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Federation University Historical Collection
Photograph, Simone Byrne and Keith Boast, c1998
Photographic portrait of Simone Byrne and Keith Boast, members of Ballarat School of Mines Planning and Marketing.keith boast, simone byrne -
Federation University Historical Collection
Photograph, Eilfred Kenneth, 02/08/1915
Rough correspondence relating to the emplyment of Wilfred Kenneth at the Ballarat School of Mines.staff, wilfred kenneth, ballarat school of mines, lancelot austin -
Federation University Historical Collection
Document, Judge Rogers, 1869
Typed PagesTo His Honor Judge Rogers Sir I am glad to see that you are favorable to the establishment of a Mining School for, and in, this Colony and if when established, it should prove to be so valuable an adjunct as [ ? ]institution in Cornwall is to the philosphy of mining generally, the satisfaction uou will derive from teh promonant positino you have taken in the matter will amply repay you its benefactor. The principle of technological teachings is being organised by out great [ ? ] more and more almost daily. A mining school is purely technological in its character and its teachings will tend to make plain many of the obscurities of the presnt systems of mining, and its engineering. I will recollect a very strong hint given by you fro the Bench at Ballarat East over two years since in the cast of Bull v Bunning City which I gave evidence to the effect, "Don't you think that an institution of Engineers would be able to try such a case better than in this court. The question was partly on of technology and would [speak] volumes in its answer if followed into all its [ ? ] and [implications]. I have studued [ ? ] practical perhaps all of the branches which would have to be taught, and studied in a mining school, and shall be most happy in assisting, so far as my limited capacity will allow in this matter. I may add that I hold the first certificate from the committee of Inquiry as established by the Government, for competency as a mining inpector for this Colony, I am Sir your most Obt and humble servant [illegible]ballarat school of mines, merger, amalgamation, establishment, phoenix foundry, letterhead, warrington rogers -
Federation University Historical Collection
Newspaper, Ballarat School of Mines Time Capsule, 1994
Due to the Covid19 Pandemic and associated lockdowns the time capsule was not opened in 2022. Ballarat School of Mines Time Capsule buried for posterityThe School of Mines and Industries Ballarat Est. 1870 This plaque commemorates the planting of a tree and placing of a time capsule by Dr Ron Wild, the last serving Director of SMB, together with staff to mark the end of the institution prior to its merger with the University of Ballarat and the Wimmera Institute of TAFE 19 December 1997 Time capsule to be opened in 2020 SMBtime capsule, discovery day, ballarat school of mines, covid19, pandemic, merger, university of ballarat, wimmera institute of tafe -
Federation University Historical Collection
Book - Autographs, Alisan Lanigan, SCVB 30 Year Reunion Booklet and Signatures, 2006
The State College of Victoria Ballarat was formerly the Ballarat Teachers' College. In 1976 it moved from its Gillies Street location to the Mount Helen Campus, now a campus of Federation University Australia. Denise (Walshy) Walsh 1974-1976 Lecturer, Dept of Studies in Teaching, SCVB 1976-1979 Head, Educational Technology Unit I came to the College bringing the lessons I had learned in 20 years (1954-1974) of teaching secondary school students and their parents in the challenging environment of country schools and parishes. Initially part-time, I found the dedication and competence of the staff and their concern for the professional formation and general well-being of students and colleagues to be inspiring. Similar concern and active acceptance extended to me and I wondered – I think we all did – if these qualities were transferable to the ‘dreaded’ Mt Helen. Later, I was invited to upgrade my academic qualifications by applying for the gradually decreasing but still generous study leave that was available. It was granted and I was accepted into the Master’s Program in Educational Technology at Concordia University, Montreal. The staff who generously extended their loads to cover for my absence amazed me. Their support showed that, in truth, the spirit of Gillies Street had indeed ‘moved over.’ More than in any other place that I have worked, all of the staff – including teaching, research, support, service, outside staff, both central and faculty – worked as one by providing mutual service and care in the spirit of a great and long-standing educational institution. State Council of Victoria at Ballarat (SCVB) 30 Year Reunion Booklet and Signatures.scvb, state college victoria ballarat, ballarat teachers college, reunion, alison lanigan, ballarat teachers' college, denise walsh -
