Showing 4444 items
matching containers-bags
Myrtleford and District Historical Society
Tobacco tin, Champion, Early 20th Century
Tobacco industry. Container for 1 oz. loose cut tobacco. Limited no. tins produced. . Early 20th century tobacco manufacture. Donated by Tobacco Company of Victoria Ltd.Limited edition tobacco tin which contained blend of Australian and overseas tobaccos. Small metal tin, 1 oz., with red and cream lid: Champion Highest Grade Cut Tobacco. Gladiator trademark in centre on top of lid. Manufactured by British Australasian Tobacco Co. Pty.Ltd. Sydney AustraliaPrinted on inside lid: "As the issue of this tin will be limited, smokers of CHAMPION TOBACCO should retain it as a holder for the contents of their 1 oz. packets.champion brand, tobacco industry, tobacco tins -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Functional object - Suitcase, 1920-1950
The suitcase didn't catch on until the end of the 19th century, it was quite literally as a case for suits. A typical suitcase came equipped with an inner sleeve for storing shirts, and sometimes a little hat box on the side. But even in the early 20th century, the "dress-suit case" was only one of countless styles of container travellers could buy, from steamer trunks to club bags. By the late 19th century a significant point was reached in the history of transportation, it was the beginning of mass tourism, rather than travel for travels sake made use of by the wealthy in society. Travel wasn't just for the wealthy any more but everyone. Suitcases began as an afterthought in the luggage and leather goods business, but they soon became the very symbol of travel. An 1897 wholesale price list included the words "suitcase" only twice in a 20-page list of luggage types. In America a 1907 T. Eaton & Co. Catalogue, trunks took up a full page while suitcases share a page with club bags and valises. In a 1911 a United Company catalogue, now displayed around 40 per cent of the advertisements were for suitcases. Early suitcases were lighter and more portable than trunks, but they were still bulky by today's standards. Leather, canvas, wicker or thick rubbery cloth was stretched over a rigid wood or steel frame. Corners were rounded out using brass or leather caps and some had wooden rails running around the case. Until steamship travel declined during the mid-20th century, many of these types of the case were advertised as waterproof with some lightweight models marketed specifically to women. The item gives us a snap-shot as to how people undertook travelling during a time when undertaking a journey for pleasure at the end of the 19th century was mainly only for the wealthy. This time saw the beginnings of change from the wealthy in society being able to travel, to the onset of mass tourism. Along with this change in societal norms saw many innervations to the design of luggage as it became a fashionable item.Suitcase wooden with four wood reinforcing ribs, 2 leather straps with buckles & leather handles each end. Has inner shelf.Noneflagstaff hill, warrnambool, shipwrecked-coast, flagstaff-hill, flagstaff-hill-maritime-museum, maritime-museum, shipwreck-coast, flagstaff-hill-maritime-village, suitcase, -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Functional object - Suitcase/Trunk
The suitcase didn't catch on until the end of the 19th century, it was quite literally as a case for suits. A typical suitcase came equipped with an inner sleeve for storing shirts, and sometimes a little hatbox on the side. But even in the early 20th century, the "dress-suit case" was only one of countless styles of container travellers could buy, from steamer trunks to club bags. By the late 19th century a significant point was reached in the history of transportation, it was the beginning of mass tourism, rather than travel for travels sake made use of by the wealthy in society. Travel wasn't just for the wealthy any more but everyone. Suitcases began as an afterthought in the luggage and leather goods business, but they soon became the very symbol of travel. An 1897 wholesale price list included the words "suitcase" only twice in a 20-page list of luggage types. In America a 1907 T. Eaton & Co. Catalogue, trunks took up a full page while suitcases share a page with club bags and valises. In a 1911 a United Company catalogue, now displayed around 40 per cent of the advertisements were for suitcases. Early suitcases were lighter and more portable than trunks, but they were still bulky by today's standards. Leather, canvas, wicker or thick rubbery cloth was stretched over a rigid wood or steel frame. Corners were rounded out using brass or leather caps and some had wooden rails running around the case. Until steamship travel declined during the mid-20th century, many of these types of the case were advertised as waterproof with some lightweight models marketed specifically to women. The item gives us a snap-shot as to how people undertook travelling during a time when undertaking a journey for pleasure at the end of the 19th century was mainly only for the wealthy. This time saw the beginnings of change from the wealthy in society being able to travel, to the onset of mass tourism. Along with this change in societal norms saw many innervation's to the design of luggage as it became a fashionable item.Suitcase/trunk with inner tray, brown canvas covered with 2 hinge clamps and a central Eagle lock, four wooden lateral buffer railed slats running around the case, leather handles each end. noneflagstaff hill, warrnambool, shipwrecked-coast, flagstaff-hill, flagstaff-hill-maritime-museum, maritime-museum, shipwreck-coast, flagstaff-hill-maritime-village, suitcase -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Functional object - Suitcase, 1930-1945
