Showing 108 items
matching theophilus-heugist-serjeant
Federation University Historical Collection
Book, Ballarat School of Mines Minute Book, 1923-1929
Brown Half leatherbound Minute Bookbrown, h.r., maxwell, d, serjeant, young, m, f. barrow, m.b. john, w.h. middleton, a.f. heseltine, r. maddern, d. maxwell, alfred mica smith bust, g. fitches, j.w. gower, william baragwanath, l.h. vernon, h. berry, h.h. smith, d. ronaldson, j.b. robinson -
Federation University Historical Collection
Booklet - Annual Report, The Ballarat Star, The School of Mines Ballaarat Annual Report, 29 December, 1879, 1879
The School of Mines Annual Report, 29 December, 1879, Bequest - form of, Certificates granted by Council, Donations of Books, Specimens and facilities for forwarding, Examiners, Extracts from Visitors Book, Fees - table of, Geological Indications for Determining Position of Lodes, General Balance Sheet, Honorary Correspondents, Laboratories - cost of, Lecturers, Life Governors, Museums, Office-Bearers, Statement of Receipts and Expenditure, Subscriptions and Donations, Treatment of Tailings, Visitors invited to inspectPink booklet of 40 pages, Annual Report 1879. Image of the Patent Grinder and Amalgamator.the school of mines, annual report, life governors, honorary correspondents, office-bearers, subjects and lecturers, subjects and examiners, fees, mr j. noble, r. f. hudson, mr hoelscher, dr usher, r. m. serjeant, h. r. caselli, j. campbell, j. flude, g. preshaw, j. oddie, t. mann, a. h. king, w. hy. barnard, geo. perry, certificates, mr denny, mr roberts, mr john hickman, his excellency sir george ferguson bowen, his worship w. g. murray, sir c. gavan duffy, b. g. davies, john whiteman, e. j. dixon, w. murray ross, j. m. templeton, friendly societies royal commission, the right rev. dr. thornton, benjn.h. dods, john garbutt, rev. f. coghlan, the right rev. dr o'connor - bishop of ballaarat, j. e. bromby, his excellency sir wm. drummond jervois, h. b. de la poer wall, charles h. pearson, w. carrington, t. brodribb, wm. nicholas, t. couchman, j. alfd. griffiths, joseph flude, charles flude, john hickman, w.g. murray, gavin duffy, jospeh gflude, james oddie, william barnard, george perry, bejamin dodds -
Federation University Historical Collection
Document - Report, Ballarat School of Mines Principal's Monthly Report, 1916, 04/1916
4 typed foolscap pages containing the Ballarat School of Mines Principal's Report for 1916charles fenner, herbert h. smith, h.h. smith, ballarat school of mines museum, w.h. middleton, dr stewart, james oddie, thomas bath, ballhausen, donations, australian miners' corps, tunnellers, australian mining corps, andrew robertson, president's medal, a. boanas, conscription, soldiers, robert dixon, ballarat junior technical school, donald clark, leslie coulter, returned soldiers, albert gesell, factory day, e.j. mcconnon, trade teachers, ponsonby carew smyth, agricultural high school stained glass windows, peacock hall stained glass windows, victorian wildflower exhibibition, patriotic funds, red cross funds, telephone mechanics, plumbing, telegraphy, needlework, blacksmithing, d. ronaldson, annual fancy dress procession, dr james stewart, ballhauson, robert m. serjeant, trade department report, electric wiring, w.h. collyer, harold herbert, l.j. middleton, ballarat home coming, forward ballarat committee, eureka pageant, c.a. hoadley, c.a. hoadley resignation -
Federation University Historical Collection
Book - Ledger, Ballarat School of Mines Rough Minute Book, 1917-1924, 1917-1924
