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Ballarat Heritage Services
Photograph - Black and white photograph, Kew Festival Colonial Dance 1979, 1979
The music was supplied for this dance by the Bushwhackers.Cr Alan Hutchinson is central in this photograph of the Kew Festival Colonial Dance held at the Kew Town Hall (later used as a library). city of kew, kew festival, colonial dance, kew town hall, alan hutchison, bushwhackers -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Cr Phyllis Hore, Mayor of Kew 1985-1986, 1985
Cr Phyllis Hore, Mayor of Kew 1985-6 in her mayoral robes, addressing the Kew Council during her phyllis hore, mayors of kew (vic) -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Cr Phyllis Hore, Mayor of Kew 1985-1986, 1985
Cr Phyllis Hore, Mayor of Kew 1985-6 in her mayoral robes, addressing the Kew Council during her phyllis hore, mayors of kew (vic) -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Cr Phyllis Hore, Mayor of Kew 1985-1986, 1985
Cr Phyllis Hore, Mayor of Kew 1985-6 in her mayoral robes, addressing the Kew Council during her phyllis hore, mayors of kew (vic) -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Memorial Plaque, Cr Phyllis Hore, Mayor of Kew 1985-1986, 1994
Cr Tom Indovino, Mayor of Kew and Robyn Hore at the occasion of the opening of the memorial Phyllis Hore Room in the Kew Library in phyllis hore, mayors of kew (vic), memorial plaques - kew (vic) -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph, New Pharmacy, Willsmere [Kew] Hospital, 1978, 1978
This photograph is part of a series taken at the Willsmere (Kew) Mental Hospital. The photographs were gifted to the Kew Historical Society in 2018 by Rosemary Barnes. The photos had been in the possession of her former husband, Dr Fred Stamp, the last medical superintendent of the hospital. In 2019, the photographs were transferred to the State Archives as Permanent Government Records, as the Society is only entitled as a Class-B Place of Deposit to hold Temporary Government Records. The Society was permitted to keep and publish a digital copy of each photograph. Many of the photographs include information on the reverse about individuals or locations. Where this is the case, these have been published here as images that can be viewed in the picture carousel. Permission for third parties to reproduce this record must be granted by the Public Record Office Victoria.Photograph of the new pharmacy, created at the Willsmere Hospital in 1978.Note on envelope: NEW PHARMACY JUNE 1978. Printed address: THE MANAGER / WILLSMERE HOSPITAL / PO BOX 32 / KEW 3101willsmere mental hospital, willsmere unit, kew mental hospital, kew lunatic asylum, willsmere hospital -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Book, Henry de Castres Kellett BT, Kew Where We Live : Kew Illustrated, 1891
At the beginning of the 1890s, the Kew businessman and Town Councillor, Henry Kellett, commissioned J.F.C. Farquhar to photograph scenes of Kew. These scenes included panoramas as well as pastoral scenes. The resulting set of twelve photographs was assembled in an album, Kew Where We Live, from which customers could select images for purchase.The preamble to the album describes that the photographs used the ‘argentic bromide’ process, now more commonly known as the gelatine silver process. This form of dry plate photography allowed for the negatives to be kept for weeks before processing, hence its value in landscape photography. The resulting images were considered to be finely grained and everlasting. Evidence of the success of Henry Kellett’s venture can be seen today, in that some of the photographs are held in national collections.It is believed that the Kew Historical Society’s copy of the Kellett album is unique and that the photographs in the book were the first copies taken from the original plates. It is the first and most important series of images produced about Kew. The individual images have proved essential in identifying buildings and places of heritage value in the district.A unique Illustrated book, comprising a series of twelve plates of panoramic and landscape photographs of Kew, commissioned from the Melbourne (and Kew) photographer JFC Farquhar, by the Kew stationer Henry Kellett. The book was published in 1891, so it is presumed that the