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Kew Historical Society Inc
Journal, Kewriosity : April 1989
Meals [on Wheels] well appreciated / p1 Report on East Kew "overdevelopment" / p1. Dates for April / p2. Commentary [civic awards, volunteers] / Cr Allen Martin / p3. Kew's nod to power line suggestion / p3. New Councillor [Cr Tom Indovino, Cr Joe Ormando, profiles] / p3. Cotham Road reconstructed [Streetscaping Master Plan] / p3. Traffic Management updates / p4. Ivy's number one [Ivy Smith, Kew Recreation Centre] / p4. In for a penny ... [dog pound] / p4. ... Bad times just around the corner [Kew City Library] / p4. Residents form action group [Cotham Residents’ Action Group] / p4. As Ruyton likes it ["As You Like It"] / p5. MLC fair sounds fun / p5. Students look for accommodation / p5. Asthma Swim classes here [Kew Recreation Centre] / p5. Watch your car [Neighbourhood Watch] / p6. Watch my lips [lip reading classes] / p6. Watch the birdie [Red Cross tour] / p6. Watch the meeting [Kew Community Action Group] / p6. Watch this space / p6. Playgroup binds young and old [Carnsworth-Garoopna Nursing Home] / p6. Baptist re-union / p6. School's 75th [The School for the Burwood Boys' Home, Wattle Park Primary School] / p6. What's the point in baby-sitting [Boroondara Babysitting Club] / p7. Heritage Week [Willsmere, Kew Historical Society] / p7. Bodalla Garden Party / p7. Youthful fitness [Little Athletics] / p7. Keeping you informed [Citizens Advice Bureau] / p8. Tram dream / p8. Hefty competition [weightlifting] / p8. [Kew Citizens'] Band competes at Ipswich / p8. Join the Chorus [Viola Musical Comedy Society ] / p8. Non-stop chamber music for Kew [Elysium Ensemble] / p8.Kewriosity was a local newsletter combining Kew Council and community news. It was published between November 1983 and June 1994, replacing an earlier Kewriosity [broad] Sheet (1979-84). In producing Kewriosity, Council aimed to provide a range of interesting and informative articles covering its deliberations and decision making, together with items of general interest and importance to the Kew community and information not generally available through daily media outlets.non-fictionMeals [on Wheels] well appreciated / p1 Report on East Kew "overdevelopment" / p1. Dates for April / p2. Commentary [civic awards, volunteers] / Cr Allen Martin / p3. Kew's nod to power line suggestion / p3. New Councillor [Cr Tom Indovino, Cr Joe Ormando, profiles] / p3. Cotham Road reconstructed [Streetscaping Master Plan] / p3. Traffic Management updates / p4. Ivy's number one [Ivy Smith, Kew Recreation Centre] / p4. In for a penny ... [dog pound] / p4. ... Bad times just around the corner [Kew City Library] / p4. Residents form action group [Cotham Residents’ Action Group] / p4. As Ruyton likes it ["As You Like It"] / p5. MLC fair sounds fun / p5. Students look for accommodation / p5. Asthma Swim classes here [Kew Recreation Centre] / p5. Watch your car [Neighbourhood Watch] / p6. Watch my lips [lip reading classes] / p6. Watch the birdie [Red Cross tour] / p6. Watch the meeting [Kew Community Action Group] / p6. Watch this space / p6. Playgroup binds young and old [Carnsworth-Garoopna Nursing Home] / p6. Baptist re-union / p6. School's 75th [The School for the Burwood Boys' Home, Wattle Park Primary School] / p6. What's the point in baby-sitting [Boroondara Babysitting Club] / p7. Heritage Week [Willsmere, Kew Historical Society] / p7. Bodalla Garden Party / p7. Youthful fitness [Little Athletics] / p7. Keeping you informed [Citizens Advice Bureau] / p8. Tram dream / p8. Hefty competition [weightlifting] / p8. [Kew Citizens'] Band competes at Ipswich / p8. Join the Chorus [Viola Musical Comedy Society ] / p8. Non-stop chamber music for Kew [Elysium Ensemble] / p8. publications -- city of kew (vic.), kewriosity, council newsletters, community newsletters -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Journal, Kewriosity : September 1988
Council urges 'YES' vote on September 3 [Constitutional recognition for local government]/ p1-2. Meet the Mayor [Cr Allen Martin] / p1. Dates for September / p2. Kew Living launch [Bicentennial project] / p2. Commentary / Cr Allen Martin p3. Amnesty on dogs [registration] / p3. Election results / p3. Former Kew Councillor for County Court [Judge Chester Keon-Cohen] / p3. Willsmere Forum / p3. Notices [North Kew Tennis Club] / p4. Community clean up [Boroondara Bushwalkers] / p4. Pregnancy support / p4. Teenage Disco [Youth Resource Centre] / p4. Friendship and fun at playgroup [Highbury Grove Playgroup]/ p4. Friends of Kew Library / p4. Christmas cards for Kew / p4. Kew group to perform at Spoleto Festival [Elysium Ensemble] / p5. Community celebrations at Kew High School [State Education Week] / p5. Kew Community House / Judy Price p6. Student help / p6. Used furniture - can you help? [Belford Oaks Full Day Care Centre] / p6. Keeping you informed [Kew Citizens’ Advice Bureau] / p6. [Kew] Community Directory [1989] p6. Fun, fitness and family [Kew Little Athletics Centre] / p7. Community recreation for disabled [ Kew Recreation Integration Support Group] / p7. Footy News [Kew Football Club] / p8. Bowls season starts soon [Kew Bowling Club] / p8. Cricket Club invites new members [Deepdene Uniting Cricket Club] / p8. Spring into Spring with volleyball [Kew High School Sports Centre] / p8. 1st Kew Scouts ready to expand / p8.Kewriosity was a local newsletter combining Kew Council and community news. It was published between November 1983 and June 1994, replacing an earlier Kewriosity [broad] Sheet (1979-84). In producing Kewriosity, Council aimed to provide a range of interesting and informative articles covering its deliberations and decision making, together with items of general interest and importance to the Kew community and information not generally available through daily media outlets.non-fictionCouncil urges 'YES' vote on September 3 [Constitutional recognition for local government]/ p1-2. Meet the Mayor [Cr Allen Martin] / p1. Dates for September / p2. Kew Living launch [Bicentennial project] / p2. Commentary / Cr Allen Martin p3. Amnesty on dogs [registration] / p3. Election results / p3. Former Kew Councillor for County Court [Judge Chester Keon-Cohen] / p3. Willsmere Forum / p3. Notices [North Kew Tennis Club] / p4. Community clean up [Boroondara Bushwalkers] / p4. Pregnancy support / p4. Teenage Disco [Youth Resource Centre] / p4. Friendship and fun at playgroup [Highbury Grove Playgroup]/ p4. Friends of Kew Library / p4. Christmas cards for Kew / p4. Kew group to perform at Spoleto Festival [Elysium Ensemble] / p5. Community celebrations at Kew High School [State Education Week] / p5. Kew Community House / Judy Price p6. Student help / p6. Used furniture - can you help? [Belford Oaks Full Day Care Centre] / p6. Keeping you informed [Kew Citizens’ Advice Bureau] / p6. [Kew] Community Directory [1989] p6. Fun, fitness and family [Kew Little Athletics Centre] / p7. Community recreation for disabled [ Kew Recreation Integration Support Group] / p7. Footy News [Kew Football Club] / p8. Bowls season starts soon [Kew Bowling Club] / p8. Cricket Club invites new members [Deepdene Uniting Cricket Club] / p8. Spring into Spring with volleyball [Kew High School Sports Centre] / p8. 1st Kew Scouts ready to expand / p8. publications -- city of kew (vic.), kewriosity, council newsletters, community newsletters -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Journal, Kewriosity : September 1986
Meet the Mayor [Cr Joe Ormando] / p1. Municipal election and poll results / p1. Dates for September / p2. [Community] Notices / p2&8. Commentary by the Mayor Councillor Joe Ormando - a challenging year ahead / Cr Joe Ormando p3. Kew Integration Project / Stacey DeJean-Apeitos & Judith Sammons p3. Join the celebration! ['Living together' video; Australia's Bicentennial] / p3. Profile: Cr Philip Barnes / p4. Good gardening / Peter Davies p4. [1987] Community Directory update / p4. Kew Community House [Third term at the Community House; Trash and treasure] / Rhonda McCaw p5. Kew Peace Project a success / p5. Keeping our children safe [Safety House Program] / p5. From the Traffic School to big time basketball [Bill Mildenhall; National Basketball League] / p6. Kew [Citizens] Band wins again / p6. Adult Education Programs [Hawthorn Community Education Centre] / p6. Women's Cricket in Kew / p7. Our talented kids [Kids Collection at Q Gallery; Kew East Primary School performance] / p7. Opportunities for helping families [Care-Force] / p7. International Aid only a stone's throw away [PLAN] / p7. Cricket Club invites members [Deepdene Uniting Cricket Club] / p8. Footy news [Kew Football Club] / p8. Kew Lions honoured [AJG (Bert) Stevens; NJ Lyall] / p8. Space wanted - rent free [Kew Christmas Card Shop] / p8. Keeping you informed [Citizens' Advice Bureau] / p8.Kewriosity was a local newsletter combining