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Kiewa Valley Historical Society
Trophy CWA, Circa 1950
This trophy was presented by the Country Women's Association (C.W.A) Kiewa Valley Branch circa 1950's. This was in a period when the C.W.A. was the major women's organisation which had the greatest influence amongst rural women (especially in isolated areas). This was a period when broad based communications were mainly by radio,women orientated magazines and the telephone. The CWA was an organisation that catered exclusively to women's needs. The atmosphere was one of "sisterhood" and covered nearly all the needs of rural based women. This one organisation incorporated knowledge and learning targeting women who physically may be isolated but not mentally. The C.W.A. motto "Honour our God, Loyalty to the throne, Service to the country, Through country women, For country women, By country women."The Kiewa Valley Group of the C.W.A. was a focal point for women in this still relatively isolated rural region to have a place of refuge from the heavy domestic demands that family and business exerted, and the need of a time and space to gain all the mental relaxation and group bonding necessary to balance the sometimes harsh environment that rural life presented.Silver plated chalice trophy has two "block ear" type handles fastened at the top lip and going 40mm vertically down to reconnect with the bowl. The bowl is connected to the dark brown plastic base by a brass (silver plating has worn off) stem (flower vase shaped).the chalice stem is attached to a circular tapered dome 30mm high which is also silver plated. The plastic base has a 35mm high extension rising from the broader circular bottom section and is rectangular in shape except for the quarter circular indent at each corner. The final circular base provides the chalice with the stability to stand on a flat surface. The whole of the base is hollow allowing the stem fastening nut to be viewed. The inscription on the chalice has been carefully and professionally scribed into the metal. "*C W A* KIEWA VALLEY GROUP H & H.I. EXHIBITION-PRIZE FOR MEMBERS. 40 & OVER" mementos, acknowledgement, cwa awards, trophies, rural women's club -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
James Lerk Collection -- Five pages with the title ''The Vanished Breweries of Bendigo'', researched by Len C Bennetts and published by Bendigo Central Bottle Club. These are loose pages and appear to be in draft form rather than the final (bound) copy of the publication. There is no index to the various breweries referred to in this publication. In order of appearance they are; Union Brewery, Liverpool Brewery, Edinburgh Brewery, Phoenix Brewery, Emmett's Brewery, Burton Brewery, Hindmarsh Brewery, Dublin Porter Brewery, Anchor Brewery, Albion Brewery, Adelaide Brewery,Lucan St. Brewery, Sandhurst Brewery, Tankard Malting Coy., Bendigo Cognac Distilling Coy., Malthouse, Tankards, Kent Brewery, Norfolk Brewery, Victoria Brewery, London Brewery, City Brewery, Co-operative Brewery, Bendigo, Bendigo United Brewery.bendigo, business, breweries -
National Wool Museum
Tool - Stencil, 1983
The story of 90 years of wool classing between father & son begins in 1936, when a young boy by the name of Stanley James Hucker walked through the doors of the Gordon Technical School in Geelong. Born in 1921, Stanley was 15 years of age when he began his 3-year course in Wool Classing. 30 years later, Stanley’s second son Denis completed the same 3-year wool classing course. Beginning in 1966, Denis attended the same Gordon Technical School and walked the same halls as his father before him. Stanley finished his course in 1938. He went back to the family farm in Lake Bolac for a brief period before enrolling in the Second World War. At the completion of the war, Stanley returned home and married before gaining a soldier settler allotment, north of Willaura. This enabled Stan to use his wool classing knowledge. He ran between 1,500 and 2,000 sheep for many years, while his wool classer stencil also allowed him to go out and class at various sheds around the area. He held his stencil from 1938 until he retired at the age of 60 in 1981. On retirement, his second son Denis was working in the district, managing a local property while also leasing land himself. Upon his father’s retirement, Denis had the opportunity to lease his father’s farm, an opportunity he could not refuse. Denis had finished his wool classing course at the Gordon Technical School in 1968, graduating dux of his class. He began working with a local contractor and started classing wool in his team. Denis gained a great deal of experience working as part of this team in big sheds of up to 8 stands servicing between 10 & 20,000 sheep. It was not all smooth sailing for Denis however, and he soon learnt an important lesson. Class wool the way you’re taught, don’t listen to the owner standing over your shoulder. At a clip of Corriedales near Casterton, Denis was pushing too many fleeces into the line of fine wool. This resulted in a notice from the Australian Wool Exchange (AWEX) “mixing counts too much, submit three clips for inspection”. Denis was able to submit 3 clips with no further complaints, however, this proved a valuable lesson he would never forget over his long career classing wool. In the early 1980s, when Denis was leasing two properties including his father’s, things were going well until drought struck. February 1983 was the date of the Ash Wednesday bushfires, and saw Melbourne have three days over 40 °C for only the second time on record. This period saw Denis give away farming, turning towards contracting work instead. After the difficult times of the early 1980s, the next two decades were a good time for the sheep industry. 15 micron wool was selling for prices between 4 to 5,000 cents per kilo, double what you’d expect for the same wool in 2022. In 1995 a single bale of wool sold for a million dollars. This was a good time for Denis too. His contracting work saw him employing local shearers and shed staff. His team was involved with the shearing and classing of more than 130,000 sheep. After 20 years of contracting, it was time for Denis to transition into the next phase of his life. He gave up independent contracting, preferring instead to return to being a member of someone else’s team. In 2018, having completed 50 years of wool classing, it was time to call it a day and retire completely. At the annual Gordon Wool School Old Students Association dinner held in 2018, Denis was presented with his 50 years as a registered wool classer stencil awarded by the Australian Wool Exchange (AWEX). This is a rare honour achieved by few. As of February 2020, a total of 430 wool classers had achieved this 50-year milestone. For Denis however, his proudest achievement is achieving 90 years of wool classing with his father. The National Wool Museum is proud to share the collection of objects gained from 90 years in the wool classing industry by Stanley and Denis. This ranges from Stanley’s first stencil and Wool Sample book, started when he first attended the Gordon in 1936. The collection concludes 90 years later with Denis’ 50 years of wool classing Stencil. The collection contains many more objects, all telling the story of these 90 years, and the hard work invested by this dedicated father and son duo. Thin sheet of metal with letters and numbers cut to produce a consistent pattern for the surface below through the application of ink. In small text on the top edge of the stencil two separate phrases are engraved.” A.W.C. PROPERTY NOT TRANSFERABLE” and “PROFESSIONAL“. This wool classing stencil belonged to Stanley Hucker. It was his last Wool Classing Stencil. Dated to 1983, it is 45 years older than his first stencil. The role of a Wool Classer is to sort, classify, and grade wool into various ‘lines’ so that it can be sold for best market price. Wool Classers are typically also tasked with the managing and supervising of wool-handling teams. The stencil is used in the final step of preparing a bale of wool for sale. It is branded across the front of a wool bale to indicate the quality of the wool, with the classers number used as a seal of guarantee.Engraved letters. “A.W.C. PROPERTY / NOT TRANSFERABLE” Engraved letters. “PROFESSIONAL“. Cut imagery. Sheep’s head Cut letters, numbers, and imagery. “83 (Image Australia) P I / 50922”wool classing, stencil, 90 years wool classing between father & son -
