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matching unit history
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Jim Connor, Main Road, Eltham, 14 Jan 2017
Eltham Gateway, Unit complex, 836 Main Road, Eltham at corner of York Street - site of the original old bakehouse and shopTomorrow's history documented todayeltham, jim connor collection, main road, eltham gateway, york street -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Jim Connor, Main Road, Eltham, 14 Jan 2017
Eltham Gateway, Unit complex at 72-74 Bridge Street, Eltham at corner of Main Road. Before reconstruction of Main Road, this intersection had deep cutting embankments on all four corners. Roadworks and private development have levelled the land on the low side of the road. The Eltham War Memorial was originally located on the north western corner.Tomorrow's history documented todayeltham, jim connor collection, main road, eltham gateway, bridge street -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Jim Connor, Main Road, Eltham, 14 Jan 2017
Eltham Gateway, Unit complex at 72-74 Bridge Street, Eltham at corner of Main RoadTomorrow's history documented todayeltham, jim connor collection, main road, eltham gateway, bridge street -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Jim Connor, Main Road, Eltham, 14 Jan 2017
Eltham Gateway, Unit complex at 72-74 Bridge Street, Eltham at corner of Main RoadTomorrow's history documented todayeltham, jim connor collection, main road, eltham gateway -
Waverley RSL Sub Branch
R.A.A.F. Long Service Medal
Awarded to Alan Bowers (A236814) who was a R.A.A.F. dental mechanic who serverd during WWII including service in Darwin, and then continued in the R.A.A.F. for some years after the end of WWII The Royal Australian Air Force (and all Commonwealth Air Forces) Long Service and Good Conduct Medal: Awarded to NCOs and ORs of the RAAF (RAF, RCAF etc) for 15 years service. A cupro-nickel plated medal, the obverse features the sovereign's head, the reverse features the crown and eagle emblem of the RAAF (and RAF). Officers are eligible for the award provided they have served a minimum 12 years in the ranks. The riband is dark blue and maroon with white edges. This medal ceased to be awarded in Australia in 1975 when it was replaced by the National Medal (and sbsequently the DFSM and DLSM) in the Australian system of honours and awards. History of the RAAF Dental Branch It took six years following the formation of the RAAF in 1921 for the first Dental Clinic to be established at Point Cook, Victoria. On 10th June 1927 Flying Officer James Carl Rosenbrock commenced work as an RAAF Dental Officer for the FlyingTraining School at Point Cook. As personnel numbers were still relatively small, Rosenbrock was also responsible for the dental care of all Victorian RAAF units, which involved treating members at 1AD Laverton, as well as Air Force Headquarters at Victoria Barracks in Melbourne. As Army Dental Officers were currently caring for RAAF personnel at Richmond, NSW, the Senior Dental Officer of the 3rd Military District in Victoria (SDO 3MD) requested through the military board that a similar arrangement be established, where that the newly appointed RAAF Dentist provide part time dental services to the Army units stationed at Queenscliff. This was seen as an effective reciprocal arrangement, with both units having a Dental Officer in attendance for, in total, around 3-4 weeks a year. Rosenbrock continued to serve as the sole RAAF Dental Officer until the middle of 1933, when the Air Board asked for his service to be terminated following ‘behaviour unbecoming of a RAAF officer'. He had borrowed several sums of money, of around 40 Pounds or so, from junior ranks on base (as well as from the Regimental Sergeant Major) and had failed to pay the money back. He was replaced by a fellow Victorian, FLGOFF Norman Henry Andrews, on the 18th Sep 1933, who went on to become our first Director of Dental Services, and was instrumental in establishing the organisations and conditions of the Branch that are still present today. Through a fair amount of persistence and hard work on the part of Norman Andrews, the RAAF Dental Branch began to expand from 1937, with the introduction of 2 additional positions, at RAAF station Richmond, and at the FlyingTraining School at Point Cook. This gave the RAAF 3 uniformed Dental Officers, which was expanded to 5 in the months leading up to WW2. 4 of these Dental Officers were based in Victoria and 1 at Richmond, with the other two RAAF units being cared for by the Army (as in the case of Pearce in WA) or by civilians (as in Darwin). With the sudden increase in RAAF personnel required at the outbreak of WW2, the number of RAAF Dental Officers increased dramatically, from 5 in 1939, 28 in 1940, 64 in 1941, 147 in 1942, 193 in 1943, 219 in 1944, and peaking at 227 in 1945. RAAF Dental Officers were required to work in a variety of locations, both in and out of Australia. Between 1940 and 1942 a massive construction programme occurred, with new dental clinics being established around Australia. Priority was given to aircrew training units in order to get these personnel dentally fit for operational deployment, but Dental Officers could equally find themselves posted to recruit depots, fixed stations, medical clearance stations, mobile dental sections, and RAAF and civilian hospitals. RAAF Dental Officers were posted to the large dental centres at Ascot Vale (Vic) and Bradfield Park (NSW) when first appointed, where they received military and clinical training, before being deployed