Showing 104 items
matching 85 anniversary
Glenelg Shire Council Cultural Collection
Headwear - Town Crier's Hat - Syd Cuffe, 1988-1995
Syd Cuffe was the Portland Town Crier from 1983 to 2013. The role of Town Crier was created for Syd Cuffe in 1983 in the lead up to Portland’s 150th anniversary celebrations held in 1984-85. 200 items from Mr. Cuffe’s estate were donated to the Glenelg Shire Cultural Collection. The items relate to his town crying activities and community work across the Shire and further afield.Syd Cuffe's Town crier's hat. Black felt, sides turned up with point in brim at front, trimmed in gold braid, gold feather, round white felt Portland souvenir, cloth patch on one side of turned-up brim, printed in red and blue with image of beach, tree and yachtsyd cuffe, headwear, ceremonial clothing, town crier -
Glenelg Shire Council Cultural Collection
Clothing - Town Crier's Cloak - Syd Cuffe, MARGARET BELDEN, 1988-1995
Syd Cuffe was the Portland Town Crier from 1983 to 2013. The role of Town Crier was created for Syd Cuffe in 1983 in the lead up to Portland’s 150th anniversary celebrations held in 1984-85. 200 items from Mr. Cuffe’s estate were donated to the Glenelg Shire Cultural Collection. The items relate to his town crying activities and community work across the Shire and further afield.Syd Cuffe's Town crier's cloak. Mid blue lightweight home made coat with detachable cape, trimmed in gold braid with gold buttons with shield design. Five cloth patches sewn to one side of the front of the cape - American Guild of town criers; 11th World Town Criers Championship Maryborough Queensland; The Honourable Guild of Town Criers, NZ, AHG - ATC Town Criersyd cuffe, town crier -
Glenelg Shire Council Cultural Collection
Award - Trophy - Town Crier Competition, 1996 (Syd Cuffe), 1996
Syd Cuffe was the Portland Town Crier from 1983 to 2013. The role of Town Crier was created for Syd Cuffe in 1983 in the lead up to Portland’s 150th anniversary celebrations held in 1984-85. 200 items from Mr. Cuffe’s estate were donated to the Glenelg Shire Cultural Collection. The items relate to his town crying activities and community work across the Shire and further afield.Trophy, wood base, gold plastic and wooden drum, flame and laurel wreath on top, gold plaque ' Clunes Gold Festival 1996, Town crier Competition'Back: white sticker, maker detailssyd cuffe, award, town crier competition, 1996 -
Glenelg Shire Council Cultural Collection
Uniform - Glenelg Shire Council Name Badge - Sydney Cuffe, n.d
Syd Cuffe was the Portland Town Crier from 1983 to 2013. The role of Town Crier was created for Syd Cuffe in 1983 in the lead up to Portland’s 150th anniversary celebrations held in 1984-85. 200 items from Mr. Cuffe’s estate were donated to the Glenelg Shire Cultural Collection. The items relate to his town crying activities and community work across the Shire and further afield.ID badge Sydney Cuffe Glenelg Shire Council with shire logo on it.portland town crier, syd cuffe, glenelg shire council -
Glenelg Shire Council Cultural Collection
Photograph - Images - Syd Cuffe, Town Crier, n.d
Syd Cuffe was the Portland Town Crier from 1983 to 2013. The role of Town Crier was created for Syd Cuffe in 1983 in the lead up to Portland’s 150th anniversary celebrations held in 1984-85. 200 items from Mr. Cuffe’s estate were donated to the Glenelg Shire Cultural Collection. The items relate to his town crying activities and community work across the Shire and further afield.Identification numbers 9217 a,b Two images of Syd Cuffe printed on one sheet of photographic paper. One shows Syd sitting on a chair, in Town Crier regalia. Other shows Syd standing at lectern in Town Crier regalia. Both photos at same function. -
Glenelg Shire Council Cultural Collection
Photograph - Photograph - Syd Cuffe, Town Crier, n.d
Syd Cuffe was the Portland Town Crier from 1983 to 2013. The role of Town Crier was created for Syd Cuffe in 1983 in the lead up to Portland’s 150th anniversary celebrations held in 1984-85. 200 items from Mr. Cuffe’s estate were donated to the Glenelg Shire Cultural Collection. The items relate to his town crying activities and community work across the Shire and further afield.Coloured photo. Syd Cuffe in Town Crier's regalia, with a woman in a blue hat and dress, white jacket. -