The suitcase didn't catch on until the end of the 19th century, it was quite literally as a case for suits. A typical suitcase came equipped with an inner sleeve for storing shirts, and sometimes a little hat box on the side. But even in the early 20th century, the "dress-suit case" was only one of countless styles of container travellers could buy, from steamer trunks to club bags. By the late 19th century a significant point was reached in the history of transportation, it was the beginning of mass tourism, rather than travel for travels sake made use of by the wealthy in society. Travel wasn't just for the wealthy any more but everyone. Suitcases began as an afterthought in the luggage and leather goods business, but they soon became the very symbol of travel. An 1897 wholesale price list included the words "suitcase" only twice in a 20-page list of luggage types. In America a 1907 T. Eaton & Co. Catalogue, trunks took up a full page while suitcases share a page with club bags and valises. In a 1911 a United Company catalogue, now displayed around 40 per cent of the advertisements were for suitcases. Early suitcases were lighter and more portable than trunks, but they were still bulky by today's standards. Leather, canvas, wicker or thick rubbery cloth was stretched over a rigid wood or steel frame. Corners were rounded out using brass or leather caps and some had wooden rails running around the case. Until steamship travel declined during the mid-20th century, many of these types of the case were advertised as waterproof with some lightweight models marketed specifically to women. The item gives us a snap-shot as to how people undertook travelling during a time when undertaking a journey for pleasure at the end of the 19th century was mainly only for the wealthy. This time saw the beginnings of change from the wealthy in society being able to travel, to the onset of mass tourism. Along with this change in societal norms saw many innervations to the design of luggage as it became a fashionable item.Suitcase, brown canvas with three wooden reinforcing lateral rails running around the case, leather handle each end (one broken), two locks.. Maker Pettigrew & Stephens Ltd Glasgow. "A.T.Cox 354/3 Riversdale Rd Campberwell, Vic Australia" and "W.ON" painted over on each endflagstaff hill, warrnambool, shipwrecked-coast, flagstaff-hill, flagstaff-hill-maritime-museum, maritime-museum, shipwreck-coast, flagstaff-hill-maritime-village, suitcase, -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Functional object - Steamer luggage Trunk, First quarter of the 20th century
Item used around the first quarter of the 20th century The suitcase didn't catch on until the end of the 19th century, it was quite literally as a case for suits. A typical suitcase came equipped with an inner sleeve for storing shirts, and sometimes a little hat box on the side. But even in the early 20th century, the "dress-suit case" was only one of countless styles of container travellers could buy, from steamer trunks to club bags. By the late 19th century a significant point was reached in the history of transportation, it was the beginning of mass tourism, rather than travel for travels sake made use of by the wealthy in society. Travel wasn't just for the wealthy any more but everyone. Suitcases began as an afterthought in the luggage and leather goods business, but they soon became the very symbol of travel. An 1897 wholesale price list included the words "suitcase" only twice in a 20-page list of luggage types. In America a 1907 T. Eaton & Co. Catalogue, trunks took up a full page while suitcases share a page with club bags and valises. In a 1911 a United Company catalogue, now displayed around 40 per cent of the advertisements were for suitcases. Early suitcases were lighter and more portable than trunks, but they were still bulky by today's standards. Leather, canvas, wicker or thick rubbery cloth was stretched over a rigid wood or steel frame. Corners were rounded out using brass or leather caps and some had wooden rails running around the case. Until steamship travel declined during the mid-20th century, many of these types of the case were advertised as waterproof with some lightweight models marketed specifically to women. The item gives us a snap-shot as to how people undertook travelling during a time when undertaking a journey for pleasure at the end of the 19th and early 20th century was mainly only for the wealthy. This time saw the beginnings of change from the wealthy in society being able to travel, to the onset of mass tourism. Along with this change in societal norms saw many innervation's to the design of luggage as it became a fashionable item.Suitcase/trunk leather reinforced at corners with wooden slats to strengthen the lid. Leather straps to close lid with metal lock in the middle of the lid. Closing strap missing.Noneflagstaff hill, warrnambool, shipwrecked-coast, flagstaff-hill, flagstaff-hill-maritime-museum, maritime-museum, shipwreck-coast, flagstaff-hill-maritime-village -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Photograph - Geelong 2 at Newtown, 14-1-1954
The photograph shows Geelong tram No. 2 at the Newtown tram terminus with the conductor or motorman with a conductor's bag standing by the rear of the tram and two ladies carrying bags approaching the tram. The tram has the return destination of Eastern Park. Photo by an unknown photographer on 14-1-1954.Yields information about tram 2Black and white photograph with details on rear.In pencil "#2 at Newtown Geelong 14-1-54" and number '1106" in ink.tramways, trams, geelong, newtown, tram 2 -
