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Vision Australia
Administrative record - Text, Royal Blind Society of NSW Council meeting minutes: 22/2/1993 - 30/6/1997, 1993-1997
These minutes contain information on attendees, meeting chairs, apologies, matters arising out of minutes, correspondence, subscriptions, donations and general business. Reports are also included from Honorary Treasurer, Finance, Corporate Services, Accommodation Services, Rehabilitation, Library Services, Marketing, Mitchell Manufacturing, Administration Support, Information Technology and Personnel. 6/9/1993 The General Manager reported on the Strategic Overview and Implementation Plan. The core services would be Library Services, Rehabilitation Services and Technology Services. RBS would withdraw from providing Mobility Services and Talking Magazines unless by contract. In both cases there was existing services of a comparable standard and hence clients would not be adversely affected. RBS reduce its staff by 38 positions. 25/11/1996 Council members agreed that the Library Services Department be merged into the Information Technology Services Department. 28/1/1997 The CEO stated an opportunity for RBS to become a member of an international consortium known as DAISY (Digital Accessible Information SYtem). Whose main goal is establish a World Standard Digital Talking Book System for people who are blind and vision impaired. 1/4/1997 it was reported there are now 6 agencies including RBS comprising the Australia & New Zealand Group, as member of the DAISY consortium. Council approved that the CEO attend the first meeting of the Consortium on April 18-20. 1 volume of printed sheets glued to pagesroyal blind society of nsw, audio books -
Vision Australia
Administrative record - Text, Royal Blind Society of NSW Council meeting minutes: 28/7/1997 - 18/12/2001, 1997-2001
These minutes contain information on attendees, meeting chairs, apologies, matters arising out of minutes, correspondence, subscriptions, donations and general business. Reports are also included from Reports for Honorary Treasurer, Chief Executive Officer (CEO), Council Committee, Information Services, Corporate Services, Accommodation Services, Rehabilitation, Marketing, Administration Support and Personnel. 25/8/1997 The President read a letter from the CEO, Mr. J. M. Isaacs formally advising of his resignation to take into effect from 31 December 1997. 24/11/1997 The President reported that Mr. John Landau was to be appointed to the position of CEO. 8/7/1997 The CEO advised the telephone based daily new service using interactive voice response technology developed by RBS was launched. 10/8/1997 it was reported the Queensland Talking Book Service (QTBS) was launched. 21/3/2000 The CEO reported that Ms. Jane Evans had been appointed as General Manager of the National Information Library Service (NILS). 18/4/2000 The CEO reported that one of the reasons for the creation of NILS was to combine the resources of RVIB and RBS to ensure an economical and smooth transition of both collections. 12/11/2001 The CEO reported that a meeting was held to discuss the merger of NILS and Vision Australia Foundation. 1 volume of sheets glued to pagesroyal blind society of nsw, national information library service -
Vision Australia
Administrative record - Text, Australian and New Zealand Association of Teachers of the Blind register of professional members, 1957-1966
This A-Z register lists professional members from 1957 to 1966 of the Australian and New Zealand Association of Teachers of the Blind.1 volume of handwritten entries of member informationroyal victorian institute for the blind, st lucy's school, st edmund's school, st paul's school for the blind, queensland deaf and blind school -
Vision Australia
Administrative record - Text, Australian and New Zealand Association of Teachers of the Blind council meeting minutes 16/1/1958 to 17/1/1972, 1958-1972
The minutes contain present, apologies, minutes of last meeting, correspondence, financial, general business. The Australian Association of Teachers of the Blind (AATB) noted in the minutes on 17/1/1958 that the Council on behalf of the Association invite the New Zealand teachers of the blind to join AATB. The New Zealand teachers had accepted to join AATB and the name of the organisation had been updated to The Australian and New Zealand Association of Teachers of the Blind (ANZATB). The membership comprised of Honorary Life Members, Professional Members, Associate Members and Affiliate Members. The minutes do not document an official name change however from July, 1970 the minutes had been headed as Australian and New Zealand Association of Teachers of the Visually Handicapped (ANZATVH).1 volume of handwritten and typed pages, glued or taped to pagesroyal victorian institute for the blind, st lucy's school, st paul's school for the blind, st edmund's school, queensland deaf and blind school -