National Wool Museum
Tool - Stencil, 1938
The story of 90 years of wool classing between father & son begins in 1936, when a young boy by the name of Stanley James Hucker walked through the doors of the Gordon Technical School in Geelong. Born in 1921, Stanley was 15 years of age when he began his 3-year course in Wool Classing. 30 years later, Stanley’s second son Denis completed the same 3-year wool classing course. Beginning in 1966, Denis attended the same Gordon Technical School and walked the same halls as his father before him. Stanley finished his course in 1938. He went back to the family farm in Lake Bolac for a brief period before enrolling in the Second World War. At the completion of the war, Stanley returned home and married before gaining a soldier settler allotment, north of Willaura. This enabled Stan to use his wool classing knowledge. He ran between 1,500 and 2,000 sheep for many years, while his wool classer stencil also allowed him to go out and class at various sheds around the area. He held his stencil from 1938 until he retired at the age of 60 in 1981. On retirement, his second son Denis was working in the district, managing a local property while also leasing land himself. Upon his father’s retirement, Denis had the opportunity to lease his father’s farm, an opportunity he could not refuse. Denis had finished his wool classing course at the Gordon Technical School in 1968, graduating dux of his class. He began working with a local contractor and started classing wool in his team. Denis gained a great deal of experience working as part of this team in big sheds of up to 8 stands servicing between 10 & 20,000 sheep. It was not all smooth sailing for Denis however, and he soon learnt an important lesson. Class wool the way you’re taught, don’t listen to the owner standing over your shoulder. At a clip of Corriedales near Casterton, Denis was pushing too many fleeces into the line of fine wool. This resulted in a notice from the Australian Wool Exchange (AWEX) “mixing counts too much, submit three clips for inspection”. Denis was able to submit 3 clips with no further complaints, however, this proved a valuable lesson he would never forget over his long career classing wool. In the early 1980s, when Denis was leasing two properties including his father’s, things were going well until drought struck. February 1983 was the date of the Ash Wednesday bushfires, and saw Melbourne have three days over 40 °C for only the second time on record. This period saw Denis give away farming, turning towards contracting work instead. After the difficult times of the early 1980s, the next two decades were a good time for the sheep industry. 15 micron wool was selling for prices between 4 to 5,000 cents per kilo, double what you’d expect for the same wool in 2022. In 1995 a single bale of wool sold for a million dollars. This was a good time for Denis too. His contracting work saw him employing local shearers and shed staff. His team was involved with the shearing and classing of more than 130,000 sheep. After 20 years of contracting, it was time for Denis to transition into the next phase of his life. He gave up independent contracting, preferring instead to return to being a member of someone else’s team. In 2018, having completed 50 years of wool classing, it was time to call it a day and retire completely. At the annual Gordon Wool School Old Students Association dinner held in 2018, Denis was presented with his 50 years as a registered wool classer stencil awarded by the Australian Wool Exchange (AWEX). This is a rare honour achieved by few. As of February 2020, a total of 430 wool classers had achieved this 50-year milestone. For Denis however, his proudest achievement is achieving 90 years of wool classing with his father. The National Wool Museum is proud to share the collection of objects gained from 90 years in the wool classing industry by Stanley and Denis. This ranges from Stanley’s first stencil and Wool Sample book, started when he first attended the Gordon in 1936. The collection concludes 90 years later with Denis’ 50 years of wool classing Stencil. The collection contains many more objects, all telling the story of these 90 years, and the hard work invested by this dedicated father and son duo. Thin sheet of metal with letters cut to produce a consistent pattern for the surface below through the application of ink. This wool classing stencil belonged to Stanley Hucker. It was his first Wool Classing Stencil. It was used on Stanley’s property named “Yohhatnbu” in Willaura. Stanley gained the property as part of the Returned Soldiers Settlement Scheme for his service in World War 2. The role of a Wool Classer is to sort, classify, and grade wool into various ‘lines’ so that it can be sold for best market price. Wool Classers are typically also tasked with the managing and supervising of wool-handling teams. The stencil is used in the final step of preparing a bale of wool for sale. It is branded across the front of a wool bale to indicate the quality of the wool, with the classers number used as a seal of guarantee.Cut letters. “SJH / BOLAC ”wool classing, stencil, 90 years wool classing between father & son -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Photograph - Black & White Photograph/s - set of 7, 16/04/1972 12:00:00 AM
Yields information about the final day of the Bendigo tramways and some of the tramcars used.Set of seven black and white photographs of the day Bendigo Tramways closed 16-4-1972. Taken on Agfa paper. Has printing date of 18.8.72 stamped on rear. All have been used for display purposes. .1 - 25 leaving the depot .2 - 2 at Charing Cross, bound for Eaglehawk - has Ezywalkin Store in background. .3 - 18 crossing another tram at a loop on the Eaglehawk line. .4 - 28 at Charing Cross showing Special .5 - 26 inside depot, with Borough of Eaglehawk sign on the front bumper and bunting around the tram. .6 - 29 leaving the depot .7 - 26 in the final parade, with "Destination Eaglehawk" on a roof mounted advertisement board, with the Beehive building in the background and Coca Cola advertisement on top of the building. Photographer not known.3549.8 - has "photo No. 8" on rear and been marked out for publication. tramways, trams, bendigo, closure, eaglehawk, tram 25, tram 2, tram 18, tram 28, tram 26, tram 29 -
Bendigo Historical Society Inc.