Ledger book with rough minutes of the Ballarat School of Mines Councilballarat school of mines, ballaray school of mines council, minutes, ballarat school of mines council minutes, lancelot austin, returned soldiers, repatriation, maurice copland, h.h, smith, h.v. duncan, plumbing, fredeick martell, wildflower exhibition, factory day, william baragwanath, r. maddern, f. barrow, d. maxwell, w.h. middleton, w.h. humphreys, j.n. dunn, l. lederman, f. saunders, c.e. ludbrook, serjeant scholarship, james barrett, university college in ballarat proposal, a.s.m. polson, d. mclachlan, g. clarkson, w. guy, j. kean, miss poole, e.v. butler, brother keniry, h.b. berry, w.k. bolton, t. hurley, d. ronaldson, t.j. riddle, frederick saunders, r. stephenson, a.o. stubbs, s. weir, w.a. spring, james tulloch, museum -
Federation University Historical Collection
Book - Scrapbook, Ballarat School of Mines Scrapbook, 1899, 1872-1908
.1) Scrapbook of newspaper clipping in oversize scrapbook .2) White file of newspaper clippings 1872-1908newsclips, newspaper cuttings, schools of mines, sale school of mines, bairnsdale school of mines, daylesford school of mines, castlemaine school of mines, bendigo school of mines, stawell school of mines, st arnaud school of mines, alfred mica smith, industrial institute, james bickett, redmond barry, ballarat school of mines opening, mining engineering, pottery, charles fenner, pottery classes, maurice copland, plumbing, harold herbert, ballarat school of mines statistics, andrew anderson, j.c. molloy, art schools, ballarat west art school, herbert h. smith, amelia h. troon, martha pinkerton, r.t. vale, david ham, clunes, rivett bland obituary, university of melbourne affiliation, gilbert dawbarn, kernot, james patterson, john rowe, cassilis chlorination, r.w. lamb, j. flegeltaub, tasmanian examination, balarat school of mines museum, latham watson, state school students, w. longstafff, daisy ditchburn, e. grownow, ballarat east art school, art gallery association technical art school, e. guse, j.g. williamson, m.f. williamson, george biknell, print engraving, a.e.c. kerr, a.n.a. fete, hannay electro-cyanide process, james oddie, r.m. serjeant, xrays, roentgen xrays, lizzie drape, mines bill, henry forster, technical education in germany, deeble's patent, p. cohen, deeble's cyanide plant donation, h. rosales, thomas hart, ballarat observatory, robert denham pinnock, isaac james jones, edward ivan rosenblum, samuel ernest figgis, r.w. best, thomas f. morkham, beatrice j. flude, bertha craig, drucilla hopwood, george bird, james galbally, mining exchange, transit theodilite, univerisity of melbourne, affiliation, t.d. wanliss, scrapbook, s.e. figgis, j. dawbarn, gilbert dawbarn, g.g. simpson, brown coal, parwan, bacchus marsh, a. berry, f.m. krause, practical mining, cassilis, tasmanian exhibition, ballarat school of mines dilapidated, thomas bath, cyanide, elextirc rock drills, herbert franklin, frank bruce, henry rivett bland, j.n. dunn, dr pinnick, theo williams, steiglitz gold mines, meredith, a.f. balderson, j.m. bickett, f.j. martell, cosmo newberry, m. lindsay, pyrites, pyrites roaster, blucjer amagamator, ludovico hart, photographer, art gallery association's technical art school, ballarat east school of art, otto riegelbuth, hugh colquhoun, louis lemp, g.a.f. soderstron, e. gude, a.f. tweedie, m.l. tuxen, george h. bicknell, c.v. brind, a.h. troon, r. flohm, c.s. proctor, m. oddie, b.s. williamson, f.h.w. robinson, photography classes, i.g. wittkowski, h.r. murphy, mary browne, technical education, andrew berry, r-ray, xray, watson's focus tubes, rohmkorff coil, treloar, wooster, t.e. molloy, w/m/ acheson, ladies art association, ballarat art gallery association, maud glover, bertha s. williamson, hnery foster, native telurides of gold, eliza kershaw, edith curnow -
Federation University Historical Collection
Documents, Frank Pinkerton Printer and Stationer, Ballaarat Mechanics' Institute Fine Arts Exhibition 1876 Catalogue (copy), 1876
