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Kiewa Valley Historical Society
Book - Reference Teaching, Intermediate English J. Aughterson, Circa 1957
This particular edition was published in a period (1950s), when textbooks for primary and secondary schools were published by London based publishing houses such as LONGMAN. This particular publishing house brand is now only used by the Longman Schools in China. This reference book was one of the basic reading material for students learning the "English" language opposed to the "Americanised English". The two versions of English now in use are mainly influenced by the greater influx of American based media and the internet. At the time of this publication however print media was at its peak and the English used was from the United Kingdom. Although the written language is in English, the majority subject matter is of Australian origin. This text book is very significant in demonstrating the type of English taught in rural schools during the period and before the internet and the American based spell check programs now in use. The subtle changes in both the spoken and written English, due to the modern internet facilities, can be seen by the "texting" language of school aged students, post "world wide web" and mobile telephones. This English text book is a moment in time, when the isolation of rural communities had greater affect upon the standard of both the written and spoken language. It was a time when Britain was still thought of as "the mother land" and the English used was that brought to Australian by the original settlers and over time developed an "Australian flavour".Plastic covered soft green colored cardboard cover in black print. Pages (150) are printed in black ink on both sides and in different fonts.Front cover "INTERMEDIATE ENGLISH" underneath "J. Aughterson" underneath a squiggle of three half circles. underneath "LONGMANS". Spine: "AUGHTERSON INTERMEDIATE ENGLISH LONGMANS"school curriculum, secondary education, rural schools -
Kiewa Valley Historical Society
Atlas Australian Commonwealth, Philips' Australian Commonwealth Atlas, 1944
This atlas, printed in 1944, details not only the geographic and political boundaries of the world as it was at that time but also the snap shot of life of the time. This snap shot in time covers the major Australian cities, the major farming, grazing, industrial and sporting/recreational activities. Also there are snap shots of similar activities from other global areas. The period also covered World War II, detailed by a photo of "shell making", munitions, required by Australian soldiers. The great political and territorial changes made as a result of World War II can be clearly identified for example , Israel (the Jewish homeland). The various prewar colonies of major European nations.This atlas was used by children of a Kiewa Valley family and shows the value and the general educational exposure that these children had at this time. The rural setting and within the backdrop of a world war did not severely alter the life style of children in this region. The "news reels" shown in cinemas of cities and larger towns were the only visual realisations of major events of global significance available to these children. The information provided by this atlas allowed students to glimpse at what the "outside world" was. The majority of these students would possibly never see these regions for themselves. The great communication facilities of the late 1900s and beyond, was still only science fiction.This atlas has a thick (350 g/m) red cardboard cover with bold black lettering and shading. The cover is set out within a shield like frame. The shield is held up by two square markings, each with a four part circular pattern and a cord entwining two pendulum structures ending with a bowl figure at the bottom. There is a semi circular form enclosing a printed book contents list. The inside cover has the atlas title and contents and the publisher details. The atlas contain 56 pages of world and Australian maps, vegetation and rainfall maps. Within this atlas there are 27 double sided pages of black and white photographs depicting life styles, buildings, landscapes and prominent and significant to Australia males from 1652 to 1944. The pages are of approximately 200 g/m and have the yellow aged appearance.On front cover "Philips' Australian COMMONWEALTH ATLAS" and underneath "Containing" underneath "60 PHYSICAL, POLITICAL AND ECONOMIC MAPS". Publisher George Philip & Son, Limited 32 Fleet Street, London E.C. 4. Inside cover are: written, in freehand and in ink the following names and dates; "J.Muller Form V 1945", "L L Muller Form IV 1946", "N.J. Muller Form I + II + III 1948 +49 + 50" and "D Muller Form I 1949". also handwritten and in pencil is "Peter Leslie". On the last page is a small freehand sketch of Australia in biro.1940s school curriculum, rural education, 1940s atlas, australian atlas -
Kiewa Valley Historical Society
Book - Reference Melbourne Directory, Melbourne and Suburban Directory for 1889, Circa 1889
This Directory of 1889 covers the location of Melbourne based trade and professional offices by street and in Alphabetical order. It covers all of Melbourne and its suburbs. It also covers government and official, ecclesiastic, legal, municipal and miscellaneous information. The directory details a cross section of a developing city with a splattering of advertisements opening up an in depth look of all aspects of living in the late 1800s. It is interesting to see that all the advertisements do not have any telecommunication numbers listed (personal shoppers or mail orders only). This was a period of high moral standing within the community and hotels advertised rooms " suites of rooms for families and single rooms for Ladies and Gentlemen" also "electric bells throughout the house. Telephone, night porter and hot and cold baths."This directory would be used by the majority of families and businesses working and living within the Kiewa Valley and the surrounding area. Melbourne was the only place where every aspect of living requirement was catered for. Although the delivery of services and goods were not at a high rate, certain items or transactions would require a visit to "the big smoke". Business information are listed both by suburb and alphabetically. There is also a section for British and Foreign Trade. This directory covered nearly everything to do with commerce, an example pay days for principle firms. Greater evolution of trade locations started to balloon out after the mid 1950's. Increased populations and greater levels of communication and safe fast transport facilities permitted greater devolution of commercial enterprises into rural communities, such as the Kiewa Valley.This directory has no front or back cover and is held together by its cloth spine. It contains over 1300 pages, however there may be some pages missing front and back of the directory which would have contained advertisements of some unknown shops. All the sides of this directory (except the spine) have advertisements and content information stamped on. The spine cover has been placed in the directory until further conservation work is carried out. It has gold coloured printing and in the central section, a gold coloured background with the words "Sands & McDougall's Melbourne Directory 1889." The spine has three adverts on the spine.On the spine in gold colour "South * British insurance Company Fire and Marine. Risks Lowest Current Rates No. 11 Queen Street, Arthur J Masters, Manager" and half way down " *Phoenix* Fire Office of London established over 100 years Annual Income exceeds (pound sign) 1,000,000" underneath "Losses Paid Over (pound sign) 16,000,000" underneath "Reserve Fund Exceeds (pound sign) 1,000,000" underneath "9 Market Buildings William Street, Melbourne " underneath " R. Manfield Taylor, Agent" and at the bottom section" Henry Scott Auctioneer and Estate Agent 49 Bridport St., Albert Park" stamped on the bottom side across the page endings "The Wonderful Wertheim Sewing Machines Swanston Street opposite Town Hall", stamped on the top side across the page endings " The Sweet Hapsburg Pianos & Organs Swanston Street Opposite Town Hall"state government listings, names and location of early melbourne population business names, 1889 members of the victorian executive council -
Kiewa Valley Historical Society
Box First Aid, Snake and Spider Outfit, Circa 1940's
