Book - Ledger, Ballarat School of Mines Minutes: 1909-1918, 1909-1918

Historical information

The Ballarat School of Mines was the first School of Mines in Australia. It is a predecessor institution of Federation University Australia.

Physical description

Hard coveredboob with leather spine and corners. The minites of the Ballarat School of Mines Council are handwrittten on the

25 March 1910
"... It was resolved that in the event of the Department of Forestry offering 250 pounds per annum for the instruction of their students at Creswick in Chemistry, Botany, Physics and Surveying that it be accepted ..."

lined pages.

26 November 1909
"..It was decided to accept with thanks an offer of a flagpole and flag made by Mr W. Coltman through the student association. Mr Clegg to be consulted as to its erection. ..."

25 August 1916
"... A very cordial welcome was extended to Colonel Bolton, who was present for the first time since his return from Gallipoli. ... "

25 July 1910
"... A letter was received from the staff in reference to Mr Oddie's system of ventilation which he wishes introduced into the School. It was decided to postpone the matter for consideration when funds are available, ..."
"... At Colonel Bolton's suggestion, it was decided to inform the Sectretary of the Returned Soldiers Association that applications from returned soldiers for free instruction at this School would be favorably considered, and that it would be in the best interests of the movement if applications for admission were received through the Association. ... that Councillors T. Hurley, R. Stephenson, Colonel Bolton and the Principals be appointed as a sub-committee with power to act, in dealing with application from Returned Soldiers. "

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