to their needed location. Mobile Dental Units When Japan entered the war in 1941, the rapid deployment of troops to northern operational areas with less than ideal dental fitness was extremely high. As a result, the RAAF deployed a range of mobile dental units, either alone or with medical sections, to support the increasing number of isolated deployed personnel within Australia and overseas. There were three types of mobile unit used: a. Mobile Dental Unit – relied on using either a semi-trailer to get around or by building a surgery directly on to the truck chassis, and installing hydraulic chairs, units, x-rays, and laboratory equipment. They were able to move around between small units, such as RAAF radar stations, where they could plug into the local power supply and work immediately. b. Transportable Dental Units – used for stops of longer duration, where field equipment was carried in panniers from one unit to another by road or rail and housed in whatever accommodation was available at the destination. They were often carried within Australia on Tiger Moths and Dakota aircraft. c. Itinerant Dental Units – in some areas, the dental equipment was installed at the RAAF unit and the Dental Officer and their staff would travel from unit to unit, using the equipment available at each location. RAAF Dental BadgeAs the war developed in Europe, it soon became obvious that the RAF Dental support was not capable of supporting the increasing numbers of RAAF aircrew that were being sent for service with the RAF, with only enough Dental Officers available to provide one to every 2000 men ( instead of the preferred 1 to 600). As a result, the RAAF provided a mobile dental unit, fitted out in a caravan and pulled by a Ford V8 Coupe, to travel around England in support of RAAF personnel at various squadrons. Some degree of tact was needed to ensure that the RAF did not take this as a comment on the treatment they were providing, but it proved successful in maintaining a satisfactory state of dental fitness in RAAF personnel, and a second mobile unit was soon dispatched. They were also set up with a laboratory on board as well as the surgery, which was a major difference between the RAF and RAAF, as the RAF did not provide dentures for their troops (the RAAF would, providing they had served for 6 years). In 1943 the RAF was no longer able to provide Dental support to Australian troops in the Middle East, which resulted in the need for a transportable dental unit to be deployed from Australia. It functioned in a similar manner to the RAF, by moving from one squadron to another. It served in the Middle East and Africa, from Cairo across North Africa, to Italy, and eventually back to England to treat returned prisoners of war. GPCAPT Norman Andrews The growth and development of the RAAF Dental Branch owes a debt to one man in particular, GPCAPT Norman Andrews. As the second RAAF Dental Officer to enlist on 18 Sep 1933, Andrews became the principal architect of the structure and organisation of the RAAF Dental Branch leading up to and during WW2. Until early 1940, the RAAF Dental Branch was administered by the Director of Medical Services (Air), which placed it under the control of the Army Medical staff. The Army would provide their Inspector of Dental Services for advice whenever needed. In April 1940, the RAAF Medical service separated from the Army, resulting in the control of the RAAF Dental Branch shifting back to the RAAF. Andrews became the first Director of Dental Services, when the position was created in 1943 as recognition of the higher profile the Dental Branch was now playing in the RAAF Medical service. Until this time, Andrews's title had been as the Dental Staff Officer to the RAAF Medical Service. Andrews was responsible for the establishment of the war-time structure of the Dental service, establishing new dental centres at all major bases, creating mobile and transportable dental units, ensuring the continual growth of the Branch, maintaining professional development of staff through the establishment of a professional journal, and by organising renowned lecturers to speak at RAAF bases. He also believed in visiting as many dental units as possible to see for himself what conditions were like and to talk first-hand to staff in remote units. His itinerary during the war years, both in and out of Australia, shows a large number of trips in a variety of modes of transport in order to reach remote areas where units were serving. He was promoted to GPCAPT in July 1944, as the numbers of Dental Officers soon peaked at 227 towards the end of the war (1 GPCAPT, 9 WGCDRs, 60 SQNLDRs, and 157 FLTLTs). After the war, with the reduction in RAAF personnel required in uniform, the Dental Branch also reduced its numbers significantly. By 1947 there were only 18 Dental Officers serving (many part-time), with 1 GPCAPT, 1 WGCDR, 10 SQNLDRs, and 6 FLTLTs, and only 13 by 1950. With the decrease in Branch personnel numbers, the ‘powers to be' saw fit to reduce the Director of Dental Service rank to WGCDR, and as a result Norman Andrews found that in order to continue serving in the RAAF he would have to wear a reduced rank. This appears to have been a contributing factor in his decision to discharge at the relatively early age of 43 and accept an administrative job as Director of the Victorian Government's School Dental Service. Norman Andrews holds the proud honour of being the founder of the RAAF Dental Branch, which during the war was instrumental in educating servicemen of the importance of dental health and maintaining the