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matching doctor john garner
Friends of Ballarat Botanical Gardens History Group
Work on paper - Ballarat Botanical Gardens Master Plan, Final Draft 1995, 1995
... Doctor John Garner... Botanical Gardens have developed since 1995. Doctor John Garner John ...This is the "Final Draft" of the Ballarat Botanical Gardens Masterplan in 1995.This document gives some insight into how the Ballarat Botanical Gardens have developed since 1995.There are 6 pages of print and 5 mapsThe City of Ballarat logo is in the centre of john garner, john garner, john garner collection, friends of ballarat botanical gardens, ballarat botanical gardens, masterplan, gardens, ballarat, drawings -
Friends of Ballarat Botanical Gardens History Group
Work on paper - What is a Botanic Garden and the Future of Provincial Botanic Gardens, John Hawker, Heritage, Victoria, 1999, 15/4/1999
... Gardens. John Garner Doctor John Garner Collection Ballarat ...This article is directly relevant to the Ballarat Botanical Gardens as significant provincial Botanic Gardens.This article enables comparisons to be drawn between various Australian Provincial Botanic Gardens. 2 pages printed on both sides2 of the 4 short paragraphs in the "Conclusion" of this article have been marked with blue biro.john garner, doctor, john garner collection, ballarat botanic gardens, john hawker, heritage victoria, a botanic garden, provincial botanic gardens, friends of ballarat botanical gardens, gardens, ballarat -
Friends of Ballarat Botanical Gardens History Group
Work on paper - A Traveller's Notes, James Herbert Veitch, A Tour Through Parts of Asia, the Australian Colonies and New Zealand 1891-1893, 1896
... of the development of Ballarat's Gardens and history. John Garner Doctor John ...It is interesting to read of Veitch's description and views of Ballarat in 1891-1893 and other places and gardens visited in Australia.These pages selected from James Veitch's work add to an understanding of the development of Ballarat's Gardens and history.11 pages selected and a brief note on City of Ballarat notepaper.Note in the righthand margin of the 3rd page and some underlining of the 4th page. With this extract, there is a note in biro Philip Clingin, the Town Clerk to Roy Mosman, member of the Friends' History Group.john garner, doctor, john garner collection, james herbert veitch, traveller's notes, royal exotic nursery chelsea, ballarat botanical gardens, melbourne botanic gardens, geelong gardens, broken hill, botanist -
Friends of Ballarat Botanical Gardens History Group
Work on paper - Broadleaved Trees, This England, Spring 2009, Spring, 2009
... in the Ballarat Botanical Gardens. John Garner Doctor John Garner ...These 4 pages give a detailed list of broadleaved trees, useful for identification.These illustrations of broadleaved trees relate to trees in the Ballarat Botanical Gardens.4 pages in colour of the trees, leaves and fruit.Nonejohn garner, doctor, john garner collection, ballarat botanical gardens, this england, braodleaved trees, friends of ballarat botanical gardens, gardens, ballarat -
Friends of Ballarat Botanical Gardens History Group
Work on paper - Two Sepia Photographs, The Fernery, Ballarat Botanical Gardens and Eureka Stockade, Ballarat, Unknown
... in more recent years. John Garner Doctor John Garner Collection ...Both photographs are of historical interest in Ballarat.The Fernery photograph is of particular interest especially since the Fernery in the Ballarat Botanical Gardens was rebuilt. The Eureka Stockade gives perspective on the changes that have taken place in more recent years.2 sepia photographs. The Fernery, Ballarat Botanical Gardens and Eureka Stockade, Ballarat. The titles are printed at the bottom of each photograph. The Eureka Stockade has a fold mark down the centre of it.The Fernery photograph is part of "The Rose Series" P1807 which is written in the bottom lefthand corner and on the back is written at the top of the card, righthand side, "A Real Photograph produced in Australia". On the lefthand side is written, "published by the Rose Stereograph, Armadale, Victoria". With the Eureka Stockade photo, "Valentine Series No.1560 is written in the bottom lefthand corner. On the back, righthand side is written, "Valentine Publishing Company Co., Melbourne and Sydney".john garner, doctor, john garner collection, ballarat botanical gardens, friends of ballarat botanical gardens, the fernery, eureka stockade, ballarat, gardens -