Kew Council and community news. It was published between November 1983 and June 1994, replacing an earlier Kewriosity [broad] Sheet (1979-84). In producing Kewriosity, Council aimed to provide a range of interesting and informative articles covering its deliberations and decision making, together with items of general interest and importance to the Kew community and information not generally available through daily media outlets.non-fictionMeet the Mayor [Cr Joe Ormando] / p1. Municipal election and poll results / p1. Dates for September / p2. [Community] Notices / p2&8. Commentary by the Mayor Councillor Joe Ormando - a challenging year ahead / Cr Joe Ormando p3. Kew Integration Project / Stacey DeJean-Apeitos & Judith Sammons p3. Join the celebration! ['Living together' video; Australia's Bicentennial] / p3. Profile: Cr Philip Barnes / p4. Good gardening / Peter Davies p4. [1987] Community Directory update / p4. Kew Community House [Third term at the Community House; Trash and treasure] / Rhonda McCaw p5. Kew Peace Project a success / p5. Keeping our children safe [Safety House Program] / p5. From the Traffic School to big time basketball [Bill Mildenhall; National Basketball League] / p6. Kew [Citizens] Band wins again / p6. Adult Education Programs [Hawthorn Community Education Centre] / p6. Women's Cricket in Kew / p7. Our talented kids [Kids Collection at Q Gallery; Kew East Primary School performance] / p7. Opportunities for helping families [Care-Force] / p7. International Aid only a stone's throw away [PLAN] / p7. Cricket Club invites members [Deepdene Uniting Cricket Club] / p8. Footy news [Kew Football Club] / p8. Kew Lions honoured [AJG (Bert) Stevens; NJ Lyall] / p8. Space wanted - rent free [Kew Christmas Card Shop] / p8. Keeping you informed [Citizens' Advice Bureau] / p8. publications -- city of kew (vic.), kewriosity, council newsletters, community newsletters -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Journal, Kewriosity : May 1986
Villa Alba opens its doors / p1&5. Put this bottles out / p1. Calling all clubs / p1. Dates for May / p2. [Community] Notices / p2. Wanted: Home based child care workers (Full time and Part Time) [Hawthorn/Kew Family Day Care] / p2. Commentary by the Mayor Councillor Phyllis Hore [Kew and Local Government Restructure] / Cr Phyllis Hore p3. New faces at the Occasional Care Centre [Margaret Farnfield] / p3. Traffic Management / p3. In Brief [Kew Library re-location; Changes to planning scheme in Kew Junction?; Restructure; Consultants for Heritage Study; Rec. Centre] / p4. Profile - Cr Noel Seletto / p4-5. Good gardening - Don't burn those leaves! / Peter Davies p5. Holiday Program / p5. Kew Community House / Rhonda McCaw p6. In praise of Kew [poems] / Sophie Dougall / p6. Elysium Ensemble in Kew / p6. Keeping you informed [Citizens' Advice Bureau] / p6. Kew High: a student centred school / p7. Ramblings of Kew's last cowboy - Part 2 of a series by Bill Stent [dairy farms] / Bill Stent p8. Letter - Pink Monster ['The Grip of Time'] / Barbara Giles p8. Footy news [Kew Football Club] / p8.Kewriosity was a local newsletter combining Kew Council and community news. It was published between November 1983 and June 1994, replacing an earlier Kewriosity [broad] Sheet (1979-84). In producing Kewriosity, Council aimed to provide a range of interesting and informative articles covering its deliberations and decision making, together with items of general interest and importance to the Kew community and information not generally available through daily media outlets.non-fictionVilla Alba opens its doors / p1&5. Put this bottles out / p1. Calling all clubs / p1. Dates for May / p2. [Community] Notices / p2. Wanted: Home based child care workers (Full time and Part Time) [Hawthorn/Kew Family Day Care] / p2. Commentary by the Mayor Councillor Phyllis Hore [Kew and Local Government Restructure] / Cr Phyllis Hore p3. New faces at the Occasional Care Centre [Margaret Farnfield] / p3. Traffic Management / p3. In Brief [Kew Library re-location; Changes to planning scheme in Kew Junction?; Restructure; Consultants for Heritage Study; Rec. Centre] / p4. Profile - Cr Noel Seletto / p4-5. Good gardening - Don't burn those leaves! / Peter Davies p5. Holiday Program / p5. Kew Community House / Rhonda McCaw p6. In praise of Kew [poems] / Sophie Dougall / p6. Elysium Ensemble in Kew / p6. Keeping you informed [Citizens' Advice Bureau] / p6. Kew High: a student centred school / p7. Ramblings of Kew's last cowboy - Part 2 of a series by Bill Stent [dairy farms] / Bill Stent p8. Letter - Pink Monster ['The Grip of Time'] / Barbara Giles p8. Footy news [Kew Football Club] / p8. publications -- city of kew (vic.), kewriosity, council newsletters, community newsletters -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Journal, Kewriosity : December 1985
Celebrating 125 years / p1. Happy anniversary Kew! / p1. Dates for December / p2. [Community] Notices / p2. Christmas Services / p2. Update: Notes from Council [Local Government restructure] / Cr Phyllis Hore [Mayor of Kew] p3. Traffic management / p3. In Brief [Heavy traffic - Kew Traffic School; Yarra Bend contribution; Prospect Hill [Hotel]; Money for Mexico; Improvements to Willsmere Park; Senior Citizens' Week; Safeway go-ahead; Community Bus; Dawn patrol for dogs; Public Meeting for North Ward residents] / p4. 125th Anniversary supplement [graphic collage] / p5. Kew becomes a municipality / p6. "Ma Dalley" / p6. History of Kew Library / Alex Tarr [City Librarian] p6. [Historic] Kew dates / p7. Kew's Crest / p6. The Outer Circle revisited / Joan Barrett p6. Getting the news to Kew [Chronological history of Kew newspapers] / p8-9. Of Councils past [What rubbish ...; Kew by moonlight; Evil practices; All quiet on the Council front; Things change?; In the marketplace; Kew goes it alone; No cows for Kew; Voting is compulsory; In the beginning ...] / p10. Finding out about our history / p10. From the old "Rec" to the new Recreation Centre / p11. Kew's history in houses - your guide to style and period / p12. 'Ow Commissioners catered for Kew [poem] /p12. Welcome Councillor Timms / p13. Govt grant for Recreation Centre / p13. Volunteers needed for Kew Meals on Wheels / p13. Holday programs / p13. Kew Community House [Rhonda (McCaw) takes over; We're expanding!; Volunteer Child Care workers; Suggestion box; T.O.P. at the house; Christmas break-up] p13. Why Kew? p13. Youth Page [Making the most of the holidays; What does Christmas mean to you? Holiday program] / p13. 1888 Organ restoration recalls Kew businessman [Alfred Fuller] / p14. The Citizens' Advice Bureaux needs new volunteers / p14.Kewriosity was a local newsletter combining Kew Council and community news. It was published between November 1983 and June 1994, replacing an earlier Kewriosity [broad] Sheet (1979-84). In producing Kewriosity, Council aimed to provide a range of interesting and informative articles covering its deliberations and decision making, together with items of general interest and importance to the Kew community and information not generally available through daily media outlets.non-fictionCelebrating 125 years / p1. Happy anniversary Kew! / p1. Dates for December / p2. [Community] Notices / p2. Christmas Services / p2. Update: Notes from Council [Local Government restructure] / Cr Phyllis Hore [Mayor of Kew] p3. Traffic management / p3. In Brief [Heavy traffic - Kew Traffic School; Yarra Bend contribution; Prospect Hill [Hotel]; Money for Mexico; Improvements to Willsmere Park; Senior Citizens' Week; Safeway go-ahead; Community Bus; Dawn patrol for dogs; Public Meeting for North Ward residents] / p4. 125th Anniversary supplement [graphic collage] / p5. Kew becomes a municipality / p6. "Ma Dalley" / p6. History of Kew Library / Alex Tarr [City Librarian] p6. [Historic] Kew dates / p7. Kew's Crest / p6. The Outer Circle revisited / Joan Barrett p6. Getting the news to Kew [Chronological history of Kew newspapers] / p8-9. Of Councils past [What rubbish ...; Kew by moonlight; Evil practices; All quiet on the Council front; Things change?; In the marketplace; Kew goes it alone; No cows for Kew; Voting is compulsory; In the beginning ...] / p10. Finding out about our history / p10. From the old "Rec" to the new Recreation Centre / p11. Kew's history in houses - your guide to style and period / p12. 'Ow Commissioners catered for Kew [poem] /p12. Welcome Councillor Timms / p13. Govt grant for Recreation Centre / p13. Volunteers needed for Kew Meals on Wheels / p13. Holday programs / p13. Kew Community House [Rhonda (McCaw) takes over; We're expanding!; Volunteer Child Care workers; Suggestion box; T.O.P. at the house; Christmas break-up] p13. Why Kew? p13. Youth Page [Making the most of the holidays; What does Christmas mean to you? Holiday program] / p13. 1888 Organ restoration recalls Kew businessman [Alfred Fuller] / p14. The Citizens' Advice Bureaux needs new volunteers / p14. publications -- city of kew (vic.), kewriosity, council newsletters, community newsletters -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Journal, Kewriosity : November 1985
