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Melbourne Tram Museum
Newspaper, late 1960's or 1970, 21/10/1963 12:00:00 AM
Digital image of a newspaper cutting from a Melbourne paper, dated 21/10/1963, titled late 1960's or 1970. Notes the placement of an emergency rope, with a drawing of how it works, following the Union ban after the death of a driver in a fall from the roof. Has a sketch of tram 720 showing the rope arrangement, a man using the rope to position the trolley pole and the broken rope. Quote Clarrie O'Shea about the ban. See Reg Items 4361 for the Chairman Robert Risson on the roof of a tram and 4353 for a photograph of an actual event.trams, tramways, safety, trolley poles, emergency, accidents, drivers, tram 720 -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Document - Report, Yarra Trams, "Employee Updated - Franchise renegotiation 2017 - 2027", 2017
Report or information document - 8 page, special size document, full colour centre stapled titled "Employee Updated - Franchise renegotiation 2017 - 2027", outlining the passenger service standards being proposed as part of the negotiations known as MR4 - Metropolitan Rail (MR) contract, the 4th version, to run to 2024 with an option to extend to 2027. Has a photo of the CEO Nicolas Gindt. Gives details of Yarra Trams and Keolis Downer. Details the objectives, timeline and how performance will be measured for operations, passenger experience and asset management. Full document scanned.trams, tramways, franchising, yarra trams, keolis downer, operations, ptv -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Document - Form, Public Transport Corporation (PTC), "Student Concession form", 1993
1051 - Form - DL size, printed on off white paper, two colours, three fold giving details of student passes for Melbourne Metro area, regional transit student passes, eligibility criteria, how to obtain a concession card, conditions for use, a survey form. Partly filled in with some details - 9/1993. 1051.1 - Form DL - 5 fold, similar to above, dated 2001. See also Reg Item 5513 for another example. .3 - 6 fold DL with tear off application form for Myki use - dated 2007.trams, tramways, concession fares, students, tickets, passes, the met, ptc, myki -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Book, Melbourne & Metropolitan Tramways Board (MMTB), "Centenary Souvenir - Melbourne and Metropolitan Tramways Board - 1934-5" - Reprint version, 1967
Book -56 pages within light green card covers with title "Centenary Souvenir - Melbourne and Metropolitan Tramways Board - 1934-5". "Reprint for Historical Interest - 1967". Centre stapled. Notes prepared by Lewis E. Russell, the MMTB's first Publicity Officer. Has an introduction, a preface that gives a brief history of the tramway system in Melbourne, buildings and points on interest in Melbourne and how to get there, with sketches by Clive Fink. See Reg Item 69 for the original 1934/35 version. Second copy added 5/12/13 - from the AETA.trams, tramways, mmtb, melbourne -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Book, Public Transport Users Association, "Greening Melbourne - with Public Transport", 1991
Forty page document, full paper, centre stapled, folded A3 sheets, titled "Greening Melbourne - with Public Transport". published by the Public Transport Users Association 1991. Inside front cover has a list of contributors, foreword by Dr John Whitelegg of Lancaster University UK. Document looks at the transport, Greenhouse effects, Toronto, public transport in Melbourne, service standards, fringe suburbs, public transport in other cities, including Zurich, ticketing, Doncaster Rail line, all night services, traffic management, funding, possible projects and how to do it.trams, tramways, ptua, melbourne, transport, toronto -
Kiewa Valley Historical Society
Book - Telephone Directory - 'Bright Area', Bright Area / Interim / Telephone / Directory (1974)
STD (Subscriber trunk dialling) codes were introduced in Australia between 1971 and 1996. 'STD is fast, convenient and easy. Calls can be cheaper .. so use it for all it's worth.' This directory lists all the town's area codes in each Australian state and explains how STD operates.This list is followed by an 'Alphabetical list of the Bright Area Telephone subscribers.The 'Bright' area included Mt Beauty, Dederang, Bruarong, Kergunuyah, Kiewa, Mitta and Tallandoon.The 1974 directory gives the names and addresses of residents and businesses in Mt Beauty and the Kiewa Valley.Looks like an orange exercise book with black and white print and a blue arrow pointing to the bottom left corner..Book is held by 2 staples. Includes an index of places and information available in this directory. Between first pages a piece of paper is inserted. It has the heading "Subscriber Trunk Dialling (S.T.D.) 18 places named 6 of which have the 060 code.telephone directory 1974, mt beauty telephone directory 1974, mt beauty resident's addresses 1974 -