At the time of manufacture, circa 1940's, the first aid treatment for snake bites, was to lance(cut) open the bite, wash it out and apply a ligature or tourniquet between the bite and the heart. This method was abandoned later after scientific evidence suggested that it was better to stop the blood system from carrying the poison to the heart (pressure immobilization). Australian snakes do not have long fangs therefore deep incisions into main arteries is rare. This research took many years to develop therefore the information supplied with the "Sanax" kits of this era is well outdated. Rural areas were more attuned to the possibilities of snake activity on farms, in sheds and in out houses and farm homesteads. This was not the case for mainly city and large townships environments. The mice plagues in wheat areas during the warmer month s has always been a high risk time for encountering snakesThese snake bite kits were issued to workers on the Kiewa Hydro Electricity Scheme. Some of these snake bite kits were kept at doctor's surgeries e.g. Bogong Village, House 13. The kit was carried by bushwalkers, scouts, farmers and high plains cattlemen. This item is of significance because it demonstrates the main dangers faced by all rural industries and towns, especially remote areas, and the portable remedies that where required as a necessity of the Australian bush environment. This item was in use at a time when the air ambulance and rescue facilities were not in existence and remote locations were more isolated and the availability of anti venom was hard to obtain locally.This item is a red coloured cardboard box(250 - 300 g/m) with white writing and containing the following 12 items. 7 clear red coloured capsules, 2 opaque red plastic capsules, 2 wooden capsules and 1 brass screw on capsule. The capsules are divided into two sections (compartments) horizontally. Each compartment has a screw lid. One compartment contains a lancet (for piercing the snake bite) and the other compartment contains the "Condy's" crystals compete with tightly rolled instructions.On top of the pull up lid, and flanked by two coiled snakes (at the strike position) is printed: "Trade Sanax Mark" below this " SNAKE and SPIDER BITE OUTFIT" and below this with instructions for use". Front side: "Sanax snake and spider bite outfit" underneath "Nepean Highway Morabbin" The later printing has been severely scratched but decipherable. The back side of the box has "Note to the retailer" and due to wear no more of the writing can be read. Each side of the box is printed "SANAX" snake, spider, first aid, kiewa hydro scheme, portable medical supplies -
Kiewa Valley Historical Society
Functional object - Pocket First Aid, Circa mid 1900s
This pocket First Aid kit is small and compact which became available to those venturing out in the outback and required an easily managed first aid kit. It was manufactured in the mid 1900s well before vinyl and or plastic pouches or bags where used. It was in an era where valuable items were stored in durable containers due to the harsh and rugged conditions of the Australian bush. Cheaper and less durable containers from Asian manufacturers had been kept out by the heavy Tariff imposed on their goods. This changed in the 1980's when the Tariff Board was dismantled by a then Labour Government. The Australian manufacturing industry was severely reduced by the Influx of cheaper goods. This item was made by an Australian company when the motto "true blue" was the catch cry for quality Australian made goods. This was in the period where the isolation of many rural communities required the basic first aid kits to be of a tougher quality than those offered in large cities and towns.This pocket first aid kit was very compact and would have been easy to carry without taking up too much space for bush walkers, camping scouts, drovers and independent miners and cattlemen. The Kiewa Valley and surrounding rural settlements did not have the medical backup that the larger cities and towns had up until the mid 1900s when the Hydro Electricity Schemes were built and the additional influx of workers made it feasible to have a hospital and better local health facilities. This influx of the construction workers associated with the Hydro Scheme. also brought European workers who where more inclined to go bush walking and climbing the Victorian alps than the average Australian rural worker. This item is a Sanax pocket first aid round tin, gold in colour with red and white print. It's contents are: one small tube of Sanax antiseptic cream, one small one inch x six yards of gauze bandages, rubber band type ligatures with a cast iron tightener., one small tweezers three safety pins, and one lancet.On the lid there are: are outlined white cross on a blue circular background. underneath is a whiite circle encased with a red line with the following printed "Sanax pocket first aid case" (in red print underneath this is a small curved blue background and in black print "No. 26"medicine, first aid tin, camping medical supplies, personal first aid, sanax -
Kiewa Valley Historical Society
Book - Non Fiction History, The Kiewa Story, circa 1993
This book provides in chronological order the development of the Kiewa Hydro-electricity scheme from the first concept (1911) to final construction work (1961). It covers the first attempt to utilise the power of the Victorian Alps water system. It started from a private syndicate and developed to the current State Electricity Commission of Victoria. The incentive for the Hydro scheme was to make money and not as an alternative to the carbon producing coal fired power plants. These coal fired power plants were increasing in numbers to service an ever increasing demand made by population expansion, especially in cities and large rural settlements. This demand spiraled up after World War II when there was a tremendous spike in immigration numbers due to refugees and displaced persons in Europe. The ability to utilise the untapped water provided by the winter snow fields, for a higher yield in electricity, was a powerful incentive to overcome the physical hardships in this remote Alpine region. Future power requirements may initiate the re-installation of the other two power stations(Pretty Valley and Big Hill) covered in original Scheme. This publication not only covers the development of the Kiewa Valley region with respect to population (within a socio-economical framework) but also the subtle but yet strong physical changes of a relatively pristine alpine region. The demands that an ever growing regional population places on the environment is clearly documented in print and black and white photographs. The working and living conditions of those who constructed and gave life to this hydro scheme is well documented in this book. It may be viewed as spartan now but was relevantly good at that moment in time, especially for those workers fleeing a devastated European environment. The successful planning and consideration to minimising any intrusion upon the natural alpine forests and high plains can viewed as an example (compared to the Tasmanian Hydro schemes) of how future hydro schemes (an inevitable requirement) will proceed. Most rural towns (in the early 1900s) were built by unencumbered rural based citizens, with the exception of Mount Beauty and Falls Creek. These two settlements were brought into life by a State (Victorian) Authority for a specific function and program. They were a gated community, that is, only open to construction workers involved with the hydro scheme. All facilities within these communities were provided by the State Electricity Commission of Victoria. The impact on the social, financial and individual independency of the community, by the transition from the S.E.C .environment to one of local government (Shire of Bright), had in some cases a severe impact.This hard covered book has a green cover with pictures on the front and back covers. The front cover has a coloured picture of a snow covered Mount Bogong taken from the opposite mountain range. The valley between both ranges has a whisk of mist over it. At the bottom of this picture are three black and white photographs covering the construction of the Kiewa Hydro - Electricity Scheme. On the back cover is a photograph, (black and white) detailing the Bogong village and Junction dam containing lake Guy. The inside front cover is a black and white photograph which details the construction of the West Kiewa tailrace tunnel during April 1951. The inside back cover is a black and white photograph of the concrete pour at the Clover Dam circa 1952. All photographs and sketches are in black and white. The pages are approximately 160 g/m2 and those which have photographs are on gloss paper.Book spine: "The Kiewa Story Graham Napier Geoff Easdown" alongside this is a white framed circle with white spokes radiating out and underneath in white lettering SECkiewa valley, hydro scheme, victorian alpine region, electricity generators, graham napier, geoff easdown -
Kiewa Valley Historical Society
Book - Reference Cooking, Mount Beauty Souvenir Cookery Book x2, Circa 1962
