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Vision Australia
Administrative record - Text, Vision Australia Financial Report for the Year ending 30 June 2020, 2020
Annual report information documenting the financial positions and changes at Vision Australia.1 volume with illustrations providing overview of financial positionvision australia, corporation records -
Vision Australia
Administrative record - Text, Vision Australia Financial Report for the Year ending 30 June 2019, 2019
Annual report information documenting the financial positions and changes at Vision Australia.1 volume with illustrations providing overview of financial positionvision australia, corporation records -
Vision Australia
Administrative record - Text, Vision Australia Financial Report for the Year ending 30 June 2018, 2018
Annual report information documenting the financial positions and changes at Vision Australia.1 volume with illustrations providing overview of financial positionvision australia, corporation records -
Vision Australia
Administrative record - Text, Vision Australia Financial Report for the Year ending 30 June 2017, 2017
Annual report information documenting the financial positions and changes at Vision Australia.1 volume with illustrations providing overview of financial positionvision australia, corporation records -
Vision Australia
Administrative record - Text, Vision Australia 2014-2015 Annual Report, 2015
Annual report providing overview of activities and achievements including: profiles of clients Cody Butler, James Griffiths, Debbie Lenehan and Marilyn Pursche, department of Jan Lovin-Kitchin from the Board, new regional structure formed, a Youth Egg Hunt time slot introduced at the Bendigo Easter Egg Hunt, support provided for tactile banknote and appointment of Sharon Bentley to the Board.1 volume with illustrations providing overview of organisational achievementsvision australia, corporation records, cody butler, james griffiths, debbie lenehan, marilyn pursche, hazel hockley, joshua campbell, ron hooton, kevin murfitt, jess gallagher, sam valavanis, sue-ann hanson, alimata karimu, connor mcleod, tijiske boonstra, taylor o'brien, sarah boulton, markus lenehan, ashley lenehan, kate begley, marcus bleechmore, kelly ryan, melissa rattle, zoe skjellerup, sasha skjellerup, kaylah fawcett, nicole damarra, robert barnes -
Vision Australia
Administrative record - Text, Vision Australia 2013-2014 Annual Report, 2014
Annual report providing overview of activities and achievements including: closure of Vision Australia Enterprises, preparations for the incoming NDIS trial sites, restructuring of VA Radio to be more volunteer driven, the progress of the Marrakesh Treaty on availability of accessible materials, profiles on Vaughan Roles, Natalie Kerr, Jordie Howell, Syeira, Jonathon Goerlach, Bindi Bailey and Jack Tyrell, and the loss of Ross McColl.1 volume with illustrations providing overview of organisational achievementsvision australia, corporation records, vaughan roles, natalie kerr, jordie howell, jonathon goerlach, bindi bailey, jack tyrell, ross mccoll, kevin murfitt, ron hooton, phil gilbert -
Vision Australia
Administrative record - Text, Vision Australia 2005-2006 financial report, 2006
Financial information provided, adjacent to the issuing of the annual report.1 printed volume with tables and graphsvision australia, corporation records -
Vision Australia
Administrative record - Text, Vision Australia 2009-2010 annual report, 2010
Annual report providing overview of activities and achievements including: turning of the sod at the new Coorparoo site, raised awareness through Gerard Gosens performing on Dancing with the Stars TV program, agreements signed with digital publishers to increase content availability, and profiles of the JO and JR Wicking Trust, Gandel Charitable Trust, Edward Cook, Sylvia and Charles Viertel Charitable Trust, Harry Triguboff and Microsoft Australia who donated this year.1 volume with illustrations providing overview of organisational achievementscorporation records, andrew furlong, cathy heenan, louise curtin, kenny johar, margaret bretherton, renee williamson, anna mccauley, natalie evans, gerard menses, kevin murfitt, gerard gosens, jessica raffa, karl stefanovic, lisa wilkinson, layla bodna, micah cheung, jeffrey carter, dawson ko, ria andriani, gaye gutteridge, janet etchells, lorin nicholson, dean nicholson, jo ann sherman, nick gleeson, susan rafferty, cynthia manson, brian gear, karen clark, cyril lutchner, paul gleeson, roberto scenna, bernie brookes, leigh garwood, david speyer, maryanne diamond, trish egan, michael hansen, julie rae, glenda alexander, stephen cavell, neela datta, professor ron mccallum, owen van der wall, jan lovie-kitchin, lyn allison, keith barton, nick carter, donald fraser, tony hanmer, ross mccoll, theresa smith-ruig, vision australia, annastacia palaszczuk, renee russell -
Vision Australia
Administrative record - Text, Vision Australia 2012-2013 Annual Report and Financial Statements, 2013
Annual report providing overview of activities and achievements including: transition to the NDIS requiring a new approach to reaching potential clients and limits on the elderly, change in revenue from mostly government to mostly bequests, types of vision loss, Feelix library celebrating 10 years since it's inception, and increase in digital members of the library.1 volume with illustrations providing overview of organisational achievementsvision australia, corporation records, fiona robbins, kevin murfitt, ron hooton, bruce blackshaw, rolf geerlings -
Vision Australia
Administrative record - Text, Vision Australia Financial Report for the Year ending 30 June 2011, 2011
