Showing 1381 items
matching 1961-1975 - veterans
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, Picken, Bruce, Vietnam Diggers' Language: Abbreviations, Acronyms, Terms and Jargon of the Vietnam War (Copy 1)
Viet Nam diggers language is intended to help all those who struggle with Army, RAAF and RAN jargon and need to make sense of their acronyms and abbreviations.Viet Nam diggers language is intended to help all those who struggle with Army, RAAF and RAN jargon and need to make sense of their acronyms and abbreviations.vietnam war, 1961-1975 - australia, english language -australia - slang -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, McKay, Gary, Vietnam Fragments: An oral history of Australians at war. (Copy 1)
Vietnam Fragments is a rare collection of impressions, reactions, feelings and fears - the often spell-bounding personal experiences of Australians who saw active service in the second Indo-China War. This was Australia's longest war.Vietnam Fragments is a rare collection of impressions, reactions, feelings and fears - the often spell-bounding personal experiences of Australians who saw active service in the second Indo-China War. This was Australia's longest war.vietnam war, 1961-1975- personal narratives, australian, australian army, indochina -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, Burchett, Wilfred, Vietnam North
Gives a new view of why the war of national liberation has been working and American special warfare has not.Gives a new view of why the war of national liberation has been working and American special warfare has not.vietnam war, 1961-1975, vietnam - politics and government -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, Lee, Sandra Finger, Vietnam On Canvas: Ken McFadyen: An Artist at War
Nothing fazed him. He was always in control, always thorough, always switched on, single-minded, He was popular with the men because of his empathy with them; and he felt honoured to be a part of the campaign and this showed in the way he tackled his work.Nothing fazed him. He was always in control, always thorough, always switched on, single-minded, He was popular with the men because of his empathy with them; and he felt honoured to be a part of the campaign and this showed in the way he tackled his work.war artists - australia - 20th century - biography, vietnam war, 1961-1975 - pictorial works -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, O'Neill, Robert J, Vietnam Task: The 5th Battalion, The Royal Australian Regiment, 1966/67 (Copy 1)
Fifth Battalion, The Royal Australian Regiment, was the first of our battalions composed of Regular and National Servicemen to be committed to operations in Vietnam and to stablish themselves at Nui Dat.Fifth Battalion, The Royal Australian Regiment, was the first of our battalions composed of Regular and National Servicemen to be committed to operations in Vietnam and to stablish themselves at Nui Dat.vietnam war, 1961-1975 - regimental histories - australia, 5th battalion, the royal australian regiment, nui dat, binh ba, nui thi vai, long hai hills, phuoc tuy province, 1st australian task force, national service -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, Vietnam task: the 5th Battalion, the Royal Australian (Copy 3 swapped with copy 1 as it is in a better condition))
australia. army. royal australian regiment. battalion, 5th, vietnam war, 1961-1975 - regimental histories - australia -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, Dunstan, Simon, Vietnam Tracks: Armor in Battle 1945-1975 (Copy 1)
One of the most deglected aspects of the campaigns which ravaged South East Asia and dominated the world's news media.One of the most deglected aspects of the campaigns which ravaged South East Asia and dominated the world's news media. armoured vehicles, military, vietnamese conflict, 1961-1975 - tank warfare -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, Casula Powerhouse Arts Centre, Vietnam Voices: Casula Powerhouse 12 April - 8 June1997 (Copy 1)
Viet nam Voices exhibits, for the first time, the art of friend and foe, compatriot and enemy alike.Viet nam Voices exhibits, for the first time, the art of friend and foe, compatriot and enemy alike.vietnam war, 1961-1975 -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, Casula Powerhouse Arts Centre, Vietnam Voices: Exhibition 12 April - 8 June1997 (Copy 2)
Viet nam Voices exhibits, for the first time, the art of friend and foe, compatriot and enemy alike.Viet nam Voices exhibits, for the first time, the art of friend and foe, compatriot and enemy alike.vietnam war, 1961-1975 -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, Bishop, Chris ed, Vietnam War Diary: 1964 - 1975 (Copy 1), 1990
Told In the words of those who fought the war and those who reported on its happenings.Told In the words of those who fought the war and those who reported on its happenings.vietnam war, 1961-1975, wars history, 1961-1975 -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, Bell, Dana, Vietnam Warbirds In Action. (Copy 1)
378 photographs - including 136 in full colour - illustrate this specatular overview of US aviation during the war in Vietnam378 photographs - including 136 in full colour - illustrate this specatular overview of US aviation during the war in Vietnam vietnam war, 1961-1975 - aerial operations, american - pictorial works, airplanes, military - united states - pictorial works -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, Matsakis, Aphrodite, Vietnam Wives: Facing the Challenges of Life with Veterans Suffering Post-Traumatic Stress. (Copy 1)
Vietnam Wives is a profoundly moving book on the phycological and social consequences of war for families; a "must read" for anyone interested in the realities of war. It should be required reading for all politicians. There are lots of helpful suggestions for wives at the endVietnam Wives is a profoundly moving book on the phycological and social consequences of war for families; a "must read" for anyone interested in the realities of war. It should be required reading for all politicians. There are lots of helpful suggestions for wives at the end post-traumatic stress disorder - patients - family relationships, veterans - united states - mental health, vietnamese conflict, 1961-1975 - psychological aspects -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, US Army AH-1 Cobra units in Vietnam, 2003
united states. army, hueycobra (helicopter), vietnamese conflict, 1961-1975 -- aerial operations, american, vietnam war, 1961-1975 -- aerial operations, american -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, Moyle, Col (Sketchy), Indebted: From a Quaker schoolboy to an Australian SAS Soldier, 2017