Copy of a twenty page art exhibition catalogue fine arts exhibition, ballarat mechanics' institute, john ware, j.w> hines, a.t. turner, a.m. greefield, j. rice, w.h. batten, j. curtis, a.j. boulton, alex hunter, w. hambly, a.m. greenfield, t. walton, henry brind, henry richards caselli, isaac davis, d. brophy, g. willetts, w.b. tappin, henry sutton, w. elsden, julius hogarth, w. weire, a.l. gatliff, gordon a. thomson, r.s. brown, h. blomfield, w.r. gunn, c.k. pearson, w.k. watts, george herbert, james south, b.w. wheatland, c. humphreys, h. weeks, h. dowling, j. munro, j. price, f. mitchell, t.h. thompson, p. windmiller, j. reid, e. towl, h. wheeler, robert brown, l. blair, r.m. serjeant, j.m. fisher, e. uren, j. gatliff, john harrison, william street, c.i. burrows, j. mcdowall, thomas bath, d. book, w.q. pinnell, charles boyd, eureka stockade pike, j. holloway, frank pinkerton -
Federation University Historical Collection
Booklet, Ballarat School of Mines President's Annual Report, 1904, 1904
In 1904 Andrew Anderson was President of the Ballarat School of Mines. Part of his report states: 'As befitting the parent institution of its kind in the Commonwealth, having been founded in 1870 "to impart instruction in the various branches of science relating to mining" the School upholds its prestige as an institution where the advantages of a thoroughly scientific and practical education can be obtained', and a statement of receipts and expenditure '. Statement of Receipts and Expenditure for the year 1904.Eight page booklet relating to the Ballarat School of Mines in the year 1904. ballarat school of mines, andrew anderson, dr r. d. pinnock, mr abraham james, mr robert serjeant, mr w. p. wynne, geo. fitches, dr william morrison, cr. j. m. bickett, chemical department, metallurgical department, engineering department, mining department, thomas s. hart, professor dawbarn, mr kerr grant, mr a. e. kerr, mr r. w. hawken, mr j. m. baldwin, mr e. mcconnon -
Federation University Historical Collection
Booklet, Berry Anderson & Co, The School of Mines and Industries, Calendar, 1914, 1913
Contents of the Booklet: Associateship, Calendar, Certificate Courses - Science, Certificate Courses - Art, Draughtsman's Courses, Discipline, Discipline Board, Examination Results, Fees, Full Certificates Issued, General Regulations, Introduction, Junior Technical School, Railway Fares, Teaching Staff, Technical Art and Craft School, Subjects of Instruction - Department of Chemistry and Metallurgy, Geological Department, Engineering Department, Electrical and Electrical Engineering Department, Department of Mathematics, Department of Physics, Electrical Wiring, Electrical Engineering for Post Office Mechanics, Turning, Fitting and Blacksmithing, Telegraphy, Art and Applied Art Subjects, Architecture and Building Construction, Engineering Drawing, Carpentry and Manual Training, Dressmaking and Dresscutting, House Decoration and Signwriting, Photography, Plumbing, Sheet Metal Working Blue covered 176 page booklet relating to the School of Mines and Industries in the year 1914. school of mines and industries, william poole, professor a. mica smith, daniel walker, hubert r. murphy, a. e. c. kerr, e. j. a. mcconnon, john m. sutherland, ralph williams, e. gutheil, t. wlliams, herbert h. smith, a. m. lilburne, m. c. young, h. j. hall, d. t. johnson, e. j. cannon, g. clegg, c. e. campbell, w. j. hall, w. h. steane, j. wright, s. h. hodder, w. j. patterson, h. w. malin, r. v. maddison, science department, associate courses, certificate courses, technical art and craft department, associated trade classes, sir redmond barry, judge rogers, r m. serjeant, thomas bath, e. ballhausen, dr stewart, james oddie, associateship and final certificates, mining engineering course, metallurgy course, applied chemistry course, irrigation engineering course, certificate courses, geology course, electrical engineering course, municipal and hydraulic engineering course, chemistry, agricultural chemistry, technical chemistry, engineering chemistry, physical chemistry, metallurgy, assaying, minerology, petrology, engineering and mining department, turning and fitting, mining, electricity, electrical technology, graphical algebra and analytical geometry, physics, mechanics and heat, sound and light, technical, art, craft and trade schools, teachers' certificates, drawing, modelling, ballarat junior technical school, full certificates issued, examination results - 1910, 1911, 1912 -
