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matching ballarat goldfield
Federation University Historical Collection
Photograph, Clare Gervasoni, Former Ballarat Courthouse, Camp Street, 13/05/2021
Photographs of the Former Sherriff's Office, Camp Street, BallaratThis stone was laid by the Mayor C.C. Shoppee M.L.A. 21st August. 1903former sherriff's office, camp street, arts academy, charles shoppee, c.c. shoppee -
Federation University Historical Collection
Photograph, Clare Gervasoni, Federation University Arts Academy, 2021, 13/05/2021
Photograph of Federation University Arts Academy, looking towards the rear of the Ballarat Mining street, arts academy, ballarat mining exchange -
Federation University Historical Collection
Book - Directory, G.F. Witton, G.F. Witton's Commercial Directory of Victoria 1895-1896, 1885
Blue hardcovered book outlining commercial activity in towns in Victoria, Australia. non-fictiondirectory, street directory, postal directory, commercial directory, ballarat, bendigo, yandoit, koroit, port fairy, warrnambook -
Federation University Historical Collection
Document - Document - Letter, Ballarat Junior Technical School: Reference for Geoffrey S Stubbs, 1956
Reference letter for Geoffrey S Stubbs stating he has gained his Junior Technical Certificate and should gain his Intermediate Technical Certificate at the examinations in November. He is of good character and an enthusiastic member of the School Air Training Corps. Cream sheet of paper, typed ballarat junior technical school, headmaster, l garner, geoffrey s stubbs, reference, junior technical certificate, intermediate technical certificate, examinations, school air training corps -
Federation University Historical Collection
Document - Document - Letter, Ballarat Junior Technical School: Letter from The Metropolitan Technical Men's Branch of the V.T.U. re class sizes, 1952
Letter from the Secretary of the Metropolitan Technical Men's Branch of the Victorian Teachers' Union, Findlay Masson, outlining the problem of class sizes in Technical Schools. Classes of 48 students are regular in English, Mathematics and Social Studies. In practical classes the size has been set. Asking Technical Schools to submit details of extra accommodation required to allow for reduction of class size to 40 students or less. These needs to be incorporated into a proposed plan to be submitted to the Education Department through the V.T.U. Cream sheet of paper, typed Headmaster Ballarat Junior hand written in red pen Answered 23/10 in pencil Signature of Findlay C Masson, Secretary in red penballarat junior technical school, headmaster, l garner, victorian teachers' union, v.t.u., findlay masson, secretary, metropolitan technical men's branch, class sizes, reduction in number, extra accommodation, proposed plan, education department -
Federation University Historical Collection
Document - Document - Letter, Ballarat Junior Technical School: Reference for Robert Wilson, 1956
Reference letter for Robert Wilson stating he has gained his Junior Technical Certificate and about to sit for the Intermediate Technical Certificate examination.Very good character and trusted to carry out tasks conscientiously. Pleasant personality and courteous. Cream sheet of paper, typed ballarat junior technical school, headmaster, l garner, reference, robert wilson, junior technical certificate, intermediate technical certificate examinations, good character, courteous, trusted -
Federation University Historical Collection
Document - Document - Letter, Ballarat Junior Technical School: Reference for Colin John McKenzie, 1956
Reference letter for Colin John McKenzie stating he has gained his Junior Technical Certificate and about to sit for the Intermediate Technical Certificate examination. Very good character and trusted to carry out tasks conscientiously. Pleasant personality and courteous. As a school prefect he carried out his dutis efficiently. Demonstrates qualities of leadership. Cream sheet of paper, typed ballarat junior technical school, headmaster, l garner, reference, junior technical certificate, intermediate technical certificate examinations, good character, courteous, trusted, colin john mckenzie, prefect, qualities of leadership -
Federation University Historical Collection
Document - Document - Letter, Ballarat Junior Technical School: Reference for Robert Wilson, to Commercial Bank of Victoria, 1956
Reference letter for Robert Wilson stating he has gained his Junior Technical Certificate and about to sit for the Intermediate Technical Certificate examination.Very good character and trusted to carry out tasks conscientiously. Pleasant personality and courteous. This reference sent to The Manager, Commercial Bank, Ballarat Cream sheet of paper, typed ballarat junior technical school, headmaster, l garner, reference, robert wilson, junior technical certificate, intermediate technical certificate examinations, good character, courteous, trusted, manager, commercial bank, ballarat -
