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Kew Historical Society Inc
Journal, Kewriosity : July 1988
Can you keep our wheels turning [Meals on Wheels] / p1. Council elections / p1. Dates for July / p2. For the nimble fingered [Bicentennial tapestry] / p2. Traffic management update / p2. Commentary / Cr Jim Tutt p3. Ways to donate to Kew Library / p3. An apology [skateboarding] / p3. Notices p4. News from the Friends [of Kew Library] / p4. Community Recreation / p4. Child care for 3-5 year olds [Belford Oaks] / p4. [Kew] Philharmonic's second concert for the year / p4. Community education [MLC] / p4. Time capsule [Kew Bicentennial Committee] / p4. Pregnancy support [Caroline Chisholm Society] / p4. Senior Citizens at HKC ready to roll [Hawthorn-Kew-Camberwell Activities Centre] / p5. Community planting of urban forest [Stradbroke Park] / p5. May celebration for two old lions [Noel Lyell, Bert Stevens] / p5. Kew Community House / Judy Price p6. Do you know about EASE? / p6. Brush up your skills at Swinburne / p6. Integration through recreation for disabled / p7. 100th birthday for St Hilary's / p7. Footy News [Kew Football Club] / p8. Learn to ski or improve your skiing skills / p8. Keeping you informed [Kew Citizens’ Advice Bureau] / p8. More wins for Kew [Citizens'] Band players / p8. Good gardening / Bruce Schroder p8.Kewriosity was a local newsletter combining Kew Council and community news. It was published between November 1983 and June 1994, replacing an earlier Kewriosity [broad] Sheet (1979-84). In producing Kewriosity, Council aimed to provide a range of interesting and informative articles covering its deliberations and decision making, together with items of general interest and importance to the Kew community and information not generally available through daily media outlets.non-fictionCan you keep our wheels turning [Meals on Wheels] / p1. Council elections / p1. Dates for July / p2. For the nimble fingered [Bicentennial tapestry] / p2. Traffic management update / p2. Commentary / Cr Jim Tutt p3. Ways to donate to Kew Library / p3. An apology [skateboarding] / p3. Notices p4. News from the Friends [of Kew Library] / p4. Community Recreation / p4. Child care for 3-5 year olds [Belford Oaks] / p4. [Kew] Philharmonic's second concert for the year / p4. Community education [MLC] / p4. Time capsule [Kew Bicentennial Committee] / p4. Pregnancy support [Caroline Chisholm Society] / p4. Senior Citizens at HKC ready to roll [Hawthorn-Kew-Camberwell Activities Centre] / p5. Community planting of urban forest [Stradbroke Park] / p5. May celebration for two old lions [Noel Lyell, Bert Stevens] / p5. Kew Community House / Judy Price p6. Do you know about EASE? / p6. Brush up your skills at Swinburne / p6. Integration through recreation for disabled / p7. 100th birthday for St Hilary's / p7. Footy News [Kew Football Club] / p8. Learn to ski or improve your skiing skills / p8. Keeping you informed [Kew Citizens’ Advice Bureau] / p8. More wins for Kew [Citizens'] Band players / p8. Good gardening / Bruce Schroder p8.publications -- city of kew (vic.), kewriosity, council newsletters, community newsletters -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Journal, Kewriosity : February 1988
