Showing 195 items
matching judaism
Bialik College
Book (item) - Photographs of musicals and Chavayah, 2013-2016, 2013-2016
Four photograph books: Bialik Rising Star 2013, Primary Musical ‘Go Noah’ 2012, Fiddler on the Roof 2013, Chavayah 2015-2016. Please contact [email protected] to request access to this record.visual and performing arts, 2010s, judaism, events -
Bialik College
Posters from the Bialik Exhibition for 75 years of learning
Posters that were created for the Bialik 75 Years of Learning Exhibition. Please contact [email protected] to request access to this record. Quotes from former students and teachers plus contextual details. students, judaism, exhibition materials, staff -
Bialik College
Plaque - Recognition of benefactors support. Sam and Minnie Smorgon Campus and the Shakespeare Grove Campus
Please contact [email protected] to request access to this record. Plaque recognising the benefactors support. Sam and Minnie Smorgon Campus and the Shakespeare Grove Campus In grateful recognition of our benefactors who support has helped provide buildings, classroom, at the Sam & Minnie Smorgon Campus and the Shakespeare Grove Campusdonors, bialik college, judaism, school -
Bialik College
Textile - Rabbi and children tapestry 1981
Created in 1981 Please contact [email protected] to request access to this record. A framed tapestry showing a rabbi and young boys studying.Label is indistinct, but states: from Mr & Mrs J ---- Tapestry by Mrs ---Eutzerstudying, judaism, bialik college, 1980s -
Bialik College
Plaque - Bialik College and Colegio Tarbut Buenos Aires 2003
The first exchange trip between Bialik College and Colegio Tarbut occurred in March 2001. This evidence is from another silver plated dish given at the time of exchange. The condition is good, being mildly tarnished. Please contact [email protected] to request access to this record. Electroplate, engraved. Circular, 18cm silver plated dish. Rim in twist pattern. Central base engraved with the words. The condition is good, being mildly tarnished. To Bialik College From Colegio Tarbut Buenos Aires-Argentina In Recognition March 2003. judaism, exchange, school, 2001 -
Bialik College
Document (Collection) - Meg Rynderman Collection Box 4, Meeting Minutes Council and Executive 1997-1998
judaism, bialik college, governance, 1990sjudaism, bialik college, governance, 1990s -
Bialik College
Book, 'With a Passion: a celebration of food Bialik style'
parents, food, judaism, 1990s -
Bialik College
Photograph (item) - Pesach Model Seder, 1976, 1976
Students and teachers celebrating Pesach/Passover with a Model Seder, 1976. The General Secretary of the Zionist Federation is the guest featured in I/00886.4. Please contact [email protected] to request access to this record.1970s, celebration, judaism, event -
Bialik College
Photograph (Item) - Students celebrating Purim, 1975, 1975
Students in costume for Purim at Shakespeare Grove, 1975. Please contact [email protected] to request access to this record.purim, shakespeare grove, 1970s, judaism -
Bialik College
Mixed media (Collection) - Little Shop of Horrors Production Album
Photographs inserted into the album, a loose packet of negatives and photographs, a poster from the productiontheatre production, musical, judaism, 2000stheatre production, musical, judaism, 2000s -
Bialik College
Album (Item) - "The Reunion", Bialik College, Theatre Production, 1997
1997 Bialik College presented the play "The Reunion" written by Elsia Grey and performed by years 4, 5, 6. Performed at Stonnington Theatre in Malvern on 29-30 October. The interior contains a crew list, a cast list, samples of tickets and a note as to the play's conception by the Director, Emma Fredman. Please contact [email protected] to request access to this record.1990s, bialik college, theatre production, judaism -
Bialik College
Album (Item) - "The Inspector General", Bialik College, Theatre Production, 1997
Photographs of "The Inspector General", performed 10 April 1997 at Stonnington Theatre Deakin University Toorak Campus, Malvern. Additional folder added to contain a loose sleeve of photographs of the production. Please contact [email protected] to request access to this record.1990s, theatre production, bialik college, judaism -
Bialik College
Photograph (Item) - "The Reading Zone", Bialik College, Theatre Production, 1997
