Showing 1100 items
matching state school teachers
Kew Historical Society Inc
Certificate, Victorian State Schools Exhibition, 1906, 1906
... [Recipient] "Arthur Richardson" / [State School] "Kew, 1075... primary school arthur richardson victorian state schools ...This work forms part of the collection assembled by the historian Dorothy Rogers, that was donated to the Kew Historical Society by her son John Rogers in 2015. The manuscripts, photographs, maps, and documents were sourced by her from both family and local collections or produced as references for her print publications. Many were directly used by Rogers in writing ‘Lovely Old Homes of Kew’ (1961) and 'A History of Kew' (1973), or the numerous articles on local history that she produced for suburban newspapers. Most of the photographs in the collection include detailed annotations in her hand. The Rogers Collection provides a comprehensive insight into the working habits of a historian in the 1960s and 1970s. Together it forms the largest privately-donated collection within the archives of the Kew Historical Society.A certificate issued to Arthur Richardson of Kew School for participating in the Victorian State Schools Exhibition of 1906. Arthur Richardson was the uncle of the historian Dorothy Rogers. [Recipient] "Arthur Richardson" / [State School] "Kew, 1075" / [Head Teacher] "T. A. Thompson" /kew primary school, arthur richardson, victorian state schools exhibition, 1906, dorothy rogers, state school exhibition, exhibition, certificate, education -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Photograph - 'Carronbank', Marshall Avenue, 1980s
Carronbank (demolished) in Marshall Avenue, Kew was once the home of the Rev Graham Henty Balfour. It had extensive grounds, including a tennis court at the rear of the property. It remained a private residence until c.1960. The Department of Education purchased Carronbank as a school for partially sighted children, opening in February 1961 as State School No 4483. During the period 1961 to c.1980, the building housed a number of services. From 1969 to 1974, it was the site of Carronbank State School, later renamed Carronbank School for Deaf-Blind Children. In 1973, the Department established the Visiting Teacher Service for the Visually Impaired at the site. Its aim was to support teachers working in Victorian Government, Catholic and Independent Schools. From 1983 the school operated as Statewide Resource Centre for Visiting Teachers of the Vision Impaired. In 1988, the amalgamation of Princess Elizabeth Junior School for Deaf Children, the Monnington Centre and Carronbank School for Deaf Blind Students allowed the Victorian Government to sell each of the sites. Monnington [Adeney Avenue, Kew] reverted to private ownership, while Glendonald and Carronbank in Marshall Avenue were demolished and subdivided.The donor, Mr Murray Osler, was Principal of the Monnington Special Education Centre in Adeney Avenue (Kew) from 1976. This photo, and an accompanying drawing of 'Monnington' are important primary resources for the delivery of education to and for deaf-blind children in Victoria.The photograph, framed under perspex, shows the tennis court of Carronbank which had been converted into a play area for the students of the school. The flat roofed building may have been a toilet block, added for the school. The garage brick wall belongs to No 11. Grass is growing on the original asphalt court and there is equipment and tunnels for play. When sold the property was divided into three separate building blocks.carronbank -- marshall avenue -- kew (vic.), schools -- kew (vic.), carronbank -
Surrey Hills Historical Society Collection
Photograph - Retirement of Mr John Clough as Head Teacher of Surrey Hills Primary School, 1948
John Spencer Clough was the Head Teacher at Surrey Hills during the Depression and the Second World War years. He had a long history in the education department. He was born in Eaglehawk in 1889; married Lily Carpenter in 1915 and died in Camberwell in 1952. He served in France during the First World War. He enlisted in 1915 (SERN 5671) aged 26; occupation school teacher. Electoral rolls place him at the following places as a school teacher: 1912 - Sea View, Warragul 1913 - Leongatha 1914, 1915, 1916 - Carpendeit 1919 - Portland 1922 - Scarsdale 1925, 1926 - Werribee 1928 - Echuca 1931 - Ballarat 1935 - living Wattle Valley Road, Camberwell. At Surrey Hills he was succeeded by Mr Lewis Wheeler. The girl presenting Mr Clough with his retirement gift was Margaret Haines who made the presentation on behalf of the students. A B&W photo of an elderly gentleman surrounded by children. He is wearing a suit and tie and a girl is presenting him with what looks to be a radio. There is a chair with floral covering central to the photo and the gentleman is standing behind it. The background is consistent with a school playground.Number in pencil on the rear - SH1150surrey hills state school, surrey hills primary school, margaret haines, margaret dowsett, john clough, john spencer clough, education, schools -
Sunbury Family History and Heritage Society Inc.