Govt Plans for Willsmere vital to Kew / p1. Kew Festival nears / p1. Rates due / p1. Dates for February / p2. [Kew] Garden Club award [John Pascoe Fawkner Bronze Medal] / p2. Back to basics [adult literacy] / p2. Commentary [St George's Hospital; Powerlines] / Cr Jim Tutt p3. An urban forest for Kew [Stradbroke Park, Australia's Bicentennial] / p3. [Community] Notices / p4. Kew friends [Friends of Kew Library] / p4. Play Scrabble? [Kew Scrabble Club] / p4. Traffic / p4. [Community Recreation Plan] / p4. Images of Kew [photographic competition] / p4. Nursing mothers / p5. Litter bugs beware / p5. Kew Community House / Judy Price p6. [Kew] Recreation Centre update / p6. Belford Oaks / p6. All get equal hearing at MLC / p7. 'Kew Living 1988' [Australia's Bicentennial] / p7. Footy fever's on again [Kew Football Club] / p8. Kew footy history [memorabilia] / p8. Boroondara Bushwalkers / p8. Citizens' Advice Bureau / p8.Kewriosity was a local newsletter combining Kew Council and community news. It was published between November 1983 and June 1994, replacing an earlier Kewriosity [broad] Sheet (1979-84). In producing Kewriosity, Council aimed to provide a range of interesting and informative articles covering its deliberations and decision making, together with items of general interest and importance to the Kew community and information not generally available through daily media outlets.non-fictionGovt Plans for Willsmere vital to Kew / p1. Kew Festival nears / p1. Rates due / p1. Dates for February / p2. [Kew] Garden Club award [John Pascoe Fawkner Bronze Medal] / p2. Back to basics [adult literacy] / p2. Commentary [St George's Hospital; Powerlines] / Cr Jim Tutt p3. An urban forest for Kew [Stradbroke Park, Australia's Bicentennial] / p3. [Community] Notices / p4. Kew friends [Friends of Kew Library] / p4. Play Scrabble? [Kew Scrabble Club] / p4. Traffic / p4. [Community Recreation Plan] / p4. Images of Kew [photographic competition] / p4. Nursing mothers / p5. Litter bugs beware / p5. Kew Community House / Judy Price p6. [Kew] Recreation Centre update / p6. Belford Oaks / p6. All get equal hearing at MLC / p7. 'Kew Living 1988' [Australia's Bicentennial] / p7. Footy fever's on again [Kew Football Club] / p8. Kew footy history [memorabilia] / p8. Boroondara Bushwalkers / p8. Citizens' Advice Bureau / p8. publications -- city of kew (vic.), kewriosity, council newsletters, community newsletters -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Journal, The Kewriosity Sheet Vol.1 No.1 : June 1979
What is THIS Kewriosity Sheet? Where did it come from? What's it for? / [Cr] Kaye Cole [Mayor of Kew] p1. What's doing in Kew during June / p1. Those vacant dates / p1. People wanted [Mount Royal Henry Pride Geriatric Centre] / p1. Pensioners' Association /p1. We need your news / p1. The birth of a village [Kew history] / H. Rolley p2. Limerick of the month / p2. Kew Chess Club -1979 Championships / p2. Kew Rovers start well [The Kew Rovers Football Club] / p2. The Copy Shop / p2. Area Playgroups / p2. Council News - Stradbroke Park Pavilion; Recreational Achievement of the Year Award; Kew Elder Citizens' Club / p2. Winter Sporting Activities Operating Throughout Kew / p2. Citizens' Advice Bureau / p2.The Kewriosity Sheet (1979-83) was first published in the City of Kew (Victoria) in June 1979 as a two-sided 'community newssheet'. It aimed to: 'share news about Kew happenings and Kew people, and to exchange ideas about living in Kew'. Later issues gradually evolved into a 4-page, quarto sized publication. The Kewriosity Sheet was superseded by the Kew Council publication 'Kewriosity' (1983-1994).non-fictionWhat is THIS Kewriosity Sheet? Where did it come from? What's it for? / [Cr] Kaye Cole [Mayor of Kew] p1. What's doing in Kew during June / p1. Those vacant dates / p1. People wanted [Mount Royal Henry Pride Geriatric Centre] / p1. Pensioners' Association /p1. We need your news / p1. The birth of a village [Kew history] / H. Rolley p2. Limerick of the month / p2. Kew Chess Club -1979 Championships / p2. Kew Rovers start well [The Kew Rovers Football Club] / p2. The Copy Shop / p2. Area Playgroups / p2. Council News - Stradbroke Park Pavilion; Recreational Achievement of the Year Award; Kew Elder Citizens' Club / p2. Winter Sporting Activities Operating Throughout Kew / p2. Citizens' Advice Bureau / publications --- kew (vic.), the kewriosity sheet, newsletters - kew (vic.) -
