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Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Film - Video Recording - Digital, Luke Savage, Broad Path: Melbourne High School and the Beginning of State Secondary Education, 24 Nov 2020
Digital video recording of PMHPS meeting held on 24 November 2020. Luke SAVAGE, Honorary School Archivist, Melbourne High School, talks about the origin of the school and state secondary education which both began in 1905 with the opening of the Melbourne Continuation School (renamed Melbourne High School (MHS) in 1912) it was the first of a number of High Schools across Victoria that opened academic secondary education to many Victorians for the first time. Located in the city and co-educational, the school split, with the boys moving to South Yarra and the girls after a peregrination to Albert Park as Mac.Robertson Girls’ High School. Luke also looks at connections between the school and Port Melbourne.luke savage, melbourne high school, education - secondary schools, mac.robertson girls high school -
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Film - Video Recording - Digital, Gems from the Collection, 23 Feb 2021
Digital video recording of PMHPS Monthly Meeting, 23 February 2021 at the auditorium, Port Melbourne Town Hall featuring members’ presentations of Gems from the Collection. Suzy MILBURN – Tennis and School Visits David RADCLIFFE – Port Melbourne Free Library John MAY and Janet BOLITHO – Jim SINCLAIR and a Japanese map of wartime Port Melbournesuzy milburn, david radcliffe, john may, janet bolitho, jim sinclair, war - world war ii, port melbourne free library, sport - tennis, education - primary schools -
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Film - Video Recording - Digital, Greg Ades, The Lagoon, 25 Oct 2022
Digital video recording of PMHPS meeting held on 25 October 2022. Greg ADES has been a practicing artist for over 40 years. For a number of years he was artist in residence at Port Melbourne Primary School. At one stage, with Artists in Schools funding, he created a large painting with the students of what they imagined Port Melbourne would look like today if the lagoon had been cared for and still existed today. The painting is used as an educational tool in teaching about Port Melbourne’s history.greg ades, natural environment - lagoon, sandridge lagoon, education - primary schools -
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Document (Item) - Collection of documents relating to the life of Norma Madeline Watters, 1930's - 1974
A collection of documents relating to the life of Norma Madeline WATTERS. These include 1935 & 1937 School certificates from Middle Park Central School; a cookery certificate from Mac Robertson Girl's High School; a certificate from the Victorian Baby Health Centres Association; a war savings certificate from The State Savings Bank of Victoria; a number of letters confirming her appointment to various clerical positions in the firms of Rootes, Austral Silk and Cotton Mills Pty Ltd, The Myer Emporium, W.E. Bassett & Associates, The Metropolitan Gas Company, Hardware Co. of Australia, Gill Glass and The Phosphate C-operative Company of Australia - primary schools, education - secondary schools, norma madeline watters, rootes/chrysler -
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Document (Item) - Biography of Norma Madeline Watters, Robyn WATTERS, 15 May 2021
A biography of the life of Norma Madeline WATTERS plus a transcript of the eulogy delivered at her funeral. Includes pictures of Norma as a schoolgirl, teenager & in her later years. Norma grew up in Port Melbourne in the 1930's and went on to work in various clerical positions in the firms of Rootes, Austral Silk and Cotton Mills Pty Ltd, The Myer Emporium, W.E. Bassett & Associates, The Metropolitan Gas Company, Hardware Co. of Australia, Gill Glass and The Phosphate Co-operative Company of Australia - secondary schools, norma madeline watters, rootes/chrysler -
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Clothing - Nott Street State School T Shirt, Arthur Reed Photos, c.1980
T shirt made for Nott Street State School.Navy blue short sleeved T shirt with Nott Street printed on fronteducation - primary schools, nott street state school -
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Clothing - Nott Street Windcheater, Arthur Reed Photos, c.1980
Size 16 windcheater made for Nott Street Primary School.Navy blue long sleeved windcheater with Nott Street Primary School Port Melbourne printed on fronteducation - primary schools, state school 1427 nott street -
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Booklet, Nott Street Primary School No 1427 Centenary 1874 - 1974, 1974
The booklet contains a short history of Nott Street Primary School as well as copies of historic photographs, a list of Head Teachers and pupil reminiscences from the 1920's & 30's. Pale green covered booklet with black & white photograph of Nott Street Primary - primary schools, nott street primary school, celebrations - centenaries -
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Plan, B A Carter, Land Plan Primary School 1427 Port Melb, c. 1975
The design for extensive planting and landscaping of Nott Street Primary School, Port MelbournePlan of Landscape design for Nott Street Primary School, Port - primary schools, nott street primary school -
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Document - Items relating to the 1991 Nott Street Primary School Concert, Dec 1991
