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matching australia - military life
Unions Ballarat
Strange Birds in Paradise : A West Papuan Story, Nicolai, Jamie, 2009
Blurb from the back: While the Indonesian army continues to dominate the indigenous inhabitants of West Papua, Hill-Smith records the fate of West Papuans trying to maintain village life against a backdrop of covert military violence. In the West Papuan highlands, Hill-Smith - an Australian writer, cartoonist and comedian - hears stories of escape, oppression and exile and listens to the defiant songs of murdered musician and independence hero Arnold Ap. Together with friends Donny Roem, a recent exile, and Jacob Rumbiak, a child soldier in the West Papuan resistance movement, Hill-Smith returns to Melbourne to record outlawed folk songs with renowned Australian rock musicologist David Bridie. An extraordinary story of an imaginative, adaptable culture confronting tyranny with the joyful power of art, music and self-expression.Relevant to the history of West Papua and the Indonesian military presence and violence. Use of music to draw attention to the issues faced by West Papua.DVDFront cover: Title, rating (M), picture of winged West Papuan Man with guitar, "Winner Best Doco SBS IF award 2010". Back cover: Precis of content, website for producer company, names of contributors, directors, editors, etc.btlc, ballarat trades and labour council, ballarat trades hall, west papua, indonesia, war, songs, animations, military violence -
Ambulance Victoria Museum
Vehicle, motor, ambulance, Chevrolet, 1942, 1942
This vehicle is a Chevrolet but was fitted out as an ambulance at Fisherman's Bend, near Melbourne, Victoria by General Motors Holden. It was used by the Royal Australian Air Force during the Second World War. Purchased by Metropolitan Ambulance Service in 1989 from a Military Museum. This vehicle appeared in the filming of the movie "The White Mouse" (the story of Nancy Wake, French Resistance worker in the second World War). It also appeared in the film "Blonde" (the life of Marilyn Monroe). Four-wheeled vehicle used as ambulance. Body painted grey and cream, chrome radiator and bumpers.Vehicle registration number 15170-Hchevrolet, general motors holden, fisherman's bend, ambulance, motor vehicle, raaf (royal australian air force), second world war -
Tramways/East Melbourne RSL Sub Branch - RSL Victoria Listing id: 27511
Book, Mark Weate et al, BILL NEWTON V.C.( The Short Life of a RAAF Hero), 1999
isbn:1-876439-78-5 -
Queenscliffe Maritime Museum
Anchor from Akuna - ex Komet, 1911
HMAS Una was a Royal Australian Navy sloop that began its life as the German motor launch Komet. The ship and her 57 crew was captured by an infantry detachment of the Australian Naval and Military Expeditionary Force led by John Paton on 9 October 1914, with no loss of life. Komet was then sailed to Sydney as a prize. During the time in which the Una was in service under Australia, the sloop was used as a Patrol and General Purpose Vessel. The sloop was used to patrol the areas of New Guinea, New Britain, New Hebrides and Malayan waters. In December 1918, Una was sent to Darwin to protect Administrator John Gilruth, following the Darwin Rebellion. She arrived on Christmas Eve anchoring beneath the Government House cliffs until HMAS Encounter arrived in early 1919. After World War I, Una was decommissioned and taken to Port Phillip Bay, renamed Akuna and used as a pilot vessel. She was finally broken up in Melbourne in 1955.Anchor from ex German Yacht KOMET built in Hamburg in 1911, captured in New Guinea 1914. Acquired by PPPS 1925 renamed UNA then AKUNA. In service 1925 - 1954 Made of Cast Ironanchor, komet, una, akuna, pilot vessel -
Queenscliffe Maritime Museum
Vehicle - Kayak, Commandos
The remarkable story when 74 soldiers fought in vain to save the lives of their mates off Portsea as 3 soldiers died. Tragically, Privates Roger Wood and Edward Meyer, and Warrant Officer George "Taffy" Drakopoulos, died. Please Note: "The Rip" is also known as "The Heads", which is a dangerous stretch of water connecting Port Phillip Bay and Bass Strait. This is the only entrance for all shipping into Port Phillip Bay and to and from the Port of Melbourne, Victoria, Australia.Kayak of a similar type as those used during the ill-fated army exercise with loss of life in the disaster, commandos, kayak, military history - army -
Queenscliffe Maritime Museum
Drawing - 'Komet'
HMAS Una was a Royal Australian Navy sloop that began its life as the German motor launch Komet. The ship, and her 57 crew, was captured by an infantry detachment of the Australian Naval and Military Expeditionary Force 9 October 1914, with no loss of life. Komet was then sailed to Sydney as a prize. During the time in which the Una was in service under Australia, the sloop was used as a Patrol and General Purpose Vessel. The sloop was used to patrol the areas of New Guinea, New Britain, New Hebrides and Malayan waters. After World War I, Una was decommissioned and taken to Port Phillip Bay, renamed Akuna and used as a pilot vessel. She was finally broken up in Melbourne in 1955.After World War I, HMAS Una was decommissioned and taken to Port Phillip Bay, renamed Akuna and used as a pilot vessel. She was finally broken up in Melbourne in 1955.A sclae drawing showing side view of the double screw passenger steam boat 'Komet' which was captuered by the RAN in WWI Doppelschrauben Passagierdampfer Aussen Haut [Double Screws, Passenger Steam Boat, Outside Hight]akuna, ppps, port phillip, hmas una, ran -