Photograph, Sunbury State School
The first building which housed Sunbury State School No.1002 was built on the corner of Macedon and Stawell Streets in the early 1870s and functioned as the local State School until 1912 when a sturdier red brick structure replaced on the same site. In 1999 Sunbury State School was relocated in the former Industrial School heritage buildings in Jacksons Hill. The existing building in Macedon Street was incorporated into the Sunbury Community Health Centre. The school in the photograph is the original Sunbury State School NO. 1002 building, where many early Sunbury residents attended. A non-digital black and white photograph in post card format of a crowd of children outside a school building. Four teachers are standing on the RHS of the image.sunbury state school no. 1002, stawell street, macedon street, schools -
Stawell Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Stawell State School Number 502 Grade 1A 1929
... Class photo of children and teachers in front of State... grampians Class photo of children and teachers in front of State ...Class photo of children and teachers in front of State School 502 Stawell. Grade 1A 1929.stawell education students -
Stawell Historical Society Inc
Photograph, 1 Male & 19 Females (named) Mr S Trend was head teacher at Stawell State School Number 502 1895-1899
... Stawell State School Number 502 1895-1899... at Stawell State School Number 502 1895-1899 Photograph ...Portrait of a Group of People. 1 Male & 19 Females (named) Mr S Trend was head teacher at SS 502 1895-1899stawell -
Stawell Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Glenorchy State School Number 263 with Pupils & Teachers Mr & Mrs William Philips 1874
Glenorchy School Pupils 1874 Head Teacher S.S. No 263stawell education -
Surrey Hills Historical Society Collection
Photograph, Mont Albert Central School Grade 1, 1921, 1921
Mont Albert State School was officially opened on 23rd April 1917. The school became Mont Albert Central School in 1918, taking in Forms 1 and 2. The school remained a Central School until 1964, when the secondary years formed the basis of a new High School, the Box Hill North High School, later to be named Koonung Secondary College. This is part of a large collection of material related to the Deakin, Mair and Young families, all with connections to Surrey Hills and Mont Albert. Ernest Lance Young was the son of Ernest Augustus Young (1891-1985) and Ruby Nichell Whitby (1892-1984). Lance was born 24 March 1915 in Surrey Hills. The family lived at 5 York Street, Surrey Hills. Electoral roll for 1937 gives the house name as 'Whitby Lodge'. He married Beryl Mair in 1939 and died on 5 October 1999 at Mont Albert. Electoral rolls list him as a manufacturer. His address after marriage was 11 York Street, Mont Albert. He is buried in Box Hill Cemetery (M-*-0867) along with his father. He served in WW2 (Service Number - VX104733 enlisting at St Kilda) and after returning took over his father's business. Young's Motor Products have manufactured products for the automotive and other related industries, including chemical trades, since 1920. Business history: Young's commenced trading in 1917 when Mr Ernest Augustus Young started selling paint brushes. At this time the company was known as E.A.Young & Co. with business premises in Queen Street Melbourne. Ernest soon expanded into paints and other products for the rapidly growing automotive trade and by 1920 was well recognised as a leading supplier. At this time canvas hoods were the norm and Ernest produced a "Canvas Hood Dressing" which gained acceptance as 'the one to buy'. This product was exported throughout the world. By 1930 Young's range had expanded and the product range included items like distilled water, gasket cement, vulcanising heat patches, rust prevention and many more diverse products. Young's name then, was so well known in Australia and the world, that a letter could be addressed just "Young's Melbourne" and it would reach the company. Young's survived the great depression, but in 1939 the Australian government commandeered the factory with all plant and equipment, thus closing Young's for the duration of the WW2. Ernest continued to make products at home for the war effort. When his son, Lance, returned home from overseas war service in Singapore, the Young's factory was re-established at 405 Canterbury Road, Canterbury near Chatham Station and worked to regain markets lost in the 1940s. By 1980 Lance Young wished to retire, his immediate family didn't want to continue the business and Lance believed Australia would lose a great asset if he just closed the company. He sought to find someone within the motor trade who would uphold the Young's principles of product and service and in 1981 Allan Kennedy & Sons bought the business.Lance Young was retained as an active consultant until his death in October 1999, aged 84. Products: Superseal for radiators, tyre dressing (tyre black), car shampoo, hood dressing, leather and vinyl cleaner. The factory was later elased to B&D Rollerdoors. REF: Personal communication (Laurie Newton, nee Young) and Black and white class photo taken outside the school building. The class of 18 girls and 22 boys is flanked by a male teacher of the LHS of the photo and a female teacher on the RHS. Children are wearing a variety of clothing indicating the absence of an official school uniform.REAR: Possibly 4 different hands as follows: 1. In black ink faded to brown: "January 1921 / Mont Albert State School" 2. "ERNEST" in black biro; looks to be a later insert to "Lance Young" in blue biro or ink. 3. "2nd on left / FRONT ROW legs crossed" in blue biro. -
Surrey Hills Historical Society Collection
Photograph, Miss Frances Emerson
