Showing 1318 items
matching world was i
Wangaratta High School
2nd/24th Batallion Shield, 1945
In July 1940 the 2/24th Battalion was formed. They set off from Caulfield for the still-being-built Bonegilla camp, stopping off at Wangaratta where they camped at the showgrounds. They were welcomed with open arms by the local community as they rapidly built up their numbers. The people of Wangaratta adopted the Battalion and they became known as ‘Wangaratta’s Own’. Presented with a 14 foot pennant the Battalion marched through the streets of Wangaratta on 27 September 1940 on the way to Bonegilla. Training continued in Bonegilla until the soldiers sailed on HMT Strathmore for the Middle East on 16 November. The Battalion was eventually attached to the 9th Australian Division, one of the most famous army fighting formations in World War 2. They served in Tobruk (1941) Tel el Eisa (1942), El Alemain (1942), New Guinea (1943) and Tarakan (1945).During the Tobruk siege the 9th Division was called the ‘The Rats of Tobruk’ by William Joyce, the German propagandist. The 2/24th Battalion suffered more casualties than any other 2nd AIF Battalion – 360 killed and 900 wounded. Brown lacquered wood shield with a silver metal 2/24 symbol on it.2/24 AUSTRALIAN INFANTRY BATALLION TOBRUK . THE SALIENT . TEL EL EISA . EL ALAMEIN . LAE . NADZAB . WAREO . TARAKAN I HOLD FAST -
Melbourne Legacy
Postcard, Le Crotoy - La Plage, 1918
A post card sent from France to Australia in 1918, presumably from a soldier son to his mother while on leave from the fighting in France.A record of correspondence from France to Australia in 1918. Postcards were a very common form of communication in the first World War. This postcard also records places for those who didn't have cameras. This type of souvenir would have been familiar to the first Legatees as they had served in World War 1.Post card with a coastal panoramic view and beach houses. At the back of the post card is the written wishes. Front side: Printed, 35 / LE CROTOY. - La Plage. / Edition de la Menagere / ND. Phot. Back Side: handwriten mark, x / printed, Carte Postale / IMP. PHOT. NEURDEIN ET CIE. - PARIS. / Correspondance / Adresse, Stamped Postal Sticker from the Republique Francaise valuated in 10c Postes. / Handwritten text: 13/1/18 Dear Mater This is a snap of where I am now. We are in the house marked x, and are very comfy. Love to all Lee / Mrs W. Elsum 42 Parker St. Williamstown Victoria Australia. war correspondence, souvenir -
Melbourne Legacy
Postcard, Field Service Post Card
A humorous post card intended to emulate an official army issued post card used for soldiers to quickly send information home. However the options given on the humorous postcard are contradictory. Postcards were a very common form of communication in the first World War. Postcards as souvenirs or as correspondence would have been familiar to the first Legatees as they had served in World War 1.Brown card with printed with black text. Side A Nothing is to be written on this side unles it is of useful information to the Enemy or your lady friends. If anything is written on this card it will be destroyed. In any case it will not be forwarded. I am quite well (?) I wish I were dead I am dead I have been dead for some time I am not yet shot I wish I were shot I hope to be shot I am shot The Q.M. has recieved the parcel you sent me Please forward 5 pounds/ 10 pounds/ 20 pounds/ 50 pounds (strike out the sum not required) I am in Hospital. She is/is not lovely. Signature (Must be Embossed) Date _ Side B The address only is to be written on this side. If anything is written on this side the post card will be destroyed. (Leadswingers Club)Pencil markings on side B appear to be numbers used to tally something.war correspondence, world war one, souvenir -
Melbourne Legacy
Souvenir - Souvenir Scarf, Souvenir of Egypt, c.1918