B-24 Liberator Memorial Restoration Australia Inc
Special Flying Ration Pack, Packed by MacROBERTSON'S`, 1940s
Olive drab tin containing rations for two aircrewDepartment of Defence Packed by MacROBERTSONS SPECIAL FLYING RATION To be consumed by Air Crew carrying out flights of 4 hours' duration or longer Sufficient for 2 men KEEP PACK INTACT RAAF A Gadsden Containera19 -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Equipment - Surgical silks and sutures, Teleflex (manufacturers of Deknatel), Early 1900s
Through many millennia, various suture materials were used or proposed. Needles were made of bone or metals such as silver, copper, and aluminium bronze wire. Sutures were made of plant materials (flax, hemp and cotton) or animal material (hair, tendons, arteries, muscle strips and nerves, silk, and catgut).[citation needed] The earliest reports of surgical suture date to 3000 BC in ancient Egypt, and the oldest known suture is in a mummy from 1100 BC. A detailed description of a wound suture and the suture materials used in it is by the Indian sage and physician Sushruta, written in 500 BC. The Greek father of medicine, Hippocrates, described suture techniques, as did the later Roman Aulus Cornelius Celsus. The 2nd-century Roman physician Galen described sutures made of surgical gut or catgut. In the 10th century, the catgut suture along with the surgery needle were used in operations by Abulcasis. The gut suture was similar to that of strings for violins, guitars, and tennis racquets and it involved harvesting sheep or cow intestines. Catgut sometimes led to infection due to a lack of disinfection and sterilization of the material. Joseph Lister endorsed the routine sterilization of all suture threads. He first attempted sterilization with the 1860s "carbolic catgut," and chromic catgut followed two decades later. Sterile catgut was finally achieved in 1906 with iodine treatment. The next great leap came in the twentieth century. The chemical industry drove production of the first synthetic thread in the early 1930s, which exploded into production of numerous absorbable and non-absorbable synthetics. The first synthetic absorbable was based on polyvinyl alcohol in 1931. Polyesters were developed in the 1950s, and later the process of radiation sterilization was established for catgut and polyester. Polyglycolic acid was discovered in the 1960s and implemented in the 1970s. Today, most sutures are made of synthetic polymer fibers. Silk and, rarely, gut sutures are the only materials still in use from ancient times. In fact, gut sutures have been banned in Europe and Japan owing to concerns regarding bovine spongiform encephalopathy. Silk suture is still used today, mainly to secure surgical drains.,a%20mummy%20from%201100%20BC. This tin contains a variety of surgical threads and accessories that were used by Dr W.R.Angus. It was donated to Flagstaff Hill Maritime Village by the family of Doctor William Roy Angus, Surgeon and Oculist. It is part of the “W.R. Angus Collection” that includes historical medical equipment, surgical instruments and material once belonging to Dr Edward Ryan and Dr Thomas Francis Ryan, (both of Nhill, Victoria) as well as Dr Angus’ own belongings. The Collection’s history spans the medical practices of the two Doctors Ryan, from 1885-1926 plus that of Dr Angus, up until 1969. ABOUT THE “W.R.ANGUS COLLECTION” Doctor William Roy Angus M.B., B.S., Adel., 1923, F.R.C.S. Edin.,1928 (also known as Dr Roy Angus) was born in Murrumbeena, Victoria in 1901 and lived until 1970. He qualified as a doctor in 1923 at University of Adelaide, was Resident Medical Officer at the Royal Adelaide Hospital in 1924 and for a period was house surgeon to Sir (then Mr.) Henry Simpson Newland. Dr Angus was briefly an Assistant to Dr Riddell of Kapunda, then commenced private practice at Curramulka, Yorke Peninsula, SA, where he was physician, surgeon and chemist. In 1926, he was appointed as new Medical Assistant to Dr Thomas Francis Ryan (T.F. Ryan, or Tom), in Nhill, Victoria, where his experiences included radiology and pharmacy. In 1927 he was Acting House Surgeon in Dr Tom Ryan’s absence. Dr Angus had become engaged to Gladys Forsyth and they decided he would take time to further his studies overseas in the UK in 1927. He studied at London University College Hospital and at Edinburgh Royal Infirmary and in 1928, was awarded FRCS (Fellow from the Royal College of Surgeons), Edinburgh. He worked his passage back to Australia as a Ship’s Surgeon on the on the Australian Commonwealth Line’s SS Largs Bay. Dr Angus married Gladys in 1929, in Ballarat. (They went on to have one son (Graham 1932, born in SA) and two daughters (Helen (died 12/07/1996) and Berenice (Berry), both born at Mira, Nhill ) Dr Angus was a ‘flying doctor’ for the A.I.M. (Australian Inland Ministry) Aerial Medical Service in 1928 . The organisation began in South Australia through the Presbyterian Church in that year, with its first station being in the remote town of Oodnadatta, where Dr Angus was stationed. He was locum tenens there on North-South Railway at 21 Mile Camp. He took up this ‘flying doctor’ position in response to a call from Dr John Flynn; the organisation was later known as the Flying Doctor Service, then the Royal Flying Doctor Service. A lot of his work during this time involved dental surgery also. Between 1928-1932 he was surgeon at the Curramulka Hospital, Yorke Peninsula, South Australia. In 1933 Dr Angus returned to Nhill where he’d previously worked as Medical Assistant and purchased a share of the Nelson