Indebted is not your usual military autobiography. 'Sketchy's' easy-to-read memoir is both humorous and thought-provoking. It gives a unique insight into jungle warfare during the Vietnam conflict and training and culture in the Australian Army, particularly the Special Air Service. It is a powerful book that will be of interest to both service and non-service personnel.Indebted is not your usual military autobiography. 'Sketchy's' easy-to-read memoir is both humorous and thought-provoking. It gives a unique insight into jungle warfare during the Vietnam conflict and training and culture in the Australian Army, particularly the Special Air Service. It is a powerful book that will be of interest to both service and non-service personnel.vietnam war, 1961-1975 - personal narratives, australian, australia. army. special air service regiment -- biography, soldiers -- training of -- australia -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, Lee, Sandra Finger, Vietnam On Canvas: Ken McFadyen: An Artist at War (Copy 2)
Nothing fazed him. He was always in control, always thorough, always switched on, single-minded, He was popular with the men because of his empathy with them; and he felt honoured to be a part of the campaign and this showed in the way he tackled his work.Nothing fazed him. He was always in control, always thorough, always switched on, single-minded, He was popular with the men because of his empathy with them; and he felt honoured to be a part of the campaign and this showed in the way he tackled his work. war artists - australia - 20th century - biography, vietnam war, 1961-1975 - pictorial works -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, Infantry Magazine staff, eds, A Distant Challenge: The US Infantryman in Vietnam 1967-1972. (Copy 3)
Historically, there are few exceptions to the rule that wars on foreign lands are fought for the purpose of acquiring those lands as part of a political or economic empire. Vietnam was one such exception.Historically, there are few exceptions to the rule that wars on foreign lands are fought for the purpose of acquiring those lands as part of a political or economic empire. Vietnam was one such exception.united states. army. infantry, vietnam war, 1961-1975 - campaigns, us infantryman -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, Weiner, Tim, Legacy of Ashes: The history of the CIA, 2007
Tim Weiner has read widely and dug deeply to produce this marvelous and convincing history of the CIA across six decades. That every quote is also on the record is a testament to his skill and also, thankfully, to the transparency that endures in the American political system.Tim Weiner has read widely and dug deeply to produce this marvelous and convincing history of the CIA across six decades. That every quote is also on the record is a testament to his skill and also, thankfully, to the transparency that endures in the American political system.united states. central intelligence agency - history, vietnam war, 1961-1975 - united states -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, Hooper, Jim, A Hundred Feet Over Hell: Flying with the Men of the 220th Recon Airplane Company over 1 Corps and the DMZ, Vietnam 1968-1969, 2009
A Hundred Feet Over Hell is the story of a handful of young pilots taking extraordinary risks to support those on the ground. Flying over Vietnam in two-seater Cessnas, they often made the difference between a soldier returning alive to his family or having the lonely sound of "Taps" played over his grave.A Hundred Feet Over Hell is the story of a handful of young pilots taking extraordinary risks to support those on the ground. Flying over Vietnam in two-seater Cessnas, they often made the difference between a soldier returning alive to his family or having the lonely sound of "Taps" played over his grave. 1961-1975 - aerial operations - american, 1961-1975 - reconnaissance operations, american, 1961-1975 - personal narratives - american, dmz, 20th recon airplane cpmpany, cessna 0-1 bird dogs -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, Brown, Jim, Impact Zone: The Battle of the DMZ in Vietnam, 1967-1968, 2004
A Vietnam War combat memoir from the perspective of an artilleryman.A Vietnam War combat memoir from the perspective of an artilleryman. 1961-1975 - campaigns, vietnamese conflict, 1961-1975 - personal narratives -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, Lost in Translation: Vietnam - a Combat Advisor's story, 2003
vietnam (republic). qua^n l uc -- history -- vietnamese conflict, 1961-1975, vietnam war, 1961-1975 -- aerial operations, american, military assistance, american -- vietnam (republic) -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, Buell, Hal ed, We Were There, Vietnam, Eyewitness Battlefield Stories
We Were There is a riveting collection of photographs and essays capturing the personal experiences of those who witnessed and reported from the battlefield.We Were There is a riveting collection of photographs and essays capturing the personal experiences of those who witnessed and reported from the battlefield. 1961-1975 -- pictorial works, 1961-1975 -- personal narratives - american, vietnam war, 1961-1975 -- united states -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, Lawrence, Mark Atwood, The Vietnam War: An International History in Documents, 2014
This is simply the best collection of documents pertaining to the long and difficult struggle for VietnamThis is simply the best collection of documents pertaining to the long and difficult struggle for Vietnamvietnam war - 1961-1975 - sources, vietnam war - 1961-1975 - united states - sources -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, Prados, John, Vietnam: The History of an Unwinnable War, 1945-1975, 2009
A vibrantly written and awe-inspiring achievement in epic form.A vibrantly written and awe-inspiring achievement in epic form.vietnam war, 1961 - 1975 - united states -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, Jones, Frank Leith, Blowtorch: Robert Komer, Vietnam and American Cold War Strategy, 2013
"Blowtorch" provides a revealing look into the hitherto unexamined role played for three decades by Cold War Strategist Komer. Those looking to understand counterinsurgency theory will be especially drawn to Jones' illuminating discussion in Komer's leadership of "CORDS""Blowtorch" provides a revealing look into the hitherto unexamined role played for three decades by Cold War Strategist Komer. Those looking to understand counterinsurgency theory will be especially drawn to Jones' illuminating discussion in Komer's leadership of "CORDS" national security - united states - history - 20th century, vietnam war, 1961 - 1975 - united states - biography -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, Micheletti, Eric, Seals in Vietnam, 1997?
