Showing 54522 items
matching first-time-breeding
Koorie Heritage Trust
Book, Barraclough, Linda et al, Steps in time : a Gippsland chronology to 1899, 1982
24 p. ; 25 cm.chronology, historical -- tables. | gippsland (vic.)--history--chronology. i. squires, debra. ii. title. -
Koorie Heritage Trust
Book, Lewis, Robert, A Journey Through Time : investigating Koori life in the Gariwerd / Grampians area. Teachers' Guide, 1992
[From Intro.]: "The guide booklet asks students to consider four important questions as they explore the Centre's resources: 1. Did the Kooris of the Gariwerd area use their environment well? 2. Did they have a rich and full culture? 3. How did contact with Europeans affect their life? 4. Are Koori history and culture an important part of every Australian's heritage today?"9 p. : ill., map ; 30 cm.[From Intro.]: "The guide booklet asks students to consider four important questions as they explore the Centre's resources: 1. Did the Kooris of the Gariwerd area use their environment well? 2. Did they have a rich and full culture? 3. How did contact with Europeans affect their life? 4. Are Koori history and culture an important part of every Australian's heritage today?"community organisations -- cultural activities (including preservation and/or promotion of traditional culture). other: brambuk living cultural centre -- budja budja -- gariwerd -- halls gap -- grampians -- education. -
Koorie Heritage Trust
Book, Roberts, Ainslie et al, The Dawn of Time: Australian Aboriginal myths in paintings and text, 1972
9-79 P.; ill.; 23 cm.roberts, ainslie. | aboriginal australians -- folklore. | legends -- australia. | art and mythology. -
Koorie Heritage Trust
Book, Briggs-Pattison, Sue et al, Bath time, 1998
The story in this book was based on the lifestyle of the Yorta Yorta people of the Murray River, near Barmah. ... [It] gives an insight into the lifestyles and experiences of the Koorie children who grew up in this area. Illustrated by Elaine Russell[15] p. : col. ill. ; 18 cm. + 2 sheets.The story in this book was based on the lifestyle of the Yorta Yorta people of the Murray River, near Barmah. ... [It] gives an insight into the lifestyles and experiences of the Koorie children who grew up in this area. Illustrated by Elaine Russellchildren, aboriginal australian -- juvenile literature. | readers (primary) | reading (primary) | yorta yorta -
Koorie Heritage Trust
Book, Brambuk Living Cultural Centre, A Journey Through Time, 1990
Intro.: Brambuk welcomes you to a journey through time. A journey that will take you through the experiences of our people the Yardwadjali and Djap Wurrung the traditional owners of the land in and around the magnificent and powerful mountain range of Gariwerd our ancient name for the Grampians...15 p. : ill. (some col.) ; 21 x 30 cm.Intro.: Brambuk welcomes you to a journey through time. A journey that will take you through the experiences of our people the Yardwadjali and Djap Wurrung the traditional owners of the land in and around the magnificent and powerful mountain range of Gariwerd our ancient name for the organisations -- cultural activities (including preservation and/or promotion of traditional culture). other: brambuk living cultural centre -- budja budja -- gariwerd -- halls gap. -
National Wool Museum
Record, Gramophone, Once upon a time, parts 1 & 2
Gramophone record used in the mending room of the Foster Valley Mill.textile mills staff, valley worsted mill, gramaphone, record, textile mills - staff -
National Wool Museum
Photograph, [Knock off time c1922]
Photo depicts the staff members of the Commonwealth Woollen Mills leaving to go home, c.1920s.21textile mills staff, commonwealth woollen mills, federal woollen mills ltd, classweave industries pty ltd, textile mills - staff -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Article, Big time for cities, 1986
Description of likely amalgamation of Nunawading and Box hill Councils. Box hill unhappy about losing their non-rate revenue to an amalgamation.Description of likely amalgamation of Nunawading and Box hill Councils. Box hill unhappy about losing their non-rate revenue to an amalgamation.Description of likely amalgamation of Nunawading and Box hill Councils. Box hill unhappy about losing their non-rate revenue to an amalgamation.local government finance, city of box hill, city of nunawading, amalgamations, medcraft, greg, coyne, bill -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Education kit - Article, It's time to share our stories, 2004