Federation University Historical Collection
Document, Colonial Mutual Fire Insurance Co Policy, c1907
Four page policy filled out by Frederick Martellballarat school of mines, insurance, colonial mutural fire co insurance, frederick martell -
Federation University Historical Collection
Document, Letter to Mrs Martell, 1907, 18/07/1907
Letter to Mrs Martellballarat school of mines, frederick martell, martell -
Federation University Historical Collection
Book, Ballarat School of Mines Calendar 1902-3, 1902-1903
Green covered book of 96 pagesballarat school of mines -
Federation University Historical Collection
Document, Ballarat School of Mines Receipt. 1914, 21/10/1914
Ballarat School of Mienms recit relating to John Adal, Sons of Gwalia Mine, for a registered article. jack adam, john adam, sons of gwalia, ballarat school of mines -
Federation University Historical Collection
Document, Ballarat School of Mines Annual Report, 1979, 1979
In 1979 Rex Hollioake was the President of the Ballarat School of Mines Council. A music centre was opened at 4 Hickman StreetBrown covered A4 reportballarat school of mines, annual report, rex hollioake, r.c. muir, n.a. croach, mckay, r.j. dobell, e.j. barker, j. chambers, ken flecknoe, jack barker, lindsay hillman, m.b. john, arthur nicholson, r.j. selkirk, j. short, e.j. tippett, f.r. uhe, t.a. wiseman, l.c. yandell, i. aitken, gary little, land laboratory, walkways, music centre, 4 hickman st, lake bolac tafe centre, welfare certificate, jack sewell, plumber andrew trigg wins silver medal, gordon spittle, a. trigg, caravan park management course, mt clear technical high school, betty collier, alistair highway, i. mitaxa, rolly parfenovics, enolments, trevor kellam, eileen kelly, brian mclennan, women's access program, drama, r.c. morgan, intake -
Federation University Historical Collection
Document, Presentation of Certificate of Appreciation, pre 2005
ballarat school of mines, bob jackman, brian mclennan, bendex intex -
Federation University Historical Collection
Document, John Crump and Ceramics Students
John Crump and Ceramics Studentsballarat school of mines, ceramics, john crump, bev sylvia, leonie pearson -
Federation University Historical Collection
Book - Ledger, Ballarat School of Mines Minutes: 1909-1918, 1909-1918
... The Ballarat School of Mines was the first School of Mines... The Ballarat School of Mines was the first School of Mines in Australia ...The Ballarat School of Mines was the first School of Mines in Australia. It is a predecessor institution of Federation University Australia.Hard coveredboob with leather spine and corners. The minites of the Ballarat School of Mines Council are handwrittten on the 25 March 1910 "... It was resolved that in the event of the Department of Forestry offering 250 pounds per annum for the instruction of their students at Creswick in Chemistry, Botany, Physics and Surveying that it be accepted ..." lined pages. 26 November 1909 "..It was decided to accept with thanks an offer of a flagpole and flag made by Mr W. Coltman through the student association. Mr Clegg to be consulted as to its erection. ..." 25 August 1916 "... A very cordial welcome was extended to Colonel Bolton, who was present for the first time since his return from Gallipoli. ... " 25 July 1910 "... A letter was received from the staff in reference to Mr Oddie's system of ventilation which he wishes introduced into the School. It was decided to postpone the matter for consideration when funds are available, ..." "... At Colonel Bolton's suggestion, it was decided to inform the Sectretary of the Returned Soldiers Association that applications from returned soldiers for free instruction at this School would be favorably considered, and that it would be in the best interests of the movement if applications for admission were received through the Association. ... that Councillors T. Hurley, R. Stephenson, Colonel Bolton and the Principals be appointed as a sub-committee with power to act, in dealing with application from Returned Soldiers. "ballarat school of mines, james bickett, richard t. vale, j.k. dunn, s.e. figgis, samuel figgis, j. lonie, r. maddern, j.y. mcdonald, w.h. middleton, d. mitchell, dr morrison, h.a. nevett, j. ssxton, dr scott, w.h. sewell, j. vikery, g.h. fitches, andrew anderson, g. buchanan, j. dunn, f. herman, j. mitchell, r. scott, r.e. williams, j.d. woolcott, j. pearse, james oddie, shackleton