Friends of Ballarat Botanical Gardens History Group
Work on paper - Bust of Gordon Unveiled, The Ballarat Courier, 25, 27 October 1941, October 27, 1941
... , as well as with the poet. John Garner Doctor John Garner ...The first article announces the unveiling of Gordon's bust and the second gives an account of the unveiling of Gordon's bust outside the Gordon Memorial Cottage in the Ballarat Botanical Gardens and something of Gordon's connections.Many Literary Societies were represented at the unveiling of Gordon's bust. This event also connected Ballarat citizens with the Gordons and their history, as well as with the poet.2 white pages with uneven quality of print. The newspaper article is headed "Bust of Gordon Unveiled". 1 white page with a short paragraph, second column, announcing the unveiling of the Gordon Bust.At the bottom of p.2 in blue biro is written October 27,1941. P.1.john garner, doctor, john garner collection, ballarat botanical gardens, friends of ballarat botanical gardens, adam lindsay gordon, adam lindsay gordon cottage, adam lindsay gordon bust, literary societies, poetry, australian poetry, the gordons, archbishop of canterbury, gardens, ballarat -
Friends of Ballarat Botanical Gardens History Group
Work on paper - Lindsay Gordon's Cottage, Ballarat Courier 15 August, 1934, 15 August 1934
... Botanical Gardens John Garner Doctor John Garner Collection Craft ...The Australian poet Lindsay Gordon had a strong following in Ballarat half a century ago.The cottage where Gordon lived was once the sample room at Craig's Hotel and by renovating and moving it to the Ballarat Botanical Gardens, it was hoped that it would become a tourist attraction.2 pages of newspaper print with one column relevant to Gordon on each page.In the top lefthand corner of p.1 15 August 1934 is written in blue biro.adam lindsay gordon, adam lindsay gordon cottage, lindsay gordon's cottage, craig's hotel, poet, ballarat botanical gardens, john garner, doctor, john garner collection, craft cottage, brighton cemetery, "the sick stockrider"., westminster abbey, livery stables 1867-1868, gardens, ballarat -
Friends of Ballarat Botanical Gardens History Group
Work on paper - Gordon Cottage Officially Opened, The Ballarat Courier 16 August 1934, 16/8/1934
... of the Adam Lindsay Cottage. John Garner Doctor John Garner Collection ...The official opening of the Gordon Cottage was a significant event in 1934 BallaratThis article covers not only the Vice-Regal Visit to Ballarat but the Reception at City Hall, the Unveiling of the Gordon Plaque at Craig's Hotel and the Official opening of the Adam Lindsay Cottage.2 pages of newspaper print in columnsTop righthand corner is written in blue biro, 16 August, 1934. p.1.john garner, doctor, john garner collection, friends of ballarat botanical gardens, craft cottage, lord and lady huntingfield, governor of victoria, adam lindsay gordon cottage, adam lindsay gordon plaque, craig's hotel, ballarat courier, gordon committee, gardens, ballarat -
Friends of Ballarat Botanical Gardens History Group
Work on paper - Adam Lindsay Gordon Cottage, Restoration, 1989, 1989
