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matching agriculture
Melton City Libraries
Financial record, C.E Barrie invoices, 1911
In 1915, Barrie built a new mill at Melton Railway Station situated between Exford Hall and Dixon’s mill. It will be 40ft by 80ft with 18ft walls. Partnership with John Ralph Schutt–West Footscray Schutt & Barrie in 1916 1916 February Ernie Barrie has sold his recently erected chaff mill at Melton South Railway Station to Messrs Dixon at a satisfactory price. The mill recently purchased from Mr Barrie to be re-erected along side their present millPurchases for the Schutt & Barrie Chaff Mills, Meltonagriculture, local identities -
Kilmore Historical Society
THE AGRICULTURAL TEACHER, The Agricultural Teachers Books I. II. Luplau, 1881
Brown leather cover with embossed pattern on covers Gold embossed inscription on the front cover 138 pages ; 19 cm ; IndexHandwritten inscription on front page 'M. Figgins'agriculture, kilmore mechanics institute library. -
Melton City Libraries
Photograph, Stacking at Ferris Road, c.1952
Ernest Wesley BARRIE and Eva Edna MYERS's son Peter Ernest BARRIE was born on 07 November 1945 in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia. Peter Barrie in front of large piles of hayagriculture, local identities -
Melton City Libraries
Photograph, Kindergarten Melton State School visit to Barrie Farm, c.1960
Kindergarten visit to Edna and Bon's farm education, agriculture -
Melton City Libraries
Photograph, The Barrie Family at Ferris Road, 1952
Wendy Elizabeth BARRIE was born on 03 November 1943 in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, Peter Ernest BARRIE was born on 07 November 1945 in Melbourne, Victoria, Australia, and Heather Marjorie BARRIE was born on 06 July 1949 in Bacchus Marsh, Victoria, Australia.Wendy, Bon, Peter and Heather at Ferris Roadlocal identities, agriculture -
Melton City Libraries
Photograph, Harvesting, 1960-1961
Jim was the youngest child of Charles Ernest Ernie Barrie “Darlingsford” of the farming family property Melton 1911. He was the brother of Ernest Wesley Bon, Charles Edgar, Thomas Lindsay. The family connection with this original property remained until the last part of the E W Barrie section was sold in 1982. Jim’s parents were Charles (Ernie) and Jessie Barrie of Darlingsford Melton. Tom farmed the family property with his father and brothers, and later the Ferris Road property which continued with his son Ian. His childhood interest in horses began with the draft horses kept at the bluestone stable and barn at Darlingsford. When the stables were empty in the late 1980s visit, he vividly recalled the names of the horses he had handled in his youth. When the draft horse became obsolete with the introduction of tractors and trucks this interest continued with the breeding and training of harness racersTom Barrie's harvest and Jim Barrie at Shelfordlocal identities, agriculture -
Melton City Libraries
Photograph, Stacking at Ferris Road, Unknown
Hay stacking at Ferris Roadagriculture, local identities -
Melton City Libraries
Photograph, Peter Barrie, 1963, Unknown
Peter Ernest born Nov 7th 1945. Peter and his brother Robert continued operating the farm on Ferris Road. Peter remembers the horses being used. Robert and Peter worked with their father uncles and cousins until the decline of farming and the impending division of the properties and the encroaching urban development made farming no longer viable. The remaining connection of the Barrie family with property known as Darlingsford finally ceased in 1982. Peter continues to combine a small farm with his earth moving business, known as Melton Plant Hire (MPH) . Peter’s wife Jennie and daughters Deborah and Coralie administer the MPH (Melton Plant Hire) Office, and assist with operation the machinery. Photographs of Peter Barrie from different eraslocal identities, agriculture -
Mont De Lancey
Book, Charles Downing, Selected Fruits: from Downing's Fruits and Fruit-Trees of America, 1871
This edition of the Fruits and Fruit-trees of America has been prepared to meet the wants and convenience of practical Fruit-growers who wish to cultivate varieties tested and approved as very good or best for general use or most profitable for market. Some new varieties have been included with their culture, propagation and management in the garden and orchard.A dark green hardcover book with an embossed pattern on the front cover. The spine has Downing's Selected Fruits for the Garden and Market in gold lettering with the publisher John Wiley's emblem at the bottom. There are upwards of 400 illustrations and diagrams of fruits throughout and an Index at the back. Some stains and markings with tanning on he edges of the pages. 679p.non-fictionThis edition of the Fruits and Fruit-trees of America has been prepared to meet the wants and convenience of practical Fruit-growers who wish to cultivate varieties tested and approved as very good or best for general use or most profitable for market. Some new varieties have been included with their culture, propagation and management in the garden and orchard.fruit growing, agriculture -
Melton City Libraries
Photograph, Robert Barrie on earth moving equipment, 1960s
Robert Barrie on earth moving machine of Jack Legge of Sale agriculture, local identities -
Melton City Libraries
Photograph, 'Melton South Chaff Mill employees, Unknown