Glenelg Shire Council Cultural Collection
Photograph - Photograph - Syd Cuffe, Portland Town Crier, Sep-93
The role of Town Crier was created for Syd Cuffe in 1983 in the lead up to Portland’s 150th anniversary celebrations held in 1984-85. 200 items were presented to the Glenelg Shire Council Cultural Collection from Mr. Cuffe’s estate. The items relate to his town crying activities and community work across the Shire and further afield.Coloured photo. Syd Cuffe in Town crier regalia in Maryborough, Queensland for the 5th national Town Criers' Championship, 2-5 Sept 1993Back: 'Maryborough QLD' - handwritten, black birosyd cuffe, town crier -
Federation University Historical Collection
Document - Folder, Margaret Stevens Nursing (Clinical Experience) Folder, 1981-1986
Margaret Stevens was the inaugural Head of Nursing at the Ballarat College of Advanced Education from June 1985 until her retirement in 1989. During the 1980s there was a growing acceptance around Australia that Nurse Education needed to be more science based to allow nurses to cope with the vastly increased appearance of technological devices in the hospital wards. The response was to shift such training into Higher Education institutions. The State Government decided that Nurse Training in Ballarat should move from the Hospital to Ballarat College of Advanced Education. in 1986. Margaret Stevens had been a senior Nurse Educator at the Ballarat Base Hospital for many years and was selected by mutual agreement between the two institutions to devise the new course and plan its implementation so that it would gain the approval of the Nurse Registration authority. In addition to consulting widely with other Nurse Education specialists and supporting departments in Ballarat College of Advanced Education, Margaret negotiated with over 70 medical establishments to work out arrangements by which the students would be placed in work experience as required by the course. She was also involved in the required additional staff appointments and in planning for a new building on Campus. The course was commenced in 1986 and the transition successfully achieved, thanks largely to Margaret's diligence. In 1987 the Review of Registration of Health Practitioners interim report was published by the Health Department Victoria. Margaret Stevens was appointed by the Health Minister to represent the College of Nursing, Australia. This was a landmark review with long-reaching implications. At the time of her death on 23 March 2015 she was a member of the Board of Ballarat Community Health, and was identified as follows R.N.; B.App.Sc (Nursing); Post Basic: DipEd(N); Kellogg Fellow (USA 1984-85), M.Ed. (USA) & 1st program of M.Ethics Grey lever arch folder of notes, faxes and timetables relating to the teaching of the Diploma pf Applied Science (Nursing) at Ballarat College of Advanced Education (now Federation University Australia). Includes a letter of Ballarat College on Advanced Education 10th Anniversary letterhead, student lists, student placement, timetablesnursing, anniverary, letterhead, ballarat college of advanced education, elaine duffy, jan drennan, university women -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Notice Paper for Special Meeting of the Bendigo City Council to be held in the Old Chamber, Town Hall, Bendigo on Monday, 26th November, 1984 at 7.30 p.m. To Commemorate Victoria's 150th Anniversary. City of bendigo (picture of City Emblem) Cr. Joseph Patrick Pearce, J.P. Mayor 1984-85. Council Summons You are hereby summoned to attend a Special Meeting of the Council of the City of Bendigo, to be held in the Old Council Chamber, Town Hall, Lyttleton Terrace, Bendigo, on Monday the 26th day of November, 1884, at 7.30pm., for the transaction of the business specified in the Notice Paper. R. J. Burton Acting Town Clerk and Chief Executive Officer. Members of the Council Barkly Ward: Peter David Mansell, J.P., Edna Mary Hall, Richard Anthony Clarke. Darling Ward: Anthony Vincent Duble, Joseph Patrick Pearce, J.P., Norman Francis Quin. Sutton Ward: Michael Anthony Currie, Robert Terrance Cox, Rodney James Fyffe. Acting Town Clerk and Chief Executive Officer: Raymond J. Burton, A.A.S.A., A.A.I.M., A.I.M.M. City Engineer and Deputy Chief Executive Officer: Colin C. Campbell, L.G.E., Dip. C.E., M.I.E. Aust. Deputy City Engineer: Geoffrey N Maguire, L.G.E., Dip. C.E., M.I.E. Aust. Assistant Town Clerk: Martin A. Sheean, A.A.I.V., Dip. Management. Business 1. 