... of local history. John Garner Doctor John Garner Collection ...The Ballarat Y's Mens Club Project had this leaflet printed calling for funds to restore the Adam Lindsay Gordon Cottage. The letter to Mr R.Whitehead, Director, Parks and Gardens from Dr.R.R. Schrieke, President of YMCA, 23/1/1989, confirms their interest in the active involvement in the restoration and management of the Cottage.The Adam Lindsay Cottage was seen as an important part of local history.1 sheet of yellow paper with printing and picture of Adam Lindsay Cottage and 1white sheet of paper with blue and red print in the heading. There is the red and blue international logo for the YMCA and the heading Y's Men"s Club of Ballarat. john garner, doctor, john garner collection, ballarat botanical gardens, adam lindsay gordon cottage, craft cottage, craig's hotel, australian poet, ballarat y's mens club project, restoration, ymca, doctor r.r. shrieke, mr r.whitehead, director of ballarat parks and gardens, gardens, ballarat -
Friends of Ballarat Botanical Gardens History Group
Work on paper - Poet Adam Lindsay Gordon, A Short Biography, C. 10/3/2010
... Gardens. John Garner Doctor John Garner Collection Ballarat ...This is a short biography of the Australian poet, Adam Lindsay Gordon who lived in Ballarat 1867-1868. [It should be noted that some of the evidence available on Gordon's life is contested.]Some Ballarat citizens were proud of Ballarat's connection with Gordon, especially the Y Men's Club of Ballarat and they were actively involved in the upkeep of his cottage in the Ballarat Botanical Gardens.1& 3/4 pages in green print with a blue photograph of Lindsay Gordon on the lefthand side and a snippet of his poetry in blue at the top of page 1.Nonejohn garner, doctor, john garner collection, ballarat botanical gardens, friends of ballarat botanical gardens, adam lindsay gordon, australian poet, craft cottage, adam lindsay gordon cottage, livery stables, craig's hotel, gardens, ballarat -
Friends of Ballarat Botanical Gardens History Group
Work on paper - Adam Lindsay Gordon, Australian Poet, Printed biography, Unknown
... by Ballaratians. John Garner Doctor John Garner Collection Adam Lindsay ...This is a brief though reasonably comprehensive account of Adam Lindsay Gordon's life; with brief mention of the time, he spent in Ballarat. Adam Lindsay Gordon was a well-known Australian poet who lived in Ballarat for a brief time and whose work was revered by Ballaratians.1 yellow sheet of paper with small print in 2 columns and a sketch in black of Gordon's Cottage in the Ballarat Botanical GardensNonejohn garner, doctor, john garner collection, adam lindsay gordon, australian poet, ballarat botanical gardens, adam lindsay gordon cottage, the y men's club of ballarat, craft cottage, livery stables, craig's hotel., friends of ballarat botanical gardens, gardens, ballarat -
Friends of Ballarat Botanical Gardens History Group
Work on paper - Letter to the Ballarat Mayor and Councillors from the Adam Lindsay Gordon Memorial Cottage Committee 6/10/1988, Offer of the Cottage to the Council and newspaper snippet 17/8/1976, "Memorial Plaque at Gordon Cottage", 6/10/1988
... Doctor John Garner Collection Friends of Ballarat Botanical ...This letter gives detailed information about the Gordon Cottage, its past history and present situation and suggestions about its future. The newspaper article concerns the William E Roff memorial plaque at Gordon Cottage. This letter provides valuable evidence about the Adam Lindsay Gordon Memorial Cottage and the newspaper snippet records the outstanding community work done by Cr. Roff over many years.Two pages, 1 1/2 typed pages. Heading: "The Adam Lindsay Gordon Memorial Cottage Committee" in old English lettering. Below the heading lefthand side, the President, Cr.W.E. Roff and his address is crossed out as is the Hon. Secretary, Phillip Abson and his address, on the righthand side of the page. At the top of the page is written, "President M.J.Brown and his address. P.2 is signed by M.J.Brown and I.C.Smith. Newspaper snippet, lower righthand corner of page in black, headed, "Memorial Plaque at Gordon Cottage".In the top righthand corner is written "45" and below, there is a "received stamp" dated 11 Oct. 1988, City of Ballarat. D/C is below the date, lefthand side of the page. None on newspaper article.adam lindsay gordon cottage, john garner, doctor, john garner collection, friends of ballarat botanical gardens, adam lindsay gordon memorial cottage committee, w.e. roff, ballarat turf club, racing museum, gold museum ballarat, memorial bust of gordon, w.e.roff plaque, craig's hotel, bath lane., memorial seats, gordon memorial horse, mr george netherway, ballarat historical society, ballarat botanical gardens, gardens, ballarat -