Cheese World Museum
Freezer, icecream, The Frigid, 1930s
This ice-cream freezer was used by Ruth Gore's mother to make ice-cream for the ---- family. Ice-cream mixture was beaten and placed in the inner cylinder; ice and salt were placed in the surrounding outer cylinder. When the ice-cream was partially frozen it was removed from the container and beaten a second time before being replaced in the container to set. (other info -check with Ruth -where lived, mother's name, when used, how often, etc)Ice-cream a rarity in 1930s? Ice chests, fridges not common until post WWII?Tin-plated double-walled iron barrel painted blue with item name stencilled in dark blue on the outside. The barrel is open top and bottom with a tinned lid on the base; the top lid is missing. The space between the wall and inner cylinder is for ice, the tinned inner cylinder for ice-creamThe Frigidfreezer, icecream, icecream maker, the frigid, gore, ruth, dairy products -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Drawing - VB4/7184C, State Electricity Commission of Victoria - Ballarat office, "Diagrammatic Arrangement of Feeders and Trolley Wire", 2-9-1958
Print of drawing number VB4/7184C "Diagrammatic Arrangement of Feeders and Trolley Wire", marked up in colour showing the various feeder and trolley wire arrangements for the central part of Ballarat and the Gardens line. Shows the detailed switch locations that enable the overhead to be isolated or changed when electrical work was being undertaken on the overhead that required it to be isolated. Shows how the various sections were fed from the power station. Revision C issued 2-9-1958.Yields information about the arrangement of the power supply to the trams from the power station and changes made to the system about 13 years prior to closure. Dyeline print on white paper of Drawing - "Diagrammatic Arrangement of Feeders and Trolley Wire" - VB4/7184Ctramways, ballarat, secv, trolley wire, feeder cables, overhead, power station, electrical engineering, electrical switching -
Vision Australia
Plan - Image, Proposed Gymnasium Royal Victorian Institute for the Blind, 21 June 1950
In 1951 plans were made for the construction of a gymnasium to be situated in the grounds of St Kilda Road. These 4 plans specify the building construction notes, present front and east elevations, and show how part of the hall could be transformed into bedrooms in the future. There are 2 copies of each plan, consisting of identifical copies of the east elevation and different notes printed/handwritten on the front, side and top elevations. These were presented to the RVIB Board in Feburary 1951, according to the stamp on the back.2 architectural plans showing proposed gymnasium buildingPercy E Everett Chief Architectroyal victorian institute for the blind, plans -
Vision Australia
Audio - Sound recording, Vision Australia, Around Vision Australia: Episode 35
Covering issues and news about Vision Australia and the opportunities it provides for clients, volunteers and staff. Host: Stephen Jolley with guest interviews by Valerie Thomas. Stephen Jolley talks with Stephanie Cain about how clients and staff feel about services of the organisation. Siobhan Dennis looks at books on short list for Miles Franklin Award. Valerie Thomas interviews Michael Simpson, and Kate Gniel provides a round up from the Public Relations area.1 digital sound file in WAV formatradio shows, vision australia, valerie thomas, stephen jolley, stephanie cain, siobhan dennis, michael simpson, kate gniel -
Royal District Nursing Service (now known as Bolton Clarke)
Photograph - Digital image, Barry Sutton, c.1930
In 1930 the Society were pioneers in opening an Ante-Natal Clinic at the Melbourne District Nursing Society (MDNS) After-Care Home, setting a high standard with equipment, keeping records and providing leaflets with instructions in how to keep healthy during pregnancy, what complications to look for, and what to do when labour commenced. This image was taken in the Ante-Natal Clinic and shows some of the equipment used at that time and the uniforms worn by Trained nurses (Sisters) in the 1930s. Melbourne District Nursing Society (MDNS) was founded in 1885 and only nurses who had trained in a Hospital Training School and were fully qualified were employed by the Society. It commenced with one Trained nurse (Nurse), and another employed six months later; both walking amid the slums of inner Melbourne administering nursing care to the sick poor. The Society decided to commence a Midwifery Service and Nurse Fowler, who had previously worked for the Society, was re-employed as their first Trained Midwife. She