Arapiles Historical Society
Drawing - Portrait, framed, c. 1915
Friedrich William Kroschel (Fritz) was born 3rd March 1896(?) in Natimuk, Victoria. His parents were Friedrich August and Dorothea Martha Kroschel. After passing the medical examinations and the loyalty test applied to all German descendants, he went to Melbourne as Private F.W. Kroschel, Regimental No 6351. 1 Company 18th Re-enforcements, 23rd Battalion. 6th Infantry Brigade. He left Australia in November 1916 on a ship and went through Durban, Sth Africa. He was wounded during the battle of Ypres, Belgium and succumbed to his wounds (fractured skull) on the 25th September 1917. He is buried in Mont Huon Cemetery, near Le Treport, Seine-Maritime, France. On his grave is inscribed: "BE THOU FAITHFUL UNTO DEATH AND I WILL GIVE THEE A CROWN OF LIFE". The portrait was presumably completed from a photo taken in Mendelssohn photographic studio in Melbourne before he left for the war. His fiancé was named Dora. AHS has a significant collection of items from this soldier. He was a local man who lost his life in WW1. He died of his wounds in 2nd Can: Cas: Hospital, Le Treport and is buried in Mont Huon Cemetery, near Le Treport, France. There are a number of items of correspondence to Fred/Fritz from residents in Natimuk, now in the collection of AHS. Black and white portrait drawing of a young Australian soldier in military attire framed in black and golden wooden frame.'Mendelssohn' on picture and on back 'Kroschel?'frederick william kroschel 1896, natimuk, 1st world war, no 6351, wwi, first world war, great war, friedrich august kroschel, dorothea martha kroschel, loyalty test, german, victoria, horsham, wimmera -
Clayton RSL Sub Branch
hard cover non-fiction book, The Lost Diggers, 2012
The small French village of Vignacourt was always behind the front lines. For much of the First World War it was a staging point, casualty clearing station and recreation area for troops of all nationalities moving up to and then back from the battlefields on the Somme. Remember me: the lost diggers of Vignacourt tells the story of how one enterprising photographer took the opportunity of this passing traffic to establish a business taking portrait photographs. Captured on glass, printed into postcards and posted home, the photographs made by the Thuillier family enabled Australian soldiers to maintain a fragile link with loved ones in Australia. The Thuillier collection covers many of the significant aspects of Australian involvement on the Western Front, from military life to the friendships and bonds formed between the soldiers and civilians. The exhibition showcases a selection of the photographs as handmade traditional darkroom prints and draws on the Memorial's own collections to tell the story of these men in their own voicesapprox 4000 images were discovered in the attic of a barn Vignacourt, of soldiers and other life in WW1.An exciting story about the discovery of the plates of Vignacourt -
8th/13th Victorian Mounted Rifles Regimental Collection
Headwear - Slouch hat Robertson
This slouch hat was worn at the 75th Anniversary of Beersheba parade at the Australian War Memorial, 31 October 1992. VMR Squadron 4th/19th Prince of Wales’s Light Horse provided the Honour Guard under the command of Captain Kelvin Robertson. It was the first occasion on which slouch hats and plumes were worn by the regiment. In 1992, all Corps in the Australian Army were ordered to wear slouch hats. This was a reaction to the high incidence of skin cancer in soldiers. Berets were thought to offer inadequate sun protection. Slouch hats were not practical in AFVs. Not all crewmen had access to helmets, so berets continued to be worn in vehicles. Slouch hats were worn for parade ground and general barracks work. RAAC acknowledged its Light Horse ancestry by wearing the emu plumes. Life continued in this way till 2010 when the wearing of berets was banned. Special Forces were exempt because it was argued they had a special relationship with the beret. Armoured Corps was outraged. Their relationship with the ‘black hat’ went back nearly a century. Submissions and argument ensued until the current workable arrangement was reached where a CO can authorize the wearing of berets but recognising that the slouch hat is the formal Australian Army head dress. Slouch hat with emu plumes and silver Victorian Mounted Rifles badge over and red backing on turned up side.military, hat, plumes, vmr, robertson -
8th/13th Victorian Mounted Rifles Regimental Collection
Document - Invitation to a regimental dinner
The 8th/13th Victorian Mounted Rifles was raised as a regiment of the Royal Australian Armoured Corps on 1 May 1948 with Headquarters in Melbourne and squadrons in Sale, Benalla/Wangaratta and Albury. In 1955 Regimental Headquarters moved to Wangaratta and a second squadron was located at Albury. The Sale squadron transferred to 4th/19th Prince of Wales’s Light Horse. In 1977 8/13 VMR Regiment was reduced to an independent squadron A Squadron 8th/13th Victorian Mounted Rifles and in 1991 was linked with 4th/19th Prince of Wales’s Light Horse forming the VMR Squadron of that regiment.Representative of social life of an armoured regiment in regional Victoria.Single page printed document being invitation to a formal dinner to commemorate the linking of 8th 13th and 20th Light Horse Regiments for form the 8/13 Victorian Mounted Rifles on 1 May 1948.Colonel J Nealemilitary, 8/13 vmr, dinner, anniversary, linking -
