Showing 1016 items
matching calendars
Stawell Historical Society Inc
Memorabilia - Realia, 1887
Calendar - The Pleasant Creek News and Stawell Chronicle 1887 Advertisers - W.H. Bindon Grocer, H McGibbony Watchmaker, Michael P. Ahern Law, Stabb & Fair Coachbuilders, E.H. Goodwin Mixed Goods, A. Brown Grocer, C.W. Playford Grocer, J Mayes Bookseller, Town Hall Hotel, J Treloar & Co Grocers, T.Y. Smith & Co Jewellers, Charles A. Akins Books, C. Bryant & Co Brewery, Post Office Hotel, Grieve & Gray Stock & Station Agents, Wayman & Kay Engineers, The P.C. News and Stawell Chronicle, C Shirreff Coachbuilder stawell -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Document - Report, Electric Supply Co. of Vic (ESCo), "Mileages Ballarat", "Fare Distances", c1920?
Yields information about track mileages and horse tram track and information used in calculating fares.Report or chart - set of two documents pinned together in the top left hand corner giving information of system miles for both track and fares. .1 - Blue print - Mileages Ballarat - giving route including Sebastopol Horse car and one leg of a loop. Provides single track miles, double track miles, Total track, Total Single track miles, miles for car mileages. .2 - "Fares Distances" dated 7-3-01 - all routes. Has been prepared on the rear of a 1921 calendar, Brown, Win? of 30 Armstrong St Ballarat.trams, tramways, mileage, horse trams, esco, fares, crossing loop -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Black & white photograph of the Bendigo Butter Factory in Mundy St., mounted on cardboard. It appears to have been part of a display, with explanatory notes attached to each photograph. See 11011.10. On the reverse of the Title photograph is the date 1950-1955 and a blue registration stamp with the words 'Pure creamery, Australia, Victoria regd'. An interior photograph in the series shows a calendar with the date March 1957. This photograph shows one female and two male workers at a machine cutting and wrapping blocks of butter. The workers are identified on the reverse of the photograph from left - Rose McDonald, Harold Speechly and Ken Melling.bendigo, industry, bendigo butter factory, rose mcdonald, harold speechly, ken melling -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Ephemera - Calendar, Topmill Pty Ltd, "Trams - 2016", 2015
Wall Calendar - heavy card covers, 12 gloss art pages inside, titled "Trams - 2016" containing full colour photographs of Brisbane, Rockhampton, Melbourne, Bendigo, Ballarat, Adelaide, Hobart, Sydney, Valley Heights, Has a punched hole along the top edge to enable wall use. Provides dates for holidays, school holidays and Pension payment days and phases of the moon. Produced by Topmill Pty Ltd and distributed by Gordon & Gotch Pty Ltd. Photos by Peter Winspur, Maurice Kelly, Arthur Perry, Kym Smith, Archer Park, Ken Smith and David Kirbytrams, tramways, ballarat, bendigo, adelaide, sydney, brisbane, rockhampton, hobart, valley heights, tram 40, tram 880, tram 1000, tram 219, tram 14 -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Document - Event Materials, Danish Tramway Museum, Royal Visit to the Danish Tramway Museum, 2006
Set of four items or materials from the event of the Royal Visit to the Danish Tramway Museum by Crown Prince Frederick and Princess Mary 2006 to visit the Royal Tram, ex Melbourne No. 965. .1 - Cloth bound, A4 Calendar for 2007 featuring the royal visit on the front cover. .2 - Christmas Card for 2006 featuring the royal visit and a personal note to Mike Ryan who assisted in the project. .3 - Colour photo of W6 965 at the Museum, at night dated 10/12/2006. .4 - colour photo of W6 965 at the Christmas Cavalcade, Copenhagen (on a truck) Sat. 25.11.2006.trams, tramways, denmark, royal visit, w6 class, tram 965 -
Federation University Historical Collection
Booklet, Berry Anderson & Co, The School of Mines and Industries, Calendar, 1914, 1913
Contents of the Booklet: Associateship, Calendar, Certificate Courses - Science, Certificate Courses - Art, Draughtsman's Courses, Discipline, Discipline Board, Examination Results, Fees, Full Certificates Issued, General Regulations, Introduction, Junior Technical School, Railway Fares, Teaching Staff, Technical Art and Craft School, Subjects of Instruction - Department of Chemistry and Metallurgy, Geological Department, Engineering Department, Electrical and Electrical Engineering Department, Department of Mathematics, Department of Physics, Electrical Wiring, Electrical Engineering for Post Office Mechanics, Turning, Fitting and Blacksmithing, Telegraphy, Art and Applied Art Subjects, Architecture and Building Construction, Engineering Drawing, Carpentry and Manual Training, Dressmaking and Dresscutting, House Decoration and Signwriting, Photography, Plumbing, Sheet Metal Working Blue covered 176 