This cookery book was printed in the early 1960s for the purpose of obtaining the necessary funds for the construction of the Mount Beauty swimming pool. The advertisements within this book covers local traders of this time frame, for example, the Bogong Hotel which is no longer operational. the culinary measurements are in Imperial measures(pounds and ounces). The book has sections for continental dishes and sweets (Australian flavour), special dishes for Lent, cakes (farmhouse fruit cake), jams, marmalades (home made), marrow and apple chutney. Some of these recipes are early 20th Century related and in the 2000s are not sought after. The food "take away" lifestyle has been responsible for the demise of a lot of the recipes in this book. The swing away from home grown produce has been not only a lifestyle change but also the faster pace of living in rural areas. The specialisation and redefined development of the local produce store (previously provided everything the rural shopper needed) was a forced move due to larger and cheaper city born fresh food supermarkets. Although there are still some local produce store within the region these will in time vanish. This cookery book was produced just after Mount Beauty was released from an SEC "closed" community in 1961(see KVHS 0134) and the town then had to fend for itself. This book was compiled and produced because the town needed a swimming pool (which possible would have been provided had the SEC still been responsible). The book demonstrates the strong rural psyche of rallying together for the good of all and united for something which would be of benefit to all. The period 1961 to the 1970s was one of great change for Mount Beauty. The SEC protective cage was a blessing for some but a goal for others. The independence that was gained after the SEC left provided for a drastic "make over" in regards to the facilities provided for the "locals" and that for the tourists. An increase in tourist related industries such as snow skiing in winter, hang gliding and gliding, mountain bike rallies, bush walking and horse riding, all of which have supply outlets in the town, has provided a more cosmopolitan atmosphere. These activities and the greater interaction with populations outside of the region has reduced the "hermit" type feel of the town psyche.This recipe book consists of eighty nine pages in black and white print. It contains black and white sketches, recipes of local domestic cooks and advertisements covering local traders. The cover is approximately 280 g/m2 in weight and the pages are at 90 g/m2 in weight. The cover has a design in the style of Abstract Expressionism (period 1950-1960s) of identifiable (clock,jug,fruit,window) and abstract objects in tints of blue and shades of black. This was designed by Cheryl Ryder of the Mount Beauty High School, under supervision of Mr I Baker (Art Teacher)On the foreword(page two and page three) "Mt. Beauty Souvenir Cookery Book First Edition" . This foreword was presented by Rosa Kinnear, President, Ladies' Auxiliary 2nd copy - no inscriptionrecipe, cooking, food, domestic, kitchen, local history, comfort food, pioneer cleaning methods -
Orbost & District Historical Society
chamber pot, Circa 1920-1940s
This item was used as a portable toilet probably in a bedroom at night. They were commonly used until indoor plumbing was installed.Nowadays commodes have replaced chamber pots and are equally helpful for the sick and disabled persons. However, chamber pots are still used in countries which lack indoor plumbing facilities or during winter. The chamber pot is used in the form of a bedpan in hospitals and homes for very ill patients. The most popular form of the chamber pot is the potties used for children during toilet training. This is an example of an ordinary household item not commonly in use in the 21st century.A white painted enamel bowl-shaped container with a handle. It is blue rimmed with a blue handle.chamber-pot sanitation -
Flagstaff Hill Maritime Museum and Village
Instrument - Clock, c. 1860s
The clock was either made or sold by T. Gaunt & Co. of Melbourne, a manufacturer, importer and retailer of a wide variety of goods including jewellery, clocks and watches, navigational and measuring instruments, dinnerware, glassware and ornaments. Thomas Gaunt photograph was included in an album of security identity portraits of members of the Victorian Court, Centennial International Exhibition, Melbourne, 1888. Thomas Gaunt History: Thomas Gaunt established Melbourne's leading watchmaking, optical and jewellery business during the second half of the 19th century. Gaunt arrived in Melbourne in 1852, and by 1858 had established his own business at 14 Little Bourke Street. Around 1869 he moved to new premises in Bourke Street on the corner of Royal Arcade, Gaunt's shop quickly became a Melbourne institution. Gaunt proudly advertised that he was 'The only watch manufacturer in the Australian colonies'. While many watches and clocks may have had Gaunt's name on the dial, few would have been made locally. Gaunt did make some watches for exhibitions, and perhaps a few expensive watches for wealthy individuals. Gaunt's received a telegraph signal from Melbourne Observatory each day to correct his main clock and used this signal to rate and repair ship's chronometers and good quality watches. His main horological manufacturing was directed at turret clocks for town halls, churches and post offices. These tended to be specific commissions requiring individualised design and construction. He made the clock for the Melbourne Post Office lobby, to a design by Government Astronomer Robert Ellery, and won an award at the 1880-81 Melbourne International Exhibition for his turret clock for the Emerald Hill Town Hall. He became well known for his installation of a chronograph at Flemington Racecourse in 1876, which showed the time for the race, accurate to a quarter of a second. The firm also installed the clockwork and figures for Gog and Magog in the Royal Arcade. Thomas Gaunt also developed a department that focused on scientific instrumentation, making thermometers and barometers (from imported glass tubes), telescopes, surveying instruments and microscopes. Another department specialised in electroplating for trophies, awards and silverware, and the firm manufactured large amounts of ecclesiastical gold ware and silverware, for the church including St Patrick's Cathedral. There are no records that disclose the number of employees in the firm, but it was large enough for Gaunt to hold an annual picnic for the watchmakers and apprentices at Mordialloc from 1876; two years previously they had successfully lobbied Gaunt to win the eight hour day. Gaunt's workforce was reportedly very stable, with many workers remaining in the business for 15 to 30 years. Gaunt's wife Jane died on September 1894, aged 64. They had one son and six daughters, but only three daughters survived to adulthood. Two became nuns at the Abbotsford Convent and one daughter, Cecelia Mary Gaunt (died 28 July 1941), married William Stanislaus Spillane on 22 September 1886 and had a large family. Gaunt died at his home in Coburg, Victoria, leaving an estate valued at ₤41,453. The business continued as T. Gaunt & Co. after his death. Post Office and Clock History: Warrnambool’s Post Office has been in existence since 1857, when it was originally situated on the corner of Timor and Gilles Street. In March 1864 the Warrnambool Borough Council purchased this clock from Henry Walsh Jnr. for the sum of £25, “to be put up in front of the Post Office”. Henry Walsh Jnr was the eldest son of Melbourne’s Henry Walsh, maker and retailer of clocks, watches, thermometers and jewellery. In 1854 Henry Walsh Jnr. began business in Warrnambool as a watchmaker and jeweller later becoming a Councillor with now a local street named after him. The Post Office was extensively remodelled in 1875-76. Early photographs of this building show that the clock was installed on the northern outside wall, Timor Street, under the arches and between the 2 centre windows, where it could be seen by passers-by. Although spring loaded clocks date back to the 15th century, and fob and pocket watches evolving from these date to the 17th century, personal pocket watches were only affordable to the very fortunate. Public clocks such as this Post Office clock provided opportunity for all to know the time, and for those in possession of a personal watch to check and set their own timepieces to the correct time. During post office reservations during the 1970s the clock was removed and was eventually donated to the Flagstaff Collection. The Clock’s maker Thomas Gaunt, is historically significant and was an established and well renowned scientific instrument and clock maker in Melbourne during the 1860s. He was at that time the only watchmaker in the Australian colonies. In the 1870’s and 1880’s he won many awards for his clocks and was responsible for sending time signals to other clocks in the city and rural areas, enabling many businesses and organisations to accurate set their clocks each day. Warrnambool Borough Council purchased this clock from Henry Walsh Jnr. for the sum of £25 and the clock used to stand in front of the Warrnambool post office to allow ordinary citizens to set their time pieces as they walked by. The item is not only important because it was made by a significant early colonial clock maker and retailed by a locally known clock maker and jeweler but also that it was installed in the Warrnambool Post Office a significantly historical building in it's own right. Built in 1857 and regarded as one of the oldest postal facilities in Australia, with a listing on the National Heritage Database, (ID 15656). This 1864 hall clock originates from the Warrnambool Post Office. The clock glass is hinged to the top of the clock face and has a catch at the bottom. The metal rim of the glass is painted black. The clock face is metal, painted white, with black Roman numerals and markings for minutes and five