photographs provided by Farquhar were taken in 1891 or in the previous year. Photographs from the cloth bound book were offered by Kellett for sale separately; hence a number are in public collections. The book is in very poor condition, the leaves having separated from the spine. The cover is suffering from red rot while the mounts of each book plate are dirty and frequently suffering from foxing. The actual silver albumen plates variably suffer from foxing and iridescence caused by the deterioration resulting from the photographic process. Each part of the book can be viewed in this record in sequential format.KEW WHERE WE LIVE / KEW ILLUSTRATED / THE ACCOMPANYING ILLUSTRATIONS ARE PHOTOGRAPHIC VIEWS OF KEW AND ITS SURROUNDINGS, EXECUTED BY THE "ARGENTIC BROMIDE PROCESS", WHICH ENSURES ABSOLUTE PERMANENCY OF THE PHOTOGRAPH. IN A FEW YEARS HENCE WHEN MOST OF THE OLD LANDMARKS WILL HAVE DISAPPEARED THESE VIEWS WILL BE A VALUABLE MEMENTO OF KEW AS IT WAS IN 1891. ANY OF THESE ILLUSTRATIONS GAN BE OBTAINED FROM MR. H. KELLETT, HIGH STREET, KEW, IN SINGLE COPIES, IN THE SAME SIZE AS THOSE HEREIN AT 2s PER COPY. THEY MAY ALSO BE OBTAINED IN THE FOLLOWING SIZES FOR FRAMING:- / ACTUAL SIZE OF PHOTOGRAPH 15 INCHES X 12 INCHES @ 8. 6d EACH / 22 INCHES X 16 INCHES @ 15s EACH / PRIVATE RESIDENCES AND ESTATES / SPECIAL ARRANGEMENTS CAN BE MADE FOR TAKING VIEWS OF PRIVATE RESIDENCES - INTERIOR AND EXTERIOR - AND FOR GROUPS, &C., IN ANY SIZE UP TO 40 INCHES BY 30 INCHES BY THE "ARGENTIC BROMIDE" PROCESS UPON APPLICATION TO / MR H. KELLETT / HIGH STREET, KEW.kew illustrated, kew where we live, photographic books, henry kellett, jfc farquhar - photographer -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Certificate - Certificate of Appreciation to Mr John Watson Esq, Kew Methodist Church, 1907
"METHODIST CHURCH. In 1881, during the ministry of Rev. W. H. Fitchett, B.A., at Hawthorn, a number of members of the denomination living at Kew considered that the time was opportune for founding a local Church. The Superintendent of the Circuit, the Rev. W. A. Quick of Richmond, met the members and formed them into a society class under the leadership of Mr. A. Brown and a Church was formally instituted at the house of Mr. T. J. Eaton, of Eglinton Street, in December, 1881. Services were regularly held for some time at the same place, and funds for purchasing a block of land were gradually collected, resulting in the present site in Highbury Grove being purchased for £350. Messrs. W. Cleverdon, A. Money, T. E. Serpell, and T. Vasey, of Hawthorn, and Messrs. A. Brown, R. Eyre, and T. J. Eaton of Kew, were appointed trustees. A public meeting was held a the Town Hall, when over £100 was raised. The Rev. John Harcourt, who had just been placed on the supernumerary list, was persuaded to undertake the charge, and commenced services in the Town Hall on 29th April, 1882, which were continued for eighteen months. A Sunday School was started, and altogether the effort progressed so satisfactorily that in October, 1882, the foundation and memorial stones of the present Church were laid by Mr James Huddart. At the tea meeting held in connection with this event nearly £200 was raised and a few months later £250 more was obtained by means of a bazaar. The contract for building Church was let for £1,200. The Sunday School celebrated its first anniversary in June, and the Church was opened on 7th October 1883, the preachers on the occasion being Revs. E. J. Watkin, S. Chapman, and John Harcourt, the collections amounting to £230. Towards raising these sums of money the ladies of the congregation helped very materially. In 1886 the foundation stone of a Sunday school, to cost about £900, was laid by Mrs. H Berry, the building being opened in April 1887. During the same year the Church was enlarged. In 1889 parsonage was erected, and again arrangements had to be made for a further enlargement of the Church, at a cost of nearly £2,000. The foundation stones of the tower were laid by Rev J. Harcourt, and of the transepts by Mrs. Job Smith and Mrs. John Watson. These additions were made during the ministry of Rev. P. R. C. Ussher, the first minister appointed to Kew by conference. He has been succeeded by Revs. Henry Howard, J. de Q. Robin, J. J. Brown, J. G. Wheen, A. E. Albiston, M.A., and F. J. Nance, M.A., who