Friends of Ballarat Botanical Gardens History Group
Work on paper - "Haunt of Gordon's" Newspaper Article pre 1934, Cottage a Treasured Reminder: A Relic of the Sixties", pre 1934
... Reminder, A Relic of the Sixties". John Garner Doctor John Garner ...The page gives unique information about Adam Lindsay Gordon and a picture of the Gordon Cottage in its original state.The heading and by-lines in the Ballarat Courier attest to the significance of the extract and picture: "Haunt of Gordon's. Cottage a Treasured Reminder, A Relic of the Sixties".There are three sections to the newspaper article and one picture in the centre of the page. 2 sections are on the lefthand side of the page and one section above the picture; all roughly cut out. There is the number 17 recorded on the lefthand side of the main heading. Some lines have been roughly underlined.Written in longhand, righthand corner is, Shopping area, Ballarat and underneath Courier.john garner, doctor, john garner collection, ballarat botanical gardens, friends of the ballarat botanical gardens, ballarat courier, adam lindsay gordon cottage, craig's hotel, bath lane, australian "horseman poet", livery stables, o'farell's horse bazaar, gardens, ballarat -
Friends of Ballarat Botanical Gardens History Group
Work on paper - Druids Oaks in Ballarat, Emails May 2009, 15/5/2009, John Garner to Kerry Robinson. 22/5/2009, Kerry Robinson to John Garner
... Enquiry by Doctor John Garner to the Druids Friendly... Enquiry by Doctor John Garner to the Druids Friendly Society ...Enquiry by Doctor John Garner to the Druids Friendly Society to try and establish when the first Druids Oak trees were planted in Ballarat.The Druids Oaks in Ballarat are part of the history of this city in terms not only of the trees but the Masonic Lodges established and the Druids Friendly Society.1 page of 2 emails in blue and black print. Italics used in the first email to indicate reference though no source given.Nonedruids oak, druids friendly society, kerry j.robinson druids, john garner, doctor, ballarat botanical gardens history group, ballarat botanical gardens, friends of ballarat botanical gardens, john garner collection, gardens, ballarat -
Friends of Ballarat Botanical Gardens History Group
Work on paper - Bunya Pine, Unknown. No reference or page number given. [Research very likely done by Doctor John Garner C 2011.]
... likely done by Doctor John Garner C 2011.]... softwood John Garner Doctor Ballarat Botanical Gardens Trees ...There is Bunya Pine in the Ballarat Botanical GardensThis is another example of an important Australian native to be found in the Ballarat Botanical Gardens1 photocopied page taken from a book. Print on lefthand side and coloured picture on righthand side with sketches of seed and cone beneath.Nonebunya pine, araucariaceae, subtropical softwood, john garner, doctor, ballarat botanical gardens, trees in ballarat, john garner collection, gardens, ballarat -
Friends of Ballarat Botanical Gardens History Group
Work on paper - Manager, Ballarat Botanical Gardens, City of Ballarat, Interview with Ian ROSSITER by John Garner, 26 May 2006, 26 May 2006
... , interviewed by Doctor John Garner for the Friends of the Botanical..., interviewed by Doctor John Garner for the Friends of the Botanical ...Ian Rossiter, City of Ballarat, Manager of Strategy Development and Corporate Projects& Ballarat Botanical Gardens, interviewed by Doctor John Garner for the Friends of the Botanical Gardens Oral History Project.The interview is valuable in giving information and insights of the Manager of the Gardens over fourteen years.All visiblejohn garner collection, garner, rossiter, interview, ballarat botanical gardens, ballarat, gardens, doctor, ian rossiter, horticulture, robert clark centre, fernery, prisoner of war memorial, sequoias, master plan, wetlands, curator's house, statues -