Our window [Alan Sumner, The Four Seasons] / p1. Linear Park will not affect E6 [Outer Circle railway reserve] / p1&5. Dates for November / p2&8. [Community] Notices / p2. Update: Notes from Council - [Council] Budget Go-ahead / Cr Phyllis Hore [Mayor of Kew] / p3. Traffic management / p3. In Brief [Recycling transfer; Walmer Street Appeal quashed; Deregulation of shared housing; Review sought on full day care decision; Whither Willsmere?; Cable tram centenary exhibition; Election possible; Community Assistance Grants] / p4. Death of Councillor Murray Wood / p4. 40 years of home-help in Kew / p5. Three year old Kinder [Argyle Road; Davis Street] / p5. Youth Page - New publications for youth [Streetwise comics; Making unemployment work] / p6. How we passed our time - 2 [social history] / Bill Stent p7. A Group Apprenticeship Scheme for Eastern Suburbs / p7. Kew Community House / p8. Room for one more [student hosting] / p8. North Kew Tennis Club / p8. Kew Young Liberals / p8. Kew Band in concert / p8.Kewriosity was a local newsletter combining Kew Council and community news. It was published between November 1983 and June 1994, replacing an earlier Kewriosity [broad] Sheet (1979-84). In producing Kewriosity, Council aimed to provide a range of interesting and informative articles covering its deliberations and decision making, together with items of general interest and importance to the Kew community and information not generally available through daily media outlets.non-fictionOur window [Alan Sumner, The Four Seasons] / p1. Linear Park will not affect E6 [Outer Circle railway reserve] / p1&5. Dates for November / p2&8. [Community] Notices / p2. Update: Notes from Council - [Council] Budget Go-ahead / Cr Phyllis Hore [Mayor of Kew] / p3. Traffic management / p3. In Brief [Recycling transfer; Walmer Street Appeal quashed; Deregulation of shared housing; Review sought on full day care decision; Whither Willsmere?; Cable tram centenary exhibition; Election possible; Community Assistance Grants] / p4. Death of Councillor Murray Wood / p4. 40 years of home-help in Kew / p5. Three year old Kinder [Argyle Road; Davis Street] / p5. Youth Page - New publications for youth [Streetwise comics; Making unemployment work] / p6. How we passed our time - 2 [social history] / Bill Stent p7. A Group Apprenticeship Scheme for Eastern Suburbs / p7. Kew Community House / p8. Room for one more [student hosting] / p8. North Kew Tennis Club / p8. Kew Young Liberals / p8. Kew Band in concert / p8. publications -- city of kew (vic.), kewriosity, council newsletters, community newsletters -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Journal, Kewriosity : June 1985
Taking stock of our heritage / p1. Councillors take a slide! [Kew Recreation Centre] / p1. Community Notices [Auxiliaries; Clubs and Societies; General; Politics; Religious notices; Support groups] / p2&8. Update: Notes from Council [Revitalising Kew Junction; New pedestrian crossing] / Cr Robin Saunders [Mayor of Kew] p3. Kew playgroups / p4. In need of some good yarns ... [Crafts] / p4. Traffic management / p4. Going native at the Billabong / p4. Emergency drivers needed [Meals on Wheels] / p4. No brothels for Kew / p5. No news on Baby Safety Bassinet Loan Scheme / p5. Correction [Kew Councillors] / p5. Maths without fear / p5. Kew Community House / p5. Kew Rotary Art Show / p5. Youth Page - Employment and underemployment / p6. Kew Tennis Club Championships / p6. Vocational training at Kew Cottages / p7. Library News / p7. From the Influenza Epidemic to the Police Strike of 1923 - Part 2 of a personal memory of Kew / Bill Stent p8.Kewriosity was a local newsletter combining Kew Council and community news. It was published between November 1983 and June 1994, replacing an earlier Kewriosity [broad] Sheet (1979-84). In producing Kewriosity, Council aimed to provide a range of interesting and informative articles covering its deliberations and decision making, together with items of general interest and importance to the Kew community and information not generally available through daily media outlets.non-fictionTaking stock of our heritage / p1. Councillors take a slide! [Kew Recreation Centre] / p1. Community Notices [Auxiliaries; Clubs and Societies; General; Politics; Religious notices; Support groups] / p2&8. Update: Notes from Council [Revitalising Kew Junction; New pedestrian crossing] / Cr Robin Saunders [Mayor of Kew] p3. Kew playgroups / p4. In need of some good yarns ... [Crafts] / p4. Traffic management / p4. Going native at the Billabong / p4. Emergency drivers needed [Meals on Wheels] / p4. No brothels for Kew / p5. No news on Baby Safety Bassinet Loan Scheme / p5. Correction [Kew Councillors] / p5. Maths without fear / p5. Kew Community House / p5. Kew Rotary Art Show / p5. Youth Page - Employment and underemployment / p6. Kew Tennis Club Championships / p6. Vocational training at Kew Cottages / p7. Library News / p7. From the Influenza Epidemic to the Police Strike of 1923 - Part 2 of a personal memory of Kew / Bill Stent p8. publications -- city of kew (vic.), kewriosity, council newsletters, community newsletters -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Journal, Kewriosity : May 1985
The Armistice and our men come home - a personal memory of Kew by Bill Stent / Bill Stent p1. Community Notices [Auxiliaries; Clubs and societies; General; Politics; Religious notices; Support groups] / p2&16. Update: Notes from Council - Consultation and the decision making process / Cr Robin Saunders [Mayor of Kew] p3. Baby safety bassinet loan scheme / p4. Read this! [incinerators] / p4. Traffic management / p4. Did you know? [Kew Library - Local history, Genealogy] / p4. Kindergarten extended hours / p4. Kew jobs for women [Kew Councillors; Kew Council officers] / p5. The Churches of Kew invite you to celebrate Victoria's 150th anniversary at an Ecumenical Service / p6. Leaves and more leaves [incinerators] / p6. Join the Kew Citizens' Band Supporters Club / p6. Kew Citizens' Band in concert / p6. East Kew Shopping Centre: Good guide to easy shopping [Overview, Map, Advertisements] / p7-10. Youth Page [Youth Theatre Concept; New Youth Centre; The Parsonage - Holy Trinity Church] / p11. Football: Kew records two wins / p12. Library News / p12. Flight of fantasy [Kew/Deepdene Artists' Co-operative] / p12. What is the Kew Community Action Group? / p13. Would you like to help? [Kew Community House] / p13. Family Day Care in Kew / p13. Adult literacy in Kew / p13. Kew Community House [Open Day, Garden tools needed, City walks, Committee meetings, Kew kids 'n Kritters] / p14. Interchange needs you! [disability support] / p14. This Kewriosity is being delivered to you by - Kew Primary School / p15. May School Holiday Programs [Playcentre; Kew Traffic School; Mobile new games trailer] / p15.Kewriosity was a local newsletter combining Kew Council and community news. It was published between November 1983 and June 1994, replacing an earlier Kewriosity [broad] Sheet (1979-84). In producing Kewriosity, Council aimed to provide a range of interesting and informative articles covering its deliberations and decision making, together with items of general interest and importance to the Kew community and information not generally available through daily media outlets.non-fictionThe Armistice and our men come home - a personal memory of Kew by Bill Stent / Bill Stent p1. Community Notices [Auxiliaries; Clubs and societies; General; Politics; Religious notices; Support groups] / p2&16. Update: Notes from Council - Consultation and the decision making process / Cr Robin Saunders [Mayor of Kew] p3. Baby safety bassinet loan scheme / p4. Read this! [incinerators] / p4. Traffic management / p4. Did you know? [Kew Library - Local history, Genealogy] / p4. Kindergarten extended hours / p4. Kew jobs for women [Kew Councillors; Kew Council officers] / p5. The Churches of Kew invite you to celebrate Victoria's 150th anniversary at an Ecumenical Service / p6. Leaves and more leaves [incinerators] / p6. Join the Kew Citizens' Band Supporters Club / p6. Kew Citizens' Band in concert / p6. East Kew Shopping Centre: Good guide to easy shopping [Overview, Map, Advertisements] / p7-10. Youth Page [Youth Theatre Concept; New Youth Centre; The Parsonage - Holy Trinity Church] / p11. Football: Kew records two wins / p12. Library News / p12. Flight of fantasy [Kew/Deepdene Artists' Co-operative] / p12. What is the Kew Community Action Group? / p13. Would you like to help? [Kew Community House] / p13. Family Day Care in Kew / p13. Adult literacy in Kew / p13. Kew Community House [Open Day, Garden tools needed, City walks, Committee meetings, Kew kids 'n Kritters] / p14. Interchange needs you! [disability support] / p14. This Kewriosity is being delivered to you by - Kew Primary School / p15. May School Holiday Programs [Playcentre; Kew Traffic School; Mobile new games trailer] / p15. publications -- city of kew (vic.), kewriosity, council newsletters, community newsletters -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Journal, Kewriosity : October 1984