Street practice and Mira hospital from Dr Les Middleton one of the Middleton Brothers, the current owners of what was once Dr Tom Ryan’s practice. Dr L Middleton was House Surgeon to the Nhill Hospital 1926-1933, when he resigned. [Dr Tom Ryan’s practice had originally belonged to his older brother Dr Edward Ryan, who came to Nhill in 1885. Dr Edward saw patients at his rooms, firstly in Victoria Street and in 1886 in Nelson Street, until 1901. The Nelson Street practice also had a 2 bed ward, called Mira Private Hospital ). Dr Edward Ryan was House Surgeon at the Nhill Hospital 1884-1902 . He also had occasions where he successfully performed veterinary surgery for the local farmers too. Dr Tom Ryan then purchased the practice from his brother in 1901. Both Dr Edward and Dr Tom Ryan work as surgeons included eye surgery. Dr Tom Ryan performed many of his operations in the Mira private hospital on his premises. He too was House Surgeon at the Nhill Hospital 1902-1926. Dr Tom Ryan had one of the only two pieces of radiology equipment in Victoria during his practicing years – The Royal Melbourne Hospital had the other one. Over the years Dr Tom Ryan gradually set up what was effectively a training school for country general-practitioner-surgeons. Each patient was carefully examined, including using the X-ray machine, and any surgery was discussed and planned with Dr Ryan’s assistants several days in advance. Dr Angus gained experience in using the X-ray machine there during his time as assistant to Dr Ryan. Dr Tom Ryan moved from Nhill in 1926. He became a Fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons in 1927, soon after its formation, a rare accolade for a doctor outside any of the major cities. He remained a bachelor and died suddenly on 7th Dec 1955, aged 91, at his home in Ararat. Scholarships and prizes are still awarded to medical students in the honour of Dr T.F. Ryan and his father, Dr Michael Ryan, and brother, John Patrick Ryan. ] When Dr Angus bought into the Nelson Street premises in Nhill he was also appointed as the Nhill Hospital’s Honorary House Surgeon 1933-1938. His practitioner’s plate from his Nhill surgery states “HOURS Daily, except Tuesdays, Fridays and Saturday afternoons, 9-10am, 2-4pm, 7-8pm. Sundays by appointment”. This plate is now mounted on the doorway to the Port Medical Office at Flagstaff Hill Maritime Village, Warrnambool. Dr Edward Ryan and Dr Tom Ryan had an extensive collection of historical medical equipment and materials spanning 1884-1926 and when Dr Angus took up practice in their old premises he obtained this collection, a large part of which is now on display at the Port Medical Office at Flagstaff Hill Maritime Village in Warrnambool. During his time in Nhill Dr Angus was involved in the merging of the Mira Hospital and Nhill Public Hospital into one public hospital and the property titles passed on to Nhill Hospital in 1939. In 1939 Dr Angus and his family moved to Warrnambool where he purchased “Birchwood,” the 1852 home and medical practice of Dr John Hunter Henderson, at 214 Koroit Street. (This property was sold in1965 to the State Government and is now the site of the Warrnambool Police Station. ). The Angus family was able to afford gardeners, cooks and maids; their home was a popular place for visiting dignitaries to stay whilst visiting Warrnambool. Dr Angus had his own silk worm farm at home in a Mulberry tree. His young daughter used his centrifuge for spinning the silk. Dr Angus was appointed on a part-time basis as Port Medical Officer (Health Officer) in Warrnambool and held this position until the 1940’s when the government no longer required the service of a Port Medical Officer in Warrnambool; he was thus Warrnambool’s last serving Port Medical Officer. (The duties of a Port Medical Officer were outlined by the Colonial Secretary on 21st June, 1839 under the terms of the Quarantine Act. Masters of immigrant ships arriving in port reported incidents of diseases, illness and death and the Port Medical Officer made a decision on whether the ship required Quarantine and for how long, in this way preventing contagious illness from spreading from new immigrants to the residents already in the colony.) Dr Angus was a member of the Australian Medical Association, for 35 years and surgeon at the Warrnambool Base Hospital 1939-1942, He served as a Surgeon Captain during WWII1942-45, in Ballarat, Victoria, and in Bonegilla, N.S.W., completing his service just before the end of the war due to suffering from a heart attack. During his convalescence he carved an intricate and ‘most artistic’ chess set from the material that dentures were made from. He then studied ophthalmology at the Royal Melbourne Eye and Ear Hospital and created cosmetically superior artificial eyes by pioneering using the intrascleral cartilage. Angus received accolades from the Ophthalmological Society of Australasia for this work. He returned to Warrnambool to commence practice as an ophthalmologist, pioneering in artificial eye improvements. He was Honorary Consultant Ophthalmologist to Warrnambool Base Hospital for 31 years. He made monthly visits to Portland as a visiting surgeon, to perform eye surgery. He represented the Victorian South-West subdivision of the Australian Medical Association as its secretary between 1949 and 1956 and as chairman from 1956 to 1958. In 1968 Dr Angus was elected member of Spain’s Barraquer Institute of Barcelona after his research work in Intrasclearal cartilage grafting, becoming one of the few Australian ophthalmologists to receive this honour, and in the following year presented his final paper on Living Intrasclearal