Lilydale RSL Sub Branch
Book, Time-Life Books (Australia) Pty Ltd, Australians at War - Modern Military Towards 2000, 1989
Book non-fiction -
Lilydale RSL Sub Branch
Book, Time-Life Books, Australian Military Uniforms 1914-1973, 1970's
Book -
Beechworth RSL Sub-Branch
Card, Range, Revised November 1974
Range cards are used to estimate ranges between certain objects or positions. Military personnel use range cards as temporary maps to identify objects and ranges for fire control and other military operations. Corporal Bob Gladwin served in Vietnam, but this range card would have been used after the Australian withdrawal from Vietnam in 1973. Range cards were everyday objects used by soldiers throughout the 20th century. They represent the day to day life of military personnel in bases and in the field. Green plastic card, square with rounded edges. Has a series of white, concentric circles in the centre of the front, with white text explaining use. Owner's name marked on the rear.Front: Various markings and text. Rear: CPL Bob Gladwinrange card, army, australia -
Wodonga & District Historical Society Inc
Booklet - Haeusler Collection Prisoner of War Booklet c.1942, The Snelling Printing Works Pty. Ltd, "'Someday': In Aid of our Prisoners of War"
The Wodonga Historical Society Haeusler Collection provides invaluable insight into life in late nineteenth and early twentieth century north east Victoria. The collection comprises manuscripts, personal artefacts used by the Haeusler family on their farm in Wodonga, and a set of glass negatives which offer a unique visual snapshot of the domestic and social lives of the Haeusler family and local Wodonga community. The Haeusler family migrated from Prussia (Germany) to South Australia in the 1840s and 1850s, before purchasing 100 acres of Crown Land made available under the Victorian Lands Act 1862 (also known as ‘Duffy’s Land Act’) in 1866 in what is now Wodonga West. The Haeusler family were one of several German families to migrate from South Australia to Wodonga in the 1860s. This booklet is an anthology of poetry, sold to raise funds in aid of Australian and Allied prisoners of war. It was printed in Sydney in 1942, and has a foreword by Lady Gowrie, President of the Australian Red Cross Society. This item has well documented provenance and a known owner. It forms part of a significant and representative historical collection which reflects the local history of Wodonga, and the Australian experience of war. It contributes to our understanding of life in Wodonga during World War Two, as well as providing interpretative capacity for themes including local history, social history, and military history. A booklet of poetry printed to raise funds for Australian and allied prisoners of war during World War Two. ww2, world war two, war, red cross, prisoners of war, allied forces, allies -
Wodonga & District Historical Society Inc
Booklet - Haeusler Collection Christmas War songs c. 1914, The Petersen Printing Company PTY. LTD, "A Soldier's Greeting: A Happy Christmas"
The Wodonga Historical Society Haeusler Collection provides invaluable insight into life in late nineteenth and early twentieth century north east Victoria. The collection comprises manuscripts, personal artefacts used by the Haeusler family on their farm in Wodonga, and a set of glass negatives which offer a unique visual snapshot of the domestic and social lives of the Haeusler family and local Wodonga community. The Haeusler family migrated from Prussia (Germany) to South Australia in the 1840s and 1850s, before purchasing 100 acres of Crown Land made available under the Victorian Lands Act 1862 (also known as ‘Duffy’s Land Act’) in 1866 in what is now Wodonga West. The Haeusler family were one of several German families to migrate from South Australia to Wodonga in the 1860s. This item has well documented provenance and a known owner. It forms part of a significant and representative historical collection which reflects the local history of Wodonga. It contributes to our understanding of domestic and family life in early twentieth century Wodonga, as well as providing interpretative capacity for themes including local history, social history, and military history. A booklet of war songs printed during the Great War (c.1914) titled "A Soldier's Greeting: A Happy Christmas". The cover features an illustration of a soldier on a horse. He is blowing into a brass instrument. ww1, world war one, the great war, military history -
Wodonga & District Historical Society Inc
Functional object - RAEME Shield, c1978
RAEME Corps was first established in 1942 when the Ordnance Corps and the Service Corps were combined. The royal ascent was granted in 1948. The Royal Australian Electrical and Mechanical Engineers (RAEME) is a technical corps tasked with the maintenance of the Army's modern hardware and equipment. RAEME personnel are represented in most Army units. The Royal Australian Electrical and Mechanical Engineers corps motto is ‘Arte et Marte’, which is Latin for ‘With Skill and Fighting’. This item, was presented to the Council of the Rural City of Wodonga in 1978. RAEME has a strong connection with the city of Wodonga through its service and training facilities at the Bandiana base on the edge of Wodonga. A shield shaped plaque carved with the emblem of RAEME corps (The Royal Australian Electrical and Mechanical Engineers corps). The edge of the