Charles E “Ernie” Barrie started constructing a Chaff mill on the corner of Brooklyn and Station road in 1900. It soon became a thriving business and was ideally located close to the railway line. Ernie and his father William and other Barrie brothers had been operated travelling chaff cutters in the district of Melton and Werribee. Within a short time the mill expanded into two big sheds in partnership with his brother James E known as “Ted”. The eldest brother William was in the Manager living in Melton South. In 1906 Ernie applied for a railway crossing on Brooklyn Road to have direct access for railway trucks to be shunted to the mill to be loaded. The Mill was also had the first phone to be connected, No 1, and No’s 2, 3 were the Golden Fleece and Macs Hotels. In 1906 Ernie married Jessie Lang daughter of the Head Teacher at Melton State School No 430 (1896 –1917). The Barrie house on the north side of the mill was completed in August 1906. It survived for almost 60 years until demolition. Chaff mills were very susceptible to fires and often burnt down and would be rebuilt again ready for the peak of the harvesting season. The final demise of the Mill occurred in a spectacular blaze on the night of Friday 2nd December 1977, just before the earth tremor as reported in the local paper. Brian Dobson the local photographer lived close by and captured the night blaze. A video was also taken of the action by the fire brigade. My parents Bon and Edna Barrie were living at 19 First Avenue, and took colour slides of the smouldering ruins in the half -light. Ironically Bon had spent the first year of his life (born in April 1909 and sister Mary born October 1907) at the house beside the mill. Trethowan’s Chaff mill in Brooklyn road was also destroyed by fire, which stated in the evening on Tuesday April 28th 1987. It was established in 1910 by Dixon Brothers, followed by, Ebbot & Kebby, Robinson, Trethowan and Butler and was with the Trethowan family when it burnt down. Melton South was small a community referred to as Melton Railway Station. Member of the community raised the idea to have a public hall. In 1909 Cr Barrie, Mr Nesbitt and Delany formed a committee to build a community hall. Cr Barrie donated the land and The Exford Hall was completed in September 1910 later to be named Victoria Hall. It was demolished in 1992. Colour slide in Barrie archive. In April 1910 the Ernie sold the Mill to Glover Onians (HSK Ward) family moved away to a property in Trundle NSW. Ernie had acquired 640 acres (a square mile) and leased a further 1920 acres of adjoining land. It was the practise of the farmers in the area at the time to buy up or lease the surrounding land from the 640 acre crown land blocks to make up acerage for a viable wheat farm. His wife Jessie found the climate to be very hot and when the Darlingsford property at Melton was put up for sale in the latter part of 1910 and was passed in at the auction. My grandfather saw this an opportunity to return to Melton. The negotiations to Darlingsford were finalised on May 11th 1911. Barrie bothers with connections to Chaff mills and farming in Melton from the 1900s William Henry, Charles Ernest, James Edwin, Samuel John, Robert, Arthur Roger, Albert Walter. Three grandsons and a great-grandson are in business earthmoving and farming in Melton today. (2013) Memoirs by Wendy BarrieEmployees at Chaff Mill, it was located on the corner of Brooklyn and Station Road, Melton South. local identities, agriculture -
Melton City Libraries
Photograph, Schutt and Barrie Flour Mills, 1969
Arthur Henry Schutt. Born 18th July 1912 at Spotswood He was the third child of John Ralph and Mary Jane Schutt. His grandfather was the first librarian of the Victorian Law Courts and his uncle, William Schutt, was a lawyer who later became the Chief Justice Sir William Schutt. His mother was born a Clutha House, stony Creek Yarraville, a was one of ten children. John Schutt opened a chaff mill at the corner of Williamstown and Geelong Roads at West Footscray. The mill was placed on in an old quarry below the ground which saved much of the backbreaking labour of heaving sheaves of hay up into the machinery, the below ground location enable the hay to be fed directly into the railway trucks into the cutters. An elevator then carried the chaff up from the ground directly into the waiting transport, at a great saving in manpower. The chaff mill became on of the largest in Victoria employing more than forty men, and later moved into flour milling.Schutt and Barrie Flour Mills, Melton South site. Opposite this Mill was a Public Weighbridge. A rail siding crossed Brooklyn road to serve chaff mill. The rail line crossed west of the Methodist Churchlocal identities, agriculture -
Melton City Libraries
Photograph, 'Schutt and Barrie Flour Mill employees, Geelong Road West Footscray, Unknown
FORGING AHEAD City of Footscray City of Braybrook Incorporated 1959 Chaff Milling Section Interior photograph: Caption: Chaff baggers in operation Accompanying Text Schutt & Barrie Pty. Ltd. commenced operations in 1913 [Schutt]at Spotswood, but two years later a transfer was made to the present site at the corner of Geelong and Williamstown Road Footscray. The output for years past has been 100 tons of chaff a day- the largest of any mill of its kind in Australia. The firm’s “Green String” is widely known.Schutt & Barrie workmen with John Ralph Schutt and C E Barrie.local identities, agriculture -