Federation University Historical Collection
Book, Ballarat School of Mines Assays and Analyses, 1897-1903, 1897-1903
Brown ledger with leather spine with bond copies of assays on very light, tissue like paper. Includes an alpha listing of customers and the page numbers where the associated assay and report is found. ballarat school of mines, mining laboratory, model mine, assay, frederick martell, alfred mica smith, j.m. bickett, g. desoza, figgis, gilpin, alex lamn, julius lazurus, john mann, james oddie, oldfield, peacock, thomas proctor, charles serjeant, w.c. shoppee, skilbeck, tulloch & co, john chaffy, cumming and smith and co, commonwealth mine, robert daly, dapto smelting co, duke of york co, ernest de beer, eureka company, r. emmett, p.w. fitzpatrick, first chance gold mning company, frenchmans reef company, f. folks, great birthday company, glenfine smith gold mining company, golden dyke extended, india rubber company, madame berry, victoria united gold mining company, black horse company, david melm, jame macarthur, new normanby company, william nicholas, alexander lambert, pitfield quartz and cement company, a.j. peacock, phoenix foundry, h. raven, c. serjeant, thomas smith, south star extended, h. strickland, edward h. shackell, w.d. thompson, union gold mining ompany, r. vale, walhalla pty, wallace butter factory, mining -
Federation University Historical Collection
Magazine - Magazine of 24 pages, Baxter & Stubbs, Print, Ballarat School of Mines, Student Magazine, Second Term, 1912, 1912
Table of Contents: Editorial, Quick combination methods in smelter assays, Twelve health precepts, News and notes, Correspondence, A neglected path of duty, Past students, A friendly castigation, Scientific brotherhood, The material constituents of a student, Henry Sutton, Old companions, Rapid methods for proximate analyses, Football, Temperance, Gas in the mine, The steam shovel at Panama, Physical properties of iron in relation to its chemical composition, The smallest engine on record, The diesel engine, Bendigo's rich goldfields, Concrete and steel, Dredging in Brazil, Editorial notes.Green booklet of 24 pageseditorial, quick combination methods in smelter assays, twelve health precepts, news and notes, correspondence, a neglected path of duty, past students, a friendly castigation, scientific brotherhood, the material constituents of a student, henry sutton, old companions, rapid methods for proximate analyses, football, temperance, gas in the mine, the steam shovel at panama, physical properties of iron in relation to its chemical composition, the smallest engine on record, the diesel engine, bendigo's rich goldfields, concrete and steel, dredging in brazil, editorial notes., alumni, f. brindsren, b .h. bennets, e. bleske, j. r. booth, a. s. coyte, h. b. cooke, t. a. couper, t. e. copeland, l. j. coulter, j. dickinson, g. h. davenport, w. e. eyres, e. fraser, a. a. gibson, g. govet, j. a. grant, e. c. hurdsfield, h. a. krause, w. kingston, h. r. kofoed, f. a. marriot, h. s. martin, d. m'dougall, c. w. nash, j. a. reid, j. sutherland, g. sides, e. trend, r. m. vaughan, s. b. vial, c. h. vale, o. c. witherden, e. m. weston, l. a. westcott, j. watson, j. worthington, j. adam, wilfred avery, h. baxter, h. caulfield, a. cropper, e. b. crossley, w. currie, dave don, hilary dowling, chas. fraser, a. d. galloway, w. geldard, hubert hall, g. s. hart, w. b. hirt, h. e. hawksworth, carl janssen, w. t. lakeland, l. j. lambert, c. lund, k. bryon moore, f. a. moss, jack orr, d. a. bunting, l. seward, h. s. sheppard, c. e. sands, n. stuckey, r. vale, r. watts, reg. williamson, wm. blythe, l. w. g. buchner, thos. davis, w. e. figgis, e. o. gregory, jack