is at present ably filling the pulpit. For the musical portion of the services, the Church has been greatly indebted to the enthusiasm of Mr. C. Gardner, the leader of the choir, and Mr. C. E. Gardner, the organist. The Sunday School has had a number of excellent workers, among whom may be mentioned Messrs. Burchett, Allum, Hillard, Tonkin, Dent, Avery, McDonald, Green, and B. Hoadley, who have acted as Superintendents, and Messrs. Arnall and McCaghern as Secretaries. The present trustees are Messrs. H. Berry, Job Smith, A. Hoadley, F. Vial, C. Powers, H. L. Carnegie, C. H. Green, W. R. Rylah, E. M. Tonkin, S. Gaylard, J. Gregory, J. R. McDonald, T. J. Eaton, F. S. Fitchett, and S. Lamble; Society Stewards, T. J. Eaton and B. Hoadley; Poor Stewards, G. Hinchliffe and G. Fraser; Church Stewards, C. H. Green and G. Hinchliffe; Treasurer, F. S. Fitchett; Secretary, S. Lamble." Source: FGA Barnard, Jubilee History of Kew, Victoria, 1910Commemorative tributes were regularly produced in the 19th and early 20th Century to honour community service. Most were adapted from traditional lithographed models. This example, while created within a formal lithographed border has been transmuted into the equivalent of an illuminated document, hand-painted, and therefore rare. The use of flowers in the design emphasises the sentimental and spiritual aspects of the certificate. The document is a rare unique record of the Kew Methodist Church's history.A hand written testimonial for John Watson Esq from the Trustees of the Kew Methodist Church. The customised colour lithograph includes, at lower left, a turn of the century photograph of the Kew Methodist Church in Highbury Grove. The entire certificate is surrounded by floral art and scroll work. The central text uses neo-gothic lettering.‘Dear Sir … in view of your compulsory retirement on health grounds, from the position of Church Steward, [the Trustees] desire to express their great appreciation of your long service of over 22 years, in that and other offices in the Church. They trust that you will yet be spared many years in fellowship with our Church, and that God’s richest blessing be on you, and your family. We remain, Yours sincerely A. E. Albiston (Minister), S. Lamble (Secretary), F. S. Fitchett (Treasurer), T. J. Eaton (Trustee), C. H. Green and Hubert S. Howell (Church Stewards); March 28th 1907’. john watson esq, kew methodist church, highbury grove, certificates, tesimonials -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph, 'Villa Alba', Kew, circa 1960, c. 1960
This work forms part of the collection assembled by the historian Dorothy Rogers, that was donated to the Kew Historical Society by her son John Rogers in 2015. The manuscripts, photographs, maps, and documents were sourced by her from both family and local collections or produced as references for her print publications. Many were directly used by Rogers in writing ‘Lovely Old Homes of Kew’ (1961) and 'A History of Kew' (1973), or the numerous articles on local history that she produced for suburban newspapers. Most of the photographs in the collection include detailed annotations in her hand. The Rogers Collection provides a comprehensive insight into the working habits of a historian in the 1960s and 1970s. Together it forms the largest privately-donated collection within the archives of the Kew Historical Society.A side view of Villa Alba from Walmer Street in Kew. Now the Villa Alba Museum, the house was this stage still a home for nurses of the Royal Women's Hospital.Villa Alba - Greenlaws home. Built 1863 or 4. Formerly Studley Villavilla alba, walmer street, kew, dorothy rogers -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Postcard, River Yarra at Studley Park, Kew, c.1908