Lakes Entrance Regional Historical Society (operating as Lakes Entrance History Centre & Museum)
Photograph - Falk Family, Arthur Cooper, 1909c
Black and white photograph of Bertha aged 10 and Gladys aged 16 and Arthur Falk aged 12 standing in their father's potato crop. In the background is a scrub covered steep hill showing saplings remaining after clearing, Kalimna West Victoriagenealogy, agriculture -
Lakes Entrance Regional Historical Society (operating as Lakes Entrance History Centre & Museum)
Photograph - Falk Family, 1925 c
Sepia toned photograph of Frederick Louis Falk standing in a tall crop of maize at Kalimna West Victoriagenealogy, agriculture -
Lakes Entrance Regional Historical Society (operating as Lakes Entrance History Centre & Museum)
Book, Hales Jeremy, Maffras Beet Sugar Industry 1894-1948, 1998
The story of the Beet Sugar factory at Maffra Victoria from its beginnings in 1894 the problems encountered and the demise of the industry after WW2 The history of earlier Victorian unsuccessful into establishing the industry are mentioned Maffra beet sugindustrial, agriculture -
Lakes Entrance Regional Historical Society (operating as Lakes Entrance History Centre & Museum)
Photograph - Sarsfield Flats, Tambo Shire, 1994 c
Also second identical copyColour photograph of Sarsfield Flats. Distant view of cattle grazing and farm buildings, foothills in background, and glimpse of mountains. Pine trees in the foreground. Bruthen Victoriaagriculture, topography -
Lakes Entrance Regional Historical Society (operating as Lakes Entrance History Centre & Museum)
Photograph, Tambo Shire, 1994 c
Also second identical copyColour photograph of a rural view near Buchan, shows five horses in and around a dam, farming building in distance glimpsed through trees. Bruthen Victoria topography, agriculture -
Lakes Entrance Regional Historical Society (operating as Lakes Entrance History Centre & Museum)
Photograph - Gillingal Station, Tambo Shire, 1994 c
Also second identical copyColour photograph of Gillingal Station, showing the farm buildings situated on a hillside and surrounded by rising hill country and fertile valleys, cattle grazing in home paddock. Buchan Victoriaagriculture, primary industry -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Tool - Sickle
Type of sickle used by Mr. Slater at his property 'Mitcham Grove' North Blackburn. A lavender farm.Large curved sharpened steel blade with a wooden handle.Austriarural industry, agriculture -
Merbein District Historical Society
Certificate, Mildura,Merbein & District Horticultural & Agricultural Society 2nd Prize, 1922
horticulture, agriculture -
Trafalgar Holden Museum
Functional object - Sheep bells, ca1910
Sheep Bells, we believe were imported by HOLDEN and FROST ca1910 used in agriculture c19105 small metal bells of various sizes attached with twine to be hung around the necks of sheepsheep bells, agriculture -
Trafalgar Holden Museum
Accessory - Stock bell
Metal cow bell, we believe was imported by HOLDEN and FROST ca1910Used in agriculture ca1910Small metal bell with metal clanger, rectangular shaped with holder on topcow bell, agriculture -
Lakes Entrance Regional Historical Society (operating as Lakes Entrance History Centre & Museum)
Photograph - large maize crib Bruthen Victoria, 1990 c
possibly last one still remaining in district.Black and white photograph of large maize crib Situated on eastern side of main road from Bruthen to Mossiface Victoriafarming, agriculture -
Lakes Entrance Regional Historical Society (operating as Lakes Entrance History Centre & Museum)
Photograph - threshing and bagging maize at Mossiface Victoria, 1930 c
Black and white photograph of four men threshing and bagging maize and another man inside crib at Mossiface Victoriafarming, agriculture -
Lakes Entrance Regional Historical Society (operating as Lakes Entrance History Centre & Museum)
Book, Mortimer Wallace Malcolm, History of Wonnangatta Station, 1985
The story of Wonnangatta Station in Victoria High Country, and the hardy people who settled and carved a living in the remote area.settlement, agriculture -
Lakes Entrance Regional Historical Society (operating as Lakes Entrance History Centre & Museum)
Book, Heremy Hales and John Little, Gippsland Estates 1882, 1993
A series of articles which appeared in the Gippsland Mercury newspaper in 1882 describing twenty two of the large estates in cenral Gippsland Victoriaagriculture, topograpy -
Lakes Entrance Regional Historical Society (operating as Lakes Entrance History Centre & Museum)
Book, Lyndon, Ellen, Door to the Forest by Ellen Lyndon, 1993
Recollections of natural history adventures from childhood to adulthood in Gippsland, by a lover of all wildlife; together with comments on farming on difficult land, and Soldier Settlement settlement, agriculture -
Lakes Entrance Regional Historical Society (operating as Lakes Entrance History Centre & Museum)
Book, Cannon, Arthur, The Bullock Driver's Handbook by Arthur Cannon, 1985
Contains articles on management of bullock teamsagriculture, transport -
Lakes Entrance Regional Historical Society (operating as Lakes Entrance History Centre & Museum)
Photograph - East Gippsland Filed Days Bairnsdale Victoria, Lakes Post Newspaper, 1998
Colour photograph of overview of East Gippsland Filed Days participants Bairnsdale Victoriaevents, agriculture