shield is decorated with carved leaves. An engraved metal plate has been attached to acknowledge the presentation of the plaque to the Council of the Rural City of Wodonga. The rearing horse and chain are symbolic of power under control and the lightning flash, of electrical engineering. The rearing horse also forms part of the crest of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers and, together with the lightning flash, is intended to mark the close relationship which exists between the electrical and mechanical engineers in both civil and military life. The globe is indicative of the impact of engineering on the world generally.Attached to rear of shield "Presented to/The Council of the Rural CIty of Wodonga/ by/ The Commanding Officer and Members of/RAEME Training Centre/ 21 October 1978"raeme, australian army -
Wodonga & District Historical Society Inc
Book - Maestro John Monash - Australia's Greatest Citizen General, Tim Fischer, November 2014
Who was the most innovative general of WW1? In this publication, Tim Fischer declares this to be John Monash, a man who according to Fischer, for all the recognition he received in his lifetime and after, was never given his proper due. It provides a synopsis of Sir John Monash's life and achievements. The book also included an argument to posthumously promote Sir John Monash to the rank of Field Marshal. The author, Timothy Andrew Fischer AC was an Australian politician and diplomat who served as leader of the National Party from 1990 to 1999. He was Deputy Prime Minister in the Howard Government from 1996 to 1999. Fischer was born in Lockhart, New South Wales. He served with the Australian Army in the Vietnam War. Tim Fischer was born on 3 May 1946 in Lockhart, NSW and died in Albury on 22 August 2019.A paperback volume of 268 pages, 16 unnumbered pages of photos, illustrations and maps. The covers feature photos of John Monash.Who was the most innovative general of WW1? In this publication, Tim Fischer declares this to be John Monash, a man who according to Fischer, for all the recognition he received in his lifetime and after, was never given his proper due. It provides a synopsis of Sir John Monash's life and achievements. The book also included an argument to posthumously promote Sir John Monash to the rank of Field Marshal. The author, Timothy Andrew Fischer AC was an Australian politician and diplomat who served as leader of the National Party from 1990 to 1999. He was Deputy Prime Minister in the Howard Government from 1996 to 1999. Fischer was born in Lockhart, New South Wales. He served with the Australian Army in the Vietnam War. Tim Fischer was born on 3 May 1946 in Lockhart, NSW and died in Albury on 22 August 2019.sir john monash, australia military history, world war 1 campaigns, tim fischer -
Melbourne Legacy
Book, From the Australian Front. Xmas 1917, 1917
A book of drawings and photos published about the trenches in Europe in 1917. Put together by the Australian Commonwealth Military Forces and published by a British publisher. Reproductions of official photographs and cartoons and sketches by members of the A.I.F. Photos show life in the trenches and the war zones, including Ypres, Hill 60, Hindenburg line, Bapaume, Menin Road, Zonnebeke and more. Plus conducting battle operations, Boche prisoners, ruined towns and churches, and the wounded awaiting transport. Most of the drawings are humorous. It is incomplete, the back cover is missing and the pages are only from Page 1 to 24 and 57 to 127. Information from the Australian War Memorial archives says it should have been 157 pages long. Was with other World War 1 memorabilia that has come from Private John Basil McLean, 2nd Reinforcements, 37th Battalion, A.I.F. J.B. McLean (Service No. 13824) was from near Maffra, Victoria and enlisted on 22 January 1916. He embarked on 16 December 1916 for Europe. His full war record is available from AWM. He spent time with the Australian Field Artillery (Pack Section). At the end of the war he worked for a year at the A.I.F. Headquarters in London before returning to Australia on the 'Ceramic', arriving Portsea in 1920.A record that photos from the trenches were published as a memento of Christmas in 1917, presumably for the troops.A book of black and white photos and drawings published for the troops in World War 1.Title page has 'JB McLean / Maffra' handwritten in blue war one, souvenir -
Melbourne Legacy
Document - Obituary, William Donovan Joynt, V.C
Joynt was the seventh member of the newly formed Legacy in 1923 and became a member of the Board of Management in 1924 and worked closely with Stan Savige. He was also instrumental in gaining the support of both General Sir John Monash and the R.S.L. to build the Shrine of Remembrance, as well as ensuring media backing and thus public support for the project. He worked tirelessly for Legacy for 38 years until he retired at the age of 84, and entered fully into comradeship activities throughout his involvement. He won his VC in 1917 at Chuignes during one of the last battles on the Somme. The Victoria Cross is the highest award for acts of bravery in wartime and was instituted in 1856 by Queen Victoria. See also Cat.Nos. 01303, 01350. This obituary adds further information about the life of L/- W.D. Joynt and includes a typed copy of an extract from 'They dared mightily' by Laurence Wigmore (Canberra: Australian War Memorial, 1963) pages 141, 142 & 143 which detail the action which won him the V.C.Provides more military information than in other obituaries of Joynt, as well as further information on his activities in the broader community.White A4 paper x 6 pages with black type.Box 16 L1.14 in black ballpen Confusingly it is dated 20/6/78, handwritten in black biro, although Joynt did not die until 1986.donovan joynt, obituary -