page booklet relating to the School of Mines and Industries in the year 1914. school of mines and industries, william poole, professor a. mica smith, daniel walker, hubert r. murphy, a. e. c. kerr, e. j. a. mcconnon, john m. sutherland, ralph williams, e. gutheil, t. wlliams, herbert h. smith, a. m. lilburne, m. c. young, h. j. hall, d. t. johnson, e. j. cannon, g. clegg, c. e. campbell, w. j. hall, w. h. steane, j. wright, s. h. hodder, w. j. patterson, h. w. malin, r. v. maddison, science department, associate courses, certificate courses, technical art and craft department, associated trade classes, sir redmond barry, judge rogers, r m. serjeant, thomas bath, e. ballhausen, dr stewart, james oddie, associateship and final certificates, mining engineering course, metallurgy course, applied chemistry course, irrigation engineering course, certificate courses, geology course, electrical engineering course, municipal and hydraulic engineering course, chemistry, agricultural chemistry, technical chemistry, engineering chemistry, physical chemistry, metallurgy, assaying, minerology, petrology, engineering and mining department, turning and fitting, mining, electricity, electrical technology, graphical algebra and analytical geometry, physics, mechanics and heat, sound and light, technical, art, craft and trade schools, teachers' certificates, drawing, modelling, ballarat junior technical school, full certificates issued, examination results - 1910, 1911, 1912 -
Melbourne Legacy
Photograph - Legacy Appeal 1995, Albert Park Relay, 1995
Photos of an Army Logistic Command Lake Relay with Legacy being the beneficiary of the proceeds raised totally $21,000. The accompanying label explains it is an annual sporting event on the defence calendar. It was held at Albert Park Lake on 27 September 1995. Legatee President David Millie, attended the event and collected the 'small' cheque on Legacy's behalf. The label also says "Our warm thanks to the Army Logistics Command Lake Relay Committee members and all the sponsors." Ron Barassi also attended the event. Ron was a great ambassador for Legacy for many years. Legacy had helped his mother and himself after his father, Corporal Ronald James Barassi, was killed in action at Tobruk in 1941, aged 27.A record of a promotional event involving the army and Ron Barassi in 1995.Colour photo x 15 of a Albert Park Lake Relay event with Ron Barassi attending, paper label. Article in The Answer.legacy promotion, answer, ron barassi, army, relay, donations, david millie -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Magazine, Rail Tram & Bus Union (RTBU), "Newsline 2004 New Year Edition", 2003
Contains reports from Union officials including Trevor Dobbyn Secretary, Marc Marotta Branch President, Phil Altieri, Lou DiGregorio - Secretary and Phil Altieri assistant secretary. Gives contact details. Has adverts for Metlink, KDR Yarra Trams, M>tram, Slater & Gordon, Connex, Works Infrastructure, Melbourne Credit Union, Retired tramway Employees Association, RTBU tramway holiday units, rt health, Metro trains, Australian Super, VRI Membership and Savings and Loans Credit Union and Virtual Communities PCs for home. The calendar features a photo of Flinders St station c1926. The cover has photos of the Spencer St No. 1 Signal box and the Victoria and Swanston St signal boxDemonstrates a RTBU Annual magazine.Magazine - A4 - 20 pages including light card covers, full colour, centre stapled titled "Newsline - 2004 New Year Edition", published by the RTBU - Rail Tram and Bus Union Christmas 2003.tramways, unions, rtbu -
Orbost & District Historical Society
newsletter, Jinga, July 1979
Cann River is 75 km east of Orbost. The Cann River School newsletter is published fortnightly and includes a calendar of upcoming activities in the school and local community. When the newsletter started (probably in 1968) there was a discussion in the school as to what it would be called - Jinga eventually came out of that and it's still the same today. Jinga derived its name from Croajingolong. Croajingolong possibly comes from the Aboriginal words for 'belonging to' and 'east' and is the name of one of the five clans of the Kurnai (Gunni) - the Krauatungalung, who lived in this region. It is likely that the decision to go with 'Jinga' over 'Jingo' was made by popular vote. For a few years the school published a year magazine called Croalong, and now combines the two so the last issue of Jinga for the year is actually titled Croajingolong! (Information provided by Ruby, current editor of Jinga.) In small rural communities newsletters are an important communication medium. Cann River P-12 College has played a significant part in the education students in the Cann River district . It is the sole educational institution in Cann river. A newsletter for Cann River School. It contains black and white photographs, children's work and reports.newsletter-jinga cann-river -