Article about the 'Sharing Australia's Stories' project and states that Whitehorse Historical Society and Valda Arrowsmith will be involved.Article about the 'Sharing Australia's Stories' project and states that Whitehorse Historical Society and Valda Arrowsmith will be involved.Article about the 'Sharing Australia's Stories' project and states that Whitehorse Historical Society and Valda Arrowsmith will be involved.sharing australia's stories project, whitehorse historical society, arrowsmith, valda -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Book, There was a time, 1/09/2004 12:00:00 AM
Chronicles of a railway family.Chronicles of a railway family. Story of Bawden family working on the railways in the Western District.Chronicles of a railway family. birregurra, vic., railways, jones, shirley, johnson family, bawden, frank, bawden, rene -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Article, Garden Party time at Schwerkolt, 2004
Article advertising the Wisteria Garden Party at Schwerkolt Cottage on 3 Oct 2004.Article advertising the Wisteria Garden Party at Schwerkolt Cottage on 3 Oct 2004.Article advertising the Wisteria Garden Party at Schwerkolt Cottage on 3 Oct 2004.schwerkolt cottage, wisteria garden party 2004 -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Article, 80-litre bins are a farce|Anger at short time to choose, 1992
Residents angry that only one day given to choose size of bin.|Crs Abbott and Allan moved to abandon plans to introduce 80 litre bins in favour of 120 litre ones.Residents angry that only one day given to choose size of bin.|Crs Abbott and Allan moved to abandon plans to introduce 80 litre bins in favour of 120 litre ones. (photo - Graham Hawke)Residents angry that only one day given to choose size of bin.|Crs Abbott and Allan moved to abandon plans to introduce 80 litre bins in favour of 120 litre ones. city of nunawading, garbage collection, hawke, graham, abbott, kevin, allan, peter -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Article, Walking down the aisle of time, 2003
Article about the Whitehorse Historical Society presentation 'Wedding days, etcetera, etcetera'.Article about the Whitehorse Historical Society presentation 'Wedding days, etcetera, etcetera'.Article about the Whitehorse Historical Society presentation 'Wedding days, etcetera, etcetera'.whitehorse historical society, wedding dresses, simmenauer, peter -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Article, A High old time, 2003
Discussion of the history of drugs, legal or illegal. Quotes Dr L.L. Smith in parliament supporting the use of opium through to the use of ecstasy in the 1990's.Discussion of the history of drugs, legal or illegal. Quotes Dr L.L. Smith in parliament supporting the use of opium through to the use of ecstasy in the 1990's. Related to museum display: 'Drugs, a social history'.Discussion of the history of drugs, legal or illegal. Quotes Dr L.L. Smith in parliament supporting the use of opium through to the use of ecstasy in the 1990's. smith, l.l. dr, alcohol and drugs, opium, heroin -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Newspaper - Article, Hometown Girl Hits Big Time, 1/05/1997
Newspaper cutting about Gillian Armstrong former Mitcham girl who is a woman film director in an otherwise male field. Nunawading Gazette, 4/5/1997. Photoarmstrong gillian, films -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Article, Journey through time 1901 - 2001, 2001
Supplement to Whitehorse Leader, 16 May 2001Supplement to Whitehorse Leader, 16 May 2001 celebrating the Centenary of Federation.Supplement to Whitehorse Leader, 16 May 2001 centenary of federation, city of whitehorse, fenwick, graham, blackburn lake primary school no 4860, keene, barbara -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Newspaper, Final Time, c1992
Final Reunion for Mitcham Technical SchoolFinal Reunion for Mitcham Technical School as it merges with Mitcham and Donvale High Schools to become Mullauna Secondary College.Final Reunion for Mitcham Technical Schoolmitcham technical school, mitcham high school, donvale high school, mullauna secondary college -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Document, Railway Time Tables, 1887
Copies of timetables on Lilydale line dated 19 January 1887.Copies of timetables on Lilydale line dated 19 January 1887.Copies of timetables on Lilydale line dated 19 January 1887.trains, time tables -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Article, Train trip back in time, n.d
The Public Transport Corporation arranged a steam train display and trip between Camberwell and Lilydale.The Public Transport Corporation arranged a steam train display and trip between Camberwell and Lilydale. The entertainment and display of steam trains was at Mitcham Station.The Public Transport Corporation arranged a steam train display and trip between Camberwell and Lilydale. railways, public transport corporation, steam trains, dennis, christopher, dennis, laura -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Article, Daniel Robertson stands the test of time, 1988