Colour-tinted postcard, titled in red upper left: “RIVER YARRA AT STUDLEY PARK, KEW”. On the divided reverse, the card is addressed to “MISS JOLLEY / MELB. TRAM & O[MNIBUS]. CO / BOURKE STREET, MELB”. The sender has dated the card 21.12.08. In the upper right corner, there is a pink Victorian one penny postage stamp; sent from Melbourne on 22DE 08. (The division of the reverse of the postcard, allowing a message to be written on one half and the address on the other, was not permitted in Australia until 1905.) The manufacturer of the postcard is indicated by the initials “W.T.P”, printed in a green floral diamond, printed centre top. This was the trademark of WT Pater, printers & stationers. William Thompson Pater was born in Melbourne in 1861. His business at 271 Little Collins Street offered Christmas cards, booklets, calendars, and leather goods as well as postcards and albums.Hand-tinted postcard of the River Yarra in Studley Park, Kew. The birds-eye view is of a bridge on the Yarra (Johnston Street?) linking Kew and Abbotsford as it appeared in c.1908. On the Abbotsford side of the river, fields lead down to the river, with some remnant trees. The Kew side of the river, in contrast, due to its steep banks, retains its original vegetation. In the distance is industrial development, in what might be Fairfield and Alphington.“RIVER YARRA AT STUDLEY PARK, KEW”river yarra -- kew (vic.), william thompson pater, w.t.p., postcards -- kew, postcards -- studley park, bridges - yarra river -- kew (vic.) -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Fancy Dress Social, Kew Presbyterian Church Hall, 1922, 11/1922
The Kew Presbyterian Church was located in Cotham Road, Kew on the corner of Highbury Grove. The Church Hall was located next door in Highbury Grove. On amalgamating with the Uniting Church the buildings became redundant and are now the Kew Chinese Baptist Church.Original photograph from the 1930s that records the kinds of social and spiritual actions of church goers in Kew. Group photograph of participants in a fancy dress social at the Kew Presbyterian Church Hall in 1922. It is believed that the group was the Young Men's Bible Class who held this event annually. The Society has photographs of the event in 1922 and 1925.Later hand: "Masked Fancy Dress Social, Kew Presbyterian Hall, November 1922"presbyterian church - kew (vic), kew presbyterian church - young men's bible class, churches - social activities - 1920s -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Badge, Kew Patriotic Carnival, Victoria Park, March 28-29 1941
A Kew Patriotic Carnival was held in Victoria Park in 1941. The event was promoted in the Argus newspaper as: "KEW CARNIVAL - A carnival, at which more than 25 local organisations will co-operate in raising funds for Kew Patriotic Society, will be opened at Victoria Park. Kew this afternoon. The carnival will begin at 2 p.m. to-day and will continue to-morrow. There will be afternoon and evening sessions each day. Arrangements have been made for open-air dances, bicycle races, athletic events, tennis tournaments, folk dancing, miniature golf, and a shooting gallery. Flowers, sweets, cakes, and re-freshments will be sold at stalls conducted by auxiliaries, and lucky envelopes, darts competitions, spinning-wheels, and games will be among the attractions." The Argus (Melbourne) Friday 28 March 1941, Page 6.Rare example of Second World War local Kew memorabiliaPatriotic button. Kew Patriotic Carnival March 28-29 1941. Victoria Park. Numbered 2427. The design incorporates the British and Australian flags.Title: "Kew Patriotic Carnival, Victoria Park, March 28-29 1941". Number "2427"kew patriotic carnival, patriotic buttons, ww2 -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Kew Municipal Baths, 1930s
W.D. Vaughan in 'Kew's Civic Century' (1960) has a chapter (XXII, pp.103-105) on the Kew Swimming Pool (aka Kew Baths). In the chapter he recounts debate in Council from 1912 about the need for a swimming pool. The first concrete step toward achieving this occurred in 1914 when Council purchased the Tramways Sheds on the corner of High and Disraeli Streets in 1914. Further adjoining land in High Street was compulsorily acquired in 1923. The final plans were accepted in 1925 and following public tender, Messrs. Weavill and Keast were appointed to construct the pool at a cost of 5,418/9/-. The baths were formally opened on 18 November 1925 by George Ramsay, Mayor of Kew. (The Kew Swimming Club was founded in the same year.) Vaughan notes that "mixed bathing was not permitted at the Kew Baths until January, 1928, when it was allowed every evening (except Sundays) and Friday afternoons. A few years later these restrictions were removed altogether".Small B&W photograph of two boys standing beside a diving board at the old Kew Swimming Pool while in the distance a woman dives into the pool. The photograph can be dated to the years 1929-33, as the wooden grandstand was not erected until 1929 and it was before a new high swimming platform was erected in 1933."Old Swimming Pool Kew. D4. 92"kew swimming pool - kew (vic), sport and recreation - kew (vic), kew baths - kew (vic), mayors of kew - cr. george ramsay - kew (vic), kew swimming club -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Digital Photograph, Kew Mental Hospital, R. Gamble, 1910-1922, c.1972