minutes. The tip of the small hour hand is shaped like a leaf. "T. GAUNT / MELBOURNE" is printed in black on the clock face. The winding key hole is just below the centre of the clock face. The key winds a fusee chain mechanism, attached to the brass mainspring barrel that powers the pendulum with an 8-day movement. The speed of the clock can be adjusted by changing the position of the weight on the pendulum, lengthening or shortening the swing; raising the pendulum shortens its swing and speeds up the clock. The metal fusee mechanism has an inscription on it. The rectangular wooden casing is with a convex curve at the bottom that has a hinged door with a swivel latch. The original stained surface has been painted over with a matte black. There are two other doors that also allow access to the clock’s workings. The case fits over the pendulum and workings at the rear and attaches to the clock by inserting four wooden pegs into holes in the sides of the case then into the back of the clock. A flat metal plate has been secured by five screws onto the top of the case and a hole has been cut into it for the purpose of hanging up the clock. There is a nail inside the case, possibly used for a place to the key."T. GAUNT MELBOURNE" is printed on the clock face. “6 1 3” embossed on the back of the fusee mechanism behind the clock. warrnambool, shipwrecked coast, flagstaff hill, flagstaff hill maritime museum, maritime museum, shipwreck coast, flagstaff hill maritime village, shipwrecked artefact, clock, warrnambool post office, fusee, henry walsh jnr, thomas gaunt, t gaunt & co, post office clock -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Photograph, Beauville Avenue, 1, Murrumbeena, 2001
Originally labelled "Beauville Estate, Established 1936, Still Thriving 65 years on, 10th March 2001", the Beauville Estate Album contains colour photographs of houses in the Estate. They were taken around the time of the Beauville Estate’s 65th Heritage Celebration held on 10/03/2001 and donated to the Caulfield Historical Society shortly afterwards. Photographer unknown. City of Glen Eira’s Heritage Management Plan Vol 2 p79 (this is p84 of the pdf version) – HO12 Beauville Estate and environs, Murrumbeena: The Beauville Historic Area is important at the State level as the first large housing estate undertaken by the AV Jennings Construction Co, later Jennings Group Limited, Victoria’s largest home builder. It is important also as a very early estate development incorporating a range of features other than houses and including made roads, shops and recreation facilities. In this respect it was the forerunner of the comprehensively planned housing estate of the post war era. The estate is distinguished by its aesthetic values, as is the earlier and comparable Hillcrest Estate, which are formed by a combination of restrained diversity in house styles, with the exception of no. 30 in the emerging International style, and by a landscaped garden environment. Colour photograph of white rendered house with unpainted brick features. Other features include a porch, tiled roof, window boxes and low unpainted brick fence in the foreground with "1" on the brick pillar beside the driveway.murrumbeena, houses, beauville avenue, architectural styles, 1930's, inter war style, a.v. jennings, av jennings, jennings, brick houses, beauville estate, porches, sir albert victor jennings, a v jennings construction co, beauville estate heritage area, glen eira city council, architectural features, housing estates, builders, jennings group limited, land subdivision, gardens, beauville historic area, brick fences -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Album - Photograph Album, Beauville Estate Album, 2001
Originally labelled "Beauville Estate, Established 1936, Still Thriving 65 years on, 10th March 2001", the Beauville Estate Album contains colour photographs of houses in the Estate. They were taken around the time of the Beauville Estate’s 65th Heritage Celebration held on 10/03/2001 and donated to the Caulfield Historical Society shortly afterwards. Photographer unknown. Glen Eira’s Heritage Management Plan by Andrew Ward (1996) Vol 2 p78 states that by the end of 1934, the first 3 houses had been built in this housing estate.City of Glen Eira’s Heritage Management Plan Vol 2 p79 (p84 of the pdf version) – HO12 Beauville Estate and environs, Murrumbeena: The Beauville Historic Area is important at the State level as the first large housing estate undertaken by the AV Jennings Construction Co, later Jennings Group Limited, Victoria’s largest home builder. It is important also as a very early estate development incorporating a range of features other than houses and including made roads, shops and recreation facilities. In this respect it was the forerunner of the comprehensively planned housing estate of the post war era. The estate is distinguished by its aesthetic values, as is the earlier and comparable Hillcrest Estate, which are formed by a combination of restrained diversity in house styles, with the exception of no. 30 in the emerging International style, and by a landscaped garden environment.Colour photographs of house exteriors, as well as parks and tennis courts on the Beauville Estate. murrumbeena, houses, beauville avenue, architectural styles, 1930's, inter war style, a.v. jennings, av jennings, jennings, brick houses, beauville estate, murrumbeena road, lindsay avenue, gloucester court, dalny road, a v jennings construction co, beauville estate heritage area, glen eira city council, architectural features, plans, shops, residential development, tennis courts, housing estates, builders, building regulations, local government, commercial development, history, maps, photographs, commercial establishments, jennings group limited, land subdivision, gardens, beauville historic area, sir albert victor jennings -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Photograph, Beauville Avenue, 2, Murrumbeena, 2001
Originally labelled "Beauville Estate, Established 1936, Still Thriving 65 years on, 10th March 2001", the Beauville Estate Album contains colour photographs of houses in the Estate. They were taken around the time of the Beauville Estate’s 65th Heritage Celebration held on 10/03/2001 and donated to the Caulfield Historical Society shortly afterwards. Photographer unknown. City of Glen Eira’s Heritage Management Plan Vol 2 p79 (this is p84 of the pdf version) – HO12 Beauville Estate and environs, Murrumbeena: The Beauville Historic Area is important at the State level as the first large housing estate undertaken by the AV Jennings Construction Co, later Jennings Group Limited, Victoria’s largest home builder. It is important also as a very early estate development incorporating a range of features other than houses and including made roads, shops and recreation facilities. In this respect it was the forerunner of the comprehensively planned housing estate of the post war era. The estate is distinguished by its aesthetic values, as is the earlier and comparable Hillcrest Estate, which are formed by a combination of restrained diversity in house styles, with the exception of no. 30 in the emerging International style, and by a landscaped garden environment. Colour photograph of an unpainted brick house. Other features include a central porch, tiled roof, square paned windows and a low unpainted brick fence in the foreground.murrumbeena, beauville avenue, architectural styles, 1930's, inter war style, a.v. jennings, av jennings, jennings, brick houses, beauville estate, porches, sir albert victor jennings, a v jennings construction co, beauville estate heritage area, glen eira city council, architectural features, jennings group limited, land subdivision, gardens, beauville historic area -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Photograph, Beauville Avenue, 3, Murrumbeena, 2001
Originally labelled "Beauville Estate, Established 1936, Still Thriving 65 years on, 10th March 2001", the Beauville Estate Album contains colour photographs of houses in the Estate. They were taken around the time of the Beauville Estate’s 65th Heritage Celebration held on 10/03/2001 and donated to the Caulfield Historical Society shortly afterwards. Photographer unknown. City of Glen Eira’s Heritage Management Plan Vol 2 p79 (this is p84 of the pdf version) – HO12 Beauville Estate and environs, Murrumbeena: The Beauville Historic Area is important at the State level as the first large housing estate undertaken by the AV Jennings Construction Co, later Jennings Group Limited, Victoria’s largest home builder. It is important also as a very early estate development incorporating a range of features other than houses and including made roads, shops and recreation facilities. In this respect it was the forerunner of the comprehensively planned housing estate of the post war era. The estate is distinguished by its aesthetic values, as is the earlier and comparable Hillcrest Estate, which are formed by a combination of restrained diversity in house styles, with the exception of no. 30 in the emerging International style, and by a landscaped garden environment. Colour photograph of cream coloured rendered house with unpainted brick features. Other features include a semi circular porch, tiled roof, chimney and a low unpainted brick fence in the foreground with small shrubs behind. A concrete path crosses the lawn to the porch.murrumbeena, houses, beauville avenue, architectural styles, 1930's, inter war style, a.v. jennings, av jennings, jennings, brick houses, beauville estate, sir albert victor jennings, a v jennings construction co, beauville estate heritage area, glen eira city council, architectural features, jennings group limited, land subdivision, gardens, beauville historic area, porches, chimneys, brick fences -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Photograph, Beauville Avenue, 4, Murrumbeena, 2001