Submission by Bendigo Arts Council; Urban Renewal Study re site for a performing arts facility in Bendigo. This document is a heavily annotated draft of the final document entitled ''A Blueprint for the Future'' (Arts Council of Australia; Bendigo) - refer to 8350.3. In addition to the edited text in this document are the following: form 1974 letter from the Hon Sec of the Arts Council of Australia, Bendigo Branch re a ''Community Arts Centre'' inviting submissions from interested organizations and individuals and request for comments on the draft statement;original letter on City of Bendigo letterhead plus copy of that letter received from the Urban Renewal Liaison Committee to Arts Council of Australia, Bendigo Branch re participation in a study area (Queen St/Lyttleton Terrace/Mundy/Myers/Mitchell St.) 10/9/1974; -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Archive (series) - Subject File, Kew, City of - Amalgamation, 1994, 1994
Various partiesReferenceKHS OrderThe City of Kew was amalgamated into the City of Boroondara in 1994. The new city comprised the former Cities of Hawthorn, Kew and Camberwell. This archive file contains primary sources and publications relating to the amalgamation. The earliest item in the file is a newspaper article/clipping from the Eastern Standard (1986) recording a request from Hawthorn Council to Kew Council to consider amalgamating. The file also includes other newspaper articles/cuttings (some undated) reporting on opposition to the amalgamation. An interesting item in the file is a photocopy of a coloured digital photograph of the members of the last Kew Council. [The original still has to be discovered]. The file also contains a commemorative edition of Kewriosity [magazine] (1994), which lists all the chairmen and mayors of Kew (1861-1994) and three copies of the City of Kew Final Commemorative Council Meetingb14 June 1994. kew - history, local government - amalgamations - kew (vic) - boroondara (vic)kew - history, local government - amalgamations - kew (vic) - boroondara (vic) -
Kew Historical Society Inc
Plan - Subdivision Plan, 6 Choice Residential Allotments: East Kew, 1932
Prue Sanderson, in her groundbreaking ‘City of Kew Urban Conservation Study : Volume 2 - Development History’ (1988), summarised the periods of urban development and subdivisions of land in Kew. The periods that she identified included 1845-1880, 1880-1893, 1893-1921, 1921-1933, 1933-1943, and Post-War Development. These periods were selected as they represented periods of rapid growth or decline in urban development. An obvious starting point for Sanderson’s groupings involved population growth and the associated economic cycles. These cycles also highlighted urban expansion onto land that was predominantly rural, although in other cases it represented the decline and breakup of large estates. A number of the plans in the Kew Historical Society’s collection can also be found in other collections, such as those of the State Library of Victoria and the Boroondara Library Service. A number are however unique to the collection.Subdivision plans are historically important documents used as evidence of the growth of suburbs in Australia. They frequently provide information about when the land was sold on which a built structure was subsequently constructed as well as evidence relating to surveyors and real estate and financial agents. The numerous subdivision plans in the Kew Historical Society's collection represent working documents, ranging from the initial sketches made in planning a subdivision to printed plans on which auctioneers or agents listed the prices for which individual lots were sold. In a number of cases, the reverse of a subdivision plan in the collection includes a photograph of a house that was also for sale by the agent. These photographs provide significant heritage information relating house design and decoration, fencing and household gardens.The mansion Woodlands in Harp Road, East Kew suffered the death of a thousand cuts. In its case, the cuts were subdivisions. Previous subdivisions of the mansion and its grounds were given titles such as ‘The Eastlawn Estate’ (MAP.0055), whereas at the end, the subdivision called it as it was, naming itself the ‘final section of the Woodlands Estate’ when it was put up for auction in 1932. The emphasis in the promotion of the subdivision was that it provided purchasers with splendid opportunities ‘to build modern homes in select, well established modern surroundings’. As with other subdivisions in the interwar period, transport links were emphasised. The six residential lots cut Woodlands off from Harp Road. When the vendor, Louisa Rachel Preston Hill, was to die at Woodlands in 1937 aged 86 her address was given as Normanby Road.subdivision plans - kew, woodlands estate -
Ringwood and District Historical Society
Document - Folder, Coolooli Estate Subdivision, Ringwood East, Vic. - Four Releases 1969-1975
Collection of Subdivision Plans, Land Sale flyers, Auction notices, and Real Estate Agent's notes for Coolooli Estate, Ringwood East, Victoria. Subdivision includes Coolooli Court, Isabel Avenue, Walhalla Drive, Cleland Street, Landell Court, Byways Drive, Heathwood Street and Hume Street, released over four stages - First Stage auction 16 August 1969, Second Release private sales from July 1970, Third Release Auction 11 September 1971, Final Release auction June 21st 1975. Agents - C.E. Carter & Son, 126 Whitehorse Road, Ringwood until moving to 122 Whitehorse Road in 1973 - Tel. 870 6024, 870 6830, 870 2519, A.H. 723 3298, 870 6960. Digitised copy of photograph - A.B. Carter and Andy McLean at Coolooli Estate auction, 11 September, 1971. -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Document - Personal Papers, Melbourne & Metropolitan Tramways Board (MMTB), "Lists showing existing tramways", late 1920's to 1930's
Set of personal papers - placed in a file marked "Tramway Development M&MTB" Carbon copies of typed documents titled "Lists showing existing tramways" obtained under 1920's Acts, including Orders In Council, lists lines opened or converted by the MMTB with dates. Second set of documents - provides comments on the proposed amendment to Act including definitions, schedules, relationships with councils and notices. Third set of documents provides an listing of street, municipality, extent of tramway, and details authorisation's - updated to 8/1928. Various hand written documents with notes, calculations on curves etc. The final document - a folded ruled double foolscap sheet, gives details between 1935 and 1939 for distances of track, both cable and electric in the Cities of Melbourne, Fitzroy and Collingwood.trams, tramways, mmtb, tramways, parliament, order in council, acts of parliament, cable trams -
