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matching melbourne city council
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Newspaper, Scrapbook Clipping, Library Collection, Ringwood, Victoria, `
``Newspaper clipping from "The Mail" 1-6-94 P 7 Uproar as councillors go out of control again. By Christine McTigheCouncillors hurled abuse at each otheras a packed gallery demanded answers at a fiery Ringwood Council meeting last week.The Mayor, Margaret Cheevers, lost control of the floor. The acrimony was generated by accusations of fast-tracking developments, which have been decided on behind closed doors. City Manager, Mr John Paech denied that there had been any "undue haste"` -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Newspaper, Scrapbook Clipping, Library Collection, Ringwood, Victoria, `
``Newspaper clipping from "The Mail" 1-6-94 OUR people Map your dayThe Ringwood Council's recent launch of an exciting and innovative promotional map means that residents have recreational information at their fingertips. The "Recreation in Ringwood"poster details recreational pograms, services, clubs and facilities throughout the city` -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Book, Community Guide 2012 Maroondah City Council, Ringwood Victoria
Community information book issued by City of Maroondah for 2012 covering the facilities and activities of the Ringwood Council and other local organisations and associations. Includes contact details for Council services, community organisations and emergency services. Supplement - Maroondah In Focus newsletter Sept to Nov 2012 includes features on Ringwood Regional Aquatic and Leisure Centre construction, wiping out graffiti, Council's Youth Plan, Costco comes to town, Eastland transformation early works, Library Learning and Cultural Centre funding, Sherbrook Park plans, Pedestrian safety, -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Book, Community Guide 2013 Maroondah City Council, Ringwood Victoria
Community information book issued by City of Maroondah for 2013 covering the facilities and activities of the Ringwood Council and other local organisations and associations. Includes contact details for Council services, community organisations and emergency services. Supplement - Maroondah In Focus newsletter Sept to Nov 2013 includes features Sherbrook Park, Ringwood Library developments, Staley Gardens makeover, Costco opening preparations, Eastland transformation works with QIC Global Real Estate, Railway Station and bus interchange tenders, Ringwood Lake Park improvements. -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Pamphlet, Planning for the Future of Ringwood District Centre 2001 and Beyond - October 1987
A4 size 6-page multi-fold consultants' report outlining Ringwood's central structure plan for the new millennium. Topics: Traffic Circulation and Parking, Regional Retailing Focus, Entertainment Precinct, Office Precinct, Railway Precinct, Residential Conservation Zones, Retail Specialty Core, Commercial Boulevard, Possible Station Street Upgrading. Planning consultants - Wolinski Planners Pty. Ltd., were commissioned by Ministry for Planning and Environment, City of Ringwood and the Ministry of Transport in 1986 to prepare and exhibit the plan for public comment. After consideration of responses, the Working Group will make recommendations to the Council and Ministers subject to hearings of any formal submissions. -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Newspaper, Scrapbook Clipping, Library Collection, Ringwood, Victoria, `
``Newspaper clipping from The Mail , 7-09-93 P3 Recycling Cudos (sic)Kerbside recycling is on the increase in Ringwood with the city coming fourth in a Victorian council survey. Ringwood's mayor Margaret Cheevers said residents should be very proud of their recycling efforts.` -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Newspaper, Scrapbook Clipping, Library Collection, Ringwood, Victoria, `
``Newspaper clipping from The Mail , 29-11-93 P4 Survey a 'success'.Ringwood Council is thrilled with the response to a community survey concerning the city's information provisions.Ringwood's community liaison officer, Miranda de Giorgio, said the 46% response was overwhelming.` -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Newspaper, Scrapbook Clipping, Library Collection, Ringwood, Victoria, `
... Road Ringwood North melbourne ` ` ` Ringwood City Council ...``Newspaper clipping from The "Mail" , 8-8-95 P21 . NEWS WATCH Council rejects pound tenders by Leonora Elliot-BruceRingwood City Council will call for more tenders for the animal pound after rejecting the first round of bidders. Commissioner John Nathan said that the council was unhappy with the three bidders. Mr Nathan said the bidders were either too expensive, too far away or there were other problems.` -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Newspaper, Scrapbook Clipping, Library Collection, Ringwood, Victoria, `
``Newspaper clipping from The "Mail" , 31-10-95 P19 .Have your say on new green plan.Pupils from Ringwood and Croydon schools will have a say in how the local environment is developed.Maroondah City Council has asked schools for their opinions on developing a fresh environment plan for the municipality. -- Hundreds of volunteers were thanked for their loyal work last week during a cocktail party hosted by Martoondah City Council. Chief Commissioner Morton Browne thanked the "many committed and dedicated volunteers". A questionnaire will be distributed in Maroondah during the next fortnight to seek residents' opinions on future public open space areas, such as parklands and reserves.` -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Newspaper, Scrapbook Clipping, Library Collection, Ringwood, Victoria, `