Frances Emerson was born in Elsterwick in 1906 to Thomas James Emerson, a furniture manufacturer, and his wife Selina Sarah (nee Bowen). She had 3 siblings - Thomas George (1908-1977), Melvie Eleanor (1910-1965) and Hulett Moore (1915-1999). They lived at 18 Kent Road, known as 'Sunnybrae' and later as ‘Willacool’. Her mother died at 'Sunnybrae' a few months after the birth of her youngest brother. After attending state school, Frances went to Fintona. She trained as a kindergarten teacher at ‘Mooroolbeek’ Kindergarten Training College in Kew and taught during the 1930s. Her 1st appointment was at the Robert Cochrane Kindergarten in Auburn. She also worked at the City Free Kindergarten on the corner of Exhibition and Little Lonsdale Streets, where children came from very poor dwellings in ‘lanes off lanes’. See file on her work.A black and white photograph of four adults - two male and two and dress, emerson, frances (miss), warren, frances (mrs), fintona, kent road, surrey hills, teacher, preschools, 1930-1939 -
Surrey Hills Historical Society Collection
Photograph, Surrey Hills State School Grade 4 in 1923/24, c1923
Approximate date.Black and white photo of 43 boys standing and sitting against the exterior of the school building. Their teacher, identified as Mr Ellis, stands to the LH side. The boys are not wearing uniforms although some do wear jackets and ties. Back row is identified as: L to R - Alan Sneddon, Alan Jewell and 2nd from the right, Keith Chenu. 2nd front row - 4th from left is Fred Clow. Front row - 4th from Left is Eric Ward. Others thought to be in the photo but not identified are Duncan McDonald, Colin Duncan, Ham Burne, Rex Lind, Frank Slade.surrey hills state school, education, surrey hills primary school, mr ellis, alan sneddon, alan jewell, keith chenu, fred clow, eric ward, duncan mcdonald, ham burne, rex lind, frank slade -
Surrey Hills Historical Society Collection
Photograph, Staff and students of Surrey Hills Primary School, Empire Day celebrations, 1911
... headmaster at Balwyn State School, which his son Gordon (later... was a teacher at Surrey Hills State School for her entire career ...Date is approximate; early Empire Day celebrations were held in May each year between 1906 and 1911 to commemorate Queen Victoria's birthday. Headmaster, George Bennett was later headmaster at Balwyn State School, which his son Gordon (later General Gordon Bennett) attended. Miss Amy Wise was a teacher at Surrey Hills State School for her entire career. (There is information in filing cabinet re Amy Wise). Note (undated) from John Reaburn states that an issue of SHNN claimed Major General Bennett was a pupil at SHPS. He stated: "I very much doubt this, as he was 19 years of age when his father was headmaster in 1906. Before that the whole family attended Balwyn State School. The statement should be substantiated or corrected".Black and white photo copied from a postcard of staff and students assembled outside Surrey Hills Primary School for Empire Day celebrations. Some children carry Union Jack flags. The cadet corps of the school stands in line on the path against the picket fence of the school carrying drums and 'rifles'. The male students are assembled in line at the edge of the road and the female students are assembled in the middle of the road. There are a number of adults in the background, presumably teachers and parents; two are identified. Centre is headmaster, Mr George Bennett and at the right is teacher, Miss Amy Wise. The photo is taken in Beatrice Avenue looking towards Canterbury Road. An Edwardian or Victorian style house can be seen on the corner of Beatrice Avenue and Canterbury Road.Within the original image: State School, Surrey Hillssurrey hills primary school, empire day celebrations, education, primary education, schools, cadets, beatrice avenue, post card, mr george bennett, miss amy wise, mr john reaburn -
Surrey Hills Historical Society Collection
Photograph (copy), Surrey Hills School No 2778 Grade Va 1939, 1939
Don Murray who was a member of this class has supplied us with this photo naming almost all the pupils. Please refer to Surrey Hills State School vertical file for list of names and where they are located in the photo..A black and white photograph of 30 boys and 23 girls from the 1939 Grade Va at Surrey Hills State School No.2778clothing and dress, 1939, education, surrey hills, primary schools, mr kevin boxhall, mr don cam, mr tom dellar, mr fred kneale, mr bill bedggood, mr ken newell, mr ron salmon, mr keith greenwood, mr jack raisbeck, mr ray mcdonald, mr ken brown, mr ian tweedie, mr vernon coster, mr norman henry, mr keith rimmer, mr ken wheat, mr colin bentley, mr ron brown, miss valerie muir, miss fay mcbain, miss audrey broomhead, miss dorothy stout, miss gwen skinner, miss jean mollison, miss lucy deuchar, miss irene dunn (jones?), miss barbara hoskin, miss june -, miss ruby clemson, miss ettie redfern, miss pam skerrett, miss valreen church, miss merle yeomans, miss thelma mcconville, miss dorothy freeman, miss merle christie, miss helen james, miss melba moore, mr len yeomans, mr douglas mathews, mr norman bell, mr don murray, mr john flower, mr bob holborn, mr alan wadsworth, mr john atkinson, mr barry broadbent, mr barry dimelow, mr colin couper, miss mcleish, teachers -
Federation University Art Collection
Ceramic - Artwork - Ceramics, 'Raku Lidded Pot with Tall Handle' by Bruce Anderson, c1984
Bruce ANDERSON (20 August 1950- Born Surry Hills, Melbourne, Victoria In 1971 Bruce Anderson obtained a Diploma of Art (Sculpture) from the Prahran Institute of Technology. For the next two years, he worked at Raynham Ceramics in East Bentleigh, making slipcast ware. After a year of National Service, he completed a teacher education course at the State College of Victoria, Auburn and taught for a time in the secondary school system. In 1977, he moved to Queensland to take up a position as Head of the Ceramics Department at Townsville TAFE. In 1984, he relocated to the Darling Downs Institute in Toowoomba and was still teaching there in his entry in the 1986-7 directory, working in raku and blackware fired with gas in a ceramic fibre kiln. During 1986, he moved to Adelaide to take up a position as senior lecturer in ceramics at the South Australian School of Design. During the late 1980s and 1990s, he began to make sculptural works of architactural form cast from a mixture of terracotta clay and refractory concrete. Part-glazed, the works allude to primitive industry and utilitarianism. In 1984 Bruce Anderson was a guest at Spotkanie held at the Gippsland Institute of Advanced Education.Raku teapot with tall handle. bruce anderson, ceramics, jan feder memorial ceramics collection, gippsland campus, teapot, raynham ceramics -