[Kew] Recreation Centre update [The Committee; Resident Attitude Survey] / p1. [Anglican] Archbishop's first visit to East Kew [St Paul's Church] / p1. Community [Asian Evangelical Fellowship; Hyde Park Fellowship; Kew Baptist Church; Kew Native Plant Group; Kew Garden Club; Kew (Daytime) Garden Club; Fashion Parade; The Rheumatism and Arthritis Foundation of Victoria; Retiring?; Anyone for tennis?; Games evening] / p2. Council - Mayoral Column / Cr Robin Saunders / p3. New Depot / p3. Library News / p3. Calling on people with disabilities in Kew / p3. Dieback in Kew's Plane Trees / p3. Kew's new Councillors - Roger Streeton; Chester Keon-Cohen] / p4. Kew Junction Shopping Centre - Liftout Guide / p5-6, 11-12. Youth Pages - Welcome / p7. Earth Club Camps / Phil Smith p7. Training the oldies / Elizabeth Trapani p7. Holiday fun around Kew / p8&9. Things to do in Kew / p10. A bit further afield / p10. Community - Artisst take dance , drama & art to the streets / p13. Asthma Foundation / p13. Council - More thoughts about the Community House / p14. 1985 Kew Festival / p14. Development Plan for Lower Yarra / p15. Jackie Kookaburra goes to Sea / p15. Migrant woman candidate for Kew [Anna-Maria Dierer, ALP] / p15. Council/Community - Traffic Management; New Residents' Kit; Family Fun Day [East Kew Uniting Church]; Older Person's Action Centre; Kew Citizens' Band - Engagement list / p16.Kewriosity was a local newsletter combining Kew Council and community news. It was published between November 1983 and June 1994, replacing an earlier Kewriosity [broad] Sheet (1979-84). In producing Kewriosity, Council aimed to provide a range of interesting and informative articles covering its deliberations and decision making, together with items of general interest and importance to the Kew community and information not generally available through daily media outlets.non-fiction[Kew] Recreation Centre update [The Committee; Resident Attitude Survey] / p1. [Anglican] Archbishop's first visit to East Kew [St Paul's Church] / p1. Community [Asian Evangelical Fellowship; Hyde Park Fellowship; Kew Baptist Church; Kew Native Plant Group; Kew Garden Club; Kew (Daytime) Garden Club; Fashion Parade; The Rheumatism and Arthritis Foundation of Victoria; Retiring?; Anyone for tennis?; Games evening] / p2. Council - Mayoral Column / Cr Robin Saunders / p3. New Depot / p3. Library News / p3. Calling on people with disabilities in Kew / p3. Dieback in Kew's Plane Trees / p3. Kew's new Councillors - Roger Streeton; Chester Keon-Cohen] / p4. Kew Junction Shopping Centre - Liftout Guide / p5-6, 11-12. Youth Pages - Welcome / p7. Earth Club Camps / Phil Smith p7. Training the oldies / Elizabeth Trapani p7. Holiday fun around Kew / p8&9. Things to do in Kew / p10. A bit further afield / p10. Community - Artisst take dance , drama & art to the streets / p13. Asthma Foundation / p13. Council - More thoughts about the Community House / p14. 1985 Kew Festival / p14. Development Plan for Lower Yarra / p15. Jackie Kookaburra goes to Sea / p15. Migrant woman candidate for Kew [Anna-Maria Dierer, ALP] / p15. Council/Community - Traffic Management; New Residents' Kit; Family Fun Day [East Kew Uniting Church]; Older Person's Action Centre; Kew Citizens' Band - Engagement list / p16. publications -- city of kew (vic.), kewriosity, council newsletters, community newsletters -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Journal, Kewriosity : September 1984
Mayoral Column / Cr Robin Saunders p1. Local Area Traffic Management / p1. Community News / p2. Kew's new mayor [Cr Robin Saunders] / p3. Retiring Councillors [Cr Martin Solomons; Cr Joe Leaman] / p3. 1985 Kew Community Festival / p3. Library News / p3. 'Germs' - a musical [East Kew Primary School] / p4. "Kiss Me Kate" comes to Kew [Starlight Theatrical Company] / p4. Hyde Park Fellowship / p4. Dance / p4. Missionary Sisters of St Peter Claver / p4. What is the Rotary Club of Kew doing? / p4. WORCO [Worco Recyclotron Project] / p4. Youth pages - Welcome; Teen Club; St Hilary's Earth Club / p5. So you need help with housing? / p6&11. Community [Classes for older adults; Baby sitting clubs; Kew Historical Society; Children's Services; Probus Club of Kew] / p7. Municipal Depot update / p8. Council wants E6 and park / p8. Have you enrolled your child for kindergarten yet? / p9. Kew Toy Library / p10. Full Day Care Centre / p10. Things to do in Kew / p11. A bit further afield / p11. [Multilingual information about incinerator use] / p13. [Kew] Community House / p13-15. Disability access in Kew / p15. Heidelberg Tip / p16. New Residents Kit / p16. Kew Swimming Club / p16. Little Athletics / p16. Child restraints / p16.Kewriosity was a local newsletter combining Kew Council and community news. It was published between November 1983 and June 1994, replacing an earlier Kewriosity [broad] Sheet (1979-84). In producing Kewriosity, Council aimed to provide a range of interesting and informative articles covering its deliberations and decision making, together with items of general interest and importance to the Kew community and information not generally available through daily media outlets.non-fictionMayoral Column / Cr Robin Saunders p1. Local Area Traffic Management / p1. Community News / p2. Kew's new mayor [Cr Robin Saunders] / p3. Retiring Councillors [Cr Martin Solomons; Cr Joe Leaman] / p3. 1985 Kew Community Festival / p3. Library News / p3. 'Germs' - a musical [East Kew Primary School] / p4. "Kiss Me Kate" comes to Kew [Starlight Theatrical Company] / p4. Hyde Park Fellowship / p4. Dance / p4. Missionary Sisters of St Peter Claver / p4. What is the Rotary Club of Kew doing? / p4. WORCO [Worco Recyclotron Project] / p4. Youth pages - Welcome; Teen Club; St Hilary's Earth Club / p5. So you need help with housing? / p6&11. Community [Classes for older adults; Baby sitting clubs; Kew Historical Society; Children's Services; Probus Club of Kew] / p7. Municipal Depot update / p8. Council wants E6 and park / p8. Have you enrolled your child for kindergarten yet? / p9. Kew Toy Library / p10. Full Day Care Centre / p10. Things to do in Kew / p11. A bit further afield / p11. [Multilingual information about incinerator use] / p13. [Kew] Community House / p13-15. Disability access in Kew / p15. Heidelberg Tip / p16. New Residents Kit / p16. Kew Swimming Club / p16. Little Athletics / p16. Child restraints / p16. publications -- city of kew (vic.), kewriosity, council newsletters, community newsletters -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Journal, The Kewriosity Sheet Vol.2 No.4 : September 1980
What's doing in Kew for September / p1. Paul Craven to open [Kew] Festival / p1. Kew Croquet Club / p1. St Peter Claver Annual Mission Spring Fair / p1. Films [Kew High School Theatre / p1. Kew High School Art & Craft Market / p1. Games afternoons for secondary aged students / p1. Leadlight for beginners / p2. Greenacres Golf results / p2. R.A.A.V. events in Kew / p2. Kew Philharmonic Society / p2. Kewriosity Sheet goes international! / p2. The Copy Shop / Elizabeth Mackie p2. North Kew Contact Scheme / p2. Toddler play groups / p2. Kew Traffic School / p2. Council News [New Mayor - Cr Peter Wallinga; Councillors retire - Cr Jack Ryan, Cr Jack Gervasoni, Cr Walter Haldun; Councillors re-elected - Cr Phyllis Hore, Cr Pritchard; New Councillors - Cr Jill O'Brien, Cr Roman McCausland; Extraordinary election - Prospect Ward; School Holiday Programme; Playcentre; Mobile New Games Centre] / p2.The Kewriosity Sheet (1979-83) was first published in the City of Kew (Victoria) in June 1979 as a two-sided 'community newssheet'. It aimed to: 'share news about Kew happenings and Kew people, and to exchange ideas about living in Kew'. Later issues gradually evolved into a 4-page, quarto sized publication. The Kewriosity Sheet was superseded by the Kew Council publication 'Kewriosity' (1983-1994).non-fictionWhat's doing in Kew for September / p1. Paul Craven to open [Kew] Festival / p1. Kew Croquet Club / p1. St Peter Claver Annual Mission Spring Fair / p1. Films [Kew High School Theatre / p1. Kew High School Art & Craft Market / p1. Games afternoons for secondary aged students / p1. Leadlight for beginners / p2. Greenacres Golf results / p2. R.A.A.V. events in Kew / p2. Kew Philharmonic Society / p2. Kewriosity Sheet goes international! / p2. The Copy Shop / Elizabeth Mackie p2. North Kew Contact Scheme / p2. Toddler play groups / p2. Kew Traffic School / p2. Council News [New Mayor - Cr Peter Wallinga; Councillors retire - Cr Jack Ryan, Cr Jack Gervasoni, Cr Walter Haldun; Councillors re-elected - Cr Phyllis Hore, Cr Pritchard; New Councillors - Cr Jill O'Brien, Cr Roman McCausland; Extraordinary election - Prospect Ward; School Holiday Programme; Playcentre; Mobile New Games Centre] / p2. community publications --- kew (vic.), the kewriosity sheet, newsletters - kew (vic.) -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Journal, The Kewriosity Sheet Vol.3 No.10 : May 1982
