Physical description

Kewriosity was a local newsletter combining Kew Council and community news. It was published between November 1983 and June 1994, replacing an earlier Kewriosity [broad] Sheet (1979-84). In producing Kewriosity, Council aimed to provide a range of interesting and informative articles covering its deliberations and decision making, together with items of general interest and importance to the Kew community and information not generally available through daily media outlets.

Publication type



Our window [Alan Sumner, The Four Seasons] / p1. Linear Park will not affect E6 [Outer Circle railway reserve] / p1&5. Dates for November / p2&8. [Community] Notices / p2. Update: Notes from Council - [Council] Budget Go-ahead / Cr Phyllis Hore [Mayor of Kew] / p3. Traffic management / p3. In Brief [Recycling transfer; Walmer Street Appeal quashed; Deregulation of shared housing; Review sought on full day care decision; Whither Willsmere?; Cable tram centenary exhibition; Election possible; Community Assistance Grants] / p4. Death of Councillor Murray Wood / p4. 40 years of home-help in Kew / p5. Three year old Kinder [Argyle Road; Davis Street] / p5. Youth Page - New publications for youth [Streetwise comics; Making unemployment work] / p6. How we passed our time - 2 [social history] / Bill Stent p7. A Group Apprenticeship Scheme for Eastern Suburbs / p7. Kew Community House / p8. Room for one more [student hosting] / p8. North Kew Tennis Club / p8. Kew Young Liberals / p8. Kew Band in concert / p8.