began home births in August 1893 giving some Ante Natal care, taking midwifery bundles and providing clothes for the babe and mother as needed. Following birth, she gave Post-natal care to the mother and babe twice a day for three days and then daily for a week, and longer if required. She resigned after twelve months and Nurse Wilkie was appointed to the position. As well as walking, the Nurses used Public transport in the limited areas it ran, though a taxi was used by the Nurses and Midwife in emergencies and at night. As the Society expanded it rented premises until it was able to purchase it's own Nurses Home at 39 Victoria Parade, Collingwood in 1914. The Society were pioneers in recognizing the need for premises where patients too ill to be in their own home, but not ill enough to go to hospital, was needed. Land was procured next to No. 39, and the Society built the After-Care Home at 45 Victoria Parade, for these patients, and for patients from Hospitals. It was opened in July 1926 and the name of the Society then became ‘Melbourne District Nursing Society and After-Care Home’ (‘Hospital’ from 1934) The Ante-Natal Clinic at the Melbourne District Nursing Society After-Care Home was opened on the 23rd of September 1930 and MDNS Midwifery patients were encouraged to attend. Prior to the opening of the clinic Ante-natal care was not considered important, but within a short time 100 percent of MDNS Midwifery patients were attending. During 1934 the Women’s Welfare Clinic, including at the time a very controversial Family Planning Clinic, the first of its kind in Australia, was opened to support women at risk following multiple and difficult pregnancies. The Clinic gave advice on birth-control and was attended by their own patients at first, but then accepted patients from Melbourne public hospitals until their own clinics were opened.Digital image showing a Doctor and three Melbourne District Nursing Society (MDNS) Sisters attending a patient in the Ante-Natal Clinic at the After Care Hospital. In the forefront is a set of scales standing on the floor, behind which is the lady lying on a wooden framed bed with the base slightly raised at the top end supporting a white pillow and the lady's head. The lady has short dark hair and her frock can be seen to her waist; the rest of her body is covered by a white sheet and dark coloured blanket. Behind her and to the right of the image, are two Sisters wearing dark coloured long sleeved uniforms which have a belt and white collar; they are both wearing white veils over their short dart hair. To their left is a Doctor who has short dart wavy hair and is looking down at the lady. He is wearing a long white gown and has a stethoscope in his ears with the other end held in his right hand. To his left is another Sister who is wearing a white veil over her dark curled hair, and is wearing a long white gown. In the rear between the Doctor and Sister a hand basin can be seen. On the far left of the picture a trolley with two cloth covered shelves can be seen; a basin and squat bottle sits on the top shelf and kidney dish on the lower one. Behind this, part of a window can be seen.after- care hospital, 45 victoria parade collingwood, melbourne district nursing society (1885-1957), ante-natal clinic, after-care home, mdns midwifery, rdns, royal district nursing service -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Newspaper, The Age, "Melbourne rattles along in the top 10 of tram cities", 16/1/1995
Newspaper cutting about the position of Melbourne trams in the world in terms of kilometres of track and the number of routes based on Jane's Urban Transport Systems. Has comments from the National Trust, PTUA, and about the tram fleet. Notes the recent growth in the Melbourne system. Item written by Bruce Tobin. How Jane's obtained or intepreted their information is unkinown - a check at the time of cataloguing notes that Prague was 144km and Poznan was about 66km of route - based on their Wikipedia pages. Yields information about Melbourne's position in the world tram list in 1995 - but this is subject to interepretion.Newspaper cutting from The Age 16/1/1995tramways, melbourne, length, routes -
Merri-bek City Council
Reduction linocut, Jazmina Cininas, A two-legged dingo stole Lindy’s tears, 2008
Jazmina Cininas’ printmaking practice is best known for its technically demanding reduction linocuts. A two-legged dingo stole Lindy’s tears draws on the complex mythologies and rhetoric that have become embedded in the protracted Lindy Chamberlain saga. The work is a critique of the media’s unfair treatment of Chamberlain when the case broke in the 1980s. This is a key work from Cininas' Girlie Werewolf Project, which explores how female 'otherness' has been depicted through history. Donation by the artist -