Freemasons Victoria - The Geelong Lodge of Unity and Prudence, 5 (801, 545)
Used to lay the foundation stone of the Geelong Hospital (Barwon Health) in 1850, and the Kitchener Memorial in 1924.Ceremonial Silver Trowel, with wooden handleUsed to lay the foundation stone of the Geelong Hospital in 1850, and in 1924freemason, freemasons victoria, freemasons geelong, geelong, barwon health, geelong hospital, george faircloth, earl of stradbroke, ceremonial trowel -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Document (item) - Invitation, City of Kew, Opening of the East Kew Baby Health Centre, 1925
The Municipality of Kew (1860-1863), the Borough of Kew (1863-1910), the Town of Kew (1910-1921) and the City of Kew (1921-1994) were local government instrumentalities in the State of Victoria. In 1994, the City of Kew was amalgamated, together with the former Cities of Camberwell and Hawthorn, into the new City of Boroondara (1994- ). Like other local government entities of the period, Kew was administered by town clerks. The two notable town clerks in Kew's history were H. H. (Henry Hirst) Harrison (1868-1955) and W. D. (William Dickie) Birrell (1899-1974). Harrison was appointed to the position in 1901 and retired in 1938 after 37 years. Birrell, appointed Acting Town Clerk in 1921, became Town Clerk in 1938, following Harrison's retirement. He continued in this role until his retirement in 1966.This card is part of an historically significant civic collection, containing hundreds of separate invitations, documents, greeting cards, programmes and tickets issued and/or collected by successive town clerks. Items in the collection illuminate the political, social and cultural history of the district. As a continuous record, ranging across most decades of the Twentieth Century, they reveal changing tastes in design, values and relationships in the history of local government in Victoria.CITY OF KEW / THE MAYOR AND COUNCILLORS / REQUEST THE PLEASURE OF THE COMPANY OF / Mrs FGA Barnard / AT TH EOPENING OF THE / EASK KEW BABY HEALTH CENTRE / civic invitations -- kew (vic), mrs fga barnard, east kew baby health centre, countess of stradbroke, social services -- kew (vic.) -
Expression Australia
Annual Report, 39th Report of the Adult Deaf and Dumb Society of Victoria 1923
The Adult Deaf and Dumb Society of Victoria, now known as Vicdeaf, (the Victorian Deaf Society), was founded in 1884 as the Victorian Society for Promoting the Spiritual and Temporal Welfare of the Adult Deaf and Dumb. The provisional committee being Mr W Bates, Mr J M Bruce, Mr J D Gowan, Mr Edwin Newbiggin, Mr C M Officer, M. L, A., and the Rev. W. Moss. The Adult Deaf and Dumb Mission's objects were: 1. To provide the means for religious worship and instruction for the adult deaf and dumb of Victoria 2. To visit the deaf and dumb in their homes, especially when sick or in distress 3. To assist the deaf and dumb of good character in obtaining suitable employment 4. To provide technical and other education for the adult and dumb 5. To give pecuniary assistance to adult deaf and dumb who are in needThe Annual Reports of the Adult Deaf and Dumb Society are historically significant providing insight into the history of the evolving Deaf Community in Victoria. They are a annual 'snapshot' of the year with references not only to the progress of the Society but also to the significant people