grieves, a. s. leathes, dave lilley, wm. macartney, guy ramsay, carl. moore, vic. nicholls, garnet nightingale, g. m. roberts, r. r. robin, len. seal, h. valentine, r. g. walker, n. buley, a. campbell, h. cornell, a. guy, h. hull, o. e. jaeger, m. mitchell, r. i. moore, j. r. sides, h. j. whittingham, c. s. whykes, colin c. corrie, h. miles, vic. milington, r. a. j. roberts, john r. booth, w. l. allen, f. c. hall, v. m. booth, e. s. anderson, r. blight, b. serjeant, m. williamson, fred j. martell, editorial, quick combination methods in smelter assays, twelve health precepts, news and notes, correspondence, a neglected path of duty, past students, a friendly castigation, scientific brotherhood, the material constituents of a student, henry sutton, old companions, rapid methods for proximate analyses, football, temperance, gas in the mine, the steam shovel at panama, physical properties of iron in relation to its chemical composition -
Federation University Historical Collection
Booklet - Reports, John Ferres, Government Printer, Safety Mining Cages. Report of the Board of Enquiry on Safety Cages 1878-9; together with proceedings of the Board and Appendices, 1879
From the Argus, Friday 18 July 1879:- SAFETY MINING CAGES. The report of the board on safety mining cages was laid on the table of the Legislative Assembly fortnight The board, which has tested the following inventions Nances, Williams patent, Jackson and Middleton's patent Sesmours patent, Allans patent, and Hassan a patent, reports as follows - 1. That the preponderance of evidence given by miners and others qualified to form an opinion is strongly in favour of the adop-tion of a safety cage for general use in the mines of this colony, provided that a reliable invention can be brought forward, and its practical utility satisfactorily determined 2. That in view of the rapid increase of cage accidents, and supported by the evidence before them, the board are of opinion that some special provision should be made to check such a prolific source of danger as is shown to exist in the working of the shaft and machinery employed for winding purposes. 3. That this check could be imposed by means of such a regulation as that at present contained in the statute, i e -" Every cage used in a mine shall be fitted with special and suitable appliances to prevent its sudden fall down a shaft and also to prevent its coming into contact with the poppet heads." The board, however, consider that mine proprietors should be permitted to exercise their own discretion in the selection of safety cages, but safety hooks and balance catches must be used in connexion with every case 4. That the board have witnessed trials of all the inventions brought under their notice, and from the result of their observations the members are of opinion that the adoption of these safety appliances will afford additional security to the large section of the community engaged in mining operations.48 foolscap pages report stitched together. safety cages, safety mining cages, george collins levey, mining, mitchell and osborne's patent safety catches for mining cages, mining cages, seymour's patent safety cage, pryor's safety cage, white's safety cage, mining accidents, dyke's freehold gmc creswick, angelo mining co castlemaine, britannia qmc ballarat, alexander kennedy smith, george r. fincham, henry roberts williams, robert clark, r. richardson, allan's patent balalrat, hassan's patent daylesford, david white, charles stewart, w.h. grainger, h.b. nicholas, t. hassan, r. allan, a.k. smith, james thomson, william collard smith, j.h. seymour, john s. delbridge, william buttle, james davidson, j.p. carolin, r. clark, thomas eyre, george marshall, g. thureau, william bottoms, robert carr, j.c. march, john keam, david park, j.a. lewis, lester's hotel, ballarat, robert allan, nancarrow saftey cage, robert malachi serjeant, robert henderson, g.f. smith, r.w. newman, william benson, f. bennett, john sharp, thomas couchman, john a. wallace, john small, william h. grainger, james cowling, tools -