Friends of Ballarat Botanical Gardens History Group
Work on paper - Director of Parks and Gardens, City of Ballarat, Interview with Bob WHITEHEAD by John Garner, 07 February 2007, 7th February 2007
Bob Whitehead, Director of Parks & Gardens for the City of Ballarat. 1978-1989The interview is valuable in terms of the development of new techniques in the Gardens and the establishment of the Friends of the Ballarat Botanical Gardens.All visible. Clear grey and white photograph of Bob Whitehead, front page. 2nd front page coloured photograph of Bob Whitehead.None.john garner collection, garner, whitehead, interview, ballarat botanical gardens, ballarat, gardens, doctor, horticulture, kevin heinze, melbourne city council, modern techniques, fernery, sequoias, conservatories, establishment of the friends of the ballarat botanical gardens -
Friends of Ballarat Botanical Gardens History Group
Work on paper - 150 Years of Service to the Ballarat Community, Ballarat Base Hospital - History, C. 2006
... history of the Ballarat Hospital over time. Doctor John Garner ...Ballarat Base Hospital - History - 150 yearsAn informative brief history of the Ballarat Hospital over time. Doctor John Garner, as a medical doctor had strong associations with the Hospital over many years.2 A3 pages. First page has two black and white photographs of Ballarat Hospital, one large and one smaller with captions, left hand side of page. Second page, one sepia photograph with caption, right hand side of page.Nonejohn garner collection, garner, dr, ballarat base hospital, hospital, 150 years, history, ballarat botanical gardens, ballarat, ballarat hospital buildings, the queen victoria woman's ward -
Friends of Ballarat Botanical Gardens History Group
Work on paper - Our Ballarat Heritage, James Oddie, Ballarat's founding Father. The News, April 20, 1983, 1983
James Oddie is an archetypal example of the young men of British origin who came to the Ballarat diggings hoping to make their fortune during the Gold Rush and stayed on to establish the foundations of the regional centre that became the modern city of today.James Oddie witnessed the Eureka Stockade and played a significant role in the formative years of Ballarat's development.Part of a single newspaper sheet, folded, yellow with age.Nonechartists, eureka stockade, geelong, buninyong, doctor lang, foundry business, storeman, licences, estate agent, benefactor, ballarat benevolent asylum, rachel riding, female refuge, ballarat bank, mount pleasant observatory, electric light, trams, ballarat botanical gardens, railways, ballarat art gallery, john garner collection, gardens, ballarat -
Friends of Ballarat Botanical Gardens History Group
Work on paper - James Russell Thomson 1818-1886, A Short Biography by John Garner, 2/2010
... Gardens John Garner Doctor Ballarat Botanical Gardens Statues ...J.R.Thomson was one of Ballarat's notable pioneers.J.R. Thomson left a generous bequest for the purchase of statues for the Botanical Gardens2 sheets of white paper with 1 &1/4 pages of printingIn italics, p.2 "Jg 2/10john garner, doctor, ballarat botanical gardens, statues, miner, ballarat art gallery, eureka rising, benefactor., john garner collection, gardens, ballarat, thomson -
Friends of Ballarat Botanical Gardens History Group
Photograph - Photograph of Thomas Stoddart's Grave, Old Ballarat Cemetery, Thomas Stoddart grave, March, 2007
... benefactor of the Ballarat Botanical Gardens. John Garner Doctor ...Thomas Stoddart was greatly respected and remembered by Ballarat people as can be seen in the commissioning of a bust and marble tablet in his memory.Thomas Stoddart was the first great benefactor of the Ballarat Botanical Gardens.1 coloured photographLabel on back, printed in blue biro, "Thomas Stoddart, Grave BOC, March 2007."john garner, doctor, thomas stoddart's grave, old ballarat cemetery, ballarat botanical gardens, benefactor, stoddart collection of classical statues, john garner collection, gardene, ballarat, stoddart -