Annual report information documenting the financial positions and changes at Vision Australia.1 volume with illustrations providing overview of organisational achievementsvision australia, corporation records -
Vision Australia
Administrative record - Text, Vision Australia Financial Report for the Year ending 30 June 2012, 2012
Annual report information documenting the financial positions and changes at Vision Australia.1 volume with illustrations providing overview of organisational achievementsvision australia, corporation records -
Vision Australia
Administrative record - Text, Vision Australia Financial Report for the Year ending 30 June 2010, 2010
Annual report information documenting the financial positions and changes at Vision Australia.1 volume with illustrations providing overview of organisational achievementsvision australia, corporation records -
Vision Australia
Book - Text, Basil Shaw, Vision Queensland, QBIC and the Queensland Industrial Institution for the Blind : a history, 1883-1999 by Basil Shaw, 1999
Brief outline of the development of services to blind and vision impaired Queenslanders since 1883, with more focus on the changes that occurred in the last 20 years.65 pages with illustrations on development of servicesvision queensland, qbic industries, queensland industrial institute for the blind, john puttick, santo santoro -
Vision Australia
Book - Text, Australian Scholarly Publishing, Lighthouse on the Boulevard: a history of the Royal Victorian Institute for the Blind (RVIB) 1866-2004 / Judith Raphael Buckrich, 2005
From its beginning in 1866, the Victorian Asylum for the Blind (later called the Royal Victorian Institute for the Blind) has been a prominent resident in St Kilda Road. Intended to provide work and education, the RVIB has adapted and changed according to the staff and people who passed through, lived, laughed, learned and languished in it, as well as societal expectations. In this history of the building, its services and personalities, up until the closure of St Kilda Road.284 pages without illustrations in etext filenon-fictionroyal victorian institute for the blind, rvib burwood school -
Vision Australia
Administrative record - Text, RVIB Annual Report 2003-2004, 2004
An overview of activities and achievements during the past financial year. Articles in annual report include: acknowledgement of the passing of Dr Trevor Anderson (President) during the year, merge of organisations, equipment upgrade at Burwood School and transition of early education program out to Southern and Eastern offices and publication of "Little Steps to Learning" and 'Thanks Mate I'll Try That'.1 printed volume of information about the RVIB during the financial yearroyal victorian institute for the blind, annual report, trevor anderson, doug kent -
Vision Australia
Administrative record - Text, RVIB Annual Report 2002-2003, 2003
An overview of activities and achievements during the past financial year. Articles in annual report include: continuing involvement with Project Nexus (to merge with RBS and VAF), NILS becoming a separate entity, launch of History Project, launch of Feelix at Melbourne Zoo with patron Sigrid Thornton, funding of "Little Steps to Learning" by Paul Newman Foundation, RVIB For Sight Week, RVIB Gold Ball, Dare to Date ball and hosting Southern Cross games.1 printed volume of information about the RVIB during the financial yearroyal victorian institute for the blind, annual report, jade sanderson, trevor anderson, doug kent, sigrid thornton, rhonda burchmore, ray martin, hi-5, vanessa amorosi, chad kelly, kushbu lal, wanda egerton, russell short -
Vision Australia
Administrative record - Text, RVIB Annual Report 2001-2002, 2002
An overview of activities and achievements during the past financial year. Articles in annual report include: launch of Project Nexus (to merge with RBS and VAF), 'Egypt by Touch' exhibition, inaugural Dare to Date ball and Aqua Dance party, production of Braille and Large Print in Tetun language for Timor, publication of "I'm posting the pebbles", and the RVIB Fair held for the first time since 1985.1 printed volume of information about the RVIB during the financial yearroyal victorian institute for the blind, annual report, trevor anderson, doug kent, chris baillie, lui palombi, debbie deshayes, jenny pring, chery kurnow, robyn guymer, chris edwards, jamie kelly, tim mitchell, molly meldrum, john so -
Vision Australia
Administrative record - Text, Royal Blind Society Annual Report 2002-2003 "Working together", 2003
An overview of activities and achievements during the past financial year. Articles in annual report include: opening two new offices in Coffs Harbour and Canberra, merging library services with RVIB and VAF, development of the "Do It Yourself" package with the University of Sydney and launched by Benita Collings, Behind the Budget luncheon with H.G. Nelson, Wendy Harmer and Peter Berner, a tactile art exhibition with the Sydney's Object Gallery, building a new volunteer Speakers Network and profiles of volunteers Clarys Churchill and Ian Carswell, and clients Emily McNeil, Tess Herbert, Nelson Rufatt, Jonathan Mondy, Fiona Williams, James Pittar, Rita Lucas, Noni Guthrie, Alexandra Sugis and Elizabeth Ford.1 printed volume of information about the RBS during the financial yearroyal blind society of nsw, annual reports, lauren rapley, emily mcneil, graeme innes, pearl stapleton, dick smith, clarys churchill, tess herbert, benita collings, erica chiandotto, nelson rufatt, natalie kaine, jonathan mondy, annette hayes, fiona williams, james pittar, rita lucas, cem oztan, noni guthrie, alexandra sugis, elizabeth ford, paula-jane robinson, ian carswell, andrew daddo, wendy matthews, tayla fitten, dion milton, peter berner, wendy harmer, h.g. nelson, marie bashir, walter bolin, victoria maggs, katherine purcell, michael simpson, john landau, denis lister, carol ireland, stephanie peebles, barry chapman, christopher cullen, charles cowper, frank martin, ivan cribb, keith barton, michael brown, john mumford, owen van der wall, roslyn lambert, tony miller -