Originally labelled "Beauville Estate, Established 1936, Still Thriving 65 years on, 10th March 2001", the Beauville Estate Album contains colour photographs of houses in the Estate. They were taken around the time of the Beauville Estate’s 65th Heritage Celebration held on 10/03/2001 and donated to the Caulfield Historical Society shortly afterwards. Photographer unknown. City of Glen Eira’s Heritage Management Plan Vol 2 p79 (this is p84 of the pdf version) – HO12 Beauville Estate and environs, Murrumbeena: The Beauville Historic Area is important at the State level as the first large housing estate undertaken by the AV Jennings Construction Co, later Jennings Group Limited, Victoria’s largest home builder. It is important also as a very early estate development incorporating a range of features other than houses and including made roads, shops and recreation facilities. In this respect it was the forerunner of the comprehensively planned housing estate of the post war era. The estate is distinguished by its aesthetic values, as is the earlier and comparable Hillcrest Estate, which are formed by a combination of restrained diversity in house styles, with the exception of no. 30 in the emerging International style, and by a landscaped garden environment. Colour photograph of a white rendered house with a few rows of unpainted bricks at ground level. Other features include black and white awnings, a concrete driveway leading to a garage with a car in front and 2 unpainted chimneys. A metal mail box has the number 4 painted on it in the foreground of the garden. The garden includes a large tree at the front. murrumbeena, houses, beauville avenue, architectural styles, 1930's, inter war style, a.v. jennings, av jennings, jennings, brick houses, beauville estate, porches, sir albert victor jennings, a v jennings construction co, beauville estate heritage area, glen eira city council, architectural features, jennings group limited, land subdivision, gardens, beauville historic area, garages (private), brick chimneys, rendered houses, drives, striped awnings -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Photograph, Beauville Avenue, 5, Murrumbeena, 2001
Originally labelled "Beauville Estate, Established 1936, Still Thriving 65 years on, 10th March 2001", the Beauville Estate Album contains colour photographs of houses in the Estate. They were taken around the time of the Beauville Estate’s 65th Heritage Celebration held on 10/03/2001 and donated to the Caulfield Historical Society shortly afterwards. Photographer unknown. See also 2104A-06.City of Glen Eira’s Heritage Management Plan Vol 2 p79 (this is p84 of the pdf version) – HO12 Beauville Estate and environs, Murrumbeena: The Beauville Historic Area is important at the State level as the first large housing estate undertaken by the AV Jennings Construction Co, later Jennings Group Limited, Victoria’s largest home builder. It is important also as a very early estate development incorporating a range of features other than houses and including made roads, shops and recreation facilities. In this respect it was the forerunner of the comprehensively planned housing estate of the post war era. The estate is distinguished by its aesthetic values, as is the earlier and comparable Hillcrest Estate, which are formed by a combination of restrained diversity in house styles, with the exception of no. 30 in the emerging International style, and by a landscaped garden environment. Colour photograph of white rendered house with a car parked on the front lawn of the garden. Other features include an enclosed porch with unpainted brick edging with number "5" on the arched entrance, tiled roof, tall chimneys, striped black and white awnings and a low unpainted brick side fence beside the concrete driveway.murrumbeena, houses, beauville avenue, architectural styles, 1930's, inter war style, a.v. jennings, av jennings, jennings, brick houses, beauville estate, porches, sir albert victor jennings, a v jennings construction co, beauville estate heritage area, glen eira city council, architectural features, jennings group limited, land subdivision, gardens, beauville historic area, chimneys, rendered houses, drives, cars, brick fences, striped awnings -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Photograph, Beauville Avenue, 5, Murrumbeena, 2001
Originally labelled "Beauville Estate, Established 1936, Still Thriving 65 years on, 10th March 2001", the Beauville Estate Album contains colour photographs of houses in the Estate. They were taken around the time of the Beauville Estate’s 65th Heritage Celebration held on 10/03/2001 and donated to the Caulfield Historical Society shortly afterwards. Photographer unknown. See also 2104A-05.City of Glen Eira’s Heritage Management Plan Vol 2 p79 (this is p84 of the pdf version) – HO12 Beauville Estate and environs, Murrumbeena: The Beauville Historic Area is important at the State level as the first large housing estate undertaken by the AV Jennings Construction Co, later Jennings Group Limited, Victoria’s largest home builder. It is important also as a very early estate development incorporating a range of features other than houses and including made roads, shops and recreation facilities. In this respect it was the forerunner of the comprehensively planned housing estate of the post war era. The estate is distinguished by its aesthetic values, as is the earlier and comparable Hillcrest Estate, which are formed by a combination of restrained diversity in house styles, with the exception of no. 30 in the emerging International style, and by a landscaped garden environment.Colour photograph of the entrance to the enclosed porch of a white rendered, brick house. The entrance features unpainted brick edging with number "5" on the arched entrance with a black mesh and cast iron work gate. Other features include a tiled roof and stepped brick edging under the eaves.murrumbeena, houses, beauville avenue, architectural styles, 1930's, inter war style, a.v. jennings, av jennings, jennings, brick houses, beauville estate, arches, sir albert victor jennings, a v jennings construction co, beauville estate heritage area, glen eira city council, architectural features, jennings group limited, land subdivision, gardens, beauville historic area, porches, lamps, cast iron work gates -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Photograph, Beauville Avenue, 7, Murrumbeena, 2001
Originally labelled "Beauville Estate, Established 1936, Still Thriving 65 years on, 10th March 2001", the Beauville Estate Album contains colour photographs of houses in the Estate. They were taken around the time of the Beauville Estate’s 65th Heritage Celebration held on 10/03/2001 and donated to the Caulfield Historical Society shortly afterwards. Photographer unknown. City of Glen Eira’s Heritage Management Plan Vol 2 p79 (this is p84 of the pdf version) – HO12 Beauville Estate and environs, Murrumbeena: The Beauville Historic Area is important at the State level as the first large housing estate undertaken by the AV Jennings Construction Co, later Jennings Group Limited, Victoria’s largest home builder. It is important also as a very early estate development incorporating a range of features other than houses and including made roads, shops and recreation facilities. In this respect it was the forerunner of the comprehensively planned housing estate of the post war era. The estate is distinguished by its aesthetic values, as is the earlier and comparable Hillcrest Estate, which are formed by a combination of restrained diversity in house styles, with the exception of no. 30 in the emerging International style, and by a landscaped garden environment. Colour photograph of white rendered house, with unpainted brick features, in its garden. Other features include an enclosed tower-like porch with two arched entrances, tiled roof, 2 tall white rendered chimneys, low unpainted brick fence in the foreground and a concrete driveway.murrumbeena, houses, beauville avenue, architectural styles, 1930's, inter war style, a.v. jennings, av jennings, jennings, brick houses, beauville estate, arches, sir albert victor jennings, a v jennings construction co, beauville estate heritage area, glen eira city council, architectural features, jennings group limited, land subdivision, gardens, beauville historic area, porches, rendered chimneys, brick fences -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Photograph, Beauville Avenue, 6, Murrumbeena, 2001
