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matching comradeship
Melbourne Legacy
Letter - Document, letters, 1978
A letter dated 25 September 1978, that Legatee Frank Doolan wrote to a Perth Legatee before the 1978 Conference in Geelong. In the letter he mentions that he is trying to ascertain details about the Agenda for the forthcoming Conference in Geelong in November 1978. In particular that a Pensions paper that is to be presented by Eddie Cohen, Chairman of the Melbourne Pensions Committee. Frank mentions that he is the sole survivor of the dinner held for the Geelong Club's inauguration. He says that they have lost 3 octagenarian Legatees in the past fortnight and this has prompted Frank to clear out some of his papers. He also mentions a carbon copy of a diary he had kept on a trip to Perth on the SS Kangaroo and how he appreciated Ivan's hospitality and comradeship on that visit. (see item 01132). The 1978 Geelong Conference had more than 550 Legatees registered at that stage and were planning to seat 600 at a Formal Dinner on the Saturday night. The Conference was to be opened by the Governor General on Thursday and close with a barbeque at the Military School at Queenscliff on the Sunday. Was with other memorabilia that has come from Frank Doolan from both is war service and his time with Legacy.The letter shows the type of correspondence used in the 1970s between Legatees and that strong friendships were maintained between Legatees from different regions of Australia.A letter x 2 pages, written by Frank Doolan to Ivan Davies, a Perth Legatee.Letter is handwritten. In top right corner '77' and '78' is in red type from the notebook it was taken from.conference, frank doolan, comradeship -
Uniting Church Archives - Synod of Victoria
Programme, MGC - MOK Reunion
The MGC - MOK reunion was held on May 1st 1993 and was "a time to chat - sharing thoughts" with Rev T Ugalde, Rev S Widdicombe, Kath Hindson, Barbara Harrison, Rev W Rolley, Rev M Fechner and Ken Rogers on organ and piano. The document contains the MGC hymn and MOK hymn and "Sing Alleluia 62"White bi-fold paper with black text and images of the Methodist Girls' Comradeship and Methodist Order of Knights on the front and inside. methodist girls' comardeship, methodist order of knights, rev t ugalde, rev s widdicombe, kath hindson, barbara harrison, rev w rolley, rev m fechner, ken rogers -
Uniting Church Archives - Synod of Victoria
Certificate - Award Certificate
As it the Branch is not specified it has been assumed that the Potato Race was awarded to Hampton's Senior Rays' group.Light blue card certificate with gold edging and blue badges and text. The badges are of the Methodist Girls' Comradeship, Methodist Order of Knights and the Methodist Girls' Comradeship Rays' Section badges at the top and is issued by the Province of Victoria and Tasmania. The certificate has the award winners completed. The winners names and positions are written on the back."HAMPTON" "POTATO RACE 13 years & under" "26.9.64" "Beverley J. Lowe STATE SUPERINTENDENT" On back: "Brenda Anderson (captain)" "Judy ? (last runner)" "Margaret Ackland (fourth runner)" " Marjorie Thompson (second runner)" "Joyce McAdams (first runner}"methodist girls' comradeship, methodist girls' comradeship rays' section, methodist order of knights, beverley j lowe state supt., brenda anderson, margaret ackland, marjorie thompson, joyce mcadam -
Uniting Church Archives - Synod of Victoria
Booklet - Handbook, Diamond Press, Rays' Handbook
Personal handbook for a girl joining the Methodist Girls' Comradeship Rays' Section. It contains the Rays' motto and Promise together with information on the branch and flower name; the meaning of the badge; the Rays' Law and hymn; officers and regalia and installation ceremonies.MGC060.1, MGC060.2 & MGC060.3 - Small 16 page booklet with a pale blue cover with blue text and Methodist Girls' Comradeship badge. non-fictionPersonal handbook for a girl joining the Methodist Girls' Comradeship Rays' Section. It contains the Rays' motto and Promise together with information on the branch and flower name; the meaning of the badge; the Rays' Law and hymn; officers and regalia and installation ceremonies. methodist girls' comardeship, methodist girls' comradeship rays' section -
Uniting Church Archives - Synod of Victoria
Ceremonial object - Tablecloth
Blue cotton square tablecloth with screen printed Methodist Girls' Comradeship Rays' Section emblem on a felt square in one corner. -
4th/19th Prince of Wales's Light Horse Regiment Unit History Room
Framed Photograph, Mena Camp -The 1st Australian Division, Australian Imperial Force - Egypt, 1914-15, abt 1915
On mobilisation, the Australian 4th Light Horse Regiment was originally destined to go to the Salisbury Plain UK for training. However the Australian troops were diverted to Egypt to defend the Suez Canal from a threat from Turkey. A camp was set up at Mena, near the Pyramids.Framed black & white photo of Mena Camp in wood frameMay your comradeship be as lasting as that still prevailing in our Regiment. With compliments from 4 ALH. -