Ballarat Heritage Services
Lisa Gervasoni, Understanding Ballarat's Heritage Education Kit
A CD-ROM education package providing information on: VELS History 4 – Ballarat's heritage can tell us about key events such as Eureka, democracy, gold rushes, federation. Deakin was the member for Ballarat and was involved in the development of the Fine Art Gallery. - Ballarat’s goldfields were very multicultural in comparison to Ballarat today. Chinese made an impact on the goldfields – miners, mining techniques and in medical treatments. VELS History 5 – Eureka – what did that say about governance and justice in the 1850’s. - Working conditions and unionism .. Why would work safety and working hours be important to Ballarat. What was life like 100 years ago – what work did people do, how were domestic tasks undertaken, how was travel undertaken). culture and art – what aspects / collections tell us about life in Ballarat. (note the focus is not on medieval times but the early years of Ballarat – lessons of change and continuity still apply) VELS History – 6 – Eureka and democracy Gold rushes and development of tools and skills Trade unions and work conditions Remembrance of war Early multiculturalism Changes in technology – medical, educational, communications Technological changes made by Ballarat or Ballarat residents ballarat heritage, city of ballarat education kit -
Emerald Museum & Nobelius Heritage Park
Photograph/postcard, 'La Belle' Guest House, Emerald, Vic, c 1940's
Tim Kennedy built 'La Belle' Guest House circa 1890 - 1920. It became 'The Grange' sometime after 1942. The guest house was on Belgrave/Gembrook Road between IGA and the Shell Petrol Station. Unfortunately the guest house was demolished around 1983.Guest houses of the DandenongsSepia postcard, Rose Series depicting early guest house in EmeraldFront: The Rose Series Postcard, 'La Belle' Guest House, Emerald Vic. Back:: (handwritten) Dear Miss Hartnell, Just to wish you a Happy Xmas and bright new year I hope and trust that your health is better it was just twelve months yesterday since I returned from Olinda how time flies Doesent it, with all good wishes yours sincerely B George'la belle', the grange, tim kennedy -
Williamstown High School
Mr Lloyd Jones - Principal 1985-92
Mr Lloyd Jones was Principal at Williamstown High School from 1985-92.Copy of black and white photograph mounted on board. Accompanied by a quote and a caption.Caption reads: Mr Lloyd Jones Principal 1985-92. Quote reads: 'Gone are the days when you either 'learned' or 'left'. Thank goodness!....Today our knowledge of how people learn enables teachers to understand that all children have the capacity to succeed. It is this school's belief that it is a teacher's task to try to find the ways and areas that are most appropriate to each student' Lloyd Jones 1985.williamstown high school, 1992, principals, mr lloyd jones -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Document - Folder, Eltham War Memorial Complex, 1961
Background context for the establishment of the Eltham War Memorial as a living memorial, championed by the women of the community with the establishment of the Eltham War Memorial Trust and how the memorial was funded by public donations and eventually handed over to Council. The essay came about in 2018 following community protest at Council's plans to sell the land. Following abandonment of the sale process and putting development on hold, community groups pulled together to apply for heritage protection of the site with Heritage Victoria. This was formally rejected in May 2020.Contents: An essay addressed to the Councillors of Nillumbik Shire, October 2018: About the Eltham War Memorial and the adjacent community-owned sites in Eltham that the Council threatens to sell, Andrew Lemon Nov. 2018 Public Notice: Heritage Act 2017, Recommendations to the Heritage Council, Heritage Council Victoria, The Age, May 22, 2020, p34eltham war memorial, eltham war memorial trust, mrs. ada lyon, mrs. cairns officer, mrs. j.j. morrison, andrew lemon, children's library, eltham war memorial garden, eltham war memorial gate, eltham war memorial hall, garden of remembrance, heritage council victoria, nillumbik shire council, theodore feldbauer, violet feldbauer (nee teagle) -
Eltham District Historical Society Inc
Folder, Antipodean Elthamites and how I got there, 2001
Antipodean Elthams and how I got there, a talk by Margaret Taylor for the Eltham Society, England, November 1st 2001. 2nd draft with hand written notes/ addtions/corrections in the hand of Harry Gilham and others. The talk focuses on the history of the friendships between the Eltham Society in the UK with EDHS and the Eltham & Districts Historical Society Inc (NZ). Margaret's visit in 1997 and 1998, including her personal experience with discussion on the local history. This is a photocopy with the original copy with notes likely returned to Margaret. 31 Pages. HG Booklet 63harry gilham collection, margaret taylor, eltham nsw, talk, reminscences -