Originally labelled "Beauville Estate, Established 1936, Still Thriving 65 years on, 10th March 2001", the Beauville Estate Album contains colour photographs of houses in the Estate. They were taken around the time of the Beauville Estate’s 65th Heritage Celebration held on 10/03/2001 and donated to the Caulfield Historical Society shortly afterwards. Photographer unknown. City of Glen Eira’s Heritage Management Plan Vol 2 p79 (this is p84 of the pdf version) – HO12 Beauville Estate and environs, Murrumbeena: The Beauville Historic Area is important at the State level as the first large housing estate undertaken by the AV Jennings Construction Co, later Jennings Group Limited, Victoria’s largest home builder. It is important also as a very early estate development incorporating a range of features other than houses and including made roads, shops and recreation facilities. In this respect it was the forerunner of the comprehensively planned housing estate of the post war era. The estate is distinguished by its aesthetic values, as is the earlier and comparable Hillcrest Estate, which are formed by a combination of restrained diversity in house styles, with the exception of no. 30 in the emerging International style, and by a landscaped garden environment. Colour photograph of a white rendered house with striped yellow and white window awnings. Other features include a tiled roof, a cast iron work front porch door, garden urns in front of the house and a low unpainted brick fence in the foreground with a car in its garage down the drive to the left. The garden beds are also supported by walls of the same unpainted bricks with plants including a palm and succulents.murrumbeena, houses, beauville avenue, architectural styles, 1930's, inter war style, a.v. jennings, av jennings, jennings, brick houses, beauville estate, porches, sir albert victor jennings, a v jennings construction co, beauville estate heritage area, glen eira city council, architectural features, jennings group limited, land subdivision, gardens, beauville historic area, cast iron work gates, striped awnings, outdoor ornaments, brick fences, drives, cars, garages (private), palm trees, brick chimneys -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Photograph, Beauville Avenue, 8, Murrumbeena, 2001
Originally labelled "Beauville Estate, Established 1936, Still Thriving 65 years on, 10th March 2001", the Beauville Estate Album contains colour photographs of houses in the Estate. They were taken around the time of the Beauville Estate’s 65th Heritage Celebration held on 10/03/2001 and donated to the Caulfield Historical Society shortly afterwards. Photographer unknown. See also 2104A-10.City of Glen Eira’s Heritage Management Plan Vol 2 p79 (this is p84 of the pdf version) – HO12 Beauville Estate and environs, Murrumbeena: The Beauville Historic Area is important at the State level as the first large housing estate undertaken by the AV Jennings Construction Co, later Jennings Group Limited, Victoria’s largest home builder. It is important also as a very early estate development incorporating a range of features other than houses and including made roads, shops and recreation facilities. In this respect it was the forerunner of the comprehensively planned housing estate of the post war era. The estate is distinguished by its aesthetic values, as is the earlier and comparable Hillcrest Estate, which are formed by a combination of restrained diversity in house styles, with the exception of no. 30 in the emerging International style, and by a landscaped garden environment. Colour photograph of white rendered house with unpainted brick features. Other features include a square enclosed porch with two decorative arched entrances with steps, tiled roof, green and yellow striped awning, the word "eight" written on the front of the house, concrete paths and driveway and a low unpainted brick fence beside the driveway.murrumbeena, houses, beauville avenue, architectural styles, 1930's, inter war style, a.v. jennings, av jennings, jennings, brick houses, beauville estate, porches, arches, sir albert victor jennings, rendered houses, a v jennings construction co, beauville estate heritage area, glen eira city council, architectural features, jennings group limited, land subdivision, gardens, beauville historic area, chimneys, brick fences, striped awnings -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Photograph, Beauville Avenue, 8, Murrumbeena, 2001
Originally labelled "Beauville Estate, Established 1936, Still Thriving 65 years on, 10th March 2001", the Beauville Estate Album contains colour photographs of houses in the Estate. They were taken around the time of the Beauville Estate’s 65th Heritage Celebration held on 10/03/2001 and donated to the Caulfield Historical Society shortly afterwards. Photographer unknown. See also 2104A-09.City of Glen Eira’s Heritage Management Plan Vol 2 p79 (this is p84 of the pdf version) – HO12 Beauville Estate and environs, Murrumbeena: The Beauville Historic Area is important at the State level as the first large housing estate undertaken by the AV Jennings Construction Co, later Jennings Group Limited, Victoria’s largest home builder. It is important also as a very early estate development incorporating a range of features other than houses and including made roads, shops and recreation facilities. In this respect it was the forerunner of the comprehensively planned housing estate of the post war era. The estate is distinguished by its aesthetic values, as is the earlier and comparable Hillcrest Estate, which are formed by a combination of restrained diversity in house styles, with the exception of no. 30 in the emerging International style, and by a landscaped garden environment. Colour photograph of white rendered house with unpainted brick features. The front enclosed portico features two arches, with decorative unpainted bricks, a flat barrel tiled roof with small pillars on each corner. The front windows have geometric patterned leadlight. murrumbeena, houses, beauville avenue, architectural styles, 1930's, inter war style, a.v. jennings, av jennings, jennings, brick houses, beauville estate, porches, arches, sir albert victor jennings, a v jennings construction co, beauville estate heritage area, glen eira city council, architectural features, jennings group limited, land subdivision, gardens, beauville historic area, windows -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Photograph, Beauville Avenue, 9, Murrumbeena, 2001
Originally labelled "Beauville Estate, Established 1936, Still Thriving 65 years on, 10th March 2001", the Beauville Estate Album contains colour photographs of houses in the Estate. They were taken around the time of the Beauville Estate’s 65th Heritage Celebration held on 10/03/2001 and donated to the Caulfield Historical Society shortly afterwards. Photographer unknown. See also 2104A-12 & 2104A-13.City of Glen Eira’s Heritage Management Plan Vol 2 p79 (this is p84 of the pdf version) – HO12 Beauville Estate and environs, Murrumbeena: The Beauville Historic Area is important at the State level as the first large housing estate undertaken by the AV Jennings Construction Co, later Jennings Group Limited, Victoria’s largest home builder. It is important also as a very early estate development incorporating a range of features other than houses and including made roads, shops and recreation facilities. In this respect it was the forerunner of the comprehensively planned housing estate of the post war era. The estate is distinguished by its aesthetic values, as is the earlier and comparable Hillcrest Estate, which are formed by a combination of restrained diversity in house styles, with the exception of no. 30 in the emerging International style, and by a landscaped garden environment. Colour photograph of white rendered house with a second timber storey and the word "Nine" on the front wall. Other features include a curved flat roof above the porch, tiled roof, striped awnings, an unpainted low fence pillar in the foreground and an overgrown side fence. murrumbeena, houses, beauville avenue, architectural styles, 1930's, inter war style, a.v. jennings, av jennings, jennings, brick houses, beauville estate, porches, sir albert victor jennings, a v jennings construction co, beauville estate heritage area, glen eira city council, architectural features, jennings group limited, land subdivision, gardens, beauville historic area, striped awnings, brick fences, porthole windows -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Photograph, Beauville Avenue, 9, Murrumbeena, 2001