Federation University Historical Collection
Document - Document - Letter, Ballarat Junior Technical School: Reference for Barry Parker, 1956
Reference letter for Barry Parker stating he has gained his Junior Technical Certificate and Intermediate Technical Certificate. Good personality and a direct but courteous manner of approach. A school prefect who carried out tasks in a way that demonstrated he can accept responsibility. Cream sheet of paper, typed ballarat junior technical school, headmaster, l garner, reference, junior technical certificate, good character, courteous, barry parker, intermediate technical certificate, prefect, accept responsibility -
Federation University Historical Collection
Document - Document - Letter, Ballarat Junior Technical School: Reference for Loris Bellingham sent to Manager of State Savings Bank, Creswick, 1956
Reference letter for Loris Bellingham stating he has gained his Junior Technical Certificate and Intermediate Technical Certificate at Diploma standard. Very good character who has always been highly regarded by his teachers. Good personality and courteous manner. Trusted to carry out task conscientiously. This was written to the Manager of the State Savings Bank, Creswick. Cream sheet of paper, typed ballarat junior technical school, headmaster, l garner, reference, junior technical certificate, good character, courteous, intermediate technical certificate, loris bellingham, manager, state savings bank, creswick, highly regarded, diploma standard -
Federation University Historical Collection
Document - Document - Letter, Ballarat Junior Technical School: Reference for Ian Nunn re apprentice for Victorian Railways, 1952
Reference letter for Ian Nunn who has been at the school for three years. Very good character and I highly recommend him as a suitable apprentice for the Victorian Railways. Expect Ian will pass examinations with distinction. Cream sheet of paper, typed ballarat junior technical school, headmaster, l garner, reference, ian nunn, good character, recommend apprenticeship, victorian railways -
Federation University Historical Collection
Document - Document - Letter, Ballarat Junior Technical School: Letter to Junior Technical School Echuca re lost item, 1956
Letter to The Head Master, Junior Technical School Echuca. Student from BJTS, Peter Agrums, a member of the tennis team, left shoes in the clubhouse. Believes they were returned to the school. Request they be posted to Ballarat and the school will pay postage. Cream sheet of paper, typed ballarat junior technical school, headmaster, l garner, echuca junior technical school, tennis team, peter agrums, shoes, return to bjts -
Federation University Historical Collection
Document - Document - Letter, Ballarat Junior Technical School: Reference for Glen Cunningham, re apprentice for Victorian Railways, 1952
Reference letter for Glen Cunningham who has just sat for the Junior Technical Certificate. Results not yet in. Very good character and I highly recommend him as a suitable applicant for apprenticeship in the Victorian Railways. Cream sheet of paper, typed ballarat junior technical school, headmaster, l garner, reference, victorian railways, glen cunningham, junior technical certificate, applicant, apprenticeship -
Federation University Historical Collection
Document - Document - Letter, Ballarat Junior Technical School: Letter to Mr c Badger, Director, Council of Adult Education, 1956
Letter to Mr C Badger, Director , Council of Adult Education, Melbourne, thanking him for attending the school's Speech Night and giving an address. It was very well received by all. Cheque enclosed to cover travelling expenses. Cream sheet of paper, typed ballarat junior technical school, headmaster, l garner, c badger, director, council of adult education, melbourne, speech night, travelling expenses -
Federation University Historical Collection
Document - Document - Letter, Ballarat Junior Technical School: Character reference for Neil James Keast, 1956
Reference letter for Neil James Keast, a pupil at BJTS from 1952 to 1954. He gained his Junior Technical Certificate. Good character and a suitable applicant for apprenticeship in the Air Force. Cream sheet of paper, typed ballarat junior technical school, headmaster, l garner, neil james keast, junior technical certificate, apprenticeship, air force, 1952-1954 -
Federation University Historical Collection
Document - Document - Letter, Ballarat Junior Technical School: Certification of qualifications, Raymond Gleeson, 1956
Reference letter for Raymond Gleeson, a pupil at BJTS from 1946 to 1948. He gained his Junior Technical Certificate at the higher standard.Cream sheet of paper, typed ballarat junior technical school, headmaster, l garner, raymond gleeson, junior technical certificate, 1946-1948 -
Federation University Historical Collection
Document - Document - Letter, Ballarat Junior Technical School: Memorandum from Education Department re School Committee Scholarship, 1956