dental fitness of troops in a variety of areas. Dental Orderlies (Assistants) The dental orderly mustering was first introduced in 1937. Until that time, medical orderlies were assigned to assist the Dental officer with their duties. As early as 1931 it had been noted by both RAAF and Army Dental Officers working in Victoria and Richmond that a lot of the troubles they were having would be solved by appointing a permanent Dental Orderly. Often they would find that the medical orderly they were assigned was a different one each day, and as a result the administration and work in general was very inefficient. By 1937, with the increase in Dental Officers to 3, it was realised that a Dental Orderly mustering needed to be created. Dental Mechanics/Technicians Before WW2, dental laboratory work was provided by civilian laboratories, as most RAAF units were stationed around metropolitan areas. At this time, service personnel were still required to pay for their own dentures, unless they had served for six years or had their dentures damaged during performance of their duties. In July 1940, mainly in response to the development of more remote RAAF dental units and the increasing demand for dental prostheses, the Dental Mechanic mustering was established. Unfortunately there was a very limited pool of civilian dental mechanics to recruit from, and as a result the RAAF set up a training school at Laverton (which was later moved to Ascot Vale) in June 1941 which conducted an intensive 6 month course in Dental mechanics. Dental mechanics were quickly in demand. In all fixed and mobile dental units at least 1 Mechanic was supplied for each Dental Officer, and indeed the RAAF supplied Dental Mechanics throughout all its deployments, something the RAF were unwilling, or unable, to do. Two grades of dental mechanic existed: the Senior Mechanic (with the rank of NCO), who was competent in all phases of laboratory work; and the Junior Mechanic, who could only handle routine work and not more advanced denture work. The progression to Senior required a further trade test in techniques including setting up, clasp-forming, casting and backing teeth. During the course of the War, two special courses were held for Mechanics. The first, directed at senior mechanics so that they could instruct others, was in 1942 when Acrylic Resin was first introduced as a denture base material, as an alternative to the current option of vulcanite. Later, towards the end of the War, a ‘refresher' course was provided for those that had served for the greatest period of time in order to allow them retraining in techniques that they had not practised during their service and which were common in civilian life. This included cast base dentures, crowns and bridges, partial dentures, and retainers. Towards the end of the War, a course was held with WAAAF trainees to train them as Mechanics. However, as the War was soon to end they never had the opportunity to progress within the mustering to become Senior Mechanics. The RAAF Dental Branch has survived 75 years of turbulence, with reviews of its viability occurring regularly every few years from as early as 1937. The Branch continues to provide excellent service to the ADF community and, despite reduced manpower, will continue to play an important role in Air Force Health operations. cupro-nickel plated medal, the obverse features the sovereign's head, the reverse features the crown and eagle emblem of the RAAF (and RAF). A23814 BOWERS.A. A. F.r.a.a.f long service medal, r.a.a.f good conduct, r.a.a.f. dental service medal -
Lara RSL Sub Branch
Uniform - Russian paratrooper red beret
The Soviet Union was one of the first countries to realize the unique potential of parachute forces. As early as 1927 there were reports of parachute troops being used against bandits in Central Asia. Within the next two to three years Leonid G. Minov began to organize the first military parachute units. He traveled to the United States to study parachute strategy and techniques employed in air rescue missions. He returned to his country with a supply of American-made Irvin parachutes. In April 1930, Soviet industry produced its first run of domestic parachutes, not surprisingly patterned on the Irvin style.Red felted wool beret withblack leather hat trimfabric informatiion labelt i.e. dry cleanrussian front 1918-1919, russian paratroopers history of russian paratroopers, history of change in aircraft to cater for paratroopers -
Nhill Aviation Heritage Centre
Book, K. O'Reilly, In Just Five Years - 1941 to 1946, Published 2009
Hardback,history of the RAAF & Nhill in World War II 1941 - 1946, written by Kevin O'Reilly. Front coloured white & blue, photo of Avro Anson Mk1 on front, with emblems of RAAF and Shire of Lowan. Reverse in simlilar colours, with cartoons and 8 small photos. Preface by Chris G Spence AO, Air Vice Marshal (Retd).history world war ii, raaf base nhill, 1941 1946, kevin o reilly, john clarkson, peter isaccson wing commander retd am dfc afc dfm, chris, spence, air vice marshal retd -
Bendigo Military Museum
Booklet - History of the New Guinea Survey Section 1967 by LT Jack Viccars, Lt Jack Stewart Viccars, Circa 1967
Military surveying in New Guinea began in in WWII with the formation of the New Guinea Force Field Survey Section which later became 8th Australian Field Survey Section and later 2 Field Survey Section of 6th Army Topographical Survey Section. This history was written by LT Jack Viccars and member of the Unit.A4 Booklet, Black and white, 43 Pages, 4 Annexes, Map Indexes, Gloss Paper Cover, Bound by staplesForward by Brigadier D. Macdonald (Retd) AM, Royal Australian Survey Corps 1936-1967, Preface by LT Jack J.S. Viccarsroyal australian survey corps, rasvy, fortuna, army survey regiment, asr -