Vision Australia
Administrative record - Text, The Australian National Council for the Blind minutes 20/10/1951 to 5/8/1968, 1951-1968
Formed in 1951, this register contain the minutes of the Executive Committee. The meetings were held in the premises of various blindness agencies around Australia. The Australian National Council for the Blind (ANCB) was formed in 1951. 11/11/1953 The Secretary reported that the ANCB had been admitted to full membership of the World Council for the welfare of the Blind and welcomed to being a body whereby matters appertaining to Blind welfare work throughout the world may be referred to the various organisations in Australia through this source. 1 volume of glued pagesroyal victorian institute for the blind, sydney industrial blind institution, queensland industrial institute for the blind -
Vision Australia
Administrative record - Text, Royal Blind Society council meeting minutes 25/3/1968 to 22/11/1971, 1968-1971
These minutes contain information on attendees, meeting chairs, apologies, correspondence, subscriptions, donations, legacies and general business. Reports are also included from Auxiliaries, Auditors, Library and Home teacher, Directors, The Black and White committee, Victor Maxwell House, Helen Keller Hostel, The Victor Maxwell Kindergarten, The Sandy Robertson Kindergarten, Alexis Albert House, Lighthouse, Silver Lighthouse committee, Sheltered Workshops, Newcastle and Wollongong branches, 'Heathfield' and other Woollahra properties. 25/3/1968 it was resolved that Braille services be reorganised to Library, Transcription and Braille instruction for blind persons. This plan created 2 new positions for blind persons. 20/7/1969 it was resolved that a Burwood Building Fund would be opened with the donation of $2,000 by Mr. W. G. Waterhouse. 27/10/1969 it was resolved that sheltered workshop employees who retired after 25 years service would be presented with a gold Braille watch. 19/1/1970 it was resolved that the Society agrees to accept a first mortgage on the security of the William Street property. 22/3/1971 The General Manager had reported that Burwood Council had arranged to purchase the Palatial Theatre and had agreed to lease the building to the Society for 12 months. 1 volume of sheets glued to pagesroyal blind society of nsw, annual reports -
Vision Australia
Administrative record - Text, Royal Blind Society council meeting minutes 23/9/1963 to 25/2/1968, 1963-1968
These minutes contain information on attendees, meeting chairs, apologies, correspondence, subscriptions, donations, legacies and general business. Reports are also included from Auxiliaries, Auditors, Library and Home teacher, Directors, The Black and White committee, Victor Maxwell House, Helen Keller Hostel, The Victor Maxwell Kindergarten, The Sandy Robertson Kindergarten, Alexis Albert House, Lighthouse, Silver Lighthouse committee, Newcastle Branch, 'Heathfield' and other Woollahra properties. 22/3/1965 it was noted to assist blind persons with the transfer to Decimal Currency an application had been made to the Commonwealth Treasurer for early release of specimen coins and notes. 24/1/1996 it was resolved that a dollar note gauge be supplied to all blind persons in N.S.W. 30/11/1966 it was noted the Management Committee had recommended to Council that the Society should transfer all its activities currently conducted at Williams Street to Mitchell Street and that the William Street be offered for sale at not less than $700,000. 1 volume of typed sheets glued to pagesroyal blind society of nsw, annual reports -
Vision Australia
Administrative record - Text, The Association for the Blind, Blind Members' Council meeting minutes 20/6/1975 to 17/7/1981, 1975-1981