Originally labelled "Beauville Estate, Established 1936, Still Thriving 65 years on, 10th March 2001", the Beauville Estate Album contains colour photographs of houses in the Estate. They were taken around the time of the Beauville Estate’s 65th Heritage Celebration held on 10/03/2001 and donated to the Caulfield Historical Society shortly afterwards. Photographer unknown. See also 2104A11 and 2104A-13.City of Glen Eira’s Heritage Management Plan Vol 2 p79 (this is p84 of the pdf version) – HO12 Beauville Estate and environs, Murrumbeena: The Beauville Historic Area is important at the State level as the first large housing estate undertaken by the AV Jennings Construction Co, later Jennings Group Limited, Victoria’s largest home builder. It is important also as a very early estate development incorporating a range of features other than houses and including made roads, shops and recreation facilities. In this respect it was the forerunner of the comprehensively planned housing estate of the post war era. The estate is distinguished by its aesthetic values, as is the earlier and comparable Hillcrest Estate, which are formed by a combination of restrained diversity in house styles, with the exception of no. 30 in the emerging International style, and by a landscaped garden environment. Colour photograph of a porthole style window with a decorative cast iron circle grid on a white rendered house. A wall lantern light is near the window. murrumbeena, houses, beauville avenue, architectural styles, 1930's, inter war style, a.v. jennings, av jennings, jennings, brick houses, beauville estate, porches, sir albert victor jennings, a v jennings construction co, beauville estate heritage area, glen eira city council, architectural features, jennings group limited, land subdivision, gardens, beauville historic area, porthole windows, lights, cast iron work -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Photograph, Beauville Avenue, 9, Murrumbeena, 2001
Originally labelled "Beauville Estate, Established 1936, Still Thriving 65 years on, 10th March 2001", the Beauville Estate Album contains colour photographs of houses in the Estate. They were taken around the time of the Beauville Estate’s 65th Heritage Celebration held on 10/03/2001 and donated to the Caulfield Historical Society shortly afterwards. Photographer unknown. See also 2104A-11 and 2104A-12.City of Glen Eira’s Heritage Management Plan Vol 2 p79 (this is p84 of the pdf version) – HO12 Beauville Estate and environs, Murrumbeena: The Beauville Historic Area is important at the State level as the first large housing estate undertaken by the AV Jennings Construction Co, later Jennings Group Limited, Victoria’s largest home builder. It is important also as a very early estate development incorporating a range of features other than houses and including made roads, shops and recreation facilities. In this respect it was the forerunner of the comprehensively planned housing estate of the post war era. The estate is distinguished by its aesthetic values, as is the earlier and comparable Hillcrest Estate, which are formed by a combination of restrained diversity in house styles, with the exception of no. 30 in the emerging International style, and by a landscaped garden environment. Colour photograph of the front entrance to a white rendered house featuring a porthole style window with a decorative cast iron work grid, a wall light, double cast iron work doors in front of the double glass doors and a meter box. Wrought iron balustrading can also be seen edging the porch in the foreground. murrumbeena, houses, beauville avenue, architectural styles, 1930's, inter war style, a.v. jennings, av jennings, jennings, brick houses, beauville estate, porches, sir albert victor jennings, a v jennings construction co, beauville estate heritage area, glen eira city council, architectural features, jennings group limited, land subdivision, gardens, beauville historic area, porthole windows, double doors, cast iron work, lights, glass doors -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Photograph, Beauville Avenue, 10, Murrumbeena, 2001
Originally labelled "Beauville Estate, Established 1936, Still Thriving 65 years on, 10th March 2001", the Beauville Estate Album contains colour photographs of houses in the Estate. They were taken around the time of the Beauville Estate’s 65th Heritage Celebration held on 10/03/2001 and donated to the Caulfield Historical Society shortly afterwards. Photographer unknown. From Glen Eira’s Heritage Management Plan by Andrew Ward (1996) Vol 2 p63: The inclusion of shops in Murrumbeena Road and a common parkland developed at the rear of the properties were complemented by the construction of a gas display home at No. 10 Beauville Avenue.City of Glen Eira’s Heritage Management Plan Vol 2 p79 (this is p84 of the pdf version) – HO12 Beauville Estate and environs, Murrumbeena: The Beauville Historic Area is important at the State level as the first large housing estate undertaken by the AV Jennings Construction Co, later Jennings Group Limited, Victoria’s largest home builder. It is important also as a very early estate development incorporating a range of features other than houses and including made roads, shops and recreation facilities. In this respect it was the forerunner of the comprehensively planned housing estate of the post war era. The estate is distinguished by its aesthetic values, as is the earlier and comparable Hillcrest Estate, which are formed by a combination of restrained diversity in house styles, with the exception of no. 30 in the emerging International style, and by a landscaped garden environment. Colour photograph of cream rendered house with decorative unpainted brown brick features. Other features include a porch with two decorative open arches, tiled roof, 2 sets of matching double sashed windows with large square pane within each set, agapanthus lining the brick paved driveway and a cast iron work metal letterbox with number "10" on it. murrumbeena, houses, beauville avenue, architectural styles, 1930's, inter war style, a.v. jennings, av jennings, jennings, brick houses, beauville estate, porches, arches, sir albert victor jennings, a v jennings construction co, beauville estate heritage area, glen eira city council, architectural features, jennings group limited, land subdivision, gardens, beauville historic area, brick features, sash windows, paved drives, cast iron work, letter boxes, gas display houses -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Photograph, Beauville Avenue, 13, Murrumbeena, 2001
Originally labelled "Beauville Estate, Established 1936, Still Thriving 65 years on, 10th March 2001", the Beauville Estate Album contains colour photographs of houses in the Estate. They were taken around the time of the Beauville Estate’s 65th Heritage Celebration held on 10/03/2001 and donated to the Caulfield Historical Society shortly afterwards. Photographer unknown. City of Glen Eira’s Heritage Management Plan Vol 2 p79 (this is p84 of the pdf version) – HO12 Beauville Estate and environs, Murrumbeena: The Beauville Historic Area is important at the State level as the first large housing estate undertaken by the AV Jennings Construction Co, later Jennings Group Limited, Victoria’s largest home builder. It is important also as a very early estate development incorporating a range of features other than houses and including made roads, shops and recreation facilities. In this respect it was the forerunner of the comprehensively planned housing estate of the post war era. The estate is distinguished by its aesthetic values, as is the earlier and comparable Hillcrest Estate, which are formed by a combination of restrained diversity in house styles, with the exception of no. 30 in the emerging International style, and by a landscaped garden environment. See Significance Statement in Glen Eira’s Heritage Management Plan by Andrew Ward (1996) Vol 2 p.79. Available from (Note see p.84 of pdf)Colour photograph of white rendered house with unpainted brick features including on chimney. Other features include a semi enclosed porch, tiled roof, sash windows and low unpainted brick fence in the foreground with "13" on the white letterbox above the brick pillar beside the driveway and also on the front wall to the left. Garden beds and fence surround the lawn with drive to the left.murrumbeena, houses, beauville avenue, architectural styles, 1930's, inter war style, a.v. jennings, av jennings, jennings, brick houses, beauville estate, porches, sir albert victor jennings, a v jennings construction co, beauville estate heritage area, glen eira city council, architectural features, jennings group limited, land subdivision, gardens, beauville historic area, brick features, brick fences, letterboxes, chimneys -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Photograph, Beauville Avenue, 14, Murrumbeena, 2001