Photographs of "The Reading Zone", presented by students in Years 2 & 3, 1997 on December 3-4. Venue was Phoenix Theatre at Deakin University in Burwood. The play was written by Elisa Gray. Please contact [email protected] to request access to this record.1990s, bialik college, judaism, theatre production -
Bialik College
Newspaper article, 'Bialik Appeal: Home Must Guide', The Jewish News, 1967, 1967
"Bialik Appeal: Home Must Guide", published in The Jewish News, 8 December 1967. Bialik College has a different conception of modern Judaism to that of other Jewish day schools in Melbourne. Mr. Joe Solvey, veteran Zionist leader and president of the College's 1967 Appeal, said that this difference has three parts. The college believes that religious observance should be dictated by the home rather than by the school. "We provide the knowledge but we do not believe in enforcement so as to provide a division between the home and the school". Israel is the central theme in the curriculum and Hebrew is taught as a living language to serve as the medium of communication between Israel and the Disapora..."fundraising, major donors, shakespeare grove, hebrew -
Bialik College
Album (Item) - "Mikado", Bialik College, Theatre Production 199
1999 school musical production at Bialik College. Held at St Martins Youth Centre, South Yarra. Show dates August 20-31, September 1-2. Please contact [email protected] to request access to this record.1990s, bialik college, musical, theatre production, judaism -
Bialik College
Photograph (Item) - Students in costume as part of Annie production 1996
Annie musical, 1996 at Bialik College. Photograph is the result of an offsite photograph session at a mansion with the students in costume. Please contact [email protected] for permissions. musical, judaism, theatre, 1990s, bialik college -
Bialik College
Film - Musical and Theatre Productions on VHS, 1997-1999
Musicals, house plays, theatre productions produced in association with Bialik College from 1997-1999. Includes recordings of West Side Story, Bye Bye Birdie, Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat. For access or permissions regarding these materials contact the archive [email protected] encased in paper or plastic cases, labelled with relative musical or theatrical production. Includes recordings of West Side Story, Bye Bye Birdie, Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat. For access or permissions regarding these materials contact the archive [email protected] and performing arts, theatre, bialik college, 1990s, judaism -
Bialik College
Album (Item) - Bialik Photograph album 1973-1979
Photographs showing Bialik College events from 1973 to 1979 when Mr S. Uni, Mr Goldsmith and Mr Meiri were Principals. Photographs show choir, Moshe Dayan's visit, sports days, fund-raising for a student at Ben-Gurion University, Purim, class photographs, Pesach, Pupil's Day, Wantirna, Bat Mitzvah, Speech Night, presentation for Israel Kipen Prize, Independence Day, Model Seder, assembly, recess, graduation night, musical concerts, and camp days. For access or permissions regarding these materials contact the archive [email protected], bialik college, school, sports, arts -
Bialik College
Photograph (item) - Chanukah performance, Shakespeare Grove, 1960s, 1960s
Students on stage dressed as Maccabees for a Chanukah performance, Shakespeare Grove, 1960s. Please contact [email protected] to request access to this record.judaism, celebration, visual and performing arts, drama, 1960s -
Bialik College
Photograph, Kindergarten students in costume, Shakespeare Grove, 1960s, 1960s
Kindergarten students in costume - possibly for Purim, Shakespeare Grove, 1960s. Students: Daniel Besen, Danny Gunn. Please contact [email protected] to request access to this record.elc, early learning centre, celebration, purim, judaism -
Bialik College
Newspaper Clipping, "The Remedy for National Jewry", 28 November 1969, 1969
"The Remedy for National Jewry", published in unknown newspaper, 28 November 1969. Newspaper Advertisement [published in Yiddish]: "Bialik College 1969. The remedy for national Jewry, Bialik, a secure school".shakespeare grove, hebrew school, judaism, zionist, community -
Bialik College
Photograph Digital, Kindergarten Shabbat, Carlton, 1946, 1946
Kindergarten Students in the garden, Drummond Street, Carlton, 1946. Students appear to be taking part in a Shabbat ceremony. Known students: Anne Lewin (sitting behind the table).drummond street carlton, kindergarten, hebrew school, judaism, elc -
Bialik College
Photograph, Kindergarten Shabbat, Carlton, 1946, 1946