Cartilage Implants at the Inaugural Meeting of the Australian College of Ophthalmologists in Melbourne In his personal life Dr Angus was a Presbyterian and treated Sunday as a Sabbath, a day of rest. He would visit 3 or 4 country patients on a Sunday, taking his children along ‘for the ride’ and to visit with him. Sunday evenings he would play the pianola and sing Scottish songs to his family. One of Dr Angus’ patients was Margaret MacKenzie, author of a book on local shipwrecks that she’d seen as an eye witness from the late 1880’s in Peterborough, Victoria. In the early 1950’s Dr Angus, painted a picture of a shipwreck for the cover jacket of Margaret’s book, Shipwrecks and More Shipwrecks. She was blind in later life and her daughter wrote the actual book for her. Dr Angus and his wife Gladys were very involved in Warrnambool’s society with a strong interest in civic affairs. Their interests included organisations such as Red Cross, Rostrum, Warrnambool and District Historical Society (founding members), Wine and Food Society, Steering Committee for Tertiary Education in Warrnambool, Local National Trust, Good Neighbour Council, Housing Commission Advisory Board, United Services Institute, Legion of Ex-Servicemen, Olympic Pool Committee, Food for Britain Organisation, Warrnambool Hospital, Anti-Cancer Council, Boys’ Club, Charitable Council, National Fitness Council and Air Raid Precautions Group. He was also a member of the Steam Preservation Society and derived much pleasure from a steam traction engine on his farm. He had an interest in people and the community He and his wife Gladys were both involved in the creation of Flagstaff Hill, including the layout of the gardens. After his death (28th March 1970) his family requested his practitioner’s plate, medical instruments and some personal belongings be displayed in the Port Medical Office surgery at Flagstaff Hill Maritime Village, and be called the “W. R. Angus Collection”. The repair of open wounds is essential to prevent infection and death. The W.R. Angus Collection is significant for still being located at the site it is connected with, Doctor Angus being the last Port Medical Officer in Warrnambool. The collection of medical instruments and other equipment is culturally significant, being an historical example of medicine from late 19th to mid-20th century. Dr Angus assisted Dr Tom Ryan, a pioneer in the use of X-rays and in ocular surgery. Black tin with hinged lid, containing reels and packets of surgical silk, gut and metal suture threads, scalpel blades, chamois and metal blade holder with tensioned chamois piece across top. (W.R. Angus Collection)‘MEDRAFIL, Dr MULLER- MEERNACH, Nr O, MADE IN GERMANY.’ printed on one of the paper bags in the box containing a suture bobbin. 'PEARSALL'S LONDON' printed on some bobbins. 'J A DEKNATEL & SON INC, QUEENS VILLAGE, LONG ISLAND NEW YORK' printed on others.flagstaff hill, warrnambool, shipwrecked-coast, flagstaff-hill, flagstaff-hill-maritime-museum, maritime-museum, shipwreck-coast, flagstaff-hill-maritime-village, surgical silks and sutures, dr w r angus, medical equipment, surgical instrument, dr ryan, ophthalmology, s.s. largs bay, warrnambool base hospital, nhill base hospital, flying doctor, medical history, medical treatment, mira hospital, medical education, sutures, surgical silk -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Suit case, 1940's
Used as school case, then container for keeping Methodist and Uniting Churches treasurers correspondence and records. These include Montogomery (builder) tender for new Methodist Church, Tatura late 1950's.Small brown leather suit case. Metal clasps, plastic handle, reinforced corners and case, uniting church of tatura, methodist church tatura, montogomery builder -
City of Moorabbin Historical Society (Operating the Box Cottage Museum)
Photograph, Black & White, J.L.Smith Hay & Grain Store c1916 Bentleigh, 1916
John Logan Smith 1860-1932 , the son of Irish immigrants James and Marianne Smith was born at their home near the 'Toll Gates' on Point Nepean Road and Dendy Street. East Brighton. At that time the area had many orchards that were later replaced by market gardens. J.L.Smith at first rented a cottage 'Law Muir Den' & Shed from Mr Box and commenced business as a wood merchant - sawing logs into shorter pieces using one horse to power the saw. He purchased the property, added to the buildings , began trading in fuel and fodder as well and installed a chaff cutting mill powered by 10hp steam engine. The business prospered 1909 following the death of Tommy Bent, J/L Smith was nominated for Councillor of the Shire of Moorabbin. WW1 1914 - 18 both John and Mary Ann supported local War Relief Auxiliaries and their son Vic served as a Signaler in AIF. As Motor transport was increasing 1926 J L Smith built a small Garage on the opposite corner (Woolworths Supermarket 2005) , employed a good mechanic ( Reg Hunt ) and developed another successful business. The Grain Store was managed by family until 1930. In 1932 JL Smith assisted a man whose car had broken down, pushing it to the garage and sadly suffered a heart attack and died. He is buried in Cheltenham Cemetery J.L.Smith was an early settler in East Brighton now Bentleigh and established successful Wood cutting, Grain & Chaff cutting and Motor garage businesses in Centre Road . He was elected Councillor of the Shire of Moorabbin and, with Mary Ann, his family were involved with local Church, Red Cross, and other community organizations.Black & White photograph of J L Smith Hay & Grain Store and Crushing Mill Jasper Rd / Centre Rd Bentleigh 1916. A veranda has been added to the store, new signage attached and a Gas light and hitching post are in foreground. 3 Horse drawn carts loaded with grain bags and drivers sitting on top of loadV. Smithgas street light, hitching posts, smith vic, photography, smith j l; smith mary ann, stanley helen, smith vic, smith harry redvers, chaff cutter, horse drawn carts, toll gates brighton, motor cars 1900, steam engines, early settlers, bentleigh, parish of moorabbin, city of moorabbin, county of bourke, moorabbin roads board, shire of moorabbin, henry dendy's special survey 1841, were j.b.; bent thomas, o'shannassy john, king richard, charman s, highett william, ormond francis, maynard dennis, market gardeners, vineyards, orchards -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Domestic object - Lingerie Garment Bags