... Road Ringwood North melbourne ` ` ` Maroondah City Council ...``Newspaper clipping from The "Mail" , 8-08-95 P13. NEWS WATCH Council to look at all Eastland dealsMaroondah City Council is expected to consider a report detailing negotiations between the former Ringwood Council and Coles Myer over the Eastland development and Ringwood Plaza project next week.` -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Newspaper, Scrapbook Clipping, Library Collection, Ringwood, Victoria, `
... Road Ringwood North melbourne ` ` ` Maroondah City Council has ...``Newspaper clipping from The "Mail" , 8-08-95 P13. NEWS WATCH Grants budget slashedMaroondah City Council has slashed its community grants budget for 1995/96, but it says community groups won't miss out. Council's corporate manager, Lydia Philippou, saiid community groups have nothing to fear. Some groups that had been eligible for community grants had been included in the council's recurrent budget.` -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Newspaper, Scrapbook Clipping, Library Collection, Ringwood, Victoria, `
... Road Ringwood North melbourne ` ` ` Maroondah City Council ...``Newspaper clipping from The "Mail" , 24-10-95 P3. Big Money for Council. Eastland sites up for sale.By Andrew MeathMaroondah City Council will receiove more than $8.5 million from the trustees of Eastland Shopping Centre if the sale of the Ringwood Bowling Club and nearby car park goes ahead. However, the agreement must first be approved by Local Government Minister Roger Hallam and Treasurer Alan Stockdale.` -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Newspaper, Scrapbook Clipping, Library Collection, Ringwood, Victoria, `
``Newspaper clipping from The "Mail" , 11-7-95 P 7 By Jodi Pine NEWS WATCH Six areas set to go privatePrivate contractors are expected to be operating six major community facilities by September as part of Maroondah City Council's compulsory competitive tendering .` -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Newspaper, Scrapbook Clipping, Library Collection, Ringwood, Victoria, `
``Newspaper clipping from the "Post", Tuesday February 17, 1998. NEW PLANNING SCHEME DELAY. By Peter Di SistoSenior Maroondah Council planning officers remain a likely delay in implementing the city's draft planning scheme. Council last week moved to ask Planning and Local Government Minister Rob Maclellan to appoint an independent panel to discuss submissions on its draft scheme, released for public comment last July. ` -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Photograph, Hail storm in Warrandyte Road, Ringwood late 1950s
Clarrie Burns, father of Neville, shovelling hail stones from his driveway at 13 Warrandyte Road, Ringwood in the late 1950s. Clarrie worked for Ringwood City Council as Superintendent of Works. In the image, number 11 Warrandyte Road was Sherman's house, number 9 the Haywards, then (hidden) the Salvation Army citadel. -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Newspaper, Scrapbook Clipping, Library Collection, Ringwood, Victoria, `
``Newspaper clipping from "The Mail", 17/2/98, P 1. Gamblers lose $27 million. By Faye Michelson Maroondah gamblers lost just over $27 million on the city's 477 poker machines during the last financial year. Victorian Council on Problem Gambling spokesman, Rob Wootton said research showed that most money spent on gambling came from the household budget. Welfare agency budgets have been stretched to the limit.` -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Document, Ringwood City Council, City of Ringwood - Freedom of Entry - Manuscript of corrections to 1965 booklet by Rob Pullin for future booklets c1965-66, c1965
Copy of A4 handwritten manuscript with comments and corrections to the 1965 Freedom of entry to the City of Ringwood booklet, for future booklets. -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Booklet, Ringwood City Council, City of Ringwood - Freedom of Entry Short program booklet for Royal Australian Engineers 3 Division - Procedure for Official Guests, 1965
Buff coloured booklet referring to the freedom of entry to the City of Ringwood being granted upon Royal Australian Engineers 3 Division. This booklet is the Procedure for Official Guests. Two copies - one has Offical Car Park sticker affixed inside. -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Letter, Ringwood City Council et al, City of Ringwood - Invitation to Ball following Freedom of Entry to City Ceremony. Letter dated 11 March 1965 from B. J. Hubbard, Mayor, City of Ringwood, 1965
Buff coloured letter dated 11th March 1965, stating the Council has "decided that as a fitting climax to the ceremony of conferring upon the Unit (Royal Engineers 3 Division) the Freedom of Entry to Ringwood, a Ball be held at the Unit's depot in Dublin road, Ringwood east, on the night of the ceremony - that is, the 27th March next" Proceeds to the appeal for erection of the proposed Maroondah Cojmmunity Hospital. Invitation signed by B.J. Hubbard, Mayor - City of Ringwod Note: At the time of cataloguing (May 2024), no photos of the Ball have been found, nor any reference to the Ball in local newspapers. Ref A/1/9, Town Hall, Ringwood -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Newspaper, Scrapbook Clipping, Library Collection, Ringwood, Victoria, `