National Wool Museum
Souvenir - Golden Fleece Matchbook, Hanna Matches, 1960s
Matchbook is a give-away / souvenir for Golden Fleece Petrol and Service Stations. The Golden Fleece Petroleum Company was established by H.C. Sleigh in 1913 importing petroleum from California, and was acquired by Caltex in 1981. The Golden Fleece ram trademark was created in 1951 when Golden Fleece petroleum became a single-brand service. The Golden Fleece ram was based on an actual prize winning merino ram named 'David of Dalkeith' from Boonoke Stud, run by the Falkiner family. Single brand service stations did not appear until the 1950s, and distinctive trademarks and logos were used to differentiate and promote the brands. Golden Fleece is also known to have produced other giveaways / souvenirs (such as games, swap cards, calendars, badges, roadmaps etc) to advertise its brand.Matchbook, containing twenty white-tipped, wooden matches. The matchbook has a fold-over, card cover. The front of the matchbook is blue and is printed with the image of a ram in yellow. Below this is the rough area to strike the matches. The back of the matchbook is yellow and is printed with text in red.GOLDEN FLEECE S. & A. Stolzenburg / P/L. / BLACKWELL SERVICE / STATION / Cnr. / Blackburn & Wellington / Roads / CLAYTON 3168 / PHONE 543-1863 GOLDEN FLEECE / MADE IN AUSTRALIA BY / HANNA MATCH . CONTENTS 20 / For Match Supplies Bladon & Puckridge / Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane.golden fleece petroleum company h.c. sleigh pty ltd, logo merino: sheep in australian art and design - exhibition (29/07/2000 - 04/02/2001), sheep, matches, souvenirs, petrol, california, caltex, ram -
Beechworth RSL Sub-Branch
Bayonet, 1907
The Type 62 is a re-badged British Pattern 1907 bayonet. Siam purchased 10,000 SMLE rifles and Pattern 1907 bayonets from Britain in 1919 to equip the "Wild Tiger Corps," royal bodyguard of Vajiravudh, King Rama VI (reigned 1910–1925). The tiger figural on the ricasso is representative of the Wild Tiger Corps. Year 2462 on the Buddhist Calendar corresponds to 1919. SMLE rifles and Pattern 1907 bayonets were taken from British stocks, refurbished by Birmingham Small Arms (BSA), and remarked with Siamese markings. The bayonets were shipped with standard steel-mounted leather scabbards. However, the leather rapidly deteriorated in the tropical climate, so the Siamese made a replacement steel scabbard body to which the original steel mounts were brazed. Sword bayonet for use with the .303 caliber Short, Magazine, Lee-Enfield No. I Mk. III (SMLE) rifle.A tiger head on the left side with some symbolsww2, world war 2, bayonet -
Beechworth RSL Sub-Branch
Scabbard Bayonet, 1907
The Type 62 is a re-badged British Pattern 1907 bayonet. Siam purchased 10,000 SMLE rifles and Pattern 1907 bayonets from Britain in 1919 to equip the "Wild Tiger Corps," royal bodyguard of Vajiravudh, King Rama VI (reigned 1910–1925). The tiger figural on the ricasso is representative of the Wild Tiger Corps. Year 2462 on the Buddhist Calendar corresponds to 1919. SMLE rifles and Pattern 1907 bayonets were taken from British stocks, refurbished by Birmingham Small Arms (BSA), and remarked with Siamese markings. The bayonets were shipped with standard steel-mounted leather scabbards. However, the leather rapidly deteriorated in the tropical climate, so the Siamese made a replacement steel scabbard body to which the original steel mounts were brazed. Scabbard bayonet metallic slightly tapered rectangular with rounded edges; oval belt nob on blazed steel top of the bayonet and a blazed steel bottom; the body is steel with dents and a wear holes on one side.ww2, world war 2, bayonet -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Magazine, Rail Tram & Bus Union (RTBU), "Newsline - 2000, 2001 & 2002 editions", 2000 to 2002
All issues contains a list of union officials at the time. Published by the Rail Tram and Bus Union. 2000 - articles by Peter Bourke, Branch Secretary, Trevor Dobbyn, Lou Di Gregorio - Trammies Report, Farewell to Unity Hall, services directory, adverts. Contained the calendar featuring B2 2112 at Luna Park 2001 - articles by Trevor Dobbyn as Branch Secretary, Marc Marotta Branch President, Lou Di Gregorio - Trammies Report, includes services directory and many adverts. 