The program has a list of items performed by each grade. The songs are titled 'Nott Street Work Song' and Nott Street Blues.Pale green covered program for the 1991 Nott Street Primary School Concert plus two songs about the school one on yellow card & one a foolscap - primary schools, nott street primary school, celebrations - concert, -
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Document - The Script and music for 'Alice's Dream', Dec 1993
"Alice's Dream' was directed by Ruth BURGESS and the musical accompaniment was played by Nola JONES.Script & music for the musical 'Alic's Dream' performed by students at Graham Street Primary School in 1993.Script highlights the musical - primary schools, graham street primary school, celebrations - concert, ruth burgess, nola jones -
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Document - Items relating to the Gould League of Birds at Nott Street Primary School, Allen KEAST, 1982
The book 'Australian Bird Songs includes a disc with recordings of bird songs. All schools joining The Gould League received a banner & newsletter.Nott Street Primary library copy of 'Australian Birds Songs', a Gould League of Birds newsletter and small yellow - primary schools, nott street primary school, the gould league of birds -
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Document - Nott Street Primary School, Port Melbourne paper with school letterhead, c.1970
Two versions of Nott Street Primary School - primary schools, nott street primary school -
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Education kit - Nott Street Primary School, Port Melbourne copies of material relating to teaching English as a 2nd language, c.1975
A special Migrant Education building was erected at Nott Street Primary School in the mid 1970's to cater for migrant children living in Port Melbourne. The collection includes Victorian Education Department publications as well as a book 'Learning English in Australia Teacher's Book Part 2" which were used by the donor at the school.Nott Street Primary School copies of material for teaching English as a second languageeducation - primary schools, nott street primary school, migrant education -
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Education kit - Nott Street Primary School, Port Melbourne educational documents, c.1975
Material includes works sheets and teacher information used at Nott Street Primary School in the mid 1970's.A selection of teaching and administrative material used at Nott Street Primary School in a green & white - primary schools, nott street primary school -
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Education kit - Nott Street Primary School, Port Melbourne educational booklets, c.1975
The ABC broadcast school programs and these booklets have the associated words and music. They were used at Nott Street Primary School in the mid 1970's.A selection of booklets produced to accompany ABC radio broadcasts of music for schools. education - primary schools, nott street primary school -
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Document - Memories growing up in Port Melbourne, Stan Littlepage, c.1999
The original letter was dictated to and typed up by Stan PAGE's daughter in which he describes growing up in Port Melbourne in the 1920's. Although he was a good reader, Stan found it hard to write as he had left school aged 12. The information was retyped & stored with the original document.Three page typed letter plus double sided typed copybuilt environment - domestic, domestic life, families -
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Photograph - Digital images of Port Melbourne children, c.1930
Eight digital images of Port Melbourne kindergarten & school children education - kindergartens, education - primary schools -
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Document - Grade 4, St Joseph's School, Port Melbourne, 1970, Arthur REED, 1970
Sister M JOSITA (later Sister Aileen) taught Grade 4 at St Joseph's School in 1970. Pupils Top Row L-R Dianne BURNS; Mandy WINCHCOMBE; Rosetta RASO; Theresa McBROOM; Anna CETRATO; Michael LEWIS; Nicholas HERMENCE; Shane MOON; Joseph GATT; Steven SHANKIE. 2nd top Row - L - R Brenda FERGUSON; Jenny SYKES; Sharon CUNNINGHAM; Anne DILLON; Rosa LOPEZ; Mark SMYTHE; Shane DOYLE; Raymond DALLI; George SPITERI; Unknown. Middle Row L - R Photo missing Rosetta SIMONETTA; Gail BROADHURST; Mary TURNER; Maureen CAREY; Michelle OATS; Marshall BELLINGHAM; Raymond HARRIS; Michael GOSS; Raymond PACE. 2nd Bottom Row L - R Ann-Marie RICHARDSON; Carol REILLY; Christina DEE; Lyn HERRON; Lisa KERR; Shane LESLIE; Robert NETTLETON; Stephen TWIGG; Chris McWILLIAM; Victor RADDICH. Bottom Row - L - R Frances KEENAN; Brenda ENGELLENER; Susan NICHOLSON; Terese ALLOURN; John COSTELLOCream folded card with 43 Photos of Class 4, St Joseph's School, Port Melbourne.Inside - St Joseph's, Port Melbourne, 4,1970, Sister M Josita. On front cover - Shane Moondianne burns, mandy winchcombe, rosetta raso, theresa mcbroom, anna cetrato, michael lewis, nicholas hermence, joseph gatt, steven shankie, brenda ferguson, jenny sykes, sharon cunningham, anne dillon, rosa lopez, mark smythe, shane doyle, raymond dalli, george spiteri, rosetta simonetta, gail broadhurst, mary turner, maureen carey, michelle oats, marshall bellingham, raymond harris, michael goss, raymond pace, ann-marie richardson, carol reilly, christina dee, lyn herron, lisa kerr, shane leslie, stephen twigg, chris mcwilliam, victor raddich, frances keenan, brenda engellener, susan nicholson, terese allourn, john costello, education - primary schools, st josephs catholic primary school -