The Kew Lunatic Asylum was completed in 1871 and opened in 1872. The year 1972 marked its centenary. Over the years, members of staff at the asylum collected records, photographs, publications and plans of the asylum, later hospital. The Society has a number of important collections relating to the asylum and the Children's Cottages. These include the Dr Cliff Judge, the Irena Higgins and the Dr Fred Stamp Collections. This portrait photograph is one of a number of items donated by the family of the late Dr. Fred Stamp who was the last medical superintendent. Dr Frederick Stamp graduated from Bristol Medical School (UK) in 1968. He and his family emigrated to Australia in 1977 to Goulburn (NSW), moving to Melbourne in 1980. He became Superintendent in 1981 until the Hospital's closure in 1988. Since the donation was made, this item has been declared a Permanent Government Record, and has been transferred to the Public Record Office Victoria in 2020.Following their closure, the medical records of the Kew Mental Hospital and the Children's Cottages Kew were relocated to the archives of the relevant Victorian Government Department and also to the Public Records Office of Victoria. Other collections, such as the Fred Stamp Collection, were assembled by staff who worked at the hospital. The years leading up to the closure of Kew must have been fraught, and many of the items in the hospital were probably destined for hard waste disposal. Dr. Fred Stamp, the medical superintendent, kept aside or rescued a number of these items, of which this is one. Following his death, his family donated these to the Kew Historical Society. The Society recognises these items to be of lasting historical significance, essentially due to their provenance and to their rarity. Together they (and the Judge and Higgins Collections) are an invaluable aid for researchers of the treatment of psychiatric illnesses in Victoria.R. Gamble, Medical Superintendent, Kew Hospital for the Insane 1910-1922. One of a series of portraits of former medical superintendents, sourced and created for exhibition purposes at the Kew Mental Hospital during the centenary celebrations of 1972. Each portrait is framed with a white mount on which the name of the superintendent and his term of office is recorded. R. Gamble, 1910-1922kew lunatic asylum, kew mental hospital, willsmere, kew hospital for the insane, dr fred stamp, the fred stamp collection, r. gamble -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Kew Fire Brigade, Walton Street, c.1912
The Walton Street Fire Brigade building was constructed in 1893 (Rogers, 1973) replacing an earlier building on the site constructed for the Kew Volunteer Fire brigade. The building was demolished in 1941. In the background of the photo is a nouse on the corner of Peel and Walton Street which was also constructed in 1893 and which was to house a fireman from the brigade.This work forms part of the collection assembled by the historian Dorothy Rogers, that was donated to the Kew Historical Society by her son John Rogers in 2015. The manuscripts, photographs, maps, and documents were sourced by her from both family and local collections or produced as references for her print publications. Many were directly used by Rogers in writing ‘Lovely Old Homes of Kew’ (1961) and 'A History of Kew' (1973), or the numerous articles on local history that she produced for suburban newspapers. Most of the photographs in the collection include detailed annotations in her hand. The Rogers Collection provides a comprehensive insight into the working habits of a historian in the 1960s and 1970s. Together it forms the largest privately-donated collection within the archives of the Kew Historical Society.A photographic print of the Kew Fire Brigade, presumably copied from W.D. Vaughan's 'Kew's Civic Century' (1960)."2nd Fire Brigade, Walton St., taken shortly before Belford Rd., built. (Demolished). 2nd fire brigade, Walton St., Kew. No photo of 1st except on membership certificate."kew fire brigade, walton street - kew -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Medal, Town of Kew : To Commemorate its Jubilee, 1910