Vision Australia
Administrative record - Text, Royal Victorian Institute for the Blind annual report 1962-1963, 1962-1963
Articles in annual report include: List of office bearers of the institute and officers of the institute, Confidence mobility, Annual report of the RVIB babies, Children and adults - 97 years of service and programmes - special appeal, Residence rehabilitation training centre, Conference mobility, Ten pin bowling, Deaf blind centre, Resident nursery and school, Worldwide literary competition, Higher education, Employment, Welfare, Recreation, Finance, Appreciation, Auxiliary, 3KZ Christmas appeal, Vice regal patronage, My friend the long cane - a new method of self-help for blind people, They're the workers, 36th annual report of the council of auxiliary. Events that occurred in 1962 : Hon. H.E. Bolte, Premier opened the appeal and announced a special grant of $20,000 pounds from the state government. Lieutenant General Sir Henry Wells accepted the board's invitation to become chairman of the appeal, at the Burwood school Cheng Ann Cheok a 15 year old Singaporean boy arrived to further his education and study music, he hopes to adopt music as his career. Through the kind offices of Dr Edward J. Waterhouse director of Perkins school for the blind of Boston and the generosity of its Board of Trustees a scholarship will be provided to the Institute for an Australian teacher to be trained as a specialist teacher within their school.1 volume of text and illustrationsroyal victorian institute for the blind, annual reports -
Federation University Art Collection
Ceramic - Artwork- Ceramic, [Wood Fired Pot] by John Crump
Samuel John CRUMP John Crump obtained a Diploma in Art (Pottery) in 1968 at the Ballarat Technical Art School. He lectured in ceramics at Ballarat Teachers' College (1972-1976) and State College Victoria Ballarat (1976 and 1991), as well as making functional stoneware, decorative and architectural forms and ceramic panels. This item is part of the Federation University Art Collection. The Art Collection features over 1000 works and was listed as a 'Ballarat Treasure' in 2007.Wheel thrown pot with burnished Black Hill ochre slip over a local stoneware body. The pot was woodfired to 1300 degrees celcius in a Hoffman kiln. Gift of John Crump in memory of Barbara Crump, Head of the School of Education Teaching Resource Centre.Incised on base 'Crump'art, artwork, john crump, ceramics, wood fired, black hill, local clay -
Vision Australia
Image, Tilly Aston memorial unveiling, 1970
To commemorate the birthplace of Tilly Aston, a memorial tablet was unveiled at Carisbrook in 1970. The ceremony drew a large crowd and included a reading of Tilly's poetry as well as a performance by school children. REMEMBER WITH THANKSGIVING THE SPIRIT OF TILLY ASTON 1873-1947 Blind From Childhood, She Endured As Seeing The Invisible A Singing Poet She Rejoiced In The Beauty Of Life Born In Carisbrook, Studied At The Blind Institute. The First Blind Student To Matriculate And Be Appointed A Teacher Foundation Member Association For The Blind. Promoted The Braille Library. (Braille characters) Below the plaque is a smaller one: ERECTED BY MIDLANDS HISTORICAL SOCIETY AND CHILDREN OF CARISBROOK STATE SCHOOL 19707 images of the unveiling ceremony tilly aston -
Surrey Hills Historical Society Collection
Book, Educating Surrey Hills - School No 2778, 1886-1986, 1986
Donation made on behalf of Surrey Hills Primary School. A second lesser copy was donated at a much earlier date.A 59 page informal history of Surrey Hills State School, No 2778. To quote the authors: "we have not used footnotes, nor a bibliography; and we have used reminiscence without always ensuring that facts and dates are strictly accurate." The book is richly illustrated with photos, excerpts of student work and other ephemera. It is not indexed. Headings are: Beginnings, The Cadet Corps, Head Teacher Bennett, School Days 1900-1925, War Time & Beyond, The Mothers' Club, Childhood Illness, School Days in '30s, Expansion, PWD Problems, Depression and Wartime, Post War Crowding, memories, Mr Wheeler, Migrants, Royal Tours, Pedestrian Crossings, The Canteen, Craft Room, Sports Days, Acquisition of Mr Prior's House, Parents Right to Know, Social Service, School Committee, Concerts & Balls, Mothers' Club to Parents' Club, Library, More PWD Problems, Changes, Camps, Recent Principals. This copy includes a copy of the Centenary Weekend Programme which has been stuck inside the front cover.wekworth, - (miss), reardon, edith, lauchlan, thelma, grant, mavis, higgins, nancy, kellan, coster, joyce, parker, marjorie, dyson, joy, sutton, phyllis, cadmar, gwennyth, mclaughlin, maurine, wendorf, winifred, broadbent, doreen, hawes, hilda, powell, crocker, beatrix, triggs, dorothy, peers, ker, pryde, norma, clemson, kathleen, owen, doris, glasscock, elaine, lovering, w b (mr), dyer, e a (mr), gamble, william, brown, j k (mr), raw, whitfield t, doyle, annie, st stephens presbyterian church, cadets, bennett, george t, brigadier general gordon, cottingham, r v (mr), day, george, greaves, arthur, servan, alice, renkin, anne, lutheran peace memorial home, gourlay, education, schools, doney, - (mr), collins, fyfe, alexander, fire brigades, maypoles, duck, lorraine, hendy, ives, alfred, reaburn, john, walduck, gwyneth, world war, 1914-1918, breeden, horace, horrie, wise, amy (miss), blogg, john kendrick, newington, lily (miss), parents clubs, brookes, - (mrs), lancashire, deans, johnson, herbert, -(mrs), travancore, jamieson, welch, mcdonald, harley, mclean, jack, rex theatre, surrey hills progress association, gamer, ernest, southall, ivan, influenza, barbara, ross, poliomyelitis, scott, moroney, daniel, thwaites, jean, constable, oswell, frank, large, gifford, a e (rev), gillies, j (rev), buxton, porter, jill, morgan, jan, 1939-1945, williamson, joan, cargill, jackson, van ernst, cooke, tyrell's milkbar, plaw, graeme, dairies, chenu, a