These meetings were held at the Kooyong office and the minutes include Present, Chair, Apologies, Minutes, Matter arising from minutes, Correspondence, Life governors, Election of nominees, Nominations, Reports from Finance, Welfare, Brighton, Ballarat, Kooyong, Regional Centres, Nursing homes, Blind Members' auxiliary, Social activities, General business, Guest speakers. The AFB Blind Members' Council Annual Reports are also included beginning with June 30th 1977. Some highlights include: 25/5/1976 it was reported that the newly formed Tandem Bicycle Club would be holding their meetings at Kooyong the first Sunday of each month. 30/6/1978 it was reported that in April the Kooyong complex of buildings was named H.M. Lightfoot Centre after the immediate past President of AFB. The Council has been successful in having included in the learner driver book of road rules a question on the significance of the white cane. 30/7/1979 The Chairman, Mr Sitlington, represented Blind Members at the opening of the Ballarat Day Centre, Kelaston, in April. 30/6/1980 it was reported that the BMC welcomed 119 new members during the past twelve months. The Chairman, Mr Sitlington, represented Blind Members at the opening of the new George Vowell Nursing Home and Day Centre. 20/2/1981 a letter from the Chairman of VicRail, Mr Reiher, giving assurance that audio announcements will still be made in conjunction with the computer board. Minute book for Blind Members Councilassociation for the blind, blind members council -
Vision Australia
Administrative record - Text, The Association for the Blind, Blind Members' Council meeting minutes 10/8/1976 to 1/10/1982, 1976-1981
These meetings were held at the Kooyong office and the minutes include Present, Chair, Apologies, Minutes, Matter arising from minutes, Correspondence, Life governors, Election of members, Nominations, Reports from Regional Blind Members groups. Some highlights were: 1/8/1979 Mr Maxwell reported from an article in Sound Magazine which stated that if the present circulation of 2,600 copies of the Large Print Age was not increased it may have to be discontinued. 5/3/1980 a letter of thanks was sent to Sister Toni Cocks for her effort in arranging for Telecom to produce the raised large print telephone dials at no charge to the visually impaired. 2/3/1982 The Secretary reported that the ANZ Bank cheque templates will be launched Australia wide on March 16 and will be on display at the Kooyong Family Fair. 2/7/1982 The Secretary reported that the National Bank has produced a cheque template and that Westpac is proposing to do the same 4/51982 includes a draft copy of AFB philosophies. Minute book for Blind Members Councilassociation for the blind, blind members council -
Vision Australia
Administrative record - Text, The Association for the Blind, Blind Members' Council annual reports and annual general meeting minutes 21/8/1981 to 19/9/1997, 1981-1997
These meetings were held at the Kooyong office and the minutes include Present, Chair, Apologies, Minutes, Matter arising from minutes, Correspondence, Life governors, Election of members, Nominations, Reports from Regional Blind Members groups. Some highlights are: 30/6/1990 under the capable leadership of Mrs Elsie Germon the schools programme has been re-convened. Regular visits are being made to primary schools. Speakers are accompanied by sighted guides. 9/8/1991 Executive Director, Mr John Cook reported merger of the Braille & Talking Book Library with AFB. First radio appeal for 3RPH raising over $30,000, opening of the new Baringa Day Centre at Shepparton. 30/6/1996 the annual report highlighted the Centenary of AFB it was noted that self-help has always been the major emphasis underpinning the work of the Blind Member's Council. The Tilly Aston Fund raised over $1/2 million for the new National Information Centre. The peer support work and monitoring of services, ensures that we give back something to AFB, for the support we receive. BMC representatives made 70 visits across the State. The Council registered the Tilly Aston Rhododendron as a lasting way of acknowledging the work of our founder. 19/9/1997 The Chairman welcomed those present to the second combined meeting of the AFB and the Tilly Aston Customer Council. The Council welcomed the change in Articles and Memorandum of the Association and the formation of the Tilly Aston Customer Council which allowed all customer of the Association automatic membership and input to the monitoring of services. Minute book of Blind Members Council annual reports and general meetingsassociation for the blind, blind members council -
Vision Australia