2002 - articles by Trevor Dobbyn as Branch Secretary, Marc Marotta Branch President, Lou Di Gregorio - Trammies Report, includes services directory and many adverts. Includes tributes for Ron Pearsall assistant national secretary and form ARU official Jim Frazer.Yields information about the RTBU and its activities and officials.Set of 3 A4 magazines, full colour centre stapled.; 2000 - 20 pages, 2001 - 16 pages, 2002 - 20 pages.trams, tramways, yarra trams, rtbu, unions, metlink, railways, tram 2112, b class -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Black & white photograph 20cm x 25cm of the Bendigo Butter Factory in Mundy St., mounted on cardboard. It appears to have been part of a display, with explanatory notes attached to each photograph. See 11011.16. On the reverse of the title photograph is the date 1950-1955 and a blue registration stamp with the words 'Pure creamery, Australia, Victoria regd'. An interior photograph shows a calendar with the date March 1957. This photograph shows a number of workers in the factory who are named on the back. Left - 1. Arthur Manley 2. John Gill 3. Rocket Grist 4. Harold Speechly Door - 5. F Hippesly? 6. Alf Pilcher.bendigo, industry, bendigo butter factory, arthur manley, john gill, rocket grist, harold speechley, alf pilcher -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Newsletter, The Met, Public Transport Corporation, "Trammie Talk", 1994/5
Set of three newsletters, printed both sides on yellow or white A4 sheets, titled "Trammie Talk", by the PTC with The Met banner. .1 - September 1994 - Welcome, gives names of people involved, Automated Ticketing System, Priority Services, Tram Fleet (B class), Recruitment, W class tram preservation, marketing and training. .2 - undated - December 1994 - speed of trams in Swanston St, Enterprise Bargaining, Uniforms, hot weather, Priority Service, Awards. Has a calendar for 1995. .3 - undated March 1995 - employee health, short trip tickets, overhead wires and electrical safety, Priority services.trams, tramways, operations, the met, metropolitan transit, buses, domain interchange, avm, overhead, safety -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Ephemera - Calendar, Topmill Pty Ltd, "Trams - 2005", 2004
Wall Calendar - heavy card covers, 12 gloss art pages inside, titled "Trams - 2005" containing full colour photographs of Melbourne, Flinders St Station, Ballarat, Adelaide, Kilmore Horse tramway, Brisbane, Sydney (runaway tram), Melbourne track cleaners, Wellington, Wanganui and Bendigo. Has a punched hole along the top edge to enable wall use. Provides dates for holidays, school holidays and Pension payment days and phases of the moon. Produced by Topmill Pty Ltd and distributed by Gordon & Gotch Pty Ltd. Photos by William Scott, A. W. Perry, Ken Smith, Ben Parle and Graeme Jones.trams, tramways, ballarat, bendigo, melbourne, adelaide, sydney, brisbane, kilmore, wellington, wanganui, tram 470, tram 866, tram w7, tram w6, tram w9, tram 653, tram 1041, tram 61-, tram 374, tram 104, tram 1000, tram 676, tram 103, tram 937, tram 53, tram 676 -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Ephemera - Calendar, Topmill Pty Ltd, "Trams - 2006", 2005
Wall Calendar - heavy card covers, 12 gloss art pages inside, titled "Trams - 2006" containing full colour photographs of Rockhampton, Ballarat, Fremantle, Grenoble France, Geelong, Sydney, Brisbane, VR Sandringham and Transporting Art Melbourne trams. Has a punched hole along the top edge to enable wall use. Provides dates for holidays, school holidays and Pension payment days and phases of the moon. Produced by Topmill Pty Ltd and distributed by Gordon & Gotch Pty Ltd. Photos by Archer Park, William Scott, A. W. Perry, Ben Parle, Maurice Kelly, Ken Smith,trams, tramways, rockhampton, ballarat, fremantle, geelong, sydney, brisbane, victorian railways, sandringham, brisbane, transporting art, tram 2107, tram 50, tram 384, tram 340, tram 497, tram 567 -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Ephemera - Calendar, Topmill Pty Ltd, "Trams - 2003", 2002
Wall Calendar - heavy card covers, 12 gloss art pages inside, titled "Trams - 2003" containing full colour photographs of Brisbane, Bendigo, Auckland, Sydney, Melbourne, Hobart, Adelaide and Christchurch. W7 1024 has a Lufthansa colour scheme. Has a punched hole along the top edge to enable wall use. Provides dates for holidays, school holidays and Pension payment days and phases of the moon. Produced by Topmill Pty Ltd and distributed by Gordon & Gotch Pty Ltd. Photos by Lawrie Hort, Hugh Ballment, Les Horsburgh, A. W. Perry, Ken Smith, and Colin Loach.trams, tramways, ballarat, bendigo, melbourne, adelaide, sydney, brisbane, auckland, hobart, christchurch, tram 104, tram 180, tram 111, tram 411, tram 1024 -
Ruyton Girls' School
Magazine, Ruyton Reporter, 1997