h, rutzou, peter, bowie, heymann, megan, wilson, ritter, alan, martyn, dawson, l (mrs), mcgregor, d (mrs), e (mrs), fiedler, wheeler, lewis, marsh, rhyll, slater, games, gangell, pam, barrow, ford, henry, mcewan, marion, conlon, kathy, canterbury recreation reserve, surrey park, chatham oval, mooney, neil, kitson, surrey dive, monk, kay, saldineri, macqueen, lyndy, thomson, daley, susan, discombe, diane, hanson, robert, mulvey, albers, angela, tucker, david, glover, bright, lynette, mcinnes, jeanette, nethercott, turnball, eric, smith, roberts, chasemore, lyle, chislett, miss, capon program, k n (mr), fuller, i d (mr), henwood, j w (mr), g (mr), veitch, g (mrs), m (mrs), cheetham, j (mr), gardner, l (mr), d (mr), sepitka, lorna, balfe, win, wells, bob, keith, ian, kett, mr, elizabeth, liney, bruce, macarthur, rob, kelly, paula, neil b, sydenham, shirley, dixon, o'hagan, ros, van someren, fred, norman, burns, roberta, harry, christine, barker, henry j t, nutt, ernest h, richards, benjamin, lievesley, john h, knight, gabriel, clough, john s, hepburn, james, tinney, arthur h, blanchen, bernard j, somerwell, elizabeth j, john t, john m, caldicott, howard t -
Federation University Art Collection
Painting - Portrait, Graeme Drendel, Vice Chancellor Helen Bartlett, 2020
Graeme DRENDEL (02 July 1953- ) Born Ouyen, Victoria Graeme Drendel is a key Australian figurative painter and printmaker who is known for his 'enigmatic works depicting figures of solitude and introspection.' (Gavin Fry) His works are often set in isolated landscapes and situations, and his powerful images most often relate to the human condition. Becoming the first member of his family to undertake tertiary studies Graeme Drendel received a studentship to study Secondary Art and Craft Teaching. Country students could undertake their first two years study at Ballarat or Bendigo Art Schools. Graham studied at the Ballarat Teacher' College and Ballarat School of Mines in 1971 and 1972 before completing the course at Melbourne State College in 1974 While studying in Ballarat Graeme lived in the student departmental hostel 'Beaufort House, and had many formational experiences during his first foray outside of the Mallee. At Ballarat Graeme Drendel became aware of the painter Gareth Sansom who lectured at Ballarat Teachers' College. Although not directly taught by Sansom Graeme was drawn to the immediacy of his work. At Melbourne Graeme chose Printmaking as his major working with Printmaking lecturers Stephen Spurrier and Jim Taylor, and drawing with John Neeson. After teaching for several years, Graeme undertook a life changing and extensive travelling tour throughout Italy, United Kingdom and United States at which time he decided he would always depict the human figure. Recognised for his intelligent observations of the human condition, Graeme’s art invites contemplation and reveals the humour of everyday life. As a prolific user of sketchbooks Graeme Drendel records close observations, which can inform his paintings. Graeme Drendel is a regular finalist in the Archibald Portrait Prize, Sulman Prize, Paul Guest Prize, and in 2022 he won the prestigious Doug Moran National Portrait Prize with his portrait of fellow artist Lewis Miller. In 2021 he received a Federation University Distinguished Alumni Award. An academic portrait of Federation University Australia Vice Chancellor Helen Bartlett.academic portrait, helen bartlett, graeme drendel, portrait, vice chancellor, academic regalia -
Federation University Art Collection
Work on paper - Etching, Graeme Drendel, Strong Girl by Graeme Drendel
Graeme DRENDEL (02 July 1953- ) Born Ouyen, Victoria Graeme Drendel is a key Australian figurative painter and printmaker who is known for his 'enigmatic works depicting figures of solitude and introspection.' (Gavin Fry) His works are often set in isolated landscapes and situations, and his powerful images most often relate to the human condition. Becoming the first member of his family to undertake tertiary studies Graeme Drendel received a studentship to study Secondary Art and Craft Teaching. Country students could undertake their first two years study at Ballarat or Bendigo Art Schools. Graham studied at the Ballarat Teacher' College and Ballarat School of Mines in 1971 and 1972 before completing the course at Melbourne State College in 1974 While studying in Ballarat Graeme lived in the student departmental hostel 'Beaufort House, and had many formational experiences during his first foray outside of the Mallee. At Ballarat Graeme Drendel became aware of the painter Gareth Sansom who lectured at Ballarat Teachers' College. Although not directly taught by Sansom Graeme was drawn to the immediacy of his work. At Melbourne Graeme chose Printmaking as his major working with Printmaking lecturers Stephen Spurrier and Jim Taylor, and drawing with John Neeson. After teaching for several years, Graeme undertook a life changing and extensive travelling tour throughout Italy, United Kingdom and United States at which time he decided he would always depict the human figure. Recognised for his intelligent observations of the human condition, Graeme’s art invites contemplation and reveals the humour of everyday life. As a prolific user of sketchbooks Graeme Drendel records close observations, which often inform his paintings. Graeme Drendel is a regular finalist in the Archibald Portrait Prize, Sulman Prize, Paul Guest Prize, and in 2022 he won the prestigious Doug Moran National Portrait Prize with his portrait of fellow artist Lewis Miller. In 2021 he received a Federation University Distinguished Alumni Award. This work is one of a substantial body of limited edition prints donated by the artist to Federation University in 2022 covering work from Graeme Drendel's earliest years as a student, through to more recent etchings. A etching of a woman with hair braids.graeme drendel, printmaking -
Federation University Art Collection
Work on paper - Silkscreen, Graeme Drendel, The Objects Suspended by Graeme Drendel