Medal issued to commemorate the 50th jubilee of the Town of Kew. It names J.F. McCrea as Mayor. John Falding McCrea was Mayor of Kew 1910-11. Kew was proclaimed a municipality on 22 December 1860, seceding from the Boroondara Road Board District, then comprising Kew, Hawthorn and Camberwell. It was proclaimed a town on 8 December 1910, the year this medal was issued, and a city on 10 March 1921. On 22 June 1994 Kew city was united with Camberwell and Hawthorn cities to form Boroondara city. (MV)Gilt bronze Town of Kew Jubilee medal in the shape of a Maltese Cross.Obverse description Shield of six wheat-sheafs above motto CRESCO on ribbon; above shield is the Royal coat of arms with lion and unicorn supporters and, on ribbon DIEU ET MIN DROIT; on arms of cross top, TOWN / OF, bottom, KEW, left TO COMMEM / -ORATE, right, ITS JUBILEE / 1910 Reverse description shield of six wheat-sheafs above motto CRESCO on ribbon; above shield is the Royal coat of arms with lion and unicorn supporters and, on ribbon DIEU ET MIN DROIT; on arms of cross top, TOWN / OF, bottom, KEW, left TO COMMEM / -ORATE, right, ITS JUBILEE / 1910town of kew jubilee (1910), commemorative medals - kew (vic), australian commemorative medals -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Postcard, Macauleys' Boat Shed on the River Yarra at Kew, 1907-1915
The Kew Historical Society's postcard collection includes views of Kew, Melbourne and Greater Melbourne as well as those including overseas scenes sent or received from Europe or the Middle East. They date from the 1890s to the 2000s. These postcards may or may not include the name of the publisher or printer. A number of the cards were published as parts of popular series. A way of dating early postcards is to identify whether the reverse was divided by a central line which became the norm after 1902 in the United Kingdom. However, other postcards produced after this date do not always conform to this print layout.The item forms part of the Laurie Bennett collection of thirty-six postcards and photographs of Kew and early Melbourne, donated to the Kew Historical Society in 1980. The postcards in the Bennett collection, like other images in the Society's holdings date from the 1890s to the present and comprehensively indicate points-of-view or scenes considered historically, aesthetically or socially significant in the period in which they were produced.Monochrome photo postcard of Macauleys' Boat Shed in Kew and its position on the Yarra at the end of Molesworth Street."KH-393. Macauley's Boat Shed, Kew. Lower Molesworth St, Donated by L. Bennett"boat sheds - kew (vic), river yarra - kew (vic), macaulay's boat shed - kew (vic), recreation - yarra river - kew (vic) -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Historical Exhibition, Kew, 1964-1965
The Melbourne artist Alma Agnes Marion Figuerola, was the daughter of Juan Pedro Narciso Figuerola (1869-1919) and Alice Lucinda Walker Hanson (1889-1969). Each of their three daughters grew up to be involved in the arts: Alma as a painter; Carmen Irene (1906-1993) as a short story writer, poet and teacher of dancing; and Sylvia (also Silvia) Lyla Alice (1911-1992) as a composer and cellist. The first art lessons Alma Figuerola received were with Oscar Binder. Later she attended the art school established by the Melbourne 'tonalist' [Duncan] Max Meldrum (1875-1955). She graduated from his school in 1920, participating in her first group exhibition in the same year. Solo exhibitions of her work were to be held in 1933 at the Meldrum Gallery in Elizabeth Street, in 1937 and 1945 at the Athenaeum Gallery at 188 Collins Street, and in 1951 at Georges Gallery in Collins Street. Throughout her extensive career she participated in group exhibitions, usually with artists of the Meldrum School, and as a member of the Twenty Melbourne Painters, of which she was invited to become an associate in 1935. In 1953, her portrait of Professor ES Hills was entered in the Archibald Prize Competition of the Art Gallery