Donor believes items were completed by her great aunts Lydia, Rosa, Olivia and Isabelle Pollard when the sisters were young girls. They were completed in Country Durham, England. The items have been passed down through the family by the girls mother or aunt.Two handmade embroidered laundry bags. 6575.1 Red flowers with green leaves and white foliage embroidered on a cream cotton front, back of bag is undecorated. Hand and machine stitching evident. 6575.2 Gold flowers, green leaves and some white foliage. Four rings attached with gold and cream stitching on top of bag for hanging.A L 4 embroidered in top left hand corner of 6575.1 in yellow thread. A L embroidered at top L H corner of 6575.2 in red thread.late victorian needlework, handmade embroidery, lingerie bag, garment bags, cleary -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Accessory - Chain with match holder and coin purse, silver chain, Late 19th century
The story of this item is unknown. It may have been part of a man’s watch chain, with the watch missing. Its weight suggests it is an item of good quality, one owned by a person of substance and a common item for a wealthy man to have in the 19th and early 20th centuries.This item, in our collection for many years, has no known provenance and is kept for display purposes. This is a silver chain with silver links with a metal match holder at one end, a silver container in the shape of a ship’s wheel in the middle and a locket or coin holder at the other end.. The match holder is heavily patterned, the ship’s wheel container may have held coins in the past as it is recessed at the back and the locket or coin purse is ornamented and contains what looks like a coin, perhaps a threepenny bit from the time of George V or V1. The coin could be Australian or English. warrnambool history, men’s accessories -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Functional object - School lunch bag, B & P Hoy Wholesalers Warrnambool, 1960s
This bag has been produced for school children to order their lunches from a school canteen. The bags were distributed by B & P Hoy, wholesalers who had a retail shop at 48 Kepler Street and a warehouse and office at 1074 Raglan Parade. (Approximate dates 1960s to 1980s)This item is of interest as an example of local school lunch bags in the 1960s.A white paper bag with blue and red printing and sketches of five children, a dog, a skate board, an old time school master and the Australian flag. The bag opening has serrated edging.B & P HOY WHOLESALERS "THE MONEY SAVERS" 1074 RAGLAN PARADE WARRNAMBOOLschool canteens, b & p hoy warrnambool, school lunch bags -
Tatura Irrigation & Wartime Camps Museum
Post Office Equipment
Articles all used at Tatura Post Office for distribution of mail to local districts and beyond. One stamper pre-dates postcode times. Tags were used when bags of mail were sent to surrounding areas (e.g. Harston), which had small post offices.Rubber stamping pad with 4 stamp cancelling stampers for Tatura Post Office. 10 metal mailbag tags.Tatura - VIC - Aust - 3616tatura, mail, bags of mail, post offices now closed, communication, postal -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Container tin box with hinged lid and colour printed surface with gold letters on a dark blue background. Picture of a train signal as trademark and statement "Griffith Bros Limited" on front page. Rustedflagstaff hill, warrnambool, shipwrecked-coast, flagstaff-hill, flagstaff-hill-maritime-museum, maritime-museum, shipwreck-coast, flagstaff-hill-maritime-village -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Gramophone cylinders, The Premier Manufacturing Comp. Ltd
Gramophone cylinders, black, 6 grooves on interior stored in cardboard round container with detachable lid. The Clarion Record, made and sold by The Premier Manufacturing Comp. Ltd. London. 126 Southern Melodies.flagstaff hill, warrnambool, shipwrecked-coast, flagstaff-hill, flagstaff-hill-maritime-museum, maritime-museum, shipwreck-coast, flagstaff-hill-maritime-village, gramophone cylinders, the clarion record, the premier manufacturing comp. ltd -
Orbost & District Historical Society
salt and pepper shakers, 2nd half 20th century
This item has aesthetic significance and is an example of domestic tableware imported from Japan after WW11.This porcelain cruet set is made up of two lily pad cups with a handle in the middle. Two detachable frogs sit in the cups. The containers are used for salt and for pepper. The set is painted green and pink.On bottom - Made in Japancruet domestic-items-container porcelain tableware -
Cheese World Museum
Separator, dairy, A Melotte, June 9 1913
Melotte brand milk separator with red cast iron base and silver-coloured tin milk container and a separating can. A milk float sits in the top. The steel handle has a wooden grip.Melotte/ Supplied by T Robinson and Co Pty Ltd Spotswood Melbourneallansford, separators, dairying -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Domestic object - Razor