Graeme DRENDEL (1953- ) Born Ouyen, Victoria Graeme Drendel is a key Australian figurative painter and printmaker who believes you should paint what you know. He studied Art Teaching at the Ballarat Teacher' College and Ballarat School of Mines in 1971 and 1972 before completing a Diploma of Teaching Art and Craft at Melbourne State College in 1974. While studying in Ballarat Graeme lived in the student hostel 'Beaufort House'. After teaching for several years, Graeme undertook a life changing and extensive travelling tour throughout Italy, United Kingdom and United States at which time he decided he would always depict the human figure. Recognised for his intelligent observations of the human condition, Graeme’s art invites contemplation and reveals the humour of everyday life. The isolation he portrays through his characters may relate back to the isolation he felt on the wheat farm he grew up on. As a prolific user of sketchbooks Graeme Drendel records close observations, which can inform his paintings. Graeme Drendel is regularly a finalist in the Archibald Portrait Prize, Sulman Prize, Paul Guest Prize and in 2022 he won the prestigious Doug Moran National Portrait Prize with his portrait of fellow artist Lewis Miller. In 2021 he received a Federation University Distinguished Alumni Award. Two objects hang from a timber structure.graeme drendel, printmaking, silkscreen -
Federation University Art Collection
Work on paper - Silkscreen, Graeme Drendel, 'Enclosure with Keeper' by Graeme Drendel
Graeme DRENDEL (1953- ) Born Ouyen, Victoria Graeme Drendel is a key Australian figurative painter and printmaker who believes you should paint what you know. He studied Art Teaching at the Ballarat Teacher' College and Ballarat School of Mines in 1971 and 1972 before completing a Diploma of Teaching Art and Craft at Melbourne State College in 1974. While studying in Ballarat Graeme lived in the student hostel 'Beaufort House'. After teaching for several years, Graeme undertook a life changing and extensive travelling tour throughout Italy, United Kingdom and United States at which time he decided he would always depict the human figure. Recognised for his intelligent observations of the human condition, Graeme’s art invites contemplation and reveals the humour of everyday life. The isolation he portrays through his characters may relate back to the isolation he felt on the wheat farm he grew up on. As a prolific user of sketchbooks Graeme Drendel records close observations, which can inform his paintings. Graeme Drendel is regularly a finalist in the Archibald Portrait Prize, Sulman Prize, Paul Guest Prize and in 2022 he won the prestigious Doug Moran National Portrait Prize with his portrait of fellow artist Lewis Miller. In 2021 he received a Federation University Distinguished Alumni Award. Two objects hang from a timber structure.graeme drendel, printmaking, silkscreen -
Federation University Art Collection
Work on paper - Etching, Graeme Drendel, [In anticipation of the skeptics] by Graeme Drendel
Graeme DRENDEL (1953- ) Born Ouyen, Victoria Graeme Drendel is a key Australian figurative painter and printmaker who believes you should paint what you know. He studied Art Teaching at the Ballarat Teacher' College and Ballarat School of Mines in 1971 and 1972 before completing a Diploma of Teaching Art and Craft at Melbourne State College in 1974. While studying in Ballarat Graeme lived in the student hostel 'Beaufort House'. After teaching for several years, Graeme undertook a life changing and extensive travelling tour throughout Italy, United Kingdom and United States at which time he decided he would always depict the human figure. Recognised for his intelligent observations of the human condition, Graeme’s art invites contemplation and reveals the humour of everyday life. The isolation he portrays through his characters may relate back to the isolation he felt on the wheat farm he grew up on. As a prolific user of sketchbooks Graeme Drendel records close observations, which can inform his paintings. Graeme Drendel is regularly a finalist in the Archibald Portrait Prize, Sulman Prize, Paul Guest Prize and in 2022 he won the prestigious Doug Moran National Portrait Prize with his portrait of fellow artist Lewis Miller. In 2021 he received a Federation University Distinguished Alumni Award. A etching of a man with a man size goose.graeme drendel, printmaking, goose, fauna -
Federation University Art Collection
Work on paper - Etching, Graeme Drendel, 'Carriers' by Graeme Drendel
Graeme DRENDEL (02 July 1953- ) Born Ouyen, Victoria Graeme Drendel is a key Australian figurative painter and printmaker who is known for his 'enigmatic works depicting figures of solitude and introspection.' (Gavin Fry) His works are often set in isolated landscapes and situations, and his powerful images most often relate to the human condition. Becoming the first member of his family to undertake tertiary studies Graeme Drendel received a studentship to study Secondary Art and Craft Teaching. Country students could undertake their first two years study at Ballarat or Bendigo Art Schools. Graham studied at the Ballarat Teacher' College and Ballarat School of Mines in 1971 and 1972 before completing the course at Melbourne State College in 1974 While studying in Ballarat Graeme lived in the student departmental hostel 'Beaufort House, and had many formational experiences during his first foray outside of the Mallee. At Ballarat Graeme Drendel became aware of the painter Gareth Sanson who lectured at Ballarat Teachers' College. Although not directly taught by Sansom Graeme was drawn to the immediacy of his work. At Melbourne Graeme chose Printmaking as his major working with Printmaking lecturers Stephen Spurrier and Jim Taylor, and drawing with John Neeson. After teaching for several years, Graeme undertook a life changing and extensive travelling tour throughout Italy, United Kingdom and United States at which time he decided he would always depict the human figure. Recognised for his intelligent observations of the human condition, Graeme’s art invites contemplation and reveals the humour of everyday life. As a prolific user of sketchbooks Graeme Drendel records close observations, which often inform his paintings. Graeme Drendel is a regular finalist in the Archibald Portrait Prize, Sulman Prize, Paul Guest Prize, and in 2022 he won the prestigious Doug Moran National Portrait Prize with his portrait of fellow artist Lewis Miller. In 2021 he received a Federation University Distinguished Alumni Award. This work is one of a substantial body of limited edition prints donated by the artist to Federation University in 2022 covering work from Graeme Drendel's earliest years as a student, through to more recent etchings. A etching of two men carrying a mattress.graeme drendel, printmaking, mattress -