Friends of Ballarat Botanical Gardens History Group
Work on paper - Richard Armstrong Crouch. 1868-1949, War Service Records, 3/1915 - 4/1916
... . John Garner Doctor Ballarat Botanical Gardens Prime Ministers ...R.A.Crouch is remembered in Ballarat for his Ballarat Fine Art Gallery bequests and initiating the Avenue of Sculptures of Australian Prime Ministers in the Ballarat Botanical Gardens.Richard Armstrong Crouch is a significant figure in Ballarat's history having started the Prime Minister's Avenue in the Ballarat Botanical Gardens which has become a famous landmark in the city.6 pages of photocopies, grey in colour, with ring folder holes, left hand side of each page.P.5 4 lines of notes in blue biro written by John Garner concerning dates of Crouch's War Records. john garner, doctor, ballarat botanical gardens, prime ministers' avenue, bequests, ballarat fine art gallery, war service, barrister and solicitor, protectionist, labor party, philanthropist, benefactor., politics, central gardens, john garner collection, crouch, gradens, ballarat -
Friends of Ballarat Botanical Gardens History Group
Work on paper - Richard Armstrong Crouch. 1868-1949, Notes on his life by John Garner
... ' Avenue in the Ballarat Botanical Gardens. John Garner Doctor ...Richard Armstrong Crouch initiated the Avenue of Sculptures of Australian Prime Ministers in the Ballarat Botanical Gardens. R.A.Crouch is mainly remembered for initiating the Prime Ministers' Avenue in the Ballarat Botanical Gardens. 1 white sheet of paper; half a page of print. (3 copies)Nonejohn garner, doctor, ballarat botanical gardens, avenue of australian prime ministers, benefactor, ballarat fine art gallery bequest, politician, labor party, barrister and solicitor, protectionist, war record., lt colonel, richard armstrong crouch, crouch, john garner collection, gardens, ballarat -
Friends of Ballarat Botanical Gardens History Group
Work on paper - Crouch, Richard Armstrong (1868-1949), Benefactor, Soldier and Politician
... institutions and sporting clubs and as a politician. John Garner Doctor ...Richard Armstrong Crouch is remembered for initiating the Avenue of Prime Ministers' busts in the Ballarat Botanical Gardens and as a politician.R.A. Crouch was known for his gifts to Ballarat institutions and sporting clubs and as a politician.2 pages with a photograph of R.A.Crouch top right hand corner.Australian National University Logo and Melbourne University Press Logo at end of article.john garner, doctor, ballarat botanical gardens, ballarat fine art gallery, benefactor, prime ministers' avenue, war service, politician, barrister and solicitor, protectionist, writer., crouch, john garner collection, gardens, ballarat -
Friends of Ballarat Botanical Gardens History Group
Photograph - The Claxton Fountain, Frederick Moses Claxton 1832-1888, Respected Civic Leader in Ballarat, 2002
... Lake and Gardens. John Garner Doctor Ballarat Botanical Gardens ...So highly regarded was F.M. Claxton that with his untimely death, public subscription funded the Claxton Memorial Fountain in the Ballarat Botanical Gardens. F.M. Claxton was dedicated to transforming the Swamp and Police Paddock in Wendouree into a beautiful Lake and Gardens.One dark coloured photograph.On back of photograph written on attached label, "Claxton Fountain, 2002".john garner, doctor, ballarat botanical gardens, lake wendouree, swamp, police paddock, mayor, public subscription, ballarat rowing club, mechanics institute trustee., claxton, gardens, ballarat, john garner collection -
Friends of Ballarat Botanical Gardens History Group
Work on paper - Richard Armstrong Crouch. 1868-1949. Historical Society, 14/12/1971 by McCallum, R.A, Colonel the Honorable R.A. Crouch, solicitor, parliamentarian, soldier and public benefactor, 14 December, 1971