Administrative record - Text, The Association for the Blind, Blind Members' Council meeting minutes 5/11/1982 to 24/2/1986, 1982-1986
These meetings were held at the Kooyong office and the minutes include Present, Chair, Apologies, Minutes, Matter arising from minutes, Correspondence, Life governors, Election of members, Nominations, Reports from Regional Blind Members groups, White Cane Day October 15th promoted. Some highlights include: 3/12/1982 the film, 'A world that is dark', which was made by AFB for television release is now available on video. 31/8/1984 the Blind members' brochure includes sections titled 'Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow' which outlines the history, present position and the aims for the future of the AFB, 'Information about Blind Members' and Blind Members' Council', List of AFB homes and centres' and 'An invitation from Bryan Sitlington to be a Blind Member accompanied by an application form. It will be available to all visually impaired people, their family and friends, AFB staff and suitable for distribution at doctor's surgeries. 14/12/1984 it was reported 29 new Blind members were elected at the September meeting and the 1,000th member was among them. 8/6/1984 Mr John Blanch reported that the General Committee had approved, although rather reluctantly, Mr John Wilson's resignation and had appoint Mr John Cook as his successor. 13/9/1985 Mr John Blanch reported that following Mr Pat Lightfoot's resignation he had contacted Mr John Wicking to offer him the position of sighted representative on Blind Members' Council. John Wicking had been approached for role on the BMC however he was unable to attend Fridays. It was moved to move the meetings to the last Monday of the Month, after approaching John Wicking again. Council members agreed that if John Wicking took the position it would be good as would have been held by Pat Lightfoot and John Wicking, both past Presidents of AFB. Mrs Margaret Canavan and Mr Alan Cooper had been selected to attend a garden party at Government House with Her Majesty the Queen and His Royal Highness the Duke of Edinburg on Thursday March 6. Minute book for Blind Members Councilassociation for the blind, blind members council -
Vision Australia
Administrative record - Text, The Association for the Blind, Blind Members' Council meeting minutes 24/2/1986 to 25/9/91, 1986-1991
These meetings were held at the Kooyong office and the minutes include Present, Chair, Apologies, Minutes, Matter arising from minutes, Correspondence, Life governors, Election of members, Nominations, Reports from Regional Blind Members groups. Some highlights include: 27/10/1986 it was reported that tactile maps of the Melbourne Metropolitan Railway network are now available. 6/2/1987 as special meeting had been called to discuss in detail what action should be taken regarding the proposed $2 coin. John Cook advised that BMC had been invited to send a representative to Canberra to meet with other Blind consumers and representatives from the Mint and Treasury. The BMC agreed the coins needed further testing. 29/2/1988 The Treasury received further letters regarding the $2.00 coin. It was agreed this matter could not be pursued any further. 26/11/1990 it was reported that the commissioned by BMC of the Association's founder Miss Tilly Aston, was officially unveiled by Mrs Jean Ross and Mrs Diana Jones at the 95th Birthday Celebration Concert. The portrait was then hung in the foyer of the Vision Resource Centre. Suitably framed photographs of the founder's portrait to be circulated to all branches. The visits to primary schools by BMC members continued as part of the School's program as did the BMC radio program on 3RPH. Minute book for Blind Members Councilassociation for the blind, blind members council -
Vision Australia
Text, The Association for the Blind, Blind Members' Council meeting minutes 25/3/1991 to 7/2/1994, 1991-1994
These meetings were held at the Kooyong office and the minutes include Present, Chair, Apologies, Minutes, Matter arising from minutes, Correspondence, Life governors, Election of members, Nominations, Reports from Regional Blind Members groups. Some highlights include: 27/7/1992 Mr Ian Moore reported where possible a volunteer driver will be provided to transport members to and from day centres. Where a volunteer driver is not available a taxi will be arranged at the member's expense, with financial hardship cases assisted. 4/3/26/4/1993 a tactile map of AFB Centres has been produced with the assistance of Mr. Danby for members' information. 31/5/1993 it was reported a donation by Mr John Wicking of $50,000 was received to enable the History of the Association to be written by Mr John Wilson. 1 bookassociation for the blind -