Razor metal with synthetic ornate handle. "Special Hollow Ground" "Specially made for A Harris & Co Melbourne" and "Joseph Allen and Son, Sheffield England" inscribed on razor. In box container. 3 piecesOn blade "Special Hollow Ground" "Non XLL Joseph Allen and Son" "Sheffield England Specially Made for A Harrison and Co Melbourne"flagstaff hill, warrnambool, shipwrecked-coast, flagstaff-hill, flagstaff-hill-maritime-museum, maritime-museum, shipwreck-coast, flagstaff-hill-maritime-village -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Buoyancy Box
Buoyancy Box enclosed wooden 7 sided container with many nails along joins. Painted white with canvas & hand stitched corners & copper nails 1000mmL x 290mmW x 160mmDflagstaff hill, warrnambool, shipwrecked-coast, flagstaff-hill, flagstaff-hill-maritime-museum, maritime-museum, shipwreck-coast, flagstaff-hill-maritime-village -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Container segment
When the ship Schomberg was launched in 1855, she was considered the most perfect clipper ship ever to be built. James Blaine’s Black Ball Line had commissioned her to be built for their fleet of passenger liners. At a cost of £43,103, the Aberdeen builders designed her to sail faster than the quick clippers designed by North American Donald McKay. She was a three masted wooden clipper ship, built with diagonal planking of British oat with layers of Scottish larch. This luxury vessel was designed to transport emigrants to Melbourne in superior comfort. She had ventilation ducts to provide air to the lower decks and a dining saloon, smoking room, library and bathrooms for the first class passengers. At the launch of Schomberg’s maiden voyage, her master Captain ‘Bully’ Forbes, drunkenly predicted that he would make the journey between Liverpool and Melbourne in 60 days. Schomberg departed Liverpool on 6 October 1855 with 430 passengers and 3000 tons cargo including iron rails and equipment intended the build the Geelong Railway and a bridge over the Yarra from Melbourne to Hawthorn. The winds were poor as Schomberg sailed across the equator, slowing her journey considerably. She was 78 days out of Liverpool when she ran aground on a sand-spit near Peterborough, Victoria, on 27 December; the sand spit and the currents were not marked on Forbes’s map. Overnight, the crew launched a lifeboat to find a safe place to land the ship’s passengers. The scouting party returned to Schomberg and advised Forbes that it was best to wait until morning because the rough seas could easily overturn the small lifeboats. The ship’s Chief Officer spotted SS Queen at dawn and signalled the steamer. The master of the SS Queen approached the stranded vessel and all of Schomberg’s passengers were able to disembark safely. The Black Ball Line’s Melbourne agent sent a steamer to retrieve the passengers’ baggage from the Schomberg. Other steamers helped unload her cargo until the weather changed and prevented the salvage teams from accessing the ship. Local merchants Manifold & Bostock bought the wreck and cargo, but did not attempt to salvage the cargo still on board the ship. They eventually sold it on to a Melbourne businessman and two seafarers. After two of the men drowned when they tried to reach Schomberg, salvage efforts were abandoned.32 In 1975, divers from Flagstaff Hill, including Peter Ronald, found an ornate communion set at the wreck. The set comprised a jug, two chalices, a plate and a lid. The lid did not fit any of the other objects and in 1978 a piece of the lid broke off, revealing a glint of gold. As museum staff carefully examined the lid and removed marine growth, they found a diamond ring, which is currently on display in the Great Circle Gallery.33 Flagstaff Hill also holds ship fittings and equipment, personal effects, a lithograph, tickets and photograph from the Schomberg. Most of the artefacts were salvaged from the wreck by Peter Ronald, former director of Flagstaff Hill. The Schomberg, which is on the Victorian Heritage Register (VHR S612), has great historical significance as a rare example of a large, fast clipper ship on the England to Australia run, carrying emigrants at the time of the Victorian gold rush. She represents the technical advances made to break sailing records between Europe and Australia. Flagstaff Hill’s collection of artefacts from the Schomberg is significant for its association with the shipwreck. The collection is primarily significant because of the relationship between the objects, as together they have a high potential to interpret the story of the Schomberg. It is archaeologically significant as the remains of an international passenger Ship. It is historically significant for representing aspects of Victoria’s shipping history and for its association with the shipwreck and the ship, which was designed to be fastest and most luxurious of its day Container segment, brass, only the base and small sections of the sides remain with a "fleurs-de-lis" design inscribed, heavily encrusted. Artefact Reg No S/58. Recovered from the wreck of the Schomberg. warrnambool, shipwrecked-coast, flagstaff-hill, flagstaff-hill-maritime-museum, maritime-museum, shipwreck-coast, flagstaff-hill-maritime-village, schomberg, shipwrecked-artefact, clipper ship, black ball line, 1855 shipwreck, aberdeen clipper ship, captain forbes, peterborough shipwreck, ss queen, container -
Clunes Museum
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Functional object - Pen Holder