of New South Wales. A resident of Kew from the 1930s - 51 Studley Park Road, often with her mother, her sister Carmen, or both - from c.1942 until her death she lived at 'D’Estaville', 7 Barry Street. From the late 1930s she is recorded as actively contributing to the arts at a local level. In 1939 and 1940 she participated in art exhibitions at the Hawthorn Municipal Library organised by Jessie Carbines. From 1944 to 1951 she co-organised successive Kew Arts Festivals, initially in the Presbyterian Church Hall in Highbury Grove and later at the Recreation Hall in Wellington Street. A foundation member of the Kew Historical Society in 1958, Alma Figuerola remained an active member of the Society until her death on 8 December 1970. She predeceased her two sisters who both died in the 1990s and who are buried at Andersons' Creek Cemetery in Warrandyte.An undated photograph of WHS Dickinson and Alma Figuerola at the opening of an exhibition in Kew in 1964/5. It has been suggested that the exhibition at the Kew Town Hall in Walpole Street.Later hand: "Mayor of Kew opens exhibition of paintings (Miss Alma Figuerola left in doorway). arists - kew (vic), exhibitions -- kew (vic.) -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Postcard, River Yarra near Macauleys' Boathouse Kew, c.1910
The Pipe Bridge was constructed to bring fresh water from Fairfield to Kew. This bridge was destroyed in the 1934 Flood and later reconstructed.Early sepia real photo postcard of the first Pipe Bridge bringing water from the Yan Yean Reservoir to Kew. The site is upriver of the original Macauley's boathouse. Obverse: "River Yarra near Macauleys' Boat House Kew". Reverse: "(Pipe Water Line) / Kew to Fairfield above boat house / Pipe Bridge / Received from L. Bennett 1980".bridges - kew (vic.), bridges - yarra river -- kew (vic.), pipe bridge -
Ballarat Heritage Services
Photograph - Black and White Photograph, Kew Festival Soap Box Darby, 1979
A number of boys and their billycarts during the Kew of kew, kew festival, soap box darby, billycart -
Ballarat Heritage Services
Photograph - Colour, 70 Tennyson St, North Kew, c1973, 08/03/1990
Chellowdene was demolished c1995, and four units were built on the block.A weatherboard house in Tennyson Street, North Kew. 70 tennyson st, north kew -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph, The Sears Studio, Centenary Celebrations : Kew "Strong Post" St Kilda Road, 1934
Cr. W.D. Vaughan in 'Kew's Civic History' (1960) records that: "In connection with the Melbourne Centenary Celebrations in 1934, the Kew Council decided to organise a strong post as an appropriate gesture of welcome to H.R.H. the Duke of Gloucester. Also that the municipality be represented by a symbolic floral float in the Royal pageant. This was a striking entry and won first prize, and evoked much comment on account of its originality and truly Australian motif." The photograph of the Kew Strong Post was once part of the Municipal Collection of the former City of Kew and was presented to the Kew Historical Society before the move from the Walpole Street (Kew) Town Hall to new Civic offices in Charles Street in 1971.Historic photograph of participation by the City of Kew in celebrations for a royal visitFramed and glazed photograph on its original inscribed mount and original frame of the Kew "Strong Post" in St Kilda Road on the occasion of the visit to Melbourne of the Duke of Gloucester. The photograph has two components, at the upper left is a photo of the royal carriage while the man photo shows the people of Kew on a decorated 'Strong Post' on St Kilda Road, along which the procession progressed. T"Centenary Celebrations / Kew "Strong Post" St Kilda Road / On the occasion of the visit of / H.R.H. The Duke of Gloucester / October 18th 1934."royal visits - melboure - 1934, duke of gloucester, kew (vic.) — municipal collection -
Ballarat Heritage Services
Photograph - Black and white photograph, Spinning Wool during the Kew Festival Colonial Dance, 1979, 1979
Jonathan Benyei spins wool during the Kew Festival Colonial Dance held at the Kew Town Hall. He is warched by his mother Dorothy Benyei. city of kew, kew festival, colonial dance, kew town hall, jonathan benyei, dorothy benyei, spinning wool -
Ballarat Heritage Services