and events within the Deaf Community.Green Cover, Size 21.5Hx13.5W, 44 pagesearl of stradbroke, dr j. f. mackeddie, e. r. peacock, j. dudley,m. l. miller, r. j. oehr, john higgins, dr w. j. craig, dr. heyer, harold w. bickford, george brown, e. r. frewin, j. m. johnston, r. h. luff, w. a. paterso, h. a. sinclair, george vial, ernest j. d. abraham, rose dow, e, empson ,mrs abraham, douglas abraham, a. mcellan, m. g. b. mortimer, a. sutherland, e. johnson, w. a. paterson, j. cariss, f. rees, n. amos, mrs w. pierce, mrs a. wilson, margaret gibson, lydia sanders, mrs gladman. mrs j. johnston, d. hickey, w. b. anderson, j. bladier, p. o'gorman, adam c. muir, s. moss, w. taylor, george brown, adult deaf and dumb societies of australia, amos, tyzzer, hull, newell, effie roads, mclaurin, dempsey, sellen, brown, pearce, blackburn, cricket , lacrosse -
Expression Australia
Annual Report, 42nd Report of the Adult Deaf and Dumb Society of Victoria 1926
The Adult Deaf and Dumb Society of Victoria, now known as Vicdeaf, (the Victorian Deaf Society), was founded in 1884 as the Victorian Society for Promoting the Spiritual and Temporal Welfare of the Adult Deaf and Dumb. The provisional committee being Mr W Bates, Mr J M Bruce, Mr J D Gowan, Mr Edwin Newbiggin, Mr C M Officer, M. L, A., and the Rev. W. Moss. The Adult Deaf and Dumb Mission's objects were: 1. To provide the means for religious worship and instruction for the adult deaf and dumb of Victoria 2. To visit the deaf and dumb in their homes, especially when sick or in distress 3. To assist the deaf and dumb of good character in obtaining suitable employment 4. To provide technical and other education for the adult and dumb 5. To give pecuniary assistance to adult deaf and dumb who are in needThe Annual Reports of the Adult Deaf and Dumb Society are historically significant providing insight into the history of the evolving Deaf Community in Victoria. They are a annual 'snapshot' of the year with references not only to the progress of the Society but also to the significant people and events within the Deaf Community.Gold Cover, Size 21.5Hx13.5W, 42 pagesearl of stradbroke, dr j. f. mackeddie, e. r. peacock, j. dudley,m. l. miller, r. j. oehr, o. r. macdonald, charles w. campbell, j. m. griffiths, mrs c. luke, henry masterton, mrs henry masterton, lady mcfacharn, e. r. peacock, h. sumner martin, g. g. mercy, mrs w. g. stephens, dr w. j. craig, dr. heyer, harold w. bickford, f. e. frewin, j. m. johnston, r. h. luff, w. a. paterson, s. l. massina, george vial, ernest j. d. abraham, rose dow, e, empson ,mrs abraham, douglas abraham, a. mcellan, m. g. b. mortimer, a. sutherland, e johnson, w. a. paterson, j. cariss, f. rees, n. amos, mrs w. pierce, mrs a. wilson, margaret gibson, lydia sanders, mrs gladman. mrs j. johnston, d. hickey, w. b. anderson, j. bladier, p. o'gorman, adam c. muir, s. moss, w. taylor, j. pierce, blackburn, jeanes, kemble, moore, peters, tyzzer, hunt, paul, johnston, noonan, -
Expression Australia
Annual Report, 40th Report of the Adult Deaf and Dumb Society of Victoria 1924
The Adult Deaf and Dumb Society of Victoria, now known as Vicdeaf, (the Victorian Deaf Society), was founded in 1884 as the Victorian Society for Promoting the Spiritual and Temporal Welfare of the Adult Deaf and Dumb. The provisional committee being Mr W Bates, Mr J M Bruce, Mr J D Gowan, Mr Edwin Newbiggin, Mr C M Officer, M. L, A., and the Rev. W. Moss. The Adult Deaf and Dumb Mission's objects were: 1. To provide the means for religious worship and instruction for the adult deaf and dumb of Victoria 2. To visit the deaf and dumb in their homes, especially when sick or in distress 3. To assist the deaf