... of souvenir from Egypt at the end of World War I. Founding Legatees ...A souvenir from Egypt. It contains a central image of the Sphinx, the Great Pyramids and man seated on camel. There are flags and images of military leaders. The date is unknown but assumed to be from the first World War period. Flags around the central image are from countries allied in World War One, clockwise from bottom left: Sultanate of Egypt (red flag used 1914-1918) ; flag of Belgium ; Russian flag and image of Tsar Nicholas II in top left ; a form of the UK flag with King George V ; French flag ; Italian flag ; and the Serbian flag in bottom right. The connection with Legacy is not known. The founders of Legacy were all returned servicemen who returned from overseas service in World War One so would be familiar with similar sentimental souvenirs that were purchased in Egypt and sent home to loved ones.A record of a type of souvenir from Egypt at the end of World War I. Founding Legatees would have been familiar with Egyptian souvenirs from World War 1.Square printed cloth (possibly silk) with gold lace outer edge, machine stitched possibly at a later date. Printed section contains central image of Egyptian Sphinx, pyramids and man seated on camel (facing right) Surrounding main picture is a series of portraits of leaders of various countries with respective national flags either side.Souvenir of Egyptsouvenir, world war one -
Melbourne Legacy
Postcard, Orange Hotel Oostkant, Soerabaia, Java, c1915
This postcard has a photo of the Orange Hotel Oostkant, Soerabaia, Java taken around 1915 (now known as Surabaya in Indonesia). Perhaps the sender, Lee, was a returning serviceman from World War One coming back to Australia via Indonesia and this was a card home to his family.A record of postal correspondence in 1915. Postcards were a very common form of communication in the first World War. This type of souvenir would have been familiar to the first Legatees as they had served in World War 1.Glossy postcard with photo of the Orange Hotel in Java.Handwritten: "Dear Katy, Am going to spend a week or so in Java. Hope you are all well. I am feeling very fit, Lee. / Mrs. W. Elsum. 30 Station Road. North Williamstown. Victoria. Australia. " Printed on the photo - 2 / Orange Hotel Oostkant, Soerabaia, Java. / Photo. KURKDJIAN LTD, SOERABAIA.Printed on card - POST CARD / The Address only to be written here Stamp - Nederlandsch-Indie, 5 CENT Postmark - SOERABAJA 16.7.15 souvenir, war correspondence -
Melbourne Legacy
A post card sent to Master J. Brenner of "Chippenham" Railway Parade, Williamstown by his cousin Ethel for his collection. The connection to Legacy is not known. This postcard is the Country life. Series V registered postcard number 9180. Was named "OILETTE" and was produced and printed by Raphael Tuck & Sons, the date is unknown. This item represents a serie of artistic postcards created in England and even though its year of making is unknown possess an aesthetic significance about the kind of postcards produced by Raphael Tuck & Sons.Postcard with of a country scene with a boy holding a donkey. Handwritten: Dear Cousin, Mother says she promised she would send you some postcards. I am sending these & hope you will like them for your collection. Your Cousin. Ethel. / Master J. Brenner "Chippenham" Railway P. Williamstown. Front side: Printed in photo, "CHUMS" / Handwriten photo sign, [?]lette. Back side: Printed on paper, printed symbols / Raphael Tuck & Sons' "OILETTE" [Regd.]Postcard 9180. / COUNTRY LIFE. Series V. / ART PUBLISHERS TO THEIR MAJESTIES THE KING & QUEEN / Printed in England / If sent Abroad, this space may only be used for Name and Address of Sender. / CARTE POSTALE. / TUCK'S POST CARD. / POSTKARTE. / (For Address Only.) / [Stamp] VICTORIA, POSTAGE, ONE PENNY, 1d. souvenir, world war one -
Melbourne Legacy
Photograph, Brigade Commander and Staff, 17th Australian Infantry Brigade, Second A.I.F
A photo of the second AIF, 17th Infantry Brigade commander and staff. Lieut General Sir Stanley Savige, the founder of Melbourne Legacy had returned to active service in the Second World War. Caption describes: Front left to right- FRONT ROW: Captain I K Whittaker (Intelligence Officer); Major B W Pulver (Brigade Major); Brigadier S G Savige, DSO, MC, ED (Brigade Commander); Captain G H Brock (Staff Captain). REAR ROW: Lieutenant N M French (Entertainment Co-ordinating Officer); Captain A T McLean (Supply Officer); Captain J N Henry (Veterinary Officer); Lieutnant J A H McGeoch (Transport Officer). The bulldog is Roger, the Brigade mascot.The photo includes Sir Stanley Savige as a Brigadier in the 2nd A.I.F. as he returned to active service in the second world war.Black and white photo of a group of officers in a timber frame.Caption describes the names, rank, and position held within the brigade.savige, stan savige, world war two -