Federation University Historical Collection
Book - Documents, Certificates - Education Department - Ballarat School of Mines & Ballarat Junior Technical School, 1916-1945
These records were written to record the names of the students of the Ballarat School of Mines who attained their certificates in the areas of their study.It covers the years between 1916 and 1945.A cardboard foolscap folder containing lined and ruled pages containing the handwritten names and awards of the students of the Ballarat School of Mines and some from the Ballarat Junior Technical School, receiving certificates from the Victorian Education Department commencing in 1916 and finishing in 1945. Towards the end are several pages of type written records. Glued to the front cover are copies of three letters from the Education Department dated 1923, 1927 and 1930.All handwritten ballarat school of mines, certificates, education department victoria, awards, ashley baker, c c brittain, john dulfer, a r lepp, h m rowlands, william skilbeck, n c timworth, l h vernon, g c b williams, albert e williams, a l ronaldson, allan bernaldo, guido brelaz, p chatham, w h clutterbuck, h a sutherland, r valentine, h g wakeling, w l coltman, r s dale, e l fidge, a a gribble, carl schache, c h beanland, e biddington, r goodyear, amy heintz, george baragwanath, a hepburn, w h morrow, thomas o'bern, j a bath, harry d o'bern, edwin a brophy, alfred boyce, andrew elder, alan v gilpin, angus r leask, arthur lockett, ernest h praetz, hubert e siemering, john e skilbeck, edgar j t tippett, noel brelaz, lenard curnow, marjory dermer, ivan j galloway, john o'loughlin, raymond proctor, maud williams, henry corrie, alan ludbrook, harry nicholls, j blaikie, h ewert, h goldsmith, h thum-yuem, h almeida, r falla, l hillman, j scarff, girls junior technical certificate 1926, olga dulfer, annie dellaca, mary hopwood, g a fella, r hepburn, p jacobi, g rumpff, f lester, lorna f geary, robert m serjeant, f longhurst, kingsley callister, nellie campi, george gingell, gladys kopke, gilbert tippert, a e caldercoat, tessie bibby, thelma coulter, william mayo, stanley hillman, james capuano, r g benn, a h keast, f h penny, a w pound, e a steane, l g valpied, e j capuano, alfred w barnes, harvey j maddern, philip c maddern, allan w pound, james h pound, william selkirk, a d senior, eric a steane, geoffrey w shorten, r w warnock, i a h adams, valda m penberthy, n l spielvogel, h c tippett, d b lamb, marjory coward, norman jelbart, victor lepp, alan c leviston, edwin mclenehan, joy e young chung, b hollioake, a l spence, allan pilvin, e j skilbeck, k g haines -
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Document - Press kit, J Kitchen & Sons history, J Kitchen & Sons Pty Ltd, 12 Jun 1956
Letter on "J K Kitchen & Sons Pty Ltd" headed paper with 8 foolscap pages of press kit information. Each of 8 pages covers a different aspect of Kitchen's history and operations. The press kit provides a brief history of the firm.industry - manufacturing, j kitchen & sons pty ltd, w g petley, j h simpson, john ambrose kitchen, velvet soap, phillip kitchen, theophilus (theo) kitchen -
Ballarat Heritage Services
Photograph, Ballarat Trained World War One Nurses Honour Board from the Ballarat Base Hospital, 2017, 2017
Timber Honour Board on display at the Ballarat Base Hospital. nurses, world war one, ballarat base hospital, quarterman, m. anderson, j. borwick, g. bennett, l. cannon, t. dunn, r. douglas, e. davidson, d. furness, l. howarth, r. just, a. brown, s. bell, m. bolton, m. butler, a. brawn, e. keane, g. larkan, r. medwell, m. morrow, m. matthews, g. munro, l. mckenzie, e. popplewell, r. pratt, d. llewellyn, l. mcdonald, e. mcleod, l. rogers, a. roberts, s. semmens, a. serjeant, m. slater, b. thompson, f. vines, v. woinarski, l. whidburn, p. wardell, b. williams, l. mcgregor, s. morris, l. poultney, i. peady, b. peady, j. reeves, r. tyers, j. thomas, a.m. westcott, b. wallace -