Uniting Church Archives - Synod of Victoria
Booklet - Methodist Girls' Comradeship Junior Rays, Hymns & Choruses 1971, 1971
Contents: The laws of Comradeship; The Junior Ray's Law; Comradeship Hymn followed by the words of 58 hymns and choruses.Pink card covered booklet with blue text. The cover has an image of the Methodist Girls' Comradeship badge. The booklet has 26 pages.non-fictionContents: The laws of Comradeship; The Junior Ray's Law; Comradeship Hymn followed by the words of 58 hymns and choruses.methodist girls' comradeship junior rays, methodist church of australasia, wesley shepparton, m.e. thompson, shepparton rays -
Uniting Church Archives - Synod of Victoria
Letter - Methodist Girls' Comradeship
This is a letter from Joyce Edgcumbe, MGC State Superintendent and Chris J Reid, State Recorder asking members to distribute invitations to a 'get together'. Participants are asked to bring officers, ritual books, constitutions, regalia, notebook, pencil, hymnbook and second and third degree question sheets.Small piece of headed writing paper with typed message. The paper has the Methodist Girls' Comradeship badge and address printed in blue at the top.methodist girls' comradeship vic & tas, joyce edgcumbe, state superintendent, chris j reid, state recorder -
Uniting Church Archives - Synod of Victoria
Ceremonial object - Tablecloth
Blue cotton oblong table cloth with blue felt screen printed Methodist Girls' Comradeship Rays' section emblem in one corner.methodist girls' comradship rays section, albert street methodist church sebastopol ballarat -
Melbourne Legacy
Book, E. Hilmer Smith Esq, The History of the Legacy Club of Sydney, 1944
Red cloth bound copy of Hilmer Smith's account of Sydney Legacy published in 1944.non-fictionhistory, hilmer smith, sydney legacy -
Bendigo Military Museum
Clear port glass, engraved with Florence Nightingale lamp, Queens Crown and writing.1980 - 1990 Royal Australian Nursing Corps Assn - Pro Humanitate. Commemorating a decade of comradeship and service.souvenir, wine glass -
Uniting Church Archives - Synod of Victoria
Document - Printed letterhead, Rays' Vic Tonga
This is a sheet of Rays Vic Tonga writing paper.Single sheet of white writing paper with dark blue ink heading and the badges of the Methodist Girls' Comradeship Rays' section and the Uniting Church of Australia badges.methodist girls' comradeship rays' section, uniting church of australia -
Uniting Church Archives - Synod of Victoria
Pamphlet - What is the Methodist Girls' Comradeship?, Baskerville Printing & Publishing Co. Pty. Ltd
The pamphlet has information on both the Methodist Girls' Comrades and Rays. It explains the beginnings; the requirements for membership and gives the Promise of both the Comrades and the Rays; Comrades' certificates; badges and helpful publications. The cover has a drawing of two girls wearing Comrades and Rays sashes.Foolscap white gloss paper with blue and gold image on the front and blue text. The pamphlet is folded into four. The inside of the pamphlet has images of the Methodist Girls' Comradeship and Rays' badges. methodist girls' comradeship, methodist girls' comradeship rays' section -
Uniting Church Archives - Synod of Victoria
Programme - Methodist Order of Knights and Methodist Girls' Comradeship, Wellman Printing Co Pty Ltd, Combined Church Parade
The MOK and MGC combined church parade was held at Spring Road Uniting Church Malvern on Sunday 15 September 1996. The Preacher was Rev Kevin Green and the Minstrel was Ken Rogers. The welcome was given by Ray Hill and Joan WilliamsBlue bi-fold paper with black text. The front has images of the Methodist Girls' Comradeship and Methodist Order of Knights badges. It contains the order of service for their combined church parade.methodist girls' comardeship, methodist order of knights, spring road uniting church malvern, rev kevin green, ken rogers, ray hill, joan williams -
Melbourne Legacy
Drawing, Nostalgia Corner : Supplement to Melbourne Legacy Bulletin 24/7/79, 1979
A caricature drawing labelled 'Melbourne Good Samaritans - The Legacy Club', of the early Legatees with their names, roles and some characteristics. The artist was 'Wells' and it was reprinted in the Weekly bulletin in 1979. It was also printed in Blatchford's book in 1932 with the caption 'Some Club Leaders in 1928'. Many of these names appear through the archive but very few have photos, so this is one of the few examples of what some the early Legatees looked like. Some names and roles were: Capt C H Peters - President Capt. 