University of Melbourne, Burnley Campus Archives
Plan, Pat de Moulpied, Rose Garden, 1988
Most of these plans were held in Geoff Olive's office. (1) Preliminary concept South-East corner Burnley Gardens Re-design Proposals, Amenity Horticulture III, drawn by Pat de Moulpied 1988. Original turf path destroyed after Garden Week to be replaced with paving donated by Boral. (2) Rose Garden Site Analysis by Peter Jans, Parks & Gardens 1989, pencil on paper. On reverse, "B. Site Analysis & Design Changes. (3) 2 copies pencil on tracing paper, Planting plan. (4) Planting plan on tracing paper. (5) Planting plan (roughly final version?), 1 tracing paper, 6 photocopies. (6) Notes from Geoff Olive addressed to James Hitchmough. Also photocopies of 1 - 5 and some rough sketches. Notes made by Guide Jean Corbett on the History of the Rose.pat de moulpied, peter jans, gardens, geoff olive, andrew smith -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Map - Cantala
Six pages of handwritten notes, undated and unattributed, detailing the history of the subdivision and demolition of Cantala, Dandenong Road, 40, Caulfield. The notes, which include a list of references, detail the main auction on 21/05/1938 and prices paid for the allotments. Also included in the file are photocopies of three auction posters for the 21/05/1938 auction in 32 allotments. Two of the posters are small and one of these includes a map (107mm x 110mm) of the Cantala Estate. The other poster is spread across three A4 pages and includes a map and plan (204mm x 110mm) of the allotments. There is an extra copy of the final page of this larger poster.miller septimus, miller helen m, mcintyre angus, miller n a, crouch h c, cantala, dandenong road, wiora, alma road, waiora road, findon avenue, cantala avenue, caulfield, caulfield north, st kilda east, yeo grosthwaite and co, abercromby and beatty pty ltd, mansions, land subdivision, house auctions, auctioneers, land sales, land values, architectural features, gardens, advertisements, racehorses, road construction and maintenance, surveyors, lawyers, minute books, trams -
Ballarat Clarendon College
Book, A voyage round the world
This book was awarded by Geelong Grammar to Walter Armstrong in 1881. It was donated to the Ballarat College library by his grandson W Mick U Armstrong (1944). Mick attended Ballarat College 1937 - 1942. In 1936 the Weatherly Library was established at Ballarat College and a community book drive resulted in personal copies of books owned by members of the school community being donated to the library over the next 10-20 years. Mick Armstrong donated this book (amongst others) to the school library during his final year at the school. It is an excellent example of the community spirit which carried the school through periods of financial hardship. Dark royal blue leather bound book with gold crest, borders and spine detail. Spine has 6 decorative compartments with raised bands and red leather and gold lettering in the title compartment; Geelong Grammar crest embossed in gold on front cover and gold border to front and back cover; marbled endpapers and edges; black and white frontispiece and illustrations throughout book; book plates inside front cover.Book plate inside front cover: Geelong Grammar crest / PRIZE / PRESENTED BY / The Headmaster / AWARDED TO / Walter Armstrong / FOR / Industry - Lower VI / Christmas 1881 / Bracebridge Wilson M A / Headmaster Book plate on right side of end paper: Ballarat College crest / Ballarat College / Library / PRESENTED BY / W M U Armstrong / W M Armstrong 1942 / Books may be kept for one week / only but may be renewed / PLEASE REPORT ANY LOOSE / LEAVES,, w-m-u-armstrong, geelong-grammar -
Ballarat Clarendon College
Book, Evidence of the truth of the Christian religion
This book was awarded by Geelong Grammar to Walter Armstrong in 1884. It was donated to the Ballarat College library by his grandson W Mick U Armstrong (1944). Mick attended Ballarat College 1937 - 1942. In 1936 the Weatherly Library was established at Ballarat College and a community book drive resulted in personal copies of books owned by members of the school community being donated to the library over the next 10-20 years. Mick Armstrong donated this book (amongst others) to the school library during his final year at the school. It is an excellent example of the community spirit which carried the school through periods of financial hardship. Dark royal blue leather bound book with gold crest, borders and spine detail. Spine has 6 decorative compartments with raised bands and red leather and gold lettering in the title compartment; Geelong Grammar crest embossed in gold on front cover and gold border to front and back cover; marbled endpapers and edges; black and white frontispiece and illustrations throughout book; book plates inside front cover.Book plate inside front cover: Geelong Grammar Crest / 1st PRIZE / PRESENTED BYB/ The Council / AWARDED TO / Walter Armstrong / FOR / Old & New testament / Middle 6th form / Christmas 1884 / Bracebridge Wilson / HEAD MASTER Book plate on front end page: Religion 200 / Ballarat College crest / Ballarat College / Library / PRESETNED BY / W M U ARMSTRONG 1942 / Books may be kept for One Week / only, but may be renewed / PLEASE REPORT ANY LOOSE / LEAVES, ETC. walter-armstrong, w-m-u-armstrong, geelong-grammar -
Glenelg Shire Council Cultural Collection
Container - Ceramic Jar, 1850s
Found on shipwreck of 'Nene Valley' by an abalone diver some 10 years ago. Nene Valley was built in Durham, Sunderland, in 1852 – a typical merchant vessel of the era built for the colonial trade. In June 1854 Nene Valley left Gravesend, England, on its final voyage carrying nine passengers and cargo. On 19 October, the vessel grounded 15km northwest of Cape Northumberland after the crew mistook the land ahead for a cloud on the horizon. When they realised their mistake it was too late for evasive action. All passengers and crew evacuated safely, but the following morning four crew drowned after they returned to the vessel to cut away the masts.Ceramic jar, hand made, cream base with straight sides, tan stain colour to neck, flat bottom. Wide mouth opening (55 mm) Nene ValleyNene Valleynene valley, shipwreck, container -