The Ruyton Reporter (formerly known as Ruyton Reports) captures the essential Ruyton Girls' School experience for the broader school community. It has been produced since 1986.The record has strong historic significance as it pertains to one of the oldest girls' school in Victoria, Australia. Ruyton was founded in 1878 in the Bulleen Road, Kew, home of newly widowed Mrs Charlotte Anderson (now High Street South). Thus, the record can be used as a reference example for research into Victorian school history. It also gives insight into the types of activities and events undertaken at Ruyton Girls' School during the period of its production. The record's significance is further enhanced by its exceptionally well-documented provenance, having remained the property of Ruyton Girls' School since its production.Colour publication printed on paper with staple binding. 16 pages.Front Page: 1 / 9 / theRUYTON / REPORTER / 9 / 7 / spring / Music: / the Soul of Ruyton / R / RECTE ET FIDE LITER / 12 Selbourne Rd / Email: [email protected] / Kew VIC 3101 / Tel: 9819 2422 / Fax: 9818 4790 / INSIDE: / New / President / of the / Board / The Play's / the Thing / Music, / Music, / Music / New Look / Junior / School / PRINT POST APPROVED / PP341999 00026 / STOP PRESS: / 120 YEARS CELEBRATION / BEGINS WITH ORDER FORM FOR / THE 1998 CALENDAR (SEE INSIDE) Edited by Deborah Forster /ruyton girls' school, ruyton, school, students, newsletter, ruyton reports, ruyton news, kew, victoria, melbourne, girls school -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Administrative record - Kangaroo Flat Red Cross Collection: General meeting minute book. September 1964 to March 1973
BHS CollectionNavy cover with white text and emblem printed on front and spine. Lined pages inside with handwritten notes. Page numbers stamped at top of each page. Kangaroo Flat Red Cross Minute book containing minutes of general meetings held monthly at various halls. Kangaroo Flat Branch of the Australian Red Cross Society Victorian division. Minutes of the inaugural Kangaroo Flat Branch meeting held in the RSL Hall, Station Street, Kangaroo Flat on Monday 21 September 1964 at 8:00pm are in this book. Prior to this meeting Kangaroo Flat had been a circle of the Bendigo Red Cross Branch since 1939.Water marks/ discoloration on inside front cover and first page. 17/3 has been handwritten in grey lead on the top right-hand corner of the first page. Two typed pages have been attached at the spine with glue to the first lined page. 7 blue pen marks on calendar inside back cover. The last page has the top left-hand corner folded. Small water marks/discoloration at the center bottom of the last page and inside back cover. 2 white marks on back cover.kangaroo flat, red cross, minutes -
Melbourne Legacy
Book - Minutes, Intermediate Legacy Ladies Club Minutes, 1985-1993
This is the Minute book of the Intermediate Legacy Ladies Club, from February 1983 - October 1993, detailing the activities and decisions of the ILLC. The Intermediate Legacy Club was established by Junior Legatees who had outgrown the junior activities. Initially just males but later the Intermediate Ladies also formed a club. From this book it appears to have functioned from at least 1953 to 1990. Background: The ILC was formed in 1929 with a total membership of 18. The idea of the club sprang from those boys who had outgrown the Junior Legacy Club. In the early days it fielded a lacrosse team and it was this that mainly held the members together. Enthusiasm wained after a few years as it lacked a solid objective. The answer came from one of its members and in 1938 they founded the Don Esses Club. This was a club for the children of incapacitated ex-servicemen which met every Thursday night at 7.30 run by the ILC members. The name came from the signallers' code Disabled Servicemen's Sons. During the second world war 80% of the members of the ILC enlisted in the services. Leaving only 8 members that could not join due to ill health or reserved occupations. They continued the Don Esses and whatever aid they could to Legacy. ILC members had always helped Legacy where possible including being camp leaders or camp staff, with the annual demonstrations, and coffee stalls at the ANZAC dawn service. Post second world war some ILC members were nominated into Legacy, others drifted away in civil occupations. It was found difficult to recruit new blood into the ILC and eventually membership waned when the boys from the Don Esses clubs found other youth activities to join. The ILC ceased to meet regularly in the mid fifties. However a strong comradeship still existed between members and they would meet in one anothers homes. Members were always ready to help the senior Legacy Club in any way in their power and still helped at Christmas parties and summer camps. ILC was a service rendering organisation and was self governing.Records of financial information and fund raising activities undertaken by the ILLC to assist Melbourne Legacy.Red mottled covered book with faint blue numbered pages. Yellow envelope and calendar fixed to inside cover with sellotape. Poem, Heroes of England inserted loosely between front cover and fly leaf. Two letters pinned to fly leaf 1- typed in blue thanking Intermediate Legacy Ladies Club for raising $1200.00. 