Bendigo Military Museum
... unit, Kure Album military history BCOF Japan Biography Front ...Biography of a BCOF Soldier and his daughter. Soldier - Noel John HUGGETT NX 101125. Enlisted 12 August 1942 aged 21 years. Discharged 14 December 1950. Corporal. B.C.O.F Labour unit, KureFolder- cardboard, green plastic covering with 4 ring (metal ) spine. Paperwork collection- paper in plastic A4 sleeves Copies of - letters, certificates, photographs and documents containing autobiography and biography information. Entry of marriage- Noel John HUGGETT and Ruth Reiki YAMAMOTO on second April 1951. Daughter Kathleen Ruth HUGGETT D.O.B. 3rd December 1951 Tokyo Japan Front of folder- adhesive label, white paper,handwritten black pen. “NOEL HUGGETTS’S STORY FOR THE WAR MEMORIAL “album, military history, bcof, japan, biography -
Bendigo Military Museum
Photograph - Royal Australian Survey Corps Field Survey Vehicles, c1950s
This is a set of five photographs of vehicles used by field survey parties. c1950s. The first two photos show unidentified surveyors and field survey vehicles departing the Army Survey Regiment’s transport compound. The third photo of LTCOL Lindsay Lockwood and CAPT Jim Stedman was taken at a field survey camp at Camooweal, QLD. LTCOL Lindsay Lockwood was the CO of the Army Survey Regiment from 1951 to 1962. As the longest serving commanding officer of the unit, there was many changes implemented. LTCOL Lindsay Lockwood’s period as CO is covered in more detail in pages 48-49 of Valerie Lovejoy’s book 'Mapmakers of Fortuna – A history of the Army Survey Regiment’ ISBN: 0-646-42120-4. CAPT Jim Stedman later reached the rank of Colonel, was Director of Military Survey from 1975 to 1978 and was appointed as Colonel Commandant (honorary appointment, Retd) of the Royal Australian Survey Corps from 1978 to 1983. The truck and semi-trailer loaded on a flatbed Photo .4P was probably towing RA Svy’s field deployable printing press, the MANN Double Crown. See pages 44 -45 of Valerie Lovejoy’s book for more information on how this trailer mounted printing press was used in a recruitment drive in 1948.This is a set of five photographs of vehicles used by field survey parties. c1950s – 1960s. The photographs were printed on photographic paper and are part of the Army Survey Regiment’s Collection. The photographs were scanned at 300 dpi. .1) - Photo, black & white, c1950s, unidentified surveyors in a field survey vehicle departing the Army Survey Regiment’s transport compound. .2) - Photo, black & white, c1950s, unidentified surveyors in a Humber 1 ton survey vehicle departing the Army Survey Regiment’s transport compound. .3) - Photo, black & white, 1958, L to R: LTCOL Lindsay Lockwood and CAPT Jim Stedman at Camooweal, QLD., .4) - Photo, black & white, c1950s, unidentified surveyor, field survey truck and trailer. .5) – Photo black & white, c1950s. Unidentified surveyor undertaking vehicle recovery..3P on back – Lindsay Lockwood (LT COL) Jim Stedman (Capt) 1958 Camooweal .4P on back – Early vehicles for field trips. .5P with card strip annotation’ Survey field parties often strike difficult terrain when driving’.royal australian survey corps, rasvy, army survey regiment, army svy regt, fortuna, asr, surveying -
Bendigo Military Museum
Book - BOOK, WW2, H. D. WELLS, " B Company Second Seventeenth Infantry", 1984
Owner and donor details - See Cat No. 5836.3.Soft cover book. Cover - cardboard, black print on front and spine. Illustrated front, black ink, Rising Sun Badge above light green and dark green unit colour patch. Dark green background. 175 pages, cut, plain, white paper. Illustrated black and white photographs and maps.books, military history, aif, ww2 -
Bendigo Military Museum
Uniform - UNIFORM, OFFICERS WW2, Fuseweld, 1939-1945
Refer Thomas Henry Iser 383.2 for Service History. 14th Australian Armoured Regiment. 1. Officer Jacket - Khaki colour, cotton twill fabric with belt attached, Buttons - copper coloured metal and brass with "Australian Military Forces" stamped into face of button. Metal belt buckle. Unit colour patch - black, green and grey for 1/14th Australian Armoured Regiment. Brown sateen fabric lining. 2. Shirt with detachable collar, Khaki colour, cotton fabric, closed front, long sleeved. Maker's and owner's labels - back, top below collar.Maker's label, green and blue embroidery - "Fuseweld" / ??? Shirt/Champion/ 3". Owner's label, red embroidery "T.H. Iser" uniform, army, ww2 -
Bendigo Military Museum
Photograph - Christmas Children’s Party - Army Survey Regiment, Fortuna, Bendigo, 1992