Introducing your North Ward councillors - Cr R.C. McCausland, Cr Martin Solomons, Cr J. Ormando [Political profiles; Kew City Council] / p1. Kew Recreation Programme / p2. What's on in Kew for May / p2. See touch and taste group presentations / p2. C.A.B. [Kew & Hawthorn Citizens Advice Bureau] / p3. Super quiz night to aid M.S. [Multiple Sclerosis Society] / p3. Volunteer drivers needed [Kew Community Bus] / p3. Kew Uniting Church Bushwalking Group / p3. Introducing hydroponics [Kew Garden Club] / p3. Kew-Hawthorn Uniting Church Youth Group / p3. Historic booklets on Kew ['Touring Round Kew'; The Artists of Kew'; 1875 Map of Kew / p3. Kew's railway / Barbara Giles p4. Sacred Heart [Church] Caring Group / p4. Karana Auxiliary Project / p4. Scrabble / p4. Kew Festival [Rheumatism and Arthritis Association Kew Self Help Group] / p4.The Kewriosity Sheet (1979-83) was first published in the City of Kew (Victoria) in June 1979 as a two-sided 'community newssheet'. It aimed to: 'share news about Kew happenings and Kew people, and to exchange ideas about living in Kew'. Later issues gradually evolved into a 4-page, quarto sized publication. The Kewriosity Sheet was superseded by the Kew Council publication 'Kewriosity' (1983-1994).non-fictionIntroducing your North Ward councillors - Cr R.C. McCausland, Cr Martin Solomons, Cr J. Ormando [Political profiles; Kew City Council] / p1. Kew Recreation Programme / p2. What's on in Kew for May / p2. See touch and taste group presentations / p2. C.A.B. [Kew & Hawthorn Citizens Advice Bureau] / p3. Super quiz night to aid M.S. [Multiple Sclerosis Society] / p3. Volunteer drivers needed [Kew Community Bus] / p3. Kew Uniting Church Bushwalking Group / p3. Introducing hydroponics [Kew Garden Club] / p3. Kew-Hawthorn Uniting Church Youth Group / p3. Historic booklets on Kew ['Touring Round Kew'; The Artists of Kew'; 1875 Map of Kew / p3. Kew's railway / Barbara Giles p4. Sacred Heart [Church] Caring Group / p4. Karana Auxiliary Project / p4. Scrabble / p4. Kew Festival [Rheumatism and Arthritis Association Kew Self Help Group] / p4. community publications --- kew (vic.), the kewriosity sheet, newsletters - kew (vic.) -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Journal, The Kewriosity Sheet Vol.3 No.11 : June 1982
Introducing your Prospect Ward Councillors - Cr J. McCue, Cr M.G. Wood, Cr K. Cole [Political profiles; Kew City Council] / p1. Kew Library [Opening hours] / p1. Institute of Early Childhood Development [community education classes] / p2. What's doing in Kew for June / p2. Scrabble / p2. R.A.A.V. Action Program [Rheumatism and Arthritis Association of Victoria] / p3. A gold mine in your backyard [land values] / Barbara Giles p3. Small can be big [East Kew Baptist Church] / p3. Unique community project interchange [I.Y.D.P.; International Year of Disabled Persons] / p4. Host families for disabled children / p4. Hyde Park Fellowship [Hyde Park Uniting Church] / p4. See touch and taste! / p4. Volunteers needed at Kew Cottages / p4.The Kewriosity Sheet (1979-83) was first published in the City of Kew (Victoria) in June 1979 as a two-sided 'community newssheet'. It aimed to: 'share news about Kew happenings and Kew people, and to exchange ideas about living in Kew'. Later issues gradually evolved into a 4-page, quarto sized publication. The Kewriosity Sheet was superseded by the Kew Council publication 'Kewriosity' (1983-1994).non-fictionIntroducing your Prospect Ward Councillors - Cr J. McCue, Cr M.G. Wood, Cr K. Cole [Political profiles; Kew City Council] / p1. Kew Library [Opening hours] / p1. Institute of Early Childhood Development [community education classes] / p2. What's doing in Kew for June / p2. Scrabble / p2. R.A.A.V. Action Program [Rheumatism and Arthritis Association of Victoria] / p3. A gold mine in your backyard [land values] / Barbara Giles p3. Small can be big [East Kew Baptist Church] / p3. Unique community project interchange [I.Y.D.P.; International Year of Disabled Persons] / p4. Host families for disabled children / p4. Hyde Park Fellowship [Hyde Park Uniting Church] / p4. See touch and taste! / p4. Volunteers needed at Kew Cottages / p4. community publications --- kew (vic.), the kewriosity sheet, newsletters - kew (vic.) -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Journal, The Kewriosity Sheet Vol.4 No.2 : September 1982
Studley Park Ward Councillors - Cr J. Tutt, Cr R. Sanders, Cr J. O'Brien [City of Kew; Political profiles/ p1. Stolen [instruments; Kew Philharmonic Society] / p1. Deafness Awareness Week / p2. Mediate at home / p2. I.E.C.D. [Short courses; Institute of Early Childhood Development] / p2. What's doing in Kew for September / p2. Native Plant Group / p2. Kew Garden Club / p2. Family & Community Services Programme (F.A.C.S.) [Community Service Grants] / p3. Kew Philharmonic Orchestra / p3. Drop In [Kew Uniting Church] / p3. Come Alive! / p3. Good news for craft workers [Worco Recyclotron] / p3. Caregivers needed [Family Day Care] / p3. Kew Municipal Library / p3. Moderator to visit [Moderator of the Synod of Victoria] / p3. Highbury Grove Kew Uniting Church - History of Church [former Kew Methodist Church] / p4. Centenary concert [Kew Uniting Church] / p4. Mission Spring Fair [Missionary Sisters of St Peter Claver] / p4. Hyde Park Fellowship [Hyde Park Uniting Church] / p4. Uniting Church East Kew / p4.The Kewriosity Sheet (1979-83) was first published in the City of Kew (Victoria) in June 1979 as a two-sided 'community newssheet'. It aimed to: 'share news about Kew happenings and Kew people, and to exchange ideas about living in Kew'. Later issues gradually evolved into a 4-page, quarto sized publication. The Kewriosity Sheet was superseded by the Kew Council publication 'Kewriosity' (1983-1994).non-fictionStudley Park Ward Councillors - Cr J. Tutt, Cr R. Sanders, Cr J. O'Brien [City of Kew; Political profiles/ p1. Stolen [instruments; Kew Philharmonic Society] / p1. Deafness Awareness Week / p2. Mediate at home / p2. I.E.C.D. [Short courses; Institute of Early Childhood Development] / p2. What's doing in Kew for September / p2. Native Plant Group / p2. Kew Garden Club / p2. Family & Community Services Programme (F.A.C.S.) [Community Service Grants] / p3. Kew Philharmonic Orchestra / p3. Drop In [Kew Uniting Church] / p3. Come Alive! / p3. Good news for craft workers [Worco Recyclotron] / p3. Caregivers needed [Family Day Care] / p3. Kew Municipal Library / p3. Moderator to visit [Moderator of the Synod of Victoria] / p3. Highbury Grove Kew Uniting Church - History of Church [former Kew Methodist Church] / p4. Centenary concert [Kew Uniting Church] / p4. Mission Spring Fair [Missionary Sisters of St Peter Claver] / p4. Hyde Park Fellowship [Hyde Park Uniting Church] / p4. Uniting Church East Kew / p4. community publications --- kew (vic.), the kewriosity sheet, newsletters - kew (vic.) -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Book, Addresses to HRH The Duke of York and His Excellency the Governor General The Earl of Hopetoun from the Municipalities of Victoria, 1901
Book titled 'Addresses to His Royal Highness the Duke of Cornwall and York and to His Excellency the Governor-General From The Municipalities of Victoria', published by the Municipal Association of Victoria to commemorate the inauguration of the Commonwealth of Australia in 1901. It was printed by McCarron, Bird & Co in Melbourne. The addresses were made on the occasion of the Duke & Duchess of Cornwall & York's visit to Melbourne in May 1901; they were in the city for the opening of Federal Parliament which took place at the Exhibition Building in Carlton Gardens on 9 May 1901.Book, bound in red leather-look fabric. The book features facsimiles of the addresses made to the Duke and Governor-General, signatures of mayors, councillors and town clerks, views of municipal buildings, and the replies sent by the Duke and Governor-General.non-fictionBook titled 'Addresses to His Royal Highness the Duke of Cornwall and York and to His Excellency the Governor-General From The Municipalities of Victoria', published by the Municipal Association of Victoria to commemorate the inauguration of the Commonwealth of Australia in 1901. It was printed by McCarron, Bird & Co in Melbourne. The addresses were made on the occasion of the Duke & Duchess of Cornwall & York's visit to Melbourne in May 1901; they were in the city for the opening of Federal Parliament which took place at the Exhibition Building in Carlton Gardens on 9 May 1901.australian federation, 1901, councillors, mayors, politics, royal tours, royalty: british -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Functional object - Presentation Wallet, City of Kew, 1939, 1939