Originally labelled "Beauville Estate, Established 1936, Still Thriving 65 years on, 10th March 2001", the Beauville Estate Album contains colour photographs of houses in the Estate. They were taken around the time of the Beauville Estate’s 65th Heritage Celebration held on 10/03/2001 and donated to the Caulfield Historical Society shortly afterwards. Photographer unknown.City of Glen Eira’s Heritage Management Plan Vol 2 p79 (this is p84 of the pdf version) – HO12 Beauville Estate and environs, Murrumbeena: The Beauville Historic Area is important at the State level as the first large housing estate undertaken by the AV Jennings Construction Co, later Jennings Group Limited, Victoria’s largest home builder. It is important also as a very early estate development incorporating a range of features other than houses and including made roads, shops and recreation facilities. In this respect it was the forerunner of the comprehensively planned housing estate of the post war era. The estate is distinguished by its aesthetic values, as is the earlier and comparable Hillcrest Estate, which are formed by a combination of restrained diversity in house styles, with the exception of no. 30 in the emerging International style, and by a landscaped garden environment. Colour photograph of white rendered house with brown brick features, a porch, striped awnings, tiled roof and low unpainted brick fences to the side and front of the house. A white cast iron letterbox and the number "14" on the brick pillar beside the driveway can be seen in the foreground along with a number of garden beds. murrumbeena, houses, beauville avenue, architectural styles, 1930's, inter war style, a.v. jennings, av jennings, jennings, brick houses, beauville estate, porches, letterboxes, sir albert victor jennings, a v jennings construction co, beauville estate heritage area, glen eira city council, architectural features, jennings group limited, land subdivision, gardens, beauville historic area, brick features, glass doors, striped awnings, brick fences -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Photograph, Beauville Avenue, 15, Murrumbeena, 2001
Originally labelled "Beauville Estate, Established 1936, Still Thriving 65 years on, 10th March 2001", the Beauville Estate Album contains colour photographs of houses in the Estate. They were taken around the time of the Beauville Estate’s 65th Heritage Celebration held on 10/03/2001 and donated to the Caulfield Historical Society shortly afterwards. Photographer unknown.City of Glen Eira’s Heritage Management Plan Vol 2 p79 (this is p84 of the pdf version) – HO12 Beauville Estate and environs, Murrumbeena: The Beauville Historic Area is important at the State level as the first large housing estate undertaken by the AV Jennings Construction Co, later Jennings Group Limited, Victoria’s largest home builder. It is important also as a very early estate development incorporating a range of features other than houses and including made roads, shops and recreation facilities. In this respect it was the forerunner of the comprehensively planned housing estate of the post war era. The estate is distinguished by its aesthetic values, as is the earlier and comparable Hillcrest Estate, which are formed by a combination of restrained diversity in house styles, with the exception of no. 30 in the emerging International style, and by a landscaped garden environment. Colour photograph of a house with decorative brickwork. Other features include a pitched roof porch with an arched entrance, tiled roof, and low unpainted brick fence in the foreground with "15" on the mailbox on top of the brick pillar beside the driveway.murrumbeena, houses, beauville avenue, architectural styles, 1930's, inter war style, a.v. jennings, av jennings, jennings, brick houses, beauville estate, porches, arches, sir albert victor jennings, a v jennings construction co, beauville estate heritage area, glen eira city council, architectural features, jennings group limited, land subdivision, gardens, beauville historic area, brick features, brick fences -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Photograph, Beauville Avenue, 16, Murrumbeena, 2001
Originally labelled "Beauville Estate, Established 1936, Still Thriving 65 years on, 10th March 2001", the Beauville Estate Album contains colour photographs of houses in the Estate. They were taken around the time of the Beauville Estate’s 65th Heritage Celebration held on 10/03/2001 and donated to the Caulfield Historical Society shortly afterwards. Photographer unknown. See also 2104A-19 which seems to be same property but with different colour and different larger plants in the right garden bed.City of Glen Eira’s Heritage Management Plan Vol 2 p79 (this is p84 of the pdf version) – HO12 Beauville Estate and environs, Murrumbeena: The Beauville Historic Area is important at the State level as the first large housing estate undertaken by the AV Jennings Construction Co, later Jennings Group Limited, Victoria’s largest home builder. It is important also as a very early estate development incorporating a range of features other than houses and including made roads, shops and recreation facilities. In this respect it was the forerunner of the comprehensively planned housing estate of the post war era. The estate is distinguished by its aesthetic values, as is the earlier and comparable Hillcrest Estate, which are formed by a combination of restrained diversity in house styles, with the exception of no. 30 in the emerging International style, and by a landscaped garden environment. Colour photograph of light brown coloured rendered house with unpainted brick features. Other features include a curved wall porch, tiled roof, and concrete driveway and path leading to the front porch. murrumbeena, houses, beauville avenue, architectural styles, 1930's, inter war style, a.v. jennings, av jennings, jennings, brick houses, beauville estate, porches, sir albert victor jennings, a v jennings construction co, beauville estate heritage area, glen eira city council, architectural features, jennings group limited, land subdivision, gardens, beauville historic area, brick features, chimneys -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Photograph, Beauville Avenue, 17, Murrumbeena, 2001
Originally labelled "Beauville Estate, Established 1936, Still Thriving 65 years on, 10th March 2001", the Beauville Estate Album contains colour photographs of houses in the Estate. They were taken around the time of the Beauville Estate’s 65th Heritage Celebration held on 10/03/2001 and donated to the Caulfield Historical Society shortly afterwards. Photographer unknown. City of Glen Eira’s Heritage Management Plan Vol 2 p79 (this is p84 of the pdf version) – HO12 Beauville Estate and environs, Murrumbeena: The Beauville Historic Area is important at the State level as the first large housing estate undertaken by the AV Jennings Construction Co, later Jennings Group Limited, Victoria’s largest home builder. It is important also as a very early estate development incorporating a range of features other than houses and including made roads, shops and recreation facilities. In this respect it was the forerunner of the comprehensively planned housing estate of the post war era. The estate is distinguished by its aesthetic values, as is the earlier and comparable Hillcrest Estate, which are formed by a combination of restrained diversity in house styles, with the exception of no. 30 in the emerging International style, and by a landscaped garden environment. Colour photograph of an unpainted brown brick house with decorative brickwork. Other features include a porch with 2 arched entrances, tiled roof and low unpainted brick fence in the foreground with "17" on the brick pillar beside the driveway.murrumbeena, houses, beauville avenue, architectural styles, 1930's, inter war style, a.v. jennings, av jennings, jennings, brick houses, beauville estate, porches, arches, sir albert victor jennings, a v jennings construction co, beauville estate heritage area, glen eira city council, architectural features, plans, jennings group limited, land subdivision, gardens, beauville historic area, brick features, brick fences -
Glen Eira Historical Society
Photograph, Beauville Avenue, 17, Murrumbeena, 2001
Originally labelled "Beauville Estate, Established 1936, Still Thriving 65 years on, 10th March 2001", the Beauville Estate Album contains colour photographs of houses in the Estate. They were taken around the time of the Beauville Estate’s 65th Heritage Celebration held on 10/03/2001 and donated to the Caulfield Historical Society shortly afterwards. Photographer unknown.City of Glen Eira’s Heritage Management Plan Vol 2 p79 (this is p84 of the pdf version) – HO12 Beauville Estate and environs, Murrumbeena: The Beauville Historic Area is important at the State level as the first large housing estate undertaken by the AV Jennings Construction Co, later Jennings Group Limited, Victoria’s largest home builder. It is important also as a very early estate development incorporating a range of features other than houses and including made roads, shops and recreation facilities. In this respect it was the forerunner of the comprehensively planned housing estate of the post war era. The estate is distinguished by its aesthetic values, as is the earlier and comparable Hillcrest Estate, which are formed by a combination of restrained diversity in house styles, with the exception of no. 30 in the emerging International style, and by a landscaped garden environment. Colour photograph of the porch of an unpainted variegated brown brick house. The porch features decorative brickwork with arched entrances, lantern light and cast iron gates. murrumbeena, houses, beauville avenue, architectural styles, 1930's, inter war style, a.v. jennings, av jennings, jennings, brick houses, beauville estate, porches, arches, sir albert victor jennings, a v jennings construction co, beauville estate heritage area, glen eira city council, architectural features, jennings group limited, land subdivision, gardens, beauville historic area, brick features, cast iron gates, cast iron lights