polarizer, forestry school, creswick, b. whittington, ida johnson, j. barber, j. foster, h. hall, w.j. humphries, s. flohm, signwriting, frank tate, colonel bolton, j.b. robinson, alexander peacock, h.h. smith, charles fenner, c.a. hoadley, a.w. steane, j.n. dunn, w.d. hill, c. fenner, g. fitches, r. pearse, a.o. stubbs, daniel walker, w. nixon, t. hurley, r. stephenson, a.e. cutter, w.h. flaey, j.w. gower, j.n. montgomery, ballarat school of mines museum, a.m. lilburne, d. maxwell, d. ronaldson, r.e. tunbridge, j. jolly, j.m. sutherland, frederick martell, w.j. hoare, j.j. brokenshire, r. cutter, g. remfry, j.e. molloy, .stewart bequest, h.b. herbert, j. kean, f. saunders, george swinburne, w.j. humphreys, j. stevens, william baragwanath, richard g. walker, j.f. wiles, w.j. parry, george vincent, m.hannah, repatriation, returned soldiers, william k. bolton, maurice copland, d.v. allen, r.f. barker, a.f. heseltine, r.w. richards, appointment of dick richards, j.f.w. sporn, p.g. brown, h. daykin -
Federation University Historical Collection
Photograph, Ballarat School of Mines Final Party, 1994, 12/1994
The time capsule includes newsletters, photos, a menu, medallions, a computer disk and a copy of the Ballarat Courier. The capsule was buried in a sealed PVC cylinder wrapped in plastic. A photograph of Pam Davies, Ballarat School of Mines Council President, about the release ballons at the 'SMB Final Party' which took place before the merger of the Ballarat School of MInes and the University of Ballarat. merger, pam davies, ballarat school of mines, party, time capsule, ballarat school of mines merger, council president -
Federation University Historical Collection
Document, Education Department to the Ballarat School of Mines, 1899, 18/01/1899
Foolscap letter to the Ballarat school of Mines concerning results for the following students P.E. Marmion L.P. Seal A. McConvey K.R. Nicholls L.P. Seal S.B. Vial R.J. Allan W.J. Amor Oliver E. Jaeger T.E. Atherton l.p. seal, a. mcconvey, k.r. nicholls, s.b. vial, r.j. allan, w.j. amor, oliver e. jaeger, t.e. atherton, p.e. marmion, education department victoria, examination -
Federation University Historical Collection
Photograph, Clare Kearns, 17/01/2000
Photpgraphic portrait of Clare Kearns, former student in the School of Businessclare kearns, school of business, alumni -
Federation University Historical Collection
Letter, Education Department to the Ballarat School of Mines, 18/09/1901
Foolscap letter on Victorian Education Department letterhead. It is bordered in black as it was sent during the mourning period for Queen Victoria. The letter refers to Ballarat School of Mines student in Theoretical Chemistry, Victor Nichol.victor nichol, mourning, chemistry, ballarat school of mines -
Federation University Historical Collection
Letter, Letter from the Department of Mines and Water Supply, 1901, 28/02/1901
Foolscap handwritten letter with black edge marking mourning for Queen Victoria. Department of Mines & Water Supply Melbourne 28th Feb. 1901 Sir, I have the honor to forward herewith duplicate copies of conrtact forms re contract G.M. IV - one copy together with the specifications to be signed and returned to this office. The drawing underneat separate cove is also to be signed by the contractor and then sent back to me. I have the honor ro be, Sir, Your most obedt Servant. P. Cohen for Secretary for Mines and Water Supplydepartme of mines and water supply, p. cohen, contract, ballarat school of mines, mourning, letterhead, queen victoria mourning -
Federation University Historical Collection
Booklet, Ballarat School of Mines Register of Attendances for Steam and Gas Engines, 1908, 1908
... University Australia. ballarat school of mines A.d. Gilchrist Steam ...The Ballarat School of Mines is a predecessor institution of Federation University Australia. A slim, green pastel, hard cover volume with dark blue spine. Two full-width pages for entering names of those enrolled.ballarat school of mines, a.d. gilchrist, steam, gas engines -
Federation University Historical Collection
Booklet, Ballarat School of Mines Register of Attendances for Land Surveying, 1908, 1908
... University Australia. ballarat school of mines a.d. gilchrist land ...The Ballarat School of Mines is a predecessor institution of Federation University Australia. A slim, green pastel, hard cover volume with dark blue spine. Two full-width pages for entering names of those enrolled.ballarat school of mines, a.d. gilchrist, land surveying -
Federation University Historical Collection
Booklet, Ballarat School of Mines Register of Attendances for Engineering Drawing, 1908, 1908