Federation University Art Collection
Work on paper - Etching, Graeme Drendel, Rooms x 3 by Graeme Drendel
Graeme DRENDEL (1953- ) Born Ouyen, Victoria Graeme Drendel is a key Australian figurative painter and printmaker who believes you should paint what you know. He studied Art Teaching at the Ballarat Teacher' College and Ballarat School of Mines in 1971 and 1972 before completing a Diploma of Teaching Art and Craft at Melbourne State College in 1974. While studying in Ballarat Graeme lived in the student hostel 'Beaufort House'. After teaching for several years, Graeme undertook a life changing and extensive travelling tour throughout Italy, United Kingdom and United States at which time he decided he would always depict the human figure. Recognised for his intelligent observations of the human condition, Graeme’s art invites contemplation and reveals the humour of everyday life. The isolation he portrays through his characters may relate back to the isolation he felt on the wheat farm he grew up on. As a prolific user of sketchbooks Graeme Drendel records close observations, which can inform his paintings. Graeme Drendel is regularly a finalist in the Archibald Portrait Prize, Sulman Prize, Paul Guest Prize and in 2022 he won the prestigious Doug Moran National Portrait Prize with his portrait of fellow artist Lewis Miller. In 2021 he received a Federation University Distinguished Alumni Award. Three etchings showing aspects of a room.graeme drendel, printmaking -
Federation University Art Collection
Work on paper - Etching, Graeme Drendel, 'Piggy' by Graeme Drendel, 1974
Graeme DRENDEL (1953- ) Born Ouyen, Victoria Graeme Drendel is a key Australian figurative painter and printmaker who believes you should paint what you know. He studied Art Teaching at the Ballarat Teacher' College and Ballarat School of Mines in 1971 and 1972 before completing a Diploma of Teaching Art and Craft at Melbourne State College in 1974. While studying in Ballarat Graeme lived in the student hostel 'Beaufort House'. After teaching for several years, Graeme undertook a life changing and extensive travelling tour throughout Italy, United Kingdom and United States at which time he decided he would always depict the human figure. Recognised for his intelligent observations of the human condition, Graeme’s art invites contemplation and reveals the humour of everyday life. The isolation he portrays through his characters may relate back to the isolation he felt on the wheat farm he grew up on. As a prolific user of sketchbooks Graeme Drendel records close observations, which can inform his paintings. Graeme Drendel is regularly a finalist in the Archibald Portrait Prize, Sulman Prize, Paul Guest Prize and in 2022 he won the prestigious Doug Moran National Portrait Prize with his portrait of fellow artist Lewis Miller. In 2021 he received a Federation University Distinguished Alumni Award. An etching with pig. This work was completed during Graeme Drendel's final year at Melbourne State College where he was studying Secondary Art and Craft Teaching and majoring in Printmaking.graeme drendel, printmaking -
Federation University Art Collection
Work on paper - Etching, Graeme Drendel, 'Pool' by Graeme Drendel, 1974
Graeme DRENDEL (02 July 1953- ) Born Ouyen, Victoria Graeme Drendel is a key Australian figurative painter and printmaker who is known for his 'enigmatic works depicting figures of solitude and introspection.' (Gavin Fry) His works are often set in isolated landscapes and situations, and his powerful images most often relate to the human condition. Becoming the first member of his family to undertake tertiary studies Graeme Drendel received a studentship to study Secondary Art and Craft Teaching. Country students could undertake their first two years study at Ballarat or Bendigo Art Schools. Graham studied at the Ballarat Teacher' College and Ballarat School of Mines in 1971 and 1972 before completing the course at Melbourne State College in 1974 While studying in Ballarat Graeme lived in the student departmental hostel 'Beaufort House, and had many formational experiences during his first foray outside of the Mallee. At Ballarat Graeme Drendel became aware of the painter Gareth Sanson who lectured at Ballarat Teachers' College. Although not directly taught by Sansom Graeme was drawn to the immediacy of his work. At Melbourne Graeme chose Printmaking as his major working with Printmaking lecturers Stephen Spurrier and Jim Taylor, and drawing with John Neeson. After teaching for several years, Graeme undertook a life changing and extensive travelling tour throughout Italy, United Kingdom and United States at which time he decided he would always depict the human figure. Recognised for his intelligent observations of the human condition, Graeme’s art invites contemplation and reveals the humour of everyday life. As a prolific user of sketchbooks Graeme Drendel records close observations, which often inform his paintings. Graeme Drendel is a regular finalist in the Archibald Portrait Prize, Sulman Prize, Paul Guest Prize, and in 2022 he won the prestigious Doug Moran National Portrait Prize with his portrait of fellow artist Lewis Miller. In 2021 he received a Federation University Distinguished Alumni Award. This work is one of a substantial body of limited edition prints donated by the artist to Federation University in 2022 covering work from Graeme Drendel's earliest years as a student, through to more recent etchings. An etching of a pool and surrounding objects such as chairs and towels. This work was completed during Graeme Drendel's final year at Melbourne State College where he was studying Secondary Art and Craft Teaching and majoring in Printmaking.graeme drendel, printmaking -