Photograph - Black and white photograph, Kew Festival Music Hall, 1979, 1979
The music was supplied for this dance by the Bushwhackers.A group at the Kew Festival Music Hall. From left to right: ? , Jack Joseph, ? , Kathleen Gervasoni (City of Kew Mayoress), Cr Jack Gervasoni (Mayor)city of kew, kew festival, colonial dance, kew town hall, bushwhackers, martin o'toole, lawrence o'toole -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Badge - Identification Badge, Mrs HG Ferguson, Mayoress, City of Kew 1959-60, 1959
Hugh George Ferguson was born in June 1900 in Williamstown. After his family moved to Kew, they lived in Fernhurst Grove while his future wife’s family lived in Fellows Street. He married in 1940 and subsequently joined the Second AIF. In 1945, he was reported to be the ACF (Australian Comforts Fund) Commissioner in Borneo [Kalimantan]. After the Second World War, he worked as a Billeting Affairs Organiser for the Dutch Government, resettling migrants in Australia. He also worked in advertising as an account manager, and as campaign director for Arthur Rylah in Victorian politics. He directed the first major trade fairs at the Royal Exhibition Buildings after the Second World War, including ‘Australia Makes It Exhibition’ in 1947, the ‘Australian Industrial Fair’ in 1949 and 1950, the ‘Modern Home Exhibition’ in 1949, and ‘Made in Australia’ in 1952. The funds raised during the latter were earmarked for a ‘bankrupt’ Queen Victoria Hospital. He built a home in Brougham Street and represented North Ward on Kew Council from 1952 to 1968. He was elected Mayor in 1959. Hugh Ferguson died in 1975, aged 75. He was buried on 2 September in Grave 201, Special (Non- Denominational) Compartment A, Boroondara General Cemetery.A gold plated bar brooch with suspended medallion having a blue enamelled ring surrounding the City of Kew crest in reliefFront: City of Kew, above the city of Kew crest with Council below Rear: Mrs H. G. Ferguson, Mayoress, 1959-60city of kew, mayoresses - kew (vic), mrs hg ferguson -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Magazine, 1st Kew Scout Group, Kookaburra, Magazine of the Kew Troop, Volume 1, No.1, 1925
The Kookaburra Magazine of the First Kew Troop was mostly written by and for the Scouts themselves, with details of troop and patrol camps and activities, jokes, poems, etc. The magazine was roneoed locally.14-page magazine with a kookaburra on the front cover. Signature [unidentified], "? Jan 1925"scouts - kew (vic), 1st kew scouts, kookaburra magazine -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Magazine, E J Gay, Kookaburra, Issued by the 1st Kew Troop, Volume 1-No.3, 1925, 1925
The Kookaburra Magazine of the First Kew Troop was mostly written by and for the Scouts themselves, with details of troop and patrol camps and activities, jokes, poems, etc. The magazine was roneoed locally.20-page magazine with a kookaburra on the front cover. scouts - kew, 1st kew scouts, kookaburra magazine -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Magazine, 1st Kew Scout Group, The Kookaburra, Issued by the 1st Kew Troop, Vol 1, No. 4, 1926, 1926
The Kookaburra Magazine of the First Kew Troop was mostly written by and for the Scouts themselves, with details of troop and patrol camps and activities, jokes, poems, etc. The magazine was roneoed locally.17-page magazine with a kookaburra on the front cover. scouts - kew, 1st kew scouts, kookaburra magazine -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Magazine, J Batten, The Kookaburra, Issued by the 1st Kew Troop, Vol 1, No. 5, 1926, 1926
The Kookaburra Magazine of the First Kew Troop was mostly written by and for the Scouts themselves, with details of troop and patrol camps and activities, jokes, poems, etc. The magazine was roneoed locally.20-page magazine with a kookaburra on the front cover. 1st kew scouts, scouts - kew (vic), kookaburra magazine -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Magazine, J Batten, The Kookaburra, Issued by the 1st Kew Troop, Vol 1, No. 6, 1926, 1926
The Kookaburra Magazine of the First Kew Troop was mostly written by and for the Scouts themselves, with details of troop and patrol camps and activities, jokes, poems, etc. The magazine was roneoed locally.20-page magazine with a kookaburra on the front cover. 1st kew scouts, kookaburra magazine, scouts - kew