Letter from Gladstone Balathiel of the Education Department re The School Committee Scholarship, valued at Ten Pounds. This awarded to Marilyn Jolly the previous year (1955), A cheque for amount enclosed.Cream sheet of paper, hand written in blue pen Letterhead Signature of Gladstone Balathielballarat junior technical school, headmaster, l garner, education department, school committee scholarship, marilyn jolly, ten pounds, gladstone balathiel -
Federation University Historical Collection
Document - Document - Letter, Ballarat Junior Technical School: Letter from the National Gallery of Victoria re cartage payment, 1956
Letter from Ursula Hoff, Keeper of Prints at the National Gallery of Victoria regarding cartage payments. Postal notes paid by the school will be returned and it is necessary for the receipt No 59932 be returned to the Gallery.Schools are no longer required to pay us for the cartage of school prints. Payment now directly to the railways for cartage.Cream sheet of paper, typed Letterhead - National Gallery Victoria Signature of Ursula Hoff - penballarat junior technical school, headmaster, l garner, national gallery of victoria, cartage payments, postal notes, receipt no 59932, ursula hoff, keeper of prints -
Federation University Historical Collection
Memorabilia - Menu, Federaton University Alumni Dinner - Ballarat Junior Technical School, 2023, 04/2023
On Saturday 22 April 2023 around 100 former Ballarat Junior Techncial School Students celebrated a reunion including tours of the Ballarat School of Mines Campus, and a dinner at Prospects Reataurant. A card menu used for a dinner held at Prospects Restaurant during a reunion of alumni from the Ballarat Junior Technical School. ballarat junior technical school, reunion, alumni, menu, prospects restaurant -
Federation University Historical Collection
Document - Document - Course Outline, E J Barker: Ballarat School of Mines; Course Outlines for Applied Mechanics IIIB, - Fluid Mechanics and Machines
Collection of papers used by E J (Jack) Barker when he was teaching at Ballarat School of Mines. They are Applied Mechanics courses - Fluid mechanics and Machines. Jack chose to do Engineering while still at Footscray Technical School as it gave access to Diploma Courses and tertiary studies. This enabled him to enter the University of Melbourne and do a Bachelor in Mechanical Engineering - 1945, 1946, and 1947. In 1948 he did a Diploma in Education at Melbourne University. From this path he was able to follow a career in teaching and his first appointment was at the School of Mines in Ballarat, (SMB) 1949. He became the first Vice Principal of SMB in 1960 and then Principal in 1964 to 1976. From 1976 to his retirement in 1987, he was the Foundation Director of Ballarat College of Advanced Education (BCAE). The Library building at Mount Helen Campus is named after him.Lined pages - hand written Printed pages .1: Applied Mechanics IIIB Fluid Mechanics .2: Applied Mechanics IIIB Machinese j barker, jack barker, footscray technical school, melbourne university, engineering, diploma of mechanical engineering, diploma of electrical engineering, school of mines ballarat, smb, diploma in education, vice principal, principal, foundation director, ballarat college of advanced education, bcae, bachelor of mechanical engineering, library, mount helen campus, applied mechanics - fluid mechanics, applied mechanics - machines, course material -
Federation University Historical Collection
Book - Book - Mechanical Engineering Drawings, E J Barker: University of Melbourne: Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering exercise books, 1945, 1946
Three books used when at the University of Melbourne 1945, 1946, 1947.They were used in Mechanical Engineering Practical classes. Jack chose to do Engineering while still at Footscray Technical School as it gave access to Diploma Courses and tertiary studies. This enabled him to enter the University of Melbourne and do a Bachelor in Mechanical Engineering - 1945, 1946, and 1947. In 1948 he did a Diploma in Education at Melbourne University. From this path he was able to follow a career in teaching and his first appointment was at the School of Mines in Ballarat, (SMB) 1949. He became the first Vice Principal of SMB in 1960 and then Principal in 1964 to 1976. From 1976 to his retirement in 1987, he was the Foundation Director of Ballarat College of Advanced Education (BCAE). The Library building at Mount Helen Campus is named after him.2 Black covered books with gold type on covers. Lined and graph paper sheetsSymbol - Postera * Crescam * Laude No. 3e j barker, jack barker, footscray technical school, melbourne university, engineering, diploma of mechanical engineering, diploma of electrical engineering, school of mines ballarat, smb, diploma in education, vice principal, principal, foundation director, ballarat college of advanced education, bcae, bachelor of mechanical engineering, library, mount helen campus, mechanical engineering practical drawing, graph paper -
Federation University Historical Collection
