Physical description

Spiral bound booklet, plastic cover, black plastic binding, On front cover: Western Mining Corporation Bendigo Gold Project, Environment Effects Statement, December 1987. On front page, colour aerial photograph of Bendigo mining areas mentioned in report. Key on front page related to photograph: 1. Woodvale Evaporation Ponds. 2. New Moon area. 3. North New Chum Williams United shaft. 4. Carshalton, Carshalton shaft. 5. South Nell Gwynne, North Bendigo shaft.
Contents: historical perspective; Western Mining Corporation Ltd Bendigo activities; project outline, project approvals - controlling factors, elements of the mining project, surface based exploration, underground operations and surface support, mining areas and operations ore and mullock haulage, New Moon area, water management, environmental management.
Planning and land use, socio-economic environment, physical environment and biological environment are examined and discussed.