, c1990s
This is a set of 17 photographs of technicians from the Royal Australian Survey Corps undertaking technical tasks circa 1990s. Photos .1P to .9P were taken at the Army Survey Regiment, Fortuna, Bendigo. Photos .10P to .15P and .17P of students operating survey equipment, were taken at the School of Military Survey, Bonegilla and survey stations surrounding Lake Hume. The base camp at photo .16P was probably taken at Sandy Creek, near Tallangatta Victoria, during the field phase of a basic or advanced RA Svy training course. CPL Steve Nokes appearing in photo .17P was attending the 1/90 Map Control Survey Course.This is a set of 17 photographs of technicians from the Royal Australian Survey Corps undertaking technical tasks at the Army Survey Regiment, Fortuna, Bendigo, and the School of Military Survey, Bonegilla c1992. Colour photos are on 35mm slide film and were scanned at 96 dpi. Photo .17P is in black & white, printed on photographic paper and scanned at 300 dpi. The photos are part of the Army Survey Regiment’s Collection. .1) – Photo, colour, c1992, Aerial photography Assessment, SGT Tony Grivell. .2) – Photo, colour, c1992, Aerial photography Assessment, L to R: WO2 Noel McNamara and LCPL Grant Lloyd. .3) – Photo, colour, c1992, Wild PUG4 point transfer device, LCPL Mark Fedden. .4) – Photo, colour, c1992, AUTOMAP 2 Graphic Edit Workstation, unidentified technician. .5) – Photo, colour, c1992, Heidelberg Speedmaster 102 computer-controlled five colour lithographic offset printing press, CPL Nick Vanderzwan. .6) – Photo, colour, c1992, Daylight film contact frame, SPR Ken Labourchardiere. .7) – Photo, colour, c1992, Heidelberg Speedmaster 102 Map Colour Evaluation Workstation, SGT Stuart Ridge. .8) – Photo, colour, c1992, Map proof evaluation, CPL John Bragg. .9) – Photo, colour, c1992, Wohlenberg MCS-2 guillotine, unidentified technician. .10) – Photo, colour, c1992, Wild T2 Theodolite, L to R: SPR Matt Arnold, SPR Kim Baker. .11) – Photo, colour, c1992, Wild T2 Theodolite, L to R: SSGT Bob Bright, SPR Kim Baker. .12) to .14) – Photo, colour, c1992, MRA-7 Tellurometer, CPL Mark Bourne. .15) – Photo, colour, c1992, Plane Tabling, CPL Mark Bourne. .16) – Photo, colour, c1992, School of Military Survey base camp, Sandy Creek, VIC. .17) – Photo, black & white, 1990, MRA-7 Tellurometer, CPL Steve Nokes. .1P to .16P - There are no annotations. .17P – annotated on back ‘CPL NOKES WITH MRA7 ON 1/90 MAP CONTROL COURSE’royal australian survey corps, rasvy, army survey regiment, army svy regt, school of military survey, fortuna, asr -
Bendigo Military Museum
Administrative record - Royal Australian Survey Corps - Operation Sandy Bush Phase 3, Operation Instruction 8/75, 22 Sept 1975
Operation Instruction 8/75, Operation Sandy Bush Phase 3 was conducted in the period 1 Oct to 30 Nov 1975 by Det A, 8 Fd Svy Sqn. The Operation was to complete the marking, panelling measurement of already marked control in the Louisiade and D'Entrecasteaux groups and to Recce, Mark, Panel and Measure new survey control in the Trobriand and Woodlark Islands. In addition Photo Identification was to be obtained of all marked survey control. Panelling was the process of accurately laying out large sheets of white plastic to form a cross over the Survey Control Points (Points where the position is accurately known) so that they could then be photographed from the air. The positions of these crosses could then be accurately transferred from this new photography in stereo onto the aerial photography coverage used to produce mapping.Typed Instructions and diagrams without cover, 14 x A4 pages stapled in Top Left Hand Corner.Some annotations in top LH corner8 fd svy sqn, rasvy, royal australian survey corps, fortuna, army survey regiment, army svy regt -