Melbourne Legacy
Postcard, City Hall, Belfast, c.1920
A postcard from Belfast. Part of the collection relating to John Basil McLean, who normally signs himself Basil. He returned to Australia in April 1920. The date on this card implies someone sent this a few months later from Belfast. One of the items relating to JB McLean was a vesta (match) case from Belfast (see item 01125). This postcard was with other World War 1 memorabilia that has come from Private John Basil McLean, 2nd Reinforcements, 37th Battalion, A.I.F. Possibly these were with him during his time in the First World War and kept them as a mementos. J.B. McLean (Service No. 13824) was from near Maffra, Victoria and enlisted on 22 January 1916. He embarked on 16 December 1916 for Europe. He spent time with the Australian Field Artillery (Pack Section). At the end of the war he worked for a year at the A.I.F. Headquarters in London before returning to Australia on the 'Ceramic', arriving in Portsea in 1920. His full war record is available from the National Archives of Australia (B2455, MCLEAN JBM).Postcards were a very common form of communication. They were also a common souvenir. This type of correspondence would have been familiar to the first Legatees as they had served in World War 1.Standard size postcard showing coloured image of City Hall, Belfast. Front - “City Hall, Belfast / 46398 JV” Back - “Belfast / 18.8.20 / Dear Jack, / I am just here for a / few days on holiday. It’s / charming on the outskirts, and / the scenery is great, though ‘spose / it does not come up to the Blue / Mtns. Many thanks for the book / of views. Am sure you must / have enjoyed your stay amongst / the mountains, and weren’t you / lucky in obtaining 2 months / leave. We’ve just been over this / town hall. The whole of / the interior is practically / built of white and green / marble, with some wonderful old wood carving dotted here / and there. Suppose you have / now settled down, and of course / its getting for summer with / you now. Hope you are / very well. Yours sincerely / Dorothy”souvenir, postcard -
Melbourne Legacy
Postcard, Edinburgh from the Castle, c.1918
A post card of Edinburgh from John Basil McLean, who signs himself Basil. This postcard was with other World War 1 memorabilia that has come from Private John Basil McLean, 2nd Reinforcements, 37th Battalion, A.I.F. Possibly these were with him during his time in the First World War and kept them as a mementos. J.B. McLean (Service No. 13824) was from near Maffra, Victoria and enlisted on 22 January 1916. He embarked on 16 December 1916 for Europe. He spent time with the Australian Field Artillery (Pack Section). At the end of the war he worked for a year at the A.I.F. Headquarters in London before returning to Australia on the 'Ceramic', arriving in Portsea in 1920. His full war record is available from the National Archives of Australia (B2455, MCLEAN JBM).A record of correspondence from a soldier serving in World War 1, home to his family. It shows Australian soldiers travelled to see places when they were on leave.Standard size postcard with colour image of Edinburgh, Scotland from 1918.Front - “Edinburgh from the Castle” Back - “THE MILTON POST CARD / FOR COMMUNICATION THIS SPACE MAY BE USED / THE ADDRESS ONLY TO BE WRITTEN HERE / PRINTED AT OUR WORKS IN SAXONY / AFFIX STAMP / THE MILTON “ART RECORD” Series No. 505 Woolstone Bros, London E. C. / Edinburgh/ 16.2.18 / Just had breakfast!/ Dearest Ril? / I am having a lovely trip. The only thing is my leave / is not long enough. I have to / report for France next Tuesday / morning 19/2/18. If I had arrived / in Edinburgh a days sooner / I would have gone to see ???? / ????? as they call it here. I was in / a shop yesterday and read the history / of the castle. I had tea at Mrs Coulsons two nights ago and I / took Mrs Coulson to the theatre. / I have not time to write now / I love Scotland and I love to hear the people speaking, especially the kiddies. Kindest and dearest / Basilsouvenir, war correspondence -
Melbourne Legacy
Postcard, Cairo Museum, 1916