Orbost & District Historical Society
Carnival glass is moulded or pressed glass, always with a pattern and always with a shiny, metallic, 'iridescent' surface shimmer. Carnival glass gets its iridescent sheen from the application of metallic salts while the glass is still hot from the pressing. A final firing of the glass brings out the iridescent properties of the salts, giving carnival glass the distinct shine it is known for. (ref. Wikipedia) This bowl belonged to Mrs Edith May Hanrahan (nee Whitford), a WW1 war bride, who came to Orbost around 1920 on the Orcades. Oliver ( a farm hand) and Edith Hanrahan lived at 37 Gladstone Street, Orbost.This item is an excellent example of amber / orange carnival glass.A bronze / apricot glass sweets bowl. It is orange carnival glass with flowers cut into the base and scalloped edges. It has a small handle on each side. the base is flat. carnival-glass bowl hanrahan-edith -
Federation University Historical Collection
Book, Ballarat School of Mines Calendar, 1902-3, 1901
The Ballarat School of Mines Calendar and Annual Report 1901. Associateship and Final Certificates, Calendar for 1903, Discipline, Discipline Board, Fees, Full Certificates Issued, General Regulations, Honorary Correspondents, Office Bearers, President's Annual Report, Professors and Lecturers, Results of Examinations Conducted by Education Department 1901, Statistics - Students Attending Lectures, Subscriptions and Donations, Subjects Included in Regulations Technical Schools, Subjects of Instruction - Department of Chemistry and Metallurgy, Geological Department, Engineering Department, Electrical Department, Department of Mathematics and Physics, Practical, Plane and Solid Geometry, Photography, Syllabus for Assaying and Metallurgy, Time Table. Includes several photographs.Green soft covered book of 96 pages, it includes the 1901 Annual Report of the Ballarat School of Mines. Images include: Senior Members of Staff and the Linkenbach Tableballarat school of mines, senior members of staff, linkenbach table, linkenbach, mica smith, dawson, hart, usher, annual report, andrew anderson, james m. bickett, r. t. vale, john warrington rogers, james millhinch bickett, james oddie, henry cuthbert, r. g. middleton, charles kent, robert lambert, andrew berry, fred j. martell, thomas s. hart, g. stephen hart, g. j. dawbarn, engineering department, a. e. c. kerr, lewis a. westcott, edgar a. mcconnon, laboratory assistant, john m. sutherland, electrical department, kerr grant, mathematics and physics, henry j. hall, charles e. campbell, photography -
Federation University Historical Collection
Booklet, Berry, Anderson & Co, Ballarat School of Mines Annual Report, 1897, 1897
Annual Report, Associateship of the School, Calendar for 1899, Examination Fees, Fees, Full Certificates Issued prior to 1897, Honorary Correspondents, Life Governors, Meteorological Observations, Office Bearers, Passes obtained since 1892 in Final Examinations, Professors and Lecturers, Report of the Superintendent of Laboratories, Report of the Professor of Geology and Botany, Report of the Professor of Engineering, Instructor in Engineering Drawing, Report of the Lecturer in Electricity, Report of the Teacher of Drawing, Results of Examinations Conducted by Education Department 1897, Statement of Receipts and Expenditure for year 1897, Statistics - Students attending Lectures, Subscriptions and Donations, Subjects included in Regulations Technical Schools, Time TableBallarat School of Mines Annual Report, Pale green soft cover, 62 Pages annual report 1897, andrew anderson president, r. denham pinnock - vice president, the hon. john warrington rogers - trustee, the right reverend samuel thornton bishop of ballarat - trustee, james millhinch - trustee, james oddie - trustee, the hon. henry cuthbert - honorary solicitor, r. g. middleton - honorary treasurer, thomas s. hart - curator of museum, chas. kent - auditor, fred j. martell - director, professor alfred mica smith, john m. sutherland, professor g. j. dawbarn, w. huey steel, henry j. hall, a. e. c. kerr, j. f. usher, l. hart, a. e. callow, daniel walker, hubert r. w. murphy -
Lake Bolac & District Historical Society
Black and white photograph, Private Louis (Joe) Murdoch Murray, 8th Lighthorse regiment, WW1
Private Louis (Joe) Murdoch Murray, 8th Light Horse Regiment, WW1. Joe enlisted 15/01/1915 and embarked for overseas on 07/05/1915. He served at Gallipoli and in France where he was badly wounded at the battle of Ypres in 1917. After returning from the war he took up farming on land donated to him by the Austin family. However, he never fully recovered either physically or mentally from his war service and lost his farm in the Depression. He spent his final years in an Old Soldiers Home in Frankston. He is buried in Melbourne.murray, 8th light horse regiment, ww1, gallipoli, ypres, austin, old soldiers home - frankston, melbourne. -
Federation University Art Collection
Artwork - Marquette, Malcolm Fraser by Peter Nicholson
John Malcolm Fraser AC, CH, GCL (21 May 1930 – 20 March 2015) was the 22nd Prime Minister of Australia and the Leader of the Liberal Party from 1975 to 1983. Fraser's bust was originally created by Victor Greenhalgh. However, Greenhalgh and others were critical of the final casting. Following Greenhalgh's death in 1983, Peter Nicholson was asked to create a new bust for Fraser, which was completed after the bust of Fraser's successor Hawke had been installed. This item is part of the Federation University Art Collection. The Art Collection features over 1000 works and was listed as a 'Ballarat Treasure' in 2007. A plaster marquette of Prime Minister Malcolm Fraser produced for the bronze bust in the Ballarat Botanical Gardens' Prime Ministers, artwork, prime minister, prime minister's avenue, malcolm fraser -
Carlton Football Club
Hard Cover Book, Football Record 1921, 1921
Hardcover book made in 1921 to keep original copies of “The Football Record”. This book contains all Football Records relating to Carlton games for the season of 1921. Carlton were defeated by Richmond in 1921 Grand Final by 4 points. Richmond 1.2 1.3 3.4 5.6 36 Sat 15-Oct-1921 2:50 PM Att: 43,122 Venue: M.C.G. Carlton 2.2 3.4 3.6 4.8 32 Richmond won by 4 pts Coach – Norman Clark Captain – Charlie Canet/Gordon Green Vice-Captain – Jack Greenhill Leading Goal-kicker – Horrie Clover 58 goalsHardcover book, wornR. Hunt Grandview Rd, Brighton 12/2/1922 -