2- letter in black type from the Honarary Secretary (Intermediate Legacy Ladies Club) to Mr Denstan Executive Officer Melbourne Legacy. A breakdown of amounts raised and from whom the funds were raised. Yellow envelope contains Statement of receipts and expenditure for years 1985/86/87/88/90/91/92.Cover, gold print "Collins 3880 series" underlined. Spine, gold print, Faint and paged. Lined and un-numbered page, handprinted Intermediate Legacy Ladies Club. In blue biro. Handwritten Minute Book. 1983 (February) in blue biro. Other notations have been inserted or stapled at pages 59, 96, 108 and 141.minutes, ilc, illc -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Document - Calendar, Topmill Pty Ltd, "Trams 2004 Calendar", 2003
26 Page full colour calendar with heavy card covers featuring Australian Trams, published by Topmill Pty Ltd. Cover (2983i1) features Adelaide No. 243 at Mitcham. Other cities represented - Brisbane, Sydney, Adelaide, Perth, Fremantle, Bendigo, Ballarat, Rockhampton, Sydney, and Melbourne. Photos by Arthur Perry, Ken Smith, Lawrie Hort, Leonard Stewart and Les Horsburgh. Originally priced at $9.95, and has Sale Price with $6.00 sticker. Distributed by Gordon and Gotch. Ballarat trams- 2983i2 - 26 southbound in Albert St to Sebastopol in 1970 used for month of May. Has been used at the depot to marked charters for each month and visitors and reminder dates. tramways, trams, australian trams, ballarat, bendigo, museums -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Loose A4 pages, enclosed in old calendar page as make-shift cover. Written on front ' Central Nell Gwynne Gold Mining Company, No Liability. Gold Book: South Shaft' Monthly entries date from January 1938 through to February 1942 and include weight advanced upon, amount of advance, weight after melting, fineness (mint and bank charges written in pen ) Eq standard weight, value, balance of assay. Blue bank deposit slip from English, Scottish and Australian Bank enclosed dated 28.11.1941 for lodgement of 13/4/- for South Nell Gwynne GM Co., relates to entry in bullion book for same, mining, central nell gwynne -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
News-Sheet Number 3. Listed are the President - Helen Bramley; Vice-President - Barry Thomson; Secretary - Mary Smith; Assistant Sec. - Rae Turner; Treasurer - Betty Martin; Publicity - Julie Manypeney, and the Editor - Michael Treacy. Calendar of club functions & other dances (1994) are listed. Dances are held at Spring Gully, Harcourt, Quarry Hill, Sedgwick and one in Adelaide. Bands are Emu Creek, Black Billy and in Adelaide the Gawler Brass Band. Some items marked with a star are explained on the reverse side of the news-sheet and the ones marked with a dot were not on the previous news-sheet. Entrance costs are listed. There is also a reminder for Membership subscriptions.clubs, social, dances, peter ellis collection, helen bramley, barry thomson, mary smith, rae turner, betty martin, julie manypeney, michael treacy, peroomba, don manypeney, emu creek band, ben thomson, margaret howie, sue foster, barb johnson, jim dobbyn, tom & margaret dean, edna miller -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Decorative object - Mounted decal, The Exhibition Centre, "The Melbourne Tram", 1992
Mounted decal "The Melbourne Tram" - glued to green vinyl covered craftwood or similar timber. Has a hanging strip or cord with two metal lugs screwed into the mounting material on rear. Mounted by "The Exhibition Centre" Randal advised that Y469 was painted dark green very briefly in 1992 - an initiative of the Kirner Government to operate "The Melbourne Tram" as a tourist service. See also the front cover of the PTC "Changing Times", Vol 2, No. 22, 18 June 1992 - htd539i4 for the launch of the tourist tram service. See Reg Item 627 for a brochure or pamphlet for the service and 669 for a complimentary ticket. See Reg item 5962 for a calendar image of the tram.trams, tramways, the met, logos, decal, y class, tourist trams -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Postcard, River Yarra at Studley Park, Kew, c.1908