2. 3. Declarations under Section 181 of Local Government Act 1958. 4. Notice of Motion - His Worship the Mayor, Cr. J. P. Pearce. 5. Reports: Acting Town Clerk and Chief Executive Officer. (a) Bendigo Regional Photographic Library - Status Report. (b) 150th Anniversary Project - Landscaping Lake Weeroona. (c) Refurbishment of the Bendigo City Hall. (d) 150th Anniversary Year activities in Bendigo. 6. Naturalisation Ceremony. 7. Presentation of 150th Anniversary Flag to representative of the Mall Management Committee. 8. Bendigo's Heritage - Council to meet with Mr. Andrew Ward, Advisor to the Bendigo Heritage Committee. 9. Presentation of Council donation to representatives of the Bendigo Youth Choir and the Bendigo Youth Symphonic Band. 10. Invitation extended to visitors to view displays in the Committee Room: - historic photographs exhibited by the Bendigo Regional Photographic Library. - 150th Anniversary display material. - documents from the City of Bendigo Archives. At the conclusion of the Council Meeting, guests are invited to assemble in the Main Hall of the Town Hall to hear a performance by the Bendigo Youth Choir & the Bendigo Youth Symphonic Band. Notice of Motion At the special meeting of the Bendigo City Council to be held in the Old Council Chamber, of the Town Hall 7.30p.m. 26th November, 1984, I propose to move: re Victoria's 150th Anniversary ''That the Bendigo City Council forward a letter under seal to the Premier, The Hon. John Cain, M.P., advising that the City of Bendigo rejoices Victoria's 150th birthday, that the City congratulates the State Government on the manner in which it has sponsored and co-ordinated the activities. . . Bendigo's Calendar of Events at a Glance 1984 November, December. 1985 January through to and including November. Markings: signature of Mayor Joseph Patrick Pearce.event, official, 150 yrs of victoria, special meeting of the bendigo city council old chamber, town hall, 26th november, 1984 commemorate victoria's 150th anniversary. city of bendigo city emblem cr. joseph patrick pearce, j.p. mayor 1984-85. council summons lyttleton terrace business specified in the notice paper. r. j. burton acting town clerk and chief executive officer. members of the council barkly ward: peter david mansell, j.p., edna mary hall, richard anthony clarke. darling ward: anthony vincent duble, joseph patrick pearce, j.p., norman francis quin. sutton ward: michael anthony currie, robert terrance cox, rodney james fyffe. acting town clerk and chief executive officer: raymond j. burton, a.a.s.a., a.a.i.m., a.i.m.m. city engineer and deputy chief executive officer: colin c. campbell, l.g.e., dip. c.e., m.i.e. aust. deputy city engineer: geoffrey n maguire, l.g.e., dip. c.e., m.i.e. aust. assistant town clerk: martin a. sheean, a.a.i.v., dip. management. business declarations under section 181 of local government act 1958. notice of motion - his worship the mayor, cr. j. p. pearce. reports: acting town clerk and chief executive officer. (a) bendigo regional photographic library - status report. (b) 150th anniversary project - landscaping lake weeroona. (c) refurbishment of the bendigo city hall. (d) 150th anniversary year activities in bendigo. naturalisation ceremony. presentation of 150th anniversary flag to mall management committee. bendigo's heritage - council mr. andrew ward, advisor to the bendigo heritage committee. presentation of council donation to representatives of the bendigo youth choir bendigo youth symphonic band. invitation visitors view displays: - historic photographs by