Hymettus Cottage & Garden Ballarat
Booklet, Australian Rowing and Sculling Championships: King's Cup, President's Cup
The King's Cup is a perpetual trophy awarded to the winning state crew for the Australian eight oar championship, the final race of the annual national regatta held since 1878. The cup was originally awarded by the king to the winning crew of a race held between crews from the allied armies of the the First World at the Henley Regatta, UK in July 1919 and won by the AIF No 1 crew. In 1921 following requests from the Australian Rowing Association King George V decreed that the trophy be awarded as a perpetual trophy to the winning crew. The King's Cup has been rowed on the Olympic course at Ballarat's Lake Wendouree twice, in 1956 and 1962. -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Negative - Geelong 38 and welding truck - Moorabool St, Laurie Gallop, early 1956
Photo shows Geelong 38 south bound to Belmont and welding truck - Moorabool St between Myers and McKillop Streets. The welding with the power supply from the overhead would most likely be repairing a broken joint. One of a set of photos was taken between 15/2/1956 and 3/3/1956 when services operated only between Belmont and North before the final closure of the Belmont route on 25/31956 and that bogie tram 31 is not shown on the board, having gone to Ballarat on 15/2/1956 - see item 5554. See item 8213 for an article on the Geelong system by Keith Kings. Yields information about the Geelong operations toward the closure of the tram system.Black and white Negative - 120 sizetramways, geelong, tram 38, moorabool st, welding truck, track repairs -
Ballarat Tramway Museum
Negative - Tramcar allocation board - Geelong, Laurie Gallop, early 1956
Photo shows the Tramcar allocation board - in the Geelong depot. Shows the four bogie cars in operation or available on the day the photograph was taken. Shows that some of the Meadowbank-built trams and bogie trams had already left the depot. One of a set of photos was taken between 15/2/1956 and 3/3/1956 when services operated only between Belmont and North before the final closure of the Belmont route on 25/31956 and that bogie tram 31 is not shown on the board, having gone to Ballarat on 15/2/1956 - see item 5554. See item 8213 for an article on the Geelong system by Keith Kings. Yields information about the Geelong depot allocation board that showed the location and use of the tramcars on the day.Black and white Negative - 120 sizetramways, geelong, depot, depot allocation, tramcar allocation -
National Wool Museum
Tool - Stencil, c.2018
The story of 90 years of wool classing between father & son begins in 1936, when a young boy by the name of Stanley James Hucker walked through the doors of the Gordon Technical School in Geelong. Born in 1921, Stanley was 15 years of age when he began his 3-year course in Wool Classing. 30 years later, Stanley’s second son Denis completed the same 3-year wool classing course. Beginning in 1966, Denis attended the same Gordon Technical School and walked the same halls as his father before him. Stanley finished his course in 1938. He went back to the family farm in Lake Bolac for a brief period before enrolling in the Second World War. At the completion of the war, Stanley returned home and married before gaining a soldier settler allotment, north of Willaura. This enabled Stan to use his wool classing knowledge. He ran between 1,500 and 2,000 sheep for many years, while his wool classer stencil also allowed him to go out and class at various sheds around the area. He held his stencil from 1938 until he retired at the age of 60 in 1981. On retirement, his second son Denis was working in the district, managing a local property while also leasing land himself. Upon his father’s retirement, Denis had the opportunity to lease his father’s farm, an opportunity he could not refuse. Denis had finished his wool classing course at the Gordon Technical School in 1968, graduating dux of his class. He began working with a local contractor and started classing wool in his team. Denis gained a great deal of experience working as part of this team in big sheds of up to 8 stands servicing between 10 & 20,000 sheep. It was not all smooth sailing for Denis however, and he soon learnt an important lesson. Class wool the way you’re taught, don’t listen to the owner standing over your shoulder. At a clip of Corriedales near Casterton, Denis was pushing too many fleeces into the line of fine wool. This resulted in a notice from the Australian Wool Exchange (AWEX) “mixing counts too much, submit three clips for inspection”. Denis was able to submit 3 clips with no further complaints, however, this proved a valuable lesson he would never forget over his long career classing wool. In the early 1980s, when Denis was leasing two properties including his father’s, things were going well until drought struck. February 1983 was the date of the Ash Wednesday bushfires, and saw Melbourne have three days over 40 °C for only the second time on record. This period saw Denis give away farming, turning towards contracting work instead. After the difficult times of the early 1980s, the next two decades were a good time for the sheep industry. 15 micron wool was selling for prices between 4 to 5,000 cents per kilo, double what you’d expect for the same wool in 2022. In 1995 a single bale of wool sold for a million dollars. This was a good time for Denis too. His contracting work saw him employing local shearers and shed staff. His team was involved with the shearing and classing of more than 130,000 sheep. After 20 years of contracting, it was time for Denis to transition into the next phase of his life. He gave up independent contracting, preferring instead to return to being a member of someone else’s team. In 2018, having completed 50 years of wool classing, it was time to call it a day and retire completely. At the annual Gordon Wool School Old Students Association dinner held in 2018, Denis was presented with his 50 years as a registered wool classer stencil awarded by the Australian Wool Exchange (AWEX). This is a rare honour achieved by few. As of February 2020, a total of 430 wool classers had achieved this 50-year milestone. For Denis however, his proudest achievement is achieving 90 years of wool classing