Historical information

Joseph Anderson Panton lived through the entire reign of Queen Victoria and in over 60 years of being in Australia saw the country advance from the earliest gold-rush days through to the first decade of Federation. Arriving from Scotland intending to pursue a pastoral life in Victoria, the discovery of gold dramatically changed that direction for the 20 year-old student, fresh from a military Academy education.Not a bystander to the myriad of events of the era, he soon carved out a life of some significance in the administration of justice in the dramatic early days and maturing of Sandhurst (Bendigo), then advancing through by postings to country regional areas and finally become extremely well known as Melbourne's Police Magistrate for some 30 years until his retirement in 1907.

Physical description

Paperback; m25 x 20 x 1 cm; 268 pages; Contents, Preface; Introduction; No index
and PDF file 11.2MB
Available as electronic resource from National Library of Australia