Photographs and negatives from various Bialik School Activities from 1994 to 1999
Various. Date, people, location, event. 1994-1995 loose photographs of student events;1997, Ron Roston? QC at Ethics Presentation, Aborigines and Year 5, Model Seder (negatives only); 1997 packet 2 model Seder (negatives only); Feb 1997: Pinch family, 3 generations at Bialik (photographs) and instrumental music program orientation evening (negatives only); July 1997 Regio envelop Planning Meeting, Tapestry in Progress July 1997, Karen Morrison interview with S Meyer and D Kagn? (negatives only); October 1997 Years 4-6 Play rehearsals, Ethics program EMLC (negatives only); October 1997, packet 2, Year 6 debating, Years 4-6 play rehersal, Year 7 English (negatives only); April 1998 Building site 3 April 1998, French Breakfast, 3D with Year 12, Police Breathalyser Year 11, Healesville Sanctuary Excursion (negatives only), nd: Japanese exchange students, Alumni Rabbit visits school, Year 6 Business Studies Unit (negatives only); Term 1 1998 Publicity Music Department (photographs and negatives); Music Photos 1999 (photographs only)
football, music, exchange students, generations, alumni, seder, regio emelio, 1997 tapestry, ethics, english, performance art