with his father. The National Wool Museum is proud to share the collection of objects gained from 90 years in the wool classing industry by Stanley and Denis. This ranges from Stanley’s first stencil and Wool Sample book, started when he first attended the Gordon in 1936. The collection concludes 90 years later with Denis’ 50 years of wool classing Stencil. The collection contains many more objects, all telling the story of these 90 years, and the hard work invested by this dedicated father and son duo. Thin sheet of orange plastic with letters and numbers moulded to produce a consistent pattern for the surface below through the application of ink. This wool classing stencil once belonged to Denis Hucker. The top number is Denis’ Wool Classing Stencil Number. On the next line is the emblem of the Australian Wool Exchange, followed by an image of Australia, and finally the letters AW. The final line reads 50 years, indicating Denis’ experience in the profession of wool classing. This stencil is reserved for wool classers who have held their stencil and been actively classing wool in Australia for more than 50 years. Wool classers sort, classify, and grade wool into various lines so that it can be sold at best market price. They also manage and supervise wool-handling teams. The stencil is used in the final step of preparing a bale of wool for sale. It is branded across the front of a wool bale to indicate the quality of the wool, with the classers number used as a seal of approval. Accompanying the stencil are two sheets of white A4 paper with printing in gold and black ink. The first sheet was presented by the Australian Council of Wool Exporters & Processors to Denis Hucker for achieving 50 years of wool classing. Surrounded by a thin gold boarder, the page is made up of black text with gold headings. In the top right corner, an image of a sheep with an outline of Australia is found. The second piece of paper was presented by the Australian Wool Exchange to Denis Hucker for achieving 50 years of wool classing. Two thirds of the page is made up of a gold stencil which reads “50 years”. Accompanying the stencil is black text. Moulded letters, numbers, emblem, and imagery. “950326 / (emblem AWEX) (Image Australia) AW / 50 Years” A4 Paper. Printed. See Multimedia A4 Paper. Printed See Multimedia wool classing, stencil, 90 years wool classing between father & son -
Melbourne Tram Museum
Document - Report, Ministry of Transport, Geelong Steam Preservation Society, "Victorian Transport Study - (The Lonie Report)", 1980
Set of reports, known as the "Victorian Transport Study - (The Lonie Report)", produced during 1980 and supplementary reports. Prepared from Robert Maclellan Minister of Transport by W. M Lonie. Documents resulted in significant change to the Victorian transport structures, especially the way freight and railway transport was handled. see (accessed 25-9-2014) Documents generally perfect bound into manila coloured covers - unless noted otherwise. Comprises: .1 - Final Report - 174 pages .2 - Background to Transport Finance - white comb bound - 192 pages .3 - Summary of Submissions - fawn colour comb bound - 70 pages .4 - Background to State Development - 94 pages .5 - Land transport in Victoria - Historical background - white comb bound - 31 pages .6 - Bicycles - 19 pages .7 - Car pooling - 15 pages .8 - VicRail Financial system - 35 pages .9 - Transport of Fertilisers - 17 pages .10 - Staggered working hours - white comb bound - 16 pages .11 - Administration of Transport - 79 pages .12 - Metropolitan Roads - 60 pages .13 - Transport of Students - 24 pages .14 - Fuel for transport - unbound - stapled in top corner - photocopy of a bound document - 42 pages. This set does not comprise the full set of reports produced - see final document. .15 Autum 2016 issue of the Geelong Steam Preservation Society (Bellarine Railway) which contains an article on the Lonie Report "From Rags to Riches (Part 1). - See images 620a, 620b and 620c. The Winter issue did not have any materials on tramways.trams, tramways, transport, victoria, lonie report, railways, melbourne, tramways -
Bendigo Military Museum
Photograph - Printer Technicians Performing Quality Checks at the Army Survey Regiment, c1980s
These six photographs of Printer Technicians performing quality checks off the printing press were probably taken circa 1980s in Lithographic Squadron at the Army Survey Regiment, Fortuna, Bendigo. c1980s. Although the photos are not annotated, most personnel are positively identified. Quality control was applied progressively in the printing process, with registration checks and adjustments between colours on the first pass. In these photos a quality check was performed off the press before the printing press was prepared with the new set of printing plates and colours for the next pass. When all passes were complete a final quality check off the press was performed before the Printer Technicians trimmed, wrapped and dispatched the product to customers.This is a set of photographs of Printer Technicians checking the quality of a printed product at the Army Survey Regiment, Bendigo c1980s. The photographs were printed on photographic paper and are part of the Army Survey Regiment’s Collection. The photographs were scanned at 300 dpi. .1) - Photo, black & white, c1980s, L to R: unidentified, Paul Davis, Terry Winzar, CPL Kim Reynolds, Lithographic Squadron .2) - Photo, black & white, c1980s, L to R: CPL Kim Reynolds, Paul Davis, Terry Winzar, Lithographic Squadron .3) - Photo, black & white, c1980s, L to R: Per Andersen, Peter Dillon, Lithographic Squadron .4) - Photo, black & white, c1980s, L to R: Per Andersen, Peter Barrett, Peter Dillon, Lithographic Squadron .5) - Photo, black & white, c1980s, L to R: SSGT Peter Barrett, Greg Rowe, Lithographic Squadron .6) - Photo, black & white, c1980s, unidentified Lithographic Squadron.1P to .6P – no annotationroyal australian survey corps, rasvy, army survey regiment, army svy regt, fortuna, asr, litho, printing -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Uniform - Jacket, 19th-20th Century