A postcard of Egypt from John Basil McLean, who signs himself Basil to his family. This item was with other World War 1 memorabilia that has come from Private John Basil McLean, 2nd Reinforcements, 37th Battalion, A.I.F. Possibly these were with him during his time in the First World War and kept them as a mementos. J.B. McLean (Service No. 13824) was from near Maffra, Victoria and enlisted on 22 January 1916. He embarked on 16 December 1916 for Europe. He spent time with the Australian Field Artillery (Pack Section). At the end of the war he worked for a year at the A.I.F. Headquarters in London before returning to Australia on the 'Ceramic', arriving in Portsea in 1920. His full war record is available from the National Archives of Australia (B2455, MCLEAN JBM).An example of correspondence between soldiers and their home during World War 1. It shows that Australian soldiers took the opportunity to see parts of the world when they were serving overseas.Standard size postcard with image of a Pharoh statue (Roi Khephern) in Cairo Museum.Front - “CAIRE / Le Musee - Statue du Roi Khephern” Back - “UNION POSTALE UNIVERSELLE / EGYPTE / CARTE POSTALE / Ephtimios Freres, Port Said / Cai 190 / 54917 / N14 / At Sea / 31.12.16 / My dearest Mater / Just a few lines for the close / of the old year. We had our first wet day today. It was too wet for / church parade. The sunset this evening / was simply lovely. I wish you could / have seen it. With all good wishes / for 1917 to all from your loving Son / Basil.war correspondence, souvenir, world war one, mclean -
Melbourne Legacy
Document, Letter written on part of a fabric wing 14 June 1917, 1917
A wartime letter written by Arthur Evans that was later mounted on card for display purposes. It was donated to Legacy in 1998. The letter was written on the fabric of an aircraft wing. The letter was written by Arthur Stanley Evans while convalescing in Briston in 1917. He had been injured at Bullecourt, France with the 18th-16th AIF. The letter says 'Dear Minnie, Just a line to say your nice long letter arrived yesterday and I am now waiting the money etc. Have run out of paper so am scrawling this on a piece of wing belonging to one of Fritz's tubes that I saw one of our chaps having a scrap with in the air over our lines one day. "Fritz LOST". Glad Betty liked her little gift. Will write you later. I am improving every day and expect to have leave shortly. Love to all, Arthur." Not to let war time shortages of paper get in Arthur Evans way, he improvised and his letter to Minnie, it arrived intact. The fabric would be quite durable and light. A great memento to show family and friends.Despite war time shortages a little ingenuity can overcome many difficulties.Backing, ply board. Letter and short story typed on white cardboard, cardboard fixed to ply backing. Original letter fixed to white cardboard. Lower left hand corner folded over showing the reverse side of the fabric. Original letter rectangular in shape. All of the above is surrounded by a brownish border.The letter, the story and how the letter came to Legacy is printed in brown ink. The original letter is hand written on a piece of wing fabric from a German aircraft shot down over Allied lines.souvenir, world war one -
Moorabbin Air Museum
Manual (Item) - Air Publication 1665A Volume I: Albacore I Aeroplane Taurus II Engine or Taurus XII engine
A manual created by the Air Ministry during the Second World War about the Taurus II engine fitted to the Albacore I Aeroplane.albacore, air ministry, taurus ii engine, world war two -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Document - Adhesive label, Mitchell and Vanguard, "United States Marine Corps"
... World War I... Parade Ballarat Ballarat goldfields Tramways trams World War I ...Set of three adhesive label or car sticker with images of 1 -- Shoulder patch of the United States Marine Corps - made by Mitchell 2 - ditto - 1st Marine Division - with the word "Guadalcanal" vertically - made by Mitchell 3 - ditto - 11th Marines - The Cannon cockers - made by Vanguard of California. Donated to the Museum by the son of US Marine whose father was at Victoria Park, July 2018, - noting that they were badges or insignia of the units that were in Victoria Park during 1943. Refer to - accessed 18/1/2019 which confirms the items being at Victoria Park. tramways, trams, world war i, victoria park, ballarat -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Administrative record - Ration Coupons, Commonwealth Government, 10 gallons Petrol, early 1949?