From 1966 on to the fall of Saigon in April 1975, the SEAL Teams were present in South vietnam where they accomplished extraordiny intellignece-gathering missions and eliminated Vietcong units in the Mekong Delta.From 1966 on to the fall of Saigon in April 1975, the SEAL Teams were present in South vietnam where they accomplished extraordiny intellignece-gathering missions and eliminated Vietcong units in the Mekong Delta.united states. navy -- commando troops -- history, united states. navy. seals -- history, vietnam war, 1961-1975 -- commando operations -- united states, fall of saigon, mekong delta, vietcong -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, Tran, Doan Lam, Paris Conference on Vietnam: Looking Back, 1968-1973, 2013
Paris Conference on Vietnam Looking Back, 1968-1973Paris Conference on Vietnam Looking Back, 1968-1973vietnam war, 1961-1975 -- peace, vietnam war, 1961-1975 -- diplomatic history -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, Abraham, Tom, The Cage (Copy 4)
Tom "Bud" Abraham was one of the very few Englishmen to serve in Vietnam. As an officer in the 1st Cavalry Division during 1967/8, he saw combat in some of the fierest encounters of the war. By his gallantry earned him a chestful of medals, including the Silver Star, one of the highest decorations awarded by the American Army.Tom "Bud" Abraham was one of the very few Englishmen to serve in Vietnam. As an officer in the 1st Cavalry Division during 1967/8, he saw combat in some of the fierest encounters of the war. By his gallantry earned him a chestful of medals, including the Silver Star, one of the highest decorations awarded by the American Army. prisoners of war - vietnam - biography, vietnam war, 1961 - 1975 - prisoners and prisons, tom "bud" abraham, 1st cavalry division -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, Luu Van Loi and Nguyen Anh Vu, Le Duc Tho-Kissinger Negotiations in Paris, 1996
The Vietnam war ended exactly 20 years ago. The relations between Vietnam and the USA are in a process of normalization,The Vietnam war ended exactly 20 years ago. The relations between Vietnam and the USA are in a process of normalization, 1961-1975 -- diplomatic history, united states -- foreign relations -- vietnam (democrartic republic, vietnam war, 1961-1975 -- peace -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, After My Lai: My Year Commanding First Platoon, Charlie Company, 2010
Gary Bray landed in South Vietnam as a recently married, freshly minted second lieutenant in the U.S. Army. His assignment was not enviable: leading the platoon whose former members had committed the My Lai massacre - the murder of Vietnamese civilians - eighteen months earlier. In this compelling memoir, he shares his experiences of Vietnam in the direct wake of that terrible event.Gary Bray landed in South Vietnam as a recently married, freshly minted second lieutenant in the U.S. Army. His assignment was not enviable: leading the platoon whose former members had committed the My Lai massacre - the murder of Vietnamese civilians - eighteen months earlier. In this compelling memoir, he shares his experiences of Vietnam in the direct wake of that terrible event. 1961-1975 - personal narratives - american, vietnam war, 1961 - 1975, personal narratives, american, charlie company, my lai massacre -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, Franklin, H. Bruce, 1 RAR Group, Vietnam 1965-66 Reunion 2014, 2000
Coming to terms with the Vietnam War - the war that Americal lost - has been a long, gruelling struggle, mired by historical denial and distortion and, as Franklin so formidabely reveals, myths that have become entrapped in American culture.Coming to terms with the Vietnam War - the war that Americal lost - has been a long, gruelling struggle, mired by historical denial and distortion and, as Franklin so formidabely reveals, myths that have become entrapped in American culture.vietnamese conflict , 1961-1975 - public opinion - united states, 1961 - 1975 - influence