``Newspaper clipping from "The Post", 22-11-95, P 2. City's pride Greg Mealmaker, co-ordinator of Maroondah Council's LEAP prograM, proudly holds the Keep Australia Beautiful City Pride Award which was presented to Maroondah Council at an award ceremony in Frankston recently. Joining Greg was Council's resident services manager, Lydia Philipou, commissioner John Nathan and Parks East team leader Rod McKenna` -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Newspaper, Scrapbook Clipping, Library Collection, Ringwood, Victoria, `
``Newspaper clipping from "The Mail", 12-12-95, P 13. Fauna and flora study Environmental assets will be identified and protected under a biological study being conducted by Maroondah Council. A consulting team has started work on: locating sites of biological significence in the city, surveying flora and fauna, identifying management issues relating to the sites surveyed, producing maps of the sites, and so on. ` -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Newspaper, Scrapbook Clipping, Library Collection, Ringwood, Victoria, `
``Newspaper clipping from "The Post", 14-6-95, P 11. Trees for the world Maroondah Council parks crew members Karyn Stewart and Lance Fraser with a few of the 2500 trees they will help plant for World Environment Week. The trees will be planted on roadsides and open space areas throughout Maroondah City.` -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Newspaper, Scrapbook Clipping, Library Collection, Ringwood, Victoria, `
... Road Ringwood North melbourne ` ` ` Maroondah City Council ...``Newspaper clipping from "The Mail", 4-7-95, P 6. NEWS WATCH- Scheme to boost land for wildlife Maroondah City Council is pushing to have several local reserves awarded "Land for Wildlife" status in an effort to protect local flora and fauna. A council reserve at the western end of Tereddan Drive in Kilsyth South was recently awarded Land for Wildlife Status` -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Booklet, Ringwood City Council, City of Ringwood - Freedom of Entry for Royal Australian Engineers 7th Field Regiment 1990 - Program Booklet, 1965
Program Booklet for the Conferring of Freedom of Entry to the City of Ringwood upon Royal Australian Engineers 7th Field Regiment, Saturday July 14th 1990. The Program booklet includes: - Order of the Ceremony - List of Councillors and Serving Officers of the Regiment - Description of the Ceremony - Brief History of the Unit -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Booklet, Ringwood City Council, City of Ringwood - Freedom of Entry for Royal Australian Engineers 4th Combat Engineer Regiment 2001 - Program Booklet, 1965
Program Booklet for the Conferring of Freedom of Entry to the City of Ringwood upon Royal Australian Engineers 4th Combat Engineer Regiment, Sunday 18 March 2001. The Program booklet includes: - Order of the Ceremony - Image of the Freedom of Entry Scroll - List of serving Officers of the Regiment, including the Commanding Office, Lieutenant Colonel D. G Hughes - List of Councillors including the Mayor, Cr Peter Gurr - Information about the Regiment -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Newspaper, Scrapbook Clipping, Library Collection, Ringwood, Victoria
Newspaper Clipping from "The Post", 21-04-1993, Page 1, "Setting a Mayoral Example"', Ringwood Mayor, Cr Greg Adkins lined up with all other city council employees for their annual influenza vaccinations. Photo includes Dr Adrian Rizio, Environmental Health Officer Trevor Smith and Maternal and Child Health Nurse Vicki Tonissen. -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Newspaper, Scrapbook Clipping, Library Collection, Ringwood, Victoria
Newspaper Clipping from "The Post", Tuesday 11 February 1997, Page 19, "Environment strategy for city"', A series of environmental goals and activities were going to be the focus of Maroondah Council's new environmental strategy, Branching Out, now available to the public. The council environmental planner, Vivienne Fraser, is quoted on various environmental issues affecting the Maroondah Council. -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Newspaper, Scrapbook Clipping, Library Collection, Ringwood, Victoria
Newspaper Clipping from "The Mail", 22 June 1993, Page 8, "Accident leads to award". Article written by Jodie HaythorneMany Ringwood landmarks are living testaments to the work of Alan Robertson.The former Ringwood Council chief executive officer was instrumental in developing the city's library, cultural and convention centre, aquatic centre, district centre and bypass. Mr Robertson received an Order of Australia medal (OAM) in the Queen's Birthday honors for service to local government and engineering. -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Newspaper, Scrapbook Clipping, Library Collection, Ringwood, Victoria
Newspaper Clipping from "The Maroondah Post", 1/7/1997. Planning zones cutCouncil planning officers are confident Maroondah City's draft planning scheme will ensure the area retains its unique characteristics. The council officers believe its effectiveness will only be truly tested once it is fully implemented. -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Programme, Ringwood Highland Games- Official Programme, 1969
28 page bookletInside cover, Page 1- Details of Games: Ringwood Highland Games 1969 Jubilee Park, Ringwood. Saturday, 1st March, 1969. Sponsored by the Ringwood City Council. Organised by the Lions Club of Ringwood. Chief of the Gathering- The Hon. J. W. Manson, M.L.A., Minister of State Development.