Solid moulded glass container with small indents to rest a pen. Glass dish has a shallow recess to hold pins and paper clips. Base of dish has pattern of small squares moulded into it.domestic items, writing equipment, commerce, office equipment / stationery -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Domestic object - Beer Stein
Traditional German beer stein with pewter lid worked by lever on handle. Ceramic container with 'Froh beim das lieben wir' and 2 females and one male motifs raised from surface.'2025' on basedomestic items, crockery -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Domestic object - China Dish, Dish with Wellington depicted on lid, C1852
... containers ...White round china container. Lid depicts Wellington in uniform in the middle with a decorative edging. Edging includes inscriptions Born May 1769, Died Sept 14th 1852, 83 years, WellingtonAround edge - 'Born May 1769 - died Sept 14th 1852 - 83 years Wellington'domestic items, containers, civic mementoes, souvenirs -
Robin Boyd Foundation
Film, 1970
This film is a curated collection of iconic early Australian films. There are three sequences. The first sequence consists of a segment of 1908 boxing match between Jack Johnson and Tommy Burns at Sydney Stadium, 1906 Hawthorn street scenes, and a 1909 VFL Football final. The second sequence consists of 1896 Melbourne Cup, 1906 Sydney street scenes and Baldwin Spencer footage of Australian indigenous ceremonial dance. The third sequence consists of a bush ranger scene from "Robbery Under Arms" (1920), a great escape scene from "The Sentimental Bloke" (1919) and Sydney Harbour boat chase from "Let George Do It" (1938). These sequences are repeated several times. These would have been selected by Robin Boyd for screening at the Australian Pavilion at Expo 70 in Osaka, where Robin Boyd was Exhibitions Architect. 16mm black and white silent film inside a circular metal canister with lid. Duration-39:33 minutes. Head out - Loose archival wind placed in archival film storage container.expo 70, jack johnson, tommy burns, melbourne cup, spencer baldwin, early australian film, robin boyd -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Functional object - Needles for gramophone
Small plastic container from the Bendigo & Northern District Base Hospital. Originally it contained tablets. Now used to store spare needles for a gramophone. There are forty-five needles. Errol Bovaird Collectionmusic, gramophone, stylus -
Surrey Hills Historical Society Collection
Photograph, A Chinese Hawker
This photo was part of the Hill family's collection. Notes indicate that it was probably taken by Walter Hill, son of William Valentine Hill of 10 Pembroke Street, Surrey Hills. Walter Ormond Hill was born in 1887. No death record has been located. It is not known where the photo was taken. The donor was the nephew of Walter Hill.A black and white photograph of a man of Chinese appearance with two large containers and a stick connecting the two. The man is dressed in a three piece suit. The jacket appears to have Asian style toggle buttons on it.chinese, drapers, walter hill (mr), walter ormond hill (mr), william dempsey (mr) -
Beechworth RSL Sub-Branch
First Field Dressing, October 1942
Item is part of kit carried into active service by Cpl William Clark VX34546 in WWIIItem was part of first aid equipment that all soldier carried when on active war like duties in WWII. First Field Dressing unpacked from original container. Bandage in waterproof package with safety pin in waterproof wrapping attached by cotton thread.Red arrow diagonally across package indicating where to open. Printed on waterproof wrapping. FIRST FIELD DRESSING/ Tear apart the uncemented corner as indicated / by the arrow and remove the paper. / take the folded ends of the bandage in each / hand and keeping the bandage taut, apply the / gauze pad to the wound and fix the bandage. In the case of head wounds when respirators have / to be worn, care should be taken to adjust the pad / so that it does not interfere with the fit of the face / piece. / DO NOT HANDLE THE GAUZE OR WOUND/ Johnson & Johnson / Pty. Ltd Sydney/ October 1942 / a red arrow drawn diagonally over top of printed instructed pointing to where to open the bandage.On the reverse is hand written "Lent by Lance Flynn" bandage, guaze, waterproof paper -
Vision Australia
Equipment - Object, Braille hand frame and stylus with Braille maths slate and pegs
Braille hand frames and styluses were the primary way to produce Braille for over a century. The stylus was used to make a separate indentation for each dot, and the hand frame to keep dots within the same cell. Braille rows are produced from right to left. The process was very time consuming. Volunteer transcribers for the library could take an average of ½ hour to produce one page of Braille using this method. For example: “Oliver Twist” required approximately 600 sheets equating to 300 hours of work! Various metal hand frames accompanied by a metal stylus with wooden handle. Some include a wooden slate, which was used to make the system portable as a firm base was needed to sustain puncture pressure. The frame can also be slotted into both sides of the slate, thereby ensuring that the lines of Braille were straight across the page. Transcribing maths was an extremely complex task and a metal grid was utilised to reproduce graphs and diagrams.1 wooden hand frame with metal grid and metal and wooden stylus, 1 metal maths grid with metal pegs in metal container inside a brown suitcase and numerous sheets of Braille paperT.C. Coughlin 5 doz sausage rolls Wilmington Southend is written inside the lid of the suitcasebraille equipment, james murphy