Bendigo Military Museum
Various photos of Selarang Barracks in Singapore in 1970. Some aerial and some ground level views. Refer items in Collection of LLoyd Farrell. Refer Cat 7889P.1. Photo of 1 RAR on parade for Trooping of the Colours in 1970 at Selarang Base in Singapore. Covering 'A' 'B' 'C' and Admin Company. 2. Extended portrait photo of the Parade Square and buildings of Selarang Base, Singapore in 1970. 3. Aerial photo of Selarang Barracks from a distance. 4. Aerial photo of Selarang Barracks 1970. 5. Aerial photo of Changi Prison 1970 in Singapore.Written on back. 1. "1 M1+" 2. Selarang Barracks 1970 occupied by 1st RAR. 4. 'Selarang 70'. 5. 'Changi Prison 1970 Singapore'.photograhs, changi, selarang, 1970, lloyd farrell. -
Bendigo Military Museum
Photograph - Co-ordinatorgraph Map Grid Production, Army Survey Regiment, Fortuna Bendigo, c1960s to 1970s
This is a set of seven photographs of map grid production using co-ordinatorgraphs at the Army Survey Regiment, Fortuna Bendigo. c1960s to 1970s. The Aristo Co-ordinatorgraph introduced in 1962 was a large heavy steel framed light table with a scribing head that moved in a XY direction using a vernier calibrated measuring scale to 0.001 of an inch. Whilst hand operated it was much quicker and accurate than manual grid and graticule calculation, plotting and scribing. Mapping PNG presented the Regiment with many challenges. WO1 Farrington and CPL John Dean developed computer software for the digitally controlled co-ordinatorgraph, the Calcomp 718 Flatbed Plotter. Much time was saved by automatically plotted cartographic grids and graticules, and automatically draw base compilation sheets complete with aerial triangulated stereo model control. This could be used for a number of maps and was the first step towards map automation. The history of co-ordinatorgraphs is covered in more detail with additional historic photographs, in pages 50 to 51 and page 88 of Valerie Lovejoy’s book 'Mapmakers of Fortuna – A history of the Army Survey Regiment’ ISBN: 0-646-42120-4. SGT Bill Boyd appearing in photo .1P reach the rank of WO1 and for 11 years was the technical warrant officer at the Detachment Army Survey Regiment located at Bonegilla, Victoria. He was awarded the OAM, the Order of Australia Medal for the development of the Flexiflow quality control system. This system comprised a series of job plans and charts linked to a task allocation to resource magnetic planning board. Using critical path analysis and task prioritisation, complex job planning was efficiently scheduled, and re-prioritisations readily made. Reproduction requirements were effectively coordinated by way of weekly courier to the Army Survey Regiment. Supervisors and technicians fully embraced the system as they could understand their role, others around them and the positive production achievements. Bendigo. See page 178 of Valerie Lovejoy’s book for more information on WO1 Boyd’s contribution to RA Svy.This is a set of seven photographs of map grid production using co-ordinatorgraphs at the Army Survey Regiment, Fortuna Bendigo. c1960s to 1970s. The photographs were printed on photographic paper and are part of the Army Survey Regiment’s Collection. The photographs were scanned at 300 dpi. .1) - Photo, black & white, c1960s, L to R: SGT Bill Boyd demonstrating Aristo Co-ordinatorgraph equipment to unidentified technicians (x3) .2) - Photo, black & white, c1960s, Aristo Co-ordinatorgraph equipment. .3) - Photo, black & white, c1960s, unidentified technician operating Aristo Co-ordinatorgraph equipment. .4) - Photo, black & white, c1960s, L to R: PTE Desi Asaris and CPL Kalen Sargent operating Aristo Co-ordinatorgraph equipment. .5) - Photo, black & white, Photo, black & white, c1970s, John Bloor operating Calcomp co-ordinatorgraph equipment. .6) - Photo, black & white, Photo, black & white, c1970s, unidentified technician operating Calcomp co-ordinatorgraph equipment. .7) - Photo, black & white, Photo, black & white, c1970s, L to R: SGT Andy Covington and SGT John Waight operating Calcomp co-ordinatorgraph equipment..7P annotated on back ‘Covington & Waight’.royal australian survey corps, rasvy, army survey regiment, army svy regt, fortuna, asr, carto, air survey -