Vision Australia
Document - Text, A Philosophy for Confident Mobility by Dr Hoover
Article by Dr Hoover on mobility aids and how more observational studies - rather than prescribed ones - should be developed.7 typed pages that have been removed from a bookrichard hoover, orientation and mobility -
Vision Australia
Article - Text, The long cane - a personal experience
Article on the writer's experience with a long cane and their personal belief of it's abilities.1 page article about long cane usageorientation and mobility, white cane -
Vision Australia
Administrative record - Text, Fifieth Annual Report of the Association for the Advancement of the Blind 1945, 1945
Annual report of the Association for the Advancement of the Blind outlined activities and events over the year, including the well attended picnics and the need to continue the work as outlined in the League of Nations which acknowledged the large number of blind people not yet employed.1 volume of printed material with some illustrationsassociation for the advancement of the blind, annual reports -
Vision Australia
Document - Text, Talking Newspapers - 1st August 1986, 1/8/1986
In 1983 the Swan Hill Guardian became the first Talking Newspaper produced by the RVIB. In the three years since then 18 other rural newspapers followed and in 1986 there was a concerted push to add Melbourne papers to this network. This document provided an outline of the process of establishing a paper, and the role community groups and public libraries played in this.2 foolscap page document about the Talking Newspaper Serviceroyal victorian institute for the blind, talking newspaper service -
Vision Australia
Pamphlet - Text, 1968 Illustrated Catalogue of Apparatus and Games for the Blind, 1968
RNIB sold a number of devices around the world, including games, clocks, brailling equipment and handicraft items. These are listed in this catalogue and some are found in this collection. 62 page booklet with black and white illustrationsroyal national institute for the blind, braille equipment, games, recreation equipment -
Vision Australia
Article - Text, Glenn Ferguson, Eyeing new premises
Brief article on the closure of the Newtown office, and opening of an office in Belmont by Vision Australia Foundation.Cut out newspaper article taken from Geelong Advertisernon-fictionvision australia foundation, anne johnson, heidi timberlake, myrtle barnes -
Vision Australia
Certificate - Text, QCCI certificate of membership - RFBQ, 2/11/1993
Certificate of membership of the Queensland Chamber of Commerce and Industry for the Royal Blind Foundation of Queensland Inc.1 A4 sized page for certificateawards, royal blind foundation of queensland -
Vision Australia
Administrative record - Text, Royal Victorian Institute for the Blind annual report 1915, 1915-1921
From it's beginning in 1867, the Royal Victorian Institute for the Blind grew in size and its number of employees and benefactors. These bound volumes of annual reports contain the information sent to subscribers of the Institute and outline the notable events and difficulties facing the blind and the RVIB.1 volume bound with illustrations.royal victorian institute for the blind, annual reports -
Vision Australia
Administrative record - Text, Royal Victorian Institute for the Blind annual report 1916, 1915-1921
From it's beginning in 1867, the Royal Victorian Institute for the Blind grew in size and its number of employees and benefactors. These bound volumes of annual reports contain the information sent to subscribers of the Institute and outline the notable events and difficulties facing the blind and the RVIB.1 volume bound with illustrations.royal victorian institute for the blind, annual reports -
Vision Australia
Administrative record - Text, Royal Victorian Institute for the Blind annual report 1917, 1915-1921
From it's beginning in 1867, the Royal Victorian Institute for the Blind grew in size and its number of employees and benefactors. These bound volumes of annual reports contain the information sent to subscribers of the Institute and outline the notable events and difficulties facing the blind and the RVIB.1 volume bound with illustrations.royal victorian institute for the blind, annual reports -
Vision Australia
Administrative record - Text, Royal Victorian Institute for the Blind annual report 1918, 1915-1921
From it's beginning in 1867, the Royal Victorian Institute for the Blind grew in size and its number of employees and benefactors. These bound volumes of annual reports contain the information sent to subscribers of the Institute and outline the notable events and difficulties facing the blind and the RVIB.1 volume bound with illustrations.royal victorian institute for the blind, annual reports -
Vision Australia
Administrative record - Text, Royal Victorian Institute for the Blind annual report 1919, 1915-1921
From it's beginning in 1867, the Royal Victorian Institute for the Blind grew in size and its number of employees and benefactors. These bound volumes of annual reports contain the information sent to subscribers of the Institute and outline the notable events and difficulties facing the blind and the RVIB.1 volume bound with illustrations.royal victorian institute for the blind, annual reports