This set of 16 photos of the Christmas Children’s Party were taken in the and the grounds of Fortuna, Army Survey Regiment in 1992. The Christmas party was an annual event enjoyed by the soldiers’ families, featuring amusements such as the ‘pig train’ and pony rides, a historic fire engine provided by the Golden Square Fire Brigade with Santa on board and refreshments such as cordial, lollies, ice creams and fairy floss. Single members readily volunteered to assist in the running of the party. An occasional highlight was displays of military hardware such as tanks and APC from the Puckapunyal’s Armoured Centre. Catering staff/contractors taking a break outside the kitchen are also featured in this collection. The Army Survey Regiment Wives Club was instrumental in establishing the Tennis Hut, featuring in photos .1P to .5P. The Wives Club initiated many social events. Examples of activities initiated by the club and their importance to the social fabric of the unit are described in more detail on page 151 of Valerie Lovejoy’s book 'Mapmakers of Fortuna – A history of the Army Survey Regiment’ ISBN: 0-646-42120-4.This set of 16 photos were taken in the grounds and kitchen area of Fortuna, Army Survey Regiment, Bendigo, at Christmas time in 1992. The photographs are on 35mm negative film and were scanned at 96 dpi. They are part of the Army Survey Regiment’s Collection. .1) - Photo, black & white, 1992, unidentified civilians and person. .2) - Photo, black & white, 1992, SGT Brian Fauth, SPR Carmel (Butler) Fauth and their child. .3) - Photo, black & white, 1992, L to R: SPR Joyce Gray, unidentified, SPR Andrew Arman. .4) to .5) - Photo, black & white, 1992, unidentified. .6) - Photo, black & white, 1992, Craig Kellett. .7) - Photo, black & white, 1992, L to R: Cam Bramich, unidentified (x2). .8) to.10) - Photo, black & white, 1992, unidentified. .11) to .15) - Photo, black & white, 1992, unidentified catering staff and contractors. .16) - Photo, black & white, 1992, Children’s rides on parade ground.No personnel are identified.royal australian survey corps, rasvy, army survey regiment, army svy regt, fortuna, asr -
Bendigo Military Museum
Book - BOOK, SOLDIERS PAY, Australian Army, 1) 1965. .2) 1967
Refer to the service of Major Maxwell Bruce TINKLER 337713 Unit 102 Field Workshops Served SVN 10 March 1968 - 25 February 1969Two pay books. The cover is a flexible brown artificial material. Printing on the front is in black ink. The Australian crest is in the centre. Inside the book are numbered pages showing payments and pay history.Front Cover..1) Book NR A 37154 Maxwell Bruce TINKLER 337713 .2) Book NR C 27592 Maxwell Bruce TINKLER 337713 CANCELLED vietnam war, aust soldiers, soldiers pay -
Bendigo Military Museum
Book, Judy MADDIGAN, Essendon Rifles and WW1
Soft cover book Soft cover, paper. Red, gold print front, black print back cover. Front cover illustrated in colour, the unit insignia. 27 pages, cut, plain glossy white. Illustrated black and white, sepia and colour photographs.wwi, books, history, battalions -
Lara RSL Sub Branch
Photograph, Set 4 photographs. and others for Torquay Light Horse camp, 1940
These images capture for all time Light Horsemen travelling through Geelong on their way to camp at Torquay for the last Group meeting in Australia . information following - details obtained from ......... On Australia Day, 1997, Sir John Young unveiled this plaque on Point Danger, Torquay. Torquay history, Light Horse Training Camp, WW2 Plaque at Pt. Danger Note----- (See images to view plaque) The plaque identifies a significant event in Torquay’s history and the sentiments of ‘change’ for the Light Horse Brigade – from horses to machines. In 1940 the four Light Horse Regiments (4th, 8th, 13th and 20th), some 5000 Light Horse and 2000 horses camped and trained at Torquay. Three other regiments, formerly mounted on horses, were also at Torquay ‘mounted’ on privately owned trucks and cars. Division troops included Artillery, Engineers, Signals, Field Ambulance and other branches of the Army necessary to enable a Division to function. It wasn’t just the sheer numbers of men coming to this little town that made the event significant, it was also the fact that the men of the Light Horse were dramatic, almost glamorous figures and it is easy to see their exploits as some splendid adventure. Horses have played a special role in the story of Australia. They were the only means of transport across this huge country, so it was necessary for everyone to have the ability to ride a horse. When war broke out in 1899 between Britain and the Boers of South Africa (“Boer” was Dutch for “farmer”) Australia sent troops to fight. At first Britain was wary of using untried, unprofessional colonial cavalrymen but soon saw that the slouch-hatted Australian “bushmen” were a match for the fast-moving and unconventional mounted commandos of the Boers. The Australians proved themselves to be expert rough-riding horsemen and good shots. Bush life had hardened them to go for long periods with little food and water. They also showed remarkable ability to find their way in a strange country and use its features for cover, in both attack and defence. By 1914, when Australia joined the war against Germany, there were 23 Light Horse regiments of militia volunteers. Many men from these units joined the Light Horse regiments of the Australian Imperial Force (AIF). Men were given remounts (if not using their own horses) – army horses bought by Commonwealth purchasing officers from graziers and breeders. These were called “walers” because they were a New South Wales stockhorse type – strong, great-hearted animals with the strains of the thoroughbred and semi-draught to give them speed, strength and stamina. On 1st November, 1914, Australia’s First Infantry Division and the first four Light Horse regiments sailed for England in a fleet of transport ships. The first of the Light Horse arrived at Gallipoli in May without their horses. Back with their horses after Gallipoli, they were formidable combatants across the Sinai and Palestine. Some British commanders observed that the light horseman moved with a “lazy, slouching gait, like that of a sleepy tiger” but described how the promise of battle “changes that careless gait, into a live athletic swing that takes him over the ground much quicker than other troops”. They had Light Horse, Torquay, training campdeveloped a