Geelong Cycling Club
Pedal Club Records
Pedal Clubs began in the late 1950's to encourage safety, to stimulate interest in getting out into nature, to teach owners how to look after their bikes; to provide to young and old opportunities for healthy recreation; to provide enjoyment and fellowship for all lovers of the open spaces and to develop greater skills in cycling. From the 1970's onwards the clubs developed competitions to encourage safe bike handling and skills. These clubs generally relied on parents to run the competitions for the children in their locations. These clubs provided opportunities for healthy recreation and in addition contributed to social cohesiveness in local communities.Handwritten minutes, reports, correspondence of Geelong West Pedal Club 1986; photographs of club members at club activity days; newspaper articles.geelong west pedal club; sir hubert opperman; 1985; 1986; -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Article, Claire Pitts, Burnley Gardens - an Experimental Success, c. 1991
5 pages of an article from "The Australian Garden Journal" written by Claire Pitts, Vol 10 No 2 Dec 1990 / Jan 1991. The summary at the introduction to the article states "Claire Pitts focuses on some of the very diverse areas within the gardens that are the horticultural centre of Victoria, and describes how they have been modified over time." Illustrations included Claire Pitts graduated 1986, Burnley Horticultural College, Associate Diploma Horticulture (Perhaps she has done the degree since then?)5-page article by Claire Pitts from Garden Journal, Vol. 10, No. 2, Dec, 1990-Jan. 1991claire pitts, garden journal, diverse gardens victoria, associate diploma of horticulture, burnley gardens, change in victorian gardens -
Stawell Historical Society Inc
Photograph, Mine Stamper from Newchum Mine Pleasant Creek called "Vivian"
The main photograph of the battery, "Vivian" a 24 Head Stamper is now in Beaconsfield, Tasmania. The battery head stamper was made in 1862 for crushing gold ore for the "Newchum" mine at Pleasant Creek (now Stawell) Victoria. In 1933 the Chintock family used the Head Stamper to cruse tin ore in a mine at Blue Teir in north-eastern Tasmania. It is not know how or when "Vivian" the battery head stamper came to Tasmania. In 1993 the battery was restored as is a working exhibit in the museum at Beaconsfield Tasmania.Two colour photographs, one of the Battery and the other information about the Battery. The main photograph of the battery, "Vivian" a 24 Head Stamper now in Beaconsfield, Tasmania. The battery head stamper was made in 1862 for crushing gold ore for the "Newchum" mine at Pleasant Creek (now Stawell) Victoria. Beaconsfieldstawell, mining -
Unions Ballarat
The Assault on Reason, Gore, Al, 2007/2008
From the publisher: "A visionary analysis of how the politics of fear, secrecy, cronyism, and blind faith has combined with the degradation of the public sphere to create an environment dangerously hostile to reason." The book strongly critique of the Bush administration. Contents: Introduction -- 1: Politics of fear -- 2: Blinding the faithful -- 3: Politics of wealth -- 4: Convenient untruths -- 5: Assault on the individual -- 6: National insecurity -- 7: Carbon crisis -- 8: Democracy in the balance -- 9: Well-connected citizenry -- Conclusion: Rebirth of democracyRelevance to politics in the United States, Iraq War, events around 9/11 and the George W. Bush government (2000-2008).Paper; book. Front cover: coloured image of the US flag (background); blue, white and red lettering.Front cover: author's name and book title.btlc, ballarat trades hall, ballarat trades and labour council, united states of america, bush, george, iraq war, 9/11, national security - usa, politics, government, democracy, citizenship -
City of Ballarat Libraries
35mm Slide, Morshead's Department Store, S.E. Dickins Self Service Grocery, corner Grenville Street and Bridge Street, Ballarat circa 1950s
This interesting photograph shows how a presently unprepossesing corner of Ballarat once looked. Also included is the Buck's Head hotel at the extreme right, which closed in 1960 and was demolished. The Morshead's department store windows were famous for their displays. Mrs Bon Strange and her husband Bert were well known Ballarat residents. When Mrs Strange died some years ago, her extensive slide collection was sorted through and those relevant to Ballarat were gifted to the Ballarat Library.grenville street, bridge street, department store, grocery store, illuminations, letterbox -
Mt Dandenong & District Historical Society Inc.