Colour-tinted postcard, titled in red upper left: “RIVER YARRA AT STUDLEY PARK, KEW”. On the divided reverse, the card is addressed to “MISS JOLLEY / MELB. TRAM & O[MNIBUS]. CO / BOURKE STREET, MELB”. The sender has dated the card 21.12.08. In the upper right corner, there is a pink Victorian one penny postage stamp; sent from Melbourne on 22DE 08. (The division of the reverse of the postcard, allowing a message to be written on one half and the address on the other, was not permitted in Australia until 1905.) The manufacturer of the postcard is indicated by the initials “W.T.P”, printed in a green floral diamond, printed centre top. This was the trademark of WT Pater, printers & stationers. William Thompson Pater was born in Melbourne in 1861. His business at 271 Little Collins Street offered Christmas cards, booklets, calendars, and leather goods as well as postcards and albums.Hand-tinted postcard of the River Yarra in Studley Park, Kew. The birds-eye view is of a bridge on the Yarra (Johnston Street?) linking Kew and Abbotsford as it appeared in c.1908. On the Abbotsford side of the river, fields lead down to the river, with some remnant trees. The Kew side of the river, in contrast, due to its steep banks, retains its original vegetation. In the distance is industrial development, in what might be Fairfield and Alphington.“RIVER YARRA AT STUDLEY PARK, KEW”river yarra -- kew (vic.), william thompson pater, w.t.p., postcards -- kew, postcards -- studley park, bridges - yarra river -- kew (vic.) -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Booklet, Victorian Almanacs, 1860s
These Victorian Almanacs were published from 1859 to 1916. They contained information of interest to all Victorians, especially historians, businessmen, farmers and gardeners and must have sold many copies in Warrnambool, particularly before the local Warrnambool Standard Almanacs began publication in 1875. These booklets are of interest as examples of 19th century almanacs published in Victoria. They are also somewhat similar to the Almanacs published annually by the Warrnambool Standard newspaper from 1875 to 1930. The 1869 Almanac is of particular interest as it has on the front cover the printed name of James Hider, stationer and bookseller of Warrnambool. James Hider had been a carpenter, a land agent and a rate collector before opening a shop in Timor Street, selling books and stationery and operating a Circulating Library. In 1865 Hider set up as a photographer and was still operating this business in 1878. He was active in community organizations, including the Mechanics Institute, the Fire Brigade, the National School, the Musical Group and the Benevolent Society. He was also a Councillor and a Mayor in the 1860s. It is interesting to note that his name does not appear to have been been added to the 1869 Almanac cover but is part of the original printing. These are two soft cover booklets of 60 pages each. The back covers of both are missing and the 1868 booklet has some back pages missing. The 1868 Almanac has a black and white cover with ornamental scrolls and the 1869 booklet has a red, green black and cream cover with an ornamental border and images of flora and fauna. The 1869 Almanac cover has a Coat of Arms with Advance Australia printed at the bottom of it. The 1869 Almanac also has a map of Victoria as an insert. Both almanacs contain an historical calendar, Victorian Parliamentary information, data on Victorian cities, postal regulations, farmers’ and gardeners’ guides etc. Both contain advertisements relevant to Melbourne. Both have been bound with string. victorian almanacs, annual journals, james hider, bookseller and stationer,, warrnambool. -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Poster - Shipping Timetable, Barclay and Fry Ltd. London, Time Table of Australian Sailings, circa 1939
"Freight forwarding" is the arranging of the shipping of goods from their point of origin to their final destination. Freight Forwarders worked as an intermediary between companies that needed to ship products and the shipping and transportation firms that could ensure delivery. A key element of "freight forwarding" was the advice and professional handling of documentation and customs requirements provided. Early "freight forwarders" tended to be innkeepers who forwarded on the luggage of their hotel guests. One of the first "freight forwarding" companies was established by Thomas Meadows in 1836 which made it one of the earliest freight companies in Europe. More reliable rail and steamships were beginning to be used to transport goods and this created a demand for the new "freight forwarding" industry. The combination of railroads and steamships became very important in the late 19th and early 20th century. International shipments became common and freight forwarding that could handle their complexity became an integral part of the manufacturing and shipping landscape. Thomas Meadows & Company Ltd moved to offices in Milk Street, London in 1854 (where they remained until 1969 when they moved out of the city to Leytonstone) and continued in the freight business until 1987 when the company was acquired by Rockwell International Freight. The growth of Thomas Meadows & Company Ltd coincided with the growth and development of the colony of Victoria with an increasing need for the transporting of large numbers of people as well as important goods required by the growing colony - furniture, spirits, food, clothing, agricultural