'Dono' Joynt VC - Vice pres. AN Kemsley - The Live Wire WAM Blackett - Chairman Children's Committee CR Carleton - Board of Children's Committee Aaron Beattie - Gym sub committee RM Hall - Employment Col Tommy White - 'Half flight' KJ Mitchell - Distress problems Dr Mark Gardner 'Vin Rouge Ellingworth - Hon Secretary FW Higgins - Comradeship Hal Cohen - 1st Pres Dudley Tregent - The blind solicitor and war widows champion Cyril Smith - Recording sec, one of the Pillars FJ Doolan - Shrine of Remembrance / Eric Harding / AC Rudrum (Treas.) / A S Murray - Boys debating club It was in a folder of documents about the history of Legacy which appears to have been mostly compiled by Legatee Cyril Smith as he has many hand written notes on miscellaneous pieces of paper (some are envelopes addressed to him). The notes were typed up into a summary of the History of Legacy. Also documents relating to the first time Legacy approached the public for donations in September 1956, including newspaper articles that were reprinted, a schedule of information that was approved to be released to the press, and a list of potential donors that was circulated to Legatees in the hope they could contact the ones they knew personally or professionally. The documents from this folder have been added in separate records (see 01262 to 01281). The folder was part of an attempt to capture history of Legacy, generally from the 1950s.The documents provide an insight into the working of Legacy, especially in the 1950s. Legatee Cyril Smith and others were detailing their experiences and knowledge for the future. This reprint captured the spirit of the original Legatees and their roles and characters.A hand drawn picture of Legatees reprinted in the Weekly Bulletin.history, comradeship, founding legatees, cartoon -
Uniting Church Archives - Synod of Victoria
Uniform - Sash
This sash was worn by Edith Woolhouse who was State Superintendent of the Rays.Methodist Girls Comradeship Rays' blue, white and yellow sash with a rosette, a gold metal cross and a gold metal star. The three stripes are vertical. MGC037.2 is the same as MGC037 but has no badges. methodist girls comradeship rays, woolhouse edith -
Melbourne Legacy
Book, Dudley Coleman, Fathers Anonymous. Legacy in South Australia, Broken Hill, Northern Territory, 1970
Red hardcover book published by Legacy Club of Adelaide in 1970.non-fictionhistory, adelaide legacy, coleman -
Uniting Church Archives - Synod of Victoria
Equipment - Printing block, 1935 - 1966
The Rays' badge was was adopted by the General Grand Council in Melbourne in 1935 from a design submitted by South Australia.The shape of the badge represented the love with which every child of God is encircled. The ivy leaf was for friendship and the lines represented the good deeds which go out from each young life as rays of light to bring sunshine in others. This meaning was adopted in 1948. In 1966, General Grand Council in Sydney, decided to discontinue the use of the Rays' badge in favour of the one badge for the whole organisation. Wooden cube shaped block with a metal printer's die attached. The die is a replica of the Methodist Girls' Comradeship Rays' Section round badge emblem of an ivy leaf from which emanates the sun's rays. "R"methodist girls' comradeship rays' section, methodist church of australasia, printing -
Uniting Church Archives - Synod of Victoria
Uniform - Methodist Girls' Comradeship Rays Section, Chief Ray Sash
Sash was worn at all meetings except where the program made it in impractical.MGC004.1 Chief Ray gold Sash with gold fringed ends and blue appliqued ivy with gold stitched "C.R." 1st Degree circle, 2nd Degree star, 3rd Degree cross and crown gold metal symbols. This sash does not confirm to the standard outlined in the Methodist Girls' Comradeship Constitution. MGC004.2 Chief Ray gold Sash with gold fringed ends and "C.R." in satin stitch inside royal blue stem-stitched circle. This sash does not confirm to the standard outlined in the Methodist Girls' Comradeship Constitution MGC004.3 Chief Ray gold Sash with gold fringed ends and "C.R." in satin stitch inside royal blue stem-stitched circle. Satin. This sash does not confirm to the standard outlined in the Methodist Girls' Comradeship Constitutionmethodist girls' comradship rays section -
Melbourne Legacy
Photograph - Photo
Legatees enjoying a drink before a meeting or function. The date is unknown. 1. Pam Grierson; Legatee Lesley Scott; Legatee Larraine Shea 2. Legatee David Pym; Unknown; Legatee Geoff Webb 3. Legatee Ted Jamieson serving at the bar 4. Legatee ? and Legatee Rob Allison 5. Legatee ?A record of the comradeship of the Legatees.Colour photo x 5 of a gathering of Legatees.comradeship, legatee event -
Melbourne Legacy
Photograph - Photo, Legatees
Photos of a social gathering of Legatees in the garden of a house. Names and date unknown. Legatees supported each other by coming together for various events throughout the year. A record of the social benefits of Legatees.Colour photo x 6 of Legatees enjoying a social gathering.legatee event, comradeship -
Melbourne Legacy
Photograph, Legatee visit to Museum, c1989