William 'Bill' Leo Larkin (b. 19.09.1898) was born in Hawthorn (Vic). [His World War I enlistment papers give details of the Hawthorn birthdate, as well as Ballarat, but his birth records state his birth as Hawthorn). After leaving St Patrick's College in Ballarat in 1917, he enlisted in the army serving in England and France. At the time of his enlistment in the army in the Second World War (17 April 1940), he was recorded as living in Kew. His service number was VX11459. The Sands & McDougall Directory of 1938 gives his address as 31 Fernhurst Grove. In the army he served in the Middle East and in New Guinea. He was to attain the rank of Lieutenant Colonel in 1942. He was made an Officer of the Order of the British Empire (O.B.E) in 1946. Enlistment Presentation Wallets were presented by the City of Kew from 1940 to men who enlisted in the war. Typically, these wallets are dated 1939, even though the enlistment may have occurred at a later date.Memento presented to citizens of Kew (vic.) on enlistmentRectangular brown leather single fold wallet with eight internal pockets. The front includes an embossed City of Kew logo and the words ‘Presented by the Mayor, Councillors and Citizens of the City of Kew to W. L. Larkin on Enlistment for Active Service Abroad, 1939'.second world war 1939-1945, world war two, city of kew, william leo larkin, bill larkin, presentation wallets -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Administrative record - Document, City of Kew, Notice Paper, Special Meeting, Kew City Council, 1949, 1949
The decade that began in national and domestic uncertainty was to end on a fancifully resolute moment, when Kew Council decided to apply for a gold mayoral chain. While most cities had previously been gifted mayoral chains by the Victorian Government, Kew had passed up an earlier opportunity in 1933. In that year, councillors had asked the Town Clerk to investigate whether previous mayors were willing to donate a gold link for the chain on which their name would be inscribed. Either the answer was negative, or else the Great Depression unnerved the decision makers. Hawthorn councillors, in contrast, accepted the offer of a gold chain, contributing the cost of the enamelled central medallion, while twenty former Hawthorn mayors agreed to each donate a link. At a Special Meeting of the Kew City Council on 22 August 1949, the Lieutenant Governor, Sir Edmund Herring presented a gold mayoral chain, worth £250 to the City of Kew. Contemporary newspaper accounts recorded that sixteen former mayors, or their families, donated a link inscribed with the name and term of its owner. The first mayor to wear the new chain of office was Cr Walter Hambly.Historically significant documentary record relating to the Insignia of Office of the City of KewNotice paper sent to councillors of a Special Meeting of Kew City Council, attended by the Lieutenant Governor, Sir Edmund Herring to receive the presentation of a gold mayoral chain to the City. The space where the invitee's name should be written is left blank, so presumably it was a spare copy originating in the Town Clerk's files.mayoral chain - kew, council papers - kew city council, insignia of office -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph, C.S. Tompkins (Ainar Studios), Kew Council Cricket Team, 1922-1924
... in a Cricket Team in the early 1920s. city of kew kew councillors ...Historically significant and rare photograph of Kew Councillors playing in a Cricket Team in the early 1920s.Kew Council Cricket Team. The City of Kew at times had its own cricket team. Identified players of the 1922-23 team include: Back row, left to right: Cr. Coleman, Cr. Edwards, Staff, Staff, Cr. Barnard, Mr Birrell, Cr. Wishart. Front row, left to right: Cr. Ramsey, Cr. Woolcock (Mayor), C. Cole, and Cr. Carnegie. Of the eight councillors in the team, each either had been or would be Mayors of Kew: William Wishart (1906-07), Jabez Carnegie (1908-09, 1924-25, 1934-35), Francis Barnard (1920-21), Henry Coleman (1921-22, 1929-30), James Woolcock (1922-23, 1923-24), George Ramsey (1925-26), George Cole (1926-27), and Percy Edwards (1928-29). W. D. Birrell became Town Clerk of Kew in 1938. The photographic studio's name at front is identified as C.S. Tompkins Ainar Studios, Auburn. Annotation on reverse include the names of the players, an original accession number "KH-22" and information about donor "Presented by Joy Stewart, given to her by the Edward[s] family, Mr Edward[s] once Mayor of Kew (1928-29)city of kew, kew councillors and staff, sports -- cricket -- kew (vic.) -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Document, Borough of Kew, Borough of Kew By-Law No.45 : Alexandra Gardens, 1908
The ‘Alexandra Gardens’ in Cotham Road were designed and laid out by George and Thomas Pockett. The Governor of Victoria officially opened them in 1908. A report of the opening stated that “…the gardens have been laid out in large sloping lawns, divided by wide graveled paths, and dotted with tastefully arranged flower beds, which are now bright with autumn bloom”. The massed beds of shrubs and flowers included beds of chrysanthemums, a specialty of George Pockett, the Garden’s first curator. A large rotunda was constructed in 1910 to mark the Jubilee of Kew. A plaque memorialising the contribution of George Pockett, was attached to the original rotunda after his death in 1922. By 1911, electric lighting was installed to allow the public to access the Gardens, and the concerts that were held within them on summer nights. The Gardens were later to include the Jubilee Fountain, moved from the front of the Kew Post Office in 1925. The Kew Council commissioned the substantial bluestone entrance gates in 1933.The Kew Historical Society is fortunate that the City Engineer, Mr Poulter, donated a number of items held by the City of Kew to the Society for safekeeping, rather than identifying them for destruction. The most significant items donated included old maps, including those issued by the Board of Works. Other items included photographs of public works undertaken by the Department. The By-laws are part of that donation and tell us lots about the social values of the period.The Mayor, Councillors and Burgesses of the Borough of Kew published By-Law No.45 in 1908 to regulate the “Conduct of Persons whilst at or Within the Gardens known as the Alexandra Gardens”. The By-Law also set a charge for “Persons Using or Entering in or upon the said Gardens”. The 17 by-laws included predictable prohibitions on expectorating, using indecent language, interfering with the floral displays, or indeed with the caretaker gardeners. Other acts prohibited included a warning that “Children under the age of ten years not being under the control of some competent person may be removed from said gardens”. The Alexandra Gardens were at one stage surrounded by a picket fence. This might explain the prohibition on climbing upon or getting through over or under any fence at or within the gardens. The financial penalty for breaching the By-Law was determined as “…not exceeding Ten pounds and not less than Five shillings”. This original copy of the By-Law was donated to the Kew Historical Society by the City of Kew.alexandra gardens (cotham road, kew), city of kew -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Document - Invitation, To Councillor A.J. McConchie and Mrs McConchie, 1928
Alan J. McConchie, a manufacturer’s agent, was elected to Kew Council in 1924, serving as a councillor for 21 years. He was elected Mayor of Kew in 1927-28, and again in 1945-46. During his second term as Mayor, he gained the support of Council for a pre-school plan which was the first of its kind in Victoria. The scheme established nursery schools and kindergartens as an extension of the existing baby health centres. Alan McConchie was active in Methodist Church work, and was one of the founders of the East Kew church, of which he was a trustee for 29 years. He was well known in the district as a cricketer and was a founder and past president of the East Kew Bowling Club. A Resident of Strathalbyn Street, he died in 1945 aged 60, while attending morning service at the East Kew Methodist Church. He is buried in the Burwood Cemetery. Handmade illuminated invitation to a notable Kew Mayor and MayoressAn illuminated invitation sent to the Mayor and Mayoress of Kew, Cr. and Mrs. McConchie, by a Citizens Committee to a Ball in the Kew Recreation Hall on 26 July 1928. The double page invitation is encased in an embossed maroon leather cover. The invitation was donated to the Society by a descendant of the McConchies in 2014.Inscription Cover: "To Councillor A.J. McConchie and Mrs McConchie". Inside cover in watercolour: "The Chairman Councillor George Ramsay and Members of the Citizens Committee desire the honor of the Company of HIS WORSHIP THE MAYOR OF KEW AND MRS. McCONCHIE at a BALL to be held in the Kew Recreation Hall Tuesday 26th July 1928 at 8 P.M. Tendered to them as a mark of recognition of the services rendered to the City during their Mayoral Year 1927".cr. a. j. mcconchie, mayor of kew (1927-28, 1945-46) -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph, J E Barnes, Kew Proclaimed a City, 10 March 1921