... University Australia. ballarat school of mines a.e.c. Kerr ...The Ballarat School of Mines is a predecessor institution of Federation University Australia. A slim, green pastel, hard cover volume with dark green spine. Two full-width pages for entering names of those enrolled.ballarat school of mines, a.e.c. kerr, engineering drawing -
Federation University Historical Collection
Booklet, Ballarat School of Mines Register of Attendances for Technical Chemistry, 1908, 1908
... University Australia. ballarat school of mines a.e.c. kerr technical ...The Ballarat School of Mines is a predecessor institution of Federation University Australia. A slim, green pastel, hard cover volume with dark green spine. Two full-width pages for entering names of those enrolled.ballarat school of mines, a.e.c. kerr, technical chemistry4 -
Federation University Historical Collection
Booklet, Ballarat School of Mines Register of Attendances for Metellurgy I, 1908, 1908
... University Australia. ballarat school of mines Alfred Mica Smith ...The Ballarat School of Mines is a predecessor institution of Federation University Australia. A slim, green pastel, hard cover volume with dark blue spine. Two full-width pages for entering names of those enrolled.ballarat school of mines, alfred mica smith, metallurgy -
Federation University Historical Collection
Booklet, Ballarat School of Mines Register of Attendances for Metellurgy II, 1908
... University Australia. ballarat school of mines alfred mica smith ...The Ballarat School of Mines is a predecessor institution of Federation University Australia. A slim, green pastel, hard cover volume with dark blue spine. Two full-width pages for entering names of those enrolled.ballarat school of mines, alfred mica smith, metallurgy -
Federation University Historical Collection
Booklet, Ballarat School of Mines Register of Attendances for Metellurgy of Gold and Ore Dressing, 1902, 1908
... University Australia. ballarat school of mines alfred mica smith ...The Ballarat School of Mines is a predecessor institution of Federation University Australia. A slim, green pastel, hard cover volume with dark blue spine. Two full-width pages for entering names of those enrolled.ballarat school of mines, alfred mica smith, metallurgy -
Federation University Historical Collection
Booklet, Ballarat School of Mines Register of Attendances for Conics and Calculus, 1908, 1908
... University Australia. ballarat school of mines conics calculus b ...The Ballarat School of Mines is a predecessor institution of Federation University Australia. A slim, green pastel, hard cover volume with dark blue spine. Two full-width pages for entering names of those enrolled.ballarat school of mines, conics, calculus, b. whittington -
Federation University Historical Collection
Booklet, Ballarat School of Mines Register of Attendances for Algebra Grades I and II, 1908, 1908
... University Australia. ballarat school of mines algebra b. whittington ...The Ballarat School of Mines is a predecessor institution of Federation University Australia. A slim, green pastel, hard cover volume with dark blue spine. Two full-width pages for entering names of those enrolled.ballarat school of mines, algebra, b. whittington -
Federation University Historical Collection
Booklet, Ballarat School of Mines Register of Attendances for Dynamics, Heat and Light, 1908, 1908
... University Australia. ballarat school of mines b. whittington ...The Ballarat School of Mines is a predecessor institution of Federation University Australia. A slim, green pastel, hard cover volume with dark blue spine. Two full-width pages for entering names of those enrolled.ballarat school of mines, b. whittington, dynamics, heat, sound, light -
Federation University Historical Collection
Booklet, Ballarat School of Mines Register of Attendances for trignometry Grade I, Physics Colleges, 1908, 1908
... University Australia. ballarat school of mines b. whittington ...The Ballarat School of Mines is a predecessor institution of Federation University Australia. A slim, green pastel, hard cover volume with dark blue spine. Two full-width pages for entering names of those enrolled.ballarat school of mines, b. whittington, trigonometry, physics -
Federation University Historical Collection
Booklet, Ballarat School of Mines Register of Attendances for metal Working (Turning and Fitting), 1908, 1908
... University Australia. ballarat school of mines E. Mcconnon metal ...The Ballarat School of Mines is a predecessor institution of Federation University Australia. A slim, green pastel, hard cover volume with dark blue spine. Two full-width pages for entering names of those enrolled.ballarat school of mines, e. mcconnon, metal working, turning and fitting