... . John Garner Doctor Richard Armstrong Crouch Politician ...This article gives an analysis of R.A. Crouch the person as well as an account of his achievements.R.A. Crouch is often remembered for beginning the Prime Ministers' in the Ballarat Botanical Gardens.6 pages of typing on grey photocopy. (draft copy?)p.1 at the top of the page, "Historical Society by R.A. Mc Callum 14 Dec. 1971". Bottom of page 1, See also, Deed Box 150. Col.R.A.Crouch.john garner, doctor, richard armstrong crouch, politician, solicitor, soldier, benefactor, ballarat botanical gardens, ballarat fine art gallery, prime ministers' avenue, prime ministers' busts -
Friends of Ballarat Botanical Gardens History Group
Work on paper - Richard Armstrong Crouch. 1868-1949. Last Will and Testament, Benefactor - Prime Ministers' Avenue, Ballarat Botanical Gardens, 30/10/1948 and 8/12/1949
... ' Avenue. John Garner Doctor Richard Alexander Crouch Ballarat ...R.A.Crouch made this Will the year before he died.R.A. Crouch became famous especially for his endowment to the Prime Ministers' Avenue.3 typed pages; copy grey at the bottom of each page. p.1 bottom of page, dated 30/10/1948. pp.2&3 Inventory of Assets.Signed R.A.Crouch and in longhand below, Jean, Elva, Honey and then an illegible signature. pp 2&3, Heading "In the Supreme Court dated 8/12/1949 and witnessed.john garner, doctor, richard alexander crouch, ballarat botanical gardens, prime ministers' avenue, prime ministers' busts, ballarat art gallery, solicitor, soldier, politician, benefactor., crouch, john garner collection, gardens, ballarat -
Friends of Ballarat Botanical Gardens History Group
Work on paper - A Guide to the Prime Ministers Avenue Ballarat Botanical Gardens, Waugh, Peter - The Prime Ministers, Unknown C1995
... an important role in shaping Australia. John Garner Doctor Ballarat ...The booklet gives a short biographical sketch of each of the first 25 Prime Minister and other contributors to the Prime Minister Avenue.The Prime Ministers' Avenue in the Ballarat Botanical Gardens attracts many visitors as these people have played an important role in shaping Australia. 17 pages of a bookletp.5 John Garner has brief notes against some Prime Minister's namesjohn garner, doctor, ballarat botanical gardens, prime ministers, r.a crouch, author, peter waugh, ken palmer, peter nicholson, vic greenhalgh, wallace anderson, edmund barton to paul keating, prime ministers' avenue, the prime ministers' busts in the ballarat botanical gardens, sculptors, greenhalgh, john garner collection, gardens, ballarat -
Friends of Ballarat Botanical Gardens History Group
Work on paper - Victor Greenhalgh 1900-1983, Famous Sculptor from Ballarat, John Garner's notes, 2009
... regarded, especially in Ballarat and Victoria. John Garner Doctor ...Greenhalgh sculpted the heads of 6 Prime Ministers' heads in the Prime Ministers' Avenue, Ballarat Botanical Gardens.Victor Greenhalgh became a famous Australian sculptor whose work is highly regarded, especially in Ballarat and Victoria.1 sheet of notesNonejohn garner, doctor, ballarat botanical gardens, victor greenhalgh, greenhalgh road., school of mines, prime ministers' avenue, prime ministers' busts, rmit scholarship., national gallery, george v statue, deakin university (mt clear) dick richards bust, centennial medal. -
Friends of Ballarat Botanical Gardens History Group
Work on paper - Frederick Moses Claxton 1832-1888, A Thumbnail Sketch of His Life and Work, Unknown
... and the Gardens. John Garner Doctor Ballarat Botanical Gardens Lake ...Claxton was recognized by his contemporaries as being largely responsible for the development of Lake Wendouree and the GardensThe Claxton Memorial was erected in 1890 by public subscription to acknowledge Claxton's work in the development of Lake Wendouree and the Gardens. 1 page, 1/3 of print.(5 copies)None.john garner, doctor, ballarat botanical gardens, lake wendouree, frederick moses claxton, philanthropist, claxton memorial fountain, claxton, john garner collection, gardens, ballarat