Melbourne Legacy
Photograph - Photo, Legatee Joynt at the Donovan Joynt VC Memorial Sportsman's Club
Legatee Donovan Joynt at the opening of the Puckapunyal Sportsman's club that was named after him. The notes, dated March 1983, could have been for a newspaper article. "IT'S A HELPING HAND... for one of Australia's most distinguished soldiers outside his own memorial at Puckapunyal. Sapper Mark Drummond of Seymour, a member of 21st Construction Squadron, which built the Memorial, holds an umbrella and commander 3rd Military District, Brigadier Geoff Cohen of Canterbury, wheels Lieutenant Colonel Donovan Joynt VC to lunch. Lt Col Joynt, 94, donated more than half the cost of the $130,000 Donovan Joynt VC Memorial Sportsman's Club in the background. The building had just been officially opened by the Chief of the General Staff, Lieutenant General Sir Phillip Bennett of Canberra." See also Cat Nos. 01303, 01349-51 and 01588 which is an album that contained lots of details about his life.Part of the collection of material held by Melbourne Legacy on Legatee Donovan Joynt, a prominent Australian and VC winner.Black and white photo of L/- Donovan Joynt in Puckapunyal with paper notes taped to the backBack of the photograph has grid lines ruled in blue biro together with annotations 'B/C Pic.3' and '55 x 56' Notes are annotated M1306 in blue biro.donovan joynt, memorial -
Melbourne Legacy
Document - Document, brochure, Parade. The Field Marshall Sir Thomas Blamey Memorial Fund Awards
A leaflet from a parade held to present the Field Marshall Sir Thomas Blamey memorial fund awards and the Citizen Military Forces Officer Training course prizes for 1967. The parade was held on 26 May 1968. It included a Blamey Memorial Fund Oration by Brigadier J D Rogers which is a summary of his life and service. Sir Thomas Blamey was patron of Legacy for some years. To perpetuate his memory and achievements The Field Marshal Sir Thomas Blamey Memorial Fund was established by a number of eminent persons in late 1954. The fund was to make periodic awards to members of the Australian Defence Force selected for outstanding qualities of leadership. The article was part of collection of items about bequests made to Legacy put together by a former archive committee. The number B10 stood for 'Bequests' and document number. A record of the presentation of the Thomas Blamey Memorial Fund awards in 1968. He had been a patron of Melbourne Legacy.Brochure from a parade to announce the winners of the awards presented in memory of Sir Thomas Blamey.Handwritten in red pen 'B10' which was a previous archive numbering system for B stood for Bequests with a document number.thomas blamey, patron, fund, cmf -
Melbourne Legacy
Album - Photo album, JB McLean, 1920
An album of photos from the ship that brought returned servicemen, including JB McLean, home from World War 1 in 1920. Photos include Suez Canal, Kantara military camp Egypt, onboard life boat drills, onboard baby competition, boxing and a visit to Bombay. The Ceramic departed Tillbury, UK 12th March and docked in Freemantle on 27th April 1920 and then went onto Adelaide, Melbourne and Sydney. The Ceramic was a transport vessel built in Belfast in 1913 for the White Star Line to transport frozen produce and apples from Australia to UK. It was taken over by the Australian Government for troop transport in October 1914 and could carry over 3,000 troops. This trip in 1920 there were 1467 on board, there were women and children as well as 439 soldiers returning home, one of whom was John 'Basil' McLean. Was with other World War 1 memorabilia that has come from Private John Basil McLean, 2nd Reinforcements, 37th Battalion, A.I.F. There was a large collection of postcards so he may have been collecting them as souvenirs. J.B. McLean (Service No. 13824) was from near Maffra, Victoria and enlisted on 22 January 1916. He embarked on 16 December 1916 for Europe. His full war record is available from AWM. He spent time with the Australian Field Artillery (Pack Section). At the end of the war he worked for a year at the A.I.F. Headquarters in London before returning to Australia on the 'Ceramic', arriving Portsea in 1920.A collection of items from John Basil McLean is in the archive. Kept as an indication of what founding legatees experienced in World War One.Black cardboard pages x 5 with photos glued to them, contained in black cardboard cover tied with a black string.Cover is printed with 'Photographs'. Photos have white ink handwritten captions.souvenir, world war one, jb mclean, ship, ceramic -
Melbourne Legacy
Article, Bulletin VALE Legatee Kenneth David Green