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Certificate - Education Department of Victoria Merit Certificate, Education Department, Victoria, 23 Nov 1936
A certificate of Merit awarded to Richard LE BUSQUE for completing a satisfactory course of study. Pale yellow sheet with black printing & the handwriting in faded black ink. Number 289575 in top right corner.Richard Le BUSQUE, Elementary School's, Nott Street Port Melbourne 23rd November 1936. R.W Armitage M.Sceducation - primary schools, nott street state school, richard le busque, r.w armitage -
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Photograph - Digital copy of Grade 6 Graham Street State School c.1924, c.1924
Donor's mother, Norma ELDEN girl in the back on right hand side.Digital copy of photograph of class of Grade 6 at Graham Street School c.1924norma elden, education - primary schools, graham street state school -
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Photograph - Grade 111B Nott Street State School, 1935
The only identified student is Thelma SUCKLING standing 4th from the left in the top row.Sepia photograph of' four rows of children with the centre seated child holding a chalkboard with 'Nott St Grade 111B'.On reverse: Thelma Suckling 4th on left on top row.nott street state school, thelma suckling, grade 3 b -
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Photograph - Grade V11 Nott Street State School, 1939
The students were originally named by their initials with Thelma SUCKLING the only student able to be identified from a later added note. She is standing in the 3rd row the 3rd from the left. the teachers are named as A. R. COPPIN (Grade V11 teacher) and A.W. WORSDELL.B & W photograph of' five rows of children with a teacher on either side, Centre child holds a board with 'Nott St School 1427 Grade V11.On reverse: Seventh Grade 1939. Nott Str St School 1427 with pupils identified by initials & the teachers by name.nott street state school, thelma suckling, grade vii, a r coppin, a w worsdell -
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Photograph - Students Graham Street Primary School c.1922, c.1922
Norma PEET (ELDEN) 1st on left in middle row.B & w School Display photograph mounted on an envelope. Three rows of girls in tunics at Graham Street Primary School, Port Melbourne.Norma Elden 1st on left middle row.norma elden, norma peet, education - primary schools, graham street primary school -
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Photograph - Students Graham Street Primary School c.1918/19, c.1918/19
Norma PEET (ELDEN) 1st on left in the back row.Sepia photograph mounted on brown card. Three rows of Graham Street Primary School, Port Melbourne students standing with the front row seated. Graham St Primary School. Norma Elden 1st on left back row 1918-19?.norma elden, norma peet, education - primary schools, graham street primary school -
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Photograph - Students Graham Street Primary School c.1921/22, c.1921/22
Norma PEET (ELDEN) 4th from right bottom standing row. Classes were held in the Methodist Church, Graham Street, while Graham Street Primary School was being renovated.Sepia photograph mounted on brown card. Three rows of Graham Street Primary School, Port Melbourne students standing with the front row seated in front of Methodist Church.Norma Elden Peet, Graham St School held in Methodist Church while school being renovated. 4th from Right Bottom Row. 1921-2. norma elden, norma peet, education - primary schools, graham street primary school, religion - methodist church graham street -
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Photograph - Students Port Melbourne,c.1917, c.1918
Charles PEET was born in 1909 and Ida PEET in 1906. Photo may have been taken in front of Holy Trinity Church, Port Melbourne.Photograph mounted on grey card. Seven rows of students. front two rows seated.Charles Peet b1909 - 2nd Back Row, 2nd in from R. School at Holy Trinity Church of England Port Melbourne. Sister Ida b 1906 girl standing on own check dress 2nd one in LH side Row below Chas. education - primary schools, graham street primary school, religion - anglican (holy trinity), ida peet, charles peet -
Cornish College
Programme, Grand Opening 12 February 2012, February 2012
With much fanfare and anticipation the Grand Opening of Cornish College was held on Sunday the 12 February 2012. The hall was filled to capacity. It commenced with a Welcome by Rev Dr Robert Johnson, the Welcome to Country, National Anthem and Official Opening and Unveiling of the Plaque. This was then followed by a Musical Item, the dedication of College and Commissioning of the Leaders, a Visual Presentation and short speech by the Reverend David Pargeter. Next was a Musical Item and The Principal, Mr Kerry Bolger's Address. Then the Benediction. White brochure printed on both sides of glossy, heavy A4 paper, folded to A5 size. With a teal upper 10mm border and a black lower 10 mm border. 15mm below upper border is the Cornish College emblem, followed by Cornish College name cornish_college_inaugural_year, education, school -
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Photograph - Grades 3, 5, Nott Street School, 1960
Photo of grades 3- 5,1960, Nott Street Schooleducation - primary schools, nott street state school -
Port Melbourne Historical & Preservation Society
Photograph - Grade 2b, Nott Street School, 1959
Photo of grade 2b,1960, Nott Street School 1959education - primary schools, nott street state school