Vision Australia
Text, Tilly Aston Customer Council minutes 28/2/1994 to 28/9/1998, 1994-1998
Minutes contains welcome of new members, and work undertaken with 3RPH, public transport, schools, library and other groups on improving services for blind members.1 bookassociation for the blind -
Vision Australia
Text, Tilly Aston Customer Council minutes 20/10/1998 - 26/8/2002, 1998-2002
Minutes contains welcome of new members, and work undertaken with 3RPH, public transport, schools, library and other groups on improving services for blind members.1 bookvision australia foundation, association for the blind -
Vision Australia
Text, Tilly Aston Customer Council minutes 11/11/1997 - 6/7/2004, 1997-2004
Minutes contains welcome of new members, and work undertaken with 3RPH, public transport, schools, library and other groups on improving services for blind members.1 bookvision australia foundation, association for the blind -
Vision Australia
Text, Tilly Aston Customer Council minutes 12/9/2002 -27/6/2005, 2002-2005
Minutes contains welcome of new members, and work undertaken with 3RPH, public transport, schools, library and other groups on improving services for blind members.1 bookvision australia foundation -
Vision Australia
Text, Association for the Blind George Vowell Branch Committee meeting minutes 10/2/1977-10/8/1988, 1977-1988
Minutes of the Mt Eliza branch committee (later known as the George Vowell branch committee) including centre activities, staffing changes, fund raising appointment and resignation of committee members and life governorships. Some highlights include: 9/5/1980 - the opening of the George Vowell Centre by Rt Hon Phillip Lynch, AFB President John Wicking and Mrs Kathleen Vowell. 16/9/1981 - the purchase of a Lowrey Debut Organ from Brash's Frankston for residents and day centre members to use. 12/11/1986 - the handing over the running of the annual fair in 1987 to a committee of volunteers rather than staff members.1 bookassociation for the blind -
Vision Australia
Text, Association for the Blind George Vowell Branch Committee meeting minutes 8/2/1989-11/10/2000, 1989-2000
Minutes of the Mt Eliza branch committee (later known as the George Vowell branch committee) including centre activities, staffing changes, fund raising appointment and resignation of committee members and life governorships. Some highlights include: 9/5/1990 - the success of the 10th Anniversary Ball, which was greatly enjoyed. 10/3/1993 - a demonstration of the new Dial-in News Service that operated from Kooyong. 14/4/1999 - A time capsule was being prepared to be 'planted' in the courtyard during Volunteers Week.1 bookassociation for the blind -
Vision Australia
Administrative record - Text, Quarterly general meeting of the Queensland Society of Blind Citizens: 19/11/1974 - 17/8/1976, 1974-1976
Minutes of the Queensland Society of Blind Citizens committee including centre activities, staffing changes, fund raising appointment and resignation of committee members and life governorships. Some highlights include: 19/11/1974 - the final meeting of the Queensland Musical, Literary and Self Aid Society for the Blind, dissolving it and vesting all assets to the Queensland Society of Blind Citizens. 21/11/1975 - a report of duplicity from a man who gave a false name and identification, then sold cash and property before absconding. 2/6/1976 - members in Townsville are desirous of purchasing a property to utilise as a headquarters. 41 Armstrong Street, Hermit Park was approved for purchase on 29/6/1976.1 bookqueensland society of blind citizens, queensland musical literary and self aid society for the blind -
Vision Australia
Machine - Object, Blaze Engineering, Braille Lite
The Braille Lite harnessed the advantages of a computer to write in Braille and provides responses either in Braille or synthetic voice. Weighing around a kilogram, it was considered a lightweight notebook that also could be connected to other computers and stored Braille in it's inbuilt hardware. 1 beige rectangle with 7 raised buttons, a long space bar and refreshable braille display in black, held in a black plastic carrying case + printed instruction bookBraille Lite (R) Sticker attached over 'Blaze Engineering'.braille equipment, stephen jolley -