Document - Document - Course Outline, E J Barker: University of Melbourne: Bachelor of Mechanical Engineering; Metallurgy School Practical Report and Properties of Metals, 1947
Documents for course use in School of Metallurgy at Melbourne University. Properties of metals and effect when treated in various ways. Jack chose to do Engineering while still at Footscray Technical School as it gave access to Diploma Courses and tertiary studies. This enabled him to enter the University of Melbourne and do a Bachelor in Mechanical Engineering - 1945, 1946, and 1947. In 1948 he did a Diploma in Education at Melbourne University. From this path he was able to follow a career in teaching and his first appointment was at the School of Mines in Ballarat, (SMB) 1949. He became the first Vice Principal of SMB in 1960 and then Principal in 1964 to 1976. From 1976 to his retirement in 1987, he was the Foundation Director of Ballarat College of Advanced Education (BCAE). The Library building at Mount Helen Campus is named after him.Typed and hand written pages. Diagrams on graph pages. Lined and plain pages.e j barker, jack barker, melbourne university, engineering, diploma of mechanical engineering, diploma of electrical engineering, school of mines ballarat, smb, diploma in education, vice principal, principal, foundation director, ballarat college of advanced education, bcae, bachelor of mechanical engineering, library, mount helen campus, graph paper, school of metallurgy, properties if metals, reactions to treatment -
Federation University Historical Collection
Photograph, Former Ballarat School of Mines Museum
This building was erected c1856 as the Wesley Church. Negotiations for its sale to the Ballarat School of Mines started in 1883, and the sale was completed for 2000 pounds. The Ballarat School of Mines Musuem was transferred to this building in 1885 giving the collection a more permanent and suitable location. The front was remodelled in 1920. The building was converted from the museum to the E.J. Tippett recreation Hall in 1959, after plans to demolish it were abandoned due to lack of funds.Colour photograph of the former Ballarat School of Mines Museum during a fall of snow. ballarat school of mines, e.j. recreation hall, ballarat school of mines museum', former wesleyan church, snow -
Federation University Historical Collection
Photograph - Photograph - Colour, Clare Gervasoni, Henry Sutton Wall Mural at the Ballarat School of Mines TAFE, 2019, 2019
... E.J. Barker Library (top floor) Mount Helen goldfields henry ...Colour photographs of the Henry Sutton Timeline on the wall at the Ballarat School of Mines TAFE bullding (S Building) in Grant St.henry sutton, ballarat school of mines, old chemistry building, timeline, mural -
Federation University Historical Collection
Photograph, Ballarat School of Mines Old Chemistry Building, 28/09/2020
... E.J. Barker Library (top floor) Mount Helen goldfields ...Photograph of evidence of Assay Kiln in The Old Chemistry Buildingballarat school of mines, old chemistry building, c building, assay kilns -
Federation University Historical Collection
Photograph, Clare Gervasoni, Entrance to the Ballarat School of Mines Engineering Workshop, 28/09/2020
... E.J. Barker Library (top floor) Mount Helen goldfields ...Photograph of the door to the former Engineering workshop at the Ballarat School of Mines.ballarat school of mines, engineering workshop, flecknoe building -
Federation University Historical Collection
Photograph, Clare Gervasoni, Ballarat School of Mines E.J. Tippett Library, 28/09/2020
The library was built on the footprint of the former Ballarat Gaol.Photograph of the Ballarat School of Mines E.J. Tippett Library ballarat school of mines, library, e.j. tippett library, e.j. tippett learning resource centre -
Federation University Historical Collection
Photograph, Clare Gervasoni, Back Views of the Former Ballarat Supreme Court, 28/09/2020
... E.J. Barker Library (top floor) Mount Helen goldfields ...The former Ballarat Supreme Court was renovated to become the Courthouse Theatre.Photograph of the rear of the Former Ballarat Supreme Courtballarat school of mines, former courthouse theatre, courthouse theatre, bluestone -
Federation University Historical Collection
Photograph, Clare Gervasoni, Finial the Former Ballarat Supreme Court, 28/09/2020
... E.J. Barker Library (top floor) Mount Helen goldfields ...The former Ballarat Supreme Court was renovated to become the Courthouse Theatre.Photograph a finial on the Former Ballarat Supreme Courtballarat school of mines, former courthouse theatre, courthouse theatre, slate -
Federation University Historical Collection
Photograph, Clare Gervasoni, Ballarat Technical Art School Building, 28/09/2020
... E.J. Barker Library (top floor) Mount Helen goldfields ...The Ballarat Technical Art School was a division of the Ballarat School of Mines. Colour photograph of a double story building custom built as the Ballarat Technical Art School.ballarat technical art school, ballarat school of mines