An article from the Melbourne Legacy Bulletin on the death of Legatee Ken Green (President of Melbourne Legacy in 1981). The Bulletin published articles on Legatees when they passed away. Legatee Green was born in 1917 and died in 1987. More details of his life are outlined in the articles. This is a copy of the address by Dean Thomas at the Memorial Service for Major-General Green at St Andrews Church Brighton. At 02005 is a second articles, 'A Tribute to Legatee Ken Green' written by Legacy. Legatee Ken Green served with the 15th Australian Field Company RAE 2nd AIF during World War 2. He continued with Citizen Military Forces after the war. He attained the rank of Major General with the 3rd Division between 1970-73. He joined Melbourne Legacy in 1959 on the nomination of Legatees Robert Myers and John Standish. The article was part of an album of past presidents from 1965 to 1989. The folder included biographical details and obituaries, eulogies and death notices of prominent Legatees. The items have been catalogued separately.A record of Legatee Ken Green a past president of Legacy. The information was collected to record the lives of prominent legatees in a folder.Typed copy of pages from the Legacy Bulletin on the death of Legatee Ken Green - President 1981Bulletin No 1209. 15.10.1987. Page No 16 and 17.past presidents, vale, ken green -
Melbourne Legacy
Article, Bulletin. A Tribute to Legatee Ken Green
An article from the Melbourne Legacy Bulletin on the death of Legatee Ken Green (President of Melbourne Legacy in 1981). The Bulletin published articles on Legatees when they passed away. Legatee Green was born in 1917 and died in 1987. More details of his life are outlined in the articles. Legatee Ken Green served with the 15th Australian Field Company RAE 2nd AIF during World War 2. He continued with Citizen Military Forces after the war. He attained the rank of Major General with the 3rd Division between 1970-73. He joined Melbourne Legacy in 1959 on the nomination of Legatees Robert Myers and John Standish. The article was part of an album of past presidents from 1965 to 1989. The folder included biographical details and obituaries, eulogies and death notices of prominent Legatees. The items have been catalogued separately.A record of Legatee Ken Green a past president of Legacy. The information was collected to record the lives of prominent legatees in a folder.Typed copy of pages from the Legacy Bulletin on the death of Legatee Ken Green - President 1981Bulletin No 1209. 15.10.1987. Page No 18 and 19.past presidents, vale, ken green -
Mrs Aeneas Gunn Memorial Library
Book, Australian War Memorial, Active service : with Australia in the Middle East, 1941
This is an illustrated notebook on the life of Australians in the Middle East theatre of war. Almost all of the contents are the works of men on active service. Reports are included on most of the actions in which Australian forces have so far taken part. It has been possible to include in these reports much detail which hitherto been available to the public. Similarly among the photographs, there are some which have already been published and many which now emerge from military and other official coerces for the first time. They have been selected primarily for their value as graphic records of fact. It is hoped that the result, in text and photography, may be a more intimate if still fragmentary understanding of the campaigns. The balance and perspective of true history canon yet be bought to bear on events.Ill, p.129.non-fictionThis is an illustrated notebook on the life of Australians in the Middle East theatre of war. Almost all of the contents are the works of men on active service. Reports are included on most of the actions in which Australian forces have so far taken part. It has been possible to include in these reports much detail which hitherto been available to the public. Similarly among the photographs, there are some which have already been published and many which now emerge from military and other official coerces for the first time. They have been selected primarily for their value as graphic records of fact. It is hoped that the result, in text and photography, may be a more intimate if still fragmentary understanding of the campaigns. The balance and perspective of true history canon yet be bought to bear on events. world war 1939-1945 - campaigns - middle east, world war 1939-1945 - australia -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Digital Photograph, Alan King, Stonygrad, 34 Hamilton Road, North Warrandyte, 30 January 2008
Vassilieff dynamited rock from his own property to build his house. Stonygrad is reminiscent of a grotto and in parts, of a sculpture. Covered under Heritage Overlay, Nillumbik Planning Scheme. Published: Nillumbik Now and Then / Marguerite Marshall 2008; photographs Alan King with Marguerite Marshall.; p135 Stonygrad, the home built by Expressionist painter and sculptor Danila Vassilieff, is reminiscent of a grotto and in parts, of a sculpture. Vassilieff, who amongst others influenced painter Sydney Nolan and Albert Tucker, was a member of the artists group the Angry Penguins. He was also a highly regarded art teacher at the nearby Koornong Experimental School and taught at Eltham High School. Art critic Robert Hughes described Vassilieff’s painting as ‘lyrical without social commentary’, and said Vassilieff was ‘the most oddly neglected artist in recent Australian History’. Vassilieff, who was born in 1897 in Russia, had an unusually adventurous life before he settled in Warrandyte. The 12th of 18 children, he lived on a farm in the Don Basin. Vassilieff trained with the Imperial Military Academy at St Petersburg and fought in World War One as an officer in the White Russian Army against the communists. In 1920 he was captured, then escaped from prison, stole a horse and rode bareback 150 miles to the Black Sea, helped at first by Tartar freebooters. He then travelled to India, Shanghai and arrived in Queensland as a refugee in 1923 where he