Kindergarten students partaking in a Shabbat ceremony in the garden, Drummond Street, Carlton, 1946.drummond street carlton, kindergarten, hebrew school, judaism, elc -
Bialik College
Article (Item) - Articles in the Australian Jewish news, 1966 and 1967, 1966
Newspaper articles from the Australian Jewish News, 1966 and 1967. 'Symbols Help In Teaching - Bialik Head', 11 November 1966 and 'Purim Fun', The Australian Jewish News, 23 March 1967. Please contact [email protected] to request access to this recordshakespeare grove, kindergarten, judaism, elc, 1960s -
Bialik College
Newspaper article, 'Remarkable Progress - Due to Abraham Chowers', The Herald, 1966, 1966
Newspaper Article 1, 'Remarkable Progress - Due to Abraham Chowers', published in The Herald, 29 July 1966. Newspaper Article 2, 'Chowers Leaving', published in The Herald, 22 July 1966. Newspaper Article 3, 'Farewell to Mr. Abraham Chowers', published in The Herald, 1 July 1966. Newspaper Article 1: 'Jewish education in Australia today is still struggling, but thanks to educationalists like Mr. Abraham Chowers remarkable progress has been made. That Bialik College in particular had become a centre of Jewish learning, was mainly to the credit of its headmaster who, after three years in Melbourne, is now returning to Israel....' Please contact [email protected] to request access to this record.shakespeare grove, hebrew, judaism, principal, 1960s -
Bialik College
Exhibition Panel, 70th Anniversary: Sunday School to Day School, 2012
Panel from the exhibition held to celebrate the College's 70th anniversary in 2012. Documents: letter from Bialik committee regarding membership drive 1955, notes regarding Bialik Hebrew School and kindergarten 1958. Please contact [email protected] to request access to this record.zionist, judaism, founders, history, 2000s -
Bialik College
Certificate - WIZO Acknowledgement certificate 1987
I/101146 In 1982 Bialik College, for the third year running, supported WIZO and received a certificate from Mrs Marlis Cohen, as presented to the headmaster, Mr David Goldsmith. Source: WIZO August 1982. In 1983 Bialik students funded two scholarships for children attending WIZO schools in Israel. The immediate Past Presidnet of the Australian Fedeartion of WIZO, Mrs Ann Zabuld, and the Cie-President of the WIZO State Council of Victoria, Mrs Rose Kornan presented the two scholarship certificates to senior students of the school. Source: WIZO Review 1983 Please contact [email protected] to request access to this record. A framed certificate of acknowledgement, bestowing a perpetual scholarship.Women's International Zionist Organisation Greatfully Acknowledges A Perpetual Scholarship in memory of Joseph Solvey established by his friends through WIZO SHARON, 14th December 1987. Signed by the Presented of Australian WIZO Federation and President of World WIZO. Please contact [email protected] to request access to this record.judaism, zionism, certificate, joseph solvey, 1980s -
Bialik College
Mixed media - WIZO Medal 1982
Presented to Bialik from the Women’s International Zionist Organisation (WIZO); Israel's leading organisation for education and social services, promotes an equal society for all supported by a global network of Zionist women. Please contact [email protected] to request access to this record. An appreciation trophy to Bialik from Women’s International Zionist Organisation (WIZO). A resin puck, with a flat bottom, 9cm across and 2.5cm thick. Inside the clear resin is a medal. One side has the words WIZO, with an image signifying a mother and baby. The reverse has more text, likely Hebrew, with images of women and children working and being together, trees are a feature of these scenes.Please contact [email protected] to request access to this record. A small metal strip, glue worn off and sticky tape not adhering, has been engraved with the words: Presented to Bialik College In Appreciation March 1982 judaism, women, zionist, medal, 1980s -
Bialik College
Album (Item) - "Annie", Bialik College, Theatre Production, 1996
1996 musical production for Bialik College. Performed at the St Martins Youth Centre on September 1-5, 1996. Please contact [email protected] to request access to this record.1990s, musical, theatre production, bialik college, judaism -
Bialik College
Mixed media (Collection) - Prince of Egypt Theatre production music, soundtrack, and audio tracks
production, music, audio, bialik, judaismproduction, music, audio, bialik, judaism