... A very large, framed portrait of the elected councillors... councillors of the City of Kew in 1921. The photograph was taken ...This large framed photograph once hung in the Kew Town Hall in Walpole Street. It marked the occasion when Kew became a city. It is an important record of a significant civic event by a nationally significant photographer. A very large, framed portrait of the elected councillors of the City of Kew in 1921. The photograph was taken by the nationally important photographer, Josiah Barnes who had until recently been a resident of Kew. He was to die in the same year that the photograph was taken. The photograph was taken in the Alexandra Gardens in front of the Jubilee Rotunda. [Inscription] "Kew Proclaimed a City, 10th March 1921, Kew City Council". [Photographer] "J.E. Barnes Photo / Kew". Plaque: “Presented by Cr Wm Wishart / Mayor 1906-7”.kew city council -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Clothing - Richmond-Brunswick Powerline Campaign tee-shirt, 1984-88
The campaign to save the Yarra Valley from powerlines was a significant environmental campaign in multiple suburbs in the 1980s.White tee-shirt with an image of a man being electrocuted which was produced and sold to raise funds for the campaign to save the Yarra Valley from a proposal to build a massive power line between Richmond and Brunswick. The black and white cartoon printed on the front of the tee-shirt is a cartoon by Jeff. The tee-shirt was donated to the Kew Historical Society by Jill O'Brien, ex councillor and Mayor of the former City of Kew, who was one of the leaders of the campaign.RICHMOND-BRUNSWICK POWER LINErichmond-brunswick powerline, community campaigns - 1980s, yarra valley, jill o'brien -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph, J E Barnes, Kew Becomes a City, 1921, 1921
This is a smaller version of the large framed photograph donated to the new City of Kew by Cr Wishart. The framed photograph was hung in the Walpole Street Town Hall. Presumably, each of the Councillors in the portrait was presented with a smaller version.This photograph was donated by a descendant of the Kellett family. This picture, like it framed counterpart, is historically significant as a record of a major civic event in Kew's history. It is also aesthetically significant as the last official photograph taken by the photographer Josiah Earl Barnes before his death in the same year.Kew Becomes a City, 1921. Small photograph mounted on card of the official portrait of the Mayor and Councillors of Kew in 1921. Josiah Earl Barnes, the photographer, posed the group in front of the Jubilee Rotunda in the Alexandra Gardens in Cotham Road, Kew. At the centre of the group in mayoral robes is the then mayor of Kew, Cr. F.G.A. Barnard. This was to be the last major commission by the Council for J.E. Barnes, who had been responsible for creating the series of 19th Century portraits of former mayors that was displayed in the Kew Town Hall in Walpole Street.J. E. Barnes / Photoj.e. barnes, kew (victoria), kew city council, alexandra gardens, f.g.a. barnard -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Document (item) - Invitation, City of Melbourne, Dinner on the Occasion of Conferring of Honorary Freedom of the City of Melbourne Upon His Excellency Field Marshall Sir William Slim, 1958
The Municipality of Kew (1860-1863), the Borough of Kew (1863-1910), the Town of Kew (1910-1921) and the City of Kew (1921-1994) were local government instrumentalities in the State of Victoria. In 1994, the City of Kew was amalgamated, together with the former Cities of Camberwell and Hawthorn, into the new City of Boroondara (1994- ). Like other local government entities of the period, Kew was administered by town clerks. The two notable town clerks in Kew's history were H. H. (Henry Hirst) Harrison (1868-1955) and W. D. (William Dickie) Birrell (1899-1974). Harrison was appointed to the position in 1901 and retired in 1938 after 37 years. Birrell, appointed Acting Town Clerk in 1921, became Town Clerk in 1938, following Harrison's retirement. He continued in this role until his retirement in 1966.This card is part of an historically significant civic collection, containing hundreds of separate invitations, documents, greeting cards, programmes and tickets issued and/or collected by successive town clerks. Items in the collection illuminate the political, social and cultural history of the district. As a continuous record, ranging across most decades of the Twentieth Century, they reveal changing tastes in design, values and relationships in the history of local government in Victoria.ON THE OCCASION OF THE CONFERRING OF THE / FREEDOM OF THE CITY OF MELBOURNE UPON HIS EXCELLENCY FIELD MARSHALL SIR WILLIAM SLIM / GCB, GCMG, GCVC, GBE, DSO, MC, KStJ, / GOVERNOR GENERAL OF THE COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA / THE RIGHT HONOURABLE THE LORD MAYOR / (CR F W THOMAS) / REQUESTS THE PLEASURE OF THE COMPANY OF / Councillor F E O'Brien / AT DINNER / AT THE TOWN HALL, MELBOURNE / ON SATURDAY, 8TH NOVEMBER, 1958, AT 6.45 FOR 7 PM / EVENING DRESS - DECORATIONS / THE FAVOUR IS REQUESTED OF A REPLY BY 23RD OCTOBER, TO THE ASSISTANT SECRETARY TO THE LORD MAYOR / ON RECEIPT OF ACCEPTANCE ENTREE CARD WILL BE SENTcivic invitations -- kew (vic), city of melbourne, field marshall slim.-- governor general of australia -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Document (item) - Invitation, City of Kew, Official Opening of the New Kew Elder Citizens' Clubrooms, 1970
... THE MAYOR AND COUNCILLORS OF THE CITY OF KEW / EXTEND... kennedy THE MAYOR AND COUNCILLORS OF THE CITY OF KEW / EXTEND ...The Municipality of Kew (1860-1863), the Borough of Kew (1863-1910), the Town of Kew (1910-1921) and the City of Kew (1921-1994) were local government instrumentalities in the State of Victoria. In 1994, the City of Kew was amalgamated, together with the former Cities of Camberwell and Hawthorn, into the new City of Boroondara (1994- ). Like other local government entities of the period, Kew was administered by town clerks. The two notable town clerks in Kew's history were H. H. (Henry Hirst) Harrison (1868-1955) and W. D. (William Dickie) Birrell (1899-1974). Harrison was appointed to the position in 1901 and retired in 1938 after 37 years. Birrell, appointed Acting Town Clerk in 1921, became Town Clerk in 1938, following Harrison's retirement. He continued in this role until his retirement in 1966.This card is part of an historically significant civic collection, containing hundreds of separate invitations, documents, greeting cards, programmes and tickets issued and/or collected by successive town clerks. Items in the collection illuminate the political, social and cultural history of the district. As a continuous record, ranging across most decades of the Twentieth Century, they reveal changing tastes in design, values and relationships in the history of local government in Victoria.THE MAYOR AND COUNCILLORS OF THE CITY OF KEW / EXTEND TO YOU A CORDIAL INVITATION TO BE PRESENT AT THE / OFFICIAL OPENING OF THE NEW ELDER CITIZENS CLUBROOMS / CORNER HIGH STREET AND CHILDERS STREET / BY THE HON R J HAMER MLC MINISTER FOR LOCAL GOVERNMENT / ON FRIDAY 20TH FEBRUARY 1970 AT 3 P.M./ RSVP TOWN CLERK, KEW, NOT LATER THAN 11TH FEBRUARYcivic invitations -- kew (vic), kew elderly citizens association, cr r d kennedy -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Document (item) - Invitation, City of Kew, Official Opening of Kew Municipal Offices, 1973