Federation University Historical Collection
Booklet, Ballarat School of Mines Typing Examination Results, 1921-1948, 1921-1962
Black soft covered exercise book with handwrritten examination results for Typingat the Ballarat School of Mines. Each students name is given, and whether they passed, failed or got a Credit. In some years their mark out of 100 was given.ballarat school of mines, typing examinations, phyllis bradley, alice lyons, dorothy serjeant, maude williams, john scarff, hilda dunstan, edna thomas, annie barrow, nancy beames, dallas kitt, john rogers, robert lutherland, alex kum yuen, lenis proctor, joan leonard, grack wilcock, freda saunders, vera sprott, violet osborne, adeline blake, pansy ellis, ivy nott, mary keith, george webb, eunice williams, constance wilkinson, jean corbet, hazel bullock, norma crabbe, gladys middleton, joy young chung, mary green, dorothy coad, eileen fitzgerald, mary finch, thelma gordon, mary ling, betty guy, sylvia shillington, betty dulfer, betty veitch, valma falla, mona greenbank, barbara curwen-wakjer, olga lawrence, ina jopling, francis poppins, betty law, elsie coombs, marcia stoddart, thelma ellsworth, doreen keating, freda penna, evelyn ditchfield, ouida worthington, valerie vickers, norma lepp, audrey fry, valerie hoffmann, aileen judd, hilda ledwell, margery ross, margaret murrell, nola hornbuckle, valma scobie, roberta gay, lois george, claire lawrence, audrey suckling, pamela trigg, valerie blee, glenn gazzard, basil murphy, leoni cutter, barbara ngip, margaret eason, alys page, carol gibbins, louise coltman, margaret holmes, kathleen power, estelle wasley, faye lawn, hancie mcardle, margaret stoddart, judith hillman, gwenneth dixon, anne la roche, carole craig, dianne gmmola, janice vincent, margaret evans, pauline stapleton, susan wendt, dalys flynn, rita mueller -
Merbein District Historical Society
Book, They Battled for Birdwood (c 1997), 1914-1997
max whiting, soldier settlement, james stevens, walter roy elliott, frank clifton sendy, garrett lyons, duncan james king, wallace crace bennet, henry herbert tiller, william frederick hodson, john lewis burrrell, john allan jacob whitney, john brown, stanley charles, philip joseph palmer, herbert charles neal, robert keddington rodwell, theophilus thomas walters, joseph whiting stanley, john percival cupper, alfred bromley, noel bean corbould, john mckenzie mcleod, alfred john mcgauchie, percival william walters, lionel stanley walters, ewen cameron kennedy -
Merbein District Historical Society
Book, They Battled for Birdwood (c 1997), 1914-1997
max whiting, soldier settlement, james stevens, walter roy elliott, frank clifton sendy, garrett lyons, duncan james king, wallace crace bennet, henry herbert tiller, william frederick hodson, john lewis burrrell, john allan jacob whitney, john brown, stanley charles, philip joseph palmer, herbert charles neal, robert keddington rodwell, theophilus thomas walters, joseph whitingstanley, john percival cupper, alfred bromley, noel bean corbould, john mckenzie mcleod, alfred john mcgauchie, percival william walters, lionel stanley walters, ewen cameron kennedy -
Linton and District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Theo, Norman, James, Pearl and Mary Nelson
James and Priscilla Nelson's children were: James Nelson, b. 1891, Theo Nelson b. 1892, Pearl Nelson, b. 1895, Norman Nelson, b. 1898, and Mary Nelson, b. 1900. Their youngest child, Violet Victoria Nelson, b. 1915, died as an infant.Enlarged black and white copy of original photograph, which shows five young adults - the children of James and Priscilla Nelson.james nelson [b. 1891], theophilus nelson [b. 1892], pearl nelson [b. 1895], norman nelson [b. 1898], mary nelson [b. 1900]