reputation as formidable infantrymen. The Turks called them “the White Ghurkas” – a reference to their deadly skill with the bayonet. The Arabs called them “The Kings of the Feathers”. The plume had originally been a battle honour of the Queensland Mounted Infantry for their work in the shearer’s strike of 1891. During WW1 it was adopted by almost all the Light Horse Regiments. It was the proud badge of the light horseman. The most famous of their battles was the attack on Beersheba- the charge of the 4th Light Horse Brigade. Mounted infantrymen and their superb walers had carried out one of the most successful cavalry charges in history – against what seemed impossible odds. They surprised the Turks by charging cavalry-style, when they would normally have ridden close to an objective then dismounted to fight. The fall of Beersheba swung the battle tide against the Turks in Palestine; and changed the history of the Middle East. While 19 men from the Surf Coast Shire served with the 4th Light Horse over the course of WW1, only four were involved in the charge of Beersheba- John GAYLARD, Philip QUINN.(Winchelsea); Wallace FINDLAY (Anglesea); Harry TRIGG (Bambra). After the war, Light Horse units played a key role in the Australian Government’s compulsory military training programme. The Citizen Military Forces (C.M.F.) thrived on the glamour of the wartime Light Horse tradition, ignoring the possibility that motor vehicles would soon replace the horses. When training was no longer compulsory, the C.M.F. regiments declined and horses became more of a luxury during the 1930s depression years of poverty and unemployment. Some regiments were motorised. Then, in 1939, Australia joined Britain in another world war. Training was increased for the militia at both home bases and regional training camps. The camp at Torquay in 1940, commanded by Major General Rankin, was at Divisional strength. By the end of the camp some felt that the Division was ready for active service. Gradually, over the next four years, the Australian Light Horse units were mounted on wheels and tracks and the horses were retired. Six men enlisted at the Torquay camp and another 57 men and women enlisted at Torquay for service in WW2. Those who served in the Militia provided valuable Officers and NCOs and men for the armed services during the war. Each infantry division of the 2nd AIF had a Light Horse regiment attached to it. But the day of the Australian mounted soldier hadn’t quite passed. During World War II, Australia’s 6th Cavalry Regiment formed a mounted unit they called “The Kelly Gang” which did valuable scouting work. In New Guinea, a mounted Light Horse Troop did patrol duty and helped carry supplies. Some fully equipped walers were flown into Borneo for reconnaissance in rugged mountain country. But by the end of the war, in 1945, the horse had disappeared from the Australian Army. References: Australian Light Horse Association National Australia Archives Australian War Memorial Surf Coast Shire WW1 memorials The Light horse- a Cavalry under Canvas Light Horse, Training Camp, Torquay, WW2 Late in 1939 it was decided to set up a Lighthorse training camp in Torquay to train both men and horses for the battles of the Second World War. Horses, men and equipment came on special trains from all over Victoria and NSW, and as you would expect horseman came from areas such as Omeo and Sale, the Wimmera and the Western District. They arrived at the Geelong racecourse for watering in the Barwon River and then were ridden across the ford at the breakwater and began their 11 mile trek to Torquay. Light Horse, Training Camp, Torquay, WW2 Tent city By the end of January 1940 the camp at Torquay accommodated some 5000 men and 2500 horses of the Second Cavalry Division. The rows of horses, tents and huts near Blackgate Road were quite a sight. While the cavalrymen engaged in exercises on the land and on the beaches, many of the troops took over the Torquay School for special training of men and officers. Mr Bob Pettit local farmer and Councillor for the Barrabool Shire, wrote about the Light horse in the Surf Coast Community News in 1985 saying “They used to travel about the district riding four abreast in one long convoy. To my annoyance they went through my property and shut all the gates behind them. I had certain gates open to let stock in to the water holes and it would take me three -quarters of an hour to follow the horsemen up and put all the gates right again” he continued “the men from the Light Horse were here when the fire went through in March 1940. He recalled an incident when early one morning, as some one blew the bugle, a soldier putting a white sheet on the line frightened the horses. They panicked and ran off in all directions. Six went over the cliff near Bird Rock, five were never found, and the rest were gathered up after nearly a fortnight in the bush around Addiscott and Anglesea" Light Horse, Training Camp, Torquay, WW2, Geelong Parade Geelong parade The training camp culminated in a parade through the streets of Geelong on March 12th 1940. The salute was given at the Town Hall and the troops continued on a route to the You Yang’s for a training exercise. Note-----(see media section for photograph) The Camp was abandoned in mid 1940 as it was deemed unsuitable for training during winter and the cost of a permanent camp could not be justified if it could not be used all year. Historic.......Rare,,,Interpretive.Sepia photographs.set of four card size ....Horses &LighthorsemenNo 1, Lighthorsemen Regiment Geelong 1940......No 2 Light Horse at Breakwater Geelong 1938 to 1940....No 3 Light Horse at Breakwater Geelong 1938 to 1940.....No 4 Light Horse crossing Breakwater camped at Geelong Showgrounds. These markings are on reverse of photographs.light horsemengeelong 1940., world war 2 -