... / BY / THE HONOURABLE R J HAMER, PREMIER OF VICTORIA / THE MAYOR AND COUNCILLORS... / BY / THE HONOURABLE R J HAMER, PREMIER OF VICTORIA / THE MAYOR AND COUNCILLORS ...The Municipality of Kew (1860-1863), the Borough of Kew (1863-1910), the Town of Kew (1910-1921) and the City of Kew (1921-1994) were local government instrumentalities in the State of Victoria. In 1994, the City of Kew was amalgamated, together with the former Cities of Camberwell and Hawthorn, into the new City of Boroondara (1994- ). Like other local government entities of the period, Kew was administered by town clerks. The two notable town clerks in Kew's history were H. H. (Henry Hirst) Harrison (1868-1955) and W. D. (William Dickie) Birrell (1899-1974). Harrison was appointed to the position in 1901 and retired in 1938 after 37 years. Birrell, appointed Acting Town Clerk in 1921, became Town Clerk in 1938, following Harrison's retirement. He continued in this role until his retirement in 1966.This card is part of an historically significant civic collection, containing hundreds of separate invitations, documents, greeting cards, programmes and tickets issued and/or collected by successive town clerks. Items in the collection illuminate the political, social and cultural history of the district. As a continuous record, ranging across most decades of the Twentieth Century, they reveal changing tastes in design, values and relationships in the history of local government in Victoria.OFFICIAL OPENING OF KEW MUNICIPAL OFFICES / BY / THE HONOURABLE R J HAMER, PREMIER OF VICTORIA / THE MAYOR AND COUNCILLORS OF THE CITY OF KEW / REQUEST THE PLEASURE OF THE COMPANY OF / ___________ / OFFICIAL OPENING OF THE NEW MUNICIPAL OFFICES & LIBRARY / KEW CIVIC CENTRE / THURSDAY, 22ND MARCH, 1973, 3 P.M./ RSVP TOWN CLERK , KEW 8TH MARCH, 1973 / ON RECEIPT OF ACCEPTANCE ENTREE CARDS WILL BE FORWARDEDcivic invitations -- kew (vic), kew town hall -- charles street -- kew (vic.), kew civic offices -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Document (item) - Invitation, City of Kew, Official Opening of the W D Vaughan Reference Library, 1973
... THE MAYOR AND COUNCILLORS OF THE CITY OF KEW / REQUEST... AND COUNCILLORS OF THE CITY OF KEW / REQUEST THE PLEASURE OF THE COMPANY ...The Municipality of Kew (1860-1863), the Borough of Kew (1863-1910), the Town of Kew (1910-1921) and the City of Kew (1921-1994) were local government instrumentalities in the State of Victoria. In 1994, the City of Kew was amalgamated, together with the former Cities of Camberwell and Hawthorn, into the new City of Boroondara (1994- ). Like other local government entities of the period, Kew was administered by town clerks. The two notable town clerks in Kew's history were H. H. (Henry Hirst) Harrison (1868-1955) and W. D. (William Dickie) Birrell (1899-1974). Harrison was appointed to the position in 1901 and retired in 1938 after 37 years. Birrell, appointed Acting Town Clerk in 1921, became Town Clerk in 1938, following Harrison's retirement. He continued in this role until his retirement in 1966.This card is part of an historically significant civic collection, containing hundreds of separate invitations, documents, greeting cards, programmes and tickets issued and/or collected by successive town clerks. Items in the collection illuminate the political, social and cultural history of the district. As a continuous record, ranging across most decades of the Twentieth Century, they reveal changing tastes in design, values and relationships in the history of local government in Victoria.THE MAYOR AND COUNCILLORS OF THE CITY OF KEW / REQUEST THE PLEASURE OF THE COMPANY OF / ________________________ / AT THE OFFICIAL OPENING OF THE W D VAUGHAN REFERENCE LIBRARY / BY / THE HONOURABLE MR JUSTICE J E. STARKE / PRESIDENT LIBRARY COUNCIL OF VICTORIA / KEW MUNICIPAL LIBRARY / THURSDAY 28TH JUNE, 1973, AT 2.30 P.M. / RSVP TOWN CLERK, KEWcivic invitations -- kew (vic), kew municipal library, w d vaughan -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Document (item) - Invitation, City of Kew, The Occasion of Admitting the Distinguished Personage of Sir Robert Gordon Menzies to the Distinction of Honorary Freeman of the City of Kew, 1974
... , AND COUNCILLORS OF THE CITY OF KEW / REQUEST THE PLEASURE OF THE COMPANY..., AND COUNCILLORS OF THE CITY OF KEW / REQUEST THE PLEASURE OF THE COMPANY ...The Municipality of Kew (1860-1863), the Borough of Kew (1863-1910), the Town of Kew (1910-1921) and the City of Kew (1921-1994) were local government instrumentalities in the State of Victoria. In 1994, the City of Kew was amalgamated, together with the former Cities of Camberwell and Hawthorn, into the new City of Boroondara (1994- ). Like other local government entities of the period, Kew was administered by town clerks. The two notable town clerks in Kew's history were H. H. (Henry Hirst) Harrison (1868-1955) and W. D. (William Dickie) Birrell (1899-1974). Harrison was appointed to the position in 1901 and retired in 1938 after 37 years. Birrell, appointed Acting Town Clerk in 1921, became Town Clerk in 1938, following Harrison's retirement. He continued in this role until his retirement in 1966.This card is part of an historically significant civic collection, containing hundreds of separate invitations, documents, greeting cards, programmes and tickets issued and/or collected by successive town clerks. Items in the collection illuminate the political, social and cultural history of the district. As a continuous record, ranging across most decades of the Twentieth Century, they reveal changing tastes in design, values and relationships in the history of local government in Victoria.ON THE OCCASION OF ADMITTING THE DISTINGUISHED PERSONAGE OF / SIR ROBERT GORDON MENZIES KT, CH, FRS, QC / TO / HONORARY FREEMAN OF THE CITY OF KEW / THE MAYOR, CR G F PETRIE JP, AND COUNCILLORS OF THE CITY OF KEW / REQUEST THE PLEASURE OF THE COMPANY OF / ______________ / IN THE CITY HALL / ON SUNDAY, 11TH AUGUST, 1974 / RSVP MRS E BENNETT 31ST JULY, 1974 86-6292 / INVITATION TO BE PRESENTED AT DOOR / DRESS : LOUNGE SUITcivic invitations -- kew (vic), freemen of the city of kew, sir robert gordon menzies, cr gerald petrie -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Document (item) - Invitation, City of Kew, Opening of the East Kew Baby Health Centre, 1925
The Municipality of Kew (1860-1863), the Borough of Kew (1863-1910), the Town of Kew (1910-1921) and the City of Kew (1921-1994) were local government instrumentalities in the State of Victoria. In 1994, the City of Kew was amalgamated, together with the former Cities of Camberwell and Hawthorn, into the new City of Boroondara (1994- ). Like other local government entities of the period, Kew was administered by town clerks. The two notable town clerks in Kew's history were H. H. (Henry Hirst) Harrison (1868-1955) and W. D. (William Dickie) Birrell (1899-1974). Harrison was appointed to the position in 1901 and retired in 1938 after 37 years. Birrell, appointed Acting Town Clerk in 1921, became Town Clerk in 1938, following Harrison's retirement. He continued in this role until his retirement in 1966.This card is part of an historically significant civic collection, containing hundreds of separate invitations, documents, greeting cards, programmes and tickets issued and/or collected by successive town clerks. Items in the collection illuminate the political, social and cultural history of the district. As a continuous record, ranging across most decades of the Twentieth Century, they reveal changing tastes in design, values and relationships in the history of local government in Victoria.CITY OF KEW / THE MAYOR AND COUNCILLORS / REQUEST THE PLEASURE OF THE COMPANY OF / Mrs FGA Barnard / AT TH EOPENING OF THE / EASK KEW BABY HEALTH CENTRE / civic invitations -- kew (vic), mrs fga barnard, east kew baby health centre, countess of stradbroke, social services -- kew (vic.) -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Card (item), City of Kew, Seasons Greeting, 1934
The Municipality of Kew (1860-1863), the Borough of Kew (1863-1910), the Town of Kew (1910-1921) and the City of Kew (1921-1994) were local government instrumentalities in the State of Victoria. In 1994, the City of Kew was amalgamated, together with the former Cities of Camberwell and Hawthorn, into the new City of Boroondara (1994- ). Like other local government entities of the period, Kew was administered by town clerks. The two notable town clerks in Kew's history were H. H. (Henry Hirst) Harrison (1868-1955) and W. D. (William Dickie) Birrell (1899-1974). Harrison was appointed to the position in 1901 and retired in 1938 after 37 years. Birrell, appointed Acting Town Clerk in 1921, became Town Clerk in 1938, following Harrison's retirement. He continued in this role until his retirement in 1966.This card is part of an historically significant civic collection, containing hundreds of separate invitations, documents, greeting cards, programmes and tickets issued and/or collected by successive town clerks. Items in the collection illuminate the political, social and cultural history of the district. As a continuous record, ranging across most decades of the Twentieth Century, they reveal changing tastes in design, values and relationships in the history of local government in Victoria."HATH NOT OLD CUSTOM MADE THIS LIFE MORE SWEET" - SHAKESPEARE / WITH THE / SEASONS GREETINGS / AND / ALL GOOD WISHES / FROM / THE MAYOR & MAYORESS OF KEW (COUNCILLOR & MRS LEWIS CARNEGIE) / TOWN HALL, KEW / 1934-35civic invitations -- kew (vic), cr lewis carnegie, city of kew (vic.) greeting cards