Vision Australia
Text, Thank you certificate to Vision Australia Foundation's Essendon Centre volunteers and day program members, 2001
Celebrating the International Year of the Volunteer, Vision Australia Foundation wished to acknowledge the volunteers and day program members who inputted ideas into the design of the centre's banner. Special thanks to the following for their contribution to the stitching, painting, tapestry, applique and embroidery: Margit Arends, Alice Austin, Judith Edwards, Pamela Harris, Shirley Reid, Margaret Isaacs, Gwenda Johnson, Helen Malone, Catherine Newton and Mary Tams.1 cream sheet with grey and black writingvision australia foundation, volunteers -
Vision Australia
Certificate - Image, Certificate of Appreciation - International Year of Volunteers - Vision Australia Foundation, 2001
Awarded to Vision Australia in recognition of voluntary service to the community by the Victorian Government and signed by Steve Bracks (Premier) and Christine Campbell (Minister for Community Services). Certificates presented to VAF Kooyong and Ballarat are held.2 apricot coloured sheets with blue and black writingvision australia foundation, awards -
Vision Australia
Certificate - Text, VAF Certificate of Appreciation - May 1999, May 1999
"Presented to Kelaston Ladies Auxiliary/Centre Committee Bendigo in grateful recognition of their generous support of blind and vision impaired people at the Kelaston/Mirridong Centre, May 1999". Signed by John Cook (Chief Executive Officer) and John Moule (President)2 cream coloured sheets with blue and black writingVision Australia Foundation eye logo in top left hand cornervision australia foundation, kelaston home (ballarat), auxiliaries -
Vision Australia
Certificate - Text, ADMA membership 2005 - Vision Australia Foundation, June 2005
"This is to certify that Vision Australia Foundation is a member of the Australian Direct Marketing Association for the year ending June 2005 and thereby abides by the Association's Code of Practice." Signed by Rob Edwards, CEO.1 cream coloured sheet with black writing and red sealadma logo in middle of page at basevision australia foundation, awards -
Vision Australia
Certificate - Text, Better Health Channel Partner
The Better Health Channel was an initiative of the Victorian State Government that VAF was involved with over a period of years. 1 white sheet with large blue and green borders and blue writingRed apple next to Better Health Channel in middle at topvision australia foundation, awards -
Vision Australia
Document - Text, Tilly Aston Heritage Collection brochure
Information on the Tilly Aston Heritage Collection held at Vision Australia Foundation, with some brief information about Tilly Aston (whom the collection was named after) and the resources held in the archive, and the ability of VAF to provide educational resources, accessibility advice and services to museums.1 white sheet with blue, black and green writingPhotograph of an older girl reading Braille to younger ones on a park bench (previously attributed to Tilly Aston, however there are facial discrepancies)vision australia foundation, fundraising -
Vision Australia
Certificate - Text, 2001 Ballarat Health Awards, April 11, 2001
Two certificates presented to Vision Australia Foundation for being a Finalist in the Care in the Community award and People's Choice award. Certificates are signed by Dr Michael Wooldridge, Minister for Health and Aged Care.2 white sheet with red and blue side banner, and black writingCommonwealth Dept of Veterans Affairs logo and The Ballarat Courier logo at the base on the left hand sidevision australia foundation, ballarat -
Vision Australia
Equipment - Object, Cricket ball, white, 2003
A hard white plastic ball is currently (2015) used in Australia and it is slightly larger and has holes in it so sound can be released from the bottle tops and led weight. This ball has been in use since the beginning of the 2003/2004 season.1 white plastic cricket ball with metal bellsrecreation, assistive devices -
Vision Australia
Equipment - Object, Cricket ball, black nylon, 2003
The black nylon blind cricket ball was in use since 1974 until the end of the 2002/2003 season. It was hand woven around a wire frame, with lead for weight and bottle tops for sound placed inside.1 black nylon cricket ball with metal bellsrecreation, victorian blind cricket association