Photos of a trip to an Aircraft Museum, including Legatees George Woodward and George Standish. With about 12 Legatees and some wives it is assumed to be a day trip to the museum. On the shape of the building it looks like the National Vietnam Veterans Museum on Philip Island, or perhaps the Australian National Aviation Museum, in Moorabbin. Also present were L/ John Sullivan, L/ Joe Morton and his wife Mary Morton. The captions included: "Legatee Joe Morton, joined by his wife, Mary. Legatee Morton gave his RAAF overcoat and jacket to the Museum." "The Catalina fan club was out in force Legatees George Woodward and George Standish." They were in a folio of photos from 1988 to 1990 (see also 01042 to 01049).A record of a Legatees on an outing together which shows their comradeship and desire to socialise together.Colour photo x 13 of Legatees visiting an aircraft museum.White paper labels with black type provided captions for the photos.legatee event, comradeship -
Melbourne Legacy
Photograph, Legatee event
The photo shows a Legatee Stan Savige and people at a dinner table. The venue, date and names are unknown.Legatee Stan Savige was the founder of Legacy and many things in the archive record his life.Black and white photo of people at a dinner, including Legatee Stan Savige.legatee event, comradeship -
Melbourne Legacy
Programme - Document, programme, The Leg Pulletin, 1930
A satirical amateur programme "issued to take the place of serviettes at the Annual General Meeting of the Melbourne Legacy Club" and dated 28 June 1930. Includes some freehand illustrations and is visually well designed; unfortunately the so-called humour falls flat these days, but it is clear that the early Legatees made the most of opportunities to have fun with each other.Illustrative of acceptable social interaction in the 1930s.Foolscap typed paper x 8 pages, black on yellowing white.legatee function, comradeship -
Melbourne Legacy
Document - Document, programme, The Gasper 1934
Another satirical programme, dated 15 December 1934, in the same vein as 01292 but with a different title. Many of the Legatees are mentioned by name in the 'humorous' verse, once again reinforcing their collegiality.Illustrative of acceptable social interaction in the 1930s.White foolscap paper x 6 pages with black type titled The Gasper in 1934.Pencilled initial top right hand side of front page (illegible).comradeship, legatee function -
Melbourne Legacy
Document, Recap of 1981, 1981
A poem written by 'L.F.J.' about the members of the 1981 Melbourne Legacy Board of Directors.Illustrates the camaraderie evident between Legatees.White paper with black type of a poem written about legatees.Corrections in blue biro.poem, comradeship -
Melbourne Legacy
Photograph, Legatee function
The photo shows a group of people at a dinner table, the menus on the table indicate an official event. Sir Stan Savige is on the far left. The venue, date and names are unknown - there appears to be a cricketer on the menu and may read ' A Toast to England'. The event may be in England due to the photographer's mark.Legatees supported each other by coming together for various events throughout the year. Black and white photo of a people at a function.Stamped with the studio mark for "A & E Bradbury, Photographers, 20 Lonsdale St, Stoke-on-Trent, Staffs." in purple ink.legatee event, comradeship -
Melbourne Legacy
Photograph, Legatee Hugh Caffrey, c.1993
Two photos of Legatee Hugh Caffrey in 1995. Event and reason for the photo is not known. It is believed that he was Hugh William Caffrey with Service number VX120388 who served in the second world war in the 2/12 Australian Infantry Battalion. Born in 1921 in Maffra. From his medals, he served in the Pacific in the Second World War, as he has (from left to right) the Pacific Star, the Defence Medal, the War Medal 1939-45, The Australia Service Medal 1939-45, and last is the 1977 EIIR Silver Jubilee medal. A record of a legatee towards the end of his life.Colour photo x 2 of Hugh Caffrey.Handwritten on one '3R95-22 / 15 August 1995' the other has 'Hugh Caffrey' in pencil.legatee, comradeship -
Melbourne Legacy
Document - Document, newsletter, The Furphy, 1935
A satirical newsletter (No.9 14.12.1935) for fellow Legatees. Much of the humour falls flat now, and would be considered politically incorrect. It is not known if other issues were published or in existence or how often the newsletter was published.Exemplifies the comradeship amongst Legatees in the early years.White foolscap paper with black type x 6 pages of a newsletter to Legatees.comradeship, newsletter -
Melbourne Legacy
Poster, The Ballarat Times
This poster was probably printed on a Legacy outing to Sovereign Hill, in Ballarat, Victoria, Australia. The poster is printed in good humour. Mr. Hugh Caffrey was a Legatee.Legacy organised many outings for legatees and their families, also widows and families of deceased ex service personnel.White paper poster with black print.comradeship, legatee