Federation University Art Collection
Work on paper - Etching, Graeme Drendel, Etching by Graeme Drendel, 2011
Graeme DRENDEL (1953- ) Born Ouyen, Victoria Graeme Drendel is a key Australian figurative painter and printmaker who believes you should paint what you know. He studied Art Teaching at the Ballarat Teacher' College and Ballarat School of Mines in 1971 and 1972 before completing a Diploma of Teaching Art and Craft at Melbourne State College in 1974. While studying in Ballarat Graeme lived in the student hostel 'Beaufort House'. After teaching for several years, Graeme undertook a life changing and extensive travelling tour throughout Italy, United Kingdom and United States at which time he decided he would always depict the human figure. Recognised for his intelligent observations of the human condition, Graeme’s art invites contemplation and reveals the humour of everyday life. The isolation he portrays through his characters may relate back to the isolation he felt on the wheat farm he grew up on. As a prolific user of sketchbooks Graeme Drendel records close observations, which can inform his paintings. Graeme Drendel is regularly a finalist in the Archibald Portrait Prize, Sulman Prize, Paul Guest Prize and in 2022 he won the prestigious Doug Moran National Portrait Prize with his portrait of fellow artist Lewis Miller. In 2021 he received a Federation University Distinguished Alumni Award. An etching with a man carrying a calf. graeme drendel, printmaking, calf, cow -
Federation University Art Collection
Work on paper - Etching, Graeme Drendel, Etching by Graeme Drendel
Graeme DRENDEL (1953- ) Born Ouyen, Victoria Graeme Drendel is a key Australian figurative painter and printmaker who believes you should paint what you know. He studied Art Teaching at the Ballarat Teacher' College and Ballarat School of Mines in 1971 and 1972 before completing a Diploma of Teaching Art and Craft at Melbourne State College in 1974. While studying in Ballarat Graeme lived in the student hostel 'Beaufort House'. After teaching for several years, Graeme undertook a life changing and extensive travelling tour throughout Italy, United Kingdom and United States at which time he decided he would always depict the human figure. Recognised for his intelligent observations of the human condition, Graeme’s art invites contemplation and reveals the humour of everyday life. The isolation he portrays through his characters may relate back to the isolation he felt on the wheat farm he grew up on. As a prolific user of sketchbooks Graeme Drendel records close observations, which can inform his paintings. Graeme Drendel is regularly a finalist in the Archibald Portrait Prize, Sulman Prize, Paul Guest Prize and in 2022 he won the prestigious Doug Moran National Portrait Prize with his portrait of fellow artist Lewis Miller. In 2021 he received a Federation University Distinguished Alumni Award. An etching with a man carrying two milk buckets.graeme drendel, printmaking, bucket, milk, farmer -
Federation University Art Collection
Work on paper - Etching, Graeme Drendel, 'The Ballad of Dr Scabie' by Graeme Drendel
Graeme DRENDEL (1953- ) Born Ouyen, Victoria Graeme Drendel is a key Australian figurative painter and printmaker who believes you should paint what you know. He studied Art Teaching at the Ballarat Teacher' College and Ballarat School of Mines in 1971 and 1972 before completing a Diploma of Teaching Art and Craft at Melbourne State College in 1974. While studying in Ballarat Graeme lived in the student hostel 'Beaufort House'. After teaching for several years, Graeme undertook a life changing and extensive travelling tour throughout Italy, United Kingdom and United States at which time he decided he would always depict the human figure. Recognised for his intelligent observations of the human condition, Graeme’s art invites contemplation and reveals the humour of everyday life. The isolation he portrays through his characters may relate back to the isolation he felt on the wheat farm he grew up on. As a prolific user of sketchbooks Graeme Drendel records close observations, which can inform his paintings. Graeme Drendel is regularly a finalist in the Archibald Portrait Prize, Sulman Prize, Paul Guest Prize and in 2022 he won the prestigious Doug Moran National Portrait Prize with his portrait of fellow artist Lewis Miller. In 2021 he received a Federation University Distinguished Alumni Award. An etching of a male doctor or surgeon. graeme drendel, printmaking, doctor, surgeon -
Federation University Art Collection
Work on paper - Etching, Graeme Drendel, 'Memories' by Graeme Drendel
Graeme DRENDEL (1953- ) Born Ouyen, Victoria Graeme Drendel is a key Australian figurative painter and printmaker who believes you should paint what you know. He studied Art Teaching at the Ballarat Teacher' College and Ballarat School of Mines in 1971 and 1972 before completing a Diploma of Teaching Art and Craft at Melbourne State College in 1974. While studying in Ballarat Graeme lived in the student hostel 'Beaufort House'. After teaching for several years, Graeme undertook a life changing and extensive travelling tour throughout Italy, United Kingdom and United States at which time he decided he would always depict the human figure. Recognised for his intelligent observations of the human condition, Graeme’s art invites contemplation and reveals the humour of everyday life. The isolation he portrays through his characters may relate back to the isolation he felt on the wheat farm he grew up on. As a prolific user of sketchbooks Graeme Drendel records close observations, which can inform his paintings. Graeme Drendel is regularly a finalist in the Archibald Portrait Prize, Sulman Prize, Paul Guest Prize and in 2022 he won the prestigious Doug Moran National Portrait Prize with his portrait of fellow artist Lewis Miller. In 2021 he received a Federation University Distinguished Alumni Award. graeme drendel, printmaking