implements, household items etc. In the late 1840's only two or three overseas ships a month visited Melbourne but by late 1852 (after gold was discovered) more than a dozen ships arrived each week. By 1939, Thomas Meadows & Co. Ltd. had offices in Canada, U.S.A., New Zealand, France, Belgium and in Flinders Street Melbourne. This poster was sold by "Smarts Authorised Newsagency" in 1988 in Warrnambool - a business that had been owned by Neil and Shirley Smart at 168 Timor Street, Warrnambool since 1976. Previously it had been "Reed's Newsagency and Book Shop" (a local business established by William Reed circa 1912 and known as "William Reed Bookseller and Stationer"). The original owners, Reed's Newsagency and Bookshop were operating the shop in 1939 which suggests the poster may have been on display (for the information of their customers) in their shop at that time. This poster is significant through its association with Thomas Meadows and Co. Ltd. who is considered to be the founder of the "freight forwarding" industry in the early 19th century. It is an example of advertising used by shipping agents in the mid-19th to early 20th centuries. Its information includes the addresses of the firm's different offices in the U.K. and abroad, ships, shipping lines and ports used and the timetable the vessels were likely to follow. It is also significant through its association with a well known and long standing local Warrnambool business.A 1939 Timetable of "Australian Sailings" produced by the shipping agents Thomas Meadows and Co Ltd. It lists all their ships (plus dates and ports) sailing from the UK to Australia as well as the addresses of their offices in other cities in the U.K., Canada, U.S.A., Australia, New Zealand, France and Belgium. It has three vertical columns depicting (from left to right) January to June sailings, a simple 1939 calendar and their July to December 1939 sailings. The poster is attached on the top and bottom to two thin black metal strips. The top strip has a metal ring with a hole. A stamped label on the back of the poster has the name, telephone number and address of Smarts newsagency plus the date.Front of poster - "FORWARDING AGENTS. INSURANCE BROKERS.PASSENGER AGENTS.CARTAGE CONTRACTORS / MOTOR CAR AND MACHINERY PACKERS.FURNITURE AND GENERALEXPORT PACKERS" "THOMAS MEADOWS & CO Ltd." "ESTABLISHED OVER 100 YEARS" "SHIPPING AGENTS / 35 MILK STREET, CHEAPSIDE, LONDON, E.C.2" "PACKING WAREHOUSES IN LONDON & MANCHESTER" "1939" "TIME TABLE OF AUSTRALIAN SAILINGS" "JANUARY TO JUNE, 1939/ FROM LONDON" "JULY TO DECEMBER, 1939 / FROM LONDON" "HAVE YOUR SMALL PACKAGES SENT BY OUR SPECIAL "SMALLS" SERVICE AT LOWER RATES/RATES TO PORT ONLY OR INCLUDING DELIVERY THROUGHOUT AUSTRALIA" "INSURANCE AGAINST ALL RISKS EFFECTED WITH CLAIMS PAYABLE DESTINATION" "ROUTE YOUR SHIPMENTS VIA THOMAS MEADOWS & CO LTD. FOR PROMPTNESS AND ECONOMY" Stamp on back of poster - "SMART'S AUTHORISED NEWSAGENCY' "168 Timor Street, Warrnambool 3280" "Telephone: (055) 62 2092" "12 DEC 1988" Sticker at bottom - "51"flagstaff hill maritime museum and village, great ocean road, shipping, shipping agents, freight forwarding, freight, shipping time table, thomas meadows & co. ltd., thomas meadows shipping agent, shipping and forwarding agent, smart's newsagency, warrnambool, warrnambool newsagency, chart, poster, smart's authorised newsagency, neil and shirley smart, william reed, reed's newsagency and bookshop -
Clunes Museum
Memorabilia, 2016
Memorabilia used in 150th celebrations of Wesley College.1.2 Two Wesley School pennants, purple and gold, lion motif 1866-2016 .3 Length of Purple ribbon - gold printing 1866-2016 .4 Length of White ribbon - gold printing 1866-2016 .5 Sticker - purple and gold 1866-2016 .6 Name tab, plastic with cardboard insert, pin on, "Pat Cook" Table 1 .7 Calendar of events 1866-2016 .8 Invitation to Discovery Dinner held Saturday 14 May 2016 .9 Lion Magazine - Wesley College Community Magazine Edition 126 April 2016 .10 Publication "Framing the Future of Wesley - Wesley College Strategic Pland Framework 2017-2030wesley college, 150th celebrations, clunes campus -
Clunes Museum
Document, 1875, 1876,1878
.1 Green page headed "Yankee Tunnel" showing dates and depths dug and depths of tunnel costings on reverse of page, calculations in centre .2 Blue page dated 14 January 1876 headed "Tunnel" showing costings, amount sold, on the reverse shows 1875 dividents with amounts. Also a lost of names and amounts (these have been crossed through) .3 Cream coloured card with 1948 calendar printed on it .4 Memo from Clunes Water Supply dated 6 May 1878 detailing cost of laying on water; Memo addressed to Messrs Hudson's & Sons, Paddock. .5 Blue page dated 21.4/1877 headed "Tunnel" showing costings, amount sold.yankee tunnel, gold mine costings