bendigo regional photographic library. - 150th anniversary display material. - documents city of bendigo archives, performance by the bendigo youth choir & the bendigo youth symphonic band. notice of motion at the special meeting of the bendigo city council to be held in the old council chamber, of the town hall. 26th november, 1984, i propose to move: re victoria's 150th anniversary ''that the bendigo city council forward a letter under seal to the premier, the hon. john cain, m.p., city of bendigo rejoices victoria's 150th birthday, city congratulates state government which it has sponsored and co-ordinated the activities. . . bendigo's calendar of events at a glance november1984, to november 1985. markings: signature of mayor joseph patrick pearce. -
Wangaratta High School
WHS Unifom- Windcheater, 1985-1985
Two navy 75th reunion windcheaters with white writing reading WANGARATTA HIGH SCHOOL 75th ANNIVERSARY HSC 84, one 1985 year 12 jumper reading HSC 85 WANG HIGH It's a dog's life! Two plain navy uniform windcheaters. -
Pyrenees Shire Council
painting, Anne McGregor, Untitled (Lexton Shire), c1985
... & ASSISTANCE IN THIS, VICTORIA'S 150TH ANNIVERSARY YEAR 14-4-85... 150TH ANNIVERSARY YEAR 14-4-85 landscape with Lexton Shire ...significant as a work of art by local Pyrenees artist, locally significant to the Central Highlands Region of Victoria as a representation of local landscape and/or culturelandscape with Lexton Shire OfficesAffixed front: Presented by Lexton's Anniversary Committee to the Lexton Shire Council IN RECOOGNITION OF IT'S VALUABLE SUPPORT & ASSISTANCE IN THIS, VICTORIA'S 150TH ANNIVERSARY YEAR 14-4-85 -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Postcard, Nu-color-Vue, Swanston St to the Shrine of Remembrance from Lonsdale St, 1984/85
Colour postcard divided back, serrated edges - Nu-Color-Vue, looking along Swanston St to the Shrine of Remembrance from Lonsdale St, with the Victorian 105th anniversary Arch in position. Has about 8 trams in the view along with many pedestrians. Back has space for name and address, stamp and a message and details of the postcard. Produced by Nu-Color-Vue, 1984/85 - card number 11ML 153 and NCV 1387. Has "Greetings from Melbourne" in yellow in the top left hand corner.trams, tramways, swanston st, st kilda road, shrine of remembrance, 150th anniversary victoria -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Photograph - Set of 4 Colour Print/s, c1985
... , southbound about to cross Princes Bridge with the Anniversary Arch... to cross Princes Bridge with the Anniversary Arch 1984-85 ...Set of four colour prints of trams in Flinders St taken from the Princes Bridge station building deck - 14-5-1985, by an unknown photographer. All printed on Fujicolor Paper with rounded edges. .1 - W2 517 on route 8 northbound in Swanston St with Flinders St station entrance in background. Has a Winfield cigarette advertisement on the side. .2 - W2 453 on route 8, southbound about to cross Princes Bridge with the Anniversary Arch 1984-85 in the background. .3 - W2 605 and W6 994 northbound in Swanston St, with the Flinders St Station concourse buildings in the background. Has a "new black & white 30's" cigarette, Invicta and King Gee work trousers advertisements. .4 - W5 831, south bound on route 72 at the station stop. Has a Reflex copying paper advert on the side panel..3 has in ink on the rear - "W6 994, W2 605 W5 ? Princes Bridge 14.5.85"trams, tramways, flinders st station, princes bridge, swanston st, tram 517, tram 453, tram 994, tram 605, tram 831 -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Domestic object - China Cup, C. R. Hose Glassware Pty Ltd, "Malvern Depot - 85 years", 1995
Black China cup or mug with black handle, gold rim and gold line under the rim and a line drawing of a W class tram No. 777 front, with destination "University" with the words "Malvern Tram Depot" around the top and "85 Years" along the bottom. Has the C. R. Hose label as manufacturers and decorators on the base of the cup. Made to celebrate the 85th Anniversary of Malvern Depot - 1995trams, tramways, crockery, malvern depot