began painting. He and his wife Anisia bought a sugar farm near Ingram, and later he constructed railway lines at Mataranka, in the Northern Territory.4 In 1929 Vassilieff went to Brazil for formal art training from former fellow-officer Dmitri Ismailovich, but he soon left to travel up the Amazon River. He then worked as a sidewalk artist in the West Indies and travelled for two years in England, France and Spain. In 1937 he arrived in Melbourne where he lived until his death in 1958. His first major Australian series was the Carlton streetscapes and from 1951 he sculpted in local hard limestone. Vassilieff rejected all dogma and regarded religious subjects as suitable only for decorative arts. In 1944 he helped defeat a communist attempt to take over the Contemporary Art Society. For a short time, from around 1955, Vassilieff taught at various Victorian schools. The Angry Penguins painted mainly between 1937 and 1947, and included Arthur Boyd, Albert Tucker, Sidney Nolan and Joy Hester. The group formed as they felt isolated from European thought and art (including Surrealism) from which their work was derived. They were also angry at what they considered to be the complacency and insularity of their society. They maintained Australians at first were scarcely aware of the threats of the Wall Street Crash and Hitler and were little interested in the Spanish Civil War. The Angry Penguins also objected to the White Australia Policy. Hughes said although most of the Melbourne Expressionists in the 1940s were unskilled and their work crude in style, they helped jolt Australian painting from its pastoral complacency. Their style influenced nearly every painting produced by significant figurative artists in Melbourne in the 1950s such as Charles Blackman. From 1939 Vassilieff built Stonygrad, mainly with local stone. The house stands at the end of a private road surrounded by trees with the quiet occasionally broken by the sounds of bellbirds. To build his house Vassilieff dynamited rock and cut trees from his own property. The original section of the three-level house is of irregular-shaped pieces of solid stone, exposed inside like the exterior. Vassilieff later built sections with timber and brick. Inside is rustic and cave-like, and several rooms are linked by arched openings with no doors. One undulating wall was carved out of rock from which two sculptured heads protrude. Several ceilings are of rough-hewn logs and the built-in table and bookcase are rough, as is a timber ladder leading to a bedroom. Not for the elderly or unsteady! Yet the general impression in the muted light is beautiful, with artistic originality.This collection of almost 130 photos about places and people within the Shire of Nillumbik, an urban and rural municipality in Melbourne's north, contributes to an understanding of the history of the Shire. Published in 2008 immediately prior to the Black Saturday bushfires of February 7, 2009, it documents sites that were impacted, and in some cases destroyed by the fires. It includes photographs taken especially for the publication, creating a unique time capsule representing the Shire in the early 21st century. It remains the most recent comprehenesive publication devoted to the Shire's history connecting local residents to the past. nillumbik now and then (marshall-king) collection, danila vassilieff, hamilton road, north warrandyte, stonygrad -
Wangaratta RSL Sub Branch
Mixed media - Framed Photo and Medals, Private J L Parker
Photograph and medals belonging to Private John Leonard PARKER VX56265 2/23 Battalion AIF Killed in Action on 24/11/1943 during WW2. Buried at Lae cemetery in New Guinea. The 2/23rd Infantry Battalion was raised at the Albury Showgrounds in New South Wales in August 1940, as part of the 26th Brigade. Initially the brigade belonged to the 7th Division but in early 1941 moved to the 9th Division. The battalion did its initial training in Albury before moving to Bonegilla, Victoria, before sailing for the Middle East in November. The 2/23rd left Alamein on 2 December and headed back to Gaza in Palestine, where it participated in the 9th Division parade on 22 December. The battalion left Palestine in the third week of January 1943 and reached Sydney at the end of February. Reorganised for jungle operations, on 4 September the 2/23rd participated in the division's amphibious landing at Red Beach, north west of Lae. Shortly before the landing occurred, the invasion fleet was attacked by six Japanese fighters and three bombers. Most of the Japanese bombs missed the Allied ships but one bomb hit the landing craft carrying the 2/23rd headquarters - killing the battalion commander and the ship's captain. The landing craft, however, made it to shore and the 2/23rd participated in the subsequent fighting around Lae, Finschhafen, and Sattelberg. After Sattelberg, the 2/23rd continued to move inland, capturing Masangkoo, Kuanko, and finally on 9 December, Wareo. Brown timber frame with dark blue background containing photograph of soldier, three round and three star shaped medals and document with coloured crest."This scroll commemorates Private J. L Parker Australian Military Forces held in honour as one who served King and Country in the world war of 1939-1945 and gave his life to save mankind from tyranny. May his sacrifice help to bring the peace and freedom for which he died."private john leonoard parker, 2/23rd battalion, ww2, new guinea -
Warrnambool and District Historical Society Inc.