Article from new Home Buyers Guide featuring Daniel Robertson's bricks.Article from new Home Buyers Guide featuring Daniel Robertson's bricks.Article from new Home Buyers Guide featuring Daniel Robertson's bricks.daniel robertson australia pty ltd, bricks, brickworks -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Article, Back in Time, 6/09/1993 12:00:00 AM
Vermont Primary School celebrates 125 year History. With photo.Vermont Primary School celebrates 125 year History. With photo.Vermont Primary School celebrates 125 year History. With photo.primary schools, vermont primary school no. 1022, waterworth, peter, dr., paine, ian, connor, angela -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Book, One Man in His Time - Edward Bishop, 1979
Book and photocopy of same covering the life of Edward Bishop, builder, Methodist lay preacher, Shire President of Nunawading.bishop, edward, uplands, vermont, mitcham, land subdivision, canterbury road, vermont -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Article, Hobby became a Career in Time, 2000
Obituary for Blackburn Watchmaker, Ted LaGalle, who died on 22 Sept 2000. Born 7 Feb 1910, he moved to Holland Road, Blackburn South, aged 10, where parents ran a poultry farm.lagalle, ted, holland road, blackburn south, forest hill secondary college blackburn south campus, lagalle, nick, lagalle, florence, lagalle marjorie, lagalle, edna, higham, t.j., lagalle, rita, lagalle, keith, box hill salvation army band, poultry farms -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Article, A Rocking good time, 1992
Article about Nunawading and District Lapidary Club's 26th annual gemstone exhibition.Article about Nunawading and District Lapidary Club's 26th annual gemstone exhibition.Article about Nunawading and District Lapidary Club's 26th annual gemstone exhibition.nunawading and district lapidary club, bushell, tom -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Pamphlet, Slices of time - Australian family life in 1838, 1987
Life in the 1830's in Australia.Life in the 1830's in Australia.Life in the 1830's in Australia.aborigines, clothing and dress, festivals and celebrations, manners and customs -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Pamphlet, Slices of time - Australian family life in 1888, 2006
Life in the 1880s in Australia, featuring three families, costumes, housework, health, environment and the aborigines.Life in the 1880s in Australia, featuring three families, costumes, housework, health, environment and the aborigines.Life in the 1880s in Australia, featuring three families, costumes, housework, health, environment and the aborigines.aborigines, clothing and dress, festivals and celebrations, manners and customs -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Book, Time remembered, 2011
Recollections of a Blackburn childhood.Recollections of a Blackburn childhood.Recollections of a Blackburn childhood.blackburn, blackburn road, blackburn, no.165, niven, barbara -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Article, Leak plugged in time, 2010
Article on a leak of harmful coolant from Gainsborough Hardware Industries into a stormwater drain and the Environment Protection Authority's order to the company to remedy the problem.Article on a leak of harmful coolant from Gainsborough Hardware Industries into a stormwater drain and the Environment Protection Authority's order to the company to remedy the problem.Article on a leak of harmful coolant from Gainsborough Hardware Industries into a stormwater drain and the Environment Protection Authority's order to the company to remedy the problem.gainsborough hardware industries ltd, blackburn creek -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Article, Man of clay happy to give his time, 2005
Obituary of Geoffrey Edgar Walker, called the doyen of Australia's ceramics industry.Obituary of Geoffrey Edgar Walker, called the doyen of Australia's ceramics industry.Obituary of Geoffrey Edgar Walker, called the doyen of Australia's ceramics industry.walker ceramics, walker, geoffrey edgar, clay industries, tile factories -
Whitehorse Historical Society Inc.
Article, Time to tell tales from other lands, 2006
Whitehorse Historical Society is collecting stories of post-war immigrants living in Whitehorse (photo)Whitehorse Historical Society is collecting stories of post-war immigrants living in Whitehorse (photo)Whitehorse Historical Society is collecting stories of post-war immigrants living in Whitehorse (photo)whitehorse historical society inc., arrowsmith, valda, simmenauer, peter, migrants