This jacket appears to be part of the uniform, connected to Warrnambool through its sleeve labels, and to the sea, through its anchor and chain buttons. It may have been worn in the merchant navy by a senior seaman, due to the good quality of fabric and the double-breasted design, or to life saving at sea, such as a member of the Life Saving Rescue Crew, or even a Harbour Master. This jacket has been used for display on the ketch 'Reginald M', built in 1922 in South Australia and spending the final years of its life at Flagstaff Hill Maritime Village from 1975-2016. The vessel spent much of its working life as a coastal trader along the south-eastern coast of Australia.This maritime jacket is significant for its connection with Warrnambool and to maritime service. Its high quality wool suggests that it was made for a senior ranking person. This jacket could have been used by a seaman in the merchant navy, which provided the essential service of transportation of goods and passengers between the ports of south-eastern Australia, including the Port of Warrnambool.Uniform jacket or coat, maritime. Heavy duty navy-coloured woollen jacket lined with light-weight woollen lining coloured blue with thin white stripe. Double-breasted front with eight buttons with the motif of anchor and chain. Two waist pockets on the outside, two breast pockets on the inside, closed with composition buttons on the lap, plus one spare button. Dark felt fabric labels were stitched to each sleeve just below the shoulder, with gold embroidered letters. Embroidered sleeve labels "WARRNAMBOOL" Embossed on eight buttons, symbol [chain joined to top of anchor and entwined around it, with text on anchor's crossbar]flagstaff hill, warrnambool, maritime village, maritime museum, flagstaff hill maritime museum & village, shipwreck coast, great ocean road, meritime uniform, men's jacket, woollen jacket, double-breasted jacket, merchant navy, maritime uniform jacket, anchor and chain buttons -
Kiewa Valley Historical Society
Bottle Ginger Beer, circa mid to late 1900's
This glass ginger beer bottle was manufactured and used early to late 1900's, until the time that cheaper containers were invented(plastic bottles). This bottle was so constructed to be easily moved within the ginger beer processing plants from the brewing vats/holding tanks to the final corking/sealing of the bottles for eventual distribution. From 1990s the bottle slowly became phased out of production however boutique suppliers still preferred thick glass to contain any explosive action. Two major glass bottle works companies, e.g. Australian Glass Manufacturers and the Melbourne Glass Bottle Works Co. were the main suppliers for the Victorian State.In the period when this bottle was manufactured and used the major ginger beer brewing plants for the whole of Victoria were located in Melbourne because this was where its greatest consumer base was there and most rural areas were supplied by domestic sources (mother brewing ginger beer for the children). The Kiewa Valley and its region was one rural area which until road invrastructure was enhance covered the ginger beer thirst by local family production. As the population expanded considerably in the late 1940's (SECV Hydro Scheme) with a greater demand for "soft" drinks" being established supplies from larger towns and cities were call for. Each bottle was "branded" during manufacturing to show the contents were from a reputable supplier (PHIBBS Bros) and where it originated from. These bottles were recycled by the manufacturer as a way to cut production costs. This method of recycling the bottles back to the specific manufacturer has (except for South Australia)been overtaken by a no cost recycling collection by councils (funded by their communities). This method by passes the user cost principle as the bottles are processed as non generic. The uneconomical "on cost" which was replaced by the "throw away" less costly plastic containers however did not provide the keen domestic brewer of the "beer" with a reusable bottle.This heavy gauged glass bottle (Ginger Beer) has a rim and a distinctive head at the top. This head has been manufactured to facilitate the movement of the bottled along the production line. The method of pouring ginger beer into the bottle has been part of the "production line" process of automation. This bottle has a capacity to hold 250ml of ginger beer and is made from "clear" glass. The marority of ginger beer bottles produced in this time frame where made with a "green" tint in them.This tinting helped reduce the sunlight effecting the contentsAround the bottom side of the bottle and blown into the glass is "THIS BOTTLE IS THE PROPERTY OF PHIBBS BROS, ALBURY" above this, in "running script" and sloping up from left to right is "Phibbs Bros" and underneath parallel to it "ALBURY". On the base of the bottle is molded a big "L 289" underneath this "M" and below this "AGM".ginger beer bottle, soft drink bottles, cordial bottles -
Orbost & District Historical Society
Memento for Vietnam Veterans National Memorial, 1990s
The Australian Vietnam Forces National Memorial is located on Anzac Parade in Canberra, the Nation's Capital. In May 1988 the Federal Government announced its support for the project. In August 1988 the first official Vietnam Veterans’ Day was held. In September, the Minister for Veterans’ Affairs, Ben Humphries, launched two television commercials designed to encourage donations and handed over a cheque for $12,500. Subsequent support from the Federal Government brought this to $250,000. However the bulk of the funds cam from public donation, together with some corporate sponsorship. The final cost for the memorial was just over $1.2 million. (info. from Vietnam Veterans association of Australia web-site)This item is significant in that it is a reminder of the history and experiences of the veterans of the Vietnam War and the enduring impact of the war on society.A framed momento of Vietnam War. Medallion is inset into red coloured card over mount board. It is double sided so that the medallion can be viewed from both sides. Silver raised lettering on rectangular black ribbon: "For Those Who Served Suffered and Died - Vietnam 1962 - 1973" Black lettering on red card: "This Commemorative Medallion was presented to the Orbost Shire Council by the Vietnam Veterans Association in recognition of the generosity of the people of the Orbost Shire, the Shire Council and the local R.S.L. in raising $1000, toward the building of the Vietnam Veterans National Memorial in Canberra. This Shire was the first area in the state to raise $1000." On front of medallion: "In Appreciation For Your Support" On reverse side of medallion: "Australian Vietnam Forces - National Memorial"vietnam-war war-momento war-plaque