... World War I... Government Rationing World War I Set of ten (sheet of 8 + sheet of 2 ...Demonstrates the aspect of petrol rationing in Australia during the second world war and the impact it had on tram passengers.Set of ten (sheet of 8 + sheet of 2) 10 gallons Ration Coupons for Motor spirit (Petrol), printed on off white paper with purple ink with the state of issue "Vic" shown. Expires 31/7/1949, probably printed early 1949. Required the consumer or user to endorse it with name, licence number and vehicle registration number. Petrol rationing used in Australia from Oct. 1940 to Feb. 1950 - for a detailed article see - accessed 29/5/2019. and (accessed 29/5/2019) trams, tramways, commonwealth government, rationing, world war i -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Negative, Wal Jack, Jul. 1944
... World War I... war. Trams tramways World War I Most Popular Conductress ...Yields information about Ballarat 's Treasure tram and fund raising during the second world war.Negative and Digital image of the Wal Jack Ballarat Negative file of the Treasure Tram built for fund raising by the depot staff to support the Most Popular Conductress Competition. See Reg Items 2129 and 5108 for more details. July 1944. Photographed at the corner of Sturt and Lydiard Streets. Image i1, original scan of the negative, image i2, and adjusted scan. trams, tramways, world war i, most popular conductress competition, conductresses, treasure tram, tram 41 -
Moorabbin Air Museum
Document (Item) - Assorted photocopied items of World War I aircraft
... Assorted photocopied items of World War I aircraft... Moorabbin melbourne Document Assorted photocopied items of World War ... -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Photograph - Black & White Photograph/s, Sylvia Mitchell and Tom Young, c1945
... World War I... Conductress in 1944. tramways trams Conductresses World War I Crews ...Demonstrates aspects of the Ballarat Tramways in the mid 1940's when Conductresses were employed during the war. Yields information about the tramcars, uniforms etc. The Conductresses was the winner of the Most Popular Conductress in 1944.Black and White photograph of SEC crew, Motorman Driver Tom Young and Conductress Mrs Sylvia Mitchell, c 1944 standing by the door step of a single trucker. Note no lining on the tram, door opening mechanism, uniforms, conductors bag, badge numbers 17 and 41 respectively. For further details see letter to Bruce Reynolds dated 8/10/2006 and letter from Ron Kinnersely.On rear in ink "Tom Young"tramways, trams, conductresses, world war i, crews, personnel, uniforms, tom young -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Newspaper, The Courier Ballarat, "Trams were Jeanne's life", 28/01/2008 12:00:00 AM
... World War I... the trams. Conductresses World War I Ballarat Conductors Newspaper ...Has a strong association with a former Ballarat Tram Conductresses - gives here story about working on the trams, having children and the working after the trams.Newspaper clipping from The Courier, 28/1/2008, titled "Trams were Jeanne's life". Gives details of Jeanne Ward working for the Ballarat tramways, having children and working another job at the same time. Written by Karen Keast, photograph by Narelle White. In the Monday Profile Section.conductresses, world war i, ballarat, conductors -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Newspaper, The Courier Ballarat, "Conductress's journey ends", 27/12/2007 12:00:00 AM
... World War I... - Funeral Service programme - 31/12/2007 Conductresses SEC World War ...Jean Maxwell was a war time conductress on the Ballarat tramways. 1 - Death Notice - 28/12/2007 of Jean. .2 - Funeral Notice - 28/12/2007 with funeral on 31/12/2007 .3 - Obituary - "Conductress's journey ends" - The Courier, 2/1/2008, with a photo of Jean standing by herself in uniform. Information provided by the Museum and the family. .4 - Funeral Service programme - 31/12/2007Newspaper clippings from The Courier, following the death of Jean Maxwell. .conductresses, sec, world war i, obituaries -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Document - Photocopy, A. C. Barrett, "A Man the Dust", c2000
... World War I... Parade Ballarat Ballarat goldfields Trams tramways Cartoons World ...Photocopy of a cartoon, from the Argus Supplement, 22/9/1945, following the end of the second World War, titled "A Man and the Dust", drawn by A. C. Barrett, featuring a man receiving petrol coupons, rationing and then getting ready to get their motor car out of the garage and clean it from it dusty condition. Two copiesOn copy 1 in ink "Argus Supplement, September 22, 1945" and "46". Copy 2 - "GEE46.tif" trams, tramways, cartoons, world war i, motor vehicles, argus -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Photograph - Black & White Photograph/s, Wal Jack, 4/08/1943 12:00:00 AM