Shepparton RSL Sub Branch
Book, Royal Australian Air Force, Standard Notebook for Initial Training Schools: Air Navigation, August 1942
This notebook contains information on air navigation and electrical science. It was issued to Roy Eliason (449852), a Shepparton local who enlisted in 1944 and served as a Leading Aircraftman with the 2nd Operational Training Unit Mildura. Contents include: Appendix I: Law, Discipline, Administration and Organisation, Hygiene and Sanitation, Notes on Meteorology, Definitions, The principles of flight, Airframes, Engine; Appendix II: Mathematics problems for revision.This notebook has significant research potential, as it bears the service number of the owner: Roy Eliason. Roy Eliason's service history is well documented in the National Archives of Australia and this book provides an insight into a period of his service. Notebooks such as this were presumably issued to new recruits in the early stages of their service. Though this copy is in fair condition with several signs of wear, these signs may in fact increase the significance of the item, demonstrating the frequent use of this item in the hands of a new recruit to the Royal Australian Air Force. Series of pages bound via twine passed through four holes along left side. Front and back cover are card with orange vinyl/fabric strip and paper cover bearing title text. Orange pages throughout mark sections. Book printed throughout.Inscribed on front cover: "449852/AC2 ELIASON R/B/2". Inscribed on interior "449852/ELIASON. R./B/2". air navigation, training, royal australian air force, raaf, eliason, world war ii, wwii, second world war -
Bendigo Military Museum
Award - MEDAL SET, Victory medal post WW1, post 2000 for the 2 x replicas
Leslie Pryde enlisted in the AIF 2.8.15 in Divisional Ammunition Column 1 reinforcement 14 age 28 years. Embarked for Egypt 28.1.1916, transfers to 13th FAB 16.4.1916, embarks for France 16.6.1916, promoted to Cpl 7.6.1917, hospital with Trench Fever 12.12.1917, return to unit 30.12.1917, promoted to Sgt 26.1.1918, discharged from the AIF on 7.4.1919. Leslie Pryde was awarded the Military Medal on 15.10.1917 East of Westhoek serving in the 49th Battery. The citation is quite long but the main part is the following; During heavy shelling one of their ammunition dumps was hit and caught fire, Pryde and another NCO at great risk pulled rounds away from the fire area likely to explode and extinguished the fire saving 600 out of 1000 rounds, 400 had exploded.Medal set, court mounted, set of (3) re L Pryde. 1 Military medal, replica not engraved. 2 War medal 1914-1920, replica not engraved. 3 Victory Medal. 3. 11986 Sgt L.Pryde. 1 D.A.C A.I.F medals, military, bravery, history -
Bendigo Military Museum
Certificate - DISCHARGE CERTIFICATE WW1, 22.5.1919
Leslie PRYDE "MM". Refer Cat No 914 for his service history and award.A brief description of enlistment, service and discharge on both sides of the document. The document is a fawn colour, thicker than paper but able to be folded in 3 for postage. The front is divided into 3 sections, top being name, rank and serial number, age, enlistment date, unit and birth place. Centre is reason for discharge, service time, awards and decorations. Bottom is signed of by relevant person. The rear is dedicated to the individuals height, complexion, eye and hair colour, age on discharge and trade or calling prior to enlistment, intended place of residence. The person then signs the document. All entries on the form are hand written.On the front at top is a Register No: Unreadable On the rear are 2 numbers; “V/B No 41745 & No 124038”certificate, military history, numismatics, mm -
Bendigo Military Museum
Certificate - DISCHARGE CERTIFICATE. WW1, 9.11.1918
James BROWN No 5977 enlisted in the AIF in 19th reinforcements 5th Batt on 30.11.1915 aged 32 years 3 months. Embarked for England 27.7.1916, transfer to 37th Battalion 23.9.1916, hospitalised 9.10.1916 with Scabies. Rejoined unit 6.1.1917, allowed Regt No 5977A, embarked for France 25.2.1917. Hospitalised 16.3.1917 with Enteritis, rejoined unit 25.3.1917. Hospitalised 21.5.1917 with Debility, rejoined unit 1.6.1917. Hospitalised 14.6. 1917 with Exhaustion later as growth in groin. From here he gets himself into trouble. Hospitalised 24.12.1917 with Nephritis, discharged from the AIF 9.11.1918 medically unfit.Certificate of Discharge Register No 547 for James BROWN Regt No 5977 AIFdocuments - certificates, military history - army records -
Bendigo Military Museum
Award - MEDALS, 1) & .2) 2005; .3) Post WWII
The medals belonged to Charles Sutherland CORNELIUS No 40595 RAAF. Enlisted in the RAAF on 13.5.1941 age 21 years. On discharge from the RAAF he was a Corporal in No 4 Radio Installation and Maintenance Unit. Refer Reg No's also 94 & 95P..1) Medal: 60th Anniversary of the end of WW11, gold coloured, made of aluminium, zinc and bronze amalgam. .2) Black presentation box for .1). .3) Medal set, brass plate mounted, set of 4 re C S CORNELIUS. 1. Pacific Star. 2. Defence Medal. 3. War Medal 1939-45 4. Australian Service Medal..1) & .2) "60th Anniversary of the end of WW11", "For Service to Australia 1945-2005" .3) "40595 C.S Cornelius"numismatics - medals, containers, military history - souvenirs -
Bendigo Military Museum
Administrative record - DRIVERS LICENCE, c.1942