and dumb of good character in obtaining suitable employment 4. To provide technical and other education for the adult and dumb 5. To give pecuniary assistance to adult deaf and dumb who are in needThe Annual Reports of the Adult Deaf and Dumb Society are historically significant providing insight into the history of the evolving Deaf Community in Victoria. They are a annual 'snapshot' of the year with references not only to the progress of the Society but also to the significant people and events within the Deaf Community.Pink Cover, Size 21.5Hx13.5W, 36 pagesearl of stradbroke, dr j. f. mackeddie, e. r. peacock, j. dudley,m. l. miller, r. j. oehr, john higgins, dr w. j. craig, dr. heyer, harold w. bickford, george brown, e. r. frewin, j. m. johnston, r. h. luff, w. a. paterso, h. a. sinclair, george vial, ernest j. d. abraham, rose dow, e, empson ,mrs abraham, douglas abraham, a. mcellan, m. g. b. mortimer, a. sutherland, e johnson, w. a. paterson, j. cariss, f. rees, n. amos, mrs w. pierce, mrs a. wilson, margaret gibson, lydia sanders, mrs gladman. mrs j. johnston, d. hickey, w. b. anderson, j. bladier, p. o'gorman, adam c. muir, s. moss, w. taylor, blackburn, n. webb, g. damman, t. peters, e. jackson, f. johnson, e. crockford, j. leber, e. thompson, w. b. anderson, g. bates, s. jeanes, d. carr, mrs a. c. muir, mrs w. a. paterson, r. h. watson, mrs w. burge, d. nolan, g. woods, miss phillips, cricket, lacrosse -
Expression Australia
Annual Report, 41st Report of the Adult Deaf and Dumb Society of Victoria 1925
The Adult Deaf and Dumb Society of Victoria, now known as Vicdeaf, (the Victorian Deaf Society), was founded in 1884 as the Victorian Society for Promoting the Spiritual and Temporal Welfare of the Adult Deaf and Dumb. The provisional committee being Mr W Bates, Mr J M Bruce, Mr J D Gowan, Mr Edwin Newbiggin, Mr C M Officer, M. L, A., and the Rev. W. Moss. The Adult Deaf and Dumb Mission's objects were: 1. To provide the means for religious worship and instruction for the adult deaf and dumb of Victoria 2. To visit the deaf and dumb in their homes, especially when sick or in distress 3. To assist the deaf and dumb of good character in obtaining suitable employment 4. To provide technical and other education for the adult and dumb 5. To give pecuniary assistance to adult deaf and dumb who are in needThe Annual Reports of the Adult Deaf and Dumb Society are historically significant providing insight into the history of the evolving Deaf Community in Victoria. They are a annual 'snapshot' of the year with references not only to the progress of the Mission but also to the significant people and events within the Deaf Community.Green Cover, Size 21.5Hx13.5W, 40 pagesearl of stradbroke, dr j. f. mackeddie, e. r. peacock, j. dudley,m. l. miller, r. j. oehr, o. r. macdonald, charles w. campbell, j. m. griffiths, mrs c. luke, henry masterton, mrs henry masterton, lady mcfacharn, e. r. peacock, h. sumner martin, g. g. mercy, mrs w. g. stephens,,,h. , dr w. j. craig, dr. heyer, harold w. bickford, f. e. frewin, j. m. johnston, r. h. luff, w. a. paterson, s. l. massina, george vial, ernest j. d. abraham, rose dow, e, empson ,mrs abraham, douglas abraham, a. mcellan, m. g. b. mortimer, a. sutherland, e johnson, w. a. paterson, j. cariss, f. rees, n. amos, mrs w. pierce, mrs a. wilson, margaret gibson, lydia sanders, mrs gladman. mrs j. johnston, d. hickey, w. b. anderson, j. bladier, p. o'gorman, adam c. muir, s. moss, w. taylor, j. pierce, blackburn, amos, driscoll, hughes, bragg, peters, tyzzer, robertson, leber, kemble, honor, rees, muir, allison, cullis, brooks, hawkins, vivian, herlihy, elwin, ashby, thompson, pollock, smith, burke, yates,