... World War I... World War I Conductresses tram 7 On rear in ink "SEC Bendigo ...Black and White print contained within the Wal Jack Bendigo and Geelong Album, see Reg Item 5003 for more details. Photo of No. 7 at Eaglehawk terminus with a conductress completing the turning of the trolley pole. The F. Esposito's Town Hall hotel in the background along with advertisements for Velvet soap. Photo taken 4-8-1943 by Wal Jack. The tram has the destination of Quarry Hill, has white bumpers and white steps. i1 - scan of print in the album i2 - rear of image i3 - scan of negative at 3200dpi added 6/6/2020. On rear in ink "SEC Bendigo, 2nd No. 7, (ex PMTT), Eaglehawk (heavy snow storms) 4-8-43" with the Wal Jack copyright stamp in the top right hand corner and the number "T208" written in.trams, tramways, eaglehawk, world war i, conductresses, tram 7 -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Photograph - Digital image, Wal Jack, 26/01/1942 12:00:00 AM
... World War I... the blackout headlight mask. Trams tramways Victoria St World War I ...Yields information about the painting of the trams for the blackout era of the Second World War time, and how it was done. Only known photograph of a tram so far in Ballarat at the time of introduction. Shows the blackout headlight mask.Digital image from the Wal Jack Ballarat Album of a photograph of No. 13 climbing the Victoria St Hill en route to Victoria St 26-1-1942. Tram has been fitted with white bumper and white steps and possible other areas as well. Note the blackout shade on the headlights. In the background is the Munster Arms Hotel and a Velvet soap ad. Wal's album notes "No. 13 Victoria St 13-1-42 white bumpers and steps, & blackout shades over head lights (War Time) See image i2 for rear of photograph. See image i3 for hi res scan of print. See image i4 for hi res scan of negativeOn rear of photograph in ink "Ballarat Tramways No. 13 climbing Victoria St hill, Ballarat East Jan 1942 / W. Jack"trams, tramways, victoria st, world war i, blackouts, tram 13 -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Ephemera - Ticket, Ballarat Tramway's Patriotic Fair Committee, Treasure Tram, 1944
... World War I.... Trams tramways World War I Most Popular Conductress Competition ...Yields information and has strong association with an important tramway fund raising event during the second world war. The event and other work saw Ballarat conductress Sylvia Mitchell win the Most popular conductress competition from within the Victorian tramway depots.Raffle ticket for the Ballarat Tramway's Patriotic Fair, Most Popular Conductress Competition, Treasure Tram, 1944. Printed on light coloured orange paper, with a two colour, red and green image of the tram. Summary lists of the objects in the treasure tram and what you could use it for. Printed by Waller and Chester by courtesy of Messier and Opie of 17 Bridge St Ballarat. Advises that the results would be published in the papers of 31st July 1944. trams, tramways, world war i, most popular conductress competition, conductresses, treasure tram -
Bayside Gallery - Bayside City Council Art & Heritage Collection
Sculpture, Margaret Baskerville, Edith Cavell, c. 1926
... world war i... commissions. edith cavell bust sculpture nurse world war i margaret ...Edith Cavell was an English nurse based in Belgium who had been killed by German officers for conspiring to help in the escape of allied soldiers. This work is a plaster maquette of a large memorial marble bust by Margaret Baskerville that is located at Kings Domain on Birdwood Avenue, Melbourne. Although commissioned in 1917, the memorial was not completed until 1926 due to both the difficulty of obtaining Carrara marble from Italy after the war and the increasing number of Baskerville’s other commissions.Margaret Baskerville, Edith Cavell c. 1926, plaster, 82 x 49 x 28 cm. Bayside Art and Heritage Collection. Donated by Charles Douglas Richardson, 1931.plasteredith cavell, bust, sculpture, nurse, world war i, margaret baskerville, melbourne, berkendael medical institute, red cross, brussels, plaster -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Document - Display Board with mounted signs, Peter Lambert, 23/04/2020 12:00:00 AM
... World War I... Carlton St World War I Set of 12 A3 proofs, colour, for comment ...Set of 12 A3 proofs, colour, for comment in a large envelope with notes on the outside written by Dave Macartney of the almost final versions of the 12 panels that were installed in Shelters through a Public Records Office of Victoria grant during March 2020. Designed by Peter Lambert Design. 1 - Depots backed by Victoria St 2 - Tram Types - backed by the Mt Pleasant Line 3 - Beginnings backed by the Lydiard St Line 4. - Conductors backed by the Sebastopol line 5 - Carlton St backed by Trams in the City 6 - The Gardens backed by The Gardens lines. The final version for the two at St Aidans drive were changed following Council consultation into a different sized panel but with the same content. Image files are those from Peter Lambert that went to the panel makers. Panels by The Sign Shop The image files are not opened by this program. trams, tramways, displays, interpretation, pro, grants, st aidans drive, gardens, depot, tramcar design, carlton st, world war i -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Photograph - Digital image, c1944