Licence issued to: Pte William Herbert GREENMAN VX126789. Enlisted in the 2nd AIF on 3.7.1943 age 19 years. At discharge from the Army on 19.10.1948 he was a Driver in No 53 Aust BIPOD PL AASC. Refer Reg No's 79, 82, 83, 84, 85.5, 86. Australian Army Driving Licence No 10782. Tan buckram stiff folding cover.Top centre: Australian Military Forces Left: Army No. VX126789 Left: Pte Centre: Name (in full): Greenman, William Herbert Right: Transferred to (unit): 2/167 Aust Gen Tpt Coy"documents - licences, military history - army, personal effects - identification -
Bendigo Military Museum
Instrument - BUGLE, C. 1940
The Bugle was played by the British over 2000 times to warn of impending air raids in the Middle East. When a new electronic siren was installed Bill Nicholls souvenired it and carried it in his haversack until he reached home. William Bona Nicholls No VX36468 2/24 Batt 9th Div. enlisted on 12.8.40, embarked 16.11.1940 for the Middle East, promoted L/Cpl 8.5.1941, served in the Seige of Tobruk, El Alamein and Middle East Campaigns. He was taken POW at Derna and escaped after 8 hours. Embarked for Australia 1.2.1943 and disembarked Melbourne 25.2.1943. Embarked for New Guinea 1.8.1943, hospital 5.12.1943 with Degue Fever, rejoin unit 9.12.1943, served in the Lae and Finschafen campaigns. Promoted Sgt 11.2.1944, embark for Australia from Finschafen 28.2.1944 and disembark Brisbane 7.3.1944. Evacuated to hospital 16.3.1945, appears to be Anxiety State. Discharged from the Army 3.9.1945 with the rank of S/Sgt.Copper & brass army bugle with nozzle & holding chain.Main section of bugle has: a lettered crest, & Besson & Co, London, 1940musical instruments - wind, military history, bugle, tobruk -
Bendigo Military Museum
The book belonged to Colin Lawrance McMURRAY, VX33785 Gunner 2/12th Field Regiment HQ Supply Column 9th Div AIF. Enlisted 8.7.40, barked 5.2.1941, disembarked Middle East 24.3.1941, posted to 2/12th Field Regt, served in the Seige of Tobruk, transferred to AACS 25.11.1941, graded group 3 Driver Mechanic 28.8.1942, hospital with lacerated scalp 12.11.1942, rejoin unit 8.1.1943, embark for Aust 22.2.1943, disembark Sydney 23.3.1943, serves then with canteen services, reclassified medically and discharged on 10.3.1944. The piece missing in the pocket book was caused by a piece of Shrapnel.Red-covered book, 127 pages. Useful information for soldiers. There is a piece missing at the top of the book with tattered sheets inside.Front cover: "The Australian Soldiers Pocket Book." Inside: "Col McMurray VX 33785 Gunner 2/12th Field Regt"documents, notebooks, personal effects, military history, army -
Bendigo Military Museum
Souvenir - MENUS & RACE RULES, 1) & .3) 1941 .2) 1943
Items souvenired by Andrew Keith Guy VX37836 2nd AIF. Refer 131P for service details also 129, 133.2, 134..1) Menu Christmas Day 1941 8th Aust. Lt. A.A. Bty, cardboard, brown.Laminated. .2) Menu, State Shipping Service "M.V. Koolinda" Good Morning Breakfast, paper brownish in colour. .3) Cross Country Race instructions on light brown paper..1) on rear: "Signed in ink by members of the unit" .2) Dated "26.1.1943" .3) Dated "Gaza 23.11.1941" documents, menus, leisure pursuits, racing, military history -
Bendigo Military Museum
Award - MEDAL, Post 1945
Frederick HAYES enlisted in the 2nd AIF on 28.6.1940 Regt No VX41213 age 30 years. He embarked with the 2/24th Bn on 5.2.1941 and disembarked in the Middle East on 23.3.1941. The unit was soon in Tobruk. He was hospitalised on 27.7.1941 with Otitis Media a serious Ear Infection. he was returned to Australia disembarking on 23.5.1942. He was discharged from the Army on 2.5.1943 holding the rank of CPL in the 2/1st SEC Aust Kit Store. Records show he was entitled to 3 other medals including the Africa Star.Australian Service Medal, court mounted, no rear pin.VX41213 F HAYESmedals, military, history -
Bendigo Military Museum
Booklet - BOOKLET, VICTORIA, The Press Gallery Printers, Victoria's Diggers, 1999
Soft cardboard cover, black print on front & spine, white background. Illustrated, 3 full portrait sepia photos of soldiers in uniform. 56 pages, cut, plain, white. Illustrated black & white photos. Stapled.Front cover: “VICTORIA'S DIGGERS. A history of each Victorian military unit which has served overseas from 1860 to 1945. Allan Box” Handwritten in blue ink title page: “from Mr Allan Box Leongatha” Inside back cover: “RSL stamp” booklet, victoria’s diggers -
Bendigo Military Museum
Book, RAAF Publications Unit, Always Ready
“Always Ready” A history of the RAAF East Sale.Soft cover, cardboard, black print front and back cover, front has pale & light blue portion of an Aircraft, small RAAF Coat of Arms on lower left corner, 169 pages, plain white paper, illustrated with B & W photos.east sale raaf, always ready, history -
Bendigo Military Museum
Photograph - PHOTOGRAPHS WW2, Dept of Information, Military History Section SD9, General Staff LHQ, c.1942 - 1944
Collection of Frank Herbert HORN QX16945, 7th Division Portal Unit, who served in Middle East & South Pacific.Sepia / black / white photos taken 1942-1944 in Papua New Guinea.photographs, new guinea -
Bendigo Military Museum
The photos belonged to Alf MASHELL VX25221 POW. They were given to Alf by a mate in Alf's unit, Sergeant D T MOORE who was also a POW & worked on the railway. Refer Reg No 2485 for Alf MASKELL's service history.Photos, black / white, copies of originals. The photos are a mixture taken during the building of the Burma Railway, DR's at work on the railway, the surrender in Singapore & the search after the War.pow’s, military, burma railway