Photograph, View Over Logan's From Barber's Road
Robert Logan selected Lot 28 of the Village Settlement in 1896 and lived there until his death in 1936. Historian John Lundy-Clarke tells how Logan planted his land with plums, peaches and apples and also grew raspberries, beans, cabbages and lettuces. He also planted a small patch of oats that he harvested to feed his horse. This photograph was taken c1920 and shows the view over Logan's property of Harmony Vale, taken from Barber's Road.Black and white photograph showing lines of crops and orchard trees with rooftops in foreground and larger trees and cleared areas in background.robert logan, logan, orchard, crops, raspberries, harmony vale, barbers road -
Otway Districts Historical Society
Book, Merimbula Easiprint, The Otways that I knew, 1993
Condensing 100 years of Otway history the author tries to give an insight into the thoughts and ways of the settlers in opening the western Otway Ranges. It gives some indication of the mental pressure, hand-in-hand with the physical stress, as a settler cleared the land and made a living for his family. It covers how the rail link brought in the timber mills and their workers which made timber the main industry of that era, and covers the changes that took place in the 1930s as the mills closed down and the district raised crops, dairying and grazing.The Otways that I knew. Ronald Charles 'Corker' Brown. 1st ed. Corker Brown; np; 1993. 216 p.; illus; maps. Soft cover. ISBN 0 646 16798 7otway ranges; corker brown; otway lighthouse; aborigines; beech forest; farming; grazing; crops; railways; roads; timber; -
Expression Australia
Scrapbook, Adult Deaf Society of Victoria Scrapbook
This Scrapbook contains, among other things, newspapers clippings and annual reports relating to the Adult Deaf Missions of Victoria and South Australia as well as clippings from various Deaf magazines printed in Great Britian. The compiler of the scrapbook is unknown, however it is possibly the work of E. B. Solomon a deaf man associated with the South Australian Adult Deaf and Dumb Mission as Caretaker (1896) and Collector (1897-1919?). If it is the work of Solomon it is not known how it came to be in the Vicdeaf Collection and research is continuing.This Scrapbook is a significant collection of material relating to the Deaf Missions of Victoria and South Australia with the period cover being from about 1895 to 1905. There is also a significant amount of material included that relates to the Deaf in Great Britain, this material covering an earlier period from the 1880'sadult deaf and dumb society of victoria, south australian adult deaf and dumb mission, e. b. solomon, samuel johnson, john paul, ernest abraham -
Vision Australia
Functional object - Object, Pocket watch belonging to Tom Marks, ca. 1920s
This pocket watch is believed to have been owned by Tom Marks, a past president of the AFB, and is an example of how Braille could be integrated into everyday items at the early part of the 20th century. Braille numbers are located on top of each printed number. Steel metal watch with copper trims. Sixty minute markers on white face and black numerals of the clock face. Minute and hour hands are of blue anodised material. Embedded seconds dial, sixty divisions marks with blue anodised sweep hand.Metal pocket watch with raised Braille numbers on facetom marks, assistive devices -
Vision Australia
Audio - Sound recording, Vision Australia, Around Vision Australia: Episode 44
Covering issues and news about Vision Australia and the opportunities it provides for clients, volunteers and staff. Host: Stephen Jolley with guest interviews by Valerie Thomas. Stephen Jolly talking to client Meribell Steel and employment coordinator John Candlish on how VA is helping Meribell gain employment. Siobhan Dennis discussing new titles in the library. Valerie Thomas with guest Frank Bartoli and his activities since receiving his OAM, and Kate Gniel gives an update from Marketing department.1 digital sound file in WAV formatradio shows, vision australia, valerie thomas, stephen jolley, meribell steel, john candlish, siobhan dennis, frank bartoli, kate gniel -
Melbourne Legacy
Document, Legacy, 2006
A document summarising the work of Legacy in 2006. It mentions how it was begun by a group of WW1 veterans. At the time there were 126,000 widows and 1,800 children and adults with a disability being helped by Legacy around Australia. There were approximately 6,700 Legatees in 49 Legacy Clubs. It refers to Legacy's efforts to improve the benefits available from the Government sources. Document was from a folder of documents donated to the archive by Legatee Bill Rogers that related to his time as President (March 2006 - March 2008).A summary of the work of Legacy in 2006.Print out x 2 pages about Legacy, its history and current challenges.legatees, statistics -
Melbourne Legacy
Document - Document, article, In Flanders Fields - Digest of World Reading Nov 1960 (H25), 1960
An interesting article from the Digest of World Reading about Canadian John McCrae and his famous poem "In Flanders Field". It tells of his war service and how the poem was published in Punch on 8 December 1915. He was in the medical service when he succumbed to pneumonia in January 1918. The journal article was sent to the Legacy Co-Ordinating Council who sent it to the archive. The notation H25 in red pen shows that it was part of the archive project that was trying to capture the history of Legacy. Collected by an earlier archive committee which shows the poem was important to the Legatees. The poem was the inspiration for the torch emblem of Legacy.White A4 photocopy x 3 pages of an article published in 1960 and a letter on Legacy Co-ordinating Council letterhead from 1969.Handwritten H25 in red pen. Letter signed PW Danby, Hon. Secretary of the Legacy Co-Ordinating Council.history, world war one, poem