... World War I... Conductors World War I Digital Image of Thelma Hudson, as conductor ...Has a strong association with a WW2 Ballarat Tram conductress.Digital Image of Thelma Hudson, as conductor/conductress No. 38, from an image provided by Brian Carr (mother in law). See Related documents. The 1943 List of Overs and Shorts for Fortnight ending 30 Oct. 1943 (See Reg Item, gives number as No. 46 at the time. trams, tramways, conductresses, conductors, world war i -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Document - The Rebellion in Dublin, April, 1916
The Easter Rising also known as the Easter Rebellion, was an armed insurrection in Ireland during Easter Week in April 1916. The Rising was launched by Irish republicans against British rule in Ireland with the aim of establishing an independent Irish Republic while the United Kingdom was fighting the First World War. It was the most significant uprising in Ireland since the rebellion of 1798 and the first armed conflict of the Irish revolutionary period. Sixteen of the Rising's leaders were executed starting in May 1916. The nature of the executions, and subsequent political developments, ultimately contributed to an increase in popular support for Irish independence.The Six Days' of Rebellion in Dublin - Photo album type book with story of the rebellions and original photos of the damage inflicted on the streets of Dublin. Published by Eason and Sons Ltd., Dublin and Belfast.Inside the front cover: To Pa love from ??. The buildings are shown just as they are at present - I have seen them all. Ireland 1/11/18history, irish rebellion, rebellion in dublin -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Army driving licence issued to Anderson Sydney Ernest. Licence No. 34276 dated 22/07/1941, for class I and class II vehicles.military, world war 2 -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Functional Object - Tramcar, Melbourne and Metropolitan Tramways Board (MMTB), Tramcar 504, 1928
A four motor bogie drop centre combination tram of the Melbourne W2 class. Body built by the James Moore and Co. of South Melbourne as a W2 class tram. Delivered to the MMTB Preston Workshops where the electrical and mechanical equipment was fitted. Issued to traffic 18/4/1928. Allocated to Essendon Depot. The tram was part of the Transporting Art project suggested by the artist Clifton Pugh (1924-1990) in Jan. 1978 to the Lord Mayor of Melbourne Cr. Irvin Rockman. The concept was enthusiastically supported by Victorian Premier Rupert Hamer. Clifton Pugh's tram was the second tram to appear. Described by the artist as "The apostle birds in flight, as if the tram has run into a group of them and they're flying along the sides. Then I found the route was to be through Collingwood and Hawthorn football territory and one cannot be one-eyed in that worlds, there are a magpie and a hawk on each side." The tram was retained by the State and stored until 2015 when it was transported to the Museum's Offsite store. Formal ownership was transferred to the Museum during 2019. Conservation planning for the tram's return to service and the restoration of the artwork is underway. 1986 - withdrawn from service following a minor accident and stored. In 2015 tram relocated to the Museum's offsite store and during 2019 transferred to ownership of the Museum. See for further detail. Photos - i1 - Ray Marsh 1978 i2 - Alastair Reither - 3/6/2015 showing the damaged side. i3 - Clifton Pugh on board his tram. Photo from the Diners Club Signature Magazine April/May 1982, from an article titled Moving Masterpieces. Photo courtesy of the Melbourne Tram Museum. See Destination Citytrams, w2 class, transporting art, tram 504 -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Photograph - Black & White Photograph/s, Sept. 1942
... World War I.... Trams Tramways SECV World War I Ballarat Bendigo Geelong ...Demonstrates an important part of Ballarat's tramway operations during the Second World War when Conductresses and many women were employed by the SEC.Photographic reproduction of page 13 of Christmas - New Year issue (1942-43) issue of SEC News, from a negative supplied by State Library on photo paper, laminated with 4 Velcro dots on rear. Has photo of conductresses at Geelong, Bendigo and Ballarat, car drivers and clerks at Flinders St. Gives names of conductresses and motor car drivers. Images files 246i1 - full page - small version 246i1a - full page 1200 dpi version - has to be opened in a separate viewed. 246i2 - Ballarat Conductresses 246i3 - Geelong - Geelong Conductresses 246i4 - Car Drivers (Motor Transport - HO) 246i5 - Bendigo Conductresses 246i6& i7 - Flinders St. clerical workers. trams, tramways, secv, world war i, ballarat, bendigo, geelong, conductresses