Bendigo Military Museum
Photograph - Photo Troop, Lithographic Squadron – Army Survey Regiment, Fortuna, Bendigo, c1983
This collection of seven photos was most likely taken at Lithographic Squadron, Army Survey Regiment, Fortuna, Bendigo in c1983. The main tasks undertaken by technicians in Photo Troop were most likely enlargements, reductions and duplication of map reproduction material, and processing of aerial photography.This is a set of seven photographs of Photo Troop personnel and equipment from Lithographic Squadron at the Army Survey Regiment, Fortuna, Bendigo, c1983. The photographs were on 35mm negative film and were scanned at 96 dpi. They are part of the Army Survey Regiment’s Collection. .1) - Photo, black & white, c1983, Photo Troop work area, SGT Garran Hill. .2) - Photo, black & white, c1983, Photo Troop work area, L to R: SPR Steve Burke, SGT Garran Hill. .3) - Photo, black & white, c1983, Photo Troop work area, SPR Steve Burke. .4) - Photo, black & white, c1983, Photo Troop work area, WO1 Noel ‘Nesty’ Coulthard. .5) - Photo, black & white, c1983, Photo Troop work area, WO1 Noel ‘Nesty’ Coulthard. .6) - Photo, black & white, c1983, Photo Troop work area, CPL Gary Tremain. .7) - Photo, black & white, c1983, Photo Troop work area, CPL Neville Carr. No personnel are identified.royal australian survey corps, rasvy, army survey regiment, army svy regt, fortuna, asr, litho -
Bendigo Military Museum
Photograph - Aerotriangulation Production – Army Survey Regiment, Fortuna, Bendigo, c1993
This is a collection of eight photographs of Air Survey Squadron personnel operating aerotriangulation equipment at the Army Survey Regiment at Fortuna, Bendigo, c1993. PUG4 devices were used by technicians to stereoscopically view the photography containing the survey control points and the mapping aerial photography. The Control points were transferred from the control photography to the mapping diapositives of aerial photography by drilling their locations into the photographic emulsion. The Zeiss (Jena) Stecometer analytic stereocomparator for air photography shown in photo .1P was introduced at Air Survey Squadron in 1963. Wild PUG4 point transfer devices shown in photos .2P to .4P were introduced in c1968 superseding the PUG2 devices. See item 6195.19P for more photos and descriptions of Air Survey Squadron personnel and aerotriangulation equipment.This is a set of eight photographs of Air Survey Squadron personnel operating aerotriangulation equipment at the Army Survey Regiment at Fortuna, Bendigo, c1993. The photographs were on 35mm negative film and were scanned at 96 dpi. They are part of the Army Survey Regiment’s Collection. .1) - Photo, black & white, c1993, Zeiss (Jena) Stecometer, SPR Kim Baker. .2) - Photo, black & white, c1993, Wild PUG4 point transfer device, CPL Paul Bouton. .3) to .4) - Photo, black & white, c1993, Wild PUG4 point transfer device, L to R: CPL Darren Scott, CPL Paul Bouton. .5) to .6P) - Photo, black & white, c1993, CPL Doug Willis. .7) - Photo, black & white, c1993, WO2 Noel ‘Macca’ McNamara. .8) - Photo, black & white, c1993, SGT Barry Miller..1P to .8P - There are no annotations.royal australian survey corps, rasvy, army survey regiment, army svy regt, fortuna, asr, aerotrig