Book, The Bystander's Fragments From France, c 1916
This publication is a humorous look at military life in World War 1.This is a book of 48 pages. It has a green cover with a sepia sketch and black printing on the front cover and an advertisement on the back cover. The pages contain comic sketches in black and white and sepia tones. The pages are bound with metal staples.fictionThis publication is a humorous look at military life in World War war one, the bystander fragments from france, warrnambool, world war 1 humour -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph - Digital Photograph, Marguerite Marshall, 'Worlingworth', 10-26 Banoon Road, Eltham, 30 January 2006
'Worlingworth', Eltham, home of noted anthropologist the late Professor Donald Thomson and his wife Dorita Thomson. Covered under Heritage Overlay, Nillumbik Planning Scheme. Published: Nillumbik Now and Then / Marguerite Marshall 2008; photographs Alan King with Marguerite Marshall.; p127 Dubbed as ‘Australia’s Lawrence of Arabia’ anthropologist Donald Thomson lived much of his life in Eltham, at Banoon Road. On his retirement as Professor of Anthropology in 1968, The University of Melbourne professorial board compared Thomson to Lawrence of Arabia because of his work for Aborigines and his controversial personality. Although Thomson is now recognised for his huge contribution, during his lifetime he suffered opposition and his life has been described as ‘tragic’.1 Thomson failed to gain the recognition as a scientist that he felt he deserved and he failed to alter government policy towards Aboriginal people. But towards the end of his life in 1970, anthropologists were moving towards the type of research he had done and the movement to grant land rights to Aborigines was strengthening. Thomson is best known for his anthropological fieldwork in Cape York, Arnhem Land and Central Australia, but he is also known for his scholarly contributions to ornithology and ecology. Thomson documented every aspect of the daily and ritual life of the Aboriginal world of Cape York and Arnhem Land in the 1930s and 1940s. The huge collection in Museum Victoria includes 11,000 photographs, 7500 items of material culture, 1000 botanical and zoological specimens and 4500 pages of field-notes.2 The film Ten Canoes used Thomson’s photographs as a source. Thomson bought the Eltham property known as Worlingworth in 1934. The single-storey 60-square house standing by the Yarra River was built in 1922-23. It is one of the last in Eltham to survive with its farm setting intact. It is also one of the few substantial residences built in the Eltham Shire from the late 19th century to the early 20th century, which signalled a major change in the area towards the residential municipality it is today.3 The original section, built in the mid 1860s, of rose pink hand-made bricks and stone quarried on the property, was incorporated in the new red-brick house built in 1922. An immense oak tree by the house grew from an acorn brought by Patrick Armstrong who first bought the land in March 14, 1862. Armstrong named Worlingworth after his forbears’ village in Suffolk, England. Worlingworth saw grand days when Commander Alan A Barlee (R.N.) bought it in 1922 after winning the Calcutta Sweep. The property then included a nine-hole golf course, a tennis court, a bowling green, a boathouse and a boat-ramp.4 For most of his career Thomson, who was born in 1901, was attached to The University of Melbourne. In 1935 he represented the Commonwealth Government at Caledon Bay in east Arnhem Land to investigate and mediate for four Aborigines accused of killing five Japanese and three Europeans. In 1938 Thomson was awarded a PhD in Anthropology at Cambridge University, and during his career, he received several medals from British Societies, who perhaps appreciated his work better than their Australian counterparts. From World War Two, Thomson suffered a string of hardships, beginning with severe wounding in Dutch New Guinea (for his military service in New Guinea he was awarded an OBE) and he was invalided from service in 1944. That year he was diagnosed with diabetes. A fire in 1946 destroyed what Thomson regarded as perhaps the best record he had made of Aboriginal life – the 20,000 feet, (6096m) of film he had shot in Arnhem Land. In 1954 he and wife, Gladys, divorced. The next year he married his technical assistant, Dorita McColl. Several times during his career Thomson had major disagreements. For instance Professor P Elkin constantly opposed his work. He also opposed Thomson when he campaigned vigorously in 1947 against the establishment of a rocket range at Woomera, South Australia, because of the threat it posed Aborigines. Thomson resigned in frustration from the Victorian Aborigines Welfare Board in 1967, after serving for ten years, because he found that his advice was disregarded. His ashes were scattered over Caledon Bay from the air.This collection of almost 130 photos about places and people within the Shire of Nillumbik, an urban and rural municipality in Melbourne's north, contributes to an understanding of the history of the Shire. Published in 2008 immediately prior to the Black Saturday bushfires of February 7, 2009, it documents sites that were impacted, and in some cases destroyed by the fires. It includes photographs taken especially for the publication, creating a unique time capsule representing the Shire in the early 21st century. It remains the most recent comprehenesive publication devoted to the Shire's history connecting local residents to the past. nillumbik now and then (marshall-king) collection, banoon road, donald thomson, dorita thomson, eltham, worlingworth -
National Vietnam Veterans Museum (NVVM)
Book, Sutton, Ross, Australian Wwards Vietnam 1962 - 1991
This book is a record of those Australian servicemen who were awarded British and Foreign awards for service in South Vietnamnon-fictionThis book is a record of those Australian servicemen who were awarded British and Foreign awards for service in South Vietnamroyal australian navy, royal australian army, royal australian air force, campaing service medal, 1 rar, 1 apc tp., 105 field battery, 161 fd battery rnza, 3 fd trp (rae), 1 aust log spt coy, 161 recce flight, army distinguished service order, armed force honour medal, air medal for valour, british empire medal, bronze star, civil actions medal, commander of the order of the bath, commander of the order of the british empire, conspicuous gallantry medal (flying), distinguished conduct medal, distinguished flying cross, distinguished service order, distinguished service cross, education and cultural service medal, ethnic monorities medal, gallantry cross, george medal, legion of merit, life saving medal, military cross, military medal, military merit medal, meritorious unit commendation, national defence medal with bronze star, national defence medal with silver star, national medal of merit (civil), the national order of the republic of vietnam, navy service medal, presidential unit citation, soldiers medal, silver star, social welfare medal, staff service medal, training service medal, united states air force outstanding unit award, united states navy meritorious unit commendation, united states navy unit commendation, victoria cross